The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 15, 1913, Image 1

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WntcM for tho First Installment of
Our Now Bcrlnl, "Tho Man in Tho
Wedding Invltaf 2 u Calllne
Cards nnd Other Wof tone at This
71st YEAR. NO. 57
Vote of Special Election Results in
Overwhelming Victory for Im
provement Tho Citizen Receives
Mnny Congratulations.
a ix
Tho following is n compar-
-f ison of tho numher of Hues -f
-f contained in tho Citizen nnd
-f Wayne Independent on tho
-f pavo issue during tho past -f
-f four weeks:
Tho Citizen, 1,089 lines.
-f Independent, 18!1 lines.
This Is tho unanimous expression
of the public.
As the result of the special election
held on Friday last to Increase the
indebtedness of tho borough of
Honesdale the paveltes won by an
overwhelming majority.
The vote cast represented 3U7 tax
payers of Honesdale. It was divided
in a ratio of 10 to 1 In favor of brick
as follows:
Brick sou
Mud 3G
Spoiled 2
lmllnts Hint worn thrown
out were marked with an X after tho
words "Yes" and "No."
Voto Interesting One.
The vote over which everybody is
rejoicing (the mudltes, too) started
in brisk at the opening of tho polls.
In the first nlno minutes nine votes
wore cast and In tho first hour 14
were dropped in the ballot box. The
number cast In hours during the day
tallied as follows:
From 7 to 8 14
8 " 9 34
9 " 10 4C
10 " 11 54
11 " 12 2G
12 " 1 2.1
1 " 2 27
2 " 3 3G
3 " 4 31
4 " 5 22
5 " G 44
G " 7 42
Total Votes Cast 397
The largest vote was cast between
0 and 11. when it tallied 54 bal-
nts. Tho least number cast was c-e-
I. IH IllllllM 111 I UI1U O. IYIICU
iiiv 14 ivmi m iiiiiiiinn in iun mi I iiil
There were several voters who
n n in nH swiirn in. Lutiu uuuius uuv-
ist. Amonc the number was Jonn
Lyons, who claimed that for 43
cma no uuu tuicuj uu. 1 i lh-i tMuu
lonesdnlo Postmaster Candidate
Looking for Mud Votes.
ifflculty, it is claimed, is caused in
lakinc the transfer from one as-
essor's book to another.
Owing to our modesty, Tho Clti-
en does not feel at liberty to pat
WUU muu llll jmuai nuuw ixun
'e stood on the issue and can give
redlt to whom credit Is due. We
ave, however, received a number
f congratulatory remarks and mes-
. a 1 i i ml. ,t
rroH r nr.n inn niHi'.Liiin. nu iui-
wlng was received from Rev. John
"The Citizen can say wo did It';
ut the banner high. Accept my
earty congratulations. You deserve
XVI. UL (JicUlL luuua uuu iui iuu
i . tit .ii i i n i
tripes from our office window on
nirnnv. I
Council Tnkes Action.
TTInll m..t nlnnlUn ll n .11 nil!
10 cuy nan ior me purpose 01 re-
I V 111 U 11111 1CQU1L Ul LUu CICIfVlUU
ii iiiiiiiviiiu 43ULLM iimuii ii v uuuiuii-
the preliminary work lor the
we. Tho president or tno council
ithorlzed the secretary to commun
ato with Division Superintendent
legel that tho council was in read!
... i .. n . . .
o St.itn for the bulldinc of the
A yote was taken and the ordi-
mce requiring taxpayers to pay
le-thlrd of the cost of paving was
lopted as read.
To Open East Street.
Philip Krantz appeared before the
It I .. I. 1 H I ,1 n I r. n Dniit
reet and asked that action bo tak
i toward opening Same.
Bond Filed.
A 110,000 bond of the Wayne
. T 1 1 -. nnMn.. 111...
rn inn council. 1111a will uiumui
ii ii.- II ni.ln ...111 ..-..I....
o town against any legal proceed
gs which might take place in the
iiflr nr inn mil iruiinv cuiiiuunv.
