,i Have You a House For Sale or For Kent? Use Our Ccnt-A-Word Atllets. The Citizen AdvcrtLJ "iRccognlzo e Value of Tills IV 'py Results the Obtained. 71st YEAR. --NO. 61 HONBSDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., TUESDAY, JULY 29, 1913. PRICE ffENTB THE CITIZEN. THREE BOYS LOSE LIVES IN WAYNE COUNTY LAKES 'ernest and harry price per ish ix elk lake; owen kern drowns at lodore. All Three Boys Were Bathing Ern est Price Loses Life in Effort to Snvo His Brother Harry Who Could Not Swim. Three more drowning accidents occurred in Wayne county on Sun day, making a total of Ave which have taken place in the lakes in the vicinity of Honesdale this season. Two young lads, Ernest R. Price, 21 years of age, and his brother, Harry, aged IS, of Carbondale, were drown ed in the waters of Elk Lake Sun day morning and in the afternoon at Lake Lodore, Owen Kern, Jr., aged 19, son of Owen Kern, of way- mart, perisiieu in tne water, in an three cases the boys were in bath ing. Ernest Price and Harry Price, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Price, whose homo is in Carbondale, the father being a flor ist of that city, were spending sev eral weeks at Elk Lake at their cot tage. On Sunday morning about -ten o'clock the brothers left the cottage to go in bathing. They went alone and chose that part of the lake which is near the outlet whero the water is about eight feet deep. That was the last seen of the boys alive. At noon when they failed to re turn the parents became anxious and instituted a search fearing that something had happened. Mr. Sen senstine, a farmer living in that neighborhood, rowed over to the outlet ana tounu noating on tne sur- 1UUU KJL 11115 WcllUl lilU limilTBO UUUICS of the Price boys. It was then two o ciock in tne atternoon anu tne boys had been dead several hours. Mr. Sensenstlne brought the sad 1 i 1 . ...... ... 1.- 1 . .. 1,n came grief stricken at the terrible of Honesdale was notified and went at once to the lake where a jury was uy acciuenuu drowning was reacueu. rne jury was composed 01 tne iot- nu'intr mon .1 .1 l lPVJitiAv. I : h; v uikuuiul, jusupn nuru, CjrimsL r . niirilpv. Jr.. Ynnpp n.irr nnrl Arthur H. Hnrrllnt. Thero were no witnesses to the nflPTlt nnrl nnlv rna Viorrv in tho it i Trt tv II 1 1 o f n n vnnniror n 1 ft rrT r s snnnnspn fhnt thA Pirifir Hrino hnv iriHiimrHfi rn Tfiifn t nn vnn ti por now (i h v mi nil n j ii h iHi iHr iiHinir Triirni- uains. Drowning nt Lake Lodore, Coroner Peterson had just return- d from Elk Lake vhen the news of nnthftp rlrnwninp firr.trlpnt rpnohpri iim by 'phone and he set out im- aediately for Lake Lodore. Owen Kern, with several other ads, were learning to swim in the naiiow waters aiong me euge oi he lake and accidentally stepped U II UUl U ItiUgU UI i'UUK lilLU uuuu er being anywhere near. He drop- eu uut ul ttigub ui mo uuiupauiuua ipr rnmB nn rn t no siiriapp. rnpv aw him reach up with his hands and tro n wo v tlio xvn tor frntn Vifc fnnn nd thinking that ho knew how to wim they offered no assistance 'ho boy did not return to the surface second time. When the coroner arrived a jury f accidental death by drowning, he jury was composed of the fol wjng: Thomas A. Walker, Thomas anlfiv. u. K. vnlk nnrilt. William w. rennan, Floyd Wayman and Jas. urnett. The accident occurred near Hora- ick point, near the ball grounds. avmnnrt llox and CJrant Norton ere the other two boys who were 1th Kern. They could swim but era could not. The accident oc irred about half-past two in the ternoon anu wnen tno uoy went WIl .L11II lllll Illll. MI1IIW 111, Ulillll L11H - U l.n.l 1, .. 1. 11.. 1 nV... teen minutes, 'rnnv triRfi artinniai caiuiug iaj uiiiib uuun. iiiu uut luaii liriH Ullllfll. 'I ilH III1I1V W1LH IIlliKIl the home of his parents at Way- !.t whoro IlnriArfnlor T TT Srcnh. ison took charge of the remains. FLOW OF WATER, Engineer Elting Labar, of the lupack Power company, was in awley recently to supervise the in allatlon of the gauges which have en Installed at the lower side of e bridge. The power company has en caucinir the rainfall over tho iter shed for several months Dast fi lias ltiLHrimiiHU mu liiuui tiLicai iter flow. The temporary storage m. whlnh holds back tho water at Kht for use of the silk mill and tho Mit-ln llivlif n1nt 1iirlnr ftin i n r la ing moved abovo the bridge at ilsonviue ana apovo tne gauges le new gauges are expected to give