The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, August 01, 1913, Image 1

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nave You a Iloaso For Sale or For
Rent? Use Our Cent-A-Word
The Citizen AC scrs Recognlzo
tho Vnluo of Tli) s per By Results
71st YEAR. --NO. 62
Prothonotary nnd Deputy Xot Very
Enthusiastic Over Jew
Law Which Inquires Into Appli
cant's Physicul Condition.
July was a very dull month In the
marriage license department of the
court house. Only six licenses were
I..An mtt n i ,1 til lltf wftffl fill H C 1." O fl
fLCU V 11 k W. V- J .iu.u i- . .
creaso in the number of licenses this
month as compared to the same
uuiiui lust yeui. u uuiiug to
mnriLii ui i uiv kiovcu utcuoca i cm
antofl Tn Mm Inpnl nfTloo nf
hrntiianoLiirv uuruba Liitji o litis ucuii
11..-.. I ,.-,1 Inr 4 It - nnn
I K UUlllik L11U uuot
r.wn WHKKh Li. II LI LilUV U1U nUUiCUi
The cause of tho worry Is the fact
. 1 1 1 nn..J1
innncanis ior licenses lu uiuvu luui
ney are in gooci meniai anu pnysicai
lilt A. 11.. XI At.
s naknri for. otherwise no license
'illl IIH lil Vtiil LUC 111. Vtlll 11 UD IIIUI
he now law has taken effect and
i . 11. . .1 1" !
The first marriage license to be
rIllI1IMIl 1II1IIMI lilt! IIM11 111. V
1 1 13 IDOUliU Ji H HA uu I J Him " 1 1" fl nil"
nfnrn thn snrnlncr inciriflntnl of re-
I . 1 il. . l...t 1 1 T .. I . .. nnHnli1
hie difficulties. Now it mav be con-
idered much in the light of a pleas-
nt. nastimo when obtaining the li
nn CO
The couple who applied for a li-
ense in the nrothonotary's office
iiursuay morning wore vi ureu-
or nf nnr innrln r. nnrl Airs. Mnrv
lergmann, of Honesdale. Both ap-
licants successfully answered the
umerous questions required by the
ew act of assembly and it was dif
cult to determine which tho pros
sctlve bride and bridegroom or the
eputy prothonotary were the
lore embarrassed, as the exaniina-
lon proceeded. Everybody took it
pod naturedly.
Prothonotary Barnes and deputy,
liss Marqia Barnes, do not seem
;ry enthusiastic over the provisions
the law which require them to
Ik embarrassing questions of the
Biplicants, but at the same time
ley acknowledge that the new law
lis its good points as well.
They have the power to say
Blether or not a license shall be
I anted and in the event of a doubt
e case goes before the county
Bdge Who will hear the evidence in
lurt or in chambers, without jury
Id decide accordingly.
Form Association For Purpose of
Regulating Closing Hours and
Mutual Help.
I It has been stated on good au
jrity that a meeting of the leading
lail clothing merchants will be
ud this (Thursday) evening at the
leeman store for the purpose of
fming an association to be known
The Retail Clothing Merchants'
fcociation of Honesdale. The fol
ding merchants are interested in
new venture and express tho be
lt is a decided progressive move-
Int: A. W. Abrams, Bregstein
3S Irving B. Brown, the Freeman
kre and George Rlckert & Son.
object of the association is mu
ll help and also to regulate the
sing hours of all clothing stores
Honesdale so that they will be unl-
im. The date of opening in the
Ilday season or spring of the year
1 also bo fixed the same for each.
Icers will be elected and every
lg will be dono to make the asso-
tion a permanent one.
ier (
111 H
via '
er Hitting n Woman Witli His
f nr, a Car Driver in Scranton Cool-
Stops Ills Machine. Takes n
look at the Injured Person. Then
Ipeeds Away Like n Coward,
cranton, Pa July 31. Mrs. Geo.
Iton, of 3G1 North Rebecca ave-
was struck last night at 10:15
ock by a large touring car at the
Iier of Swetland street and
Hyde Park avenue. Tho tour-
turned into North Hyde Park
, just as Mrs. Lunton was
fjing tho street. Seeing that the
pmoDiio was closo to her, the wo-
iDecame contused and before she
led H the automobile had
Wk her. Alighting from the car,
driver whose name could not be
Irtained took one glance at the
Ired woman and quickly motored
rs. Lupton was taken to the
e of Roland Thomas, 270 North
e Park avenue, where she was
a medical treatment. It was
Id that her right knee can was
ly lacerated.