Committees DIscliarged.
President Caufleld discharged two
mmlttees as follows:- Committee
nslstlng of C. A. McCarty, G. W.
Weston appointed on good roads
Honesdale. ana committee on
stofflco in the city hall. The lat
committee was composed or
Tho follbwlng Sunday schools of
Wayno county have reported a
Cradle Roll Department, without
which no school can reach a perfect
standard. Is your school among this
number? If not, why not? "Bring
the little ones to Jesus."
Honesdalo District Bethany Meth
odist Episcopal, Bethany Pres.,
Beach Lake Free Methodist, Carley
Brook Methodist Episcopal, Cherry
Ridge M. E., Girdland M. E., Hones
dale M. E. Pres., Baptist, Episcopal,
Lutheran, Eddy S. S., Seelyvllle
Union S. S., Siko Union, Smith Hill
M. E., Pleasant Valley M. E., Tor
rey M. E., Waymart M. E., White
Mills M. E.
'Hawley District Hawley First
Baptist, Hawley M. E., Gravity M. E
Pink No. 17 S. S.
Sterling District Ariel M. E.,
Gouldsboro M. E., Hamlin M. E.,
Holllsterville M. E., Holllstervillo
Baptist, Holllsterville M. P., Maple
wood Evangelical, Maplewood United
Evangelical, Nobletown M. E., New
foundland Moravian, Treslarvllle
Damascus District Abrahams
vllle M. E., Ashland Baptist, Calkins
Union, Damascus Baptist, Damascus
M. E., Lookout M. E., Equinunk M.
E., Galilee M. E., Milanvllle M. E.,
Pine Mills M. E., Tyler Hill Union,
West Damascus Union.
Orson District Kingsburg Hill
Union, Lakewood M. E., Lake Como
M. E., Orson M. E., Pleasant Mt. M.
E., Pleasant Mt. Presbyterian, Star
rucca Union, Scott Presbyterian.
The largest Cradle Roll is In the
Honesdale M. E. S. S., Mary E.
Jones Supt., with a membership of
52. The second largest Is at White
Mills with 33 enrolled, Mrs. Ed.
Rice superintendent.
While visiting her neighbors, Fri
day morning, the home of Mrs. Sam
uel Mitchell was burglarized
$21.70 taken.
The nearest neighbor, Mrs.
drew Lutz, had gone to visit
Mrs. Grelner consequently no one was in
tho Immediate vicinity at the time
the thief gained entrance to the
house. Mrs. Mitchell's home Is lo
cated on a knoll near tho Seelyvllle
Delaware and Hudson depot. When
she returned, Mrs. Mitchell discover
ed the door of her home opened. She
knew that she had locked it before
she left the place, but thought that
perhaps her son, John, who was
visiting in New York City had re
turned home. She was expecting
him Friday afternoon, when, it ap
pears, he did arrive.
Entering her home through the
forced-open door Mrs. Mitchell com
menced to look around the room.
Lying upon the floor was the broken
lock of the door. Mrs. Mitchell then
made further investigation. Going
to her bedroom she found tho covers
of the1 lied' In a turmoil and Clothes
scattered around the room. Tho
bureau drawers were out and their
contents were on tho floor. Going
to where she kept her money,
Mrs. Mitchell discovered that its se
cret place had been discovered and
that $21.70 had been taken. No clue
as to the whereabouts of the burglar
has been learned.
At a meeting of the Honesdale
school district directors held last
Thursday afternoon, Miss Julia
Schimmell was elected to fill the
vacancy caused by tho resignation of
Miss Grace Jadwln as teacher of the
fifth grade of the Honesdale school.
The board also re-elected A. M.
Lelne secretary and W. J. Ward
treasurer for tho ensuing year.
Tho W. C. T. U. will conduct an
all-day Institute at Holllsterville on
Friday, July 25. A fine program is
being arranged. Good speakers will
bo present at each session. Churches
and temperance societies aro Invited
to send delegates. It is desired to
make this a general temperance
rally for all southern Wayne. Come
and bring your friends.