e actual yearly now of tne stream 5W NATURALIZiATIU. I'Al'JSUS. W. B. Wilson, Secretary of Labor Washington. Is sending notices to courts in the country mat nrst pers taken out by aliens previous September 27, 1906, will not be na after September 27. iai3, un r the seven year rule. It will ike a difference in throe years if y aliens let the time go by. CIRCUS . ATTRACTS ROY FROM HOME. Kind Words Chnnged Course of Voting Man's Life; Xow Gone tp Home anil Mother. Lured by the spectacular sights of the circus, a young man, whose name we are not permitted to use, follow ed the Young Buffalo Wild West from Mlddletown, N. Y., his home city, to Honesdale. .He is IS years of age and exceptionally bright. The mother of the young man came to Honesdale Sunday evening in hopes of finding her young son. She noti fied the authorities and on Monday morning Detective N. B. Spencer went to the show grounds at East Honesdale and Inquired for the boss showman. He asked him if he had secured any help from Mlddletown or Port Jervis and he replied that he had taken on one man. An Investi gation followed and the young man, from the description given by the mother, was picked out by Detective Spencer as being the runaway boy. Sheriff F. C. Kimble was also upon the grounds at the time and inter ceded for Detective Spencer. The young man, accompanied Mr. Spencer to Honesdale and the two went to the boarding house where the mother was stopping. Here big hearted Nick gave the young man a bit of fatherly advice, claiming that a young man who had the bright ca reer before him that he has ought to develop his talents. The young man told Nick that ho was an elec trician and had done some work along that line. The big and kind hearted detective reasoned with the Mlddletown youth and succeeded in getting him to give up the roaming life and settle down and make a mark in the world. When last seen by a detective and a Citizen repre sentative, the young man was accom panying his mother and little sister to tho show grounds to get his be longings and return to his home in the city. In as much as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me." POSTAL COXFESSIOX IX CIUSPELIi MURDER. A sensational turn to the Alice Crispell murder case of July 4 oc curred Friday when William Cris pell, father of the dead girl received what purports to be a postal card confession of the murder of the girl, but which the authorities are inclined to believe is either a hoax or the rav ings of an unsound mind which has been following the Harvey Lake tragedy. The postal card was dated last Tuesday and postmarked at New Ro chelle, N. Y. It read: "Bert is innocent. I killed Alice because of her love for him." "A. N." The county authorities have taken possession of the card and will make an investigation for fear that there might be something more than mere maniacal ravings behind the diS' patch of the card to the father of the dead girl. FAMILY REUXIOXS. Families in Wayne county who will hold reunions this summer and fall are requested to send notices of same to The Citizen and they will be published free of charge under this department. The Vail Reunion will be held at Chapman Lake, August 31. If the day Is rainy it will be held the fol lowing day. The descendants of Benjamin Car penter will hold their second annual reunion at Lake Winola park, Aug, 8, 1913. The thirty-third annual reunion of tho Tingley and Tiffany families will be held August 14th in the old orchard on the M. F. Tingley farm near Hartford. All relatives and friends are cordially Invited to at tend. Denth of Mrs. Ball. Mrs. Mary A. Ball, wife of Cyren- ms j. Ban, died at her home at 1217 West street at 7:45 o'clock Thurs day evening, following an Illness lasting over a period of four years, Mrs. Ball has been a patient sufferer irom neart trouble and dropsy and during that time was confined to her home. Mary A. Ball was born In Hones dale in August, 185S, and would have been 55 years of age next month. She Is survived by her husband. C. J. Ball, and one son, Irvln, of Wllkes-Barre: also one sister. Mrs. John Bryden, of Ninevetb, N. Y. uno lunorai services were held Sunday afternoon at half-past two o'clock at the houso on West street, Dr. W. H. Swift officiating." Inter ment was made In Glen Dyberry cemetery. HONESDALE IS COMPELLED TO PAY. Tho Scranton Tribune-Republican says concerning tho advance of coal: "Inquiry at the