PAGE SIX THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, JULY 15, 1913. IRI 1 G I o&sip From XSJush ington K t V. T Is not generally recalled that Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, that rarest of products of the republic a scholar In politics was once a devotee at the shrino of the roller skate. Always an enthusiastic pedes trian when the roller skating craze ivas at Its height a season or two ago, the learned statesman from Massa chusetts, although then past the sixty year mark, decided to learn the art The senator, who Is far more active than many men half his Photo by American Press Association. SENATOR LODGE. age,' succeeded In mastering It after a lesson or two and- for some time regularly patronized a certain fashlonablo rink. The end came one day when In executing an un usually Intricate figure the senator took a tumble that might easily have broken a bone or dislocated a joint or two. Fortunately It did neither, but since that time Mr. Lodge has renounced all rinks as vain If not empty things. A brisk walk of half n dozen miles or so now fully satisfies his craving for exercise. H t VI Representative Sant Klrkpatrick of Iowa used to be an Internal revenue officer before ho came to congress. He has had many thrilling experiences, having been a target for moonshiners' bullets on scores of occasions. Three times at least he received serious wounds In these encounters. The Hon. Sant, as he Is referred to by his constituency, is now well past seventy and served from the beginning to the close of the civil war as a first lieu tenant In Company K, Second Iowa Infantry. Inci dentally he Is the only civil war veteran representing Iowa in cither house. ! f. i Representative Clyde Tavenner of Illinois Is the only man In congress who Is doing dally newspaper work In connection with his congressional duties. Ho corresponds with a hundred papers. nun Out In Solano county, Cal., old timers remember Associate Supremo Court Justice Joseph McKenna from the fact that he never seemed to know when he was "licked." As a boy ho had a reputation for gameness and later on, after encountering many diffi culties, became successively district attorney and repre sentative in tho state legislature from the county. When ho had enough of theso offices ho essayed a trip to con gress. Twico he tried, and twice ho was 'beaten, though each time by a close margin. Then he rested on his laurels for years. Apparently he was out of politics for good. But if tho people Ihought McKonna was through McKenna thought otherwise. All tho time ho had his eye on that free ticket to the capital. There was a redis ricting of the state, and the present nssoclate justice announced his candidacy again for congressional honors. This time ho was successful by a good safe margin, and from that time to tills his star has never waned. In congress he gained the intlinate friendship of the late President (then Major) McKlnloy, who appointed him to succeed Justice Field In 189S. y( i PMvrnrfl W. Townfwnd. who wroto "Chlmmln Vail- yAssoc"iSonPreS3 dcn'" ls 010 flrst Democratic member of congress from tho Seventh district of New Jersey In many years. In justice m'kenna. ujs nativo Montclalr ho was known as a "long half" Cm good United States "highbrow") In contradlstlnctlonto tho "short hair," or "lowbrow," Democrats, who generally ran party iwlitlcs In that locality. Year after year tho party had split on this purely hirsute question. Tho "long hairs" were exclusive and would not mix with their "short hair" fellow Demo crats. Consequently there was always friction, though this dldnt matter much, as far as results were concerned, as tho district was normally Repub lican. Then Towusend got the nomination and came to Washington with fly lDg colors. ; Today's Short Story The Midas Touch 4- (fc0Bh Salty Soup, If soup ls too salty add a grated raw potato to it and cook a few minutes. The potato seems to ab sorb the excess salt ? Jellied Fruit Macodolwv Prepare n fruit macodolno In tho, usual way. Place It In a pretty mold and pgur over It enough lcnioii Jelly to cover It. Set It on ice, and when ready to servo turn it out on 11 crystal platter and decorate It with whipped cream. Tho Jelly should bo sweeter than usual, t Duchess Charlotte. Scoop out the center of a largo sponge