The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, July 04, 1913, Image 1

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Vote For rnvo for Slain Street on
Friday, July 11, Remember the
Wedding Invitations, Calling
'jjtls and Other Work Done at This
71st YEAR.NO. 54
Considerable. Business Transacted in
00 Minutes Adopt Ordinance
to Vacate Portion of Lower Main
With the mercury hovering
around the 100 degree mark the
members of the borough ouncil did
away with all ceremony by removing
their coats and transacting the busi
ness of the July meeting last Tuesday
evening In just one hour, making a
record for the regular session. Ow
ing to the fact that Thursday Is so
near the Fourth, tho council held its
meeting on Tuesday evening.
All members were present and an
swered to roll call. The minutes of
tho June meeting were read and ap
proved, after which Treasurer G. W.
Penwarden made the following re
port of the standing of the accounts
of the town:
In tho treasury at last
meeting 51,035.47
Received since June meet
ing, permits 1.00
Joseph Soete, work done
by Street Commissioner. 3.75
Total $1,0'40.22
Paid out during month... 907.02
Balance $ 132.30
Treasurer Penwarden then pret-
sented a statement from the State
for tax on borrowed money as fol
lows On $11,500 for one year. . . . $4G.20
On '55.500 for five months . . . 9.83
Less Treasurer's commission. 2. SO
Total 553.23
The matter of increased Insurance
on the equipment of Hose Company
No. 1 was reported by the special
committee appointed to make. Inven
tory Inventory showed equipment
to the value of $41,45G.60. The
council accepted the committee's re
port and will increase the Insurance
from '5800 to 51,000.
An application was made to the
council at the June meeting to va
cate a portion of lower Main street,
I. fnn tl.nt tn . F n I
iU 1(11.1 kilLlb I. ill 11U111. Ul ttlltll
Is known as the Ruppert property.
Tho matter was referred to Town So
licitor W. H. Lee and according to
said request an ordinance was draft
ed by him and read at tho meeting
Tuesday evening. Upon vote of the
council it was unanimously adopted
and same ordered to be printed In
the local papers.
Solicitor W. H. Leo stated that it
will be necessary for the council to
provide for the election expenses to
the amount of $25.
Complaint was made regarding
the broken condition of the terra
cotta pipes in the path of Riverside
park. The streot committee was In
structed to confer with the street
commissioner and have same replac
ed with an iron nine.
The matter of filing the bond of
the Wayne Street Railway company
before any work was commenced by
said company was discussed. Presi
dent Caufleld stated that representa
tives of the company stated to him
that it would be a matter of only a
few days before tho bonds would be
filed. That the company had planned
to navo tnern for Thursday's meet
ing. Section 10 of the ordinance
was then read, which is as follows
"Section Tenth: That the said
Wayne County Railway Company
shall begin the exercise of the fran
chises and privileges hereby granted
witnin tureo montns irom tne pas
sage of this ordinance, and shall have
Its railway fully equipped and con
veying passengers, baggage, freight
and mails within twelve months, and
continuously thereafter."
Other matters pertaining to the
road were also discussed which re
sulted in reading Section 15 of the
ordinance, which says:
"Section Fifteenth: That the said
Wayne Opunty RMlway Company,
through its proper officers, fully au
thorized to act, shall, before any
right or privilege hereby granted
shall become operative or bo enjoyed
by the said Railway Company, "a'
Signify in writing Its acceptance of
the several regulations, stipulations,
and restrictions of this ordinance
within thirty (30) days from notice,
"b" Execute and deliver to the said
Town Council corporate bond in tho
sum of ten thousand ($10,000.00)
dollars, conditioned to save tho bor
ough of Honesdale harmless from
any and all action at law or other
wise founded upon tho removal of
tlin rnlla nnrl Mna n nm In llnln n n 1
IUU 1UIIO MUU 11U M 111 .1X11111 illlU
Park streets, and to cover the pro
jDiuua ut tjciiuuii ouvcuiu U4 una ur
dlnance. "c" Execute and deliver
to the said Town Council a corporate
bond in the sum of ten thousand
($10,000.00) dollars conditioned
that In the event of the paving of
any of the streets and highways here.
