THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JULY 4, 1913. PAGE FIVE , r e 1 I-, M EXT SATURDAY specials at Paul I fi I l 9 I I I 1 l1! Frederic's. Try our delicious straw- lflinnTO kOl QIQ HP berry, chocolate, vanilla and carmel ice Will IN llll lit I II. cream. Also Oraneo Ice. All roads lend IIUlllU) I Ul UUIUj LIU I to Frederic's in warm weather. G2t2 I F YOU aro looking for o 10 per cent. (35 TELEPHONE your Want Adver- investment call at the office of the tlsemcnts for this dfpartment. Buy-U-A-Homo Realty company, Jadwin (f Use either phone. Call 157 on the building. J) Bell and 101 on the Consolidated. "Talk, don't walltl" T HROW A WAT your old Sprayer and - get ono of our Gould's Compressed .... . , ., ., , Air Sprayers. Saves your time and your Advertisements and reading notices or term)er nnd does BETTER work. Mur- oll kinds placed In this column will bo ray'co,. llonesdale, Pa. charged for at the rate of one cent per J ; ! . word for each separate Insertion. When D jjoPERTY LOCATED ON RIVER sending us advertisements to bo printed f street, consisting of two dwelling In this column, cash or stamps must ac- i,ouses an,i ialge lot, extending from company the order. Itiver to Cottage street for sale cheap. This property shows a net income of 8 TMPni!Tt'T vnTMTR Per cent, on the investment. Inquire of UUOHUil A UJ-I iJ.1It,rTliaT,a Buy-U-A-Home Realty Company, .lad- TO ADVERTISERS. wllJ building, Honesdale, Pa. B2ell It requires time to properly set QU SALESecona hand"Took stove, advertisements, thereforo Tho Citl- 1 n0 8, with reservoir and high shelf, zen announces the following ovens, either coal or wood. Good as new Schedule-Copy for regular space Jor Ji. ' of flee. ,or of advertisements for the Tuesday Is- m-ii. sue should be handed in tho office ,. , 77T, t. ... ,u no later than Monday morning at P for Potatos-milsbom too o clock and early on Saturday if Honesdale, Pa. possible. Pnnv fnr 'E'Hrlnv'a nnnor olmnlfl C OR RENT Six desirable rooms with copy for b naay s paper snouia p aU modern conveniences. Good lo be in the office no later than Wed- catlon. Will be ready for occupancy by nesday night earlier than that if July 1. Can Bell No. 157 or Citizen No. possible. We cannot guarantee the 101 or Inquire at the Citizen office. tf insertion of space advertising un- ANTED 3 or i rooms with modern less the above rules are complied " conveniences, suitable for light wlth housekeeping, in the resident section. Ad- Ce'nt-A-Word advertisements can- dress K, citizen office. B3U. not be accepted after 2 p. m. on p OR sale Five hens and a rooster Mondays and Thursdays. r f0r $5. Hens good for laying or cat- - ing. Roosters full blooded Black Minorca, BTcfi'CLES and all kinds of supplies a year old, Inquire at Citizen office or and sundries at Graham Watts' at Woodward's, Hoadleys. Bell 'phone, hardware store. Htt YOU ARE LOOKING FOR an Ideal FARMING IMPLEMENTS of all kinds. 1 place to build your home, consult the Special prices on mowing machines, Buy-U-A-Home Realty Company. Have Hay Rakes, Guards, Etc. Graham Watts, you Inspected Willow Park? , 5Uf' . M OW IS THE TIME to stop flies. FOR SALE 1013 Model, Motor Cycles Screen dpors and windows of all and Motor Boats at bargain prices, sizes at a good price, at G. Watts, dealer all makes, brand new machines, on easy in Hardware. monthly payment plan. Get our proposl- - - - , . --" tlon before buying or you will regret it; T ON'T FAIL TO GET a Twenty Pay also bargains in used Motor Cycles. ment or Endowment policy with the Write us today. Enclose stamp for re- Elective Life Disability feature written ply. Address Lock Box 11, . Trenton, by C. Bassett, agent for the F. M. L. Mich. G3wl0 Ins. Co. of Philadelphia. HOTOGRAPH FRAMES, Pictures, ABBAGE plants for sale. J1.50 per Films, Kodaks, Amateur work finish- thousand; 20c per