sales department of the company here elicited the Infor mation that no increase had been Is sued or that none was in contem plation." DEEDS RECORDED. Florence M. Tennant, of Scho harie, N. Y., to William Senkln, of carbondale, land in Canaan town ship; '$750. Heirs of Washington L. Tennant, late of Schoharie, N. Y., to Flor once M. Tennant, same, land In Ca naan township; $1. Aaron Brown, et ux., of Easter, Luzerne county, to Charles W. Brink, or paupack, laud in Paupack town ship; $1,700'. A. B. Stevens, M. D., et ux., of Scranton, to Dr. E. O. Bangs, of So. Canaan, land In South Canaan town ship; $3,000. Rena Stalker, of Buckingham, to J. E. Woodmansee, same, land in TAKES FIRST AUTO RIDE AT NINETY-NINE YEARS MItS. X ATI! AX MOXIIOE OK POYX TETjT.E SPENDS BIUTHDAY BY TAKIXG 20.MILE SPIX. S. H. Tiflnny Took Aged Woman From Her Home lu Poyntellc to Attend Church Services in Pleas ant Mount. Upon the occasion of her ninety ninth birthday, Mrs. Nathan Monroe, of Poyntelle, took her first automo bile ride Sunday. She rode a dis tance of twenty miles, from that place to Pleasant Mount and return and attended church services at Pleasant Mount. 'Upon returning from the trip Mrs. Monroe expressed herself as de'ight ed with the ride and assured her host, S. H. Tiffany, that she will go for another automobile trip in the near future. For the past year or so Mr. Tif fany has been trying to Induce Mrs. Monroe to take a ride in his automo bile, but up to three months ago she was steadfast in her refusal to enter the machine. At that time, however, she promised to go for a ride on her birthday if weather conditions would permit. Sunday morning. bright and early, Mr. Tittany naci the automobile at the Monroe home waiting to take tho aged lady for a ride. Upon her return she said that she was not at all fatigued and had enjoyed it immensely. A family reunion was ueui at tue Monroe home Sunday in honor of tho birthday of tho aged woman. There were five generations of the 'family represented. She was accompanied to church by her daughter, Mrs. W. S. Westgate, of Lake wood; her grand-daughter, Mrs. Saltry, of Mld dletown; her great-granddaughter, Mrs. A. E. Rimers, of New York, and her great-great grandson, Alfred E. Rimers, Jr., of New York. She was also accompanied by her brother, Augustus Loomis, of Mt. Pleasant township, who Is eighty-nine years of age. ONE CENT FOR GOOD LUNCH, St. Louis. Mo., July 2C. It has been just one month today since the anti-free lunch law went into effect here and every one is agreed that there might as well not be any such law. Praotlcally every saloon in the city sells a pretty fair lunch for one cent. Others have placed slot ma chines near the eats, with placards calling attention to tho law and ask ing beer buyers to drop pennies in the slot if they get away with any of the food. In one downtown saloon, one of the biggest In town, an Inquisitive patron counted four cents in one of the pay-as-you-eat money boxes just after several hundred hungry and thirsty base ball fans, returning from a ball game, had eaten everything on the lunch counter. During the time the crowd was in the saloon, the at tendant behind the counter was busy elsewhere. In some of the saloons the proprie tors insist on the payment of the penny, but the customer gets a ticket which ho doesn't have to turn in at the lunch counter and which can be carried about and used as a sort of "rain check" ticket. Nobody has been arrested yet for swiping a few hot dogs and cheese. PALMER HEADS BUREAU OF FACTORY INSPECTION. Commissioner of Labor and Indus try John Price Jackson has announc ed the appointment of L. R. Palmer, of Pittsburg, as chief of the bureau of factory Inspection. Mr. Palmer will be next In authority to the head of tho department and will take the commissioner's place In the latter's absence. The salary Is $5,000. J BeAKicker Did you ever realize that tho greatest kicker In tho world is, a jackass? Did it over dawn on yon that this Is. just ns true of THE TWO LEGGED KICKER as of tho four legged ono? For example, who could bo a mono perfect jackass than tho man who kicks about big own town? Tho 083 kicks because ho is built that way, and the man kicks, because ho it fcollt tho Bamo way. Tho ass. usually bos something to kick at, bat tho man often kicks, about nothing at all. Get out of the kicking habit and be a booster. It paytj fiays tho individual and pay tno community. 