In the death of Isaac E. Tibbetts
Honesdale loses one of its most high
ly esteemed citizens. Tho announce
ment of his death came as a com
plete surprise to his many friends
in Honesdale who did not know of
his Illness. Mr. Tibbetts was taken
111 about three weeks ago In New
York City, where he held an excel
lent position with the Standard Sew
ing Machine company, and in whose
employ he has been the majority of
the years of his life. For many years
Mr. Tibbetts traveled in Pennsylva
nia In the interest of the above com
pany, Installing sewing machines In
factories. After a needed vacation
of a few months he was withdrawn
from the road and given a position
in the New York office of the com
pany, having as his duties the con
tinued development of the commer
cial end of the business. He held
this position when he was taken 111.
After coming home, Mr. Tibbetts
suffered with ear trouble and tak
ing the advice of his physician, Dr.
F. W. Powell, went to the State
Hospital, Scranton, where he receiv
ed treatment for same and was on
tho road to recovery when other
complications set in. His condition
grew weaker until tho final sum
mons came, 0:15 Monday evening,
death resulting from arterial scler
osis of the brain and uremic coma.
The remains were brought to
Honesdale on tho 3:15 Delaware and
Hudson train Tuesday afternoon and
taken to his home on East street.
The funeral was held from his late
residence Wednesday afternoon at
3:30 o'clock, Rev. Dr. W. H. Swift
officiating. Interment was made In
Glen Dyberry cemetery.
Isaac E. Tibbetts was born in Da
mascus township December 14, 185G,
and was therefore in the 58th year
of his life. In early manhood ho
taught school iri' Berlin township.
Mr. Tibbetts was a man of unusual
traits. He was very sociable, pos
sessing the qualities that won the
admiration of all with whom ho
came in contact. Mr. Tibbetts was
a congenial neighbor nnd was a
man of strong character. Ho always
wore a smile and always had a
pleasant word for everybody. His
acquaintances were many, all of
whom are greatly grieved over his
Mr. Tibbetts is survived by a wife
and one step-daughter, Mrs. W. J.
Yerkes, of Honesdale, and one sis
ter, Mrs. Clinton Gray, of Hornell.
The family and relatives have the
profound sympathy of the commun
ity in their bereavement.
The deceased became a member
of Honesdale Lodge, No. 218, Free
and Accepted Masons in 1900 and
was, also a member' of the local
order of Heptasophs. The. services
at lie grave were in 6liarge of the
The pall-bearers were: Hon. E. B.
Hardenbergh, O. M. Spettigue, Sr.,
and E. 11. Callaway, representing
Honesdale Lodge No. 21S. Free and
Accepted Masons, and Philip Krantz,
W. H. Lee and Charles E. Dodge.
lie Leader of Monday says that:
Ir. and Mrs. Thomas Turano, of
West Side, are spending the week
liss Janet Tuthlll, of Sterling, and
irother are spending a week with
Helen Stuart of Canaan street.
homas V. Monahan, David J. Con-
Iton and Tom F. Sullivan have
rned home after spending the
week at tho Healey House, Lako
Issos Ada and Alico Chumard
discontinued their residence In
Iclty and will make their future
I) in Waymart where they form
I shier C, A. Emery, wife and
are spending their vacation In
Hattie Secor Dead.
Miss Hattie Secor died on Tuesday
evening shortly after midnight at
the home of her sister, Mrs. Thomas
Whittaker of Willow avenue. She
was born in Honesdale December 25,
1856, her age being fifty-six years
and seven months. She suffered a
stroke of paralysis April 21, 1913,
from which she never regained con
sciousness. She is survived by one
sister, Mrs. Thomas Whittaker, one
nephew, Fred Whittaker and niece,
Hattie Whittaker Smith, and flvo
nieces, Florence, Mabel, Blanche,
Lois and Helen Secor. The funeral
will be held on Friday at 2 p. m. at
the home of her sister on Willow
avenue, Rev. W. H. Swift officiating.
Interment in Glen Dyberry.
Death of Arthur Ucnscl.
