The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 15, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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N. A. M. Head Sent Check
to Negro Attaches.
Witness Says Check Was Given to
Mulhall For Pages "Merely to Pay
For the Many Courtesies They
Performed For Our Members."
Washington, Aug. 13. James A.
Emery, chief representative of tho Na
tional Association of Manufacturers
hero, defined to the senate lobby com
mittee tho duties of Martin M. Mul
hall, who claimed to be that associa
tion's lobbyist
"Mulhall kept mo supplied with cop
ies of bills and public documents In
relation to tho work here and got
Information of tho status of legisla
tion In which wo were Interested. In
this work ho gathered Information and
learned the views of members of con
gress. Ho made inquiries about hear
ings and requested an opportunity for
me to appear," sold Emery.
Emery denied that Henry Neal and
Harry Parker, two negro employees
at tho capltol were In the pay of the
manufacturers. Mulhall swore that
for almost a year Emery gave him
each month a $100 check, of which 50
was to go to I. H. McMlchael, one time
chief page of tho bouse, and $50 went
to Parker and Neal. Emery denied
he ever drew such check. He declared
Mulhall told him he had a friend at
the capltol -who could get public docu
ments and bills. Later Emery learned
the friend was McMlchael.
Emery testified, however, that ho did
draw a check for $50, sent it to Mul
hall and told him to divide it between
Neal and Parker, "merely to pay for
tho many courtesies they performed
for our members."
Made Payments to Mulhall.
"Did you ever make any payments
to Mulhall for McMlchael?" asked At
torney McCartcr for the manufactur
ers. "Yes," said tho witness, "It never ex
ceeded ?20 a month, and It terminated
when I left for Europe in 1010."
Emery denied Mulhall's story that
former Representative Jenkins of Wis
consin had promised that If re-elected
ho would see that a man satisfactory
to the manufacturers would go on the
house Judiciary committee.
Emory denied that ho tried in 1003
to have Congressman Malby of New
York mado chairman, succeeding Jen
kins. Mulhall testified the manufac
turers worked to put Malby in the
Emery testified his only activity
against Senator nughes, when a can
didate for congress in 1008, was the
distribution of campaign literature
among manufacturers giving Hughes'
attitude toward labor. Ho thought It
was mailed under the frank of Con
gressman LIttlefleld.
Martin M. Mulhall continued his ac
count of his relations with congress
men tln his work for tho National As
sociation of Manufacturers before the
house lobby committee.
ED IN 1874.
Ice cream has been a dominating
influence in tho progress of the soda
water industry since the advent of
pure fruit syrups. Tho addition of
thiB frozen palate-tickler to soda
water not only Improved the rich
ness and smoothness of the beverage,
but at the same time it Increased its
food value.
Statistics as to the consumption of
ice cream show an enormous increase
since it was first added to soda wa
ter, and the soda fountain has not
only been tho greatest quantity con
sumer of Ice cream but Its best ad
vertiser. With tho advent of tho
luscious sundae came still additional
increase of both soda and ice cream
at fountains.
Everyone knows just what consti
tutes a sundae, and how tempting
the appearance of the ice cream with
tho added syrup, fruits and nuts
a combination pleasing alike to eye
and palate. Tho combination was
christened sundae so the legend
goes because a druggist originated
this " one best bet " on a Sunday.
There are many claimants to the
honor of " I did it first," as there
are to almost all of the combinations
represented by the modern menu or
dispenser's guide, but whoever
thought of the sundae first did a
good thing for which the public as
well as the fountain Industry owe
a vote of thanks.
In thp spring of 1874 Robert M.
Green, of Philadelphia, had begun
the manufacture of smaller types of
fountains. He secured a concession
to dispense soda water at an exposi
tion held under the auspices of the
Franklin Institute of Phllnde'phia,
and stress of business compelled him
to do something to attract the
patronage of the public. At all
events, such was the inspiration ac
cording to Mr. Green which prompt
ed him to put ice cream in soda wa
ter. For the first time he advertised
ice cream in soda water at a soda
fountain, and he unquestionably is
entitled to the honor and the credit
of originating ice cream soda, which
as the years have passed has develop
ed an enormous demand and given
unquestioned impetus to the busi
ness of soda water dispensing.