cake. Fill It "with strawberry or vanilla leo cream and decorate tho top with crushed berries and whipped cream. If pre ferred, Individual charlottes may bo served In placo of tho big one, but they aro moro trouble to prepare and are not prettier to look at. Some Rules of Behavior. Every action in company ought to bo with somo sign of respect to tboso present. Turn not your back to others, espe cially in speaking. Bo not forward, but friendly and courteous. Undortako not what you cannot pejj xorm, out Do carerui to Keep your promise. Givo not advlco without being asked, and when desired do it briefly. Speak not injurious words neither In jest nor earnest. Show not yourself glad at tho mis fortune of another. Goorgo Washington. AN IDEAL SUMMER HOME. A well to do physician has built what ho calls an Ideal sum mer homo. It, consists mainly of verauda space and an enor mous and luxuriant garden. "TJw house Itself," ho says, "ls"malnly a place to stop In dur ing rainy spells. Tho piazzas aro our real home." And theso piazzas are of all kinds loggias for sleeping rooms or, aatthey aro familiarly called, "sleeping porches," an outdoor dining room, a piazza kitchen inclosed in latticework, a roomy ? ground floor vcrnnda. whlfeh lie 4 calls tho "outdoor parlor," and $ last, but not least, n roof sitting room. Most of tho furnishings of the & house aro of the rustic variety or of such materials as will en dure all kinds of weather. "My country homo," tins good doctor explains, "is Intended to offer complete freedom from caro to us nil, mother and lwusewlfo included." Tho kitchen, where tho food is cooked, is separated from tho main part of tho house. It ls In a ono story wing at tho back, with an open air dining room be tween it and tho house proper. Tills dining room is opened to tho "great outdoors" on two op posite sides, and thoro are roll ings as on an ordinary veranda. Waterpproof curtains that can bo dropped ' In stormy weather aro attached to tho celling at each of theso sides. A largo skylight abovo gives plenty of light at such times, and in clear weather It can bo opened, mak ing this delightful place still moro completely nn outdoor din ing room. Tho breezes that con tinually float through the two opposite open sides of this room keep away all tho heat and smells from the kitchen. A STRANGER stopped ono even ing at nn inn in nn Italian f-fk hamlet. A girl In tho pictur esque costume of the country was setting tho table for supper. "Is that your daughter?" asked the stranger of tho landlord. "Yes, slgnor. Marina is my child, and a good child she is. Never has she given me tho slightest trouble. Every body loves her." "She has n sad look." "That is because she has come to the marriageable ago and I have no dot to give her. She loves a young man, Gull eino Lulgl, a sheep tender, but be is very poor; besides, ho is a dreamer, or ho fancies art which is tho same thing. Instead of watching tho sheep, he spends his time sketching them. Lost week ho lost throe sheep and was dis charged on Saturday. It is this just now that makes Marina sad." "Is that one of his sketches that ram hanging on the wall?" "Yes, slgnor." The supper was brought in by the little maid, who stood opposite the stranger while ho ate, waiting for his orders with her hands demurely folded and a faraway look in her eyes. Shortly after supper Gullemo was sent for. When the table was cleared the young fellow came in, wondoring, as did Marina and the landlord, what was wanted of himy Tho stranger went to the wall and took down the picture of tho ram. "This ram," ho said, "is out of draw ing. Tho foreshortening .Is bad, but of course foreshortening ls very difficult Let mo show you how It should be done." Taking a pencil, ho swiftly sketched a background around tho animal, rank lng tho outline of a cliff at Its feet. "Ah, slgnor, it will stop off tho cliff!" said Guliemo, delighted with the life that had been infused into the drawing. "Ah, signer," he added- after a pause, "If I could but do that!" "You may not do It In figures, for your talent lies in nnlmals. You are ' rather a Landsecr than a Bougucroau. Nevertheless you will ono day be a great painter." Tho next morning tho stranger took his departure, and, before doing so, sent tho picture, placing flrst his name on the corner, to