Last Friday morning as Mrs. Jennie
Swartz was crossing the sidewalk
near the gas house, she was struck
by an automobile and thrown to tho
ground. The driver stopped his ma
chine and offered to take her home,
but she refused. She, however, Anal
ly consented. Dr. F. W. Powell was
called. Mrs. Swartz received a se
vere gash on her head and the right
side of her face was badly scarred, a
large patch of flesh being scraped
Councilmen W. H. Kroitner, H. C.
Rettew and T. J. Canivan.
True progresslveness was demon
strated on Friday when Everett and
Philip Krantz, Jr., sons of Philip
Krantz of Fourteenth street, drove
around the streets of Honesdalo dis
playing a card "Vote for Pavo" on
their Shetland pony outfit.
Considerable credit Is due the
Greate'r Honesdalo Board of Trade
and the Honesdale Business Men's
Association for getting out tho vote
on Friday. Tho Board of Trade had
a team all day getting out the vote.
Tho Scranton papers also gavo space
In their columns a few days prior to
tho election, reminding the voters of
their duty to the town.
The election board was composed
of William H.Bader, judgo; Frank
Truscott, C. L. Dunning, inspectors;
R. J. Hartnett and William Vetter,
Summer School Students at Polls.
Professor H. A. Oday accompanied
his summer school class to the polls
on Friday, where the special election
was being held. The manner of vot
ing was explained to the students
and each was given a specimen bal
lot (In two years the young la
dies may be voting).
1'cniisylranin Democrats In Wild
Scramble For Olllco With Lender
ship Imperiled.
Washington, D. C, July 13. The
squabble fdr Federal patronage In
Pennsylvania is to be settled Immed
iately following tho meeting of the
State Central Committee In Harris
burg, on July 23. This Is the word
being passed to the various Demo
cratic county leaders by National
Committeemen. A Mitchell Palmer
is the official dispenser of favors, so
far as Pennsylvania Is concerned.
The pressure being brought to In
fluence Palmer for this or that candi
date who Is seeking recognition has
become so great that the boss of the
reorganized Democracy was forced
to make his henchmen a definite
promise that matters would be set
tled Anally following the Harrisburg
The fact Is that the big jobs in
Western Pennsylvania have been dis
posed of, but Palmer wanting to
make certain of his control of the
State Central Committee refuses to
make public the names of those he
has recommended. He wants to
keep In lino those who are inclined
to jump the organization traces and
get back with the Guffey element in
the party. Premature announce
ment, Palmer and his friends fear,
would encourage Insurgency and
possibly embarrass them at Harris
burg ten days hence.
The purpose of tho Harrisburg
gathering is tho election of a new
State chairman to succeed George
W. Guthrie, of Pittsburg, now on his
way to Japan as American Ambas
sador, while Palmer refuses to make
known his choice, It is understood he
would be pleased to see tho chair
manship go to Roland S. Morris, of
Philadelphia. His second choice Is
Joseph H. O'Brien, of Scranton.
James I. Blakslee, of Mauch Chunk,
Fourth Assistant Postmaster Gener
al, has not relinquished his place as
Secretary of the State Committee,
and continues to help direct the
Democratic forces in tho Keystone
State, while drawing salary from the
government. He has made no an
nouncement that he intends to re
tire and devote all of his time to the
postofllce department. Blakslee will
be made an Issue by Palmer's politi
cal opponents and it is said if ho
shows no disposition to retire they
will Insist that he give way to an
other. Whether Palmer, with a Ane line
of patronage back of him, can dic
tate the selection ol the next State
chairman, remains, to be seen. Signs
of trouble aro seen in many of the
counties in the western end of the.
