THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1913. PAGE SEVEN The Root of Evil By THOMAS DIXON Copyright, 1011, by Thorasi Dixon SYNOPSIS Gtuart, southern lawyer In Now York, la lovo with Nan Primrose. Ills friend, ended years before Stuart visits th Nan wants Stuart to accept a place with Blvcns Is In love with Nan. Btuart re- Hfn lull nimr. nun runn pan wn nnr mi. UUUU1UU LU 1: 11 1 i'.I Lilt UUnL. 'Woodman w"ln"nof yield and sues Blvens' Btuart pleads with Nan to glvo up Dlv- h. inir Tim v nn 1 1 nr mi nna in ia nnn Nan becomes Mrs. Blvens. Harriet uie years Da.cs. uiuarr. Becomes aisiricx Btuart wants Woodman to end his suit Stuart's revelations did In bringing on a a m 'i '111 ct nnmnn n v wn pn la in rmi nio uuuiiiun iiufua uiuuuy uuuiy. In tho stock market slump engineered V IIIVUIIH. YVUUUIilUIi U.UU 111U.11V UL11UIO ilia VVU1U. LUUIL LI La UIlLlua iront 01 iJivena duqk. tffie mob attacks Stuart and injures him llfrhtlv. Nan eeea it and reveals her Stuart la tempted to Join Blvens as his onnaenutu mail. 110 ucccpis ua nivitu- nn tpi vi nit t nn unrnnn rinnan nnn m rn- dived by Nan. At a meeting of the discontented, at n . Smart's ptea with litvvns for Woodman tho milllonainrB plans, woodman leads guilty and Stuart, who has re- Sentence Is suspended. Blvcns is ill. Im nnil Nnn nn n Aite hnntlnir trtn tr ireinio, oiuiougn aiuart xears wairs r;rit".iii"n 1 nil v inmnr mm nnvnnn ni ChTAPTER XIX. Tho Devil Smiles, TTJAItT returned with renewed energy and enthusiasm to the practice of law. The wide fame ho bad achieved as district at- 1I1UI11111L 111111 UK! HL f TlllflllN 111111 10 cases which Involved principles una uguung lur. uia spare umo no ive In a loving effort to restore the jctor to his old cheerful frame of InfV TTi hnd riihimrvl ntwnR1 mnnor bijuo ox wa urorosi ana mauo nia oui lend a loan sufficient for his needs, king his personal note for security. Ho had no difficulty in learning tho t-tt i . t . uropo ror ncaitn. xno a any cawea ports to New York always gave his 11.1 1 11 Tl A. Ml. 1 o truth. TTo rrwlvorl two nr thrpn tters a week from Nan. She had told m in full detail the little man's suf ring, and at last of his bomeslck :ss, fast dcveloplrLg into a mania, no was not surprised at tho end of reo months to hear her familiar voice er his telephone. Yes, we've returned, Jim Balled ln- gnlto to escape tho reporters. Ho Is ry feeble. Wo haven't been in tho u a dozen times. Can you como up onco?" n insr. n Konm or finnirnr in tno irmth and tenderness of Nan's groet- rnjiniii1,! luiiistiii. iiir iu.4 iirw lto of her character In supposing that o would allow herself or permit him cross tho lino of danger. Her eolici- I, 1111 livi!ll MV!U1UL1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1. t ' 1 1 1 1" thetlc, and moved him deeply. Ho is surprised to find him so strong, spirit IM 1 1 I 1 1 M 1 1 I 1 I I 1U -1 1 UUUU UUUL 111 friend's. mo for tho post two years, but I 1111 I. ll'L III L. 11U1LH W 11 V X U1U1 CMJ to put bo mo of tho load on your get well To tho devil with tho doc- w II J A M M Aft. i rn i m h i iikj. iu uii imi m vui ants, liars and fools who bang 1). But they got on my ncrvea now. IIIH'llll 7 i).11IL - A-1A LAJ A-LA V ATI r i 'wt pnr Til n"Nr mui iiuiv. mui ally ono old duffer over In Franco an laea into my ncaa war. orougni back homo to noo vou. no told mo get on a small boat with a single , n AnniiAnlnl tMnnil nnMiw m land,, .cut every telephone and telegraph line, get no mail, and shoot ducks all winter, and he'd guarantee I'd bo a now man next spring. I've sent for you to accept tho Invitation you gave mo to shoot ducks with you down In Virginia." "What invitation?" Stuart asked in surprise. "Why.Hhe ono you used to reproach mo for not accepting. Will you go with mo now?" Stuart shook his head. "I can't go," bo said slowly. Blvens hadn't said Nan must go on that