The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 08, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Site of Lost City on Loup River
In Nebraska.
White Men Were There In Search of
Gold Eighty Years Beforo the Pil
grim Fathers Landed In New Eng
landVast Ruins Will Be Excavated
by Archeologists This Summer.
Western archaeologists, beaded by
Dr. Robert F. Gilder of Omaha, bavo
at last succeeded In locating the exact
sfte of the ancient city of Qulvcra, for
which Ooronado and the old Spanish
connuerors searcnou so uniccnuy anu
fought so valiantly, and during the
cominc summer a narty of nrchaeolo-
meta OTirl anfnntlcfo will malfn nrnnrn.
ruvtrwl in Hirrmr pnndrlnmhln Hihf An
i. . 1.1 .. 1. 1
cation has been In doubt for 400 years
and more.
The ruins of the ancient city skirt
me ijouv river in ixeur.isita ior several
mn rmisr nnvo iioon pnorinniis.
While It has been known for a num-
Nebraska Is generally looked upon as
1 country comparatively new to wnue
fin. iih liiiiiiiiiir fir nut TiiiPTim on
rl.m..i.V. 1. n...n 1 .1 np
wblto scientist, eighty-seven years
iprnrn tii'niirirK niinsnn Knunri nn Tim
TKItnti r 1 V o r n nnrtr rf n-hl rn mnn
Kjorn run iiimiKn Hnrr nil in . nmra.
nwn nnrl Pnntnln .Tnhn Smith fnnrtfl
ciu uu mu Lffai ui ieriii uu mu
Found Golden Corn.
These early white men went to Ne-
UaC klflU 11M riUIMHFMlMl III 1M' Mil Ilit'II
mi Tlinr It nnI tls fnlun 'niir
enow corn instead or tuo yeuow goiu,
Tlfl thnv TTOTit nnlf Tmmrt in fltefniaf vorr nifv in rnnnnnr ichlnh vrliHn
tpn mniTnm mnro mnn i ihiii rn una
jiiiiiT-iiii inn-it iiiriiiii.
Twenty-flve years or so ago, near
ivinmi rwn n rnrmor riiw tir n ti
t-ii'iii. si mm. 1 r. ivnsi nr Krrn n to rr
m thnf HA Rnr 1r tn thn Qfnfn mn.
mi. 1 1. 1 .
mpe and material, of those used for
nturles by Moorish horsemen and
anlsh knights errant.
It had been made on a blacksmith's
xvll of iron or steel, and the blows of
0 uammer were yet visioie.
VUtJlllUli U1U A 1.11 IX I) Ul 11 11 niiiiiu Illlttl
rough the center. It Is eleven Inch-
long, four inches wldo and weighs
e and three-quarter pounds.
lit; imiiiiiir ill ill. Hiii'iiiTir Nnnnicn
mm I-ftvivpfl ITu fill! ntnnr ff Hin
rly Spanish expedition to Nebraska
d so stirred the souls of Nebraska
ido a personal trio to Madrid for rim
rpose of delving into the records In
Spanish court archives concerning
expedition of Coronado, Castena-
Pftncnlnon ntlrl rvMi 4-n flirt 1.1...-
m of Qulvera.
How Plaoe Was Found.
a n men 1 r nr Tni yci rtr -vr-ri
vage gave the following summary
his reasons for locating Qulvcra
it north of the Tlatto river in Ne-
Qulvera was situated northenstrrlv
1 Inftnr rttv KTin nr OAA inline, Tf r.on
ithern boundary of Nebraska. It
north of n wide but fordnblo
a describing the city of Qulvera the
inlard wrote: "This was one of the
e.j or Qulvera. It contained thou
ifls of houses, mostly circular In
no. Knnm rwn. tlirru nm fMtf.
ries In height, framed of u hard
od believed to bo black walnut and
111111V MiHLi'iifMi. r ovroniioii n nni.
river for more than two leagues.
