THE CITIZEN Have You n House For Sale or For Kent? Use Our Cent-A-Word Adlets. The Citlz icrtiscis Recognize tho Value o Paper By Results Obtnlned. 71st YEAR-NO. 67 HONESDALB, WAYNE CO., PA., TUESDAY, AUGUST 19, 1913. PP'l'E 2 CENTS 5. ISMMM mm '.DEATH CLAIMS HON. G. C. JADWIN ON SUNDAY WELL-KNOWN DRUGGIST DIES AFTER SHORT ILLNESS WAS FORMER CONGRESSMAN OF THIS DISTRICT. Sketch of His Life Wns n Mining and Civil Engineer of Considerable Xote Possessed Kmc Mental Faculties Was n Free nnd Ac cented Mason for Fifty Years. l Hon. Cornelius C. Jadwin passed away at his home on Church street early Sunday morning at 1 o'clock of heart failure after a few months' ill ness. Ho did not take to his bed only la few days before his demise. In his death Honesdale loses one of Its most prominent citizens and merchants. Cornelius C. Jadwin, was un doubtedly the oldest business man in Honesdale. havlnc nassed his flftv- firs't year in business on Wednesday, Slay S, 1913. C. C. Jadwin, in con nection with "his brother, O. H. Jad win, purchased the pharmacy of Pur don & Seely on May S, 18G2. The year following Mr. Jadwin bought out his brother s Interest and has since that time been the sole proprie tor. The pharmacy was lirst organ- CORXELUS 0. JADW1X. Iized in tho year 1S47 by Drs. N. F. Marsh and W. W Sanger, the latter afterwards becoming greatly distin guished as a medical author. In llSoO Marsh & Sanger sold the busi- Iness to Mr. Anderson. The follow ing year N. F. Marsh bought out An- Iderson and in 1S53 again sold out to v. ., I'uruon and Dr. Consider King. In 1831 Purdon nurchased Kinc's lintferestand remained sole owner un- Itil 18oS when he relinquished? a one half interest to George D. Seely. The drm of Purdon and Seely-continued until 18G2 when it was purchased by U. C. Jadwin and O. H. Jadwin. Mr. Jadwin enjoyed a most lucra tive business in Honesdale and as a justness man has been successful in that line, gradually building up his justness to its present standard. F. M. Spencer has been in the cm- ploy of Mr. Jadwin for over thirty- tour years. The pharmacy has been li most successful school for his as sistants and during, his business ca reer Mr. Jadwin lids seen men ad vance high in the business world af- ter having received their1 business raining with him. Cornelius C. Jadwin is a descend ant of John Jadwin, a Quaker, who came to America in the year 1G52 Ivith his brothers, Robert and Jere- Iniah. The brothers settled in Vir ginia and John settled in Maryland. Irhe line of descent from John to the subject of our sketch is as fol lows: First, John, the emigrant; l;econd, Robert; third, Robert; lourth, Robert; fifth, John; sixth, tlenr Broome Jadwin; seventh, Cornelius Comegys Jadwin. Tho first our generations were Quakers and 'lanters. Henry B. was the first Ihat chose a different occupation, lo left his native- state and located In Wayne county, Pa., in 1830. He narried in 1832 Alice Griswold 'lunib, of that place, a daughter of ISzra and Hannah Plumb, from Atchfleld, Conn. Mr. Henry B. Jadwin moved to Carbondalo where lie passed the remainder of his life, Jying in 1S7G at the age of 73. Cornelius C. Jadwin was born March 27, 1835, in Carbondale, Lu lerne county,, (now Lackawanna lounty) Pa. Ho attended the public Ichools of the place until ho was twelve years of age, when his father look him from school to assist him it his trade. He worked with his rather until he was eighteen years of ige. (During these six years of labor lie spent hjs spare moments in close itudy, overcoming obstacles which Ivould have crushed a boy of less liatural ability and force of charac ter. At the age of nineteen he was nested a teacher in the Carbondale Ichools. Ho was the two hundred Lnd eighty-seventh teacher examined In the whole of Luzerne county by the first county superintendent under I he new public school law, an,d ob eined tho seventh first-class certifi ate Issued by him. He taught school our years, during which he and his irothers, Orlando H, and Henry B., mrchased a book store in Carbon tale, and added a drug department, vhlch business was conducted un ter the name and supervision of Or lando