trip, but In a flash of warning In tuition ho know it Tho danger of such a situation on a yacht would bo real and only a fool would rush into it "Can't go? Why?" tho financier asked in tones of genuine distress. "I've Important legal business. There's no use in my going. I can tell you exactly where to go, tho guldcsito get and the kind of boats you'll need. You'll got nlong better without me." "I won't go without you," tho finan cier said peevishly. "You know tho place, you know all about tho birds, you can traeb mo tho Ins and outs of the business unci I can trust you. I know that you won't try to worm out of me any information my cncmlca would like to know. I appeal to tho boy I used to know at college, tho fel low who fought for mo ono day." Stuart hesitated and looked at Nan, who had .stood motionless while Blv cns Hpoke. "Well, If that's tho way you put it I'll take a vacation and go with you for a month." Blvens seized his hand and pressed It gratefully. "Best medicine Ivo had in weeks." Nan walked slowly across tho room, looked into his eyes and satU, with emotion: "Thank you. Jim." In Ave days tho party had completed all preparations and Blvens big steamer, tho Buccaneer, slipped quiet ly through tho Narrows and headed for the Virginia coast towing a trim little schooner built for cruising in the nhoal waters of tho south. They had scarcely put to sea when Stuart began to curso himself for being led into such a situation. Bivcns had insisted with amateurish enthusiasm that they begin tho cruise on tho llttlo schooner with her limit ed crow and closo quarters ot onco, and use tho Buccaneer as her tender. Tho moment they struck tho swell outsldo Sandy nook tho financier went to bed and the doctor never loft his Hide until tho trip ended. Nan was In magnificent spirits, her cheeks flushed and her eyes sparkled with tho Joy of a child. Stuart watched her with growing wonder at her eternal youth. Tho night was ono of extraordinary springllko air though it was tho 15th of December. A gcntlo breezo was blowing from tho south and tho full moon flooded tho smooth sea with soft silvery radiance. Nan Insisted that Stuart sit on deck with her. There was no help for It. Blvens would allow no one except tho doctor In his room, and so Stuart resigned himself to tho beauty of tho glorious scene. "Jim!" she said, softly, "i" don't like your attitude, and I think we'd "Beet medicine I've had In weeks." better fight tt out hero and now in tho beginning of this trip. If s useless to deny it You hesitated to como on deck with mo In tho moonlight this evening. Your assumption of such chilling vtrtuo is Insulting. I wish an apology and a promise never to do so again." "Ilavo I really mado you feel this?" ho asked contritely. "You havo and feel it keenly. Let's como to an understanding. You and I both llvo In glass houses Bet on a very high hilL No matter what may bo tho secrets of my heart I'm not a fool, and you can trust my good sense." Stuart pressed her hand and said gently: Tin awfully sorry if I'vo mado such an ass of myself that you havo receiv ed this impression." "Then I forgive your she cried, with a laugh, releasing her hand and rising, "but on ono coadltloa." "Namo it" "That from this hour you bo your old self without restraint and let mo bo mine." "I promteo faithfully;" Then yoo can help mo down that steep companlonway and Til go to bed. Good night" But bp didn't spend a good night Tho Jongor hQ thopght. ot It tho moro sinister aha" tfangOrous ne rolt his po sition. At last ho squarely faced tho fact that his desire for Nan had in creased a hundredfold by the fact that ho had lost her. As ho sat in tho darkness in his stateroom ho could hear every sound in tho adjoining ono which sho occu pied as plainly as if tho thin panel ling of wood were not between them. Ho was a fool to bo caught in such a trap. Ills lovo had