PAGE TWO THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, AUGUST i, 1913. CONGRESSMAY ACT Representative Seeks to Fix Policy In Mexico. WANTS COMMITTEE APPOINTED Would Authorize Five Senators end Five Representatives to Examine All Diplomatic Correspondence. Doomed Americans Set Free. Huerta May Resign. SOME MEAX WILLS. Washington, July 30. Investigation of Mexican conditions by n joint con gressional committee was irdposed In a resolution Introduced by Hopresonta tlvo Stephens of Texas. Tho resolu tion, which would start positive action on tho part of tho American govern ment lu regard to Mexico, taUlng tho matter out of tho hands of tho state department, would authorize live sen ators and live representatives to ex amine nil diplomatic correspondence and other documents relating to the situation. Although It had been reported on good authority that Henry Lane Wil son would be supplanted as American ambassador to Mexico, lie will. It was learned, appear before the senate for eign relations committee to give his views on conditions in Mexico. Mr. ltryan. secretary of state, was pre vented from attending tho commit tee's special meeting on account of conferences with Ambassador Wilson ut the state department. President Wilson has .issued or au thorized no statement regarding his attitude on retaining or dismissing Ambassador Wilson, but it was learn ed that the president will not direct nny immediate steps regarding this country's reintions with Mexico. Representative Stephens said ho had not consulted either President Wilson or Mr. Bryan regarding his resolution authorizing an investigation of affairs in Mexico. Wording of Resolution. "The committee will consider," said tho resolution, "tho qustion of our re lations with Mexico growing out of tho present disturbed conditions of that country. Tho committee shall report with ns little delay as possible the true conditions in Mexico, tho protec tion given Americans and American Interests, the truth regarding tho In humanities nnd atrocities which come to the knowledge of tills body through official sources and any othor facts re lating to this mntter. Tho committee will, with as little delay ns possible, recommend what action should bo taken by congress." Charles BIssel and Bernard McDon ald, the two mine mnnagcrs held by Mexican federals under sentence of death at Chihuahua, have been order ed rclensed by tho Huerta govern ment. Charge d' Affaires Algara of the embassy hero so Informed Secretary Bryan. It was said Mr. Bryan express ed gratification at the prompt action the Huerta government had given to American representations In tho cases, ' as well as that of Dixon, the immigra tion insioctor, shot at Juarez. McDonald is an Englishman. Bis mol's chnuffeur, an American, lias also been ordered released. Tho three men were captured by General Orozco while attempting to take American refugees out of Parral. The fact that tho same mediators ,who persuaded Porflrlo Diaz to abdi cate are now trying to adjust tho dif ferences between tho followers of Huerta nnd Caranza is encouraging officials in touch with Mexican affairs to believe that General Huerta will resign. No new developments are ex pected for a fortnight. Prominent Mex leans, working for peace, will repre sent to Huerta that tlicro can be no recognition by tho United States of his government, and hence uo peace in that republic until a new president Is elected there. Final Document on Life Oilers Op portunity Tor Late Departed to Vent Ills Anger on n Near Relative. "If there is any deep-eyed mean ness in a man it comes out when his will is read," is a saying that has been truthful in more than a pass ing measure. The spite of a life-time generally crops out in the final docu ment of life. It may vent the lato departed's anger on a near relative, or It may seek cunningly to contro vert the letter of tho law. Some of tho most acrid wills are treasured in tho mental archives of veteran lawyers to-day. Every day, almost, the newspapers record a last testament of peculiar tone and carry ing amazing stipulations. Probably the meanest will on rec ord was that of a Pennsylvania man who unon death left to his wife ?1 and directed it be mailed to her In an unsealed letter. One of the most peculiar wills of record ,1s recorded at Liverpool, Eng land. Tho testator was a woman and she benueathed more than 8100,000 to her sister, who was a novlate in a convent. By the terms of this docu ment, the sister was to receive the in come of tho estate as none of it be used to further the cause of her relig ion. She was to obtain the estate when sho renounced her vows. Another provided that a son should inherit his father's vast es tate so long as he remained out of the army or the navy. The son took the case to court and the justice ruled that as the will struck at the very life of the state, it should he set aside. An eccentric London stockbroker left 51,000,000 to his son, then