The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 11, 1913, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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SemMVeckly Founded 10 08; Weekly Founded 1811.
Published Tuesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company.
0. n DoartiNQER,
W. W. WuOD
Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Postoffico Order or Registered letter.
Address all communications to The Citizen, No. !03 Main street, Honesdale, Pa.
All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of making
money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only be admitted to this
paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notices of entertainments for tho
benefit of churches or for charitable purposes where a fee Is charged, will be pub
llshed at half rates. Cards of thanks, 50 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions
of respect will be charged for at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on
FIUDAY, JULY 11, 1013.
-t- -H- ;t
The Citizen believes In and ad
vocates paved streets In Hones
dale. That Is progress.
The Citizen believes In and advo
cates good roads built at the least
cost by the State. That Is pro-
The Citizen believes that tho
time Is fully ripe for women to
vote, and unhesitatingly says so.
That Is progress.
The Citizen believes that if
Honesdale and Wayne county gen
erally are good enough to live in,
they are good enough to spend
our money in. That is progress.
The Citizen is always on the
alert to discover good points for
Wayne county and her people, and
then to advertise the same. That
- is progress.
4- No matter how good The Citizen
may have seen in tne past, u ex
pects to be better, and ever bet
ter in the days to come. That Is
progress. -f
The Citizen believes in a clean -f
newspaper and as high a standard -f
of morals as humanity can possi- -f
blv attain. That Is progress. -
Whatever Is right, and good, and -f
true, and beautiful, and Just, and -f
merciful, those things The Citizen 4-
contends for and believes in. -f
That, surely, is progress.
If anybody has a brand of Pro- -f
gresslveness that Is any better, we -f
are anxious to be introduced to it, --
for we believe in the wisdom of -f
the best bit of advice " Get the
---f-f-f-f -f
To-day, Friday, July 11, is the
date specified by the borough coun
cil to vote upon the increased in
debtedness of Honesdale to the ex
tent of $14,000. Therefore vote at
the court house between the hours of
7 a. m. and 7 p. m. for better ma
terial for Main street. The town has
had mud for many years and now
Is. the time to shake off the dust
of madiaeval years, come to the
front, display your colors and cast
a vote that will count for Brick Pave.
4 As the serial story we are pub
lishing in tho Citizen progresses it
grows more and more Intense until
it culminates in a series of sensa
tions that follow each other in rapid
succession. All who are reading
"The Root of Evil" declare it to bo
strong and powerful.
Immediately on its conclusion we
shall begin tho publication of anoth
er story, equally strong, but on other
lines. It is called "A Man in the
Open," and deals with life among
those who live out of doors. It is
full of strength and vigor. It will
make you laugh and it will make
you cry. The exact date when the
first installment will be published
will soon bo announced. In the
meantime got ready for a treat, and
tell all your friends what a splendid
literary treat is in store for them in
the immediate future.
Notwithstanding the fact that tha
Fourth of July of 1913 was prob
ably tho "sanest" this country has
observed in decades tho trail of
casualties Is sufficiently large 'to fur
nish food for thought to all who
want to see progress made along the
lino of public safety.
The "morning after" tho Fourth
tho following dispatch was sent out
Chicago, tho city, by tho way
aok tho initiative in tho mat-
"safo and sano" Independence
of tho Fourth of Julyxthls
wide observance of tho
li" reduced tho death list
flr7flB,s and other explosives to
he eiimo country, with 874 injured,
up to this morning. Chango for
in leading cities is snown uy
serious injuries this year with
1013 VMS
cw York
, Washington
rticiiso .
Kansas y
Los Anitaics
Erburso tl
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victims In jam
AWT. nor tyfeo
Vthat wllMjQa
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blo Is not accur-
lncludo lock-jaw
ote parts&ji' the coun-
It incluas fire losses
. . . -
about her body, which she received while
playing with a "sparkler," on the night
of July Fourth. , ,,
Tho fatal accident happened on Friday
night about 10:30 o'clock, directly in
front of tho child's home. Hazel had
lighted a "harmless sparkler," when one
of the sparks ignited her dress. At once
the child was enveloped In flames and
before the fire was extinguished by a
neighbor she was badly burned. The
child was hurried to the hospital where
every effort was made to save her life,
but last night she suffered an internal
hemorrhage and died a few minutes
There you have It!
The "sparkler" must be classed
in the same danger class as the gun
which the "old woman" declared
was always dangerous, even if it
didn't have lock, stock or barrel.