hundred. H. . W. ed. Goods sent by mail. Bodie's Studio. Keen, R. D. 3, Waymart, Pa. 52eilt 42wlG. TW HY TIE YOURSELF any longer to a v-.v. .w rent receipt? Own your home. See is daily receiving inquiries regarding Buy-U-A-Home Realty Company, Jadwin places for summer guests. Any persons building. Main street, Honesdale. who wish- to take boarders are requested ... to leave or send their names and their p OR SALE Nice gentle colt over a rate cards with tho secretary, E. B. year old, black. Inquire at Citizen Callaway, Citizen office, Honesdale, Pa. office, or call on F. P. Woodward, Hoad- 49tf. leys. THREE-YEAR-OLD COLT-pure Eth- p XCELLENT FARM FOR SALE-Lo-bel strain sorrell broke single good C cated in Lebanon township on State roadster very gentle and of fine disposi- roa(j leading to Equinunk and about nine tlon, for sale.. Address Jas. Cook, Hones- mlIe3 from Honesdale. Farm very pro dale, R. D. 20. I. ductlve and ono of best in that vicinity. ; : ; Tz Contains 136 acres of good tillable soil; USINESS Mens picnic, Lake Lodore, red snale, Up0n premises its located r, ,r Ju,ly, sPecIal trains; morning at frame house two barns, good orchard, 0:15 and 1:15 p. rn. SeiS water, and a quantity of lumber. Will W,' , . . r sell at a reasonable price. Bargain for ANTED-C rl for general housework, soma one, For furtner particulars in- Apply Hll Court street, Honesdale. qulre ot Buy-U-A-Home Realty Company, 35eltf. Honesdale, Pa. FOR RENT Seven rooms and a bath . " " in the Buel Dodge house, down stairs, f) NI5. DOLLAR will open on account at corner of Church and Seventh streets af- V the Farmers and Mechanics Bank, ter June 1st. Enquire of C. E. Dodge, Courteous treatment to all. 40tf Honesdale. 40tf. FM AKE YOUR MONEY WORK, then --. - - In older days you will not have to. North Main street, near C. F. Bui- The Farmers and Mechanics Bank can lock's residence. Ask Buy-U-A-Home tako care of you. Open a bank account Realty company about It. with that institution to-day. 4Ctf STABLISHED BAKERY BUSINESS OLIVER TYPEWRITER FOR SALE in Honesdale for sale-Good location Good condition, used only a month, on Main street; enjoys excellent patron- N9-,LmdeAiHr5?J!).0wLcii,ufitr- age. Lunch rooms well established, en- Adfkcss 1 Citizen office, Honesdale, Pa. Joyed by many Honesdalo and rural d(s- 4Jtt. trlct people. Fine stand for young man to embark in business. Books open to f NE DOLLAR per month will get you prospective purchaser. For further in- U protection If you aro hurt or sick, formation inquire of Buy-U-A-Home W. P. Schenck. Honesdale, Pa. Realty Company, Honesdale, Pa., Jad- win building. 54ei4. C ALE BILLS, trespass notices on - cloth, and printing of all kinds for TWELVE PAIRS OF WINDOW blinds the farmer Is made a specialty at The 4 1-2 x 14 Inches, practically as Citizen printcry. good as new, for sale cheap. Address for . particulars. Lock Box 68, Honesdale. II OWING MACHINES, guards, acces- sorles at Watts' Hardware Store, ONE CENT a word is the price for at best prices. 52t3. these little adlets, and they are busl- ness. brlngers. They "work while you Vkr HAT'S the use of fret and worry over sleep." ' senseless cares and strife? Use these adlets in a hurry, let them smooth DON'T KEEP your money home, your path of life. Bring It to tho Farmers and Me- chanics Bank, Honesdale, Pa., where it C UMMER BOARDERS' ATTENTION! will draw Interest. 46tf 43 Souvenir Envelopes, Honesdale views, for sale at The Citizen office, over Jad- W ANTED Carpenter and teamster, win's drug store, Main and Eight streets, Steady work. Long Pond Mill. 52tf 6 or 5c, or 10c uer dozen. 