The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 24, 1913, Image 1

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Proprietors of Bonrding Houses
and Summer Resorts Will Secure Re
sults by Using Tho Citizen.
First Look Over Our irtlso-
mcnts, Then Send For Aj'js ies by
Parcel Post,
" -
71st YEAR. --NO. 51
Stage Beautifully Decorated Ora
tions and Essays Best Ever Heard
in Honcsdalc Fine Music Largo
Attcndanco at Lyric.
The commencement exercises of
the class of 1913 of tho Honesdalo
High school were held in Lyric thea
tre on Thursday evening, June 19,
beginning at 8:15 o'clock. Tho fes
tivities were attended by a large
concourse of parents, relatives and
Tvell-wlshlng friends of the gradu
ates. The seating capacity of the
.Lyric was taxed to the limit.
Promptly at 8:15 the exercises
opened with an overture by the High
school orchestra, after which Rev.
John O'Toole, pastor of St. John's
Roman Catholic church offered the
invocation. The class, 23 in num
ber, Professor H. A. Oday, School
Director J. A. Brown and Father
O'Toole occupied seats upon the
stage. The decorations were under
the supervision of Miss Edith K.
Swift. Tho trimming was done by
the junior class of the High school.
Large palms formed a background,
Tvhlle bouquets of daisies was the
decoration at the footlights. Sus
pended from a banner over the cen
ter of the stage was the class motto:
'Umquam Altior," Forever Higher.
They were in Yale blue and orange,
the class colors. Seated in the boxes
at either end of the stage were mem
bers of tho class of 1914. Banners
containing "H. H. S." and "1914"
formed part of the decoration.
After the invocation a large mixed
chorus sweetly and softly sang
"Prayer of Thanksgiving," by E.
Kremser, under the leadership of
Miss Harriet Arnold. The young
people were heartily applaudod. Fol
lowing the musical part of the pro
gram, John Lozo gavo tne saluta
tory address. In a pleasing man
ner Miss Pearl Curtis then recited
"By Telephone." "Come Flit
Around." was then rendered hv tho
chorus. Raymond Short in a very
liiireHUHK uiuuuu. luivu sumu lauis
concerning sie .uonuis or farcei
Post." "The Golden Guess" was the
r..lh4AAt nP nn ocn.. 1... ATlnn A 1 ! nn
Sluman, which was delivered in a
most nleaslncr manner. Fred Sniinil.
ers then very creditably gave a dec
lamation by S. Ferguson entitled,
umi.. ti 1 . . i 1 1 m 1. 1
was followed by a selection by tho
V...M V..Uf. VUV.h.WUa mu
maria, oy iranic adi, miss iua
Lrantz taking the solo part. Miss
Esther Knorr, essay, "Auld Lang
Svnn." wa.a. dnlivAred In n nlnnslnir
nannpr. n nlnn was "Thfl ijinvo ntirt
the Lions" by Miss Ethel Bunnell.
mo uiauuu oy jonn ruiroe, en-
H mi I :rfiss :inr tup i rownr
Tliafp hv tha fthnnia "Mh TTn TTo
Ye Free," by G. Verdi. Miss Helen
lino " lonino WT TM I TlTlon
ii h iirnrn rv nnnrpsr nr in ht von t rn
h i nc v;i v. - r o h nn nv Hnrao "
uih usaay wus louowea uy sumner
iiuasmv wini ihithivhii iiiirinrK in i n
n tho class was that of salutatorlan,
onn Lozo being the other class
pmhpr rn rpppfrfl tnn enmn Ynniia
rpliinrl. Hrt fiiri pvpnnt nnnllv wall
nil wh nnvR mnrp rnnn n rneiin
rlendshlp in him as he has been a
arrler of The Citizen since 1908.
iiumu iaune, Dy ino cnorus 101-
Prlncipal H. A. Oday made a short
rRPinr . nanurt a Krnnrn wha
f fnnd n rlvlnn no frit a lminnhln rr nn
row words to the audience, telllnc
hat the school board was endeavor-
iir ill 1111 Willi rim TnTnnvprs- mnnnv
Tne Deneaiction was pronounced
atner OToole and closed tho
RrniKHH nr Tnn p imfl rr i 11 1 :t
All numbers were heartily ap
auded. The High school orchestra
ayed excellent music and as a
hole the affair was one of the best
er held by graduates of the Hones
ile High school.