H. Jadwin, who was an educat ed pharmacist. Here Cornelius took Ms first lessons in theoretical and bractical pharmacy. At the ago of twenty-three ho left tho avocation of Ieaching and having sold his Interest a the drug and book store to his rother, Orlando H ho entered tho Imploy of tho Delaware & Hudson l.'anal Co. as a civil engineer, first tarrying tho axe and chain. At the Ind of three months he was promot ed to tho head of a party, and re named in the employ of the company engineer with Edward Jones & Co., at Olyphant, Pa. During this time he purchased a half interest in a contract for furnishing coal to the Delaware & Hudson Canal Co. A general and long continued strike among the miners took place and fearing that his venture would not terminate profitably, he .sold his in- I and took charge of his brother's, O. I H. Jadwin's drug store. On May S, 1SG2, he and O. H. Jad win bought the drug business of Pur don & Se61y, at Honesdale, Pa., and commenced business under the firm name of Jadwin & Bro. This store was under the sole supervision of C. C. Jadwin, and continued as a part nership business until 'November, 18G3, when C. C. Jadwin purchased his brother's interest and became sole proprietor. In 18G9 Mr. Jadwin the corner of Eighth and Main streets, known as the Masonic Hall building. In politics Mr. Jadwin was a con sistent Republican, and since 18G5 he was very active and influential in the management of the affairs of the party in Wayne county, having acted for several years as chairman of the Republican County Commit tee, and having been delegate to the county conventions, and also Repre sentative or Senatorial delegate to state conventions. Since 1872 lib was a member of the local Board of Education nearly the whole time, and for several years was President of that body. In 1880 he was elected a delegate to the national convention of the Republi can party at Chicago and the same fall was elected to represent the dis trict composed of Bradford, Susque hanna, Wayne and Wyoming coun ties in the forty-seventh Congress. In Wayne county he ran eight hun dred and twenty-eight votes ahead of Garfield for President, receiving eighteen thousand two hundred and twonty-threo votes In the district against thirteen thousand six hun dred and two for Robert A. Packer, Democrat; nine hundred and sixty six for J. Burrows, Greenback candi date, and two hundred and sixteen for L. Smith, Prohibitionist. He made a consistent and hon orable record in Congress, familiar izing himself promptly and thor oughly with the processes of legis lation, zealously guarding the inter ests of the constitution, writing and replying to about seven thousand letters during his term. He was a member of the commit tee on the revision of the laws and on war claims. In 1SS2, by virtue of the tradition ary custom of his party, a renomina tlon to Congress was due to Mr. Jadwin, but through the machina tions and devices of ambitious mem bers of the party, who lulled his suspicions by assurances of fidelity and the certainty of his denomina tion, he was defeated and Colonel Edward Overton, of Bradford coun ty, was nominated. Mr. Jadwin's Wayne county friends bolted this nomination and reconvened their county convention, but put .him in nomination as an Independent can didate. The result was that Mr. Jadwin received 9101 votes, Colonel Over ton 5G75, and George A. Post, of Susquehanna county, the Democratic candidate, 11,555 votes and was elected. Jadwin received more votes than Overton in Bradford county (his home county) and four times as many as he did in Wyoming county. Overton only had one hundred and twenty votes In Wayne county where Jadwin ran one thousand one hun dred and two ahead of his ticket. This was considered by all his friends a sufficient vindication of his record and a well deserved rebuke to tho unfair methods by which he had been deprived of the nomination. In 18G7 Mr. Jadwin originated the scheme and raised tho subscription for the publication of tho Honesdale Citizen and was chosen as one of the five managers of the paper, and remained in charge until it was passed over to Wilson & Penniman. Mr. Jadwin