40tf. Honesdale and Greater Honesdale DELAWARE & IIUDSON AND ERIE RAILROAD. D. & H. Lv. Honesdale A.M P.M. C.55 12.25 (Sunday 10.15) 4.30 Ar. Honesdale A.M. P.M. 10.00 3.15 (Sunday 0.55 fi.10) 7.36 ERIE. Lv. Honesdalo A.M. P.M. 7.10 2.53 (Daily) 8.40 6.00 Ar. Honesdale A.M. P.M. 8.08 1.40 3.50 6.55 7.10 (Sun.) Note-r-Tralns daily except Sunday. The Irving Cut Glass shop was closed down Tuesday for two weeks' vacation. The Boy's Band of Honesdale will play for the Union Protestant Sunday school picnic at Lake Lodoro on Tuesday, July 8. Indian Orchard Grange will cel ebrate Fourth of July in a good old fashioned way. The public is Invited to participate in tho festivities of tho day. Rev. Dr. Swift will conduct tho communion services Sunday morning and Rev. Jesse Herrmann will have for his theme in the evening "The Value of the Church to tho Nation." Special music. Mrs. Wadgo of Church street, has set a record in producing, as far as wo can ascertain, tho first peas and beans of the season. The first of the week Mrs. Wadgo picked out of her garden enough of both for her own use. Tho fund of six hundred thous and dollars for Buckncll University at Lewisburg, Pa., was completed June 30, within the time limit pre scribed by the general board of New York City. Thla additional fund places the institution on a strong fi nancial basis. On Sunday at Grace Episcopal church the newly-confirmed class will partake of the Holy Communion for tho first time and a speplal sermon will be preached to them. It is hop ed that all communicants will be present to welcome them. Their friends and the public generally are Invited to attend this service, which will be on Sunday, July 6, at 10:30 a. m. Display your flag on the Fourth in honor of the birth of Independence in the United States. Special trains will leave Hones dalo on the Delaware and Hudson July 4th at 10 a. m and 1 p. m. for Lake Lodore. The Delaware and Hudson Rail road company and O. M. Spettlgue have done their duty regarding plac ing new service pipes before paving. The Citizen is In receipt of a post card from Dr. G. A. Kerling, of Gouldsboro, who is now at Gettys burg, on which he says: " I have just had the honor of being appoint ed the Patriotic Instructor for the Department of Pennsylvania and am very proud of same," Tho report that Frank A. Rob bins' circus was wrecked at Hawley early Thursday morning is without foundation. Tho train left Hawley at' 6:20 and arrived in Honesdale at 7:05 a. m. The exhibitions will bo held on the Freethy flats, East Honesdale. The show is a good clean ono and wortlre of the support Of the entire community. John Ennis, tho pedestrian, who passed through Calllcoon recently in an effort to beat Edward P. Wes ton in walking to 'Minneapolis and who passed Weston at Blmlra, was taken sick at Mllledgeville, Pa., and was forced to abandon tho race and go to his home at Stamford, Conn., where ho is in a critical condition from stomach trouble As ho is 70 years old It is feared that he will not recover. Weston Is trudging on to ward Minneapolis, having passed far Into Ohio. Mr. and Mrs. George Ort observ ed their tenth wedding anniversary, Tuesday evening, July 1st, at their homo on Main streot. The evening was very pleasantly spent, and dainty refreshments were served. They were the recipients of a number of useful presents. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Dun ning, Mr. and Mrs, E. E. Williams, Mr, and Mrs.- Louis Partridge, Mrs. Fannie HIsted, Harlan Hlsted, Mrs. Frank Wasman, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cade, Mr. and Mrs. William Ball, Mr. and Mrs. George Barrable, Fran pis Crago, Mrs. C. Hartung, Mrs, A. Berberl, Mrs. Mary Brutzman ofj Parsons, and Mrs. W. R. Cress of Stroudsburg. The pave question Is the most! important. Remember that. i There will be open house at the I Golf club on the 4th. Refreshments will bo served in the afternoon. The mercury registered 100 de grees In the shade at Jadwln's corn er, Main street, Tuesday afternoon. Spencer Bros, were awarded the printing of the ballots for