The seniors tendered their friends
id classmates a dance, which was
eatly enjoyed in Lyric hall Friday
W. A. Gaylord accompanied Frank
mffer back to 'Rlttersville on
ednesday after the latter had spent
veral weeks here on good behavior.
Is said that the trip was a strenu
is one for Mr. Gaylord who, it Is
id, suffered severe injuries as a
suit of an attack made on him
' Shaffer in Wilkeg-Barro. Mr.
lylord was alone with the deranged
an on tho trip. It is not known
st what tho Injuries consist of as
r. Gaylord has not yet returned
me. Ho is expected this (Mon
ty) afternoon.
Reuben Noack, one of tho oldest
isldents of Madlsonvllle, near the
ayno county line, died at his home
nuay morning following a brief Hi
ss, aged eighty years. Mr. Noack
e of the most respected men there,
rvivlng him are his wife and one
ughter, Miss Hattlo Noack.
The funeral will take placo from
nomo 'Wednesday morning with
Ices at 11 o'clock.
Sonio time during Sunday night or
tho early hours of Monday morning
a second attempt was made by
sneak thieves to gain entrance in the
Jewelry store of H. G. Rowland. This
tlmo the attempt was made to Jimmy
the lock on the front door.
An attempt was made some weeks
ago to cut a square out of the large
plate glass window, behind which
lay many valuable articles. The
thief was evidently frightened away
before he could complete his work.
This time the Yale lock was pull
ed part way out and was discovered
in that condition when the store was
opened for business Monday morn
ing. They failed to gain entrance.
The Sadets of St. John's R. C.
churuch held their annual picnic
and dance at Bellevue Park on Sat
urday afternoon and evening of last
week. It is estimated that about
one thousand persons attended. Ad
mission was charged and the organ
ization cleared In tho neighborhood
of $250. A concert was rendered by
tho Boys' choir of the church and in
the afternoon a ball game which ex
cited much interest, was played be
tween White Mills and the Cadet's
team. The visitors won after a hard
struggle by a scoro of 5 to 4. Tho
day was a success but the attendance
was not as large as was expected.
The Cadets will hold a social on
tho Parish lawn on Tuesday evening,
June 24. Ice cream will be served.
A. W. Abrams, accompanied by Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. Harris and family left
Sunday morning in his auto for Dan
bury, Conn., to pay a visit. Mrs.
Abrams had been visiting her par
ents in Danbury for a week and will
return with her husband after they
have visited at Brewster and New
Haven, Conn., and New York City.
They expect to return to Honesdale
about Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Har
ris will remain in Danbury for a
while to visit relatives and friends.
First Visit in Three Years Is Much
Interested In Place Made Trip in
(Special to The Citizen.)
Farview, June 23. Dr. T. C. Fitz
simmons is entertaining United
States Senator Boles Penrose as his
distinguished guest. Senator Pen
rose, motored from Philadelphia to
this place, arriving hero Sunday
night. This Is the Senator's flrst
visit since three years age With him
were Judge Robert Ralston of Phlla
elphla, a jurist Interested in the care
of criminal insane, and H. F. Wal
ton, chairman of the board of trus
tees of the hospital. The auto party
traveled by way of Stroudsburg, Mil
ford and Wayne county to Farvlow.
Tho senator said he had an enjoyable
trip and looks forward to a pleasant
visit at Farview.
" I came up here principally," ob
served Senator Penrose, " because I
was one of those interested in the
organization of this institution. I
was one of the flrst to suggest its lo
cation here in this beautiful Wayne
county beauty spot, and as I haven't
been here for three years, Mr. Wal
ton Insisted that I come up to see
what a fine place they have."
Senator Penrose and his party will
leave Farview Tuesday morning for
Philadelphia. The return trip will
bo by way of Milford, Stroudsburg,
Water Gap, Easton and Doylestown.
The senator will be in Scranton on
July 24, In attendance at the con
vention of the State Sportsmen and
the following night will be the guest
of the South Scranton Republican
association at a banquet.
Two Men Killed at Minooka Sun
day. Two men were killed and another
seriously injured in a spactacular
wreck on the Delaware and Hudson
railroad at Minooka at 4 o'clock Sun
day afternoon. A passenger engine,
running light from Carbondale to
WIlkes-Barre, and making between
fifty and fifty-five miles an hour,
failed to take a sharp curve near the
Moosle station, toppled over on its
side and scooped up the tracks for
close to 100 yards. The railroad was
tied up for several hours.
