The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 11, 1913, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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President Says It Will Soon Be
Glassed Willi Dodo.
Officials Aroused by Charges Made by
Colonel Martin M. Mulhall Against
National Association of Manufactur
ers Lobby Out of Business In Capi
tol Is General Opinion.
Tlie lobby is out of business so far as
national legislation Is concerned. It
has ceased to embarrass the adminis
tration. When the present Investiga
tion ends lobbying as a profession will
, be classed with the dodo and other
things extinct.
That IS' the view taken by President
Wilson. When he saw the newspaper
correspondents following the recent ex
pose of the lobby in Washington fos
tered by the National Association of
Manufacturers, the president wore an
expression that wns distinctly one of
pleasure at the revelations. His first
remark indicated that he was greatly
pleased with .the latest lobby develop
ments, although ho did not care to dis
cuss them in detail.
Discusses the Expose.
The president made it very plain that
he is behind the move for a full and
complete inquiry into every phase of
the question. He believes, that the
charges of Judge Lovett and others that
an attempt has been made to hold up
Wall street's interests on behalf of cer
tain lawyersthat the National Associa
tion of Manufacturers crushed or made
congressman at the whim of its officials
and that subterranean methods have
been used in creating terrorism In na
tional legislative halls should all be
thoroughly Investigated. And the presi
dent himself is the authority for the
statement that the public must Unow
the truth, 110 matter whomay be be
smirched or what their political belief
may be.
President Wilson briefly discussed
the Mulhall charges made recently
against the National Association of
Manufacturers, which have since had
wide circulation.
When Mr. Wilson made his first dec
laration that "a numerous and insidi
ous lobby" was operating in Wash
ington he had no Idea that such
charges as made by Colonel Martin
Mulhall would be brought out, but ho
said ho wns in favor of Investigating
all charges and had no doubt the sen
ate committee would have a free hand.
The president told his callers the nccu
satlons in the Mulhall statement had
been called to his attention Just before
their publication.
A Searching Investigation.
A searching investigation not only
by the senate lobby committee, but by
a select committee of the house also,
promises to be the first result of the
charges mado by Mulhall, who has
.been the general field "lobbyist" for
the National Association of Manufac
turers. Mulball's allegations that represent
atives, senators and high officials of
the government had been "reached"
or 'Influenced" and that the 'Hobby"
conducted its operations from a room In
the capltol, paid money to employees
there, took an active hand in mnklng
the committees and went out actively
in the political campaigns to defeat
congressmen who opposed legislation
the 'lobby" wanted have thrown con
gressional circles Into an uproar.
Woman to Have Luxurious Homo For
Hor Prize Winners.
Mrs. Clifford B. Harmon is con
structing nt Indian Harbor, near Green
wich, Conn., what is to bo the most
complcto homo for cats in tills country.
Mrs. narroon, a noted cat fancier, is
bent upon having a homo do luxe for
her twenty-eight cats and twenty-four
kittens, many of them noted prizo win
ners. Before the laborers were 6et nt work
on the foundation for her now 15,000
"cattery" Mrs. nnrmon broke the
ground In tho presenco of a largo com.
pany, including Commodore Benedict
and Thomas nastlnga of Carrere &
Hastings, the architects of tho build
ing. Tho "cattery" is to cover raorc
than two acres on Commodore Bene
dict's property at Indian Harbor.
There are to bo eight rooms, with
nineteen cat runs, not and cold wa
ter, electric light, gas 'for cooking, two
baths, a kittens' nursery, steam heat
and other improvements are deemed
necessities. In addition there is to bo
a seven room cottage for Mrs. F. Y.
Mathls, who has been associated with
Mrs. Harmon for threo years and who
has been breeding famous cats tor
nbout ton years.
Tho new "cattery" will bo known as
tho Greenwich cat kennels. Mrs. Ilarr
mon will give- tho cats her personal
nttcntion, and Mrs. Mathls will be In
constant charge.
To Report Selsmlo Phenomena.
Tho St Louis university through
tho aid of tho now wireless station will
keep Its Bister institutions as well as
n number of tho outlying government
weather bnreana posted on earthquakes
and other li&o phenomena in tho fu
ture, according to an announcement
tha university.
