The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 11, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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1 Dreher, July 10. A moat wel
come shower of rain fell In this lo
cality on Saturday, July 5, and for
.about thirty minutes the rain came
down In torrents, but tuo ground
was so very dry and dusty that the
good It done cannot bo estimated.
The shower was accompanied by
! sharp lightning and heavy thunder,
i Philip Ecks barn was In the path o
the electricity anu was somewnai
shattered, but not set on fire. A lo
cust tree on the Eck farm, some dis
tance from the barn, was struck by
lightning and the ground for 75 feet
or more around the tree was torn up
as though dono with tons of dyna
1 A house on the estate of John
Wnmns npppnpf1. in Green-
After She Was Choked to Death Body j town. Pike county, owned by P.U-
Wealthy Farmer's Daughter
Had Ilival Suitors.
Was Thrown In Lake Youth Last
8een With Girl Protests His Inno
cence. Wilkoslmrio, l'a.. July 1). Miss Crls
pell, tliu young woman believed to have
been murdered. In connection with
which Uurburt Johns, nn ardent nd
inlrer, Is under arrest, hud another
Bultor. Tlic iwlice learned that the two
young men's rivalry had reached such
n stage that they hud arranged a swim
ming match across Harvey's lake,
,whre the girl met her death, to deter
mine which one should win her.
This Information came out through a
letter written by young Johns to the
girl on Sunday night, two days before
she dlsiipenred. This letter, which
came to the attention of the authori
ties, indicates that young Johns knew
nothing of the girl's death. It con
tained the name of his rival, for whom
the police are now searching, and re
ferred to the feat of swimming across
the lake.
Miss Crlspell, the , pretty eighteen-year-old
daughter of a prosperous
farmer, disappeared from her homo on
Friday night and was last seep nllve
talking to Johns after 11 o'clock on
that owning. The letter which was
found was written by Johns to the
girl on Sunday night and bears every
evidence that he did not know of her
The writer said that he was lonely
and hoped to see the one ho loved soon.
The letter closed wltb tho following
"From the fellow who will never for
get tho girl who has forgotten him."
With Her That Night.
Tho young man admits that ho was
with the girl almost up to the time
when persons living near Harvey's
lake said they heard a girl screaming
in terror A witness Is being sought
who Is said to have told of seeing a
young man clad In a gray suit running
away from tho lake just after tle time
the girl Is supposed to have met her
death. Johns admits having worn n
gray suit that evening.
An nutopsy has revealed tho prob
able motive for the death of tho young
girl, und the case now appears to par
allel that of tho murder of "Billy"
Brown near Ilerkimer, N. Y., for
whose death Chester Gillette went to
the electric chair. Further examina
tion of tho girl's body showed that she
had fought vigorously for her life and
makes It appear that she was beaten
and choked until stunned nnd then
flung Into the lake.
Both Eyes Blackened.
Both her eyes were blackened, there
were other bruises on her head and on
her right wrists were tho deep imprints
of teeth. Her throat and body were
marked by finger prints. Immediately
after tho autopsy Dr. F. J. HIgglns,
who made tho examination, would only
say, "I am convinced that murder was
Johns was found at work In a mine
by reporters, who had learned ho was
tho last one seen with tbo girl before
her dentil. IIo talked freely with them
and was on his way to see tho authori
ties when the coroner decided to order
bis arrest He stoutly declares that he
Is innocent of tho girl's death.
Celebratrd Sevonly-fourth Birth
day Yesterday at Summer Home.
dolnh Iteikle and occupied by Mrs.
Goorce Blitz, was destroyed by Are
on Saturday forenoon together with
furniture and furnishings and cloth
ing belonging to the Blitz family and
several boarders from the city, also
some money, tho nronerty of Mrs
Blitz. Tho origin of tho Are is un
known, as the family and boarders
had gone out for pleasure and did
not return until tho building was in
ruins. The house was insured but
the stock of furnitre and clothing
is a total loss.