The dead are:
Chris Allen, aged thirty-five years,
of Richmont street, Carbondale, en
gineer; leaves a wife and one child.
Jesse L. Decker, aged twenty-three
years, of Moosle, D. & H. fireman,
who was riding to his home on the
wrecked engine.
The injured:
John Jones, of Green street, Car
bondale, fireman on the wreck en
gine. Several ribs fractured and
possible Internal Injuries. Is at
State hospital, Scranton. Condition
Allen, tho engineer, was pinned
under the wrecked engine for more
than an hour. Ho died a few minutes
after being extricated. Decker was
thrown from the cab, almost clear of
the engine, the end of tho tender
crushing him. He died on tho way to
the State hospital. It was roported
that a tramp was riding tho pilot of
the engine and had been killed in
the wreck, but Delaware and Hudson
officials announced that only threo
men were on the engine.
Clark Kimble, driver for Menner
& Co.'s store, while delivering a
package In an East street extension
home Monday morning, was badly
bitten In the left leg by a bulldog.
Dr. P. B. Petersen cauterized the
Why New Trial Should Not Bef
Granted, Returnable in August
Much Interest Manifested.
Josenh E. Brennan. of Carbon
dale, w,ho with Chas. A. McCarty, of
Honesdale, conducted the defense in
the case of P. J. McDonnell against
his wife, Teresa McDonnell, for di
vorce, appeared in court Thursday
afternoon, and made a preliminary
motion for a new trial of the case,
on the grounds that some of the
jurors who had tried the case had
been improperly approached during
the trial of the' case. Mr. Brennan
was permitted to examine several of
the witnesses.
Otis Highhouse, one of the jurors
was called to the stand and said that
he had boarded with his sister dur
ing his stay In Honesdale but that
on Tuesday he had stopped at tho
Commercial Hotel. He denied that
McDonnell had Invited him to have
dinner or that the meal had been
paid for by McDonnell. He said that
the case had not been discussed but
said that McDonnell had been stop
ping there.
Ernest Ludwig, or riawley, was
next called. He said that Mr. Bas
chon and Mr. Deltzer had come up on
tho train and they walked over to
town together. McDonnell was with
them. They asked me to go in and
have a drink but I told them that I
could not do it because someone
would think because I was a juror
in the case that I was being in
lluenced. George W. Wegst was then called.
He had also been a juror in the
divorce case. He said that ho knew
McDonnell by sight and knew that
he boarded at the Commercial.
Wegst said that he had occupied
room No. 25 while there. He denied
that McDonnell had called at the
room to see him. "Tuesday even
ing," he said, "McDonnell did not
give us anything to drink. I took
a cigar and went out. He asked us
to have a drink but we walked out.
Ho treated after the case was over,
Earl Crooker, of Damascus, was
called. He said that he was a mem
ber of the jury and stopped at the
Commercial Hotel. He occupied the
same room with Mr. Wegst. He said
that McDonnell had not talked to
them about the case pending. He
denied that ho had taken a drink
or a cigar on Tuesday evening. He
said that McDonnell had offered to
give him something that evening but
that he had refused and walked out
of the bar-room. Ho said that he
had not been Introduced to McDon
nell while at the Commercial.
On Friday morning at eleven
o'clock Joseph E. Brennan and Chas.
A. McCarty, attorneys for Teresa Mc
Donnell, presented a formal motion
to the Court for a now trial in the
case. The petition named several
reasons why a new trial should be
granted. Some of tho reasons are:
That the verdict was against the
law in tho case.
That tho verdict was against the
weight of evidence.
That the verdict was against tho
charge of the Court.
That the verdict should be set
aside and a now trial granted be
cause the llbollant in the case, P. J.
McDonnell, interfered with the Jury
by offering to treat them.
That George W. Wegst met and
talked with the Hbellant and lat
ter had treated him with drinks and
That tho Hbellant treated tho jur
ors to drinks immediately following
the conclusion of tho case.
That the jurors accepted the liq
uor and cigars at that time and dur
ing the case.
Judge Searle granted a rule to
show cause why a new trial should
not be granted, returnable the sec
ond Monday In August. He stated,
however, that a more specific rea
son on how tho verdict was against
the charge of the court should be
It has been intimated that sev
eral other jurors in the case other
than those above mentioned, were
improperly approached by the Hbel
lant or some interested party dur
ing the trial of tho case.
Detective Edward Neary of Car
bondale, had been hero most of the
week and procured most of the evi
dence in regard to the alleged ac
tion of some of tho jurymen.