been too big nnd serious n tragedy to end In a vulgar In trigue, lie mado up his mind to cut his trip short on some pretext, and In tho meantime ho would dovoto himself faithfully to an attempt to start Blvcns on tho road to recovery. At 8 o'clock tho next morning tho black noso of tho Buccaneer slowly felt her way Into Hog Island Inlet on tho shores of old Virginia, and drop ped her nnchor In tho deep waters of tho, channel back of tho sand spit. As Stuart stepped on deck a cloud of black ducks circled gracefully over head and slowly spread out on their J feeding grounds. His heart gavo a throb of prlmltlvo Joy. Ho was a boy ngaln and tho world was young. "Confound them'" ho cried. "I'll show these ducks a trick or two be fore this trip is over." Ho was glad ho came. Blvens had put him In command of the little schooner, and ho gavo orders at onco to lower a tender and tow her to an old anchorage ho know in a little cove behind Gull marsh. And then his trouble began with Blvens. "Lot 'era fly If they want to; I'm not going to budge. Go yourself, Jim." "Go myself! What do you suppose I gavo up my work and came down hero n month for? I came to try to teach you how to live, yon fool, and I'm not going without you. Get into your togs! Tho guides nro hero and ready. The tide waits for no man, not even a millionaire; it's ebbing now." "Well, let it ebb. I don't want to stop it!" tho sick man snarled. Nan came in, pressed Stuart's hand Fts she passed, nodded good morning and joined hen voice to Stuart's. "Come; you must go, Cat It's a glorious day." Tho doctor slipped in a word too. "By all means, Mr. Blvens, get your hand in the first day." Blvens lifted himself to a half sit ting posture, glared at his physician and yelled with fury: "Get out oil of you and lot me alone!" Tho doctor and Nan left on tip too, but Stuart folded his arms and looked nt Blvens. "Oh, como now, tills Is too ridicu lous, a quarrel the flrsty day of our shooting. But you'll havo to get one thing fixed in your head onco for all; you don't run the entire world. The telephone telegraph and mail service havo been suspended. ' The Buccaneer has put to sea for Now York. You're pn a llttlo eighty-foot schooner, anchored in a bay ten miles wldo and a hundred miles long and I'm In com mand. I wont stand any nonsense from you. Como down off your perch, quick!" Blvens started to swear, caught tho expression of Stuarfs face and sud denly extended his hand. "I'm sorry, Jim; you must not mind my foolishness. It was nwfully nlco of you to come. I'll stay in today, but you go and got some ducks for din ner, llko a good boy, and say take Nan along and teach her to shoot It's getting to bo tho rago among tho high flyers for tho women to shoot" "Pleaso do, Jim I" Nan cried from tho door. Sho had listened outsldo to tho duel In tho 'stateroom. "AH right" ho answered. For fl.vo days Blvens stuck to his bed with dogged determination, and each day Stuart went out with Nan. Never had sho been moro rcslstlessly charming. Each day their associa tion grow in tender intimacy and every fear that had stirred his heart at first was lulled at last to sleep. On tho sixth day Blvcns roso early and declared that ho would try tho ducks. Tho barometer was falling, and dark, snowy looking clouds wero piling up on tho western horizon. A breezo camo stealing out of tho cloud banks with tho chill of snow in its breath. Blvens insisted on going out at once, against tho advlco and tho protest of tho guide. Ho not only insisted on go ing after tho ducks, but what was worse, swore that ho was going to get his mail and telegrams from the shore. Stuart protested vigorously. "I'vo told you that tho guido is tho only man who can run that tender over tho crooked courso to tho mainland, and if ho goes away woll havo no ono to take us out" "What do you need a guldo for? It's not a half mllo"to