On the other hand, the credit for
commercializing ice cream as an ad
junct to soda water, even though Mr.
Green was the first to use it, un
questionably belongs to Fred Sand
ers, of Detroit, a prominent con
fectioner of the Michigan city. The
Inspiration to use ice cream with
soda water came to Mr. Sanders one
night when his plain cream had
soured, and without the knowledge
that it had already been used as a
component of soda water in the east.
Mr. Sanders used ice cream and
featured it. It is said he did more
to popularize ice cream soda than
any other fountain owner in this
Mr. and Mrs. Edw. Mills, of Pres
ton Park Lodge, were business call
ers here Monday.
Clarence Phillips and family, of
Brooklyn, were recent visitors at tho
home of Grace Bullock.
Rev. George W. Grlnton, secretary
of the New York conference, wife
and son, Harry, of New York, are
spending their vacation here.
Adjutant Mott, wire and son of
Mt. Vernon, N. Y., are visitors at the
Fred Warfleld has commenced to
rebuild his house which was recent
ly burned.
Bert Hadaway has improved the
appearance of his home by tearing
down the old store and building on
a porch.
The open air meetings on M. E.
church lawn which have been in
stituted by the pastor, Rev. Robt.
Greenwell, are very well attended.
The meetings will bo continued
through the month of August and
the pastor will be assisted by the
Revs. Grinton and Turrentlno and
Adjutant Mott, who has charge of
the Salvation, Army at Mt. Vernon,
N. Y.
Figures 8how 121 More Died Last
Week Than In 1912 Period.
New York, Aug. 13. The great heat
last week caused an Increase of 121
deaths, or 77 per cent over tho figures
for tho corresponding week Inst year.
Tho tables for the past week show
1,300 deaths, with a percentage of
13.50. Tho average temperature during
that time was approximately 8 degrees
higher than for tho similar interval in
1012. In consequence there was an in
creased number of deaths from sun
stroke. Deaths which may Indirectly bo at
tributed to the warm weather and
which rose in number were those due
to falls from fire escapes and windows
(nnd accidental drownings. Heart dis
eases showed an additional toll of thlr-ty-fivo
cases, although tills Is some
what offset by tho reduction In the
number of deaths reported from
Brlght's disease and nephritis.
Iowa Twlrler 8huts Out Opponents For
Twenty-one Innings,
Keokuk, la., Aug. 13. William Whit-
taker, pitcher for tho Keokuk Central
association team, set what is believed
to be a world's record when ho pitched
twenty-one consecutive scoreless In-
nlngs In a double header between tho
Keokuk nnd Waterloo, teams.
Keokuk won both games, 1 to 0, the
second going twelve innings. But five
hits were mado off WhittakerB deliv
Observations of tho United
States weather bureau taken at
8 p. m. yesterday follow:
Tenip. Weather.
NewXortt TO Cloudy
Albany 72 Clear
Atlantic City.... 72 Clear
Boston 03 Clear
Buffalo 74 Cloudy
Chicago , 70 Clear
St Louis. 88 Rain
New Orleans.... 80 Cloudy
Washington W Cloudy
Miss Stella Carlson has resigned
her position at tho S. Stein tailoring
Mrs. T. Meddieton, of Scranton, Is
visiting at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Thomas Meddieton, of North
Main street, this week.
Misses Irene Rooney and Agnes
Cawley, of Providence, are guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jennings this
Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Joseph, of
Scranton, visited at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Isaac Joseph the forepart
of the week.
Miss Maine Canton and brother,
Conrad, of Dickson City, are visiting
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ike
Miss Lois Jones is visiting rela
tives in Herrick Center this week.
Mrs. Julia Cavanaugh, of Provi
dence, visited Forest City friends
the forepart of the week.
Mr. and Sirs. Arch Parry are visit
ing relatives in Amsterdam, N. Y.,
this week.
Milanvllle, Aug. 13. Mrs. Henry
Lange of Brandt, Pa., is the guest of
Miss Mabel Skinner.
