The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 19, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Wo offer One Hundred Dollars!
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
f. J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his firm.
Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free.
Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
all Druggsts.
Take Hall's Family Fills for con
stipation. IN re Executor's sale of real estate
of H. J. Quinney, late of the
Borough of Honesdalc, deceased.
Notice is hereby given that the
Orphans' Court of Wayne County has
fixed Monday, September 8, 1913, at
2 o'clock p. m., for the hearing of an
application made by the Executor of
H. J. Quinney, late . of Honesdale,
deceased, for a private sale of the
real estate of said decedent, situated
in the borough of Honesdale, for the
sum of Sixteen Hundred Dollars. At
which time and place any objections
to a private sale on the terms set
forth in the application will be
CCw3 Executor.
Bring your difficult Job work to
this office. We can do it.
Hot Times.
There's Mexico a-quarrellne,
With factions full of tight,
And several revolutions
Of divers kinds Jn Eight.
There's Portugal with crisis
Alroady moot acute
And 'China. Just established,
Prepared to follow suit.
There are the restless Balkans
In turmoil all the time,
With Turker getting ready
For new career In crime.
There's England torn to pieces
With threatening civil war
O'er home rule's fate In Ireland
And sufrogctcs big Jar.
There's congress with the tariff
And Mulhall with his tale;
There's strikes ot all descriptions.
And riots right In Jail.
1 No wonder that tho prophets
Their aim, they missed It not.
In saying that this summer
Was apt to be some hot.
Josh Wink In Boltlmoro American.
A Summer Festival
31 events 29.9
Buy a SeasonTicket
Yield Probably Will Bo Greater Than
Big Harvest of 1912.
Prosperity Is Indicated by tho wheat
crop prospect. Tho present outlook for
tho total yield of spring and winter
grain Is that ftio notion will produce
I as much as it did Jof year, when tho
aggregate was estimated at 730,000,000
Winter wheat, nccowlmg to tho latest
government report. Indicates a total
of 483,000,000 bushels compared with
400,000,000 bushels last year. Iowa is
sending flattering reports of tho win
ter wheat yield. Thrashing machine re
turns In ninny Instances are from forty
to fifty lmshels an acre. Tho average
yield for that state, it is now estimated
by tho state weekly crop bulletin. Is
about thirty bushels an acre.
Compilations on the government re
port issnd some time ago show that
tile spring wheat yield probably will
bo 24S,000,000 bushels Instead of 2ia
.000,000 busliejs. as was suggested im
mediately after the report became pub
lic. If these later estimates bo correct
tho total production of wliont in the
country will bo slightly more than that
of 1912. or approximately 731,000,000
AUGUST, 21-27
Nearly $1,000,000 to University.
Nearly a million dollars Is left to
Mlllikeu university by Mrs. Anna B.
Mllllken. widow of .Tomes Mlllllten,
founder of the Institution, whoso will
has just been made imbllc at Decatur,
111. Tho largo Mllllken mansion will be
converted into an art museum, and a
corporation may be founded to carry
on the educational and charitable pro
jects for which Mrs. Mlllikeu providol
by turning over nil her property
If vou advertise steadilv results
1 will bo sure to follow.
Improved Monitor Self-heating
No hot stoves!
No dirt!
Over 500,000 Monitors in Use !
Call and see them demonstrated.
Soda crackers
are more nu
tritive than
any other
flour food.
U n e e d a
Biscuit are
the perfect
soda crackers.
Though the
cost is but five
cents, Uneeda
Biscuit are too
good, too
too crisp, to be
bought merely
as an economy.
Buy them because
of their freshness
because of their
crispness be
cause of their
goodness be
cause of their
Always 5 cents.
Always fresh,
crisp and clean.
Hoped A Will Testify Before
Senate Committee.
The Writers.
Our "Quick Meal" OIL STOVES !
Greater Heat. Consumes Less Oil.