nn nrt dealer in Paris to be sold. "I go to Florence," ho said to tho landlord. "In a few weeks I will re turn this wny and will stop with you ngaln." Ono morning a month later tho stran ger reappeared at tho inn and was re ceived by tho landlord and Mnrlna. "Where is Gullemo?" he demanded. "Ah, slgnor, since you wero bore ho has not found another situation. Ho is starving." "Send for him. I have a letter for him," said tho traveler briefly, and a few moments later the lad was before him. "Gullemo," said the stranger, "how wouldvyou like to go with mo to Paris to study art?" "Oh, slgnori" exclaimed the youth, catching Ills breath. "Here," ho said, opening the letter and taking out the rectangular paper, "is tho means for your education." Ho handed a check to tho boy, be fore whoso eyes danced the figures 10,- 000 francs. "If you are a steady fellow and do not yield to tho temptations of Paris, if you wish to return and marry Ma rina, I will make another sketch for her dot." A few moments passed before tho two young people could realize what it all meant Then with true native Ital ian simplicity they knelt before the stranger. Marina's eyes were wet with tears, and, taking the artist's hand, she kissed It. "Who ore you, slgnor, wlo by the touch of your brush can turn paper into gold?" "My name is on the face of tho chock. I must put It on the back that you may draw the money." All stared over the shoulder of Gulle mo, who held the clieck, and read the name "Mclssonler." Gullemo went to Paris to study. Thero was no need of a dot when he married Marina, for as soon as ho completed his studies he sprang Into fame. KING SALMON FOUND AGAIN IN FAR NORTH. Fishermen With Hand Llrs Make $10 a Day on Average. Catching king salmon with hand lines, fishermen in tho far north are averaging $10 a day. Tho king salmon, which is the largest of its species, ranging from 50 to 100 pounds each, has flesh of a fine grain and a dollcatc flavor. For these tho canneries pay 51 apiece. For five years tho catch of king sal mon has been getting nnnually smaller and tho price higher. There wero ru mors that the species was becoming extinct Craig Miller, a fisherman of Ketchikan, Alaska, had a theory that tho big fish had changed their feeding grounds because of tho Alaskan earth quakes. After working along the shores and among tho islands of south eastern Alaska for a year he found a broad plateau off Forester Island, on which were millions of king salmon. The king salmon is fond of herring, and Prince of Walos island has bays filled with such fish. The king salmon gathered In force and herded millions of herring, holding them prisoners on the big shoal. Twioe a day tho salmon go to the shoal to eat herring. Twice oach day thorp la a great commotion in tho water for miles around as the salmon rush after their prey. Miller returned with a boatload of tho finest king salmon ever seen at Ketchikan. Ho told the story, and now there are more than 400 boats floating over this shoal, each contain ing four men nnd each man spending two hours morning and night hauling in salmon which weigh an average of eighty pounds each. j Summer Bungalow Living Room was i rrrariTwoiiwT"! tmim mmn immr t tit THE summer bungalow is iwpular because It is built and furnished on lines that suggest comfort Illustrated here Is a bungalow dining room. While it Is hero fitted for summer use, it might also bo used as an all tho year room. Tho fireplace at ono end of thp room, with ita gleaming brass nnd Irons nnd tho decoratlvo brick finish nbovo it, the pol ished beams and the wall finished in rough plaster, all harmonize with the simplo furnishings. A long tablo of the craftsman typo Is substituted for tho usunl round or squaro dining tablo and may bo used for work, reading or din ing. A long simplo buffet and a pluto rack flank the wall. Bookshelves aro seen in tho chimney corner, where In an ordinary dining room tho housowifo's stock of books on cooking or other household topics may be conveniently kept. Quaint old colonial chairs in old hickory aro used. Tho stained nnd polished floor lias a slnglo largo rug spread before tho fireplace. WHAT HOUSEWIVES 1" SHOULD KNOW. ' Ht44HMHtlil '! 