The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 15, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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I 2 I 2 i i i 2 I J ! $ I ! I 4 J I l
: Down Hawley Way$
Considerable Talk hi Town on Various Subjects A Chapter Abotlt i
Hawlcy's "Mtno" Vive Cows in a Buckwheat Field 'Squlro t
Aimncrnmn's Busy Day Railroad Notes, Etc.
J -h "i I 2 l J i 4 I 4 ! ! 4 4 2 J 4 4 J i ! 4
HE writer did not find ono
person in Hawley on Tues
day who would admit that
he was the possessor of a
particle of news. Accord
ing to the reports of everybody in
terviewed there was absolutely noth
ing doing. Therefor, if this depart
ment is dull and uninteresting this
week there is nobody to be blamed,
for even as It is declared to be an
impossibility "to make a whistle out
of a pig's tail," even so is it quite im
possible to pump up matters of inter
est where there are no "matters" to
work on.
Talking about that old "pig's tail"
aphorism (I guess that's the right
word to use), reminds me that ono
of the curiosities that years ago was
exhibited in Barnum's museum in
New York city was a sure enough
whistle that would whistle that Josh
Billings, the phunny, phoentic phil
osopher made out of a pig's tail
which he had carefully dried after
removing the bone from the skin.
Josh actually did the trick; but he
never manufactured such whistles
for the trade.
People are talking, talking, talk
ing all over Hawley. They are talk
ing about the Chautauqua, tho
"mine" fire, the concrete walk that
Prank Dennison can't build because
the School Board says "nay," tho
latest base ball gossip, and about the
fresh air kids and the slang they
slung while on their recent visit.
Talking about slang reminds mo
of something that was recently pub
lished in The Inland Printer, the best
printers' journal in tho world. It
was written by H. F. Lockhart. Now
I don't know who Mr. Lockhart is,
but he has the slang business right
down to date, and what ho wrote and
the Inland Printer published is
passed along to you in this depart
ment. Mr. Lockhart called it
This measly print shop ain't no place
for me;
Good manners in this joint don't
make no hit,
The slang them printers uses Hully
Would make a Yale professor
throw a fit,
You bet yer life I wouldn't talk the
I never could stand for that kind of
Me mudder, too; if ever she got wise
That I was usin' slang, she'd bust
me slats.
So many times she tells me "Bat yer
Or ye'll be talking like thorn
Casey brats."
Them kids talk slang, but say! I got
a hunch '
They ain't got nothin' on this printer
This mornin' when I first come down
to work
The foreman says: "Here, Henry,
hit the piko,
An' git yer skates on don't you dast
to shirk;
r Bo back in fifteen minutes. Skip,
now, hike!"
Ai first I didn't tumble, then I went;
For "Chase yerself" was all tho
geezer meant.
He talks a lot about tho "galley,"
I s'pose he means his girl. I rath
er guess
That sho'd be pretty mad If she just
, knew
t How much ho talks 'bout puttln"
forms to press.
Say! If ho wants to hug her, that's
his game.
I wouldn't talk about it, just tho
I guess I'll have to quit; I'm gettln'
Sometimes I hate to go to Sunday
I'll sure lose all tho bringln'-up I've
If I do everythin' by printer's rule,
But if I stay and all the rest goes
hang, ,
Say what you will I'm darned if I'll
talk slang!
There, now, if you are not too
shocked to proceed any further, you
are at perfect liberty to wade
through such items of more or less
Interest that were jotted down on
the " Down Hawley Way " pad.
Particulars, Peculiarities, Queries
About Hawlcy's "MIno" Fire.
Not to bo outdono by towns and
cities "over tho mountain," and Car
bondale in particular, Hawley now
has a full grown mine lire all of its
own, It isn't a dinky little affair
that Hawley is ashamed of and you
have to walk to some out-of-the-way
place to see, for it is right in the
heart of the town, and' you can see It
from the depot while waiting for
your train, and the Company doesn't
charge anything extra for all tho
looking you want to do.