Tho best way to celebrate Inde
pendence Day is to cut out all of the
Tom-foolery part and get down to
common sense.
In the Citizen last March atten
tion was called to the fact that there
were misunderstandings regarding
the vinegar laws of the state. Re
cent developments show that tho
vinegar subject is sadly In need of
the most rigid inspection. Concoc
tions are being sold as vinegar that
are not vinegar, but are decidedly
poisonous. Some of these com
pounds contain wood alcohol. Pros
ecutions are to be instituted, and
vendors who have been selling the
adulterated and poisonous com
pounds will be punished.
In the meantime it is but fair to
assume that the majority of retail
merchants are not aware of the fact
that the vinegar they are selling is
adulterated and poisonous. Mer
chants should without delay make
tests of the stock they have on hand;
and if they have any reason to even
suspect that what they are offering
for sale is not pure and is under
the ban of the law, they should at
once take steps for their own pro
tection, and should forthwith stop
its sale. Otherwise they will be
made to suffer, although they In a
sense are Innocent. The presump
tion of guilt on the part of tho re
tailers Is where they have bought
"cider vinegar" at prices much be
low what a pure article costs.
It will be admitted by all our
readers that all merchants who have
knowingly sold poisonous vinegar
will richly deserve all the punishment
that the law has provided.
Much interest attaches to the per
sonnel of the commission which
Governor Tener will appoint to In
vestigate and report orl public utili
ties. This question, together with the
employers liability, include tho very
essence of industry and commerce,
as well as tho principles of benevo
lence, and it is sincerely to be hoped
that tho good judgment which has
characterized most of the Governor's
appointments to date will stand him
in good stead now that ho Is con
fronted with tho task of choosing
men to handle theso very delicate
subjects. Wo feel suro that when
tho names aro announced they will
bo names to inspire confidence and
to guarantee tho best thought and
effort Pennsylvania affords.
nt lntrfffhundreds
, thisas th
e nauoa nas e
rom thOi$Iarrlsbilfe.
tho detttils of aSJlsCyessing
JL. l l
'nt and rTDroducnttfgRvltn IfccWise
ed "safe" a
.Is UBed for cole'
tlotf'DurDofi;5?ho Patriot's V6ws
my wassrfpllows:
llarrlsluvtg'iT'safe and sanejyFourt!
Iihh hpfinYHrfAned. Hazel AlcJUCnaer. o
S, D23 GrXtJ 1)?et, "Succumbed the HaiBk"
0 rtsbiuJgpQspltal Jast nishtflf to buffsjh
AXSI slioivPthe dafiKevattendTOff the.
JCuse jjjjBkwhat arVrJl
"harmless" a:
Harrlsburg, July 10. By common
consent there was little discussion
of legislative and political matters
by tho Capitol Hill regulars who
were in this city last week. It was
felt for one thing that it would be a
good thing to lot such matters rest
for a day or so after six strenuous
and troublous months during
which littlo else was thought of and
talked about. Moreover, Governor
Tener was out of tho city attending
to his duties as the official host at
tho celebration of tho fiftieth anni
versary of the battle of Gettysburg.
When it is taken Into considera
tion that even in tho House the
"Progressives" were star-spangled
failures from tho start, when they
sacrificed every possibility for real
usefulness in a disgraceful scramble
to securo a few petty offices, to tho
nnisn, wnen tney prevented tne en
actment of a child labor law be
causo some of thoir leaders' thought
they could mako a littlo political
apital out of tho failure of tho bill,
must be admitted that there is
some Justification for the opinion ex
pressed here one day last week that
to openly print an expression of that
kuflPia "going some."
matter of cold fact the ses-.
as progressive to a marked d.
ft, out tne so-cauoQ -progress!
absolutely nothing to do
he acmipiishment of this
There was not a minute during the
entire six months that they could be
counted upon to act as a unit and
there was not a Washington party
man at either end of the capltol who
was big enough to plan or carry out
a program of any character. The
only people with which the Regular
Republican organization must share
the credit for tho cork of the Legis
lature aro the Democrats. They
were reasonably responsive to leader
ship and in the main they were free
from the vices of envy and malico
which wore tho bane of tho Wash
ington party adherents.