John Hoberllng, aged about GO
years, a former resident of Green
town, Pike county, died July G, in
Hillside Horne, near Scranton, where
he had been for somo time. Inter
ment was mado in the new Moravian
cemetery July 7.
George Bartleson lost a valuable
horse a few days ago from kidney
Mr. and Mrs. David Ottensoser of
Itockaway Beach, N. Y., are guests
of A. C. Angel and family, also Mrs.
Frank Houck and two children of
A. E. Hause, of Philadelphia, and
W. G. Hause and wife of South
Bethlehem, are guests of J. W.
Hause and family.
Quite a number of people from
this locality journeyed to Tobyhanna
on July 4th to v;3it the soldiers en
camped there.
Tho Charles Edwards family are
now located on their hundred-acre
farm In Sterling and are nicely fixed
in a brand new "bungalow."
1913, by Anwrlnin I'reiw AHewclntton.
John D. Rockefeller celebrutrel tils sev
enty-fourth birthday at Cleveland yoater
day by plnylng more and wortclnu less
than usual. He playpd Kolf with Dr. H.
Bltfgnr and his Duetor, tho v. W. W.
Bustard; rode his bicycle and sat with
Mrs. Rockefeller, who Is not hi good
health. Ho gavu orders he was not tn be
bothered by tho stock reports, which
ootne over tho private wire from Wall
street to Forest Hill. For pno day the
world's wealthiest man rcfuaod to pay
any attention to the reports that told
whether he Is wealthier or not so
wealthy. Not In llvo years ha the health
of Mr. Rockefeller been better. Dr. Blfi
gar said.
Chairman of Democratic Commlttoa
Under Knife In Paris Hospital.
Paris, July 0.-William F. McCombs.
chairman of tho Democratic national
committee, who Is regarded as the
probable new ambassador to Franco,
was operated upon for appendlcits in a
private hospital I11 tho Avenue Victor
Tho operation was quite successful.
It was performed by Dr. Du Bouche,
who Btates that the patient Is doing
well nnd that ho does not fear nny
unfavorable consequences.
Lakoville, July 10. On July 4th
considerable excitement was created
when a number of boys and girls
who were riding on a raft in Dan
iel's Lake near hero were fortunately
saved from a watery grave. Tho
party of six or more young ladles
sat on tho raft and when one young
man who strangled was drawn on
the raft, it sank and only two could
swim. After considerable work
they were rescued by members of
the Daniels family. One of the par
ty, James E. Ammerraan, of Wilkes-
Barre, was the nearest to death as it
took one and one-half hours of con
tinual work to bring him around.
Mrs. Margaret Bunnell, aged 91
years, died at the home of her son,
James, at Stroudsburg. Interment
was made in the Lakevllle cemo-
tery July 4 th.
'Miss Evelyn James and lady friend,
Miss Edith Harding, of Honesdalo,
are the guests of Chester James and
wife for ten days.
Lakevllle school will open Sept.
3rd. Stanley Crane will be the
Garfield Goble Is threatened with
Mr. and Mrs. C. Heineke are en
tertaining Mrs. August Heineke and
two children from Brooklyn.
Mr. and Mrs. Orange Whitney of
Sterling, passed Saturday and Sun
day with tho latter's mother, Mrs
Martha Loveless.
Miss Lucy Sheeley Is very sick
at her home here.
S. Miller is entertaining twenty
Scranton people this week.
Raymond Evans and Elmer Gillett
of Scranton, passed a few days last
week with the former s grandmother,
Mrs. Lovelass.
Mrs. Hattio Williams and family
of White Mills is spending a week
with her parents, E. H. Alpha and
Royal White, of Niagara, N. Y,
passed a day with friends and rela
tives here.
Reportod Killed During Battle of Mex
leans at Tuxpan.