which dlstanco a third stream ilow
into the second. Beyond this the
tT - V VVVMVU VUtf iui lliil Uj
mcr uamornian wears few Clothes
and Eats Only Vegetables.
rnest Darling, a back to nature
1, vnu nveu eigm years in xauiu,
lrned to his native California re
tly to start on a world search for
oman woo snares nis Doners in cos-
1 flint finil Tnnrrlnr-r ln nnfrnnf
1 , .1 . i j 1. .. . 1
IHInn llill.TT rjl n nmnll linnnnn
itatlon near Tahiti and managed to
from its products, no cats only
ts, vegetables and. nuts and wears
hn frnnfa nnlv n Inin ninth fin
orlca ho wears a sweater and
kerbockcrs, without suoes or hat
iford university nnd left tills coun
because the police persisted in ar
Ing him for bla vagaries in dress.
Minute "Movies,,
of the News
Right Off the Reel
i'cu verses of the Blblomust bo read
dally lu tho public schoois of Pennsyl
vania under a new law.
The coaster brake trust has been
forced by the federal government to
operate ita appliance on Itself.
Tho government has notified tho
clubs at Tanama to cut out the turkey
trot and 1ft Culebrn do all the sliding.
Jews admitted to thounIverslty In
St Petersburg, Russia, hereafter must
bo chosen byjtlot and not nccordlng tf
ability, lis heretofore.
Lloyds in London are quoting C
guineas per cent to cover the risk of a
war between tlie Unltod States and
Japan for three months. They need
the money.
A stray dog ran Into an express of
flee in Wheeling, W. Va., where a clerk
was counting money, seized a wnliel
containing $75 in bills and $40 in silver
and dashed down the street. When
recovered most of tlie bills had been
chewed beyond recognition.
Homes of Thousands of Rodents Will
Be Destroyed.
Building northward from Denver tho
Denver, Laramie and Pacific railroad
will run for sixty miles through tho
greatest prairie dog town in tho world,
estimated to contain nearly 500,000,000
of these animals.
Tho invasion of this district means
war, and tho railroad officials are plan
ning to wipe out tlo dogs nlong their
right of way by dropping Into their
holes balls of cotton saturated with
carbon bisulphide. Tho fumes, in
which no animal life can exist, will
so permeate tho boles that tho prairlo
dogs will bo suffocated.
Tho railroad finds it necessary to ex
terminate tho animals to prevent them
from so undermining tlie roadbed as
to make traffic Insecure. The entire
town will not bo attacked, but only
that part through which the lino is to
Iw constructed.
This dog town lies close to tho line
between Colorado nnd Wyoming. It
Is fifty miles wide, a hundred long and
contains 4,480,000 acres. As ranchers
figure that every ncre contains at least
100 prairie dogs, tho estimate of CO0,
000,000 dogs in this town is perhaps
not- too largo, to say nothing of the
owls, rabbits, lizards, horned toads and
rattlesnakes which Infest tho burrows,
Tho dog colony which lives down in
tho big town evidently settled there
hundreds of years ago. In its present
size it has been known to exist for
fifty years. While prairie dogs multi
ply about as rapidly as do rabbits, tho
younger animals remain in tho burrow
with their parents until there is no
longer room for them. Then they are
thrown out and arc forced to enter
another den or dig one for themselves.
While there may have been millions
of now burrows dug in tho big town
since white men first observed It, tho
limits of tho colony are practically tho
same today as when pioneers and gold
minors first .located It.
His Pictures of Native Landscapes Win
High Praise.
Tho royalties of Europe possess many
and varied accomplishments between
them..Iiut few hamunxjeal talent (or
-j-rmw .n ....I . 1 1 1 1 1 lu rv l
the art of painting. I'rlhco. Eugen or
Sweden, however, is a landscape paint
er of nearly If not quite first rank.
Very early in life he showed that ho
was genuinely artistic, and while still
In his teens he made up his mind that
ho would take up art seriously. A
tour in the east gnve him inspiration,
and tho paintings ho mado during it
convinced his father that he had a ca
reer beforo him ns nn artist.
lie went to Paris to study, to learn
tho technique of painting and then on
his return studied under the Swedish
painter Salmson. He became an in
imitable painter of Swedish scenery,
his pictures being full of the ntmos
phero and charm of his native country.