A list of the progressive measures
that were passed would include
state-wide uniform primaries, non
partisan election of Judges, woman's
labor bill, public utilities bill, com
mission form of government for third
class cities, creating a department
of labor and industry and wiping but
the inefficient factory inspection bu
reau, stringent cold storage bills,
mothers' pension bill, loan shark
bill, and many others.
When Governor Tener went to
Gettysburg early last week he took
a staff of clerks and official advisors
with him and every moment he could
snatch from the social duties that
devolved upon him was devoted to
consideration of the mass of legisla
tion that was left on his hands at
thQ adjournment of the Legislature.
The Governor has, under the Con
stitution, thirty days ' in which to
dispose of these measures and he
will need all of that time. He will
be back here most of this week and
by next Sunday the mysterious lit
tle grapevine telegrams that fore
cast the fate of this or that Import
ant measure will be flying around,
if this year is anything like other
years that mark a meeting of the
General Assembly.
MUST CUT $25,000,000.
J qneni
Governor Tener Has Real Busy Pro
gram Mapped Out For Next
Harrlsburg. With all of the ap
propriation bills passed by the last
legislature checked up steps are now
being taken at the executive depart
ment to ascertain exactly how much
money Fater Penn will have to spend
In the next two years and what would
be the effect of some of the bills
designed to increase revenue now in
the hands of the Governor. Almost
C50 bills aro in the hands of Gover
nor John K. Tener for action, the
largest number ever left with a
governor by a departing legislature
and it is significant that this num
ber is over half of the 1,147 which
were passed. Furthermore, it also
indicates that a largo percentage of
the bills were passed within the last
ten days of the session.
Governor Tener is up against the
biggest proposition in regard to bills
of any governor, because ho has to
cut off something like $25,000,000
and at the same time to act upon a
large number of appropriation bills.
The total sum appropriated was $82,
000,000. And all this must be done
in tho face of demands for his pres
ence, such as Gettysburg last week,
and the Perry victory centennial,
where ho must play an official part,
and tho visits to the four camps of
tho brigades of the 'National Guard,
which custom has decreed must take
place and which every governor has
followed out. And all bills must be
acted upon by the 27 th.
Up at the capltol the attorney gen-
oral's department is going over all
bills with the utmost care,- while tho
statisticians are working out the
financial problems. The governor
took up tho general appropriation
bill on Saturday Immediately upon
his return from Gettysburg. On his
action on this bill depends tho pay
of all persons connected with the
state government who have not been
paid since tho middle of May.
Action on the public utilities com
mission bill is expected soon. It Is
being gone over letter by letter.
FOR JUNE, 1913.
'Highest daily temperature ranged
from G8 degrees' eighth, up to ninety
degrees 15th, 10th and 30th: aver-
ago 80.4 degrees; last year 59 de
grees lath, to 88 degrees 29th, and
averago 74.4 degrees. Highest re
corded in June for 55 years was 90
degrees, 28th, 1870. Eighteen days
81 to 90 degrees; last year ten days
80 to 88 degrees.
Lowest temperature varied from
C5 degrees 27th, down to thirty de
grees tenth; averago 48. G degrees.
Lowest record in June, 28 degrees
14th, 1875. Last year lowest, thir
ty degrees eighth, tenth nnd 14th;
averago 45.3 degrees.
Greatest daily range of tempera
ture 46 degrees 12th and 30th; and
least 10 degrees 21st; averago 32.5
degrees. Last year 28.9 degrees.
Warmest day lGth; mean 77 de
grees; and coldest day the iOth;
mean fifty degrees.
Daily mean for tho month, G4.8
degrees, is one degree above Juno
average of G3.8 degrees for 47
years; from 58.8 degrees in 1903, to
G9.4 degrees in 1870. Last year
June mean temperature was sixty
I measured only one rain stoAn,
morning of the 20th, 1.8 Inches.
Juno averago Is 3.34 inches for for
ty years, and most 10.25 inches in
Juno, 1903.
Twenty days wore clear, eight fair
and two cloudy; average 79 per cent,
of sunshine, last year seventy per
Last part of month, early grass
was getting ripe, with very light crop
for hay, on nearly all meadows.
Plenty of tent caterpillar eggs are
on trees for next year, a week or
more earlier than usual.
Dyberry, Pa July 1, 1913.
State banner; assisted by Mrs. Sam
uel Semplo of Titusville, President
of the State Federation of Pennsyl
vania Women, and Mrs. H Neely
Fleming, 01 line, President of the
Northwestern Pennsylvania Equal
Franchise Association, whose di
plomacy and untiring activity made
the parade possible.