a boy of 8, upon condition he have nothing to do with his mother except upon order of the Chancery Court. In the event it was Impossible to detain him from visiting h'.s mother or she calling upon him, nurses, doctors and a minister were to be provided to guard his spiritual 'and mental welfare. William Claghorn, an Englishman who died in America, left what is probably the most remarkable docu ment on record. He left $300,000 and a pretty wife. Of the latter he was jealous. He left to her all his money, with the stipulation she should forfeit 51,000 of the estate every time she appeared in public unveiled, and an other 51.000 each time she smiled at a man. She also was to forfeit the same amount every time she danced with a man, in the event she permit ted any caress or term of endear ment she was to give 55,000 of the estate. Secret Agent of Government Reports on Conditions' In Mexico. It is generally understood In Washing ton that the administration accepted the report of Mr Del Vulle rather than that of Ambassador Henry Lane 'Wilson on the situation In troubled Mexico. Daughters Can't Marry. Bellefontaine, O., July 30. One of the most remarkable wills ever admitted to probate in this county is that made by Jane Lake, late of Rlchwood, who left considerable property to her three daughters, Linie, Nora and Ida. The provisions of the will are that tho estate shall he equally divided among the three daughters on the condition that none of them will marry. If one of them marries her share of the estate goes to the two remaining single. If all three should marry the entire estate is to go to the board of foreign mis sions of tho Methodist Episcopal cnurcn. Mrs. Lake was a man-hater. For some reason she would not tolerate a member of the male sex in her house, neither would she allow her daugh ters to nave any men friends. MAEVIN WEATHER CHIEF. Professor, Expert In Service For Nine teen Years, Succeeds Moore. Washington, July 30. Professor Charles V. Marvin has been selected for chief of tho weather bureau to suc ceed Willis L. Moore, recently removed. Professor Marvin Is now chief of tho Instrument division, which position ho has held since 1SSS. Ho was appointed to tho old signnl service in 18S1 from Ohio. President Wilson will send his nomination to the senate probably this week. LTnder tho new chief more attention will be paid to weather reports and forecasts, 11s they nffect or aro likely to affect agriculture and general farm ing conditions throughout the country. Professor Marvin was born at Co lumbus, O., and was educated in the public schools thero and at tho Ohio State university. TALE OF THE WEATHER. Observations of tho United States weather bureau taken at S p. m. yesterday follow: Temp. Weather. Albany 80 Clear Atlantic City . . 70 Cloudy Boston 70 Cloudy Buffalo SO Clear Chicago 00 Clear Now Orleans .. 74 Bain New York 78 Cloudy St. Louis 80 Cloudy Washington ... 82 Cloudy Wife Barred From Funeral. New York, July 30. "I further di rect that my wife, Augusta Knubel, is not to interfere or take any Dart in the funeral or disposition of my body or remains in any way watever." such is a clause In tho will of Herbert Knubel. It is the only com ment ho made in 20 years of his mar ital relations. All his money, about $15,000, ho left to his son. Freder ick, who lived with him. Knubel was nearly GO years old at tho time of his death. His widow is several years younger. For years they had been separated. Leaves Cook Stovo to Porter. Salem, Mass., July 30. Everv poor family In Salem will receive a free cook stovo and cooking utensils if the city accepts provisions In the will of Thomas W. Sweetser, who died in Boston 59 years ago, but whose conditional gift became gen erally known only this week. His will provides that 510,000 bo paid to his native city; that this ho put on interest at G per cent, forever and $G00 spent annually in buying cook stoves and utensils for the poor, if his estate amounted to $30,000 or moro. BOLT ELECTROCUTES GIRL. EQUINUNK. Equinunk, July 30. Tho Willing Workers will hold a pie social on the church lawn Saturday afternoon and evening. At Lake Como, Saturday tho Equi nunk base ball team were tho vic tors In a closely contested tcn-lnnlng game of ball with the team at that place. Scoro was 15 to 14. Mrs. Lulu Lovenser and children of Mt. Vernon, N. Y., are spending the summer with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Knight. Leon Ives and family, of Bingham ton spent Friday and Saturday at the home of Cain Lord. Harry White and wife, of New York, are visiting at the home of his grandparents, Abo Knapp and wife. Miss Frailey entertained her nephew, Harvey Knapp, last week. Equinunk is fast becoming one of the most popular summer resorts of the Delaware Valley. Already the summer boarding houses are fill ed and many aro turned away. Since the State has improved the road be tween Honesdale and Hancock, num erous auto parties