5Vouldnt you rather live in a GOOD town than a POOR ono? 'AH right then; beln to mako your town a good one. Tolls it up, arooso the town spirit, GOT EVERYBODY TO BOOSTING. Anybody can kick, but it takes a good man to boost Bo a good citizen! Get tho habltl GOES TO JAIL FOR WIFE. DESERTING Henry MnddlRnn Arrested, Couldn't Furnish Bail E. E. Parker, A'nc uum Cleaner Salesman, Also Spending Some Time With Sheriff Kimble. For failing to support his wife and child of three years, Henry Maddl gan is in the county jail facing a charge of desertion preferred against him by Mrs. Maddigan. A hearing was held before 'Squire Smith Thursday at which it develop ed that the Maddlgans had lived apart for some time. He is employ ed at the Elevator works and earns $9.30 a week. He had been paying board out of that amount. Mrs. Maddigan only asked ?3 a week for the support of the child, saying that she could support herself. Maddi gan said he couldn't afford to pay $3 a week out of his wages for the support of his child. He went to jail until such a time as he will be able to pay It. E. E. Parker, a middle-aged man, who has been In this vicinity for several weeks selling vacuum cleaners, was arrested Thursday by Officer Canlvan on a warrant sworn to by Mrs. Wm. Briggs in which she charged Parker with attempting to defraud her of a board and lodgings bill which amounted to about $18. Hp had had his baggage shipped to Whito Mills when Mrs. Briggs learn ed of his Intended departure and called in an officer. In default of bail Parker remains in the county jail. SCHOOL DISTRICT REPORTS SLOW. State Appropriation Will be Late This Year According to Speed of Officers in Making Reports. According to all accounts tho State appropriation to the school districts of Wayne county will be slow this year and the probabilities are that Wayne county will be tho last to re ceive state money for the carrying on of school work, if the school of ficers throughout the county do not get their reports, affidavits and certi ficates in very soon. County Super intendent of Schools J. J. Koehler stated Saturday that the school offi cers had been very slow this year in making their reports as com pared to other years. The appropri ation is paid to the school districts in the order in which the reports are filed at Harrisburg. It would be well, said Mr. Koehler, in speaking of the school officers, to attend to this matter immediately so that the State appropriation willnot be de layed, for If the reports So not go in until September the school money yui not be .received until about De cember or the first of next year. Tho following school districts have sent In full reports: Canaan, Da mascus, Dyberry, Hawley, Paupack, aaiem, acott, Texas and Oregon. Sev' eral other districts have sent in par tial reports. FORMER HAWLEY BOY INJURED Clark Langan, son of James Lan gan, formerly of Hawley, now of Port Jervis. fractured three ribs and his grandmother, Mrs. Clark, broke her collar bone in an automobile ac cident at Cuddebackville on Sunday, Clark was rounding a curve and evi dently was going a little faster than he thought, as the machine overturn ed, throwing both occupants to the ground. CANDIDATE PETITION BLANKS nERE. The County Commissioners have received the new blanks for candi dates petition. These can be obtain ed by calling at their office at tho court house. These blanks must be filled out with ink as the county commissioners will not accept any mat are signed with pencil. Don't 1-L .. HONESDALE TAKES FIRST OF SERIESFROM HAWLEY VISITORS PLAYED LOOSE GAME WHICH NETTED LOCALS ELEVEX RUXS. Hawley Was Shut Out by Loll's Su perb Pitching Only Two Hits .Made Oil' Him Locals Defeated Sunday by Score of 8 to I). The first game of the series with Hawley was played at this place on Saturday and it was so easy for the local boys to take it away from our down-the-river friends that it seem ed a shame. There was nothing to It at all. Ames was led out to face tho " heavy artillery " and before he was led away he had seven hits. McCloskey was the added starter and we made three more from him. The locals played a fine game from start to finish and every man on tho team gave a good account of himself. The work of Mangan and Brader was very fast and the fielding and pitching of Loll was of tho class A type, he allowing only three hits, one a very, very "scratchy" one. How