The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 25, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Wants, For Sale, Etc,
TELEPHONE your WaDt Adver
tisements for this dfpartment.
Use cither phone. Call 67 on the
Bell and 101 on the Consolidated.
' Talk, don't walkl"
Advertisements and reading notices of
all kinds placed In this column -will be
charged for at the rate of one cent per
word for each separate Insertion, when
sending us advertisements to be printed
In this column, cash or Btamps must ac
company the ,ordcr.
W, ANTED TWO DlttLS for wash room.
Wages $6 per week to start. T. B.
Clark & Co. COeltf.
WANTED One or two live agents in
Honesdale to handle the Tostman's
"Ideal" Moil Box. 30 per cent, commis
sion. C, Box 51, Hawley, Pa. , It
NOTICE Mid. Mary Schclbl wishes to
state that she will not bo held re
sponsible for any loans or debts incurred
by Louis Scheibl of Uswick, Wayne Co.,
Pa. COtl
NEARLY zero. Price and terms on
high grade player-piano. Come or
send auntie. Mclntyre. B9ei2t.
D OOMS FOB. BENT All modern im-
provements. Good location. Inquire
at this office. tf
Bompers. Get a Singer Sewing Ma
chine of Mclntyre. EOc a week. 5Jel2t
TO RENT A five-room tenement, up-to-date,
good condition, located on
Eleventh street. Apply John E. Rich
mond. BSeltf
FOR SALE Kenner property, located
on East street. Will sell as a whole
or in parcels. One lot Is E0xl50 feet with
two-story brick dwelling in good condi
tion. Cement . cellar with Richardson
Boylngton hot water boiler. Barn also on
premises. See Buy-U-A-Home Realty
Company, Jadwln building, Honesdale,
Pa. BSeltf
BICYCLES and all kinds of supplies
and sundries at Graham Watts'
hardware store. Bltf
FOR SALE Two Barred Rock Yearling
Males. Ringlet Strain Direct. Call
or write. H. G. Rowland, Honesdale, Pa.
59 12
FOR SALE 1913 Model, Motor Cycles
and Motor Boats at bargain prices,
all makes, brand new machines, on easy
monthly payment plan. Get our proposi
tion before buying or you will regret it:
also bargains in used Motor Cycles.
Write us today. Enclose stamp for re
ply. Address Lock Box 11, Trenton,
Mich. 53wl0
Films, Kodaks, Amateur work finish
ed. Goods sent by mail. Bodie's Studio.
FOR RENT Top floor of Foster build
ing opooslte Union station. Suitable
for lodge rooms. Apply Georse Foster .
FOR SALE Modern ten-room house, all
improvements, Including heat and
lighting. Located on west side of Main
street, between 13th and 11th streets. Lot
75x150 feet. Beautifully situated, with
large shade trees in front, attractive sur
roundings and fine garden. Will sell at a
bargain. For Information inquire of
Buy-U-A-Home Realty Co., Jadwln build
ing. Main street, Honesdale, Pa.' E7tf
bel strain sorrell broke single good
roadster very gentle and of fine disposi
tion, for sale. Address Jas. Cook, Hones
dale, R. D. No. 2. .
WANTED Girl for general housework.
Anniv 1114 Court street. Honesdale.
Apply 1111 Court street, Honesdale.
FOR RENT Seven rooms and a bath
In the Buel Dodge house, down stairs,
corner of Church and Seventh streets af
ter June 1st. .enquire oi v,. ej. jjuukc,
Honesdale. 40tf.
OR SALE Elegant building lot on
Nnrth Mnln street, near C. F. Bul
lock's residence. Ask Buy-U-A-Home
Realty company about It.
4 1-2 x 14 inches, practically as
good as new, lor buiu uiieu. Auuicaa iui
particulars, Lock Box C8, Honesdale.
IF sou are loOKing ior a ju per cent.
Inupfltmpnt nail at the office of the
Buy-U-A-Home Realty company, jaawin
HROW AWAY your old Sprayer and
uet nnn nf our Gould's ComDressed
r Rnrnvprq. s.ivpa vnur rime ana your
temper, ana aoes itmwxM worn. Mur
ray Co., Honesaale, pa.
PYROX for Potatoes Kills both the
bugs and the blight. Murray Co.,
Honesdale, Pa.
