The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 11, 1913, Image 1

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Vote For Fnvo for Slain Street on
Friday, July 11. Remember the
Wedding Invitations, O7 T ,
Cards and Other Work Done1 si a
onicc. ,
71st "5bSAR.--NO. 56
AVill Discuss Erdninn Act Train
men's Chief Says $17,000,000
Cost of Itaisc Is No Concern of
Washington, July 10. Announce
ment was made at the White House
tonight that President Wilson on
next Monday afternoon will meet the
representatives of the Eastern trunk
lines and of the conductors and
trainmen who are threatening to
The conference at the White House
has been arranged as the result of a
joint request by the railroads and
the union employees. Itc chief pur
pose is to convlce President Wilson
of the urgent necessity of the adop
tion by Congress of an amendment
to the Erdman act, which will open
a way for the settlement of the
present trouble by arbitration or
Ready to Approve Amendments.
The representatives of both the
railroads and the employees are pre
pared to give their immediate ap
proval to the proposed amendment
to the Erdman act. The point which
they wish to emphasize is the neces
sity for action at once.
Both sides refuse to arbitrate un
der the Erdman law in its present
form. They take the ground that
the law as at present constituted
does not provide for an adequate
representation' of employers and em
ployees ana so iar as tne present
emergency is concerned tne act is
Hill Passed by Senate.
A bill amending the Erdman act
days ago. It provides in cases of rail
way strikes for a board of arbitra
tion of six members, two to be nam
ed by the employers, two by the em-
i .1 .i
splpnf- tlin ntlior iVf Tn smco rf In
ability of tho four mnmbfirs tn hotpb
on tne otner two members of the
nnnrn run IJnvnrnmnnt hnnrrt nf nnn
ii ii i iiih nnnrn nr nrn irni nn 'rno i
.1 IV Al- e- i I
- i
in it mi in mht (ii i nuiririnnr t- ti
uuruH ui LiirHR. six or nino mpm nprs
PPnrdln c in flio n 1 oVi rn nP nx I
hs foil PHrnni i
The point at issue between the two
iHiiiKiir. fir tiir nnarnn nr nrmirni nn i
t has tn rin with tho norcnnnol r?
1 1 m liiivHrn m mti r nnnrn rtr pnnn a. l
inn nnn mpn at nn 'rno, Konnta hiiii
HP -PrpaiflOTit .Tim TTnnea hill nlcn I
luvidtiH iiisi- hicsm. rii itii riprn onnii not
Mnnln,l 1... 4-1. J. 1 i. .1 1 i 1
lint, iinrn Knn.ii nr i ;nvorn mnnr rrri i
lnln. nnn nf thorn in ha fha rrmmtn I
if the Department of Labor; the
H . LVS MJ 1.11 VJ 111 1 uiuuiai
if the Government. Objection has
een made to this provision on tho
rrminrl thnt It Tvntrl Mwa m n
lartment of Labor a voice in the
Preferred stock and bonds to the
mount nf nhniit iSKftfl flftn nrn hol.i
Jarre and other places In this part
i iiih si ii i h i ii urn flmnnnnn vvoroi
VnrlrQ nn rl nun ro ntna nnnmnnn
V W Q Tftinn nf Vio aUi.
flVA n Rnlaamnn In Unnaednln TTa
now out or tne city. Tne banklne
nil RR nf tlin Tflllin rmnnnv lion nlcn
een forced into receivers' hands.
In financial circles today it was
aid that the prospects for the local
lay appear on the face of the news
hat the company has gone Into the
nnrla nf tho ropalvora Tf la w
ompany are in good condition and
nt linlrlora nf nrofm-roil c-1 nnlr n .7
he underlying bonds will likely
eallze a full percentage on them, al
hough there are probabilities that
n Rnnrfinninnrn win nnvn tn itrnprir
long without any dividends for
iiih riniH.
Dispatches from Pittsburg are to
ia uncut uiui tuo receiversuip tor
R IV .1 TOT wftfln .nmnnn. woo fny
Ve purpose of giving protection to
mt company when tho hanks In
rhl-nli -Mm Tri.l,-, I i A -1
UlLil 1.11 13 ivuiiua Jl lit I II I H rH SIMM
ere forced into receiverships. The
HhtTR hftVfl hnnn nnmnil omnn T, ,
iPOiv nrC nf tllO fni'tnap .nnnnnr T
HlirnV. PPilPMl m tl n o nnr nf Un
ill bo appointed later.