The fire was dlscovorea a few days
aco. and strenuous efforts have been
made for its extinguishment. The
fire Is located right across the Erie
tracks from tho depot. It extends
from a point near tho eastern end of
tho freight station dowji towards
where the railroad brldgo crosses
tho Mlddlo Creek. The heat waves
ascend for a length of more than 200
At first It was supposed that the
fire was started about tho Fourth of
July by the burning of papers and
other trash on tho cinder banu over
looking tho creek. In support of this
theory is tho fact that a line of trees
and bushes crowing along tho edge.
all clad In their summer garments of
green, have been destroyed by tho
heat, and stand with leaves Diacicon
ed and shriveled.
Othors claim that the fire has been
smouldering for years and has just
made itself manifest. They point to
the fact that the flro has burned for
so great a length in one direction,
and had It been of recent origin and
burning so rapidly It would have
spread in all directions, extending
north under the tracks. Their theory
Is that the section is composed of
cinders that were dumped from en
gines, somo of it being red hot when
it was dumped. This hot mass was
covered over with other cinders and
the hot ones lay there smothered, the
same as charcoal Is made by fires
that have been smothered by being
covered over with earth. These
subterranean fires finally burned
through to the surface, when tho air
made the combustion moro rapid.
Mrs. M. J. McAndrew took somo of
the unburned material home and tried
to burn it. Sho tried every trick she
could think of, but could not coax
the stuff to burn. If the mass had
been lighted by a little bonfire, what
is tho secret back of the combustion?
It is claimed that among the cinders
in the pile was much coal that had
been but partially burned, and that
It is now on fire. This is undoubted
ly true. That a gas has been gen
erated which Is now on fire Is a
certainty. The secret .of how the
trick is done has not yet maniresteu
itself so that common folks may un
derstand it. This may be tho shoe
maker's secret who two or three
years ago claimed he could burn cln
In order to confine tho fire to tho
burning section off from the more
district in which it is now burning,
a deep ditch has been dug cutting the
extensive portion of cinders on
which are located many Erie tracks
Into this ditch a stream of water is
poured through a fire hose that has
been connected with tho Company s
water tank.
In case of sudden Hood much dam
age might result from the flowing
of tho waters of Middle Creek
through this ditch. The flood would
put out the fire by washing away the
cinders, and it might undermine
many of the railroad tracks, also.
Farmer llelneko's Cows
Take a Turn in the Buckwheat.
There was troublo over in Pau
pack township on August 1st, and it
had its ending In the office of W. B
Ammerman, a Justice of the Peace
in this borough, on Monday morning,
August 11th.
Peter Daniels lives over near one
of the fish-filled lakes of that town
ship. Sometimes ho catches foxes;
at other times he catches fish, and on
the morning in question he caught
some cattle in his buckwheat field.
He Identified the cattle as belong'
ing to his neighbor, Mr. Heinekc, and
the latter admitted before Mr. Am'
merman that the cattle were his.
Mr. Daniels went to his neighbor
and asked him what he was going to
do about it, and tho reply received
was "Sue me!" So Mr. Daniels
brought suit. Damage was proved in
the Justice) s court, which together
with tho costs amounted to S14.
Inasmuch as Mr. Daniels offered
to settle the damage for less than $5
out of court, the suit was certainly
a costly one for Mr. Reineke, who
doubtless regrets that his croam-
ylelders have become so fond of tho
grain that tastes so delicious when
served up in tho form of smoking
hot pancakes, along with now sau
sage and honey, on a frosty morning
in lato autumn.
Last Monday Was 'Squlro
Aninicriuan's Busy Day.
On Monday morning Judson Gil
lott was arraigned before 'Squire
Ammerman charged with disorderly
conduct on the previous Saturday. It
was a very hot day, you will prob
ably recollect, and there was some
sort of "doings" In the vicinity of
Wanguni avenue, (away up town),
tho "doings" being not exactly of a
public nature. Finally pollco officer
Uichardson was sent for to decide
somo question as to whethor every
thing should bo peaceful and quiet
along the Middle Creek, or other
wise, and Ed. went up to pull off tho
little stunt. When he got there Gil
lett was anxious to bet that Ed.
couldn't do certain parts of the
stunt. Nobody was anxious to hold
the stakes; but Richardson went
right through with tho program. In
somo way Gillett must have slipped,
or something, and got hurt. When
ho wont down town with Ed. ho was
bleeding. Thero was plenty of ex
citement In that part of town. It
was livelier than three games of
base ball with the Honesdale team all
rolled Into one. There was an Inter
lude from Saturday until Monday,
and 'Squire Ammerman, after hear
ing all about it, decided that a ?3
fino and $2 costs was about what tho
racket amounted to. Tho ?5 was
forthcoming, and everybody went
home happy and satisfied. All Is now
quiet along tho gurgling waters of
the Middle Creek.