RIED. Miss Anna May Spltzor, oldest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Spit
zer, was married to Leo M. Stahl.
Son Of Mrs. Louisa Rtnlil nr ni-
faS4u7 ?'clook Saturday morning
in St. Mnrv'a f1mi.Ji o
The bride was attended by her sister.
Miss Catherine Spltzer, who acted as
bridesmaid, and Urban J. stahl,
brother of tho groom, acted as best
man. The ceremony was performed
by Rev. Peter Christ. V. G., who also
celebrated the nuptial mass which
tollowed. After the ceremony a
wedding breakfast was served at the
Spltzer residence at 113 Meado ave
nue, from 8 to 11 a. m. At 9:10 a
m. the bride and groom boarded the
train for an extended trip to Buf
falo, Niagara Falls, Canada and other
points of interest.
Letters nf nrimlnlot Hah
HV4lu,Mloltaviuu UlVYt
been granted by W. B. Lesher, Reg
Aoivi aim -iitfturuer, 10 me ioiiowinK
i-.u.cuwu MUKeiur, in mo estate
Charles Tegeler, Juno 19.
h. J. Felton, In tho estate
Franklin A. Engle. June 17,
Teresa Gerlty, in tho estate
Mary Durlck, Juno 18.
Jacob J. Welsh, In the estate
Rhoda S. Welsh, Juno 19,
Nellie (McCabe, in the estate
Charles McCabe, Jnne 20,
Twerity-Tlireo Confirmed in Hones
dalo Sunday Evening Nino in In
dinu Orchard in tho Afternoon. j
Bishop Ethelbert Talbot, of South .
Bethlehem, was in Honesdale, In-'
dlan Orchard and White Mills on1
Sunday. At this place he preached
at both' the morning and evening ser
vices In Grace Episcopal church, con
firming a class of 23 In the evening
and nine at Indian Orchard in the
afternoon. The theme of the morn
ing address in Grace church was not
only intellectual knowlege, feeling or
emotional .llfo but active Christian
life; the doing of the will of God
that constituted religion In tho tru
est sense. During these services
there was unusually fine music ren
dered under tho leadership of Miss
Mabel Broad. The choir showed
ample training and sang In good
spirit. Miss Marguerite Kelley, of
Scranton, sang the offertory solo and
a duet was rendered by Mrs. L. A.
Howell and Mrs. John Archer.
Tho bishop gave a very Interesting
address in the Sunday school at
noon. In the evening 23 candidates
were confirmed, the Impressive cere
mony, that of "Laying on of Hands"
by the Bishop was observed. He was
assisted by Rector A. L. Whittaker.
The class was composed of Mrs. Har
old Van Keuren, Marguerite Bayley,
Helen Rogers, Prescilla Lambert,
Dorothy Howell, Grace Miller, Mil
dred Greiner, Louise Tolley, Isabel
Haganian, Harriet Westbrook, Helen
Whittaker, William J. Reif, W. J.
Relf, Jr., Howard C. Smith, Milton
Russell, William Keltz, Ellsha Gray,
Charles Tolley, Daniel Dudley, Mark
Koehler, John Hawker. The Scrip
ture lessons read in connection witu
this service were passages from Acts
VIII: 14-17, and Isiah XI: 2. Bishop
Talbot followed these services by a
very striking and practical sermon.
The theme was the deepening of the
character as a result of contact with
real life; the casting off of the mere
ly ornamental as the experiences of
life force upon us closer contact with
reality. The music was rendered by
the junior choir, which has been
singing regularly at the evening ser
vices for several months. This choir
of younger voices is under the
leadership of Miss Broad and show
careful training and are doing good
work. Solos were rendered by Miss
Grace Miller, contralto, and Miss
Dorothy Howell, soprano. Six mem
bers of this choir and William J.
Relf, who played the violin so beau
tifully and sweetly at the services,
yere among those tp be confirmed.
it Is doubtful If Bishop Talbot was
ever greeted by a larger congrega
tion when In Honesdale than he was
last Sunday evening In Grace Episco
pal church.