ANTED 3 or 4 rooms with modern
lousekeeplng, in tho resident section. Ad
Iress K, Citizen office. 53tf.
F YOU AltrJ lAJUiiirMU v Ult an laeai
ninpA tn hirilri vnnr home, consult the
3uy-U-A-Home Realty Company. Have
OW IS THE TIME to stop files.
Rerppn dnnrs and windows of all
!oa nt n rrftr rrlnf. fit O. WflttS. dealer
n Hardware.
ABBAGE plants for sale. ?1.50 per
thousand: 20o per hundred. H. W.
Cecn. R. D. 3. Way mart. Pa. B7eilt
1 HY TIE YOURSELF any longer to a
.nn lr,rntn? CiWn Vftlir VlflTTlf Rftfl
!uy-U-A-Homo Realty Company, Jadwin
ulldlng, Main street, Honesdale.
Sneelal nrlces on mowlnc machines.
ay Rakes, Guards, Etc. Graham Watts.
KB DOLLAR win open an account at
tno warmers ana juecnanics uanic.
. - . - . ll . I".
in older days vou will not have to.
he Farmers and Mechanics Bank can
ike care of you. Open a bank account
Ith thnt Institution tn-rinv. 4Gtf
T.lVKlf. 'I'YI'lllWltl'rjlilC U1 HiY.L,lii
Clrnt rnnilltlnn. used onlv a month.
o. 5 model. Bargain for quick buyer,
ddress F, Citizen office, Honesdale, Pa.
NP5 DOLLAR ner month will get you
nrntectlon if you are hurt or Blck.
'. Pi Schenck. Honesdale. Pa.
ALE BILLS, trespass notices on
ninth, nnd nrlntlnir of all kinds for
e farmer is made a specialty at The
tlzen nrlnterv.
steady wonc. uons i-onu juin. o-u
ON'T lvuilif your money nume.
anics Bank. Honesdale, Pa., where It
n rinw Intprest. 46tl
OR SALE Lot 40x60 feet near tho
corner of Main nnd Fourth streets,
frnml business section. Can also bo
ed as place of residence. Cheap prop
ty to quick buyer. Blacksmith shop
rth 1300 now on place. Consult Buy-U-
tta irnrnifsi Talking Machine 112.50.
Jlntyre will bring it for approval, to
ur home. 69e!2t
LJii a woru is inu iujub mr
these Uttlo adlets, and they are busl-
ss brlneers. They "work wnne you
. J U,MUU .fcAfUSa w.
cloth, and printing of all kinds for
i farmer in tntirlA n. RneMnltv at Thfi
AT.T UTT.T.fJ ..niinn an fiH rnD nn
TtfH CENT n. wnril in thA tirinft fnr
these little adlets, and they are busi-
b onnirers. Tnev "wnrie wnne vou
. jhjonesdale and1
Greater Honesdale
P. J. Toliey ts circulating a pe
tition among the residents of East
street and East street extension ask
ing the borough to open East street.
Trustee W. W. Wood will sell
the belongings of the Herald Press
Association, now in bankruptcy, on
Wednesday, July 30, at 2 o'clock,
at tho Herald office, Main street.
There were 52 applications for
Provisional certificates in the class
of pupils who took the teachers' ex
amination at Honesdale on Saturday
last. Among the number only three
Were boys.
Beginning July 1st, the Deposit
office was, for the second time, made
a second class office. A year ago It
was put back to third class, because
the receipts failed to come up to the
required amount.
J. C. Young, of Liberty, and his
associates, have sold their 18,000
acre tract of timber land, in, South
Carolina, to the U. S. government
for $162,000, for considerably more
than twice what they paid for It.
W. H. Varcoe, record keeper for
the local camp of Maccabees, paid
$500 to Mrs. George Thomas, of
Carbondale, this week, being the
amount of insurance her late hus
band carried in this fraternal so
ciety. Mrs. Joseph Fryer and daugh
ter, Gertrude, of Honesdale, are
visiting Mrs. Fryer's brother, Mr.
Edward Holden, Jr. They have been
touring the eastern part of Pennsyl
vania by automobile, and came here
from Stroudsburg. Port Jervis
The Improvement society of
Texas No. 4 has made arrangements
with the Honesdale Consolidated
Light, Heat and Power company to
extend its line in that township and
furnish 2G additional Tungsten
lamps. The work of Installment will
commence about September 1st.