the special election at a half a cent a-plcce. Six hundred wero ordered. At St. Mary Magdalen's church, masses will be at 8 o'clock and 10 o'clock Sunday mornings during the months of July and August. A marriage license was is sued to Nowtoh Cromwell Fetter, Jr., of Ann Arbor, Mich., and Miss Blanche Marie Westbrook, of Bloom ing Grove on Tuesday. In accordance with a resolu-' tlon passed by the Honesdale Busi ness Men's association the stores will , be closed Monday evenings during the months of July and August. There will be some high class vaudeville at the Lyric on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights of this waek. Joe Eckles with his five big acts will bo the feature. Special matinee on Saturday afternoon. Council John Erk wns Initiated into the mysteries of the Grange last Saturday night at Indian Orchard. Among those present were Council Boyd, W. W. Baker, and J. J. Koeh man S. T. Ham, W. B. Leshcr, T. Y. 1 ler. Catherine E. Heib, formerly of Lake Huntington, N. Y., and Allen R. Bodie, of Cherry Ridge, were married Tuesday morning at the par-, sonage of the Baptist church "at sev-I en o'clock. Rev. George S. Wendell j performed the ceremony. J The Citizen went to press a few j hours earlier than usual on Thurs-! day to enable some of our subscrlb-j ers in the rural districts to receive their paper before the end of the week; also to enable some of Its em ployees to take a few days' vacation. A circus benefits almost every-; Doay. mo mercnam selling grain, hay, straw, meat and other articles is directly benefitted. It may be true that a large amount of money may be taken out of a place, but In turn the people get their money's worth and have no kick coming. j Geo. B. Beckley, press agent and general manager of Wyoming ' Bill's Historical Wild West show, I was in town in the advance car on Saturday and Sunday. While In towli he met W. J. Silverstone, an old , friend in the days when "Billy" was In the theatrical business In Hones-' dale. j tf'naay, juiy ii, promises to De an eventful day in Honesdale. The special election to vote on the pro posed increased indebtedness for pave falls upon that date, tho polls being open from 7 a. m. until 7 p. m. Owing to this election all liquor licensed places will be closed. Wyoming Bill's circus is scheduled to give two exhibitions here upon j that day. Take tho day as a whole there will be something doing. At the Lyric, Thursday, Friday I and Saturday of this week, Joe j Eckls presents an All-Star vaudeville show of five acts and four reels of; motion pictures, changed daily. This is Mr. Eckls' fifth visit to Honesdale with different vaudeville companies. He has always offered good, clean bills that have always made good with the people here and the per formances given this week are up to the usual standard. There will bo a matinee on Saturday afternoon at 2:30. Calling to his mother to stay back or he would blow her up as well as himself with a stick of dynamite which he carried, Floyd Tiffany jumped over a stone wall at his home near Roscoe, N. Y., stretched him self at full length on the explosive and lighted the fuse. A few seconds later the frenzied mother heard the crash of the explosion and saw her son s hat go flying into the air. There was not much left of his body. Tif fany had not been In good mental health for some time. After securing his release as an inmate of the Blnghamton State hos pital but a few hours before, H. Le Barr, of Hancock, a man of about CO years of age, deliberately threw himself beneath a slowly moving Erie engine at Blnghamton on Sun day afternoon and was ground Into an unrecognizable mass. Tho sui cide occurred within the sight of over two hundred people. Ho had been classed as a suicide patient at the institution where he had gone voluntarily. Ho had been released upon his own application