is survived by two children, namely, Miss Grace A. Jadwin, at home, and Major Edcar Jadwin, of Washington, D. C; also uy one brother, Charles Jadwin, of Scranton. The deceased was affiliated with the Honesdale Lodge No. 218, Free and Accepted Masons, for fifty years, Having joined that fraternal organization June 30, 18G3. Tho funeral will be held this Tuesday . afternoon In the Presby terian church at 2:30 o'clock, Rev, Dr. W. H. Swift officiating. Death of Mrs. James Monaghan Mrs. James Monaghan died at the Allentown hospital at G:15 Monday morning, where she had been the past month. The deceased was born In Ireland 38 years ago and for some time lived in Honesdale. Her maiden name was Alice Hall and she was married to James Monaghan January 3, 1900. Besides her hus band ono child, Bessie, survives, two children having died, one, a daugh ter, Clare, about four weeks ago. Tho deceased is also survived by one sister and a brother, Mrs. Michael Cory, of New York City, and Andrew Hall, of Ireland. Mr. Monaghan left for Allentown on Monday and will accompany the remains of his wife to Honesdale. No arrangements have been made regarding the fun oral. ARRESTED FOR WEARIXG SHIRTS HANGING LOOSE. East St. Louis, 111. Two men were recently arrested hero while they wero strolling along the main thor oughfare and wearing shirts hanging loose, a la Bulgarian blouse. When asked for an explanation, the men said: "Women ar.o wearing suspenders nowadays. Guess we can wear Bulgarian blouses It we ELECTRIC STORM PASSED OVER WAYNE COUNTY CONSIDERABLE DAMAGE DOXE BY LIGHTXIXG IX RURAL DISTRICTS. Three Barns . Struck nnd Consumed By Flic Along With Contents Lnrge Stock Farm nt Ariel Burns. A terrific rain and electric storm swept over this part of the state Sunday afternoon and the damage to property was considerable. In this part of Wayne county the storm passed over without doing any considerable damage but west and south of here the storm passed over with greater fury. On the Connie Higgins farm In Clinton township, which is located near Elk Lake the lightning did much damage. The house which is occupied by a Polish family was struck and all the buildings' on the place burned, along with the stock and farm implements. The bolt struck about four o'clock Sunday afternoon. The damage has not been estimated. During the electric storm of Sun day afternoon Oliver C. Skelton's barn located in Sterling township, was struck and burned to the ground together with its contents. There was 15 tons of hay, 250 bushels of oats, farming implements and wa gons in the barn. Two horses were taken out of the burning building and the third horse escaped with its mane burned off. One horse was burned. Some Insurance was car ried in the Farmers' Mutual Fire In surance Company of Wayne. Hani Struck nt Lake Ariel. Lightning struck the barn of John Simpson, of the firm of Cle land & Simpson, of Scranton, on his stock farm near Lake Ariel during a severe storm at 5:30 Sunday after noon. There were seventeen head of Ayrshire cattle in tho barn at the time, but farmers living nearby suc ceeded in getting them out safely. Farming machinery and .about eighty-five tons of hay went up In the flames. The barn was a four story structure, one of the largest in that entire section, and the loss is a heavy one. CELEBRATE OPEXIXG OF GLASS FACTORY. Tho people of Prompton and the surrounding territory turned out Friday night to celebrate the open ing of their now Industry. The Prompton base ball club conducted a dance in the building which will soon be occupied by the Lozier cut glass factory and about two hundred couples enjoyed the dancing. Music was furnished by Heumann's orches tra of Honesdale. It was the larg est crowd that ever attended a like function in Prompton. Charles Lozier, the proprietor of the new cut glass concern, expects everything to be In readiness td com mence work on September 1. The building is completed and nearly equipped and orders are rushing In. Tho Prompton base ball club realized about $30 from the sale of dance tickets and the money will be used for equipping a first-class ball team for that town. HORSE