A fashionable wedding took place
t Pleasant Mount Wednesday after
oon when Miss Marguerite C. Ken
edy, daughter of Prof, and airs.
m DQ H l nnnoriir nn1 n nnmT-i.
oung lady of that place became the
ride of John Henry Hintermeister
i acranton. Tnn rorfimnnv wno nop.
riiiRfi sir -a n-ninnw in tun hiot
resbytorian church and was wlt-
essed by a large number of invItAii
iceptlon followed the ceremony at
le home of tho bride's parents and
hi ii mini i m v I'll ii in r mnriDP wran
After an extended wedding tripv
r. nnn Mra Hliitormolfltor win
p their residence in Clark's Sum-
lr. "hn hi ila la Yvnll vnnwn In n(a
eartlest best wishes of a large circle
. ir Rnna mp n nannv nnn nrnpTinw .
A number of friends and relatives
of William L. Ferguson, of Seelyvllle
gathered at his homo Wednesday
evening for the purpose of extending
congratulations and greetings to
Wayne county's oldest school teach
er and lumberman. The evening
was pleasantly spent and all participated-
in a bountiful repast which
was prepared. Among tho number
to wish Mr. Ferguson many happy
returns of the day was Justice
Robert A. Smith of Honesdale, who
Is 90 years of age. Honesdale was
well represented. The Citizen ex
tends congratulations to the vener
able president of the Wayne County
Agricultural Society.
Letter From Citizen's Representa
tive Says Scllnsgrovo Has Pave
Streets. Why Not HonesdnloV
Sellngsgrove, Pa., July 9.
Company E arrived in Scranton
last Saturday morning a little before
8 o'clock on the D. & H. and marched
from the depot to the D L. & W.
station where they joined the Scran
ton companies. The regiment left
Scranton in two sections, and passed
through three pretty heavy rain
storms after we left the Electric City.
We arrived In Sellnsgrove at 12:05
p. m. When about a half a mile from
camp, another heavy rain broke up
on the regiment, accompanied by
thunder and lightning, giving us all
a thorough drenching. Saturday Was
a very easy day on account of the
rain. All the duty we had for Sun
day was church in the morning and
brigade dress parade at 4:00 p. m.
Sunday afternoon a team from Co.
E, with Serg. Dan Faatz pitcher, and
private Heyne catcher, played a team
from Co. D, one supposed to be the
best In the regiment. Co. E boys
handed their opponents a goose egg
to the tune of 4 to 0. Corp. Ray
Alberty started the ball a-rolling.for
Co. E with a nice clean hit. Serg.
Glbney, the heavy hitter, smashed
the only bat broken during the game.
Co. D. claimed they could clean up
any team in the outfit, but they
struck a snag when they crossed bats
with the Honesdale company.
It is fun to watch tho expression
on the faces of the soldiers when
the mail man brings the mail to the
first sergeant tent in tho morning.
Those who receive letters and cards
have smiles but those who receive
none have a different face.
There is not hardly anything oc
curring in the camp that would be
worth taking up your valuable space.
We go out from camp in the morn
ing at about 7:1-5 for maneuvers and
get back to our tents anywhere from
11 to 12:30 p. m, covering between
5 to 10 miles.
The annual summer inspection of
the 13th Regiment will be held on
Friday. Oh. yes! The most Import
ant event of this camp I almost for
got to mention. The officers of Co.
E are going to give us a chicken sup
per Thursday night. It is supposed
to be some affair.
Co. E has the second largest com
pany in camp in tho 13th.
Serg. Thos. Kelley's enlistment ex
pired on Tuesday and received an
honorable discharge, and will leave
camp for home Wednesday.
Edmund Finnerty of Honesdale,
was a visitor In E company street on
The days are very warm but the
nights are just the opposite very
cool. Sunday night was especially
cold and the boys suffered quite a
good deal with their one woolen
The State Y. M. C. A. tent Is as
usual well occupied by men writing
letters and cards to friends at home.
They furnish free paper and envelops
here and have all the dally papers of
interest to the men and also many
of tho most popular magazines on
file for them to read.
There has been no cases of sick
ness in our company as yet.
Edward Jones, one of the new
recruits, received this morning
through the mail, a large lemon pie,
from his lady friend at Hawley. Ed
die is going to make a good soldier.
My! but he has a mouth for pie.
Albert Thomas and Geo. Shields
went out this morning on a foraging
trip for the big supper Thursday
night. They got the chicks alright.
I understand they bought 1G and
only could pinch 2, total 18.
One thing I noticed while down
here is that Sellnsgrove, a town of
1300 population, hns their Main
street pavod with brick. Why not
Tho boys are looking for some pa
pers from home. None have arrived
as yet. Hope you won't foget us.
Wo break camp Saturday morning
and will probably reach home on the
last train.
180,000 YEAR PROFIT.
Washington, D. C, July 10.
Stamp books netted the government
$180,000 profit last year and proved
so popular that Postmaster-General
Burleson has approved designs for
two more kinds which will make six
lOne will contain ninety-six one
cent stamps and will sell for ?1,
and the other twenty-four one cent
and twenty-four two cent stamps
and will sell for 75 cents. At pres
ent one cent stamps are sold in
books of twenty-four and two cent
stamps la books of twelve, twenty
four and forty-eight, selling for 25
cents, 50 cents and ?1. The differ
ence between the value of the
stamps and tho selling price Is to
pay for the cost of the books, but It
more than does that.
Editor's Note Frank G. Farn
ham, of Honesdale, is in litigation
vith the United States government
for infringement upon his stamp
book patent.
jjj j 1111!
is the date specified by the borough council to vote upon the in
creased indebtedness of Honesdale to the extent of $14,000.
at the court house between the hours of 7 A. M. and 7 P. M. for
better material for Main street. The town has had mud
many years and now, is the time
val years, come to the front, display your colors and cast a vote
that will count for
Increase of Indebtedness to defray the expense of paving Main
and West Park Streets with brick in accordance with Paving
To vote TO ASSENT to an increase of indebtedness,
make a (X) opposite the word "YES."
To vote NOT TO ASSENT to an increase of indebted
ness make a (X) opposite the word "NO"
Do you assent that Council -INCREASE
Largest Number Loaned in Ono Day
Was 127 Wlilch Went Out on
During the six months ending
Juno 30th the Free Library has giv
en out C.C50 books. Last Tuesday
127 were given out, this being the
largest number loaned during any
one day since tho library was open
ed last November. The library is
open every Tuesday and Friday
from 3 to 5 and from 7 to 9 p. m.
except when these days fall on a
holiday. The following are some
of the new books:
The Future of Trade Unionism by
Chas. W. Elliot.
Power Through Hepose by Call.
The Spirit of Youth by Jane Ad
dams. ,
'Beckonings from Little Hands.
History of Coinage and Currency
in the U. S.
Making of Character by McCunn.
Sidelights on Contemporory Social
ism. Through Boyhood to Manhood.
The Tariff and the Trusts.
America In the 'Making, by Lyman
Industrial History of the U. S.
New Edition of Bryco's American
.Principles of Relief by Edward
T. Devlne.
Our Country, Its Traits and Its
Famous Leaders Among Women.
Woman and Labor.
We have the most complete Opti
cal equipment In this part of Penn
sylvania, and we do lots of this work,
the result being satisfied customers.
Ask them!
And voto for Brick and wo close
Monday evening nt 0 o'clock during
July and August.
Jeweler and Optician
"The Daylight Store"
Opposite New Postofflce.
to shake off the dust of mediae
(Continued from Tuesday's Citizen.)
L is for "Larry,"
King of white wings
Who lives In Texas,
No voto he brings.
l represents Mud
Enough we've had,
Do trick vote brick,
Then everybody will be glad.
N is for Neutral
One paper has stood,
Personally "favors pave,"
As boomer no good.
O represents One
A vote indeed,
Which on Friday
May be one in need.
P stands for Press,
Which deserves credit
In giving pave
A respectable edit.
Q is for Question,
No one need fear,
When voting for pave
Its answer is clear.
R represents Real Estate,
Each man knows
Increases In value
The older it grows.
S stands for Main Street,
Many years renown,
Known to travelers
The worst In town.
T Is for honest Toil,
Which many have done
And they won't quit
Till tho victory's won.
U represents Universal,
In opinion for brick
Progressives, all of them,
Who do not' kick.
V Is for Volume,
And it's strong,
Working for brick
All day long.
W stands for Win. N
Tho vote we must, '
And. not forever
Chew Main street dust.
X is tho cross
For pavement mark,
No indebtedness, same,
But this no man hark.
Y is for You,
Honest, sober and best,
Vote pave on Friday
With zeal and zest.
Z closes the alphabet
And tale of sentiment,
Like stars at night
Reflects the firmament.
Ten police women will bo appoint
ed here at once In accordance with a
special message sent to the council
by Mayor Harrison. They wlll ba as
signed to the bathing beaches and
A beautiful Indian maiden, a
princess of the famous Cherokee
tribe, has charmed the world by her
beauty and gracefulness. Princess
Arrow Shot has no equal In the
world, male or female, for horse
manship, and her managing and rid
ing of the untamable horses with
tho Wyoming Bill Wild West Is
spectacular and marvelous. She is
one of the many features of the
show, which will exhibit in Hones
dale on Friday, July 11.
Plymouth Auto Denier Tells of See
ing Harvey's Lake Victim Near
Spot Where Body Was Found.
Wilkes-Barre, July 9. Another
witness was unearthed today in the
Alice Crispell case which tends to
make the story told by her lover,
Herbert Johns, weaker than it was
a few days ago. This witness Is Seph
Reese, of Plymouth, an automobile
dealer who was on the Harvey's
Lake road about 11:30 o'clock on
the night of July 4, the night Miss
Crispell was murdered or acciden
tally drowned.
Johns declared that he left the
girl some time before that and was
on his way to this city on the street
car. Reese stated to tho county de
tective today that he was four miles
out in the country beyond the lake
to take back a disabled automobile,
that ho was coming around the lake
at tho hour mentioned when he met
a girl wearing a light dress and a
young man with a light suit and
panama hat. They were close to
gether and the young woman seemed
to be staggering Indicating partial
When tho light from the search
lamps of the machine directed
against the pair, the young man
turned his head to ono side but
Reese secured a good look at the
features of the girl and is satisfied
that it was 'Miss Crispell. Later he
saw a drunken man lying on a small
lumber pile near where the other
couple were walking along the road.
County Detective Price is now
looking for the man who was lying
on the lumber pile.
Friday, June 27, was tho last day
of the Spring term of Miss Keen's
school. The usual order of exer
cises was observed, viz: The spelling
contest. First "Choosing Sides."
Julius Kelz and Russell Pohle were
drawn choosers, after two rounds
Russell's side won. Then came the
final contest, the "Spelling Down."
Of the A class Alva Liddlo stood up
the longest; B class Addison Pohle;
C class Louise Salber. Louise Ting
ley and Walter Dapper did well.
'Head marks as follows, viz: A
class Anna L. Hanlan 3, Arsenath
Bunnell 2, Edward Dean 4, Vernard
McArdlo 2, Russell Pohle 2.
B class iMargaretta McTavish 3,
Addison Pohle G, Julius Kelz 8, Viola
Williams G, James Coyne 2.
C class Lola E Fasshauer G,
Louise Tingley 5, Louise Salber G,
Walter Dapper 3, Helen Coyne 4,
Robert Sonner 2, Harold Harris 2.
Some good work has been done In
Penmanship and Bookkeeping.
After a vacation of two weeks the
Summer term will begin Monday,
July 14, and continue six weeks.
Death of P. L. Brnmnn.
P. L. Braman died at his lato home
in Indian Orchard on Tuesday, July
8. Death was due to a general
breakdown although he had been In
ill health since January of this year.
Mr. Braman was born In Coopers
town, N. Y on July 4, 1840, and
when eleven years of age came to
Wayne county to live with his par
ents. He had always mado his home
near Indian Orchard and had just
passed the seventy-third year of his
life on July 4 last.
He is survived by his wife, Bes
sie W., and two daughters, Adda M.,
wife of C. F. Rice, of White 'Mills,
and Maud B wife of Geo. H. Ham,
of Indian Orchard. He is also sur
vived by two brothers, Hamilton, of
Carthage, N. Y and Nelson S., of
Keatlngs Summit, Pa., also two sis
ters, Mrs. Margaret Gorr, of Now
Mllford, and Mrs. Elizabeth Garratt,
of Indian Orchard.
M. Leo Braman, of Honesdale, is
a nephew of the deceased and at
tended the 'funeral which was held
at the late home in Indian Orchard
on Thursday afternoon at two
o.'clock. Rev. Seymour, of Beachlake
officiated. Interment was made In
the Indian Orchard cemetery.
Joseph Weary, of Hawley, was cal
lng on friends here Tuesday.
Patrick McNally, of Now York
City, is the guest of Honesdale
Bernard Reedmlller, of Scranton,
is the guest of Honesdale friends
this week.
Miss Agnes Bishop has returned
to her home in Port Jervis after
visiting friends here.
Miss Grace Gatfney, of New York
City, is the guest of her aunt, Mrs.
Mary Donnelly on Erie street.
Thomas Butler and William Gib
bony, of Jeanotte, are spending their
vacation at their homes here.
Miss Molly O'Malley, who had
been visiting friends here, left Wed
nesday for her home in Plttston.
Mrs. Louise Whiting is visiting
her brother, Charles Van Wart, in
Newburgh, N. Y. She left Wednes
day morning.
Orvllle Welsh, local representa
tive of the Scranton Dally News, has
been granted a vacation of ten days,
beginning Thursday and he expects
to spend the time at his home In
Tyler H11L
PRICE 2 OB7 'fc r
; i -
lie Selected nnd Acquired tho Site
Which Cost the State of Pennsyl
vania But $15 Delawnre nnd
Hudson Offered 220 Acres.
The Philadelphia Inquirer in Sun
day's installment of the series of
articles which it Is publishing on
" The State Hospital for the Criminal
Insane at Farvlew, Wayne County,"
tells about selection and acquisition
of the splendid tract of land upon
which the hospital stands. It reads
as follows:
Dr. Thomas C. Fitzslmmons had
been born and reared in that West
ern part of Wayne county where now
190 miles from Philadelphia and 190
miles from New York, the State hos
pital for the Criminal Insane, of
which he is the superintendent and
to the development of which he has
contributed so much, now stands.
He knew the possibilities of the
beautiful and verdant region, and he
directed the attention of Mr. Walton
and other members of the commis
sion to it.
When Mr. Walton, Mr. Sproul and
the rest of the commission visited
the region their enthusiasm know no
bounds. Here, indeed, they agreed,
was an ideal place for an establish
ment of the new institution and for
the fruition of those plans for the
humane and intelligent treatment of
tho criminal insane for which it was
primarily designed.
Negotiations wero entered Into
with the Delaware & Hudson Rail
road Company. The management of
the road saw an opportunity to have
devoloped the country through which
its sixteen-mile Honesdale-Carbon-dalo
branch runs by tho establish
ment of a Stato institution amid tho
mountains of Western Wayne county.
It offered the commission 220 acres
of land after the negotiations were
well under way. Five dollars was the
nominal sum paid for this first allot
ment, of land, although $10,000 had
been appropriated by the State Leg
islature for the purchase of a site
for the new institution.
Sought Arable Land.
But the commission was not sat
isfied. . Mr. Walton and Dr. Fitz
slmmons,, in continuing the negotia
tions pointed out to the railroad
management that the land was not
arable, and ultimately the commis
sion acquired an additional 420
acres, most of It consisting of good,
rich already cultivated soil, which
had been occupied by Alexander Mc
Mullln, a Scotchman. For these
acres which brought the total up to
640, the commission paid another
Subsequent negotiations with the
railroad secured further additions
to the property, until the commis
sion finally secured for the State a
total of"784 acres for no more than
?15, still a third ?5 having been
paid for tho last additions.
These acres comprise verdant
meadows suitable for pasturage;
fruitful farm land, upon which a wide
variety of vegetables may be easily
grown; orchards In which apples
and other fruit trees may blossom;
tablo land that may be carpeted with
green sward overhung by shade
trees, amid which buildings of the
Institution may be reared, and beau
tiful forests, from which an unlimit
ed supply of timber may bo secured,
or which may be transformed Into
groves for recreation purposes.
License Only Necessary to Hunt Pro
tected Game, Says Dr. Knlbfus.
Dr. Joseph Kalbfus, secretary of
the state game commission has issued
a statement explaining the require
ments of the new hunters' license
law. Dr. Kalbfus says:
"The impression seems to have
gone out that the resident hunters'
license law requires residents of this
state to procure a license before they
may hunt for anything in the state.
We are getting numerous letters of
inquiry, especially regarding the kill
ing of frogs by the use of a gun. I
desire to say that this new law re
quires the hunter to obtain a license
only where he Is hunting for some
thing protected by the game laws of
the state. The frog Is not protected
by the game laws, therefore, a li
cense is not necessary for hunting
"These licenses will be Issued
through the several county treasur
ers as soon as properly prepared by
the state printer, which perhaps will
not be for a month or six weeks.
"There Js no bird or animal class
ed as game that may bo hunted at
this time of year. Upland or grass
plover may be killed after July 15.
Tho open season for other game does
not begin until September, and the
licenses will not be In the hands of
the proper authorities long before
that time."
Thomas Gerrity and Roswell Phil
lips, two of the Incorporators of the
proposed Scranton Daily News, were
business callers in Honesdale on
Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Hauser, of
Blandln, are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Hill In New York City. Be
fore returning they will vlBlt Mr. and
Mrs. E. S. Starrs, at Arlington, N. J.
Misses Anna and Mayme Lynott
left Wednesday to spend their va
cation In Now York City, where they
have two brothers, William and
Thomas, and also In Merlden, Conn.,
where they will be gueBts of Mr. and
Mrs. P. F. Ennls.
Mrs. Emma J. Martin, of Gard
ner, Maine, and 'Mrs. W. B. Cole
man and daughter, Miss Vera, of
Nyack, N. Y., are visiting Honesdale
relatives. The two former sistera jot
Mrs. Win. H. Hawken were summon
ed on account of her serious condi