Port Arthur, Tex.. July 0. An Amer
ican attached to tho consular office
was killed in a battle between Mexi
can federals and Zapatistas at Tux
pan July 4, according to Captain
O'Neill of the British steamer Bloom
field, which has arrived hero.
He said tho rebels retired after ex
hausting their ammunition. Casual
ties were light
Stalker and Braman, July 9.
Tho Fourth was celebrated here with
a picnic held by the L. A. S.
Mrs. Chance Lewis has been sick
tho past few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Gardner and daugh
ter of Deposit, visited their daugh
ter, Mrs. George Skinner, a part of
last week.
Some from hero attended the pic
nic at Abramsvlllo on tho Fourth
Helon Minor, who has spent some
time with her grandparents, return
ed homo last Saturday.
Mrs. Frances Kent and two daugh
ters, Elmer Whlto of Port Jervls and
Ernost White, wifo and daughter,
of Hancock, spent the Fourth with
their mother.
Mrs. Maggie Kellam of Long Eddy
Is visiting her niece, Lodusky
Sophia Bloom, who has just grad
uated from Stroudsburg State
Normal school, is at home, also John
P. Blum, her brother, who spent tho
winter In Florida.
Observations of tho United
States weather bureau taken at
8 p. m. yesterday follow:
Temp. Weather.
Albany 08 Clear
Atlantic City .. 03 Clear
Boston 70 Clear
Buffalo 70 Cloudy
Chicago 08 Ralr.
New Orleans .. 88 Cloudy
New York . .... 71 Clear
St. Louis 80 Cloudy
Washington ... 70 Cloudy
A permanent injunction restrain
ing tho Wisconsin Pharmacal com
pany from Imitating the wrappers
used by the Centaur company of New
York, manufacturers of "Fletcher
Castorla," was granted by Judge F,
A. Geiger in United States district
Tho complainant company charg
ed the local concorn with using
wrappers which infringed upon their
copyright for the labels of their wen
known preparation. The Judge up
held Its claim and ordered tho de
fendants to pay damages of ?200
as well as the costs of the action.
The decision handed down by
Judge Geiger applies to between 400
and S00 Wisconsin retail druggists
who are stockholders In tho defend
ant company, Milwaukee, wis,
Orson, July 9. Andrew M. Deck
er died at his home in Orson, Pa., on
June 20th, 1913, of diphtheria after
about one week s illness. Tbo de
ceased was born January 13, 1872, at
Preston Park, and was tho son of
John W. and Elizabeth Barrows
Decker. He was united in marriago
on December 15, 1902, to Mary
Wakeman of Deposit, N. Y., who now
survives him, together with flvo
small children, Theron, Elizabeth,
Elma, Inez and Thelma, also his
aged mother, who resides at Preston
Park, and .two brothers, Harris P.
and, Warner H. Decker of the same
place, and two sisters, Mrs. L. M.
Blanchard and Mrs. Joseph Simp
son of Lakewood. The remains were
taken to Hamblotvlllo for burial tho
following day.
Central Employes Public Serv
ice Gcnlssioner.
Albany, N. V., July a Charles J.
Chase of Crotou-oii-the-IIudson. a lo
comotive engineer on tho Now York
Central railroad, was nominated by
Governor Sulzor us a member of tho
public service commission of tho Sec
Mid district to succeed Curtis N. Doug
lass of Albany, whose terra had ex
pired. The Biliary is $15,000 a year.
"The nomination of Mr. Chase," said
the governor, "is made In accordance
with the promise made by tho Demo-
ratic party In Its platform adopted In
tho last stato convention. Tho plat
form says that we favor tho appoint
ment of a practical railroad man as
public service commissioner."
Other nominations sent to too sennto
by tho governor Include tho following:
To bo public service commissioner,
Second district to succeed Frank W.
Stevens, whoso term had expired. Wil
liam E. Lcillngwell of Watkins.
To bo state labor commissioner to
succeed John Williams, whoso term
had expired. James M. Lynch of Syra
cuse, president of the International
Typographical union.