AND RIDER DROWN AT XARROWSUURG. Clnrciii'o Sluiffer Attempts to Force Horse to bwiin Delaware and Roth Go Down. Clarence Shaffer, aged about 40 years, and the horse that he forced into the Delaware river at Narrows burg, wero drowned near that village about ten o'clock Sunday morning. rne place where both horse and rider went down is near the bank below the Narrowsburg station of the Erie and the water was only eight feet deep. A young man and woman were in a boat near the spot but were unable to give any assistance. Shaffer was employed by Michael Clark of Narrowsburg in the canac- of driver. Only a halter was used used to guide the horse and with this arrangement Shaffer forced the animal into the water. Shaffer could not swim. He is a married man but has no children. RECOMMENDS NO DIVORCE. R. M. Stocker, master appointed by the court to hear the evidence in tho divorce case of Arthur Fass hauer, libellant, against Mary E. Fasshauer, respondent, made a re port to court Monday in which ho re commended against the granting of a divorce to the libellant and also that the proceedings be dismissed. This was a contested case and tho respondent opposed a divorce. At torney C. A. Garratt represented tho libellant and Searle & Salmon tho respondent in the case when it went before tho master. CADETS SCALP INDIANS. Ilutler and Igo, of Honesdale, Were Too Much for tho Pioneer City Hoys Lively Gnnio on n Decided ly Hot day. St. John's Cadets went to Car bondale Sunday and played a game of ball with the Central City Indians of that place. They defeated tho latter by a score of -8 to 4. Tho Indians were no match for the Cadets, and "bit tho dust" after a severe struggle. Butler and Igo was the battery for Honesdale, and 20 of the Indians were struck out owing to their ef fective work. Seven men were put out under tho work of Kelly and McQraw, the In dlan twlrlers of the Pioneer City. Taken all around, Honesdale boys generally can produce the goods when It comes to base ball. iRabblts are plentiful In Wayne DEATH OF COL, JONES REVIVESJAMOUS ACT SAVED WASHINGTON FROM OC CUPATIOX UY CONFEDER ATES IN 1801. Coummiulcd Troops That Were Ston ed by RutUniis in the City of Bal timore Military Funeral Given -Man Who Coined the Phrase, " Jones, He Pays the Freight." Blnghamton, N. Y., Aug. IS. Mayor John Irving issued a procla mation last Wednesday evening hon oring the memory of the picturesque figure of Civil war days, -Gen. Ed ward F. Jones, who died there the following day. Flags on all public buildings wore ordered to be plac ed at half staff. A private funeral was held at 11 o'clock Saturday morning, followed by a Scottish Rite ritualistic burial service. Tho body was carried to the State Armory where It reposed in state until 4 o'clock, where there was a military funeral under the di rection of Gen. Charles Hitchcock, commander of the First Regiment, National' Guard. The coffin was carried on a caisson with a mounted escort of Battery C, first field ar tillery. The regimental band and an infantry escort of Company H, First Regiment, led the procession. Spanish war and G. A. R. veter ans also marched. The coffin was sent to Boston where another fun oral was held. The body was cre mated there and the ashes buried in Mount Auburn Cemetery. The scales factory, founded by Gen. Jones, to advertise which he originated- tho famous phrase, "Jones, he pays the freight," has been closed since the General was stricken with cerebral hemorrhage a week ago. Edward F. Jones was born in Utica July 3, 182S. At the ago of 1G he went to Boston and secured a position in a wholesale dry goods store. Here was begun the founda tion of a career which included a fortune seeking tour of Barbados and Trinidad, long service in the Civil war and the establishment of the Jones Scale Works at Bingham ton, N. Y. Through his business re lations he became known all over the world as " Jones of Blnghamton He Pays the Freight," being author of the phrase "He Pays the Freight," which has since become a current ex pression. Gen. Jones first entered the ser vice -as a private nnd later an officer M thePrescot Guards, named .after