THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JULY n, 1913. ne Koot of Evil Jy THOMAS DIXON Dixon SYNOPSIS art, southern lawyer In Now Torlt, Is vo with Kan Primrose Hla friend, woodman, who has a young daugh- 13 threatened with tho loss of his business by Dlvons. whom he be- dod years before. Stuart visits th roses. n wants Etuan to aoecDt a niaoo witn methods and refuses. Blvcns ca m. i the oner, and Nan breaks her en ment with tho lawyer. Blvcns asks dman to enter tho trust. nd Nan are engaged. Harriot Wood Is studying music. Stuart takes Nan 1 day In tho country. tart pleads with Nan to glvo up Blv but tho spell of millions Is on her and yields to It. 3 Btuart, but ho does nut know St ) pass. Stuart becomes district rasry. Ho investigates criminal trusts. eks him to call. aart wants Woodman to end his suit nst Blvcns, but tlio doctor stands Blvens aids Stuart In his Investi- on of crooked financiers. iiart s revelations ala In bringing on a s. Blvcns tiromlses to aid the Van t Trust company, which Is In trouble, id man needs money badly. the stock market slump engineered Blvens, Woodman and many others oil. Tho trust company falls because ;ns, at command of tho monoy king, ilts his word. Stuart faces his critics ront of Blvens'' bunk. le moD aitocKB stuart ana injures mm Blvens piles $90,00O,0CO on a tabla calls Stuart to see tho money to ro- rumors ox nis imunciar wuaKiioss. uart la temotod to ioln Blvens as his fldentlal man. Ho accepts on lnvlta- to visit tho Blvens house and Is re ed by Nan. a meeting of tho discontented, at ch Blvens Is denounced, a bomb odman decides to continue his fight Inn Tllvpnn n vain, und tho lawyer refusce to Join tho millionaire's plans. Woodman ids guilty and Stuart, who has re- pii iif n 1 hi run iiirirnnv. imronnfl mm. his Insistence. Stuart accompanies ensrth. CHAPTER XVIII. A Ploa For Justice. TUAItT was not surprised to re- celvo notice from Blvcns' law yers that they "would demand sentence on Woodman within o days. Tho financier was present Hi 1 iit n-ant Iottiti rr r- Dtnlllnir. assured him that ho need havo no r ns rn rnn mn r vnr rnn ttt o ir 111111 inn niini ruiuin h 1 m Rpriram 'Don't worry." tho sbnlor counsel as- in 1 iiiiii uiui tnniiti?mii in fiiii up In n trrrnr tr ovnrtr prlminnl In XT t n Rnltn nf nil nnfliimTVA. mrrvrar - a. a 1 it . t-r KIH II T UIH Will I'll. 1 11II11I11T f I1T IJlif I !( '! HUD VVfc V4MMVl LA-1 '"'tmrt nnd And outtvhatho had ii'Vi' A woman could do soch 't'r thun a man. Ho looted miuIow unxiously and saw the ' til bljj French limousine in ihc corner. Ho hurried to f si I'll-, to mwt his wire. ''Nun. for heaven's sake see Jim bo- ILI. . (.. I . .1 .1 A hot he's Rolng to Bay to that Judge." "I'll nn m v rwjr I'll fliMlrl mv fMirri and ask tilm to boo mo at onco." "Good. When ho returns to tho court- Blvens went back'to his scat beside lawyera and watched tho court of- BpeaK to tsroart. Ho frowned and hesitated, rose and Kan seized his band. "Oh,. Jim, I'm so -worried. Calaya ou uro coum to iuuko a uearKrato ueui milnct 111 rr ttil mftmlncH Tm going to malso the. usual plea or mcicv lor iin uui dccheeii iLr:m in v mnm. i 1 i 1 ... mimji, iim. li iuu , I TOonld fur mv onra." "Pleaso doal do or eoy asytturtg to- to caoso a dbooU. i couldn't en- It Zoo docrt know how much tfe, What oro yoo going to Eayl Aro m mKm.H Tm going b do my tovd tjest for detenntoatioa "Xoo needn't about your husbaod. Eta has hi do of 0 rbmorxaroa, and nothtng can say will act under bis iskja." -It any other moo eald w, but ui jruu wu r m u j v realize, coo am uus uiha ustu who hurt hto boTond fbrglvcoeea, be- in uo rooxKV num. Tm fiorrs. I'm flshtm fiw my old frfenQ'a Ufa Bo wouldn't .ltya tn a prison a year. AnttTtu lighting for tho Ufo of his Uttlo girl, who lores and believes in him as eho believes In the goodness of God. If her father Is branded a felon It will kill her." Ho turned abruptly and left her. In a moment Blvens cumo out and led his wlfo to a seat which had been re served near his. One of the things which had Increas ed Blvens' nervousness was tho fact that tho Judgo Ignored his presenco In tho courtroom. IIo had been accus tomed to deference from judges. This Judge was a man with red blood In Ills veins, a man of lntcnso personal UkoR and dislikes nnd a fearless dis penser of what be belloved to bo even handed Justice under the law. Tho young lawyer sat In silence be side tho bowed for.m, awaiting his case which tho judge, at his request, had placed last. As tho moment drew near for the plea his nervo tension grow in tense. Waves of passionate emotion swept bis heart Uo waked from his day dream with a start to hear the clerk read In qulok tones: Tuo people against Ilenry Wood man." The Judge looked at tho dazed