In mentioned, that the said Railway
Company will faithfully comply with
the stipulations herein contained In
reference to the paving of the road
bed and two feet on both stdes of
the outside of any and all rails in
their said railway. In case of any
default of any one of theso condl
tlons, the within ordinance shall
become of no effect, shall be utterly
null and void, anything herein con
tained to the contrary notwithstand
The payment or the bills were
next In order and on motion were
orderod paid. Bills amounting to
i$914.34 were ordered paid with
only $132.30 In the treasury to pay
them with, un motion it was car
ricd that the council borrow $500
from the Honesdale National Bank
and a like amount from the Farmers
and Mechanics Bank.
On motion the council adjourned
nt !! nVlnoV- tn mailt nenln at tho pall
of the chair. If the paving election
la carried it will be necessary to take
Immediate action uron tho matter
and notify the State Highway de
partmoht at once, so work can be
J, W. Lee, of Preston, Appointed
Assessor- Bubbling Fountain
AV111 bo Put in Court House.
Tho Wayno county commissioners
held their regular monthly meeting
in their office in the court house on
Tuesday afternoon. Those present
wero John Male, Earl Rockwell and
Neville Holgate. This meeting of the
commissioners was a very light one
and no business of importance came
before them for disposal. The
month's accumulation of bills was
ordered paid and several minor mat
ters were attended to.
J. W. Lee, of Preston, was appoint
ed assessor for that township to
take the place of John T. Brooking
who has removed from that town
ship. The commissioners decided to let
tho contract at once for putting In
a bubbling drinking fountain in the
main corridor of the court house,
down stairs and to repair parts of
the building in need of repairs.
C. E. Decker, Son of Mr. and Mrs.
George W. Decker, of Hones
dale Gets Promotion.
George W. Decker, manager of the
Grand Union Tea company of this
place, received good news in a letter
from his son, Clarence E. Decker, on
Wednesday, which stated that he had
been promoted to archltect-in-chief
of tho Panama Exposition buildings.
The now position commands an ex
cellent salary. The many Honesdale
friends of Mr. Decker will be elated
to learn of his earned promotion
and offer congratulations.
John C. Ridgcway, aged 38 years,
of Scranton, formerly of Honesdale,
was electrocuted at Sayro last Friday
by coming in contact with a high ten
sion wire while riding a "cable
carriage." He had been In the em
ploy of the Bell Telephone company
and was sent to Sayro to repair
some wires that had been damaged
by the storm. A number of people
witnessed the electrocution but
when they reached him he was dead.
Mr. Ridgeway was born in Hones
dale and was a son of tho late Rich
ard Ridgeway. He is survived by
his wife and two children, Mary and
Clarence. THs mother, Mr3. J. E.
Rldgovay. one brother William, and
two sistor?.. Mrs. C. hi. Bull and Mrs.
J. E. Rich also survive.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. A.
Nonnenmacher at White Mills was
tho scene of an enjoyable occasion
on Sunday last. The affair was to
celebrate the birthday anniversary
of their daughter, Katherlne. A
moat delightful time was had. Re
freshments were served. Among
those present wero: John Smith,
Mary Vogel, Elizabeth New, Mary
Latournous, Clara Latournous, Lo-
retta Weinberger, Florence Ruppert,
Augustine Ruppert, Charles Hagger-
ty, Elizabeth Kries, Margaret Krles,
Mary Stenger, Bertha Schmltt, Anna
Brink. John Ororuke. Helen Son
ner, Elizabeth Aug, Ethel Kelcb,
Helen Hlller, Freda Hlller, Sophia
Gulhell, William Brown, Mr. Kess-
ler, Josephine Evorling, Stella Good-
line, Clara Goodline, Mildred Good-
line, Mrs. v. Meszlor, Edward Mesz.
ler, Fred Smith, Bena Smith, Mr.
and Mrs. Fondy, Emclia Hessler,
Fred Gregory, Richard Gregory,
Verna Gregory, Willie Wiest, Molly
WIest, Edna Welst, John Lee, Ed
ward Lee, Richard Lee, Mrs. R. Ham,
Jesso Ham, Lawrence Ham, Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Marshall, Alberta Mar
shall, Thomas Marshall, Neal Mar
shall, Mrs. N. Houth, Joseph Houth,
Andrew Houth, Lawrence Bassney,
Henry 'Bassney, Marie Bassney, Hen
ry Smith, Georglo Smith, Fred Smith,
Anna Smith, Ferdinand Nonnemach-
er, Frank Nonnemacher, Julius
'Nonnemachor and Loretta Nonne.