TJol. Prescott, the hero of Bunker Hill. He was subsequently elected Major and afterward Colonel of the famous Sixth Massachusetts Regi ment, which, under his command, was the first regiment in the coun try to respond to the call of Presi dent Lincoln for 75,000 men. These men passed through' New York and Pennsylvania in advance of the New York and Pennsylvania troops, were attacked by a mob in Baltimore, ar rived In Washington on the eve of April 19, 18G1, where they were met at the station of President Lincoln, who, taking Col. Jones by the hand, said: " If you had not arrived to-night we should have been In the hands of the rebels before morning." Capital's Fnto in Balance. Col. Jones has been sometimes criticised for not avenging the death of his comrades and fighting it out with the mob on the streets of Bal timore. On this subject Gen. Jones in a recent interview said: " The most Important and mo mentous epoch In my life was when", after the attack by the mob In Bal timore, oltlcers and men gathered around me and begged that they might avenge the death of their comrades. But the line between de sire and duty was sharply drawn when a telegram arrived from Gen. Scott which said, 'Let nothing delay you.' By my sido stood William Prescott Smith, superintendent of tho Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, who appealed, 'For God's sake, Col onel, give orders to move or it will be too late; tho track is even now being torn up!' The surging cfrnvd of maniacs yelled defiance. Every impulse bade mo accept the challenge but I remembered that obedience to orders was a soldier's first duty." Although not realized at tho mo ment, the fate of tho nation hung in the balance. The capital was In im minent peril and the situation was fully realized by tho President and his Cabinet as well as Gen. Scott. This is the only Instance In tho his tory of the United States where the President and a portion of his uabi net left their official domiciles to ex tend a welcome. It is generally con ceded that the non-arrival of the Sixth Regiment that night would have resulted in ' tho occupancy of Washington by the Confederates. Col. Jones afterward recruited the. Twenty-sixth Massachusetts Regi ment, which was attached to Gen. Butler's division, organized for tho purpose of capturing New Orleans. Came to Blnghnniton In 1805. On May 7, 1863, ho married Susan Anne Brown of Boston, his first wife having died. He was a member of the House of Representatives of the State of Mass achusetts for the session or 18G5 In October, 18G5, he moved to Blng hamton. New York, where he estab llshed tho Jones Scale Works. In 1885 ho was elected Lieutenant-Gov ernor on the Democratic ticket with David B. Hill and in 1888 was re elected. For the past six years his eyesight rapidly failed, but still he remained the guiding spirit in his vast business enterprises. He was a member of the Order of American Revolution, the Loyal Le gion, the ArmJ- and Navy Club of Washington, the Ancient and Honor able Artillery Company of Boston and several other social, fraternal and charitable organizations. WASHINGTON PARTY IXDORSES THE FOLLOWING CANDIDATES. At a meeting of members of the Washington party held last Thurs day evening In. the court house tho following recommendations were made as candidates for the coming i primary election: Inspector of election, William Haggerty; judge of election, R. J. Miller; committeeman, G. P. Ross; town council, G. W. Penwarden, Martin Caufleld, S. T. Ham and R. J. Murray; school board, A. M. Leine, J. A. Brown; auditors, Wil liam Commisky, Leon Ross; tax col lector, Herman Schuerholz; jury commissioner, L. S. Partridge. Since the above meeting, R. J. Murray, Democratic, has declined the nomination. HEARING GIVEN MRS. GRAY IN PORT JERVIS. At the hearing Instituted Thurs day to "determine the competency of Mrs. Mary Gray, of Honesdale, to manage an estate valued at $50,000, it was alleged that the woman had been leading a pretty gay life in the Wayne county seat. Among those who offered testi mony wero J. E. Richmond, who has been a resident of Honesdale for over fifty years; Miss Cora Sears and