pris oner and said: "What have you to say, IlenryWood man, why sentence should not bo Im posed upon you for tho crime of which you stand convicted by your own pleaV" With a quick movement of his tall llgiire Stuart was on his feet, every nerve and muscle strung to' tho high est tension. Only tho deep, tremulous notes of his voice betrayed his emotion. "May It please your honor," ho slowly began. "I wish to establish to the court before I say anything In behalf of my client tho Important fact that ho of fered to make full restitution of tho property taken, thnt ho did this volun tarily before he was even suspected of the crime and that his offer was re fused." Tho Judge lifted his gray eyebrows In surprise, and settled back Into his sent with a low grunt "I mako the fair Inference therefore in tho beginning," Stuart went on t "Two men aro on trial, not ono." evenly, "that tho prosecutor In tho caso la actuated solely by a desire for personal vengeance." Stuart paused and Blvcns moved un easily In his Beat. "I spoate today, your honor, In behalf Df tho man -echo crouches by my side overwhelmed with ehamo and grief and conscious dishonor because ho took a paltry pactngo ot jewelry Com a man who has never added ono penny to too wealth of tho world nnd yot has somehow gotten, possession of 000 hun dred million dollars from thoso who tould not defend themselves from his strength and canning. This man stands beforo you now with no shame in his souL no tears an bis checks, and with brazen effrontery demands vengeance on a weaker brother. "Two men aro on trial, not one. Tho majesty of tho law has already been vindicated In tho tearf stained plea that has boon entered. Botwoen these two men tho crxirt most decide. "This mrttionalro who demands vengeance agnln&t this broken man to day bos on income greater than tho combined crowned heads of Europe and wields a aocptcr mightier than czar or empeooc 'Why? Ho levies each year mOMoos of taxes without consuitlne this court, tho legislature or any man wno walks tho earth, no docs this by a machlno for printing paper toteeua of value called stocks. Tho osoenco of theft Is to tnko tho property of another without giving a return, A green goods man sells printed paper fix money. This mighty man also sells printed paper for money. Whet b tho difference? Neither tho green goods nor tho bogus capital called watered stock represents a dollar tn real vuroo. This modern marauder whom wo have- enthroned as our ruler every where, from every one, seizes, tears and dcepc4k3 tho fruits of toll, has never added a penny to tho wealth of human! tp. And what do vo Ond him dorng? In tho midst of poverty that means hunger and nakedness, disease and death, vo have tho e homeless flaunting of fnecno luxury. And to what porpoflcl To challenge tho envy of tho vttn and tho foolish, to dazzle tho minds at tho poor and Inflame tho lasts c tho criminal "Do wo boiieye that each things are tho decrees of a Jost and loving God who created thia world? Tbeso things arc not thft result orcis Itnv. bur tho results of tho violation of law." The speaker paused, drew close to the Judgo and then In low, Impassioned tones told as If bo were talking to n father tho story of Woodman's life nnd tho ovents which drove him to madness on tho fatal night of his crime. In flashes of vivid eloquence ho described the magnificent ball and drew In som ber, heartbreaking contrast tho desola tion and despair of a proud and sensi tive man made desperate by want nnd ruin, the man who had given his blood to bis country nnd his daily life In an unselfish ministry to tho homeless and friendless. "I do not ask of your honor," he cried In ringing tones, "tho repeal of tho law against theft thou shalt not stcall I only ask tho suspension of its penalty on this heartbroken man until we can extend it to his oppressors ns well, until its thunder shall also echo through tho palaces of tho rich thou shalt not steal! "Tho man who has fallen was weak 1 and poor. Tho man who demands his Ufo Is rich and powerful. I ask for n heartbroken man another chance. 