Hern Is the Recipe For Those Who
Want to Try It.
Sour bread, bakod after the French
army .fashion, has been given up by
tho United States military establish
ment. After numerous experiments
Commlssnry General II. C. Sliarpe has
developed n new bread that is imper
vious to tho weather, sweeter than the
old loaves nnd easier to transport. Fol
lowing is the recipe:
To 100 pounds of sifted flour and fifty-two
pounds of water one and one
half pounds of dried yeast, three
pounds of sugar and oio and one-quarter
pounds of salt.
Tho mixture Is cooked In a slow
oven, nnd the loaves are baked flat.
Cupid In a Costume Shop.
A singer In Baltimore went to a de
signer to have n costume made. Seven
fittings were required, and when at
last a satisfactory fit was obtained the
nnna wore eniraced.
Ten Thousand Miles to Be Built
State Road From Honesdnlo to
BenchlnUe, Atco to Narrowsburg.
Under the provisions of the new
roads law presented by Representa
tive Jones, of Susquehanna, and
passed at the session of the general
assembly just concluded, about 1,000
miles of new roads will be built lri
the state. Almost every county in
the state is touched by the provis
ions of tho bill and seventy-eight
routes are laid out.
Of these new roads and routes the
following affect Lackawanna and ad
jacent counties:
Route 335 Public road com
mencing at a point on the boundary
lino of Scranton and running over
Route 1G8 to Throopville school;
thenco by way of Jit Cobb and Cortez
to a point on tho dividing line be
tween Lackawanna and Wayne coun
ties by way of South Canaan and
Clemo to Hoadleys; thenco over
Route 171 to Honesdale; thence by
way of Beachlake to Acto to the
Delaware river opposite Narrows
burg, New York.
Along Winoln's Shores.
Route 3G5 Commencing in Tunk
hannock and running over Route 232
to Osterhout; thenco by way of Wl
nola and Mill City to a point in tho
dividing line between Wyoming and
Lackawanna counties; thence by
way of Schultzville, Hillside Home,
Clark's Summit, Waverly and Walls
villo to a point on the dividing line
between Lackawanna and Susque
hanna counties; thence by way of
Glenwood and over Route 174 to
South Gibson; thenco by way of Ge
latt to Thompson; thence by way of
Starrucca to tho dividing lino be
tween Susquehanna and Wayne
counties, and thence to the Delaware
river opposite Hancoek, N. Y.
Near Spruce Cabin Inn.
.Route 324 Public road begin
ning at a point on route 1G9 at
Steltz bridge over Brodhead creek;
thence along Brodhead creek by way
of Spruce Cabin Inn to a point on
state-aid road running from Cana
densia to Cresco to intersect with
Route 171 at Mountain Home, Mon
roe county.
Route 334 Public road beginning
at Greely, a point on Route 220 in
Pike county; thenco to Lackawaxen;
thenco over Routo 255 to Rowlands;
thence by way of Bohemia, White
Hall, White School to Hawley, a
point on Route 7.
Largo Deposits of It Have Been Found
In Nevada.
Fashion is rejoicing these days in a
new jewel opallzed wood.
Tho newest gem is found in Ncvndn,
where extensive deposits of it have
been discovered. As Aladdin's garden
glittered with rare stones, so the forest
of old has been converted into orna
ments for this generation. Tho new
jewel consists really of petrified wood,
the fiber of which had been gradually
replaced by particles of tho silicate
commonly known ns opal. It is of
dark red and blue shades, with many
flashes of color through it. In tho sun
light the stone has a fascinating play
of hues. There are specimens which
are of exquisite beauty.
Opalescent wood is used for pend
ants, brooches and also for rings. In
appearance it rivals the preciotts opal
which Is brought from Hungary. Wood
opals hitherto have been found in tho
western United States, but none of the
quality of those which have recently
been discovered. Tho finer specimens
are quite expensive. They are usually
cut' with a convex surfneo in order to
bring out the play of colors.