thoso blinds. I'vo seen you overy day go back and forth in plain view of tho yacht Nan could row out thero nnd back by herself. Send him ashore. Don't yon know how to put out your own decoys?" "If a strong blow comes wo'll need two strong men to lmndl'o tho boat" "not!" Blvens cried. "Wo'vo got two tenders. Send your guido ashoro with ono of the sailors to run his engine. The other man can tow us out and back." (Continued in Friday's Issue.) The Richest Street. Tho Chandni Chowk, or Silver ptreet, is the main bazaar of Delhi and bno of tho richest streets; in tho world. Many of its shops hro occupied by Jew elers, whoso hoards of precious stones nro said to represent fabulous sums. Native princes enrich their collections' of state Jewels through th dealers in tho Chandni Chowk, and some of the diamond exports who llvo In Its dingy wooden buildings are known all over tho world. Havo -rho Citizen sent to you. FASHION HINT By JUDIC CHOLLET Drapery Is exceedingly smart, and Just tho llttlo bit shown in this skirt is so girlish in effect that It Is especially adapted to tho younger contingent tWO PIECE DRAPED SKIRT. Tho shaped overlapping edges are prot ty and unusual too. Altogether tho skirt is most attrac tive and available for the coat suit tho entire dress and for wear with sep arate waists. It consists of only two pieces, tho back being fitted by tucked darts. Tho making is easy nnd tho re sult modish. For tho slxtecn-ycar-old size tho skirt will roqulro three yards of material twenty-seven inches wide, tho width at tho lower edge being one nnd a half yards at tho bottom. This May Manton pattern Is cut In sizes for Girls fourteen, sixteen and eighteen years of ago. Send 10 cents to this ofllce, giving number, 7900, and It will bo prompt ly forwarded to you by mall. If In haste Send an additional two cent stamp for let ter postage. When ordering use coupon. No Name Size. Address NEURA POWDERS cure all Headache, io cents. Sold everywhere. BCD HEEIHHEIEIEI H B B B B E3 E3 E3 B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B jj3,K6 EXCURSION Saturday,"! FARE-SB. Tickets good going on all trains, Sat urdays August 2, and returning on any regular train to August 11 inclusive. Good for stop off at Albany and north, including landings on Lake George. Special train leaves WILKES-BARRE 7:00 a. m.; SCRANTON 7:45 a. m.; CARBONDALE 8:45 a. m.; stopping at intermediate stations. Apply to D. & H. Ticket Agents for detailed information. GIRLS STUDY INFANT HYGIENE. Get Experience at First Hand With Real Live Babies, Five hundred girl pupils in tlio eighth grade of tho public schools of Cleveland, 0., have begun a practical study of infant hyglono wrth real llvo babies to experiment on. Tho initia tion of tho course took place at tho Sterling school, whore Edwnrd Parsch, clght-month-old son of Mason Parsch, n machinist was stripped and given a perfectly hygienic bath before an in terested class of girls in short dresses. "I believe this is nn epoch making innovation In public school instruc tion," said Mrs. Ada B. Williams, city supervisor of domestic science instruc tion, who is sponsor for the course. At tho Sterling school class Florence Glrz, fourteen, who had obtained Mas ter Parsch for tho experiment undress ed the baby. After tho Instructor had washed his eyes, noso and cars other pupils bathed his body. Then Lornn Booth, fourteen, dried and powdered him and put him to bed. Ho demon strated tho value of Infant hygiene by going to sleep nt once. If You Arc Going Away For tho Summer Send Your Address So Tho Citizen May Reach You. YOU SHOULD READ New York EVERY DAY "Greater NowTorlt's Homo Newspaper,". ,T GENERAL NEWS . I riNANCIAL REPORTS I BASEBALL AND SPOUTING ' rriTTnnTAT n and ILLUSTRATIONS-CARTOONS AND EVERYTHING ELSE THAT CON TRIBUTES TO MAKING A REAL NEWSPAPER As far back as tho memory ot the oldest llvlnff newspaper