1 ask this court to suspend all sentence against the poor bruised and bleeding spirit' that lies in tears at our feet today." Tho Judgo wheeled in his armchair, cleared his throat and looked out of the ', window to hldo from tho crowd a tear that had stolen down his furrowed check. IIo turned at length to Blvens' law yers nnd qul5tly asked: "Tho state Insists on tho enforcement of sentenco without mercy?" "Absolutely," was the shnrp answer. "This Is your desire, Mr. Blvens?" tho Judge asked with some severity. "Yes," tho financier fiercely replied. "And yot you say that you aro a Christian. Well, see to It Tour Mas ter says: "'lie that salth I love God and hatcth his brother is a liar.' Henry Woodman, stand up! Tho Judgment of this court Is that sentenco in your case 1)0 suspended so long as you obey tho law. "And I may say to you, Ilenry Woodman, that my faith Is profound that you will never appear In this court again. And if you over need the help of a friend you'll And ono If you come to me. You uron free man." Stuart hurried tho doctor out of tho crowd. lie had Important work yet to do. IIo determined that no story of the scene should over be printed In a Now York paper. Ho would save Harriet that too. As tho court adjourned Blvens curs ed bis lawyers In a paroxysm of help less rage. Then ho suddenly throw his hand to his forehead, staggered and sank to tho floor. A doctor who was near rushed to his side nnd lifted his head into his wife's arms. "What Is It? Has ho fainted, doc tor?' sho whispered, glancing toward tho door through which Stuart had Just passed. "Ho lias had a stroke of paralysis, madam, I fear," was tho answer. Stuarf s appeal to tho Now York pa pers In behalf of Harriet was success ful. For a week ho bought every morning and evening edition and read them eagerly. Not n lino appeared to darken 'tho life of his Uttlo paL Blvcns' Illness shook the financial world. Tho men who had professed their friendship most loudly to his face now sharpened their knives for his wounded body. 'Every stock with which his name was linked was tho target of tho most savage attacks. Tho tumbling of values tn his securi ties carried down tho whole market from five to six points in a slnglo day. Tho groat palace that had a few nights before blazed with lights and echoed with music, laughter, song and danco and clinking glasses, stood dark and silent behind its bristling iron fence. Within tho darkened palaco the doctors were supremo. In his great library they hold consultation after consultation and eocretly smiled when they thought of tho figures thoy would tvrito on his bills. They disagreed in fetalis, but all agreed on tho main conclusion that tho only hope was that bo should quit work and play for several years. When they made this solemn an nouncement to Blvens, ho smiled for tho first time. It was too good a Joke. How could ho play? Ho know but ono game, tho big game of tho man hunt! Ho told his doctors he would go to Europe and oco If there were doctors over there who knew anything. Tho shaking, mlserablo Uttlo Qguro staggered up tho gangplank of a steamer. Ho made a bravo chow of strength to tho reporters who swarmed about him for an mtervlow and coUapsed in tho arms of his wife on reaching his state rooms. no had forgotten his resentment on account of Woodman in tho presenco of tho Great Terror, whoso shadow had suddenly darkened tho world. Tho young lawyer bad Bald goodby to Nan with a eenso of profound re lief. From tho bottom of his soul ho thanked God sho was going away. (Continued in Friday's Issue.) Not Original Sin. Adam heard them blamo tho cost of Uvlng on the middleman. "Tho only thing they don't blamo on tho first man," ho thankfully observed. New York Sun. Wise Mabel. Mother Mabel, why do you tako two pieces of cako? Mabel 'Cause, ma, you told roe not to ask twice for re pack. No day I3 long enough to waste, any of It nursing a grouch. Chicago News. FIRES TORPEDOES Fl Naval Officer's Invention Is a Marvel of Ingenuity. OFFICIALS ENTHUSIASTIC. A Swoop From tho Sky, and Missile Is Sent on Its Way, Dropping From Air Craft at High Speed Naval. Guns of Present Day Cannot Be Trailed on Aeroplane When Going Swiftly. Rear Admiral Bradley A. Flsko, un til recently In command of tho first di vision of the Atlnntlc fleet, now ou duty as aid for operations In tho navy department at Washington, has Invent ed an apparatus which Is believed to make possible the firing of submarine torpedoes from aeroplanes. The devlto can be fitted to any type of aeroplane. Naval officers who have seen the model In tho patent office in Washing ton are enthusiastic over the possibili ties of the Flake Invention ns a means of defense. The torpedo which the aeroplane at tachment is designed to discharge may bo of any of the standard types nnd is carried In cliocks on tho bottom or lower frame of the aeroplane. A strap connected with tho aeroplane passes below the torpedo, holding It, and Is then again connected with the operat ing part of the aeroplane proper. The torpedo is hold rigidly In place, its bow pointing in tho same direction as tho airship. Tho projectile 'is released by a lever apparatus operated bythe foot of the aviator, the torpedo falling hori zontally out of the chocks Into the wa ter nnd then speeding on its way to the ship ngainst which it is nimed. How Torpedo Is Directed. In directing and delivering the at tack tho naval aviator Mies