Mrs. Abigail Illman, of Washing
ton, and Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Ill
man, of Narrowsburg, were guests at
Volney Skinner's Friday. Mrs. Ill
man is spending this week with her
brother, M. L. Skinner.
Mrs. L. Mogridge was called to
Lookout, Pa., last Friday evening to
care for her mother, Mrs. Stryker,
who had the misfortune to fall and
break one of her limbs while berry
ing. Mrs. Stryker has for some
years been a victim of consumption.
Miss Grace, only daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Rellly, of Cochec
ton, and Norville Norton wore mar
ried on Friday last. Mr. Norton is
employed in Borden's creamery at
Cochecton. We extend best wishes.
Mrs. S. Gordon, of Middletown, Is
visiting her sister, Miss Florence C.
Mrs. Wm. Fulboam and son, of
Paterson, are visiting Mrs. Eugene
E. Cleveland, of New York city,
is boarding at V. Skinner's.
Mrs. Charlie Pethlck, of Peckville,
Is visiting Mrs. G. B. Lassley.
OEquInunk, August 13. The stew
ards of tho M. E. church will hold a
necktie social in tho Sunday school
room of the church Saturday, Aug.
16. Each lady is requested to bring
a necktie of the same material as
tho dress she wears.
Mrs. Quald, of Brooklyn, Is visit
ing at the home of C. E. Woodman-
Paupack, Aug. 13. Judge Staples
of Stroudsburg, passed through here
on Monday.
The Sunday school picnic was held
on Friday last. A good time was
reported by all who attended.
Miss Edith Smith and nephew, of
Brooklyn, are spending two weeks
at H. T. Fowler's.
B. F. Killam is entertaining the
following: Dr. and Mrs. Green and
children, of Scranton; Mr. and Mrs.
Steele and children, of Rochester,
and Mr. Bennett, Camden, N. J.
E. L. Peck was a caller at this
place on Monday evening.
Lookout, Aug. 13. Charles Lar
son, who spent the past six weeks at
Peter H. Cole's, has returned to his
home at Ludlow, Pa.
Dolley Barnes and a party of
friends from Stalker, passed last
Tuesday at Duck Harbor lake, fishing
and picnicing.
Several from this place attended
the church fair at Galilee last Wed
nesday afternoon and evening. All
report a very pleasant time.
Mrs. John A. Hill and daughters
spent last Tuesday afternoon with
friends at Damascus.
Francis Edsall is still very ill.
Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Toms cele
brated their golden wedding last
Joel G. Hill spent last Thursday at
Mrs. Aden Elmore entertained her
sister, Mrs. George Skinner, of South
Branch on Thursday last.
William Lane, of Honesdale, was
a guest of Joel G. Hill last Sunday,
Quite a number from Lookout at
tended the picnic at Union last
J. R. Maudsley made a trip to Cal
Iicoon one day last week.
Jacob Schnakenberg of Stalker,
spent last Thursday and Friday at
the home of hiB brother, Herman
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Anderson, ol
South Branch, were at this place last
Mr. and Mrs. William Flynn view
ed the parade at Callicoon last Fri
day. Rev. B. F. Denniston, of New York
City, a former pastor of this place,
occupied the pulpit here last Sun
day morning.
Fred Dunn and family, of Brook
lyn, are visiting relatives and friends
in this vicinity.
Rev. and Mrs. B. F. Denniston,
who havo been visiting friends at
this place and Union, will spend the
remainder of their vacation with
relatives at Ellenville, N. Y.
James Osborno and daughters
visited relatives at Damascus last
On Wednesday of last week Mr.
and Mrs. Edward Lane and little son,
of Binghamton, N. Y., arrived at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Joel G. Hill
where they will remain for an in
definite period in hope that the
change of locality and the pure air
of Lookout may benefit Mr. Lane
who has been in failing health for
some time past. Mr. Lane is a
nephew of the late Thomas Flynn
who for many years was a resident
of Lookout.
Earl Taggart, of Tyler Woods,
passed the week-end at Walter
Several chicken buyers have been
through this section the past week.