Mrs. rthur Bishop. The proceedings to determine the competency of Mrs. Gray were Instituted by her nephew, Robert Gray. Tribune-Republican. LOCALS DEFEATED BY SCRANTON CRESCENTS SATURDAY'S GAME WAS ALMOST A REPETITION OK A WEEK AGO. They Were in Better Form, How ever, Hut Are Still Lacking in Essentials Walker Played Su perb on Second. Honesdale took just one ballon as cension in the second Inning on Sat urday against the "Crescents," which enabled tho boys from Scranton to win. Tho locals showed remarkably better form than they did last Satur day in all but this one inning, in fact they played brilliant ball at times, but not having quite gotten over the stage fright of last Saturday, threw the game away in one or two bad in nings. Loll pitched excellent ball, when he got them over, but lost his own game through wild throws, hit batsmen arid one fumble. Faatz and Brader each batted .500 and increased their batting averages so that Faatz is now running Tarkett a close second, as Tarkett did not get any hits. The Crescents began the scoring in the second, making six runs. Seville singled, Howell at tempted to sacrifice and Loll fum bled, both runners being safe. Fah erty bunted and Loll threw to the bleachers, Howell scoring. Rush was safe on players' choice, Seville scor ed, Loll hit Jordan and Chessler was safe when Rush was caught, at the plate. Jones singled and Jordan scored, reached second on Walker's error and camo home when Farrell sent a hot one threw -Brader. Sandy caught Farrell at second and ended the agony. In the third Howell was safe on Loll's wild throw, stole sec ond and came all the way home when Loll fumbled Faherty's slow one, al though Loll finally got hhs man at first. In the sixth they scored two runs on a single by Rush, Weaver's bad mlsjudgment of a fly which went for two bases, and Brader's error. In the ninth they gathered their last when Loll hit Jordan, Mangan erred and Jones and Egan each sac rificed. Final score 10 to 5. As we said before, tho boys played a good game when compared with the last Hawley game and after next Saturday's double bill with Forest City will no doubt be back In their usual stride, and give Hawley a bat tle on the Saturday following. We don't think the fans should be discouraged because wo have lost' two In a row by large scores, as that Is one of the great truths of base ball; the best of teams will slump, and a little boosting instead of knocking won't hurt anyone and will do the team more good than any thlng,.else. CRESCEXTS. R. H. O. A. E. Jones, 3b . . 1 1 0 1 1 Egan, 2b. ..r 0 2 2 4 1 Farrell, ss 0 0 2 3 0 Seville, rf 1 1 1 0 0 Howell, cf 2 0 1 1 1 Faherty, If 1 0 2 0 0 Rush, lb 1 1 10 0 0 Jordan, c 3 0 9 0 1 Chessler, p 1 0 0 4 0 10 5 27 13 4 HONESDALE. R. H. O. A. E. Brader, ss..: 1 1 2 0 2 Lily, lb 1 0 11 2 0 Mangan, 3b 1 1 0 2 1 Sandy, c 0 0 8 4 0 Tarkett, cf 0 0 2 0 0 Walker. 2b 0 1 3 5 1 Weaver, If 1 1 0 0 1 Faatz, rf 1 2 0 D 0 Loll, p 0 0 1 2 3 5 G 27 15 8 Scoro by Innings Crescents ,0 6100200 1 10 Honesdale .0 0410000 0 5 Bases on balls Chessler 1., Hit by pltcher-Loll 3, Struck out By Loll 7; by Chessler 7 Double plays Brader, Walker and Lily. Left on bases Honesdale 4; Crescents 2. oa. CEMETERY TANGLE BEING STRAIGHTENED OUT TO-DAY WHO'S WHO AND WHAT TO HE SETTLED FOR ALL TIME. Judge Little of Montrose, Sitting nt Specinl Term of Argument Court Hero Monday. Monday morning argument was held with Judge Searle presiding. Judge R. W. Little of Montrose camo 'here on the morning train to preside at the argument of law con cerning he Waymart Cemetery com pany. Judge Searle disposed of sev eral matters before the cemetery case was taken up. The case of Kahn Brothers vs. Charles McArdle was argued by At torney Hanlaii for the plaintiff and P. H. Iloff for the defendant. A rule -on the motion of the plaintiff for judgment for want of a sufficient affidavit of defence was discharged. The defendant, however, to file a sufficient nflldavlt of defence on or before second Monday of September. The suit is one in assumpsit for the recovery of $112 for goods sold to the defendant. Judge Little then took up the mat ter of the Waymart