To bo trustee of tho State College of
Forestry in Syracuse to succeed
Georgo E. Dunham, who was unablo
to serve, Francis Hendricks of Syracuse.
To bo trustee of tho Stato Hospital
For tho Treatment of Incipient Tuber
culosis to Oil a vacancy caused by the
resignation of Martin E. McClary.
Georgo L. Brown of Elizabethtown.
The Sunday Record I Ins Stories for
Everybody and Every Locality.
We have no hesitancy In recom
mending the "Sunday Record ' as
ideal for homo reading. No news
paper that comes to our office has
more or better news it is always
clean and wholesome.
In tho wide range of its feature
articles wo can always find many
that concern us and our locality.
There are articles and illustrations
from all the world, stories by the
best authors. Jokes, cartoons, fash
ion and household news everything
that goes to make "good reading,
That's why we think the "Sunday
Record" unsurpassed at any price,
though it costs only three cents.
The Senate bill conferring author
ity upon tho stato water supply contr
mission over all dams and obstruc
tions in streams of the state, except
the tidal waters of the Delaware and
its navigable tributaries has been ap
proved by Governor Tenor and here
after no dam or wall can bo erected
without permission from the com
mission and its approval of the
plans. Tho commission Is authorizo
to supervise tho construction and
operation of all dams as well. This
bill was drafted to ovorcomo lack of
authority to prevent such disasters
as tho breaking of the dam at Aus
tin. The governor vetoed the G. A.
Baldwin House bill extending to for
eign corporations engaged in tho
manufacturing of lumber tho right
to hold real estate In Pennsylvania.
Bills signed included:
Senate 'Regulating procedure in
Allegheny county courts.
Authorizing counties and munici
palities to make appropriations an
nually to Spanish War, Philippine
and foreign service veterans for
Memorial Day expenses.
Permitting third class cities to
manufacture and sell Ice.
like pimples, blackheads, acne, bar
ber's Itch, etc., quickly disappear, but
the worst ulcers or cases of salt
rheum or eczema are cleansed and
healed by this wonderful skin food.
In order that any one may try Ho
kara at small expense, Pell's drug
store is selling a liberal-sized jar at
25 c, and in addition guarantee to re
fund tho money if tho treatment does
not do all that is claimed for it
At last the State of Pennsylvania
is to have a genuine Public Utilities
law. Thanks to the untiring deter
mination of Governor Tener; to the
ability which Attorney General dis
played in drawing tho bill; to the co
operation of William Draper Lewis
and to the good sense of the Legis
lature itself; the old Railroad Com
mission is to pass out of existence
and a commission of seven members
is to take its place clothed with tue
powers that the existing body never
possessed and without which its mis
sion was only advisory.
Real reforms do not come with
one jump. They are the outcome of
growth. Tho Railroad Commission
law had its uses in paving tho way
for something better. Attorney Gen
eral Bell drew a bill and Governor
Tenor insisted upon its adoption two
years ago. It failed then, but the
defeat was only temporary. It was
Impossible to get away from tue
movement this year. In giving this
now law to Pennsylvania, Governor
Tener has done his State a splendid
The new law may not be perfect.
No one would go so far to say that
it is. But few laws are. Perfection
if there is such a thing comes
only through experience. If in a few
instances the provisions might have
been bettered, the fact remains that
so far as can be judged tho law is
onlv a credit to tho Commonweaitn,
but is certain to prove immensely
beneficial. If there are mistakes,
they are trivial when taken in con
nection with tho whole. Besides, af
ter two years of putting the work
ings of the commission to tho test
and to the proof, it will be an entire
ly easy matter at tho next legisla
tive session to strengthen any weaK
ness that may develop.