Following the services In Grace
church other services wero continued
at Indian Orchard in Christ Episco
pal church at 2:30 p. m. The bishop
preached to a large congregation
from the text, "And When He Came
Unto Himself," Luke XV: 17. A
class of nine composed partly of In
dian Orchard and partly of White
Mills candidates was composed of
Mrs. Rlchmann, Miss Myrtlo Austin,
Fred Dunn, Noah Gregory, Gerald
Decker, Warren Bunnell, Albert and
Edward Reid, Edward Hayden.
lAfter the Services were closed at
Indian Orchard Bishop Talbot and
Rev. Whittaker went to White
Mills where the bishop preached at
4:30 o'clock In the Methodist church
at that place.
Tho Last Set of Jurors Excused
weiore ioon Several Cases on
tho Calendar nave Been Con
tinued. The June term of court closed hero
Friday morning, after disposing of
fourteen civil cases and four crim
inal cases, on tho calendar set down
for trial at this term of court. There
were only a few cases continued over
until tho next term. Judge Searle
excused the last set of Jurors Fri
day morning with thanks for their
Miner Case Settled.
The case of Ernest Miner vs.
Sarah E, Miner, action in assumpsit,
was settled Thursday afternoon by
a meeting of the principals and at
torneys In tho sheriff's office. Searlo
& Salmon were the attorneys for the
plaintiff and Mumford & Mumford
represented the defendant.
An announcement was made that
afternoon that the case had been
settled and the defendant had agreed
to pay the plaintiff '? 300 In cash and
other valuable considerations.
Ernest Miner claimed ? 1,6 50 with
Interest. He alleged that he was in
duced to work for parents after be
coming of ago on the promise of re
ceiving farm on their demise. The
father died on Jan. C, 1913, leaving
a will In which ho bequeathed his
property to his wife, Sarah E. Miner.
Tho defendant then promised to con
tinue the agreement and It Is alleged
that on October 1 the defendant re
fused to permit tho plaintiff to per
form his part of the contract and re
moved the cattle and other personal
property from his care. Tho defend
ant alleged no contract, and that
plaintiff failed to support her so that
she was obliged to leave.
Replevin on Band Organ.
The case of the North Tonowanda
Musical Instrument Company against
Herbeck-Demer Company was called
for' trial late Thursday afternoon
Helen Ring Robinson Will Tell
Honesdale Folks How Votes for
Women Work In Colorado.
Colorado's flrst woman senator,
Mrs. Helen Ring Robinson, will come
to Honesdale June 24 to assist her
eastern sisters In their battle for the
ballot. "Suffrage, as I Have Found
It," will be Mrs. Robinson's theme
In her lectures.
Mrs. Robinson is chairman of the
Committee on Education In the Colo
rado senate, and Is a member of sev
eral other committees. The mini
mum wage question is one In which
she has been greatly interested.
"The social evil," says she, "lies
at the door of all of us, who consent
to women being paid less than they
can decently live on." Mrs. Robin
son Is convinced ?8 a week Is tho
lowest amount a woman can live
on decently. She has been chiefly In
strumental in getting Colorado's re
cently passed minimum wage law
through tho assembly.
"Instead of disrupting the home, I
believe that suffrage Is the one solu
tion of the preservation of tho
home," Mrs. Robinson said. "A
man thinks no less of his home be
cause he is out in the world fighting
battles of dally existence; nor does
a woman.
"No man is perfect unto himself,
In home or in public life, and tho
feminine element of sympathy and
motherllness was never so essential
to legislation as now. The more
truly feminine a woman Is tho more
truly she can bring something to leg
islation." Before her election Mrs. Robinson
became well known as literary edi
tor of a newspaper and Is a maga
zine writer of note. She Is a gradu
ate of Wellesley. Barnard, too, re
members her as a former student.
She has spent much of her time In
study at Oxford, In London, and In
Asks Dninnges Amounting to $2,000
Wilcox Sued Mumford First and
Lost In Trial Gallagher Testified
That He AVns Driving Car.
The second chapter to the story of
the accident which occurred on the
state bridge on August 1G, 1911, was
begun when P. H. Iloff and C. A.
Gairatt, attorneys for Reuel Wilcox,
started suit in the local court
against Thomas Gallagher to recover
damages to the amount of $2,000.
The suit was started against Galla
gher on his admission that ho had
driven the car that collided with
Wilcox's team of horses on the day
abovo mentioned.
The statement filed Friday sets
forth about the same facts as wero
brought out in the trial last week
In which Wilcox tried to recover
damages from Winfred Mumford.
He alleged at that time that Mum
ford was driving the car which ran
Into him at the state bridge and
damaged his team and wagon and
injured himself, but the evidence of
Thomas Gallagher, John Caufleld,
Edward Doney and Mumford him
self pointed out that it was not
Mumford that had been at tho wheel
but Gallagher.