It is probable that the Rev. J.
U. Atkinson, of Newark, N. J., so
favorably known as a speaker in
Honesdale, will be the preacher at
Grace Episcopal church at the 10:30
a. m. service Sunday, July 27. Even
ing service at 7:30; Sunday school at
12. During the month of August the
services will be suspended.
A freight car on an Erie west
bound train jumped the track at De
posit early Monday morning and
blocked both trades for several
hours. Trains Six, Seven and 48
were delayed some time. The Sus
quehanna wreckers were called to
the scene of the accident. The der
rick of the wreckers broke and this
further delayed the opening of tho
Deterioration of corn on a large
scale has occurred this month in the
great corn-producing states of the
Southwest Kansas, Nebraska, Mis
souri, and Oklahoma. .Last year
these States yielded 735,000,000
bushels, or nearly one-fourth of the
country's crop, under a normal pre
cipitation. Thus far into the season
rainfall has been reported as no
more than 72 per cent, or normal.
The huckleberry crop on the
Shawangunk mountains and also in
the Pocono, Pa., region is short this
season and pickers are obliged to
travel twice as far as in past years,
when the berries were plentiful. A
party of berry pickers are occupying
tents on the mountain near the Port
Jervis-Greenville state road and it
is said the berries are taken to Ellen
ville by automobile.
Wo would appreciate It if our
subscribers would promptly inform
us If The Citizen is delivered Im
properly. Our carriers are Instruct
ed to deliver the paper inside the
house wherever possible, and not to
roll It up and throw It on the porch
or in the yard. We also warn them
not to deliver It by proxy. If we aro
notified by the subscriber of any im
proper delivery of this paper we will
take prompt measures to have It
While swimming with a crowd
of boys In the Susquehanna river,
near Lanesboro, Thomas Iteed, aged
17 years, was drowned at a treacher
ous point known as Shutt's Eddy,
the scene of many former drownings.
It is believed that the youth was
seized with a cramp, for tho other
boys, who were nnnrpr thn chnrn
saw need disappear beneath tho sur-
iuto, istjuiuiuEiy unaoie to neip nim
self. Edward Lannon, who was
walking by at the time, swam out
to tho Heed boy, but arrived too late.
Deceased Is survived by his father
and his grandfather, Watson Reed,
with whom ho resided.
The Davis bill providing for vot
ing machines to be used at elections
in Pennsylvania was vetoed by Gov.
Tener. The bill was much debated
in tho recent session and It was' An
ally arranged that counties could
have machines at their option. The
governor says: "This bill is objec
tionable for the reason that If such
Innovation is to become part of the
election laws it should bo general
in its scope and not made optional
with tho various county commission
ers throughout tho state. Such a
provision, In my Judgment, would
utterly destroy tho uniformity of
voting which Is essential."
Supreme Court Justice Goff de
cided recently that there Is such an
offence as disorderly conduct, and
dismissed a writ of habeas corpus
sued out by Sidney Cohen, who had
been sentenced to the workhouse for
this transgression by a City Magis
trate. In his petition asking to be
released Cohen declared that the
Magistrate who sentenced him was
without Jurisdiction because there is
no such offence under tho statutes
now In force. The court decided
that the laws give ample authority
for committing persons charged with
disorderly conduct "because It is be
yond human Ingenuity in tho Eng
lish language to specify and par
ticularize all the acts of reckless or
vicious men In a populous city that
may tend to be a breach of the
peace." The court also held that
there Is no appeal from a commit
ment for disorderly conduct, because
in enacting the law the Legislature
has seen fit to withhold the right of
Remember the big circus on
Monday next.
F. H. Elsele, F. W. Michaels and
Charles Iloff are In attendance at the
convention of tho United Sportsmen
of Pennsylvania which Is In Besslon
In Scranton this week.
Mrs. Charles W. Weston of Car
bondale, entertained ,a number of
friends from this plnce and Scran
ton, at cards, Thursday afternoon,
In honor of Mrs. Spragel.
At Christ church, Indian Or
chard, tho Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will
hold service on Sunday, July 27, at
2:30 p. m.; Sunday school every
Sunday afternoon at 1:30.