Porsonnl Palaver About
Ilawloyltcs and Non-lluwlcyltes.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur E. Fuller, of
Scranton, with their children Alice,
Burnish, Mary, Perry and Caroline,
are spending a few days In Wayne
county at F. P. Woodward's, in
Hoadleys1. Mr. Fullor Is a clerk in
tho Scranton post office. Ho was
born in Hawley and spent his boy
hood days here. His father was tho
lato Perry H. Fuller, who removed
to Scranton a few years ago.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard M. Bono, of
Dunmoro, with their little son Wll-
lard. passed through Hawley on
Tuesday morning. They were going
to Honesdale, and from that point
Intended to proceed to Tyler Hill,
wUere they purposed to remain for a
week. Howard Is a son of Julius
G. Bone, who at one time lived In
Misses Helen Johnson, Vera Grlb-
bon and Alice Murphy on Monday
returned to Dunmoro after spending
week with Miss Anna Norton, of
Wangum avenue.
Miss Elizabeth Spall, of Carbon-
dale, and Genevieve McLaughlin, of
Honesdale, are visiting their cousin,
Angela McAndrew, of Marble Hill.
Last Saturday morning James Mc-
Closkey, Jr., of the East Side, left
Hawley for Fall River, Mass., to
spend a week with his cousin, Geo.
Mildred, Margaret and James
Broderlck, of Scranton, are visiting
their grandmother at Marble Hill.
Miss Alice Gillespie, of Forest
City, Is visiting her aunt, Mrs. John
McGinty, at Marblo Hill.
Michael Zenzen, Herman Ever-
dean, Mrs. Gibbons, Frank P. Mc
Donnell and Daniel Corcoran mo
tored to Milford on Sunday last. The
trip was taken especially for the
pleasure that they knew It would
Mr. and Mrs. Bushwaller and
daughter, Chrlstene, of Clyde, N. Y
are spending a few days in Hawley
visiting 'Mrs. Bushwaller s father,
John Kearney.
Father Gardner, of Plains, arriv
ed in Hawley on Monday on his va
cation. On Tuesday he left for New
York city, accompanied by Joseph
Currnn. They will spend several
days among the Gothamites.
August Lleber, Jr., of Missouri, ac
companied by his wife, are visiting
Mr. Lieber's father on Keystone
Pitcher Bonner, of the Archbald
team, is in Hawley visiting his cous
in, Mrs. Edward Rosenkranz, of the
East Side.
Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, of
Carbondale, after visiting with drug
gist Parker's family, returned to
their Carbondale home last week.
Mr. Brown, of Kingston, who is
relieving Mr. Freethy while ho Is
taking his vacation, is making hosts
of friends in Hawley. Last week his
daughter spent a few days with her
father, Incidentally making the a&
qualntance of a fine lot of Hawley
Ed. C. Goldbaugh, Hawley's popu
lar shoe dealer, was in Scranton on
Dr. Holden, of Brooklyn, is spend
ing his vacation at the Y. M. C. A
camp at Fairvlew Lake.
Geo. Simons has purchased the
livery business of G. Matter & Sons,
He will conduct the livery business
in connection with the harness busi
ness he bought of the late John
Thompson. Mr. Simons used to con
duct business at Lake Ariel.
E. L. Peck, tho Hancock, N. Y.,
lumberman, was In Hawley on bust
ness on Monday and Tuesday.
Miss Mary Williams, of Plymouth,
is visiting Misses Irene and Ellen
Bishop, of the East Side.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Strong, of
Camden, N. J., are visiting Mr.
Strong's parents on tho White Mills
road. Mr. Strong is employed as a
carpenter in tho New Jersey city op
posite Philadelphia.
Bandmaster Myers has accepted a
position In Binghamton, N. Y. On
Monday Mrs. Myers came to Hawley
to spend a few days while her hus
band gets settled down to his work
ing bearings up among the Bingoes.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Adams are en
tertaining Mr. and Mrs. Sweeney, of
Jersey City.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Freethy and
son Fred went to Fairvlew Lake on
Tuesday. They will occupy Dr. Rod
man's cottage for a week. Mr.