New York, July 3. Five deaths
and over fifty prostrations were of
ficially recorded in and near Greater
New York Wednesday. In addition
every hospital here treated emer
gency patients whose cases wero not
reported to the police. It Is esti
mated that the total of those over
como numbered more than 200.
Harrlsburg, July 3. Four deaths
occurred In Harrlsburg Wednesday,
from the heat, three of the victims
being persons who wero prostrated.
Over a score of cases of prostration
were reported during tho day from
various parts of the city and Steel-
ton, most of them In the afternoon.
The deaths wero those of David
H, 'Brubaker, Mrs. Susan A. Stahl,
Mrs. Katherlne K. Taylor and Jas.
B. Robinson, all of whom wero over
Hon. Wm. D. B. Alney, congress
man representing the 14th district
of Pennsylvania, who attended the
Peace Conference at Geneva, Swit
zerland last year as a representative
of the American Group, has again
been honored by an appointment as
a delegate to tho Conference of tho
Interparliamentary Union (Universal
Peace) which will meet at The
Hague September 3, 4 and 5 next.
Mr. Alney has also been selected
as a member of a special committee
to frame propositions to bo submit
ted to the conference In behalf of
the American Group.
AuguBt Kupfer and Sarah Con
nolly were married In St, Anthony
of Padua church, Brooklyn, N. Y.,
on Monday. June 30th. The wltnes
sea were Emll Kupfer and Mary
Kupfer. The bride was formerly of
Honesdale and la a sister of Mrs.
Ambrose Whalen. The ceromony
was performed by Rev, Francis J.
For the purpose of enlightening the people of Honesdale on the pav
ing project The Citizen has printed several articles concerning same. To
get the people's Idea or opinion this paper has taken pains to secure short
interviews from a number of tho prominent citizens of Honesdale upon
tho subject. Other opinions will be reproduced in other issues of Tho
Citizen next week. The following questions wero submitted:
"Are you in favor of immediate pavement of Honesdalo's streets?
How would It specially benefit Honesdale as a town?"
PERRY A. CLARK says: In favor
of pavement.
WM. II. LEE Yes. Assist In get
ting on the map.
J. B. NIELSEN I believe a paved
Main street will be a benefit to
Honesdale and I am highly In favor
of brick pavement.
O. M. SPETTIGUE I have been
In business in Honesdale for 43
years and in that time there has been
money enough paid out on our
streets to pave nearly all our streets
and to-day our streets are a disgrace
to our beautiful town. I am certain
ly In favor of pave.
L. A. HOWELL, Cashier, says:
Tho immediate paving of all the
streets in Honesdale would probably
be too much of a burden at the pres
ent time, but a start should be made,
and Main street paved by all means.
A town Is judged largely by three
factors, churches, schools and
streets, and while we aro extremely
fortunate in having fine churches
and schools, there is room for tho
improvements of our highways.
A. W. ABRAMS says: Yes, most
emphatically. Wo need it the worst
way for the good of everybody.
Honesdale had been paved fifty years
ago it would be ten times as largo as
it is to-day.
II. SCHWEMLEY Yes. In every
WM. J. FERBER says: It will not
be a city until they pave Main street.
P. R. MURRAY says: Being an ex-
member of the street committee of
the Town Council I realize that a
brick pavement is the only practical
solution of our street problem. It
appears to be either a case of mud
and expense or pave and expense,
and I will surely vote for pave.
It would take us out of ancient his
tory and put us on a par with other
progressive towns and cities.
M. J. HANLAX says: I am in fa
vor of tho immediate pavement of
Honesdale's streets. Honesdale is
noted for Its beauty, but of late Its
streets have been the object of con
siderable unfavorable criticism. Main
street is certainly in vory poor con
dition and the prospect is that It will
remain so until paved. I believe
that from an economic standpoint
it is advisable to pave Main street.
Hundreds of dollars have been spent
on that thoroughfare without any
noticeable improvement. -When tho
streets aro paved .the expense of
keeping them In good condition will
not be great.
MURRAY CO. says: We believe
a brick pavement will help to make
Honesdale a better town to Uvo. and
do business in and we are in favor
of anything that means a bigger and
better town.
W. B. HOLMES says: Pave, if tho
Street Railroad carry out their plans
to build the road and do their part
in paving. Not "Immediate."
W. B. LESIIER says: I am In fa
vor of the immediate paving of Main
street and I intend to vote for It at
the election next week. It Is a move
ment well worth the support of every
property owner In Honesdale. There
has been too much expense connect
ed with keeping up a "mud" road.