A prominent feature of the parade
was the Liberty Bell Float that was
used in the Washington Parade on
March 3rd. The plaster replica Of
the Bell was sent to Erie by Mrs. C.
H. Ruschenberger of Strafford, Pa.,
who arrived In Erio on Saturday to
superintend the hanging of the bell
and the decoration of the float. Four
beautiful young women, bearing gar
lands of flowers rode on the float,
which was drawn by GO to 100 Erie
The famous Edison Talking Pict
ures are coming to Honesdale. This
has been decided and they will be
shown at the Lyric Monday, July 14.
A complete entertainment, consist
ing of drama, comedy, tragedy, oper
atic selections and speeches by well
known men and women, will be
enough to convince the most skepti
cal that at last silent motion pictures
is doomed and hereafter they will
talk the same as real actors on a
real stage.
One of the most stupendous un
dertakings in the talkies was the
staging of the big minstrel number,
comprising thirty-five people. This
Is a genuine minstrel oleo, with
blackfaced comedians, clog-dancers,
cake-talkers, quartettes and the
grand finale of old veterans, showing
the spirit of the CiclL war. Other
subjects deal with Mayor Gaynor, of
the City of New York and his Cabi
net; a group of well known suffra
gettes; the miser scene from the
"Chimes of Normandy"; a clever
skit known as the "Musical Black
smiths"; and "Nursery Favorites," a
subject that will gladden the hearts
of all lovers of child life, dealing
with "Jack the Giant Killer," "Old
King Cole," "The Witch," "The
Fairy," "Little Red Riding Hood"
and all the old favorites so dear to
the hearts of the young.
They are at present being shown
only in tho largest cities, where they
are drawing capacity business
dally In tho large vaudeville thea
tres. This is the first time offered
to the country at large and the citi
zens of Honesdale will await with in
terest the opening night here.
Highest temperatures ranged from
52 degrees 11th and 27th, to 89 de
grees fourth; average G8 degrees;
last year average one degree higher.
Highest in May for 47 years is from
76 degrees in 1882 and 1890, to 94
degrees 29th, 1874.
Lowest temperature varied from
56 degrees 22d, down to thirty de
grees eighth and 11th; average 45.5
degrees. Last year it was G3 de
grees 24th, down to 27 degrees first;
and average 44.3 degrees. My low
est records in May is twenty degrees
third, 1882; fourth, 1891; and 12th,
Greatest daily range 44 degrees
third and fourth, and least, four
degrees 27th and 28th; average
22. 6 degrees. Coldest day 11th,
mean 41 degrees, and warmest day
fifth, mean seventy degrees.
Rainfall was very deficient, esti
mated a half Inch for tho month; less
than one-sixth of May average for
over forty years.
Thirteen days were clear, ten fair
and eight cloudy; average 5S per
cent, of sunshine, same as last year.
I was In Columbia county after the
9th, but had temperatures recorded
at my old home in Wayne county.
Dyberry, Pa., July 1, 1913.
In compliance with a request made
by the Business Men's Association
the merchants of Honesdale have
signified their willingness to close
their respective stores and places
of business on Wednesday, July 23,
tho date for the annual picnic. The
different committees are working
hard to mako tho outing a success.
Special trains have been ordered and
arrangements havo been completed
regarding connections with the Erie
trains for excursionists. Parties
from Hawley and White Mills desir
ing to join their Honesdale friends
at Lodore can mako excellent con
nections. Tho first train arrives at
Honesdale at 8:08 a. m., connecting
with the Delawaro and Hudson spec
ial, leaving at 9:15. Leaving the
Lake, a special at 5:15 arrives in
Honesdale in ample time to connect
with the G o'clock Erie train.
All roads led to tho cool shores of
Lake Erie on Tuesday when tho
women from all parts of tho State
gathered In honor of tho first Suf
frage Parade ever held In Pennsylva
nia, which took place in Erie In con
nection with tho Perry Centennial.
The Suffrage Division was led by
Mrs. Frank M. Roesslng of Pltts-
urg, President of the Pennsylvania
voman Suffrage Association, who
arrled the beautiful blue and gold
John M. Dlack, aged soldier and
storekeeper at Wlmmers, was called
out of bed on the night of July 4
and beaten by Sol Bird, a stationary
engineer of Drinker, Jefferson town
ship, according to Information sworn
to by Mr. Black before Alderman
Koehler. Koehlor hold Bird in ?500
bail for his appearanco In court on
charges of threats to kill and as
sault and battery. Black Is 75 and
Bird 50 years of ago.