A worm or fly larva is found
throughout Pennsylvania destroying
tho roots of vegetation In gardens
and truck fields, such as cabbage,
cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kohl
rabi, radishes, turnips, onions and
sometimes other plants. These are
properly known as Root Maggots,
and are very destructive becauso
they eat away the roots, feed on tho
plants, and cause them to decay and
t .... 1 1. .. .-i. 1 . - -1 e
tno plants. Tiiey are very obstruc
tive to cabbage plants, causing them
to wilt almost suddenly.
Prof. H. A. Surface, State Zoolo
gist, Harrisburg, in reply to one of
many Inquiries concerning these
pests wrote as follows:
" The roots of your cabbage plants
aro eaten by tho Insect known as
the cabbage root worm. This Is tho
larva of a fly, similar to tho houBO
fly In general appearance. It Is
whito In color and Is a truo fly mag
got. The small red worm which you
found is not tho one doing tho dam
age. Tho fly lays the eggs at the
base of the cabbage stalk and within
a few days the larvae .hatch from
these and crawl down to the roots
and feed there, causing the cabbage
to wither suddenly as though scald
ed. They also bore in tho center of
the stalk, as I have seen several
times this spring. There are two or
three broods per year.
" The best way to prevont damage
of this kind is to make a pad about
the size of your hand, using the thin
nest tarred paper; punch a hole
through the middle of this tho diam
eter of a lead pencil, and cut a slit
from the edge of -the pad to the
hole; set your cabbage plant In tho
ground and slip your pad around it
like a collar placing somo earth on
the edge to hold it down. The flies
will not be able to get down to lay
their eggs, and the plant will bo pro
tected. The large growers in this
vicinity say that they find this
means very effective and satisfactory.
It would seem like a tedious opera
tion, hut one can place several hun
dred such pads in an hour and as it
Is the best prevention of this trouble
and keeps the plants healthy and
strong, it pays well to do it. I have
used this again and again.
"This remedy does not remedy
them after they are at the roots. To
do this you should use carbolic emul
sion, which is kerosene emulsion
with carbolic acid added. The ef
ficiency of this was first proven by
our own experiments and described
by us a few years ago in an illus
trated bulletin of the Division of
Zoology of the Department of Agri
culture. Such bulletins are free of
charge to those who want them."
fflinote "Movies"
of the News
Right Off the Reel
Tho United States senato postponed
until Jan. 1 the reorganization of tho
customs service.
The grape crop will bo from 25 to CO
per cent below tho normal in tho Keu
ka belt of New York state.
A pocketbook containing $10, lost by
a Pittsburgh physician, was found In
tho stomach of a slaughtered calf.
Icebergs which havo boon drifting
south across tho steamship lanes aro
now being carried northward by strong
currents, tho cutter Seneca reports
from Newport, It. I.
Former Premier Mellno of Franco
says the world's population Is Increas
ing so fast tho Influx of country boys
to the cities must bo stopped or we
won't got enough to oat.
An earthquake shock that lasted two
minutes was experienced at Laehuto,
Quebec. Buildings throughout tho
town rocked and swayed. Tho shock
was reported especially sovoro In tho
neighborhood of Browns burg.
BUver Toothpicks In Bread and Ciga
rette Holders In Jelly.
Tho latest English Idea In freak din
ners Is to provide tho guests gifts with
each course According to tho London
newspapers, such a banquot wns given
by an American hostess in Belgravo
square to. twenty -flvo guests, who,
when they, broko tho rolls of bread,
found Httlo silver toothpicks lnsido.
Soup was served In dainty Sevres
bowls, and when tho liquid was poured
Into tho soup plates tho guests were
presented with tho empty bowls.
The fiah provided a startling sur
prised. BoDed trout was served, and
for same tlmo tho guests were unablo
to discover anything unusual about tho
course. At last somebody found tho
trinkets concealed In tho mouth of the
tftwt AU tho flsh had rings, brooches
and other small article of Jowelry con
cealed hi their mouths.
Tho .lamb cutlets, which wcro served
as an ontrco, had a charming enameled
thimble fitted on tho bono over a deco
ratrwj paper frill. Tho Joint was tho
only dlkh showering gifts on tho men.
A eaddla of mutton waa served, and
all tho nttle molds of red currant Jolly
passed to the males contained amber
clgarods holders.