Get our prices on Hammocks,
Porch Shades and ice
Cream Freezers-
Everything in Hardware, Paints, Oils and Var
nishes. Agricultural Implements. Fencing and
Steel Posts. Gasoline Engines, Gasoline and
Auto Supplies, Ensilage Cutters and Carriers.
For Anything in Hardware Call at
William C. Green, winner of the
Charles OUlhaui prize at Oxford uni
versity for an essay on "The Sea Pow
er lu the GreeU Poets," Is an Amer
ican, a native of Massachusetts. He Js
a Khodes scholar, and last year won
tho Newdlgate prize.
William Roscoe Thayer, on whom
Harvard recently conferred tho honor
ary degree of LItt D., Is a writer
whoso work on Italian history led to
tho King of Italy knighting him. Since
1802 ho has been editor of tho Harvard
Graduates' Magazine.
rterman Scheffauer, whoso first play,
"Tho New Shylock," has been accepted
for .production In Germany, is a Call
fornian now residing In London. lie
is said to' bo the first American dra
matist who has had tho distinction of
having a play accepted In a foreign
land, in n foreign tongue, before Its
production in his own country- Tho
play has an American theme.
Fashion Frills.
The harem gown seems to bo tho
very last word on the suuject.-7-Kew
York American.
Happily tho Bulgarian gown is fol
lowing tho Bulgarian soldier into
eclipse. They were equally cruel Chi
cago Hecord-IIcrald.
Iteminlscontly speaking, that old tluio
Mother Hubbard costume which was
so much objected to now seems ox
seedlugly prim. Washington Star.
Why not abolish women's skirts en
tirely? More pronounced slits in them
Is tho decree of the recent New York
fashion show. Topekn State Journal.
Foreign Affairs.
Mexico is a land of last resort, Bal
tlmoro American.
Tho tottering Portuguese republic Is
still tottering. Philadelphia Itocord.
If you have anything to nsl: of Bul
garia now Is tho favorite time. Slio
seems to bo anxious to do anything
that anybody wants. Boston Globe.
If Mrs. Pankhurst would only keep
herself hidden instead of permitting
herself to bo recaptured sho would con
fer a great favor on tho London police.
Pittsburgh Gnzctte-Tlraes.
Aerial Flights.
Ono way to mako tho aeroplauo a
terrible Instrument of war would bo to
let tho enemy go up In It Hartford
A foreign Inventor had Just got a
flock of stockholders excited, about an
airship that would not fall, when they
discovered that It also would not go
up. It's such things that deaden tho
airship" marketCleveland ..Preas. .
Relict of Slain Mexican President
Could Give Many Facts to Adminis
tration Which Would Aid It In Deal
ing With Present Situation Woman
of Great Moral Strength.
As a possible means of aiding tho
administration In dealing with tho
Mexican situation, Mrs. Madero, widow
of tho slain president of the warring
republic, may testify before the senate
committee on foreign relations at
Friends of the Maderos hope that
Mrs. Madero will appear before tho
committee. They say she has a great
nmount of first hand information con
cerning tho betrayal of her husband
and the participation of the former
American ambassador in events lead
ing up to the resignation of Madero.
These friends say sho will make an ex
cellent witness, that she speaks Eng
lish fluently nnd is dramatic.
She is beloved by all of tlo little
band of revolutionists In ttw Uniteu
States. They regard her as an ex
traordinary woman. One enthusiast
said recently that tho physical ami
moral strength of Mrs. Madero is won
derful. During tho turbulent scenes'
in tho City of Mexico on Feb. is Mrs.
Madero never once lost her poise nor
a full comprehension of her position,
her admirers say.
Huerta Clouds Situation.
Washington officials read with inter
est the recent declaration of Aurcllano
Urrutla, the Mexican minister of the
Interior, that President Huerta would
n&t resign and, moreover, would brook
no Interference on the part of foreign
ers in his administration.
While no plan that tho American
government has had under serious con
sideration Involved any direct Interfer
ence lu Mexican affairs, the ndmltted
attitude of tho administration is ono of
unalterable opiwsltiou to the recogni
tion of the Huerta regime.