't"S"H"l To hurry tho cooking process of any thing cooked in a doublo boiler add salt to tho water in tho outer boiler. n To mend tho side of an iron utensil uso putty. Placo ashes and salt over tho putty, which will thus bo effectual ly hardened In a few days. If clothes aro soakod overnight tho labor of washing will bo greatly light ened by adding ono teaspoonful of puro ammonia to each tub of water. t After removing all dust wipe b croon doors with kerosene, nnd they will look new, and as long as tho odor remains mosquitoes and moth millers will glvo them a wide berth. 'oaooooooooooeo A RAPID SURVEY. Small bows of colored satin and laco are trimmed with crys tals, and quite a number aro mado In tho Jabot form, tho bow at tho top being rather small nnd tho ends spreading and long. Yellow linings for cloaks and coats have become very popu lar, especially In alliance with dark bluo. Nowadays tho girl who looks on tho bright side of things and rather enjoys a rainy day wears a bright purple or amber coat modo of oil silk, which is ex tremely light in weight and good for golfers. This, is a season of bright col ore, and a prominent shade is yellow, beginning with tho palest saud color and running to browns. PKOFEBSIONATi CARDS. Attorncys-at-Law. r E. SIMONS, Office in the Court House, Honesdale a. ClEARLE & SALMON. KJ ATTOKNKYR A f:flTTTJRTr.T.nnH-ATT. Aw unices lately occupied by Judge Searle nHESTER A. GARRATT, J ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW OfDce-Dlnimlck Bulldlne, Honesdale, Pa, XKTM. H. LEE, promptly auenaea 10. iionesame, i n. UrUMFORD & MUMF0RD. ILL ATTORNEYS A CODNSELORS-AT-LAW Office Liberty Hall bulldlne. Honeadal TTOMER GREENE. Office: Reif Building, Honesdale. nHARLES A. McOARTY, nnprijii mill nriimTir. iii.rpnT.inn pivpn T.n m collection oi claims. Office: Reif Building, Honesdale. Physicians. T B. PETERSON, M. D. 11VKHCATW oTDfrT IlnWirOTl a T.T7 T m:t7 nnn n nr n onpctn iv. ' np Tiirinf nr f hh es given careitu auenuon.u HVERY MRST-CLASS WAGONS, RELIABLE HORSES. TRAINS FOXES TO BE PETS. German Dealer Has Plan to Avoid High Tax on Dogs. To beat the city government out of tho dog tax, which is $8 for the first dog nnd $12 for the second, a Berlin animal dealer hit upon tho plan of do mesticating foxes for pets. Tho Germans are nsifond of dogs as tho Turks, and as many of the poorer classes aro unable to keep them be cause of the high tax tho dealer ad vertising tamed young foxes at 1.50 each points .out that they don't oome Tinder tho city's dog tax law. Especial Attention Given Transit Business. I STONE BARN CHURCH STREET. I SPENCER The Jeweler Finds Chunk of "Ambergris." Captain Edward Baker, flrst man of tho Hfo saving crew of Lone Hill sta tion, recently ftraud in the surf near Sayvllle, N. Y., n quantity of what ho believes to bo ambergris, a sample of which ho sent to New York for exami nation. If his find is genuine amber gris Baker bellcvea he will bo enabled to retire from tho government's service Tho Largest Magazine in tho World. To-day's Magazine is the largest and best edited magazine published at 50c per year. Five cents per copy at all newsdealers. Every lady who appreciates a good magazine should send for a free sample copy and premium catalog. Address, Today's Magazine, Canton, Ohio. ' 14tf. Your aching corn will not trouble you if you use "PE DOS" CORN CURE. 15 cents. J. E. HALEY AUCTIONEER Have mo and save money. 1V1 attend sales anywhere in State. Address WAYMART.PA.CR.D. 3: would like to see you If t villi ;i ri- 1 11 1 in iiuirkf t for ? T L7WL7T DV CTT VCD TJLfTI iviJLV A , Jl L-i V -Li-V WARE, WATCHES CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES T "Guaranteed articles only sold." ASK ANY HORSE t Eureka Oil j4& r Said by ttesUoea mvrywbor Tba Allanila Refining Company W. C. SPRY iikaciujAice. AUCTIONEER HOLDS , SAIiKQ ANYWHERE m STATE. NIAGARA. FALLS. THB TOWER HOTEL ls located directly opposite the Falls. Rates aro reasonable. lOeolly THE WAYNE COUNTEAN, Frank P. Woodward's local literary monthly. Is published In Honesdale with offices in the Jadwln building. Only 60 cents a year, and many say tt ls worth a dollar. MARTIN CAUFIELD Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works I 1036 MAIN ST. I HONESDALE, PA. YYT T YTT 7 T TTYYTT YTIT TIT inarm rc. wm i Fire i nsuranc rr1 x r rr Tf-. V i i ir iinx i rn r i nvn r m AKCllWV 111 UUYUC LUUUL Office; Second floor Masonlo Du HoneedaJe,