Freethy took his auto along for
emergency calls.
John B. Llttlejohn spent tho early
part of tho week in Scranton.
Phillip Clifford, of Port Jervis,
left Hawley on Tuesday morning af
ter spending a week with his sister,
Mrs. Watterson, of Main avenue.
Joseph Watterson, of Scranton, is
spending his vacation with hie moth
er, on Main avenue.
Annie Bohan, of Church street, Is
visiting friends in Port Jervis.
Andrew Gaffney, of New York city,
is visiting friends in Hawley.
Mrs. James Jones, of Massillon,
Ohio, Is visiting at the' Bohan home
in the East Side section of Hawley.
Elizabeth Thielke, of New York
city, is spending her vacation with
her mother, Mrs. John Thielke, on
Church street.
James Flynn, of Scranton, is visit
ing his grandmother, Mrs. James
Flynn, on Wangum avenue.
Many Mourn tho Death
Of Orln 13. Babcock.
In every senso of tho word Orln
E. Babcock was ono of tho best
known men of Hawley, and when he
died on Wednesday, August C, words
of sorrow and sympathy wero heard
in all parts of the town. Mr. Bab
cock's death was painless. He was
found dead sitting in, his chair on tho
morning of that day. Ho died of
valvular disease of tho heart. Tho
funeral was held from his late resi
dence at 2 p. m. on Friday, August 8.
A minister from Wilkes-Darro of
tho Christian denomination, (to
which deceased belonged), preached
tho funeral sermon. Tho Interment
was made in Walnut Grove ceme
tery. Orln E. Babcock was born April
10, 1854. He was a son of tho lato
Allyn Dabcock, and, llko his father,
was a harness maker by trade, and
ho belonged to the class of men
Friday, August 15
J. A. BASCHON, Prop'r.
justly described by the expression,
"their word is as good as their
Hoys' Band Give Concert
Tho Band Mny Disband.
On Wednesday evening the Boys' ,
Band gavo an open air concert be
tween Church and Spring streets.
They sold ice cream and cake and
wore liberally patronized.
On account of bandmaster Myers
going to Binghamton where he has
accepted a position the boys are
without a leader and may disband.
That would be too bad!
St. Philoiuenn Ladies Are
To Hold n Benefit.
Some time in September the ladles
of St. Philomena's congregation will
hold a benefit entertainment for the
purpose of increasing the parochial
residence fund, More particulars
will be announced later.
A Little Bntch of
Vicinity Railroad Notes.
Cal Crane, operator at the Wan
gum tower, will leave Hawley on
Saturday, August 16, to spend a ten
days' vacation. He will go to New
York city. John Neary, of Hawley,
will take his place during his ab
sence. The early morning passenger train
from Scranton no longer takes water
at Hoadleys. It "tanks up" now at
West Hawley.
After spending a few days in Haw
ley, Charley Martin, of Dunmore,
returned to that place on Monday
of this week.
Conductor Connolly, of the Erie's!
Summer passenger train, whoso
home is at Avoca, is quartered in
this town. His wife spent last Satur
day and Sunday in Hawley.
Spencer Martin, an Erie engineer
on the Wyoming division, owns a
very attractive farm on tho west
bank of Cajaw pond. His wife and
children look after the cattle, crops
and such while Spencer makes tho
wheels of his engine go round.
Beginning with last Sunday a new
order went into effect that does
away with switching at Hawley.
Seventy-car trains are now run from
Port Jervis. The Hawley yard en
gine pushes these trains to Wan
gum. The lead engine then pulls tho
train to Clemo. At that point a
pusher engine, which is located
there, pushes tho train to Maple
wood, then returns to Clemo.
On Wednesday last tho second sec
tion of train No. 40, pulled by en
gineer Werkheiser, of Avoca, ran
into the rear of a work train at West
Lake junction. The work train's ca
boose was destroyed and one car was
derailed. Nobody was hurt. Pas
senger trains were delnyed about 20
Bertha Schmitt has accepted a
position at general housework with
C. C. Jadwln at Honesdale.
Fred DeRoamer is building an ad
dition to his house.
Mr. and. Mrs. Louis Moser and
family spent Sunday with Mrs.