Tho JuWea served among tho sweets
bad odnocolcd in their midst tiny Jew
eled aoaot bottles with verloua per
fume. Tho fruits served as dessert
were decorated with flowtfs, which
proved to x beautifulen&mei broodies ,
-Bring your difficult Job work to
Rosani, the Manipulator
On Childrcns' Day, Rosani, the princo
of juggling and balancing, will rule
through one laughter-crammed after
noon. Ho will prance about with his
hat standing on its rim on, his nose, like
oa not, whips, plates, balls, pipes, sticks,
bowls, glosses, swords, tops, anything,
will behave quito aa if it were be
witched. Yet Rosani is no trickster.
Tho absolute simplicity of his merry
making makes it especially delicious for
tho young and the old as well. Rosani
takes a great flapping hat brim and with
a twist here and a poke there, a frown
iero and a grimace there, makes him
lelf into ten distinctly different people,
Rates Almost Through Tax nnd
Administrative Clauses AVill bo
Disposed of Later.
Washington, July 2. The Senato
tariff caucus practically completed
its consideration last night of all the
schedules pending before it, includ
ing the wool manufactures, silk, pa
per, and flax, hemp, and Jute sec
tions and then took up the sundries
and the free list, to bo followed by
consideration of tho Administrative
features and income tax section.
The caucus adopted the commit
tee amendments without much fric
tion, and absolutely no changes were
made in any of tho schedules, al
though, at the request of tho com
mittee a few items of the wool
schedule was referred back, includ
ing a proposal that combed tops and
noils, dutiable In the bill at 15 per
cent., be further reduced if not put
on the free list, together with the
Item on blankets valued at less than
40 cents, which the committee will
probably recommend for the free
The action of the committee in
transferring raw hemp, flax, and Jute
to tho free list, was approved, as
well as changes in the silk schedule
substituting specific for ad valorem
rates. No changes were made in tho
paper schedule, print paper valued
at not more than 21 cents a pound
being left on the unrestricted free
An amendment by Senator As
hurst, to put on tho free list all
woolen goods in general use, such
as cloth, women's and children's
dress goods, ready-made clothing,
stockings, and tho like, was voted
down by a large majority.
Senator Simmons said that he be
lieved the bill could bo completed
by Tuesday at the latest, although
considerable difference of opinion is
anticipated when the income tax is
reached. As amended by the Fi
nance Committee, which reduced tho
normal exemption from $4,000 to
?3,000 for single persons, the reve
nue to be derived is estimated to be
about tho same as the estimated rev
enue under tho House bill $80,
000,000. As soon as tho caucus completes
tho bill it will be passed upon by the
full Flnanco Committee, the minor
ity members then getting their first
official look at the measure. Tho
bill will bo In committee not more
than two days.
Tho making of good roads Is one
of tho most important duties of tho
American people and tholr prompt
repair uid careful maintenance Is
essential. There Is probably no sub
ject in which tho progressive farm
er is moro deeply interested than
that ot having roads connecting him
with his markets over which ho may
be able to haul tho greatest possible
load. Good roads, Hko all other
good things, aro too expensive to
build and of too much value to bo
Tho ofllca of Public Roads ot the
Department of Agriculture has pub
lished a bulletin on " Repair and
Maintenance of Highways." This
bulletin does not treat tho subject
of road building, but takes up tho
repair and care of roads after thoy
aro built. All classes of roads, from
tho natural earth road to tho ma
cadam roads with bituminous sur
facing, havo received attention. Tho
action of automobiles on road sur
faces Is explalnod, Tho system of
road managoment in Massachusetts,
Now York, England, and Franco are
given, with tables of costs.
Tho writer concludes that on
account of tho uso of heavier ve
hicles and motor trucks tho ten
dency of road building is toward a
heavier and more substantial fpunda
tion and a consequent reduction of
the cost of maintenance.
lieves pain at once and evept-
How to Get 100 Bushels of Corn to
the Acre. Advice From H. A.
McKeen, Secretary Illinois
Farmers Institute.
(National Crop Improvement Service.
"Thorough preparation of seed bed
and intelligent selection ol seed, and
good cultivation are vitally essential,
and must be employed, but to at
tempt to grow the 100 bushel crop
by these methods alone is like trying
to build a house by constructing the
roof before laying the foundation.