are visitors here. Adam Bleck of Hancock, spent Sunday at Hotel Bleck. Mabel Brannlng, of Inglehart, is visiting at the homo of her uncle, J. K. Hornbeck. Paul Brannlng took the first de gree in the I. O. O. F. lodge at Look out Saturday night. H. A. Oday, of Honesdale, was a week-end visitor at the home of J. W. Farley. C. E. Woodmansee and wife spent Monday in Honesdale. Mrs. Bessie Arter and son. Harold. of White Mills, are visiting at the homo of Isaac Ludwlg. It. O. Woodmansee of Lake Como, spent Monday in town and returned home with a nice catch of eels. ITCniNG IRRITATION'. Worst Form of Skin Trouble Quickly Relieved by Inexpensive Trcntnient When you suffor with any skin trouble, oven though tho itching seems unbearable, do not thlnlc that it Is necessary to use some disgust ing, greasy ointment. Try Hokara, a pure and simple cream, that is guaranteed to contain no grease or acids and which is so cleanly that it does not soil the linen. Its power to instantly relieve any irritation of tho skin and make it soft, white and beautiful is almost miraculous. Not only do minor skin troubles like pimples, blackheads, acne, bar ber's itch, etc., quickly disappear, but tho worst ulcers or cases of salt rheum or eczema are cleansed and healed by this wonderful skin food. In order that any one may try Ho kara at small expense, Pell's drug store is selling a liberal-sized jar at 25c, and in addition guarantee to re fund the money if the treatment does not do all that Is claimed for it. Three Others Hurt When Lightning Snaps Telephone Wire. Lodi, N. J., July 30. During a storm lightning broke an overhead telephone wire at Arnot nnd Mnln streets here, throwing it over tho trolley line wire. With a shower of sparks the loose end of tlie telephone wire fell to the street, striking u seven-year-old girl, Ethel Fortunata, who was crossing the street with her mother, Mrs. Michael Carlucci of 351 Westminster place. The shock threw tho girl over to the pave ment, and the wire wound around lior. Sirs. Carlucci ran to her und tried to drag her to her feet. Several pt-ople had seen the girl struck down and were coming toward her when they saw the mother tnke hold of the wire and thrown to tho street. One of these was Nicholas To- nasi, an immigrant, who had been in this country only two weeks. He knew nothing about the nature of electricity and boldly seized the wire ns he tried to help the woman to her feet. In his turn Tonnsl was stunned nnd thrown to the street. Tonasl was hard ly down when John Stye, an employee of the United States Dye works at Ar not and Mnln streets, knocked the wire out of his hand witli a wooden club. The current running through the club rendered Stye unconscious, but the wire fell clear nnd did no further dam age. The four victims were carried to tho sidewalk and Inter taken in an am bulance to the Passaic General hospi tal. At the hospital it was found that the girl was already dead. The flesh was burned from tho palm of her mother's right hand, and the arm was scorched to the shoulder. Her Injuries wore such that it was found necessary to amputato the arm, nnd she is in a crit ical condition. The first two fingers were burned from Tonasl's right hand, and tho en tire arm was paralyzed. Stye was not seriously hurt and was permitted to leave the hospital after being treated by Dr. Brevoort. WEDS HEE DYING FIANCE. Fenred Being Buried Alive. Berkley, Cal July 30. Mrs. Ade laide Sherwood Soule, tho late wid ow of Prof. Frank Soulo of the Uni versity of California faculty, had a terror of being burled allvo, and in her will, which has been filed for probate she stipulated that within 24 hours from the tlmo of her death her heart should be cut out and that her body should be held for burial seven days. Mrs. Soulo was fond of animals. Sho provided in her will that within 24 hours from the time of her death all of her pets should be chloroform ed and then held under water for 24 hours, Mrs. Sarah Manchester, adminis tratrix, had tho dead woman's heart removed and the body is being held. The pets were all killed as directed. Bride of Fever Hospital Patient First Had to Be Vaccinated. Lebanon, Pa., July 30. Tho death of Wallace Van Sickle of Macon, Ga., In a hospital hero revealed the devotion of a young woman member of a promi nent Lebanon family, Miss Miriam Bowman, to whom Van Sickle becamo engaged. Shortly after tho announce ment was made ho was stricken with typhoid fover. Tlie date of the wedding had been fixed, but it was postponed in tho hope of Van Sickle's speedy recovery. Thero was no change in his condition, how ever, so it was decided that tho mar riage ceremony should bo performed In the hospital. The hospital, owing to smallpox in the institution, wns under quarantine, but tho authorities per mitted tho young woman nnd n clergy man to enter tho place nfter they had submitted to vaccination. Tho ceremony wns performed nnd tho bride remained at tho bedside