If the new county foot bridge
over the Lackawaxen was completed
by August 21 it would accommodate
a largo number of people who will
attend tho Chautauqua on the green
near the armory.
The following letters remain un
called for at the Honesdale post of
fice: A. M. Ashenfelter, Wm. T. Box,
Mrs. Ed Cavanaugh, Sallie Harrison,
Rome Kellam, Joseph Muffler, Miss
Jessie A. Pedlar, Howard Relthel,
Mrs. Barney J. Toy.
Nearly every store and business
place in Honesdale was closed all
day on Wednesday on account of the
picnic of the Business Men's Associa
tion at Lake Lodore. For this rea
son the town was very quiet; even
the guardians of the peace were all
at the lake.
Railroad men in the United
States would weep with joy if they
were to look over the rate cards
of the Madagascar railroad. Al
though but 229 miles long, this road
charges C.2 cents per mile for first
class passenger service, 3.1 cent for
second class, and 1.24 cents for
third. Baggage and express rates
are 31 cents per metric ton per mile,
and freight in five classes pays from
1.5 to 18 cents per ton per mile.
The funeral of William Herzog,
eight-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
William Herzog of Terrace street,
was held from the home Wednesday
morning and was largely attended.
Requiem high mass was celebrated by
Dr. J. W. Balta In St. Mary Magda
len's church at ten o'clock. The
pallbearers were: John Schields,
Robert McGinnis, Francis Balles and
James Dix. The flower bearers were
Edward Kerl, Raymond Smith, Paul
Balles and James Quick.
After being unconscious for
over three months, Milton Johnson
died at his home in Justus Tuesday.
Johnson was a carpet weaver, and
while delivering some goods at that
place three months ago he was taken
ill. He started to walk toward Peck
ville and was picked up unconscious
on the road by a passerby. He was
Brought to his home and although
heroic measures were resorted to,
he never regained consciousness. He
had resided in Justus for many years
and was well known. He is survived
by his wife.
Tho death of John A. Relth,
Pottsville's heaviest man, Tuesday,
aged CI, involved unusual funeral
problems. He weighed 500 pounds
and the casket to hold his body was
so large that it was Impossible to
take the corpse Into St. John the
Baptist church, of which Relth was
a- member, neither was it possible to
take it out of either the doors or
windows of his home, so a part of
of the house was torn out for this
purpose. Because of his huge size
Relth has been unable to work for
the past 12 years.
The Pennsylvania legislature has
passed a bill granting pensions of
live dollars a month to soldiers of
the Civil War who have served ono
year or less, six dollars for one to
two years and seven dollars for more
than two years. Applicants for this
pension must havo been a resident
of Pennsylvania at the time of en
listment and for a year prior to this
application. Persons must apply to
tho Attorney General and pensions
will be paid quarterly beginning next
January. The bill awaits the signa
ture of the Governor.
The bill giving Luzerne county
an additional law judge has been
signed by Governor Tener, who Im
mediately after signing It appointed
Hon. Benjamin R. Jones, judge to
serve till tho first Monday of next
January. The principal reason that
Luzerne got another judge is because
of frequent deadlocks among the four
judges that were. They have been
deadlocked for eighteen months or
moro on the appointment of a prison
board. Judgo Jones served part of a
year four years ago by appoint
ment of tho governor to All the va
cancy caused by tho death of Judge
Why is our great Secretary of
State's plaintive request that he be
allowed to depart from his office at
the end of his term with his bank
roll intact so sniffed at? Why do
his dignified uttorances, in which
there is nothing maudlin, move the
man In the street to tho ribald diag
nosis that "he must be full of grape
juice?" Do not tho pages of a cele
brated historian of the Japanese Em
pire supply a case exactly on all fours
with our good Secretary's? Does not
W. S. Gilbert limn for us a distin
guished First Lord of tho Treasury
who dined with middle class people
on reasonable terms and danced at
cheap suburban parties for a moder
ate fee? Now York Sun.
Candidates for office at the pri
mary election to be held on Tuesday,
September 10, may now secure their
blank petition forms at the office of
tho county commissioners. A supply
has been received and thero will
be plenty to go around according to
tho number received. One hundred
names aro required on tho petitions
for county offices and ten signers on
each petition for borough or town
ship offices including Judge of elec
tion. The signers must place tho
date after their name. After the
necessary number of names havo
been secured tho person circulating
tho petition must make affidavit to
the fact that tho men who signed
the petition knew the purport of the
petition. No elector, under the sow
state-wide law, shall sign moro can
didates' petitions for the same office
than he can vote for at the election.