Sunday. There is a certain element which claims that taxes will bo a great deal higher if the people of Honesdale vote for pave next Friday. However, this is not true. The in crease, If any, will be very light and hardly worth talking about. Tho proposed $14,000 Increased In debtedness will go into municipal I bonds and the taxpayer will not realize and difference In' his taxes. A good illustration of this' and at tho same time a strong argument In favor of the pavo is the now school building. Thero has been no in crease in taxes to tho taxpayer since the school house was erected. There is a sinking fund provided for tak ing care of this Indebtedness. The school tax is six and a half mills on the dollar and no increase has been made in several years. What strong er argument can bo set forth than this? If it will work with building a school house, surely it will work with paving a street. A union picnic under the aus pices of tho Presbyterian and Episco pal Sabbath schools of Honesdale, will be held at Lake Lodoro on Tues day, July 8th. A special train will leave the Union station at 0 a. m stopping at Seelyvillo nnd Prompton to tako any who may wish to go. Returning it will leave the Lake at 5 p. m. Tickets for the round trip, adults 40 cents, children 25c. The tickets will be good in going on the 12:20 p, m. train. Everybody la in vited to join us. Jenkins' Boy Band will furnish music. 54ei2t. SPECIAL ELECTION PAVE JULY 11, FOR PcraoneJ Slgmund Katz spent the Fourth In Now York City. Miss Mary Murphy has returned from a six weeks' visit with relatives at Buffalo, N. Y. Mrs. J. J. Koehler is confined to her bed by illness. A professional nu'rse is in charge. Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will preach at tho service at White Mills Sun day, July G, at 3:15 p. m. Dr. and Mrs. Bangs, of South Ca naan were attending to business in the county sent on Wednesday. Miss Harriet Arnold gave a shower Tuesday evening at her home on Fif teenth streot in honor of Miss Muriel Eldred. Miss Anna Seaman left Thursday for Phillipsburg, N, J., where she will be the guest of relatives for a few weeks. Miss Rose Ralney, of the Scranton Y. W. C. A., Is spending two weeks' vacation in Wayne county. She was a recent guest of Honesdale friends. Isaac Garratt, of Fourteenth street Is circulating a petition among the voters of Honesdale asking their support in the appointment of post master of this place. Mrs. Charles Cade and son, Robert left Thursday morning for Ellenville, N. Y., where they will visit the form er's father, Charles Corwln and sis ter, Mrs. Joseph Opdenbrouw, expect ing to be absent two weeks. Misses Marie McDermott and Mary Gall have returned from a month's visit spent in New York, Philadelphia and Atlantic City. They were ac companied home by Charlotte Sterl ing and James McDermott of New York. Miss Mary I. Baker, of North Main street, left Wednesday morning for New Rochelle, N. Y., where she met her brother, Henry F. Baker and family. They will enjoy an extended auto tour through Maine and other extreme eastern states. Mrs. Joseph Mills and son, David, of Green Ridge, were in Honesdale tho early part of this week. Mrs. Mills came to accompany her mother, Mrs. Schwelghofer, on her return from Green Ridge to her home in Slko. Both Mr. and Mrs. Mills were at one time Wayne county residents. Mr. and Mrs. John Gogard and daughters, Lillian and Florence left on Thursday for Blnghamton, N. Y., where they will visit relatives and friends. During their absence Mr. Gogard and daughter, Florence, will proceed to Toledo, Ohio, where they will be guests of the former's moth er, Mrs. Margaret Gogard, and also his brothers and sisters. The family expects to be absent during tho month of July. AT THE METHODIST CHURCH OX SUNDAY. Morning Worship 10:30 a. m. Organ Prelude Selected Mrs. Nelson Spencer. Doxology Choir and Congregation. Apostles' Creed. Prayer. Anthem 'Hail to the Lord's Anoint ed" Schnecker Choir. Responsive Reading, "The Nation." 