We congratulate tho Governor ana
his Attorney General because their
strenuous labors in behalf of a genu
ino Public Utilities Commission have
brought forth excellent fruit; we
congratulate the Legislature for en
acting into law a bill that has re
quired months of hard work ana pa
tient study to perfect; and Anally we
congratulate the people of Pennsyl
vania upon tho fact that tho public
utilities no longer will be allowed
to be run without direction by pun-
lie officials. There is to be super
vision with direction, both positive
and intelligent.
Worst Form of Skin Trouble Quickly
Relieved by Incxncnslvo Treatment
When you suffer with any skin
trouble, even though tho itching
seems unbearable, do not think that
It is necessary to use some disgust
ing, greasy ointment Try Hokara,
a pure and simple cream, that is
guaranteed to contain no grease or
acids and which is so cleanly that it
does not soil the linen.
Its power to Instantly relieve any
irritation of the skin and make it
soft, whlto and beautiful is almost
Not only do minor skin troubles
Dent I a y Bros,
Beriitsey m
Liberty Hall Building,
Consolidated Phono 13 I,
Grand Treasurer Edward Leach
Chosen Grand Exalted Ruler.
Rochestei, N. Y., July 0. Grand
Treasurer Edward Leach of New York
was elected grand exalted ruler of tho
Elks to succeed Thomas B. Mills of
Superior, Wis. Mr. Leach was oppos
ed by J. Cookman Boyd of Baltimore.
Tho voto was: Lcnch, 1,110; Boyd. 302,
Grand Secretary Fred C. Robinson of
Dubuque was re-elected tn a three
cornered fight Other ofllcere chosen
were: Grand esteemed lending knight
P. H. Shields of Clarksburg, West Va.;
grand esteemed loyal knight, EL H,
Jennings of Bridgeport; grand esteem
ed lecturing knight, R M. Dlckerman
of Tucson, Ariz.; grand inner guard,
Edwin J. Kelly of Cheyenne; grand
trustee for Ave years, 8. V. Perrott of
Indianapolis; grand trnsteo for two
years to fill vacancy caused by the
death of Mayor Charles C, Schmidt
James R. Nicholson of 8prlngfield.
The Mayflower's Commander Refutes
the Twelve Inch Shell Story.
Washington, July 0. Socrotary of
tho Navy Daniels when nsked about
tho "near accident" to tho Mayflower
tald that a nowspapor dispatch from
Norfolk was tho first Intimation be
had had of President Wilson having
been endangered by twelve Inch shells
on Ms cruise. He added that bo had
bat issued any ordor for the suspen
slon of gun testing at tho navy prov
ing grounds.
Commander Newton Alexander Me
Cufly of tho Mayflower said that he
bad not been aware that any shell bad
been fired In tho vicinity of the May
flower during tho recent cruise.
Our GOLO TABLETS if used
make short work of a cold.
(J U rtMnr-rlnln D
iiuucauaii, - - - u. t
No Piano in America is gaining a more
substantial reputation for downright honest
values at a moderate price than the Norris &
If your hair is too dry brittle color
less thin stringy or falling out use
Parisian Sage now at once.
It stops itching scalp, cleanses the hair
of dust and excessive oils, removes dand
ruff with one application, and makes the
hair doubly beautiful soft fluffy
abundant Try a 50c. bottle to-day.
It will not only save your hair and make
it grow, but give it the beauty you desire.
For sale by G. W. Pell.
One Grade, One Style, One Price.
F. A. JENKINS Music House
(Condensed Report)
Weather Forecast,
Showers Ibis afternoon or tonight
nd probably' tomorrow; warmer to
morrow; moderate south winds.
lioans 5573,122.51
Bonds 132,801.74
Overdrafts .20
Real Estate and Fixtures 21,000.00
Cash and duo from banks 70,075.28
Capital Stock 100,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Troflts . . 101,078.02
Deposits 508,080.87
Our constant endeavor has been to render a banking service
second to none, thoroughly adapted to the needs of this community,
assuring the same welcome to the small depositor as to the one
With larger business to transact.