The last day for filing petitions for
county, borough and township nom
inations is August 26.
W. T. Heft spent part of Wednes
day in Scranton.
Miss Cora Sears is spending a few
days at Tyler Hill.
Miss Agatha McGraw Is visiting
friends in Carbondale.
John Congdon nnd daughter Doris
spent Thursday in Scranton.
Joseph Boyle of Carbondale Is
spending a few days in town.
Miss Agnes Crosby, of New York,
is spending some time with friends
Miss Vera Tuman returned to her
home in Scranton Wednesday after
noon. Miss Elizabeth Robinson, of Scran
ton, is tho guest of friends here this
Mrs. Frank Bishop, of Port Jervis,
is visiting relatives and friends here
this week.
Miss McHugh, of Scranton, is the
guest of Miss Bessie Dean of Pros
pect avenue.
Adam "Van Driesen is spending the
week with relatives and friends at
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Donegan, of
Waymart, are spending the week
with friends here.
Rev. A. L. Whlttaker was In Ham
lin on Thursday in connection with
his clergical duties.
Harold Kieth has returned to his
home in New York after spending
some time in Honesdale.
Mrs. Andrew Bryden, of Dunmore,
spent Wednesday as the guest of her
cousin, Miss Mary Foster.
Joseph Fryer is spending the week
end with his family In Port Jervis.
He will remain over Sunday.
Chairman Leopold Fuerth attend
ed a meeting of the Democratic lead
ers in Harrisburg on Wednesday.
Fred Chose, ex-county commission
er of Wyoming county, is shaking
hands with friends here this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peltz, of Haw
ley, were guests of relatives and
friends in Honesdale on Wednesday.
Mr. Griswold, of Factoryville, the
champion checker player of Pennsyl
vania, is spending a few days in this
Miss Mary Cully has returned
home from a visit with relatives and
friends in New Haven, N. H., and
New York City.
Secretary Johnson of Otsingo Ma
sonic lodge of Binghamton, was in
Honesdale on business on Tuesday
and Wednesday.
Mrs. Charles Soggs and Mrs. Dun
can Tate, both of Philadelphia, are
guests of Mrs. M. J3. Bolkcom on
Fifteenth street.
Misses Margaret Donnelly and Lil
lian Barberi left on Wednesday for
a week's visit with friends at Scran
ton and Hallstead.
Edward Kelly, who has been
spending a few days with Father Ed
ward Burke returned to his home in
Carbondale Tuesday.
Holm Welser was taken to Phila
delphia on Wednesday, where he ex
pected to visit his brother, William,
and consult a specialist.
Otto Liebner of New York city, is
spending a few days with his brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Krantz, on Fourteenth street.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter McGinniss, who
have been spending the past three
weeks with relatives In Honesdale,
returned to Jeanetto on Tuesday.
Thomas W. Holland, Jeweler em
ployed at Charles Spencer's, sustain
ed a badly sprained wrist the first of
the week while cranking his auto.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Repp and son,
Carl, of Brooklyn, N. Y., are spend
ing two weeks at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Gustavo Deiner, on River
Misses Emma and Elizabeth Bone
returned to their Dunmore home on
Wednesday after a fortnight's visit
with Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Callaway, on
East street.
Herbert Male returned to the
Elmira Business College, Thursday,
after spending two weeks with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Male,
at Cherry Ridge.
Clark Robinson, of Scranton, who
has been visiting his brother, J. B.
Robinson at this place, left Wednes
day morning for Oneonta, N. Y. Mr.
Robinson will visit his farm located
in Schoharie county before returning
to Scranton.
R. Duane Reed went to Bingham
ton on Wednesday to see his mother
and father, Mr. and Mrs. Egbert
Reed. Mrs. Reed is suffering from
the effects of a fall received a few
d'iys ago. Although no bones wore
broken, she Is suffering somewhat
from the shock.