State. Clearfield Is the most recent
place to repudiate the present leader
ship. The adherents of Palmer and
his ally, Vance C. McCormick, were
put to rout last week when their
candidate for the county chairman
ship, J. F. Weaver, was defeated by
W. A. Haggerty by a vote of GG to
G. The distribution of postofflces In
tho county Is said to have been dis
pleasing to tho followers of Hag
gerty, who proceeded to assert their
political strength by defeating tho
organization's choice for the chair
On July 7th a party of 45 or 50
ladies, enthusiastic members of the
Ladles of The Maccabees assembled
in Buffalo, coming from all parts of
Pennsylvania, for a trip over the
Great Lakes and a visit to tho mag
nificent headquarters of the Order
located in Port Huron.
This delightful trip at this season
will be a source of great pleasure
to those enjoying this privilege. The
members located in different parts of
the state can form no adequate idea
or tno magnitude and beauty of our
work until they have paid a visit to
the Maccabee Temple situated In the
beautuul city of Port Huron
The artistic beauty of tho Temple
and Its various departments appeal
to every lover or art and the metho
dlcal work of the many employees Is
marvelous. At the head of this mag-
nincent system and directing with
great ability every Item of the work
is the admirable Supreme Command
er, Miss BIna M. West, whose his
tory in connection with tho Order
reads like a romance.
Her successful leadership is an
inspiration anu her beautiful per
sonality endears her to every mem
ber of tho Order. Tho lovlne re
spect and esteem of all employed in
tno supreme ouice Is a direct and
beautiful tribute to her worth as a
leader. This trip to Port Huron will
be a memorable one to those taking
it and must result In renewed en
thusiasm and confidence in our great
uraer ror women uneauaied and un
paralleled In the history of women's
associtaions, having as it does tho
protection and perpetuation of the
nome as its object.
Jupe Piuvlus sat up in Bed
And waved a Pullman reservation
"St. Swlth is on the Job." ho said.
"Hero's where I go on my vacation.
For rorty days I shake the blame
Whether It does or doesn't rain."
This Is St. Swlthln's Day.
So if you are superstitious (and
who isn't?) you will watch tho skies
anxiously. If it rains today, a legend
says, it rains every day for forty
days. If to-day sees a repetition of
the cloudness sunshine which has got
us all hot up recently, then you can
go out and bet your shirt that there
will be forty days of drought. Bo-
cause this Is St. Swlthln's Day.
P. H. lloff was attending to pro
fesslonal business in Carbondale FrI
Factlonnl Foolishness Prevalent
Just Who Defeated the Child La
bor Bill Social Legislation ns
Attempted by the Fliiinltes Tend
ed to Make llumnnitnrlnnism and
Public Decency Political Issues.
Harrisburg, July 14. Now that
the fog and confusion that marked
the closing hours of tho Legislature
have cleared away It Is apparent
that tho net result of the six month's
work is an amount of advanced leg
islation far in excess of the general
expectation when the body convened
in January and it became apparent
that a party of political guerrillas
would have to bo taken into consid
eration, and it more than bears out
the assertion frequently made in
these letters that the session would
be the most progressive In the his
tory of the State.
Attempted FaUo Legislation.
From first to last an Immense
amount of so-called progressive leg
islation was dumped into the hop
per. Some of It was meritorious,
lots of It was the product of cranks,
but by far the most sinister influence
of the whole session was the mass of
bills Introduced and touted as pro
gressive when In reality they had no
other purpose than the promotion
of the political fortunes of the
Fllnnltes. Peanut politics was the
besetting sin of the session. It was
responsible for the disgraceful drag
ging out of the deliberations' which
cost the taxpayers thousands upon
thousands of dollars and it was re
sponsible for tho failure of the child
labor bill at the last moment.
Fnctlonnl Foolishness.
From the beginning the Flinnlto
campaign was based upon a design
to secure factional advantage. A
great mass of election bills were in
troduced nnd the word went out that
they were designed to rescue the
people from the thraldom of party,
but when the bills were examined it
was found that the only thing they
would accomplish would bo the
turning over of the control of the
Republican organization to the Flinn
outfit. The Democrats were alive
to this situation and were willing to
give aid to the Flinn followers until
it became apparent that If they pur
sued that course there would be no
election reform whatever. Then
Lowry Humes, of Crawford county,
the Democratic floor leader in the
House and a member of the primary
biU conference committee, proposed
a .compromise which was finally
adopted and which insures that Penn
sylvania will have a primary elec
tion law second to none In the coun
try. Truth About Child Labor Bill.