The foundation of a 100 bushel per
acre crop is a fertile soil; a soil con
taining sufficient plant food. elements
to produce such abundant crops a
soil so intelligently drained that
these elements in plant food solution
shall not be weakened by ovcrdilu
tion. "We must learn the simple lesson
that wherever the necessary mineral
elements of plant food are deficient,
whether it is because they were never
deposited in sufficient quantity by na
tutK:, or whether they have been ex
hausted by erosion, or repeated crop
ping, it must not only return them in
their natural form, but must make
them available for plant food by sup
plying organic matter in abundance.
No considerable increased crop yields
will be realized until these facts are
thoroughly understood."
In the counties which have already
organized a Farm Bureau, soil im
provement is the first step usually
undertaken, and a committee on soils
one of the first to be appointed.
Thirfy-eight Varieties to Consider In
Making Plans for Summer Work.
National Crop Improvement Servlco.3
June is a busy month for the
farmer, but nevertheless there will be
rainy days and idle hours when he
can plan concrete work, especially for
smaller structures for general con
venience. There are over thirty-eight
kinds of construction in concrete
which the farmer should consider
now. They are: Barns, barnyard
pavements, basements, building
blocks, cellars, cisterns, coal shed,
corn crib, culverts, dipping tanks,
drain tile, driveways, feeding troughs,
fence posts, fences, floors, founda
tions, gate posts, granaries, hog
houses, hog wallows, ice houses, milk
houses, mangers, nests for hens, poul
try houses, root cellars, septic tanks,
stables, sidewalks, silos, smoke
houses, steps, surface finishes, tanks,
troughs, well curbs and walls.
The Habit of Sowing Seed Without
National Crop Improvement Service.
Reports received from the school
tests in the various parts of the coun
try regarding the condition of seed
oats vary greatly. In several coun
ties in Illinois the tests were even
as low as 10 to 20 per cent.
Mr. C. A. Russell, in charge of the
Grain Standardization Laboratory in
Decatur, made an effort to test a rep
resentative number of samples, and
while the oats were of mongrel vari
eties, in most cases the tests resulted
on an average of 95 to 96 per cent.
The samples wore taken from the
seeders in the fields, and represent
seed actually planted. Mr. Russell
"There does not seem a scarcity of
seed oats in this section, although the
bulk of oats here stood in shock
during several days of wet weather,
and consequently are badly stained
and a good many of them were bin
burnt. The farmers seem to have
avoided bin burnt oats in this section.
The worst feature we have noticed
is that most farmers arc in the habit
of sowing oats without recleaning."
Cow Testing Clubs ore Very Neces
sary to the Success of the 'Dairy
ing Business.
National Crop Improvement Service.
The demand for dairy products of
all kinds is increasing faster than
the supply. This must result in high
prices for the raw material. The
farmer will receive good prices for
cream. This ought to be an incen
tive to every farmer who is 'situated
so that he can produce more good
cream to keep more cows ana better
ones. Don't be afraid of overdoing
the cow business. The good, cow is
the best investment on the farm.
Why not have more of a good thing?
Thousands of dairymen have owned
and handled cows nearly all their
lives and yet are poor judges of
cows. The reason for this is that
the knowledge which they have
gained from their experience is super
ficial. They have never compared
their judgment or experiences with
actual records or tests. They have a
vague conception of the type of a
good dairy cow, but it is based more
upon their personal opinion than
upon evidence or fact. Dairymen
are coming to a better realization of
the fact that milk producing qualities
in a cow are accompanied by a gen
eral conformation that Is Quite char
acteristic, Dairymen Who make a
nice profit from the business fam
iliarize themselves with the general
characteristics of a good dairy cow.
and make a carcim stud of tno
lation they bear to economical
As a result of the recent craze
for speed along tho rails and the
terrible wrecks which havo occurred
within the past few years several
prominent railroads have come to
the front with propositions which
are promiscuously labelled "Safety
Prominent among the roads that
aro promulgating this movement and
is doing all possible to give their
patrons an opportunity to travel as
sured of safety is tho "Old Reliable"
Erie. To this road must bo given
tho credit for originating this move
ment which is believed In tho end
will bo ono of the greatest and most
sensible moves that has been mado
by tho railroads in years.