Moser's sister, Mrs. Wm. Warwick,
at East Berlin.
Mr. and Mrs. G. Huber, .daughter
and son, of Brooklyn, and Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. Hallam of Flatbush, -are
summer guests at the home of Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. John Maner have be
gun housekeeping In Honesdale
where the former is employed at his
trade, that of glass-cutting.
A number from this place aro
planning to attend tho German pic
nic to be held at Bellevue Park on
Lester Rosencrans was a recent
caller here.
Miss Reining of Vine Hill, was a
p'easnnt caller at J. F. Smith s on
Matthew Schmitt and wife are re
joicing over the arrival of a ton
pound boy.
Wm. DeReamer and sister, Mrs.
J. P. Smith, visited at the homo of
Wm. Daniels on Dyberry Place,
Honesdale, on Sunday.
Joseph W. Bodle et ux., of Dy
berry, to J. Adam Reitenauer, of
Texas, land in Berlin township; con
sideration private.
Lovlna Evans, administratrix of
estate of Byron Evans, lato of Texas,
to Joseph W. Bodle, of Dyberry,
land in Berlin; consideration private,
Mary B. Underwood and Harry B.
Underwood, of Bloomfield, N. J.,
executors of estate of Charles R.
Underwood, lato of Now Jersey, to
Agnes J. Wiggins, of Brooklyn, N.
Y., land In Buckingham township;
consideration, $1.
Olive Penwarden, Lovl W. Pen-
warden and E. Darwin Penwarden,
executors of last will of William
Penwarden, lato of Oregon, to Silas
Noule, of Damascus, land In OrO'
gon; consideration $470.
Sarah E. Doney, of Scranton, to
Eliza J. Stanton, of Waymart, land
in the borough of Waymart; consid
eration private.
Henrietta West, of Scranton, to
Lucy Stanton, of Waymart, land in
borough of Waymart; consideration
Farmers are busy harvesting their
Mrs. Mary Slythe and children, of
Scranton, aro spending some time
with tho former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Matthew LeStrango,
Tho Misses Knox of Painted Post,
N. Y., aro visiting their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Yalo.
The Sunday school picnic and so
cial neid last Friday was well attend
ed and a snug little sum netted.
Miss Laura Courtrlght of Hones
dale visited her cousin, Florence
Taylor, last week.
Fred Gager sold a veal calf six
weeks old last week to Charles Doln
which brought $20.
Frank and Austin LeStrango re
cently made a business trip to Pres
Joseph Kalllghan of High Lake
was a pleasant caller here on Sun
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Rutledge motor
ed to Honesdale on Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph West and son
of Scranton are spending the week
with Mrs. A. Daney.
Miss 'Ella Rodenberg, of Hones
dale, was a guest of her mother,
Mrs. Agnes Rodenberg Saturday and
Ezra Maudsley of Damascus, was
a guest of his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Maudsley on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Stalker of
Tyler Hill, called on friends at this
place on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bruce wero
Callicoon visitors on Tuesday.
A. V. Tyler, of Damascus, was a
business caller at this place Tuesday.
Mrs. Fred Edwards and children
of Long Eddy spent Saturday night
and Sunday with her sister, Mrs. L.
L. Teeple.
Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Rutledgo and
Mrs. Lewis G. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. H.
G. Hill and sons, Mrs. F. M. Lester
and sons and Miss Mary Rodenberg
wero among the number from this
place who attended tho church fair
at Galileo on Wednesday of last
Jesse Hathaway is quite sick at the
home of Grant Hawley where he
had come to lay the foundation for
Mr. Hawley's new house.
F. M. Lester, Floyd and Bert
Bruce made a business trip to Calli
coon on Wednesday.
Don t forget the church fair to be
held in the grove at this place Wed
nesday, Aug. 20. All day and even
ing. The Galilee Boy Band will be in
Mr. Monington, of Bethany, was a
guest of friends here on Saturday
and Sunday.
The choicest Blooms of the
Looms await you, now, at the
Model Clothing Shop. Luke
Levy, Wants to See You.
Honesdale, Pa., opposite Union
Wo aro having very warm weath
er, hard showers, hard thunder and
lightning, doing some damage. One
barn was burned.