In this case the dog-in-the-manger
tactics of the Flinn outfit was check
mated but some of the more import
ant social, or, as they are more com
monly called, humane bills, did not
have such a fortunate fate. In a
number of these the people who are
seeking to undermine the Republi
can party played both ends against
the middle with such consummate
skill that nothing was accomplished.
The most spectacular Instance of
this kind of interference was the or
derly course of legislative delibera
tions was furnished in the fate of
the child labor bill which in all like
lihood will figure largo in the poli
tics or the immediate future through
out tho entire state. This bill was
bitterly fought by manufacturers in
terested, but it was a foregone con
elusion that something that would
mark a long step in advance would
be passed. Sometime during the
day on which tho Legislature ad
journed an agreement was reached
between tho House and Senate con
ferees which under the clrcum
stances that existed was acceptable
to the interests immediately concern
ed the employers and the people
wno were working ror the better
ment of conditions under which chil
dren labor In this state. The salient
point of this agreement was that the
maximum number of hours children
shall work shall bo fifty-one and-a-
nair per week. Under the law now
on the books tho maximum is sixty.
inrormaiiy an understanding was
entered Into that the bill should go
through on this basis, but when the
political steerers who had charge of
the Flinn interests heard about it a
protest went forth and their creat
ures were ordered to hold out for
fifty hours. Tho result was a dead
lock which Insured the defeat of tho
Fllnnltes Over Reach Themselves.
An Immense amount of fuss and
fury attended this Incident which
occurred during the very dying hours
of the session and it waB some time
before It was clearly understood
what had happened. Then thero
was something resembling a sensa
tion. After things had simmered
down it was the consensus of opinion
that the Flinn party again had over
reached itself. It does seem that it
will be difficult to justify the killing
of a measure that contained many
Important concessions that have long
been 'sought simply because there
was a difference of an hour and
half in tho working time permitted
each week.
Great Salt Tears Aro Flowing.
Of course, tho Flinn organs and
the Flinn bureaus, although bitterly
disappointed over the progressive
character of tho legislation that
was passed, are making all they can
out of the situation that exists and
they aro weeping great salt tears
over the bills that were not passed
But they are not receiving much
sympathy. The Philadelphia Rec
ord, the most Important Democratic
newspaper In the state, ror instance,
admits that the amount or human!
tarian and advanced legislation in
troduced was much too great for any
legislature, "however well lntsn-
Coroner's Inquest Into Mystery of
Death of Allco Crispcll Gives Mnn
Freedom But Declares Thnt
Girl Wns Murdered.
After hearing considerable testl-1
niony In tho Allco Crisnell case at
Harvey's Lake, the coroner's Jury de-
elded that Herbert Johns, the lover '
of the dead girl, now confined In the .
Luzerno county jail as a suspect, was '
innocent and recommended his re-,
lease. Tho members of the jury did
find, however, that Miss Crlspell was
Tho testimony took In all phases
of the case. Her conduct before and
during the day of July 4, with a mul
titude of side-lights not calculated
to create the Impression that she led
a blameless life, was canvassed pro
and con by the different members of
the jury and the coroner and his as-;
There were about fifteen witnesses
at the Inquest, which was conducted
in the ballroom of the Oneonta hotel
at Harvey's Lake. Coroner James
Marley presided and was assisted by
Deputy Coroner Butler.
Johns was held for the action of
tho grand jury, following a clash
between the District Attorney and
the coroner. The former claimed
that the case was handled by the
coroner In an irregular manner and
he petitioned the court to have the
body taken up and exhumed a sec
ond time. Tho case is causing state
attention and prominence.