One of S. J. Rutledge's valuable
team horses died very suddenly last
Mrs. Hattle Daney Is entertaining
city boarders.
Early Sunday morning a severe
electrical storm passed over this
place during which a barn belonging
to Alex Stevenson was struck by
lightning and was, together with its
contents, burned to the ground. We
have not as yet learned whether or
not it was insured.
Mr. and Mrs. Wi'llam Schwelgho
fer and son, Llewellyn, of West Da
mascus, also Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Rutledge and daughter, of Rutledge
dale, were entertained at the home
of John N. Cole last Sunday.
Ella Rodenberg and friend, of
Honesdale, passed last Saturday and
Sunday at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Agnes Rodenberg here.
Virgil Young made a trip to Cal
licoon last Saturday.
Herman Hoppe was at Lake Hunt
ington last Friday on business.
Mary Riley has returned to Hones
dale after a pleasant visit with her
friends, Mrs. Joel G. Hill.
Many Lookout people drove to
Braman last Sunday evening to hear
Miss Lena Blumm, a mission worker
from Binghamton, speak to the
young people regarding their soul's
William Branning, of Equinunk,
visited at his brother Fred's last
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schwab, of
Galilee, and Mrs. James McDevitt, of
Port Jervis, visited relatives at this
place last Sunday. ,
Edward Dermody and niece, of
Cochecton, N. Y., were guests at J.
H'. Flynn's recently.
I The Ideal Guardian
of the estates of your minor chil
dren. It . has the very best facilities
for the profitable and wise invest
ment and re investment of the princi
pal and accrued income,-The Scranton Trust Co.
010 Spruco Street.
Sherman, Aug. 14. Miss Minnie
Lincoln, of Binghamton, is visiting
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Miss Mellnda Weaver, of Elmlra,
N. Y and Mrs. Hornbeck and two
children of Forest City, are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Rockwell.
Rev. Bruning, of Newark, N. J.,
is visiting Rev. Andrew Scott and
Tho Sunday school picnic at
Oquaga Lake last Thursday was
well attended. A great many stayed
to the moving picture show in the
Miss Dorothy Sands was pleasant
ly surprised by a number of her
friends last Friday evening, the oc
casion being her birthday.
Mrs. Rachel Squires has sold her
place to Mr. and Mrs. A. McClure of
McClure, N. Y. She will reside with
her daughter, Mrs. Clint Mills, of
Barbourville, N. Y., In tho future.
Mrs. Rebecca Raymond, of Bine
hamton, is visiting her sister, Mrs.
R. Squires.
Miss Dora Kean, of Binghamton,
is visiting her cousin, Miss Laura
I Delaware Water Gap, Pa.
Under Entirely New Management of Owner.
Reasonable Rates. Cuisine Unsurpassed.
CHARLES H. WHITE, Owner and Propr.
Wayne County
Savings Bank
871 42 YEARS OF SUCCESS 1913
BECAUSE we have been transacting a SUCCESSFUL
banking business CONTINUOUSLY since 1871
and are prepared and qualified to rend erV ALU
ABLE SERVICE to our customers.
ONE years.
BECAUSE of SECURITY guaranteed by our LARGE
CAPITAL and SURPLUS of $550,000 00.
BECAUSE of our TOTAL ASSETS of $3,000,000.00.
Wayne county.
BECAUSE of these reasons we confidently ask you to
become a depositor.
COURTEOUS treatment to all CUSTOMERS
whether their account is LARGE or SMALL
INTEREST allowed from the FIRST of ANY
MONTH on Deposits made on or before the
TENTH of the month.
A. T. SEARLE, Vice-President. W. J. WARD, Asst. Cashier
tobacco m.
MM II I II I usrs
f&icjp'pGL Tobacco
The Mildest Stripped Tobacco on the Market
. MadeExpressly for Those Who Like an Extra Mild Smoke or Chew.
t iNiON SCOUT has that; rich pleasant flavor which can only
be produced by using the highest grades of leaf tobacco.
Try a 5c Package You Are Sure to Like It
Clark & Sri over Company