'Minister and Congregation. ( The Gloria. Scripture Reading. "The Church." Quintette "Seek Ye The Yord". . Roberts Obbligato, Miss Flossie Bryant, Chorus, Misses Hattie Arnold, Charlotte Bullock, Messrs. George Hayward, C. Callaway. Offertory. Hymn, "God of Our Fathers". . . . Warren Choir and Congregation. Sermon "Past and Present," the Pastor. Hymn, "God Bless Our Native Land." Benediction. Postlude. Sunday school at 12 M. Evening Worship, 7:30 p. m. Prelude; Selected, Mrs. Spencer. Hymn, "America," Choir and Con gregation; Prayer. Male Chorus, "Comrades in Arms," (Adams) Tho Glee Club. Scripture Lesson. Duet "Thy Will bo Done." Mrs. Miller, C. J. Dibble. Scripture Lesson. Solo, selected, Robert Lees. Offertory: Anthem, "Flag, Beautiful Flag," Male Chorus. Song, "The Star Spangled Banner," Chorus and Congregation. Sermon, "Tho True Progressive.' "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," Choir and Congregation. NOTED ENTERTAINERS V As Well ns Musicians on Local Chau tauqua Progrnni. Npt only men like Senator Gore, Judge LIndsey, Ex-Governor Glenn, Herbert S. Hadley and orators of na tional reputation are brought directly In touch with the people by Chautau qua, but noted entertainers and mu sicians as well. This year William Sterling Battls Is giving his wonderful portrayals of Characters from Dickens' novels before tent audiences and taking his hearers into tho secrets of make-up and costuming. Paul H. Pearson is removing pop ular prejudice against election by presenting in a map's way readings from big minded poets and authors. His lecture recitals aro full of breeze and sun and common sense. Mr. Reno B. Welbourn is trying out his model Mono-Rail Car system dally, getting ready to install It in every Chautauqua auditorium for a day this summer. The whizzing little toy is a sensation, of course. It runs on a wire cable and performs to the defiance of all forces of grav ity. Mr. Welbourn brings a stock of fresh scientific demonstrations every summer. The DIetrlcs astonish the crowds with wonders of a different sort. The blooming of flowers out of the rug is not science of course, but it Is real entertainment. The musical halt of the program is not so start ling as tho magic half, but Its trick ery, too, is sheer good tun. Mr. Henry Such, a recognized Eng- llsh violinist, appears at Chautauqua for the first time this season. Miss Viola Brodbeck, a Philadelphia so prano, gives half the numbers of the program of the concert. Mrs. Henry Such is the rarely-gifted accompan ist for tho Brodbeck-Such company. The Commonwealth Male Quartet, the Tyrolean Alpine Yodlers are among the other unusual attractions booked by Chautauqua for this town this summer. WAYNE COUNTY PIONEER, AGED 112, AT GETTYSBURG. Gettysburg, July 3. Tho counties of "Dear Old Wayne" and Sullivan, across the border, are represented here and represented well at the re union of tho Union and Confeder ate forces, in the personage of ono Macager Weiss, aged 112 years, who is now one of the most con spicuous figures In camp. Mr. Weiss, besides having an en viable war record, is one of the pioneer river men along the Dela ware more than a half century ago. He is a great uncle of Mrs. Thomas P. Bradbury of Scranton. Friends in Portland, Pa., brought the aged veteran here via auto. He stood the trip well and despite the heat, de clares he is having the time of his life. And It must be some time for be It known that Mr. Weiss has had some fairly exciting experiences in his time, not taking that little "un pleasantness" with the Southland into consideration. For years he was a frontier huntsman along the Lackawanna and Delaware rivers. He hunted bears with