Word was received in Honesdale
Wednesday announcing tho death of
Arthur, seven-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. Otto Hensel, of New York
City. The little fellow was visiting
here this summer, but owing to ill
ness was taken home and a specialist
consulted. Instead of improving as
was hoped for, he gradually grew
weaker, until he was called home to
that endless sleep. Death was due
to spinal meningitis. Interment was
made In his home city. The mother.
who Is well known here, having fre
quently visited at the homo of Theo
dore Okowitz on Grove street, has
the deepest sympathy of her many'
friends in her sorrow.
Sudden Death of James Noble Prob
ably Duo to ITcat.
On Thursday morning, July 31st,
at about C:30, occurred tho sudden
death of James Noble, the fourteen
year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
F. Noble of Torrey. The boy seemed
to bo in the best of health on Wed
nesday morning and went to work in
Mr. Chauncey Allen's oat field. An
hour afterwards he was taken sick
and removed to his home. He was
not thought seriously ill, and seem
ed to be feeling better, when the end
came suddenly Thursday morning.
.Besides his parents, ho is surviv
ed by one sister, Bertha, and two
brothers, Ralph and Linn. Tho fun
eral will bo hold Saturday afternoon
at 1 o'clock from tho house, and
at two o'clock from the Union
church at Calkins. Interment will
bo made In tho Calkins cemetery.
Tho double funeral of Ernest and
Harry Price, whoso deaths wero duo
to drowning at Elk Lake on
Sunday last, was held on Wednesday
irom the home ot their late parents.
in Carbondale, The two brothers oc
cupied a single casket. Tho services,
which wero largely attended, were In
charge of Rov. Mr. England of tho
Carbondale Trinity Episcopal church.
Would, Rccognizo Huerta Snys Ma
dero Was Murdered By Men
Whose Friends Ho Had Executed.
(N. Y. Sun, July 31.)
Washington, July 30. A new turn
came to-day in the Mexican situa
tion when Henry Lane Wilson, Unit
ed States ambassador to the southern
republic, appeared before the Sen
ate Committee on Foreign Relations.
Official Washington had practically
eliminated Ambassador Wilson as a
factor In the solution of the Mexican
problem ever since it became known
that his suggestions had received
scant consideration from the Presi
dent and Secretary of State Bryan,
but today ho came to the front with
a bound. Facing a Senate commit
tee which was strongly prejudiced
against him, he retired after about
three hours with most of the com
mitteemen convinced that his was
the only feasible plan thus far sug
gested for dealing with the Mexican
Not only this, but members of tho
committee, Democrats as well as Re
publicans, were impressed to a sur
prising degree with tho impartiality
and fairness with which the Ambas
sador treated the situation. They
came away from the committee room
convinced that he is not a partisan
of Huerta or any other faction in
Mexico. Furthermore, the Senators
left their conference with Mr. Wil
son acknowledging that there was at
least good reason to doubt whether
Huerta really was responsible for the
niuraer of Madero.
But the favorable impression made
upon tho Senate committee by Mr.
wiison s plan tor the recognition of
the Huerta Government was not the
only interesting development of the
aay. The Ambassador s examina
tion by the Senate committee served
to establish the fact that complete re
ports in regard to the Mexican situa
tion had been made by him regularly
to Secretary Bryan and suggestions
had been advanced in regrad to a
possible solution of tho Mexican
problem. Members of the committee
who had in vain sought to obtain de
tailed information on this subject
from the State Department wero as
tonished at the showing made by Am
bassador Wilson.
Ambassador Wilson's plan for deal
ing with the Mexican situation as
laid before tho Senate committee
provided for recognition by the
United States upon the following
1. That a constitutional election
be held In Mexico next October and
that proper safeguards be adopted to
insure a fair expression by the vo
ters at the polls.
2. That pending claims of the
United States agains.t Mexico, includ
ing tne unamizai controversy and the
Colorado River dispute, be adjusted
on terms proposed by the United
3. That the pecuniary claims of
American citizens and others be ad
justed immediately through a com
mission and arrangements made for
assuring payment with a reasonable
'Squire Holds Him In S300 Bail for
Appearance ,nt Court Stimmrd
Refuses to Go and Live AVltli
Fred Stinnard was arrested Tues
day afternoon by Officer Canlvan on
the charge of his wife, of desertion
and non-support. A hearing before
'Squire Smith was held and Stinnard
on his refusal to live with his Wife
was held in bail for court. Failing to
put up the $300 bond required he
was placed in the county jail.