Harrisburg, Pa., July 12. Ap
proval of the general appropriation
bill with Its items for construction
and maintenance of State roads,
which is expected from the Gover
nor's hands the latter part of this
week, will be followed by consider
able activity on the part of the State
Highway Department in various sec
tions of the State. Estimates havo
been prepared by engineers of the
Department on a dozen or more
pieces of State highway and on as
many other roads on which State
aid has been asked by the counties.
The plan is to receive bids for this
during the summer and let tho con
tracts so that operations may begin
early In the fall.
The Highway Department will al3o
undertake considerable repair work
with Its own men, and take steps to
perrect its maintenance system
troughout the State. Failure of the
Legislature to pass the general ap
propriation bill until the closing
night of the session has held up all
runas since June 1st, and conse
quently no new work could be un
dertaken, although numerous re
quests have been received for the
rebuilding of roads, especially those
of the State-aid variety.
Under the terms of- the general ap
propriation bill, funds are provided
ror reconstruction of main State
highways, State-aid road building,
maintenance and repair work on
main and State-aid roads, all to be
taken out or tho general State rev
enues. The unsatisfactory nature of
this method of financing the great
road building program Is well illus
trated in the fact that the Legisla
ture has appropriated $80,000,000
out of these revenues, whereas the
revenues themselves will amount to
only $62,000,000 for the two years
covered by these appropriations. As
a result, the Governor must cut $27,-
000,000 out of the appropriations.
and the road appropriations may
nave to be reduced along with those
ror various other public works and
If tho people In November will
ratify the $50,000,000 bond issue.
ample funds will be provided for
carrying on the reconstruction or
the highways of Pennsylvania, inde
pendent of the regular revenue and
therefore not subject to the condi
tions that now threaten the road ap
propriations for the next two years.
Tho Pennsylvania Motor Federation,
which is advocating tho bond issue
as the best means of providing mon
ey for road building, is planning to
start an energetic campaign In be
half of the bond amendment. This
campaign will open early in the fall,
and will be pushed vigorously In all
parts of the State, including pub
lic meetings and tho circulation of
educational literature.
tloncd and diligent" to contend with
and most of tho other newspapers in
the stato that own themselves and
can express honest opinions have
printed editorial endorsements of
the work that was accomplished.
Some of them, however, take occa
sion to condemn the dllatoriness of
tho body and the disposition to sacri
fice the best Interests of the people
for partisan advantage which they
declare was one of the weaknesses of
the session.
Fllnnltes Opposed Eugenic
Marrlngo BUI.
Thero was such a whirlwind finish
and there was so much attention
paid to a few big bills that no really
adequate list has yet been made of
the progressive legislation that was
passed. Some of the most important
of it never entered into the calcula
tions of the Flinn political managers
and throughout the entire course
of the session was not noticed by the
battery of bureaus and boards of
control that were maintained here
and which if not directly financed by
the Pittsburg near-boss at least al
ways were at the beck and call of his
lieutenants. Among this class of
legislation, are tho bills changing the
methods of taxing wood land. These
bills have the endorsement of no less
a Bull -Mooser than GIfford Pinchot,
Another progressive bill that the
Flinn people refrained from boosting
effectively is the bill which provides
that marriage licenses shall be
granted only to those who are willing
to make auiaavit that they are nhv-
sically fit. A iNew York newspaper
haa described this as being the first
eugenic marriage bill to be enacted
In. this country.
Dybei-ry Young Man Taken to Office
of Dr. L. 11. Nielsen Where Shot
Was Removed Antitoxin Ad
Alvin nnmntnn. ni m vonm om.
ployed by Seymour Barnes, Who re-
sides near Honesdale on tho Bothanv
road In Dyberry township, accidental
ly shot himself through the left hand
with a revolver and the bullet lodged
Into his right thigh, while out hunt
ing last Thursday afternoon on the
Seymour Barnes farm.