It is alleged by Black that Bird
told him ho camo to the house to
kill him and that his wife (Mrs.
Black) had to drag Bird off her hus
band while ho was choking tho aged
man. Black appeared at the alder
man's offico with his head badly cut.
Ho says that tho Injuries were in
flicted by Bird.
It is alleged that Bird, who is an
onglneor at tho washory owned by
IClrby and Howard at Drinker, ran a
grocery bill at the store conducted
by Mr, Black. Black claims that ho
made several efforts to collect and
failed and that when he went to
Gettysburg last week with the veter
ans ho told his wlfo not to give Bird
any provisions without cash until the
old bill was paid. Bird's son went
to the storo and was refused goods
on July 3.
Mr. Black testified that he came
home from Gettysburg on July 4 and
went to bed about 9 o'clock. He said
that along about 10 o'clock he
beard loud rapping at the door and
thinking that somebody wanted
something in the line of provisions
ho went downstairs and opened the
place. Bird he claims was standing
outside and grabbed him by the
throat striking hjm several times and
throwing him to the ground. He
started to call for help and with
tho assistance of his wife got away
from Iiis assailant. Bird's employers
furnished bail for his appearance in
court. He was represented at the
hearing by Attorney Frank M. Boyle.
Scranton Times.
L. J. Dorflinger and Charles Dor
filnger of White Mills, left Tuesday
for New York to be absent several
g Monday Specials
Every Department Participating with
Values that are of Noteworthy Merit
The store's enviable reputation as Honesdale's best and
favored value-giving store will never be more ably sustained
than it will be Monday. Every department in the store has
contributed of its best merchandise at unusually low prices to
make Monday a day of economy to everyone who shops at this
live store. Read this ad. over carefully, note the bargains quot
ed and remember that these are only a few of the many all over
the store.
Grocery Departments:
Fine Granulated Sugar, 25-pound bag, $1.20.
Pure White Rose Lard, 10-pound pail, $1.45
Pure White Rose Lard, 5-pound pail, 75c.
Pure White Rose Lard, 3-pound pail, 45c.
Evaporated Apples, 13c value, 10c lb.
Blue Label Ketchup, 25c value, 20c bottle.
Argo Starch, well known, 5c value, 4c pkg.
Quaker Puffed Wheat, 10c value, 9c pkg. t
Quaker Puffed Rice, 15c value, 13c pkg.
Whole Japan Rice, 8c value, 6c lb.
Other Departments-Main Floor
Final Clearing Sale Ladies' Hats, $4.00 value, $1.98 each.
Clean-up Lot Children's Hats, special, 15c each.
New Cloth Ratine, latest weave out, 25c value, 22c yard.
Famous Kekko Silk, all colors, 35c value, 25c yard.
Yard-Wide English Percales, all colors, 13c value, 11c yard.
32 in. Scotch Gingham, new styles, special, 11c yard.
Men's Work Shirts, all colors, 50c value, 43c each.
Ladies' Lisle Vests, no sleeves, 25c value, 18c each.
Bleached and Unbleached Table Cloth, 50c value, 43c yard.
Ladies' Medium Weight Stockings, black, tan and white, extral
value, lie pair.
Turkish and Huck Towels, special, 9c each.
Fine Unbleached Muslin, 10c value, 8c yard.
2J. in. Mattinsr and other Suit Cases, special, $1.10 each.
Ladies' Colored and White Marquisette Dresses, $5.00 value!
Second Floor Specials
Junior Colored Dresses, $1.50 value, $1.10 each,
funior Colored Dresses, $1.75 value, $1.39 each.
Children's Wash Dresses, $1.00 and $1.25 value, 89c each.
Children's Wash Dresses, 59c value, 49c each.
Hodges' Fibre Matting, 39c value, 32c yard.
Union Ingrain Stair Carpet, 35c value, 29c yard.
9x12 Axminster Rugs, special, $19.50.
Crex Porch Matting, 50c value, 43c yard.
Katz Bros. Inc.
NOTICE-Wlonday Specials are sold for Cash.
King Cotton Carnival Runs Supreme Throughou
The Store,
EV3ondiay9 July
li II 1 1 I II 1 III Hi I 1 i 1 Hi
Performance Commences B:V