we secured our eleven runs: In tho third Loll went out to Glf- ford, Brader walked and went to sec ond when Lilly sacrificed to Ed wards. Mangan singled, scoring Brader. Sandy singled and when Tarkett added another Mangan and Sandy scored. Weaver drove a safe one to left, scoring Tarkett. Faatz went down to Edwards. In the fourth Hessllng flew to Ed wards. Loll sent an easy one to Ames. Brader singled and went to third when Murphy missed the throw to catch Lilly at flrst. Mangan was again there with a hard single, scor ing Brader and Lilly. Bandy urove a double to woods and Mangan scor ed. Tarkett fanned. In the Hfth Weaver was out on a drive to Gifford. Faatz made single. "Pop" Hessllng, who by the way was out In his old-time form, singled and when Loll sent a-fast one to Mack, he threw wild and "Buck" scored, fol lowed by Hessling. Brader again walked. With Faatz running for Loll a double steal was affected and when Lilly sent a long fly to left Buck again scored and Brader came home on the wild throw of Mc Closkey to Kerrigan. Mangan was hit, stole second. Sandy flew out to Dougherty. That ended the scoring It was enough. Incidentally, that man Dougherty, in left field for Hawley, was in tho game, having five outs, one of them a pretty catch after a hard run. HAWLEY, AB. R. H o. 1 o 1 1 3 0 0 5 10 0 A. 2 2 1 3 0 0 4 0 0 E Gifford, ss 3 0 0 Mack, 3b 4 0 1 Gilpin, ct 4 Edwards, 2b ... .2 Kerrigan, c 4 Rowlands, rf .... 3 Ames, p '2 Dougherty, If . . .3 Murphy, lb 3 McCloskey, p . . .1 29 0 3 23 14 C HONESDALE. AB. R. H. O. A. E. Brader, ss 1 3 1 3 3 0 Lilly, lb 3 1 0 10 0 0, Mangan, 3b 4 2 2 2 3 1 Sandy, c 4 1 2 S 0 0 Tarkett, cf 5 1 1 2 0 0 Weaver, If 4 0 1 0 0 0 Faatz, rf 4 1 1 1 0 0 Hessling, 2b ... .3 1 1 0 0 0 Loll, p 3 1 1 1 10 0 31 11 10 27 1C Struck out By Ames 2; by Me Closkey. 1: by Loll, 7. Bases on balls Off Ames 3, off McCloskey 1 off Loll 1. Stolen bases, Brader 2 Mangan, Faatz. Umpires, Ludwlg, of Hawley; Bales of Honesdale. Hawley Takes Second Game. The Honesdale boys went to Haw ley Sunday afternoon where they played the second game of the ser ies. The line-up for Honesdale on Saturday would have been a good match for any team In this part of tho State but in tho Hawley game on Sunday positions were changed and consequently they met defeat, Hawley took the second game by a score of 9 to 8. McCloskey pitched for the Hawleyltes while Vetter held down tho mound for tho locals. Tho batteries were McCloskey and Ker rlgan, for Hawley and Vetter and Jacobs for Honesdale. Loll and Sandercock went In tho game In the last half of the ninth. Neither ono of the pitchers received any support and the game was very badly played, In the eighth Inning McCloskey in terfered with Brader who was run ning tho base between first and sec ond and retired tho side. McCloskey was severely spiked but continued in tho game to the finish. Tho score by Innings follows: Honesdale ..10000010 G 1 Hawley ...0 0103201 2 "Big Bill" Steele, a pitcher of tho St. Louis Nationals, who twirled for Milford In their game against Haw ley sometime ago, had nothing on Loll In the game Saturday who held the visitors down to very few hits. STATEMENT OF HONESDALE SCHOOL DISTRICT. The annual statement of the Honesdale school district for the year ending July 14, 1913, has been made by Treasurer W. J. Ward and nas been audited by auditors Thomas M. Fuller, Frank Truscott and T, Frank Ham. Tho statement appears on another page of this Issue. Tho account shows the receipts to have been $18,035.37. The expenditures amounted to '15, (57y.su, leaving balance on hand of $2,355. 51 I 3 YOUXG BUFFAf ? IOXDAY tVFTERXOGiXD EVENING. . "Young Buffalo Wild West, Ver non C. Seavers Hippodrome and Col. Cummins Far West" arrived here Sunday morning and was greeted by the usual large number of people that are always present on such oc casions. The question is asked, hat is there about a circus that makes otherwise perfectly normal persons leave their beds at daybreak and hurry down to the railroad side tracks to see the great caravan un load, wind and unwind, collect and separate, roll Itself up into one mass of apparent utter confusion only to unroll itself with consummate easo into an orderly line? At 10:30 o'clock the parade of the United Wild West, Hippodrome and Far East drew hundreds to the streets to see the unwonted sights of foreign and domestic wild animals with all the pomp and