The young man went out to hunt
for woodchucks, which are numerous
on the Barnes farm and took along-
a revolver. He held the gun In his
right hand and It was accidentally
discharged while his left hand was
before the muzzle. The bullet went
through the hand and lodged In tho
The unfortunate young man was
brought at once to Honesdale to the
office of Dr. L. B. Nielsen where tho
bullet was removed. Antitoxin was
administered to prevent tetanus set
ting in. Tho young man is resting
easily to-day. Ho is the son of A.
The "Jinx" left the Honesdale
team with the return of "Buck"
Faatz and Honesdale easily defeated
Carbondale on Sunday at White
Mills score, 4 to 1.
Pitcher Loll was never in better
form. He allowed but four hits, two
of which were of the scratch va
riety, and struck out ten men. He
was well received by Jacobs, who
caught his first game of tho season;
his throwing was a little off color,
however, as it was a wild throw of
his in the first inning to catch Walk
er at second, after he had walked
(true to his name) and stole. Loll
was never In danger at any other
stage of the game.
Honesdale scored two In tho first
Inning. Lily was given a base on
balls, Tarkett was safe on an error
by Walker, and both scored when
Mangan singled, and catcher Fee let
the throw in from the outfield get by
him. We scored again In tho third
on Lily's single and Tarkott's two
bagger. In tho fifth Loll hit for ono
base, and after Weaver sacrificed
came home on .Lily's single.
Carbondale and Honesdale played
four and one-half innings on Satur
day, the gamo being called on ac
count, of rain. The score was 7 to 3
in favor of Cafbandale'wEenthe
game stopped, but as 5 innings were
not played it will not count in the
series which now stands Honesdale
two games to Carbondale one.
The lineup and score of Sunday's
game follows:
R. H. O. A. E.
Craft, 3b 0 1 1 2 0
Walker,, ss 1 l 5 3 1
McLeon, If 0 0 1 0 0
Barrett, 2b 0 1 2 2 0
E- Pee, cf 0 0 0 0 0
Watklns, rf 0 0 2 0 1
Neary, 1st 0 0 8 0 1
P. Fee, c 0 0 4 2 1
McAndrew, p 0 1 0 4 0
1 4 24 13 1
K. H. O. A.
Weaver, If 0 1 0 0
Lily, lb 2 2 13 0
Tarkett, ss 1 1 0 1
wangan, 3rd 0 1 1 4
Vetter, cf 0 0 1 0
Larson, 2b 0 0 1 3
Faatz, rf 0 2 0 0
Jacobs, c 0 0 10 1
Loll, p 1 1 0 4
4 8 2G 13 3
Bases on balls, McAndrew 1, Loll
Two-base hits. Weaver. TnrkRtK
Walker. Struck out by McAndrew
4, Loll 10.
Next Saturday Carbondale plays
a double header here. Honesdale
plays the first of the series with
Hawley at Hawley on Sunday fol
lowing, and Hawley plays hero ono
week from Saturday. Got busy
boys, nnd practice up for Hawley.
Wo want that series above all others
and Haw'ey reciprocates that feel
ing, hence get busy as the "Jinx"
has left, let's hopo for good.
While motoring through Blooming
Grove, Pike county, on Sunday, a
Honesdale party composed of Wil
liam Brady, chauffeur, Henry Ting-
ley, ueorgo Lees and waiter O Cou
ncil, met with an accident. The
Honesdale car crowded to one side
to allow another machine to pass and
In doing so the left foro wheel went
over a culvert which gave way un
der the weight of tho car. This al
lowed the wheel to drop and in doing
so it came in contact with a small
boulder, which bent the axle. Un
able to repair the car, the party tele
phoned to Honesdale for aid.
A corps of surveyors for the new
Wayno County Street Railway com
pany are working along the proposed
line between Honesdalo and Haw
ley, At East Honesdale, at the out
let of Carley Brook, a new bridge
will be built which will be of con
crete. Tho trolley road expects to
cross tho old canal basin at that
point, where it will leave tho turn
pike to enter the towpath.
William Castek returned to Fol
lansbee, West Virginia, on Saturday
after spending a week with his moth
er on Cottage street.