of her husband until he died. GOVEUNOH TENEIt SIGNS DELAWARE IUVEK BILL. Governor Tener has signed the bill appropriating $100,000 for acquiring tho bridges over the Delaware River between New Jersey and Pennsylva nia. Now Jersoy has a law in forco appropriating $100,000 a year for five years for this purpose. Work will commence soon and tho Mllford bridge will probably bo among tho AN APPENDIXLESS TOWN. Over 200 of Colebrook's Inhabitants Operated on For Appendicitis. Mount Pleasant, Bretton Woods, N. II., July 30. Over 200 of the 2,000 Inhabitants of Colebrook havo under- gono operations for appendicitis, and tho place has gained tho namo localfy of "the nppondlxless town." No flvo towns combined in tho White moun tains can show such a record. " The operations continue at tho rato If about two a week. Appendix dinners, Jances nnd divorces aro no novelty. Portuguese Leader Arrested. Lisbon, Portugal, July 30. Amerioo Ollvclra, ono of tho founders of the Portuguese republic, was arrested nt Alcobaca, according to tho newspaper O Mundo. Ollvclra had publicly af firmed that tho recent bomb throwing in tho capital and other cities had been Instigated by Dr, Affonso Costa, tho premier, and otiier Democratic leaders, Your aching corn will not trouble you if you use "PE DOS" CORN CURE. 15 cents. CHAUTAUQUA A Summer Festival ,11 INFORMATION INSPIRATION ENTERTAINMENT 31 events 222 Buy a SeasonTicket HONESDALE, Pi AUGUST, 21 - m STERLING. Sterling, July 30. We are thank ful for what little rain we have re ceived of late and would be pleas ed with more. Glenny Karschner is the guest of Susan Cross. Dr. A. B. Stevens of Dunmore, brought Mrs. Stevens to Sterling a week ago and took her back last Thursday. Rev. J. A. Tuthlll took his eldest daughter and son to Carbondale last week and they are now visiting friends. Mrs. Tuttle has two little Italian boys (fresh air children) from New- York city and R. D. Gilpin has two little "fresh air" girls. Last Saturday G. D. Stevens, wife and daughter Lenora of Scranton, brought Giles Megargle and daugh ter, Mrs. Kellam from Peckville, and they are now guests of Miss A. M. Noble, H. II. Megargle and S. N. Cross. Mr. Megarg'e is nearly 88 years old and he is remarkably well preserved for a man of his years and his mental faculties are excellent. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Gilpin are both on the sick list. For years Mr. Gilpin has at times had a sort of fainting spells. MILANVILLE. Milanvllle, July 30. Mr. Salmon, Charles Clayton and Geo. Tyler of Wilkes-Barre arrived Monday to spend their vacation at G. H. Tyler's. Miss Helene Yerkes of Mllanvillo Heights, was the guest of Miss Bes sie E. Skinner. Misses Ethel and Helen Magruder returned to their home at Staten Island tho last of the week after spending their vacation in ono of Sampson's bungalows. Victor Lyman, Donald Ma gruder and two friends, who havo been camping at Sampson's grove left on Saturday for a canoeing trip down the Delaware. Mrs. Abigail Illman, of Washing ton, D. C, is visiting her son at Nar- rowsburg. Mrs. W. D. Yerkes was called to Honesdale by the death of I. E. Tib- betts. Miss Flo Brush of Tyler Hill was the guest of Mrs. w. D. Yerkes. Mr. and Mrs. Adon Crammer of Carbondale, and Mr. and Mrs. Adel bert Crammer of Scranton were guests of Mrs. Helen Skinner Sun day. They camo In their automobile. T. J. Fromer and family expect to break camp this week. L. D. Tyler and friend left Fri day afternoon to enjoy a boating and tishtng trip down the Delaware. Before you start on your va cation see that you are supplied with some Neura Powders for Headache. 10 and 25 cents. Sold everywhere. Guy Bros, FIRE LIFE ACCIDENT AUTOMOBILE ICE Bentley Bros. Liberty Hall Building, HONESDALE, PA. Consolidated Phone 1 9 L KRAFT & CONGE HONESDALE, PJ Reoresent Reliable Cntnuanies ONLY IQQOQQQJJQOOOOOOOOQOGOOCOOOOOOOOGGQOQOOO1 i GOO OOOOO I Our GOLD TABLETS if used promptly will make short work of a cold, O. T. CHAMBERS, PHARMACIST, Honesdale, - Pa. GCiOOOOOCiOCOCiOOOGOOCQOOOOGO OOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOC a The Ideal Guardian of ihe estates of your minor chil dren. It has thavery best facilities for the profitable and wise invest ment and re investment of the princi pal and accrued income. -The Scranton Trust Co. NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS The use of hose for sprinkling is absoj lutely prohibited, except between the hour of 6 and 8 a. m. and 6 and 8 p. m. Honesdale Con. Water Co. flBBBflBBBBBBBBflBE2BBBBBBBBBBBKEflBBBBRflBflBBRBBBBBEBl Menner & Co s Store WiSi Hold Their UMMER SALE OF MADE UP GOOD! For Ladies and Juniors durj ing the hot Season to closd out their stock and mak room for Autumn Goods- - Ladies' White Dresses, Silk Shirt WaisiJ Children's Wash Dresses, Tailored Suits for Juniors, Misses and Ladies. MENNER & CO'S. STORES 1 first acquired. IMfSBEflBBSBBBBBflflBBBflflBBflflRMBBflBBEBESBIflBBBRMBIBBI