O. S. Keeney, of Binghamton, N.
Y who represents the Red Men's
Fraternal Accident Insurance com
pany, was on business in Honesdalo
on AVpdnesday. Among other things
Mr. Keeney said in reference to the
Binghamton lire of Tuesday, that
most of the labor employed was from
out-of-town, claiming that tho rural
help would work cheaper than city
A heavy crop of hay was cut on the
Hubbard farm this week.
On Judgo Searlo's farm, at Slko4
timothy stood five feet six inches tall.
Other sections in Wayne county
the hay crop is reported good.
In New York state the crop is far
below the average. Dispatches from
Broome and other New York state
counties state that the crop will be
low In quality and quantity over
most of tho eastern hay sections.
The western hay crop Is reported
to bo good.
The hay grown In the eastern sec
tion of Wayne county is better than
at first expected. It is thick and tall
grpwth. The moro money spent on
the meadows for fertilizer the larg
er the crop. Wayne county farmers
can no longer expect to reap large
and abundant crops without fertiliza
tion. The old meadows run out If
they are not renewed.
Fcnr States Will Fn to Provide
Funds for Selecting Senators lle-
foro Election.
Complications are predicted as
certain to arise over the installation
of the direct election method for
the selection of United States Sena
tors. Most of the trouble is expect
ed to result from the failure of State
Legislatures to provide promptly, ap
propriate methods for carrying out
the recent amendment to the con
stitution for tho direct senatorial
Leaders of the Senate majority
are more anxious about the situation
than the Republicans. Should' two
or more vacancies on the Democratic
side of the chamber occur the narrow
margin of power In the body would
be gone.
There are thirty-two senatorial
terms which will expire on March
1915. Some of the States affected
already have provided a method of
popular election of Senators, but a
great number of them have not, and
vacancies caused by death or resigna
tion may call at any time for a popu
lar election.
Democratic members of the Com
mittee" on Privileges and Elections
have considered the advisability of
having a national law prescribing a
method applying to all States alike.
To do this Congress would exercise
its power under the constitution to
revise State regulation as to the
time and manner of selecting Sena
tors, a step which never has ap
pealed to Southern Senators. No
sooner had the suggestion of Feder
al Legislation been made than they
entered a protest and the idea has
been abandoned. ,
The Legislature, 'of Georgia, re
cently enacted legislation in regard
to the placing of the names of Sena
tors on the ballots and has elected
the first Senator by this method.
The Florida Legislature decided it
already had sufficient laws for this
purpose. The Texas Legislature has
been called to meet in a special ses
sion to consider, among other things
the passing of laws for election ma
chinery in accordance with the
The Governor of Maryland has de
cided he is empowered under exist
ing laws to Issue a writ of election
to fill the unexpired term of the late
Senator Rayner. Senator Jackson
is now serving by designation of the
Governor. Such constitutional law
yers of the Senate as Senator Root
and Sutherland are said to enter
tain doubt as to the power of the
Governor to Issue the writ, and the
appearance of a new Senator from
Maryland to take the oath of office
may mark the initial fight in the
Senate over the Senatorial election
The situation is complicated by the
amendment further limiting the Gov
ernor's power to fill vacancies in the
Senate. In the past a Governor has
filled vacancies occurring when the
legislature was not in session.
Hereafter a Governor may not fill
a vacancy unless the legislature of
his State has empowered him to make
temporary appointments until the
people may fill the vacancies by elec
tion as the legislature may direct.
The Democratic Congressional
Committee has had the matter called
to its attention, and it may take
steps to urge the States to pass leg
islation as quickly as possible.
It will see to It that all the States
that elect Senators for the terms be
ginning in 1915 act before that
time. Should vacancies occur during
the pendency of the tariff act. In
States where suitable machinery Is
not now provided, It Is understood
the committee would at once urge
the convening of the State legisla
tures to authorize the Governors to
appoint and to provide for tho plac
ing of candidates for Senator on the
ballots in future elections.
Allegheny County Commissioners Ap
propriate $13,000 Under New Law.
Tho commissioners of Allegheny
county, Pa., have appropriated 13,000
for tho payment of pensions to moth
ers who have children dependent upon
them. Before tho money Is available
Governor Tener under tho law enacted
by tbo last legislature must name n
board of trustees, by whoso direction
the money, together with . Allegheny
county's proportion of tho. $100,000 ap
propriated by tho state, will bo ex
pended. Only tho mothers of children depend
ent because of the death or desertion
of their fathers lire eligible to pensions.
i and tho mothers must be qualified in
I tho Judgment of the trustees to admin
j later tho pension and care for their
children. Tho appropriation Is In the
nature of nn experiment nnd is to
cover one year.