Let's have pave!
J. D. WESTON Yes. In every
F. II. CRAGO says: I am. going to
vote for pave this time. I voted
against It before but I am tired of
"mud" for our principle street. It's
a disgrace to tho town. If tho taxes
are raised, thereby, I am willing to
pay the Increase.
WM. T. MOORE says: I am in fa
vor of paving Main street and think
property owners should pay one
third of cost. I consider our town far
behind some other places in that re
spect. Honesdale is one of tho most
beautiful places In tho State.
in Sterling Silver t
li tbe leader in Tablo Service
for 1913. Tbe atron Colonial
elmplloltr ad perfection of
dcilfn make It stand out far
' above tbe ordinary.
Quality Jeweler.
HOMER GREENE says: As a tax
payer in the borough I think the time
has come to pavo Main and West
Park streets. The benefit to Hones
dale Is too obvious to need discus
sion. J. A. BROWN says: It seems to us
If It Is done In the right way, it will
bo a good thing, when sewerage and
piping aro in good order for Its con
tinuation in unbroken work.
O. T. CHAMBERS In favor of
Paving the principal streets of
Honesdale would improve it In pre
cisely tho same way that a good con
crete walk Improves the appearance
of a house. But It not simply con
tributes to the beauty of tho build
ing and its grounds; it adds to the
ease and convenience of life. No
mud is tracked in and shoes retain
their polish. The visitor does not
lose his good humor, nor tho house
keeper her patience. Main street In
mud Is like a house whose lawn and
approaching walk aro unkompt. It
Is not the kind of an index for one
of the best towns in America to pre
sent to enquiring strangers.
T. M. FULLER Yes. In every
R. M. STOCKER says: It might be
a good thing to pavo Main street the bridge to Fourth street. I
am not in favor of paving Upper
Main street. I prefer a good ma
cadam road for that portion of the
street. Why should tho town be
bonded for forty or fifty thousand
dollars If the abutting property
owners are to pay for the paving?
F. C. SCHOELL says: I am in fa
vor of pavement.
F. P. KIMBLE says: I have been
In favor' of paving for several years.
Paving should have been done ten
years ago. Honesdale gets Its rela
tive standing from its progressive
improvements, and as a town, we
can not afford to lag behind. In
deed, as a matter of street economy,
it will pay Honesdale to vote for
paving. The time is here, the condi
tions are favorable, state aid is
ready, and to stand still is to go
J. O'TOOLE says: Very decidedly.
Commercially and civicly. And by
all means count mo among those
who want tho pave at once.
CH AS. A. McCARTY says: I am
in favor of immediate paving of
MMn, street. It would benefit Hones-
dalo by making property more val
uable In the town besides the con
venience it will be to the people of
the town and all people coming hero
on business.
M. B. ALLEN says: Emphatically
yes. Tho Wayno Street Railway
Company will do its share. Now Is
tho time to accept the proposition on
account of tho help the town will re
ceive from tho State and tho trolley
A. EBERIIARDT says: I am In
favor of paving Main street.
CHAS. E. DODGE says: Yes; and
I believe tho whole town will be
benefitted. Tho whole town should
bear the expense. Issue long time
bonds, and thus mako the burden as
light as possible for everybody. Be
cause a person happens to own prop
erty on a street that Is to bo paved,
is no reason why they should pay
more than a just tax on the Increas
ed valuo of such property.
G. W. DECKER says: I am In fa
vor of Immediate pave, which means
a gain to Honesdale from a sanitary
point of view. Delay means a loss
In new industries. Not to pave means
a step backward.
F. G. TERWILLIGER says: I am
In favor of paving as I think It will
bo a benefit to the town.
A deal was consummated on
Tuesday, July 1st, when J. H. Smith,
tho down town shoo dealer, purchas
ed tho large three-story brick build
ing owned by Charles M. Betz. Con
sideration private. Tho building Is
25xG5 feet, three stories high and
located in one of the best business
blocks In Honesdale. Possession
given at once. Mr. Smith will re
move his family from Ridge street to
the second floor of tho building. He
will rent the third floor and next
spring will remove his large and ex
tensive shoe stock from the Dlttrlch
building, his present location, to his
newly purchased store.
Owing to the rapid Increase of his'
business, Mr. Smith was compelled to
seek larger quarters, which resulted
in acquiring the Betz building. Mr.