Stinnard stays at Hotel Heumann
whjile his wife remains on tho little
farm In Cherry Ridge and as she
stated to Squire Smith she was oblig
ed to work very hard to keep the
farin going. Three weeks ago she
alleged while haying she suffered
greatly from an accident which near
ly caused her to lose her sight. She
was walking near the load of hay
when a stubble about the size of lead
pencil pierced tho eye and broke off
In 'there. Dr. E. W. Burns attended
Mrs. Stinnard and removed the twig
with difficulty. Mrs. Stlnnard's
sight was impaired but she will not
altogether lose it. Sho wears a
green patch over tho right eye. Mrs.
Stinnard also accused her husband
of associating with other women.
Tho charge was not denied by Mr.
Stinnard, who, it Is said by those who
know the situation, has good reasons
'for' not living with his wife. Tho
'Squire was evidently impressed with
the story told by Mrs. Stinnard for
he held the husband over to tho next
term of court.
It Is expected that Governor John
K. -Tener will bo in attendance at the
meeting of the Farviow commission
Saturday, when the monthly meeting
will be held. No meeting was held
this month owing to the fact that no
quorum was present. Governor Ten
er will make an inspection of the
hospital and will return to Harris
burg the same day.
The Farview hospital fared quite
well at the hands of the governor,
receiving an appropriation of $295,
500. 5405,000 was recommended by
the legislature.
Beachlake is enjoying the patron
age of 325 summer boarders from
New York City and Brooklyn, and a
jolly lot thoy are, too. The different
houses are filled to their utmost ca
pacity and there are more coming
next week. For the next three
weeks all rooms have been spoken
for. The proprietors were unablo to
take care or those who wanted to
come this wool: and many wero com
pelled to delay their vacation to this
popular resort owing to all houses
being engaged for the present. Sev
eral of the boarders take advantage
of the beautiful scenery in dear old
W7ayne and come to Honesdale where
they visit our stores and while away
a few pleasant hours. The time Is
not far distant when Honesdale will
also have its share of summer board
ers and It cannot come too quickly.
DEXLY. Mrs. Olsem, wife of Captain Olsem
of one of the fruit boats plying be
tween New York and Cuba, died sud
denly of hemorrhages on Tuesday
at her boarding house in Rowlands.
Mrsi Olsem was stricken suddenly
and. without warning died before
medical aid could be reached. She
leaves three small children, who
were with their mother when she
wasj stricken. The remains were
sHlpped by the Erie to "her late homo
in Brooklyn Thursday morning,
where the funeral will bo held and
interment made.
July 31. The concrete basement
of the Methodist church is nearly
The new Heptasoph hall is fast ap
proaching completion and will be
ready for occupancy in a short time.
E. A. Wood, of Middletown, spent
Sunday with his mother.
Miss Verna Killam was a Sunday
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
L. F. Christiana.
Adolph Striepeke, of Ariel, was a
visitor of friends in town over Sun
day. Mrs. Carl and son, John, are guests
of Mrs. Harry Williams.
George E. Neville et ux., of
Gouldsboro, to W. R. Nowell of Le
high, land in Lehigh township, $1.
George E. Neville et ux., to W. S.
Neville, Lehigh, land in same town
ship; ?1.
Heirs of Ellen S. Stephenson to
Johnson A. Stephens and R. B.
Stephens of Buckingham, land in
same township; consideration $1.
Heirs of Ellon S. Stephenson to
Johnson A. Stephens and R. B.
Stephens of Buckingham, land in
same township; consideration $1.
Administratrix of Harry M. Stock
er to J. E. Woodmansee, of Buck
ingham, land in Buckingham town
ship; consideration $1.
The Cheapest and Most Successful! Form of
Advertising is
When Smith buys an article, discovers his money has purchased
better value than usual, he feels elated, grows enthusiastic, tells
his friends about it.
One sale grows to several.
You can't make Smith talk unless you give htm something to
talk about. You can't glvo Mm a piece of Jewelry or a watch that
he' WILL talk about, unless you glvo him' absolutely the best for
his money and tell him and show him that It Is guaranteed.
That's good "Word of Houth"
Quality Jeweler Opposite New Postoffice
"The Daylight Store"
Honesdale, Pa.