a four-barreled gun that defied the onward march of many a dauntless bruin. His mind and body are still active and clear to a degree and his presence here has caused no amount of com ment and Interest. WHITE HOUSE WED1)IX(G BOOKED FOR NOVEMBER. Washington, D. C, July 3. The President and Mrs. Wilson have an nounced the engagement of their second daughter, Miss Jessie Wood row Wilson, to Francis Bowes Sayre, of Lancaster, Pa. The wedding is expected to take place next Novem ber at the white house. Mr. Sayre is at present an attorney in the of fice of District Attorney Whitman of New York. Mr. Sayre comes from a collegiate family. His father was the late Robert Heysham Sayre, for a long time president of the board trustees of Lehigh University and builder of the Lehigh Valley railroad. Advertise in The Citizen. Farmer and Financier, S '"'""'g' COPYRIGHTED 1012 SY B. STERN & SON NEW YORK & CHICAGO tomers. Let the MODEL CLOTHING SHOP make your clothes to order, Come in and glance over our fabrics. Place an order if your judgment suggests it. LUKE LEVY Opposite Union Depot. THE NORRIS No Piano in America is gaining a more substantial reputation for downright honest values at a moderate price than the Morris & Hyde. One Grade, One Style, One Price. F. A.jENKINS Music House WILD WEST SHOW COMING. Tho advance announcement of 'tho appearance in Honesdalo, July 11, of the great Wyoming Bill's Histori cal Wild West Show will be greeted with delight by the residents of this town and surrounding country. Old and young alike will welcome tho news with pleasure as it Is seldom a show of tho Immense proortlons of, Wyoming Bill's Wild West visit a town of this size, and it is only through tho untiring efforts of a number of our most prominent busi ness men that tho management waa Induced to exhibit here. Wyoming Bill's Wild West Is superior to any and all other tented enterprises o Its kind and character. Its enter tainment is strictly refined In every particular, interesting, entertaining, amusing and highly Instructive. Grand free street parade at 10 o'clock morning of exhibition day, and is worth going miles to witness. SNAKE STORIES ARE RIPE. Fldnlo Gratsnngcr, of Hoadleys, Kills a Rattler, Sees Another Ono That Escaped, nnd Entertains a Hlncksnnke in His Homo for a Time. On Friday last Fldale Gratsanger, a resident of the Cobb's Mills section of Hoadleys, killed a rattlesnake that was of the regulation make and carried 8 rattles. The snake was In the Lakevllle road midway between his house and the Clemo Club House. It rattled three times be fore he " got " it, but Fidalo doesn't scare at sound worth a cent. Another rattler, probably the mate of the one that was killed, was seen previously by Fldale; but as he was carrying an infant child In his arms at the time, the " varmint " got away. But that Isn't all. On the day Fidale killed the rattler a big black snake was discovered in his house, which soon was made, sorry that It was trying to work its way back to wards the land and ways of tho first garden of the world. . .Property owners nnd voters cannot say that they have not been told of tho existing conditions per taining to tho proposed new road for Main street ns Tho Citizen has pub lished articles upon this important town Issue for a number of weeks past. You will make no mistake If you vote for pave. The special iclec tion will be held on Friday, July 11, in tho court house. It is to tho inter est of every citizen of tho borough of Honesdalo to vote for brick upon that day. What will benefit tho town will benefit you. and Clerk, Merchant and Lawyer: all kinds of men in all kinds of Business appreciate cleverly styled, finely needled clothes, good clothes with a distinct air and of fine quality make for success, they gain friends and cus Wants to See You Honesdale, Pa. & HYDE PIANO tudent m