Without the recognition of the Unit
ed States, leading Mexicans have de
clared that Mexico would not be able
to extricate Itself from its financial
difficulties. On this account it had
been believed lu Washington that
pressure would be brought to bear to
persuade Huerta to resign.
The announcement that he has de
termined not to do so has beclouded
tho situation somewhat and has spur
red the Constitutionalists to further
activity to obtain the repeal of tho
embargo on arms. They claim that If
they do not got arms tho revolution
will be n protracted struggle. With
munitions of war they say they can
quickly bring matters to a crisis.
Mediation Not Abandoned.
Despite these conditions, the admin
istration has not altogether abandoned
the hope that mediation may prevail.
It is believed that, In view of tho
depleted condition of tho Mexican
treasury nnd the long and hard cam
paign which Is bound to result if tho
present status Is maintained, Huerta
may bo influenced" to suspend hostili
ties and hokl an election. Carranza,
it is thought, could bo induced to sus
pend fighting if nuerta would elimi
nate himself from the elections nnd
abide by tho vote. Carranza will not
agree to anything which Includes Uk
participation of Huerta. no lias said
so directly and through his Junta in
Washington. Members of tlio latter
have declared that while tlwy did
not believe there would bo any media
tion, Carranza would agree to any
thing reasonable. Tlieso members ridd
ed that Carranza does not seel; the
presidency; that all ho desires is tho
punishment of nuerta for his treach
ery to Madero.
C. O. D. Plan Aids Merchant to Collect
From Unwary Debtors.
A Kansas merchant lias found n new
use for tho parcel post When the C.
O. D. feature went into effect on July
1 ho hit upon an idea to collect a num.
ber of small accounts which he had
been carrying for some time nnd
which had caused considerable loss
during a period of several years.
A number of small boxes were ol
tained nnd filled with waste paper nnd
on tho top was placed a receipted bill
for tho proper amount A flvo cent
stamp was required for each box, and
tho O. O. D, fee was' 10 cents for each
imckage. Tho next day tno returns be
gan to conio in, and in nearly every
case tho debtor paid tho amount, sup
posing that tho package contained
something of value, but of course, not
being permitted to confirm this sua
plclon before opening it
Snake Half Cooked In Oven.
When Mi-3. Guy ICeino of Valencia,
ICan., started to mako cookies ono day
recently sho got the portable oven for
her gasoline stove off tho back porch
nnd placed It on tho stovo without
opening tho door. A fow minutes
later, as tho oven grow liotter, sho
heard .a racket on tho stove. She wait
ed until tho noise ceased. Then sho
opened tho door and found a half
baked rattlesnake three feet long.
"New Way" Air-Cooled Gasoline
No Water to freeze. No pipes to burst.
No weather too cold.
No weather too hot.
Less Gasoline. More Power.
Have you seen our Reo delivery truck?
It's a dandy. Better look it over.
No better cars mado for anywhere near the, price. Place your
order right now.
Better times coming; help it along.
For sale at bargain prices: Auto Car Runabout, Liberty Brush
Runabout and Maxwell Runabout.
Get in tho swim and own a car.
E. W. Gammell
Heretofore all our instruments have been sold
for strictly one price. For the first time in the
history of our business we will make a marked
reduction on a few Pianos in stock--Chautau-qua
week only, August 21 to 28.
Two New R. S. Howard $275 Pianos
One New R. S. Howard $300 Piano
One Used R. S. Howard $275 Piano
One New Norris & Hyde $300.00 Piano
One New $500.00 Mehlin Piano
One Used $475.00 Mehlin Piano
One New Mathushek $450.00 Piano
Two New $600 Norris & Hyde Players Piano
One New $775 Briggs Player Piano
One Second Hand $900.00 Hazelton Grand Piano
These warm days persistently focus our minds on the
delicacies of the fountain the refreshing concoctions that
exhilarate the inner man and war off the effects of Old
Sol's terrors.
All on easy payments, We will charge no interest
on these pianos,
The Jenkins Music House
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