Tho road itself advances tho
principle that safety is the first
thing to bo considered regardless of
schedules or any other rules. Em
ployees will be granted immunity
from any penalties for violating
these rules when it is shown that
they followed the safoty course. The
Erie has steadily built up a reputa
tion within the past years for their
efforts to give the patrons of their
road safe transportation and their
prompt action In making each and
every one of their safety, first move
ment is commendable.
Each piece of stationery used by
the road Is now stamped with a rub
ber stamp bearing the trade-mark of
the road followed by the Inscription
"Safety First." Employes, e'ven
down to the office boy has been in
stilled with the enthusiasm of su
perior officers and the words "Safety
First" are becoming by-words
among the employes. Train crews
aro even more anxious to comply
with any rule which makes for safety.
Interest in Friday's sessions of the
Pennsylvania Pharmaceutical Asso
ciation at .Forest Park, Pike county,
centered in the election of officers
and the report of the legislative com
mittee. The committee urged the
passage of bills providing for more
stringent legislation governing the
sale and uso of habit-forming drugs.
Officers were elected as follows:
President, Richard L. Lackey, of
Philadelphia: first vice president,
Charles R. Rhodes, of Hyndman;
second vice president, George J. Dur
bln, of Plymouth; secretary, Edgar
F. Hoffner, of Lock Haven; assist
ant secretary, Lewis H. Davis, of
Philadelphia; treasurer, F. H. Gleim,
of Lebanon.
W. J. Sturgeon, of Kitanning,
was chosen a member of the execu
tive committee and Harold J. Mont
zer, of Blue Ridgo Summit, was
chosen legal secretary for tho l14
meeting at Buena Vista Springs on
June 23, 24 and 25.
The greatest enthusiasm prevail
ed at tho session when it was an
nounced that the bill restricting tho
sale of habit-forming drugs had
passed the Legislature and was be
fore tho governor.
Tho bill was framed by the State
Association, which with tho Philadel
phia association of retail druggists
has been making every effort to se
cure Its passage.
Ascribing her long life to a. set of
good teeth which she purchased
some fifty years ago, Mrs. Lavlna
Griter Derr, of Hudson, celebrated
her 99th anniversary on Friday with
nal and ammed income -The Scranton Tn
KIMI W1IIW WWW ' ' ' ,;
r 510 Spruce StrJ
Farmers and
Mechanics Bai
consistent with this hank's reputatitj
of doing1 business.
Banking House, Corner Main and Tenth Strl
a big family dinner nt thn lir
her dauchter. Mm. A. .T fin.,!
whom sho lives. Among thosJ
ent was a great-great-granl
Mrs. Derr is worthy of honor,
Is tho mother nf two Knlrllnrn
Civil War, and a widow of ail
une or nor sons, now a resit
Bloomsburg. was wounded at i
burg. Mrs. Dorr was born ll
ton and removed tn Mmionl
hor husband In 1848. Sho hi
children, six of whom aro all
That Blnchamton hnv. nVintl
stray uuuet irom a compank
volver. while thnv worn nt I
w 1
practice, has oxemnllfiRtl thJ
Scout degree. In the face oi
no directed methods to keep
alive and remalnnd hr.ivn nn
during the hospital ordeal
Scoutdom is (lltrniflnil nmll
greater by this brave boy's el
wniio great caro in handlil
arms is a lesson that ever I
from such heart-sickening tr
the high courage of thel
wnetner learned through tl
Scout movement or native I
gives a thought to tho Boy S
tuo country worth, noting.
numbered such a boy in the!
bershlp gives ground for bel
the order Is teaching somethl
stays with the boys throughl
crises. wuiiamsport uazet
Before you start on yl
cation see that you are si
with some Neura Powc
Headache. 10 and 25
Sold everywhere.
"StickWa Furniture" In Ot
Furniture wears longcl
Only $14.4(
For this beautiful Princess
Golden Quartered Oak. The
inches long and 21 inches wil
swell iront top drawers and oncl
deep drawer. Oval shaped bevell
ror 28 by 22. Well constructed I
nnisn.a. Ketnus in stores lor
Carefully packed and I
ireight charges prepaid id
bend for our latest cats
"Satisfaction Furniture ad
Figures." Free on request
The Ideal Guardian
of the estates of your minoi
i - -ml
dren. it nas tneveryoesttac
for the nro itable and wise
ment and re investment of the i
Represent Bel!
and you will receive all the favoj
ally cures. 15 cents.