man can recall THE NEW YORK SUN has ever been tho model news paper. Excellent Eacllsh. keen humor and caustlo wit havo mado THE SUN the dally companion of thoso engaged In Journalistic development. It follows logically that every "tie wn0 "P prcclates tho very best features of newspaper making; who respects the avoldanco of objec llonablo and sensational news stories and who prefers a newspaper for family reading will subscrlbo regularly for THE SUN. SUBSCItlPTION TERMS (I'ostago Prepaid) Ono Ono month year Dally SO SU.OO Dally and Sunday. ?K H.r.o Evening 25 2.5M FOREIGN RATES Dally 81.25 SIS. 00 Dally and Sunday l.oo 22.10 Evening I.03 ll.HO Domestic; Rates lncludo Canada Mexico and all United States possessions. Remittance must bo mado on basis of fiionthly rate for any period less than ono year on any edition. Send In your Subscription NOW. Address THE SUN Circulation Deportment Sun Building New Torlc. u..j.,. Y'ou should havea rcgularsupply newsdealers ol TUli SUN. Write for terms. EEI HHHEIOIEIBiia 00 Children George BEWARE OF OlNTaiUNTS FOR CA TARRH THAT CONTAIN MER CURY. as mercury will surely destroy the senso of smell and completely de range tho whole system when enter ing it through tho mucous surfaces, except on prescriptions from reput able physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and :s takon Internally, acting directly upon tho biood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sura you get the genuine. It Is taken In ternally and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Cq. Testimoniala free. Sold by Druggists. Price 7Bc. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. NOTICE Is hereby given that an appli cation will be mado to the Governor of Pennsylvania and to the Water Supply Commission of Pennsylvania on Thursday, the twenty-fourth day of July. 1013, by J. R. Guckcs, H. M. Long and Jacob Itech, Jr., under tho Act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for the incorporation and regulation of cer tain corporations" approved April 23, 1874, and tho supplements thereto for tho charter of an intended corporation to bo called Manchester Water Supply Com pany, the character and object of which are tho supply, storage or transportation of water and water power for commercial and manufacturing purposes In tho Township of Manchester, County of Wayne, Stato of Pennsylvania, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all the rights, benefits and privileges of the said Act of Assembly and its supplements. D3eol3. READ, GILL & LINN. NOTICE Is hereby given that an appli cation will bo made to tho Governor of Pennsylvania and to the Water Supply Commission of Pennsylvania on Thursday, tho twenty-fourth day of July, 1913, by George II. Stein, Bruce A. Metz gar and Alex. R. Cheston under tho Act of Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to pro vide for the Incorporation and regula tion of certain corporations" approved April 23, 1874, and the supplements there to for the charter of an intended corpora tion to bo called Narrowsburg Water Supply Company, tho character and ob ject of which aro the supply, storage or transportation of water and water power for commercial and manufacturing pur poses in the Township of Damascus, County of Wayne, Stato of Pennsylvania, and for these purposes to have, possess! and enjoy all tho rights, benefits and privileges of tho said Act of Assembly and Its supplements. 53eoI3. READ, GILL & LINN. Hot weather makes aching corns but why suffer? PEDOS CORN CURE will give instant relief. LEGAL BLANKa ror salo at Th Citizen office: Land Contracts, Leases, Judgment Notes, Warrantee Deeds, Bonds. Transcripts, Sum mons, Attachments, Subpoenas, La bor Claim Deeds, Commitments, Ex ecutions, Collector's and Constable' blanks. EDO EIHEIHiaHHHQ H B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B B KDB - Half Rat