at a com paratively high altitude to n point about l.COO yards dlBtaut from tho tar got. IIo then swoops downward at a high rate of speed and ns nearly ver ically as possible until within ten or fifteen feet of tho water, directing his flight so that on reaching the desired low elevation tho bow of the torpedo bears on the target. The aviator then throws his lever which stirts the pro pelling mechanism in the torpedo, aft er which the projectile drops into the water nnd thereafter performs its work. Tho advantages of tho FIske inven tion are that tho torpedo is held firm ly to the airship and practically be comes a part of it so that the direct ing of tho aeroplane toward tho tar- pet also directs the torpedo. It Is sus pended In tho position which It as sumes In the' water that is, horizontal and retains that position after being released. Tho- releasing devlco Is un der tho control 6f tho aviator at ali times. The advantage of approaching the target at a relatively high elevation and then rapidly descending to a lower ono before roloaslng tho torpedo Is, supposing tho target to bo a battle ship, that it is practically Impossible with present day naval giuns to hit an object falling from n great height ow lng to tho resulting chnngo In range nnd tho coasequent elevation of the guns. Advantages of Invention. The advantages obtained by proceed' lng to within about 1,500 yards of the enemy are that the chances of tho tor pedo getting homo aro increased and the aeroplane is able to carry torpc does of lighter than ordinary weight since torpedoes designed for long ranges are much heavier than those fired at shorter distances. While the Flsko Invention Is attract lng tho attention of naval officers here nnd abroad, there comes news of still another wonderful Invention, the ob Ject of which Is to protect war vessels from torpedo attack. This invention is of Gormen origin. It Is an "llluinl nated shell" loaded with calcium car bide. Tho shell is flrod in tho usual way. On striking tho water the shell sinks a few feet and tho water, entering the 'shell through apertures, sets up chem ical action which generates gas, tho resulting buoyancy driving the shell back to tho surface, after which the gas la automatically Ignited, shedding an equal light over a largo area. The light is equal to 8,000 candle power and will burn for an hour. Tho object of tho inventor is to surround a battle ship at night with these illuminated shells, thus rendering practically lm possible the unobserved npproach of torpedo craft of all types- POSTAL SAVINGS IN BONDS. More Than $1,116,000 Invested by De posltors TJils Year. A chock for $1,110,880 has been sent to tho treasurer of the United States by Postmaster General Burleson In payment for postal savings bonds to that amount, which bad been applied for by postal savings depositories in the various states. This is tho fifth Issue of postal sar ings bonds. Tho amount applied for at this time shows an Increase of $11, 000 over the preceding Issue, made on Jon. 1 last Nearly nine-tenths of tho bonds were requested in registered form, indicat lng that the purchasers desired then?, as a permanent investment SHIPS JUST LIKE A VILLAGE. Strange Little Worlds Are the South Pacific Ocean Steamers. In tho morning (how strange at sea) I was awakened by tho bleating of a lamb ond by a lusty cockcrow. Tho Royal Mall steamers of tho west const nro a strange Uttlo world. Built for nn ocenn whore storms nre unknown, they combine certain comforts not to bo found on much more pretentious boats. Their saloons nnd cabins ate excep tionally large and open directly upon tho promenade decks that stretch tho entire length of tho ship, there being, properly speaking, no steerage and no second class. The natives and others who cannot afford tho first class ticket travel in tho "cublerta," as It Is called, a deck at tho stern roofed with oanvns, but otherwise open, whore in pictur esque confusion, surrounded by bngs nnd bundles, they loll In hammocks or Uo wrapped In shawls. Toward this deck tho hencoop faces a big two story affair, partly filled with ripening fruits, bananas, oranges and tho like nnd partly with chickens, ducks and other forlorn looking fowl. fattening for tho table. Between docks stand your beef nnd mutton on tho hoof, gazing mournfully up at you ns you look down the hatchways. Upon this homelike boat, quiet nnd contented, with no unseemly hurry, you meander down tho coast nt ten knots. Tho air is soft ns a caress, and for at least eight months of tho year tho sen is as placid as a mountain lake, n glassy mirror reflecting nn azure sky. Ernest riexotto In Scrib ner"s Magazine. fashion mm By JUDJC CHOLLET Tho simple frock in empire stylo is always a good one for tiny