BuRgy BeloiiBliiK to G. W. Collins of
Cherry Itklgo Smashed in Mixup
on Main Street Bakery Wagon
Huckleberry pie, mince pie, apple
pie, in fact many kinds of pie as well
as quantities of fresh bread, cookies,
etc., adorned a considerable portion
of tho street near the corner of
Church and Seventh streets when
George Schwenker's oakery wagon
upset In the road following a runa
way Thursday a little after the noon
Israel Tuch, driver for Schwenker's
Bakery left his aged horse standing
untied In front of the bakery while
ho went inside to secure the feed bag
for the horse. When ho came out
tho horse was gone. In the mean
time it had run away, probably pro
voked by flies and took a wheel off
the buggy belonging to G. W. Collins
of Cherry Ridge, which was tied to
a post near the bakery. This fright
ened Tuch's horse more and it ran
to the corner of Seventh street and
came to grief near the next corner
by colliding with the curbing. The
wagon was upset and tho bakery
goods wero spilled out on the street.
The wagon was considerably damag
ed but tho horse escaped Injury.
James Byaccy, aged 50 years, an
emnlnvfi nf thn Onrnov Rlnptrlr.
vator Works, on South Main street,
lost tiie two Hrst lingers from his
right hand shortly before noon Wed
nesday. Mr. Bracey works in the wood
department and was operating a
planer just before tho noon hour. He
had hold nf n lnnftli nf li
ing it across the' planer when In
auuie manner ins rigni nana slipped
and the fingers wero severed by the
knives. Dr. Nielsen was called and
dressed the wound. Mr. Bracey will
be unable to use his right hand for
some Hmn tn rnmo nnrl !f will moVft
it practically impossible for him to
use me nana ai an until ne becomes
used to the situation.
, oo
Misslo Thrown From Aeroplono
Blows Up Mexican Federal SlUp
In Gunynms Harbor.
Xogales, Ariz., July 30. The Mex
ican federal gunboat Tamplco, was
rlnntrnvorl In- a lininl. il n i wl jr-nm
1-1- - --ii ii w iv in u u.w;cu 1IUU1
an aeroplane over Guaymas harbor,
1 declares an official insurgent mes
, sage. It was said that Aviator Did
I ier Masson made three flights over
tne narbor before he succeeded in
hitting the boat.
Governor Ignacio Pasquerla re
ceived w6rd of the reported insur
gent victory while ho was on his way
north from Hermoslllo. Ho was met
at Nogales, Sonora, by Jose Mayora,
the Sonora governor, who had been
at Tucon, Ariz., leaving the affairs
of state with Pasqueira. It was said
that the two would confer regarding
either elections or turning over the
government to Maytorena.
While it was reported during the
Italian-Turkish war that a war vessel
was sunk by a bomb dropped from an
aeroplane tho roport was never con
firmed. There is said to be no other
report of a similar feat on record, al
though bombs have been dropped in
military camps during tho Balkan
war. Masson has made various at
tempts to damage the four shops of
tho Mexican army and navy at Guays,
but has met with indifferent success.
This Thursday evening at 8 o'clock
the marriace nf MI
John Weiser, of Honesdale, will be
solemnized at the home of the
bridegroom's brother, William Weis
er, in xne yuaicer uity. The bride
groom is suffering from nervous
neuralgia and is under the efficient
care of Dr. William Clark, son of E.
C. Clark, formerly of this place. Dr.
Clark told Mr. Weiser that it would
probably take two months of quiet
rest before he .would notice any ma
terial change in his physical condi
tion. He claimed that the trouble
was caused by over work and worry
and is Quite enmmnn nmnnr nonnlo
Honesdale friends extend congratula
tions 10 me Driae ana bridegroom,
wishing them a happy married life
and hope that Mr. Weiser will soon
regain his usual good health.
An Indian in the employ of Young
Buffalo's Wild West show which ex
hibited hero on Monday evening, was
struck in the head when passing un
der tho downtown viaduct when the
show was preparing to 'eave town
after the evening performance. The
Indian with several others were on
top of one of the cars playing Pedro
by the light of lanterns and did not
notice that the' car was approaching
the viaduct. The others lay down
but the Indian was unable to do so
and the bridge struck him In the
head, knocking him off the car onto
the track below. Ho was badly cut
about the head and face and was put
into one of the show cars where ono
of their own doctors attended him.
Natives of Maplewood saw a bear
on Monday. The bear was prowling
in the woods that top a hill at tho
southern end of Lako Henry. Years
ago when bears wero not so scarco In
Wayne county as they are now, there
was a bear-run that led from tho
Moosic mountains through Maple
wood and on over to Newfoundland.
It was along this old run that the
bear was seen on Monday.
Bruin had probably walked all the
way over from Pike county some
where. Ho was headed back that
way when he was seen.
Joseph Bergwelller, of Damascus
was brought to Honesdale Thursday
morning by Officer Canlvan on com
plaint of neighbors who assert that
Bergwelller Is of unsound mind and
that he has made threats to kill. Ho
was also charged with using vile
language in the presence of women.
A hearing was held before 'Squire
R. A. Smith on Thursday afternqon
and Bergwelller was held under $300
bail for court. A commission to in
quire into his sanity will probably be
appointed by Judge Searle.
TEST. There promises to bo some little
amusement In the office of mayor for
Hnnesrtnln. Tlirpn MnillHntno l.o.m
been namedto wit: Billy Silver-
sione ana nis conegue, nick Spencer,
former mayor, and the present in
cumbent in office, Hon. C. A. McCar
ty. Mayor McCarty, it is claimed,
can continue his office owing to thq
fact that he was only appointed.
Mrs. John Neal, of Beachlake, who
has been seriously ill, is improving.
The "Dirt Road" Part of tho State
Suffers Heavily Old Claims Still
Unprovided for A Big Cut Af
fecting tho Reconstruction of tho
National Rond Tho $50,000,000
Bond Scheme the Only Relief for
Five Years to Conic.
Harrisburg, July 31. Insufficient
State revenue, due to the large excess
of appropriations over the income of
Pennsylvania for the next two years
on the part of the Legislature, has
resulted in a heavy reduction in the
appropriations in aid of the improve
ment of township highways on "dirt
roads.'" These highways, embracing
about 75,000 miles, have just been
brought under the supervision of the
State Highway department by the ap
proval of tho new township road act,
but their development will bo more
or less retarded by the inability of
the State to furnish the means.
Will Have to Walt Somo More.
. Appropriations made for the build
ing of main highways and for State
aid construction, as well as for re
pair and maintenance of the State
system, were all heavily cut, and the
same fate has befallen the bills which
were drawn to pay townships tho fif
ty per cent, bonus on the cash road
tax. The State has been remiss in
this direction and despite of tho pass
age of laws binding it'to the policy of
aiding townships that abolish the
work tax it still owes these townships
for a couple of years. The Governor
approved in its entirety the bill car
rying $1,000,000 to meet the de
ficiency in the payments for 1911
and 1912, but was forced to cut tho
bill providing for 1913 and 1914
to $250,000 which will give only a
fraction to the townships. Nothing
could bo voted by the Legislature to
meet tho deficiency existing in tho
accounts of somo years ago.
Quaker City Suffered Also.
Philadelphia, which sought $400,
000 to improve the numerous miles
of road In Its rural district so that
they could connect with the improved
roads In adjoining counties, suffered
along with the rest, getting but one
fourth of that sum. The $300,000
appropriation for reconstruction of
tho National road In the southwest
ern part of the State, was vetoed be
cause the funds are not In sight.
Hard to Wait 5 Years!
These acts of the Governor, taken
after thorough study of the revenue
situation, bring homo rather forcibly
the situation in which Pennsylvania
finds itself in regard to its public
works. Owing to the demands of
the charities and the failure to pro
vide new sources of revenue the only
means to secure the money necessary
for the systematic development of
the highways Is through the propos
ed $50,000,000 bond issue. Tho con
stitutional amendment providing for
this Issue will be voted upon In No
vember and should it fail tho Stato
will have to bo content for at least
five years with road development
entirely too small to meet tho pub
lic demand.
Six happy young ladles, evidently
city boarders, smiling, happy and
free from care, came to Honesdale
for a good time on Wednesday and
they had it, too. After a ride of per
haps eight miles from the shores of
one of Wayne county's many beauti
ful lakes, tho bevy of girls stretched
themselves, and alighted from a
three-seated wagon. They then
sauntered around historic Honesdale.
Tho afternoon was pleasant (and tho
girls too) and nothing was too good
for them. Thoy visited tho ice
cream parlors, fruit stands (my! but
that banana was good) and ato to
their heart's content. Just before
leaving, the last good-byes to tho old
town were said and tho bevy lined
up on the curb of tho National Bank
walk where they had a good tlmo.
As tho sun's last rays ot tho day
were fast fading from view at that
spot, the young ladles with their
sunny dispositions reflected tho kind
of. sunshine that is. always welcome
on a blue Monday. They left
Hon.osdale with much reluctance.
Gome again girls.