It Is an old belief that the opal
brings good luck to him who wears it,
and there are various qualities attrib
uted to the stone which may be traced
to tho ancient belief in talismans.
Some of the opalescent wood speci
mens show tho grain of the tree, the
structure of which they follow, as they
were gradually deposited from tho wa
ters which carried in solution the ele
ments from which they were formed.
As usual, the Legislature has ap
propriated for charitable institutions
much more money than the income
of the State warrants, thus leaving
it for the Governor to go laboriously
through the many bills and lop off
where he can. A system has grown
up of handing out money promiscu
ously. One of these days this sort
of thing will be stopped and appro
priations awarded only to institu
tions that are either the property of
the public or so closely allied with
the public as to make them practical
ly public concerns.
Under this classification conies the
Wills Eye Hospital of Philadelphia.
While not under State management,
It caters free of charge to the entire
State. It Is a charity pure and sim
ple. During the past sixteen years
It lias cared for 230,000 patients,
many of whom have been saved from
blindness, and they have come from
every ona of the sixty-seven counties
in the State. This charity is de
serving of much more money than
the Legislature has allowed it, for
its expansion of usefulness is de
pendent upon State aid outside of
tho meagre ?17,000 income which it
has. It has been awarded $35,000
for tho next two years, together with
$50,000 for building operations.
Twice that amount Is needed, for it
must have a surgical pavilion, and
to prepare for this pavilion the old
buildings must be readjusted
largely rebuilt and moro than the
$50,000 will bo required for rebuild
ing and readjusting alone.
It is to be hoped that Governor
Tener, when he comes to consider
the modest appropriation alloted to
what Is practically a State institu
tion, will give it his approval, and
we are sure that ho will when he
learns that private means will erect
the surgical pavilion if State funds
can be relied upon to readjust the
old buildings and conform them to
modern needs.
.Vote on Friday next for pave.
We have had mud long enough.
St:r;p;pc3. Tobacco
The Mildest Stripped Tobacco on the Market
Made Expressly for Those Who Like an Extra Mild Smoke or Chew.
UNION SCOUT has that rich pleasant flavor which can only
be produced by using the highest grades of leaf tobacco.
Try a 5c Package You Are Sure to Like If
Clark & Snover Company
The Leading Financial Institution of Wayne County
Wo lead In CAPITAL STOCK S 200,000.00
We lead In SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS 372,862.00
We lead in TOTAL CAPITALIZA TION 572,862.00
We lead in Deposits 2,463,348.60
We lead in TOTAL RESOURCES 1 3,040,099.22
This year completes tho FORTY FIRST since the founding of the
MANY BANKS have come and gone during that period.
PATRONIZE one that has withstood the TEST of TIME.
W. B. HOLMES, President H. S. SALMON, Cashier
A. T. SEARLE, Vice-President W. J. WARD, Asst. Cashier.
Nov. 12, 1912.
y v: c
'HEN the need of the
typewriter came to
the business world, the
Remington came. Others o
lowed. Remington was the first
typewriter it is still the first
First in the field, the Remington
organization began building experi
ence, step by step, from the actual
practice of typewriter users always
a step or two in advance of the users'
need. Other makes followed.
Today the Remington Typewriter
stands unique as the greatest revolu
tionize the greatest energizer tlie
commercial world has ever seen. And
by no means least of its beneficiaries
are all other makes of typewriters
for the Remington created the type
writer industry and blazed the way
for the others to follow.
12,500,000 Remington
written letters mailed in the
United States alone every
business day in the year.
That tells the story of Remington
pre-eminence, of the confidence of
Reminston the first Typewriter
Remington Typewriter Company
captains of commerce in it, of the
faith of tens of thousands of efficient
employees, of the limitless selection
in choice of operators and choice of
positions the machine that has made
work for tiie millions, and million!
for the work.