Dig Up Indian Hoard.
Two plots of gold nnd a skeleton
were unearthed In San Bernardino by
G. W. Tyler when conducting street
grading operations in that city. Tho
gold, In dust nnd nuggets, was worth
500. Tho skeleton is thought to be
that of some ancient Indian chief, as,
In addition to tho gold, many trinkets,
such ns those with which Indians for
merly decorated themselves, were
found with the bones.
Wedding Invitations, Calling
Cards nnd Other Work Dono nt This
Special summer rates. Write for booklet & Auto map.
Charles II. White, 0yner and Prop.
Potash nnd Perlniuttcr Tnko a Part
net'. (With Apologies to MouUiguo
(News From El tinge Theatre, New
"Might you know a feller by tho
name Cohen, Maybe?" Harris Fish
beln asked his partner, Jacob Blintz.
"A question!" Blintz replied, "I
know a million fellers by the namo
Cohen anyway six."
"I mean Cohen which is going as
partners together oiit Potash & Perl
mutter," Harris Fishbeln explained,
"a feller by the name Cohen which
used to was in the show business."
"Do you mean George M. Cohen,
which used to was in the show busi
ness corner of Forty-third street and
Broadway?" Blintz asked.
"That's tho feller," Fishbeln de
clared. "Couldn't them two boys find some
schlemiel In the cloak and suit trade
to go as partners together mit?"
Blintz commented.
"What- do you mean somo
schlemiel in the cloak and suit
trade?" Fishbeln retorted. "How
do you know this feller, George M.
Cohen, Is schlemiel?"
"Listen, Harris," Blintz began.
"Any feller which is got to go out
from the theayter business Into the
garment business because he could
not make out In the theayter business
at all, understand me, must got to
be a schlemiel."
"In what way must he got to bo a
schlemiel?" Fishbeln asked.
"Because, If a feller is in the
theayter business, Harris, where
none of his competitors open up
their places until anyhow 8 o'clock
in the evening, y'understand, and
he don't know enough to open at 7
o'clock, we would say, for example,
and in that way cop out a whole lot
of his competitors' trade, y'under
stand, then such a feller must got
to be a schlemiel. Ain't it?"
"Maybe you are right," Fishbeln
said, "but this here George M. Co
hen had misfortune also, Jake. He
is got working for him a couple of
years ago a feller by the name Wall
ingford, and such a loafer as that
feller was you wouldn't believe at
all. I bet you he ganvers pretty
nearm the whole business away from
"And do you think Cohen would
be any better off mit Potash & Perl
mutter?" Blintz asked. "You could
take it from 'me, Harris ( this here
George M. Cohen is going from fry
ing pan Into another, that's all."
At this juncture there entered
Max Gelb, salesman for the Ham
suckett Mills.
"Well, boys, did you hear about
Potash & Perlmutter?"
"Nu, what about "em?" said Ja
cob Blintz,. who belleved in letting
the other fellow tell all he knew
"Why, A. H. Woods, the theatri
cal producer, has had a play writ
ten about them," Gelb said, "and
It's to open at the George M. Cohen
Theatre on August 1G."
"A play about them!" Blintz ex
claimed, glaring at his partner.
"That's what I said," Gelb con
tinued. "Alexander Carr Is going to
be In it and Barney Bernard, Louise
Dresser and Ellta Proctor Otis and
Lee Kohlmar and Joseph Kilgour
and a whole lot of other first class
actors. I'll send you boys up a
couple of tickets."
"Much obliged, Max," Barney re
plied, "but we couldn't buy another
yard of piece -goods not if you was
to send us up the whole theayter
Itself. We ain't got no more spaco
In our stockroom for a reel of thread .
Half an hour later Blintz turned
to his partner with a satirical grin.
"Do you got any moro unconfirm
ed rumors up your sleeve, Harris?"
ho asked. "Might Sammet Brothers
Is going as partners together mit
GattI Charosus, maybe?"
Hot weather makes aching
corns but why suffer? PEDOS
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A Summer Festival
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AUGUST, 21 - 27