Miss Lena Blum, of Binghamton,
who has been taking course in Bible
study, spoke to a well-filled house at
Braman M. E. church last Sunday
evening. Sho gavo a very entertain
ing talk and her friends all wish her
success, as she seems very earnest
and devoted to her work and she
will be able to do a grand work for
her Master.
Emma Stalker and Emma Kelly
spent last Saturday at Long Eddy.
Quite a number from hero listen
ed to the address last Sunday even
ing by Miss 'Blumm at Braman
church and they wore also present
from all points on tho charge.
Tho L. A. S. has been postponed
a week on account of the Braman
picnic on that day.
Mrs. F. Hincman and son Freder
ick, of Port Jervis, aro spending a
few days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Louis Rauner.
Mr. and Mrs. John Skinner made
a business trip to Long Eddy last
Unsightly matted colorless scraggy
hair made fluffy soft abundant and
radiant with life at once. Use Parisian
Sage. It comes in 50c. bottles.
The first application removes dandruff,
Etops itching scalp, cleanses the hair, take3
away the dryness and brittleness, increases
the beauty of the hair, making it wavy
and lustrous.
Everyone needs Parisian Sage.
For sale by G. W. Pell.
cut shows our Giant Stanchion.
Posilively the best and strong
est made. Adjustable so that it
will fit calves, cows or large ani
mals. Latch entirely covered so that
cow cannot unfasten same.
Giant Stanchion $1.90
Lighter Steel Stanchion $1.70
Adjustable Wood StanchionSlJn'
Regular Wood Stanchion $1.10
Murray Co.
Everything lor the Farm.
Honesdale, Pa.
Waymart, Aug. 14. T. J. and
Margaret McCarty, of Newark, N. J.,
have returned home after spending
some ume as tne guests of Jas. J.
Burnett and family.
Mrs. White and family, of Scran
ton, are the guests of Mrs. Kathorine
George Vlckers, Jas. Loftus and
Wm. Held of Carbondale, recently
visueu menus iiere.
Mrs. Charles Slager of Hawley,
has returned to her home after
spending the past week with her
aunt, Miss Amanda Thorpe.
Miss Phoebe Robbins has been the
guest of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Arnold.
Miss Anna Lynett. brother Thos.
of Brooklyn, and Miss Sweeney of
Honesdale, spent a day recently with
Mr. and Mrs. William Sheehey.
Miss Margaret Manley, of Jessup,
is tho guest of Miss Margaret Ryan.
J. T. Burnett recently visited
Scranton friends.
We offer One Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
b J. CHENEY & CO.,
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last 16 years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by his firm.
Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonial? sent free.
Price 75 centB per bottle. Sold by
all Druggsts.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
Lawrence Shermer.
In the matter of the application
for the granting of letters of admin
istration upon the estate of Law
rence Shermer, lato of Texas town
ship, Wayne county, Pennsylvania,
an absentee, who by reason of his
absence and being unheard from for
thirty years last past Is supposed to
be dead. Certified to this. Court by
tho Register of Wills of Wayne coun
At f eocolnn nf I'm enlrl Pniirt
UCIU Ull IUU lltU UUy Ul AUbUDt A i-ft
fored In tho premises, the Court de
creed (inter alia) that the legal
presumption of tho death of the said
Lawrence Shermer was made out
and established; that notico of the
nrnpnnrt intra jinfl flfiornfi hei forthwith
Tho Citizen and Wayne Independent,
two newspapers published In Wayne
county, requiring the said Lawrence
Shermer. if alive, or anv other ner-
c -- f 111 irl r rrn itilln r tlin
wlMiln tu'flvn wnnlrR frnm fht fin tf
dnnnn nf lita nnntlniinnift 4n 1 f n nun
f hnf if within tnn cntri norlnii nl
fnrtnnnmlnf . nrlminlKtrntinn nf hlR
Mtlorl tlinrntn PnrHflnrl frnm tht
W. J. BAttNES, Clerk,
(L, S.)
To the abovo named Lawrence
Shermer, (if still continuing in life).
Ymi nrA rnnnlrnrl in nrnrlimn tlifi rvvi-
wiriiin rwnivft wp.fiirs rrnm tiir zftrn
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your estate will be granted in con-
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mado and provided.
Attorneys for Applicant.
CG & G7.
R M M a. M f " 0.
Represent Reliable
Companies ONLY