Cemetery Com pany. The plaintiffs are the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania rela tione, Messrs. Gray, Ames and Ben nett, represented by Attorney Hom er Greene and the defendants are H. T. Hudson, Chas. Keene and Lizzie M. Betz, who are represented by At torneys Searle & Salmon. Tho Waymart Cemetery company wns chartered as a corporation in 1875 for the maintenance of a pri vate cemetery. The capital stock was $500 divided into twenty shares at $25 each and section 7 of the charter provided that subscribers to these shares of stock were to be re paid as soon as possible from the receipts from the sale of lots In the cemetery and that after being paid they were to continue as stockhold ers In the company. Purchasers of lots were also to become stockhold ers in the company and enjoy the rights of such. All but' three of the original stockholders have been paid off and the point at issue Is to determine whether or not the other three have been paid. It is claimed that the defendants were illegally elected ns officers of the company, and also that there has been bad manage ment. The defense denies negligence of management and that lot holders may become stockholders or have the privilege of such in the affairs of the Cemetery company. ' PL AX TO DRAW TRADE. Business Men's Association Issue Private Paper. The united merchants of Hones dale mailed throughout Wayne coun ty and distributed by hand in Hones dale the past few days a paper of their own. It is known as "Hones dale Merchants News" and was printed by Tho Citizen Publishing company, of this place. Heavy weight book paper was used. The sheet consisted of ten pages. The Merchants News was publish ed with the view of trade extension. It was circulated previous to the Chautauqua week for the purpose of announcing to the people living In the Immediate vicinity of Honesdale and rural districts special bargains which would prevail in the mer chants' respective stores during the reproduction of higli,-class entei talnment to be held here this week. The pages were well filled with advertisements and represented Honesdalo's leading business houses. Tho merchants are looking forward to a busy week in their stores and It is hoped that their efforts may be crowned with success. MANY VISIT ICE CAVEg. Tho lfn rnvpfl nhnve Ellonvllle are visited by many summer boarders at this season of tho year, notwmisiana- Inff Mio liont Tlipro Rpfms tn ho a fascination about it for women as well as men. It Is a heavy climb up a very steep portion of the mountain for a considerable distance. The place is well worth seeing after one gets there and there is sumcient ice to furnish tho wholo village of Ellen- vlllo with a nlpntv. It Is so cold In this Immense refrigerator that It Is extremely dangerous ror people wuo have become heated climbing tho mountain to go into it without put ting on a wrap or overcoat, unless they sit down for half an hour or so to cool off. Large pieces of Ice are carried down tho mountain to prove that thoy have been there. FALLS THROUGH HAY RIGGING. While unloading hay at his farm a few days ago, John Spinner, of East Cherry Ridge, fell through the rigging on which he was pitching off hay, injuring himself Internally. Mr. Spinner accidentally stepped In the center of tho wagon, which was minus a board. As a result he fell through striking his chest on the reach underneath. Dr. F. W. Powell was called. Ho found no broken bones, but claims that Mr. Spinner received Internal Injuries, but that ho will recover. TWO NEW MOONS IN AUGUST. August Is unusual from an astron omical standpoint in having two new moons, the last of which partly hides the sun and causes an eclipse, This eclipse, tho first of three which will occur at an Interval of some weeks apart, will be visible only In a sec tion of the Arctic zono of the earth. August 31 this new moon will pass over the dleo of tho sun; later, the morning of September 14, when the moon has reached a point in the heavens opposite the sun, it will pass into the earth's shadow and bo total ly bidden, arid again September 30, It 1 ml be took a position as mining want to." county thU