Smith has been a shoe dealer In
Honesdale for 15 years. By straight
dealing he won tho confidence of the
public and now enjoys a large pa
tronage. In 1898 Mr. Smith embark
ed In the shoe business in the Clark
building at the corner of Main and
Fifth streets. He remained there
for one year and then removed his
stock to the Coyne Hotel, where he
stayed for ten years. At the expira
tion of that time he again changed
his location, moving for the second
time into the Dlttrlch store, where
he has remained four years.
Mr. Betz, by special arrangement
with Mr. Smith will remain in the
store until March 15. Agreement
has been made with tho new pur
chaser whereby ho will take the en
tire stock of trunks, bags, dress suit
cases and other leather articles ex
cept the harness department. Mr.
Betz has been In business in Hones
dale for 34 years In the same build
ing, which is something very few
other merchants can say. Ho is un
decided as to what he will do after
closing out his business next spring.
Tho committees In charge of the
picnic of tho Business Men's Associa
tion are working hard to make the
annual picnic of that association a
rousing success. Three special
trains have been engaged for the oc
casion, two going from Honesdale
and one from Carbondale. The
Honesdale specials will leave at 9:15
a. m. and 1:15 p. m., while the Car
bondale special will leavo that city
at 1:15 p. m. Good connections
have been made for bo'th Erie and
Delaware and Hudson trains, thus
making It convenient for people liv
ing at Whito Mills and Hawley to
take advantage of the picnic. Ex
cursionists arriving in Honesdale on
the early Erie train from these places
can make connections with tho 9:15
special leaving Honesdale for the
lake; returning they can leavo the
lake at 5:15, thus enabling them to
make connections for the G o'clock
There will be varied attractions- to
afford amusement on the grounds.
Jenkins' Boy Band will accompany
the picnic. See bills for other an
The marriage of Miss Elizabeth
Bentz and Mr. Clark Wllmore, both
of Honesdale took place In St. Mary
Magdalen's church on Wednesday at
high noon. Dr. J. W. Balta per
formed the ceremony.
The couple were attended by Miss
Anna Seitz and Mr. Frank Herzog
Tho ushers were Messrs. J. Bishop
and Clarence Rose.
After the ceremony the guests re
paired to the home of the bride s
mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Bentz where
a sumntuous wedding feast was
served. Tho couple left that after
noon for a week's trip to Washing
ton, D. C, and other eastern points
At the coming election which
will be held this fall, the terms of
ofllco for two school directors and
councllmen expire.
'In tho Jones accident recoraeu
In our last Issue, we were misinform'
ed as to tho ownership of the horse.
It was the property of Ray Jones and
not M. Lee Braman as stated.
Among the pictures of the grad.
uates of tho Scranton-Lackawanna
Business College published in Wed
nesday's Scranton Times, was that
of Miss Martha A. volgt, formerly
of this nlaco.
There will bo a special meeting
of tho school directors next week at
which time a teacher will be elected
to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Miss Grace Jadwin of
tho Fifth grade.
Rev. George Winters, a Baptist
minister, well known in Wyoming,
Ablngton and Wayno associations
died on June 25th, aged 74 years,
The funeral was held last Sunday,
Ho Is survived by nine children.
Question That Is to Come Before tho
convention in Jiuj.
Whether the "eternal triangle" and
plays that treat of divorce shall be
retained or thrown out by tho pro
ducers of moving picture films may
cause some dissension at the tnira
annual convention of the Motion Pic
ture Exhibitors League of America
In the Grand Central Palace begin
nlng on July 7. Ono faction wants
the pictures thrown out entirely and
tho other holds that the pictures
teach a lesson.
"The newspaper is the 'fourth es
tate,' " said Frank A. Tlchenor,
chairman of the executlvo committee,
"but tho moving pictures have be
come the 'fifth estate.' The daily at
tendance at moving picture shows
in tho United States now averages
10,000,000, and that means that a
message may be brought home quick
er than by any other means.
Gov. Sulzer, District Attorney Whit
man and Gov. Cox of Ohio have been
Invited to attend the convention and
make addresses.
FOR G. T, A, S.
Misses Catherine nnd Mnry Finiicrty
Sang Duct Selection Father John
O'Toole Preached n Special Ser
mon to Society.
The annual communion of the
members of the Catholic Total Ab
stinence Society of St. John's Catho
lic church took place last Sunday
morning at the 8:30 mass.