folk. This ono combines a straight skirt with a plain body portion. Tho combination of flouncing with nil over embroidery CIIIIiD'U ClU'IIUl DIUSS. is pretty, or one of the Dresden dimi ties would bo an attractive fabric. For tho two-year-old size tho drees will require two and one-quarter yards of material twenty-seven inches wide and ono and thrco-elghths yards of beading or ono and one-half yards of plain material thirty-six inches wide. This May Manton pattern ia cat In sires lor children of one, two and four years of Jge. Send 10 cents to this onloe, giving number, 7000, and it will bo promptly for warded to you by moll. If In haste send an additional two cent stamp for letter postage. When ordering uso coupon. No. Size., Noma ... ddress THE DELAWARE AND Lake Ten Days' Saratoga Springs Saturday, August 2, 1913 Arrange Your Vacation Accordingly. BE WARE OP OINTMENTS FOR OA TAB1UI THAT CONTAIN MER CURY. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely do range tho whole system when enter ing it through tho mucous surfaces, except on prescriptions from reput able physicians, as the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the biood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure bo sura you get the genuine. It is taken In ternally and mado in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. Sold by Druggists. Price 76c. per bottle. Take Hall's Family Pills for constipation. NOTICE Is hereby given that an appli cation will be mado to the Governor of Pennsylvania and to the Water Supply Commission ot Pennsylvania on Thursday, the twenty-fourth day of July, 1913, by J. R. Quckes, II. M. Lons and Jacob Itech, Jr., under tho Act of As sembly of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania, entitled "An Act to provide for tho Incorporation and regulation of cer tain corporations" approved April 29, 1874, and tho supplements thereto for tho charter of an Intended corporation to bo called Manchester Water Supply Com pany, tho character and object of which aro tho supply, storage or transportation of water and water power for commercial and manufacturing purposes In tho Township of Manchester, County of Wayne, Stato of Pennsylvania, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all tho rights, benefits and privileges of tho said Act of Assembly and its supplements. D3eol3. HEAD, GILL Si LINN. NOTICE Is hereby given that an appli cation will be made to tho Governor of Pennsylvania and to tho Water Supply Commission of Pennsylvania on Thursday, the twenty-fourth day of July, 1!)13, by Georgo II. Stein, Bruco A. Metz gar and Alex. It. Cheston under the Act of Assembly of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An Act to pro vide for the Incorporation and regula tion of certain corporations" approved April 29. 1871, and the supplements thero to for the charter of an Intended corpora tion to be called Narrowsburg Water Supply Company, tho character nnd ob ject of which are the supply, storage or transportation of water and water power for commercial and manufacturing pur poses in tho Township of Damascus, County of Wayne, Stato of Pennsylvania, and for these purposes to have, possess and enjoy all tho rights, benefits and privileges of tho said Act of Assembly and Its supplements. Hot weather makes aching corns but why suffer? PEDOS CORN CURE will give instant relief. YOU SHOULD READ New York EVERY DAY "Greater NcwTork's Homo Newspaper.". Xf GENERAL NEWS . I FINANCIAL REPORTS I BASEBALL AND SPOUTING- ' 1 r.niToniALs AND nEVlEWS ILLUSTRATIONS CARTOONS AND EVERYTHING ELSE THAT CON TRIBUTES TO MAKING A REAL NEWSPAPER As far back as tho memory of tho oldest II vine newspaper man can recall THE NEW VOI IK SUN lias ever been tho model news paper. Excellent English, keen humor and caustlo wit havo made THE SUN tho dally companion of those engaged In journalistic development. It follows logically that every ono who ap preciates tho very best features of newspaper making; who respects tho avoidance of objec tionable and sensational news stories and who prefers a newspaper for family reading will subscrlbo regularly for THE SUN. SUBSCRIPTION Trans U'ostago Prepaid) Ono Ono month vcar Dally so 80. OO Dally and Sunday 75 H.BO Evening 25 3.5Q FOREIGN RATES Dally S1.2S S1S.OO Dally and Sunday l.uu 22.10 Evening l.oa 11.80 Domcstlo Rates Include Canada,- Mexico ud all United States possessions. Remittance must bo mado on basis of monthly rate tor any period les3 than ono year on any edition. Send In your Subscription NOW. Address TDK SUN Circulation Department San Building New York. U.. You should have a rcgularsupply newsdealers 0t tuu sun. wnu tor terms. HUDSON COMPANY and George Excursion
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers