THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, JULY 8, 1913. PAGE FIVE Wants, For Sale, Etc, TELEPHONE your "Want Adver tisements for this dfpartment. Use cither phone. Call 167 on the Bell and 101 on the Consolidated. Talk, don't waltf!" Advertisements and reading notices of fill kinds placed in this column will be charged for at the rate of ono cent per word for .each separate Insertion, when sending us advertisements to be printed in this column, cash or stamps must ac company the order. DIPOUTANT NOTICE TO AD VERTIB lilts It requires time to properly set advertisements, therefore The Citi zen announces tho following Schedule Codv for regular space 1 ll L e m.mnrlml tfl. r ii vi'riisHniH.iii.H if ir liiu ueauav 10- aiin nMrnlr nrirl nnrlv nn Rnhirrinv if nnoot Yil n CoDy for Fridays paper snouiu UU 111 lUO UlilV;t9 lillUL muu nvu- . .1 II 11 XI L 1 nRRtinv niLiiiL ULLriier mull luul ij. W1L11. Cent-A-Word advertisements can- Mnnnnva nnn i'liiirsnavs. ICYCLES and all kinds of supplies and sundries at uranam waits- ARMING IMPLEMENTS of all kinds. Hav l takes, uuaras. lite, uranam wiuis. 64tf. OR SALE 1913 Model, Motor Cycles and Motor Boats at bargain prices. write us touay. unclose stamp lor re- 1lfVi. 53W1U Films. Kodaks. Amateur work finish- . t, . ' x 1... nil 11 .l I Cl.ln ifl. linfltlH BCllL LIV lllO.lL. 11UUIU E ULUUIUi 42W18. HE Greater Ilonesdalo Board of Trade is dally receiving Inquiries regarding UIO will mu sn,wwn,7t nwnv. ('itlznn nrncfi. linnesuaie. 'a. 49tf. TTRRn-YEAn-OLiD COLT mire Eth hpl Rtrnln sorrell broke single (rood lale, R. D. No. 2. a UTOMOBILE Late model Ford tour-! Norman Bodle has sold fifteen . -ln.B ca.r f.r BaIe cheap. C. H. Rettew j motnrcvcles this season. The American Knitting Mill 843 Main street. Kiel 2 I P YOU are looking for a 10 per cent. Investment call at the office of tho Buy-U-A-Homo Realty company, Jadwin building. THROW AWAY your old Sprayer and got ono of our Gould's Compressed Air Sprayers. Saves your time and your temper, and does BETTER work. Mur ray Co., HoneSdale, Pa. PROPERTY LOCATED street, consisting of ON RIVER two dwelling houses and large lot, extending from River to Cottage street for sale cheap. This property shows a net lncomo of 8 per cent, on the investment. Inquire of Buy-U-A-Homo Realty Company, Jad win building, Honesdale, Pa. B2ell FOR SALE Second hand cook stove. No 8, with reservoir and high shelf, ovens, either coal or wood. Good as new for $12. Inquire at this office, or of James Cook, Hoadleys. Bell 'phone 821-12. PYROX for Potatoes Kills both the bugs and tho blight. Murray Co., Honesdale, Pa. FOR RENT Six desirable rooms with all modern conveniences. Good lo cation. Will bo ready for occupancy by July 1. Call Bell No. 157 or Citizen No. 101 or Inquire at tho Citizen office. tf WANTED 3 or 1 rooms With modern conveniences, suitable for light housekeeping, in the resident section. Ad dress K, Citizen office. B3tf. FOR SALE Five hens and a rooster for $5. Hens good for laying or eat ing. Roosters full blooded Black Minorca, a year old. Inquire at Citizen office or at Woodward's, Hoadleys. Bell 'phone. I F YOU ARE LOOKING FOR an ideal place to build your home, consult the Buy-U-A-Home Realty Company. Have you Inspected Willow Park? NOW IS THE TIME to stop flies. Screen doors and windows of all sizes at a good price, at G. Watts, dealer in Hardware. DON'T FAIL TO GET a Twenty Pay ment or Endowment policy with the Elective Life Disability feature written by C. Bassctt, agent for the F. M. L. Ins. Co. of Philadelphia. CABBAGE plants for sale. $1.50 per thousand; 20c per hundred. H. W. Keen, R. D. 3, Waymart, Pa. 52cI4t WHY' TIE YOURSELF any longer to a rent receipt? Own your home. Seo Buy-U-A-Home Realty Company, Jadwin building, Main street, Honesdale. FOR SALE Nice gentle colt over a year old, black. Inquire at Citizen office, or call on F. P. Woodward, Hoadleys. J Ul 40. lUUlilJUb il :15 and 1:15 p. m. 52elS RANTED Girl for general housework. Anoly 1111 Court street. Honesdale. 33eitf. riift ill'. i nRvpn ruiiiiiH uuu ll ulllh In tho Buel Dodcre house, down stairs. -innesdale. 4UtI. OR SALE Elegant building lot oh North Main street, near C. F. Bul- ock's residence. Ask Buy-U-A-Home LUiLlLV UIIIIUJLLIIV LLUUUL LL. STABLISHED BAKERY BUSINESS in Honesdale for sale Good location 111 IVLUlll BLICCL, KllJVya UJlGUCUL- 1IUUUU' oyeu Dy many nonesuaio unu rurui uia- ormatlon inquire of Buy-u-A-Honio tealty Company, Honesdale, Pa., Jad- vin building. 54eii. WELVE PAIRS OF WINDOW blinds i 1-2 x 14 Inches. practically as particulars. Lock Box 63. Honesdale. these little n diets, and they are busl- leep." .urinfT it to me warmers ana Aie- EXCELLENT FARM FOR SALE Lo cated In Lebanon township on State road leading to Equinunk and about nine miles from Honesdale. Farm very pro ductive and one of best in that vicinity. Contains 136 acres of good tillable soil; red shale. Upon premises Is located frame house, two barns, good orchard, water, and a Quantity of lumber. Will sell at a reasonable price. Bargain for some one. For rurther particulars in quire of Buy-U-A-Home Realty Company, Honesdale, Pa. f ME DOLLAR will open an account at " tno .f armers ana Aiecnamcs uanit. Courteous treatment to all. 4Ctf flt AKE YOUR MONEY WORK, then " in older days you will not have to. Tho Farmers and Mechanics Bank can take care of you. Open a bank account with that Institution to-day. 46tf (Tk LIVER TYPEWRITER FOR SALE Good condition, useu only a montn. No. 5 model. Bargain for quick buvcr. Address i' , uuizen oince, iionesaaie, i-a. 49tf. ( NE DOLLAR per month will get you w protection it you are nun or sick W. P. Schenck. Honesdale. Pa. f at TJTT.T fnennoa nnlfnca 'nn 5 cloth, and p'rlnting of all kinds for the farmer Is made a specialty at The citizen printery. WHAT'S tho use of fret and worry over senseless cares and strife? Use these adlets In a hurry, let them smooth your patn or me. SUMMER BOARDERS' ATTENTION! Smivpnir T'nvplrmps. Honesdale views. for sale at The Citizen olfice, over Jad- wln's drug store, Alain ana .ttignt streets, 6 or 5c, or 10c er dozen. 49tf. 1XANTED Carpenter 11 Steady work. and teamster. Long Pond Mill. 52tf onesda e and Greater Honesdale EIiAWAKE & HUDSON AND ERIE RAILUOAD. D. & H. Honesdale A.M 6.55 (Sunday 10.15) A.M. 10.00 (Sunday 9.55 Lv. r. TTnnpsrinln P.M. 12.25 4.30 P.M. 3.15 0.10) 7.38 Lv. Honesdale r. TTnnnsrinlA ERIE. A.M. 7.10 8.40 A.M. 8.08 P.M. 2.53 (Dally) 6.00 P.M. 1.40 350 6.55 7.10 iSun.l X-tA lTitiia ,1 n 111. AVnnnL l.l... Justus Cary has sold to Andrew leilman and Michael Deilman, both f South Canaan township, a farm f twenty-seven acres in that town hip for the consideration of ?3,-00. -Two cases of chlckenpox have ppn rpnnrtfid tn Mpalth OfTlonr M. R. pbneer. Tho patients are Margaret homas, aged 8 years,, daughter of HUH I III1IIII1N III l.llll NII'HMI. IIIII1 larjorle Silsby, aged 7, daughter of harlcs Silsby, of Rivor street. ' From one of the hottest days of 1(3 titjUSUU uu ouiuiuuy WUUll LUU lormometer registered about 05 de- rees. mo neai wave was uroicen on unuay oy a arop oi iorty decrees. was a welcome cnange from tho itense heat of the past few weeks. arly Monday morning the thermom- ter went as low as 4U uegrees. -Tho 'Bader families of Thlr- ;enth street and elsowhero held a U . . . VJ 1 . U . . U .1 . 1 . . . . . V .. 1- . U LJWAUn pantv.nnn mpmhnra Inplllrilnfr fnur eneratlons present. Dr. Walter nrior wlf nnrl nnllrl nf JnTiTistnwTi . ere the only out of town members, r. Bader will return Tuesday, his imily remaining here for the bal- ph or .luiv. The Fourth of July was fittingly ilobrated in Narrowsburg and tho rnslnn wnn ono loner to bo remain- 1 till UV L11M UCUUld UL LUUt UUlhU" i iiiiitia. i iinm in nuiuiuK on jii- cauvo an uu uiu'iuduiuucu l'uuiiu n inn nnnn n n r pjrirrnwHiiiirir n rii v- 1 themselves up to tho task In the ilebratlon that they offered. C. P. nrlo. nf TTrtnpHrlnln wnn thn flnnnlf. nf thn rtnv nnd .Tfinltlns' Unv Rand. so of this place, furnished the mu c. There were many from here ho spent the day there. The home of C. E. Canfield, of Damascus, was slightly damaged by lightning a few days ago. A marriage license has been issued to' Almoro Wooster, of To wanda, and Miss Louise Meszler of Honesdale. The Men's Guild of St. John's Lutheran church held their regular bi-monthly meeting in the church parlors on Thursday evening of last week. The proceeds of the picnic that was held in Bellevuo park last Sat- uruay oy tno uerman (jainouc ciuo netted that organization S280.40 The club will have an outing in Fos ter s farm on July 20. The Vestry of St. John's La theran church have granted Rev. C. C. Miller a vacation of ono month to begin tho last two weeks in July and continue over the first two weeks in August. Rov. Miller and family will spend the time in Philadelphia and other adjacent points. The Fourm of July was cele brated in line style by the people of Aldenville last Friday. A big picnic and ball games were tho order of the day. Tho Aldenville team played two games with Carbondale and lost both by scores of 2 to 3 and 4 to 5 The Gleo club of the Honesdale M, E. church sang and W. B. Lesher recited for the entertainment of the visitors. District Attorney M. E. Simons has received a complaint from cltl zens of White Mills nnd Palmyra township on tho condition of the road between White Mills and Haw loy. The complaint was signed by many living along tho road who said that no work has been dono on tho road for several years and that it Is almost impassible and a nuisance. Brush at the side of tho road and stones make it prac tically impassible. Miss Laura Goodnough, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Good nough of Glrdland, Pa., and Alex M. Myers of Worcester, Mass., were married at noon, July 1st at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs. Rol land Brown, 110 Summit road, El mlra. Rev. H. T. Beatty of Hoboken officiating. The brldo -was given away by her father. Only the im mediate members of tho family were present. After their Honeymoon Mr, and Mrs. Myers will reside at Worcester, Mobs, closed during this week, A marriage license has been Is sued to John T. Kiegler and Miss Jeanette Baldwin, both of Hones dale. Tho regular monthly meeting of the Business Men's Association will bo held on Wednesday evening of this week. Conductor Charles Lord of tho Erie delivered 115 Now York pas sengers from tho Honesdale branch to the main line on Sunday. The family of Thomas A. Cross ley left on Thursday last for Far view Lake, where they expect to spend part of the summer. Frederick H. Hilcker, of New York, and Lena Hedler Mingst, of Narrowsburg, N. Y., were married at the German Lutheran parsonage, July 3rd by Rev. C. C. Miller. The membors of Company E, i 13th regiment, N. G. P., left on a special Delaware and Hudson train at 5:30 Saturday morning for Selins-, grove, where tho boys in blue are in camp. I B. H. Dittrlch announces that on Monday evening, July 14th, he has made arrangements to have a dis play of Edison b talking pictures. ' This will be the first of the kind to be exhibited in Honesdale. -The marriage of Miss Jeanette Baldwin and Mr. John G. Kiegler. both of Honesdale, was celebrated at six o'clock Friday morning in St. Mary Magdalen's church. Dr. J. W. Balta performed the ceremony. The marriage of Miss Louise Meszler of Honesdale and Mr. Almore Wooster of Towanda, occurred in St. Mary Magdalen s church Monday afternoon at two o'clock. Rev. J. W. Balta performed the ceremony. Theodore Day was an early morning visitor in The Citizen office Monday morning. He stated that the mercury registered S4 degrees on Sunday and Monday morning he reversed the figures, making them 48, with a near frost. Tho next attraction will be the Business Men's picnic at Lake Lo dore July 23, The association is ex tensively advertising this event and weather permitting It undoubtedly will be one of the largest gatherings of people from this and the other side of the Mooslc mountain held in many years. During the month of June just passed Prothonotary W. J. Barnes and deputy Miss Marcla Barnes, were kept busy issuing marriage licenses. Thirty-three were issued to prospec tive couples during the month which made a new record for Wayne county. During June of last year only twenty-two licenses were issued. Three patrons of W. T. Heft, the veteran barber of Honesdale, happened to be In the former's shop at one time on Saturday. All three, Hon. James Blrdsall, Joseph Men- ner and Daniel Peil, have been con tinuous patrons of Mr. Heft for 51 years. Tins is a remarkable record and it is doubtful if it can be equal led in the State. ADnronriato services .commem orating the Fourth and the laying of tho cornerstone of tho Central Methodist Episcopal church were ob served in that edifice. Pastor Will H. Hiller delivered two patriotic sermons during the day. Special musical programs were rendered at both morning and evening services. The singing at the later service was unusually good. The following young people left on Sunday morning for Elk Lake, where they will camp for two weeks in tho Buckland cottage: Misses Helen Oakes, Hortenso McKenna, Marie Bracey and Lillian Barberi. The following from Scranton are also Included in the party: Misses Marguerite Barrett, Anastasia Kelley, Vera Tuman and Mabel God dard. Miss Margaret Donnelly will join the campers next week. The party is chaperoned by Miss Mamo Igo. The remains of Mrs. Elizabeth Brown, who died at her late home In Hoboken, N. J., on Thursday last, arrived hero over tho Erie on Sat urday afternoon and were taken to the cemetery where a short service was read at the grave by Rev. A. L. Whittaker of Grace Episcopal church. Mrs. Brown was formerly a resident of East Honesdale. The pall-bearers were: M. E. Simons, R. M. Stocker, J. Samuel Brown, Wil liam Brown, Joseph Brown and E. T, Brown. The Fourth was celebrated at Mr. and 'Mrs. James Carefoot's with a gathering of relatives and friends. Those present were Mrs. Masher and Mrs. Utt, of Arlington, Mr. and Mrs. I James Cook and children of Hoad leys, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Burleigh I of Dunmoro, who came over in the former's outo. When the Dunmor eans made the return trip they took j along wltn them 'Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cook and their two children, who spent Saturday in Dunmore and Scranton. Items llils Probably tho most unlquo of Fourth of July celebrations took place at Farview Friday when the in mates had a real day of celebrating from the patriotic addresses in the morning, the field day events and base ball game in tho afternoon to tho magnificent fireworks' display in tho evening. The celebration was arranged by Dr. T. C. Fitzsimmons, superintendent of the hospital, and not an Incident marred the pleas ure of the unfortunate patients. One of tho features of the day was the addresses made at the picnic grove by two of the inmates, B. Frank Smith of Fayette county, and Henry Becker of Philadelphia, were the inmates who made the addresses. Neither ad dress was lacking in patriotism or lack of love for their country. On Friday of this week between tho hours of 7 a. in. nnd 7 p. in., tho citizens of Honesdale will bo privi leged to voto for pavo nt n special election held nt tho court house. Tho improvement is u step nlong pro gresslveness. If yon nro n Progres sive cast your ballot for pave. Miss Jennie Leo is visiting rela tives in Clinton, Miss Josephine DeWitt is spend ing her vacation in Susquehanna. Mrs. Thomas McKenna is visiting In Philadelphia and New York City. P. C. Peuser, of Scranton, was n business caller in town last week. Miss Mary A. McCloskey Is spend ing the week nt her home in Haw ley. Mrs. Thomas Barry, of Newark, N. J., Is a guest of Honesdale friends here. Miss Emma Sandercock spent the Fourth and week-end at Deposit, N. Y. Earl Gager and Neal Hiller of Scranton spent Saturday and Sunday in town. Miss Beatrice Havey spent Fri day with relatives and friends in Scranton. Miss Florence Rled spent the lat ter part of last week at her home in White Mills. Mark E. Griffin, of New York, is spending a two weeks' vacation at his home here. Miss Clara Eck of New York spent the Fourth and Sunday with her parents at Dyberry. Mr. and Mrs. Parker, of Paterson, N. J., are guests at the home of D. D. Weston this week. Miss Loretta Murray and Gertrude Duff have gone to Eldred, N. Y to spend their vacation. Miss Mollle Demer of Hallstead, has been visiting her brother, Jacob Demer, Church street. Mrs. Ellen Drake, of New York City, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. John Blake, on Terrace street. Monroe Weiss, of New York city, visited his sisters, the Misses Weiss on Park street over Sunday. 'Mr. and Mrs. Habeteur, of Great Bend, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagner. Attorneys M. E. Simons and C. P. Searle were attending to business in Starrucca on Wednesday. Miss Florence Giddlng, of Pater son, N. J., was a guest at the Meth odist parsonage over Sunday. Mrs. John Deltzer, of Hawley, and daughter, Mrs. Kettner, of this place are visiting in Carbondale and Scran ton. William L. O'Connell, treasurer of the Gurney Electric Elevator com pany, spent the week-end at his home here. Miss C. Lillian Baker of New York City, will be tho guest of her aunt, Mrs. E. A. Pennlman, tho coming month. Miss Asher Franklin, of East Benton, Pa., Is a guest at the home of Prothonotary and Mrs. W. J. Barnes. Fred Llebig is driving the downT town express wagon in place of Dan iel Faatz, during the latter's absence at camp, 'Master Horace, Boyd, of Lester shire, N. Y., is spending the sum mer with his grandmother, Mrs. E. T.'Smlth. Robert Heft has accompanied his nephew, William F. Heft, Jr., to De posit where the former will spend his vacation. William Wefferllng and Arthur Wensel, Jr., of Newark, 'N. J., are the guests of friends here for an in definite time. Attorney and Mrs. Chester Garratt spent a few days last week at the home of the former's parents at In dian Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Demer, of Hallstead, are tho guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Rickert on Court street. , Mr. and Mrs. Edson Kreitner, of Scranton, spent the latter part of last week at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kreitner. Orvlllo Welsh, local representa tive of the proposed new Scranton Dally News, spent the week-end with nls parents at Tyler Hill. Hon. H. Clark Jackson, of Tyler Hill, was calling ion Honesdalo friends on Monday. He returned from Harrisburg a week ago. Mss Edith Hamlin, of Syracuse, N. Y,, arrived on Monday afternoon for a several weeks' visit at the home of Miss Mary Weston, Park street. Major Edgar Jadwin of the U. S. corps of engineers with headquarters at Washington, D. C, spent a few days with his father, C. C. Jadwin. Mrs. Harper and son, Harold, ac companied by Harry and Jesse Hallo way, of Philadelphia, are guests for two weeks at the home of Mrs. Ed ward Reed at White Mills. Ed. J. Woodward, of Dunmoro, with his oldest son, Wayne, spent the Fourth of July and the week-end at F. P. Woodward's, Hoadleys, return ing to his home on Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Edward McGlnnis, of Jeanette, are visiting at tho homo of the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Hessllng on South Main street. They expect to spend several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. George Murran and son, George, Jr., of Chicago, aro visiting relatives and friends in East Honesdale. Mr. Murran formerly played ball on the old Honesdalo base ball team. C. M. Harris left early Sunday morning in his auto for Danbury, Conn., to bring Mrs. Harris home. He wa&accompanled as far as New burg, JgkY., by Chris. Burkett and Ray McMullen. Hon. B. B. Hardenbergh and daughter, Miss C. Lou, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Roberts, of Wynnowood, Philadelphia, began a motor trip of the Eastern states on Saturday morning. Miss Eunice Genung left Monday for a week's visit in Madisonville, N. J., and Forest Hill, L I., N. Y. While in these places she will be guests of Mrs. Johanna Kimble and Mrs, H. K. Brown. Mrs. F. II. Crago Is spending the week with relatives at Aldenville and Mr. Crago spent Friday and Saturday there with her. She ex pects to spend the coming week there before returning home, I Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Menner were , married 55 years ago July 4th. Burgess R. W. Murphy and fam ily of Hawley were In. Honesdale on Sunday, Miss Elizabeth 'Bone, of Durt more, is visiting her aunt, Mfs. Ei B. Callaway on East street. Alfred L. Schuller, of Upper Mont clalr, N. J,, is spending his vacation with his family at this place. Paul Fives, Emanuel Freeman, A. M. Lelne, Jefferson Freeman, Eu gene Freeman, C. M. Harris and A. W. Abrams motored to Peck's pond, Piko county, on July 4th, and re turned with a good catch of pickerel. Miss Hannah Hessler, who is re covering from n fractured shoulder, received some weeks ago, fell oyer a pall left in the way by a woman who was cleaning and broke tho bones In her left wrist. Dr. H. B. Ely was called. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Hudson, of Carbondale, arrived on Saturday and were taken by auto to Whites Val ley, where they will be guests at the home of William Glover for a few days. They will also visit at Clin ton before returning Home. Halsey Lathnop, of Scranton, was in town on Thursday. He left that afternoon for Beachlake to spend a few days with his wife, who is spend ing the summer there. A son, re siding at Cinclnnatti, Ohio, Is also visiting there for a short time. Harry Wood of Prompton, who has been employed for the past few months as a guard at the Farview State Hospital, resigned last Wed nesday and will leave on Tuesday morning for Princeton, Indiana, whero he has accepted a position. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond T. "Kimble, with their three children, Bruce, Milton and Ruth, arrived at Hoad leys on Sunday, the Cth, from Cam bridge, Ohio. They will spend two or three weeks at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank P. Woodward, Mrs. Kimble's parents. Hubert Kllnk, a veteran of tho Civil war, who was born in Hones dale, visited his native town a few days last week. While hero Mr. Klink was a guest of Comrade Peter Collum. This was Mr. Klink's first visit here in 48 years. He enlisted in Honesdale. His home is in Chicago. Dr. L. 'B. Neilsen, M. J. Hanlan and F. H. Crago were appointed a commission to look Into the mental condition of H. J. Field, of Clinton township. Mr. Field is a veteran of the Civil war. A hearing was held last week at which time the commis sion recommended that tho man be sent to the Sojdiers' Home. BARBER SHOP TALK. "I understand we will have tho privilege of voting for pave on Fri day," said the barber to his patron. "Yes," responded tho customer, "and it can't como too quickly to suit me. Wo have paid out enough money for Main street and It is about time wo havo something to show for It. Honesdalo, with nearly $G,000,000 In its banks and putting up with such streets as wo havo, ought to bo ashamed of itself. It is a disgrace to tho community. I am going to voto for pavo." "Me too," rejoined tho barber. "Last time I voted for mud and I havo been kicking myself over since. Mud is all right in its place, ,but not on Main street. I promised myself that if ever I was given tho oppor tunity to voto for pave again, that I would never turn the opportunity down. I am a pave booster and I guess everybody who sits in this barber chair knows It. My opinion is that pave will be carried by a big majority." nnpnin nil p ta tftblAL dALt I s 9. OF FLOUR PER BAG 3 Cans of Corn 25c 4 pkgs. Corn Starch . .25c 2 Cans Salmon 20c 3 pkgs. Corn Flakes . . .25c JOHN CROSBY Dealer in Fancy Teas, Coffees, Spices, Groceries and Provisions. 512 South Mnin Street, noncMlnlc, Pn. 1 'LLi'K&ial B WIN Stall B The use'of hose for sprinkling is abso lutely prohibited, except between the hours of 6 and 8 a. m. and 6 and 8 p. m. HonesdaBe Con. Water Co. Variety, Quality and Style V17HEN a man wants to pay $io, $12, is, $18 and $20 for his Summer Suit, he finds a maximum of the things worth while in our Schloss-Baltimore Clothes. You'll find that our suits nt these popular prices nro tailored with tho sanio extreme enro as high priced models and that tho patterns arc very carefully selected, and to n great extent exclusive. Shepherd plaids, English Checks, Pin Checks, Club Checks, Chalk aad other Novelty Stripes. Plain and Fancy Blue-Serges. Every popular model in English, Semi -English, Conservative and Norfolk Styles. On account of a back ward season wo will give our customers a ten per PYlfr rllapmint nn nil crnnria looking for in our immense display purchased between now and of Summer goods. July 4, Pl'ou'ro sure to find what you're Bregstein Bros Main St. Honesdale, Pa.