Tho musical program was very
classical and very much pleased the
unusually large congregation pres
ent. 'Miss Elizabeth Caufleld presid
ed at tho organ, while Mr. Frank
Duppius played the cello, with the
Misses Catherine and Mary Finnerty
singing two soprano-alto duet selec
tions. Father O'Toolo preached a special
ly prepared sermon on the subject,
" Total Abstinence from all Alcohol
ic Drinks is tho Surest and Most
Efficacious Means to Fight Alcohol
ism." In part ho said: " There can
be no doubt but that God will re
quire of overy man an account of his
life. The merit or demerit of his
acts go to make up that account, and
settle his everlasting destiny in the
next world.
Death will close man's account
when tho Supreme Judge will say,
Render an account of thy steward-
hip, for thou canst be steward no
longer.' Tho balance will then be
struck, the sentence will be passed
salvation or damnation. Tho sen
tenced soul will then fully realize
that after all thero is a right and a
wrong in human actions." Tho
speaker gave the example of a young
man setting out for a Keeley Insti
tute to bo cured of what he calls ono
of the worst diseases known to tho
human race habitual drunkenness,
saying to his mother as she bids him
loving goodbye, I m going to
make a man of myself!"
"Make a man of himself! God had
done that when he created him
God made man a little lower than
tho angels; man mado himself, by
being a drunkard, lower than tho
beasts. A drunkard is the lowest
form of creation.
"Medical men of to-day agree that
alcohol Is no help to health; that as
a beverage, It weakens rather than
strengthens; that stimulation Is tem
porary; that reaction must come,
and that reaction only too often
ends In death In delirium tremens,
during which the unfortunate man
is tormented by all the snakes and
devils of hell."
Archbishop Ireland once said:
How often has the flush of indigna
tion mantled my cheek as I heard
men, who made profession of loving
virtue and of leading their fellows
to virtue, discountenance In their
speeches or sermons the practice of
total abstinence, which is for so
many tho sole plank of salvation!
Oh, for the charity of St. Paul, who
exclaimed that he should eat no
meat and drink no wine when there
is danger of scandalizing a brother!
Oh, for the charity of Cardinal Man
ning, who declared that he needed
the pledge, because his poor friend,
tho London dock laborer, needed It.
And Manning was loyal to the last
day of his life to charity and total
The sneaker paid a glowing trib
ute to President Wilson and his wife,
vice-president Marshall and his wife,
Secretary of Stato Bryan and his
wife, and Speaker of the House
Clark and his wife, all publicly an
nouncing to tho world that they
would not serve wines or liquors at
any dinners or entertainments dur
ing their official lire in wasmngton.
And In the strongest emphasis as a
fitting climax, the priest exclaimed:
' I challenge the world to put its
finger on the map of creation and
show us a better example than this
one at Washington! In May last the
Boy Scouts of Washington called In a
body on Mr. Bryan to present to him
resolutions adopted by tnem com
mending the stand taken by him
against 'King Alcohol and his hosts"
in refusing to servo wine at nis ain
nors to ambassadors. Mr. Bryan
said to tho boys on that occasion: 'I
learned when I was a boy to be a
total abstainer, and I have found
that there is no use for alcohol af
ter one ceases to be a boy, and I
hope you will seo no reason after
you are grown for changing your
habits of life on' tnis suDjeci.
"I shall feel that I have not lived
entirely In vain If by abstaining from
Intoxicating liquors and beverages I
have given any strength to any one
and helped him to resist temptation.
"If I have been the means of help
ing just ono boy I do not know how
much service I have rendered to the
world through him, for we can nev
er tell what a boy can do. The pos
sibilities of a boy aro beyond tho
power of language to describe es
pecially an American boy."
At tho evening services Father
O'Toole had tho Cadets renew their
pledge, and, by way of setting them
a good examplo, appealed to all the
men present to take tho pledge,
granting to each adult the privilege
of stating menally for how long he
pledged himself.
Judging by tho large number of
men who stood up and repeated af
ter the priest the words of tho
pledge, an astonishingly large num
ber freely gavo their moral support
and good example to tho Cadets and
their causo of St. John's church.
The Citizen Invites tho opinion of
tho public upon tho paving project.
Send your expression bearing your
signature to this paper and it will he
published in the forthcoming Issues.
The Citizen wants to know how you
feel concerning this paramount issue.
started as soon as possible.