panoply of the characters of the wild and wooly west and the' deserts of the Far East wended its way through some of the principle streets of this city. It was about the most picturesque and un usual display ever given In connec tion with a tented exhibition in Honesdale. The tail end of the procession was followed by crowds of spectators to the show grounds at East Honesdale after which the showmen partook of their noon-day meal which Is also an interesting sight to see. Wonderful how so many people are fed when such a short time can bo given to preparations for breakfast and din ner after the show arrives. Tho afternoon performance com menced at 2:30 o'clock and like tho big street demonstration was fully up to, it not ueyonu, expectation. The evolutions of the 20 ox team, was truly wonderful, cowboys and cowgirls, Indians, Arabs, Cossacks were the headliners In daring horse manship. Annie Oakley, probably one of the best known women in tho world, gave her peerless wing and rifle shooting exhibition which was voted a big hit by the large audi ence in attendance and fully in ac cord with her world wide reputation. There were two elephant acts, the finest ever seen In Honesdale, both worked by women. Tiny Muggins, tho smallest of the elephants, can play some foot ball and acts as if he could give some of the college gladiators a good run for their money. A spectacular part of the program was the massing of the col ors in which 74 horses were ridden I representatives of all the peo es of the world carrying the vari ous national ensigns. The comedy numbers are prolific and many of them entirely original, one of the most ludicuous is the wedding of a pair of tenderfeet on the "Lone Star Ranch" and a chlvarl given them by the cowboys.' In this is intro duced the famous Taximeter arid the acrobatic horse, some marvelous roping exhibitions and the Bounding Hayrack. A second performance will be giv en this evening. In case of rain the audience will bo protected by a can vas covering. The arena, however, will be open. The Young Buffalo Wild West show has instituted a suit for $100,- 000 against the Buffalo Bill show, it Is claimed, for sending out alleged threatening letters for defamation of character. It is alleged that Buffalo Bill's show is in the hands of the sheriff. The 113 Indians, which were in the show, It is claimed, have returned to the reservation in South Dakota. TENER SIGNS NON-PARTISAN BILL. Governor Tener on Thursday sign- eu the bill providing for the nomina tion of non-partisan ballot of all judges in Pennsylvania from the highest court to tho lowest court of record. The new law also provides for the nomination by non-partisan ballot of all municipal officers in second class cities, which affects Pittsburg and Scranton. The names of candidates will ap pear in alphabetical order under the respective offices. No petition for nomination or affidavits are to refer to any party, and party membership Is not a requirement for signing a pe tition. Electors are restricted to signing one nomination paper for the same office unless two or more candidates are to be elected. Petitions of can didates for judge must be filed at least four weeks before the primary, the secretary of the commonwealth being designated as the official to re--ceive them. Petitions of other can didates must be filed three weeks be fore the primary with county com missioners. Tho signers required are: Su premo or superior court judge, at least one hundred electors In each of five counties; other judges, two hundred electors of tho proper dis trict; all other offices, ten electors. BLIND 50 YEARS, SEES CHILDREN FIRST TIME. " All of you look just like I Imag ined you did." "With these words Mrs. Mary J. Welsh of Chicago, recently greeted her children and grandchildren at Hillsdale, Mich. It was the flrst time she beheld them, for her sight had just been restored through on opera tion at Wesley hospital. She was blind for fifty years. It was a day of conflicting emo tions for the feeble old woman. When she last gazed on the faces of friends and relatives she was sixteen years old. Though she married at twenty-two she never saw her hus band. He has been dead for a number of years, PAUPACK TELEPHONE COMPANY IMPROVEMENT. Tho Paupack Telephone Company, which operated through Cresco, has united with the Bell Telephone Co. so as to give better servlco to Its many customers.