It was further intimated in the
trial last week that the Brush car,
model of 1911, which the party were
driving, was owned by the Consoli
dated Telephone company, and was
used by tho employees of that com
pany In their work. There was no
evidence given in the case last week
to show that tho party In tho car
were out In the interests of the com
pany but Just having a joy ride.
The Jury In the case against Win
fred Mumford which was tried last
week brought in a verdict in favor
of Mr. Mumford, and so failing In
that action, Messrs. Iloff and Garratt
have started suit against another
member of. tho party who testified
that he had driven the car on that
Miss Irene Lyon, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. O. J. Lyon, of Waymart,
Pa., was married Thursday after
noon at 1:30 o'clock, to Albert Haag,
of Boston, Mass. The ceremony was
performed by Rev. Dr. R. P. Kreitler
in St. Luke's church, Scranton. The
couple were unattended. Tho bride
wore a blue traveling suit.
Tho couple left for a trip to Ni
agara Falls, after which they will
make their home In Scranton.
and was finished Friday morning.
Attorneys Wm. H. Lee acted for the
plaintiff and Searle & Salmon wero
tho attorneys for the defendant.
Tho following jurors were drawn:
Archibald HInes, Preston; L. E.
Haynes, Starrucca; A. C. Gilpin,
Dreher; Ellis W. Bush, Manchester;
W. H. Altemlre, Salem; U. S. Stan
ton, Scott; Myron Labarr, Mt. Pleas
ant; W. H. Gaston, Damascus; Jos.
'North, Damascus; J. M. Lyons,
Honesdale; Frank Scudder, Leban
on; Wm. J. Phllo, Sterling.
The case was an action In re
plevin of a military band organ,
style 173, valued at J750 which was
leased to E. H. Cortrlght on August
30, 1911. The defendant alleged
that he had purchased tho organ at
Sheriff's sale from E. H. Cortrlght,
lesseo thereof, for arrears of rent.
Several witnesses were heard. It
appeared from the arguments of the
attorneys that prior to the sale of
the organ the Nerth Tonawanda
Musical company failed to notify tho
landlord that tho organ was under
lease, therefore giving the lessee tho
sole interest at the time of tho ex
ecution of the sale.
Judge Searle held that tho sheriff
had a right to sell the property on
execution. He Instructed the Jury
to give a yerdlct n favor of the de
fendant. '
Best Article, of Ball Played on Local
Grounds Tlds Year Attendance
Was Small and Home Team Fail
ed to Pny Expenses.
There were many fans in Hones
dalo who had never heard of tho
Keystone League, much less of the
"Crescents," leaders in that league,
up to last Saturday. It must have
been this fact that made some of the
less loyal rooters stay at home, for
the crowd on Saturday was not large
enough to pay expenses, notwith
standing the fact that the Keyston
ers put up the best article of base
ball fielding seen here in many a
day. It took the local ball tossers
twelve Innings to beat them, and
then they, were lucky, for the win
ning run was the direct result of the
only error made by the visitors.
Wo do not mean by this that the
locals were outclassed, for we be-
lleve that with even breaks of the
game the Honesdale team can win
from this samo team four times out
of five, our weakness now being lack
of team play, which will come as the
season grows older and the team gets
more practice together.
Otto Iloff, of Syracuse University,
and also of Cherry Ridge, pitched
eight innings for tho locals, and
allowed nine scattered hits in eight
Innings, and would have won his
game In the regular number of In
nings with perfect support. He Is
a good addition to tho local pitching
staff. Pitcher Loll, the 17-year-old
wonder from White Mills, pitched
the last four innings and only al
lowed one hit. The features of the
game were the fielding of third base
man Jones and first baseman Cawley
and Catcher Jordan of the visitors,
and Sandy's two-base wallop that
scored the winning run In the 12th
for the locals.
Honesdalo scored flrst in the sec
ond inning. Sandy was passed and
Mangan singled, sending him to
third. Lily laid down a perfect bunt
along the first base lino and beat It
out, Sandy scoring and Mangan
stopping at third, but Larson, Iloff
nor Weaver could not bring him In.
We scored another In the fifth, when
Iloff and Weaver singled, and Ed
mund gavo Brader a base on balls,
and hit Tarkett, forcing In a run.
Our third run came in the sixth.
Lily was given a base on balls, Lar
son sacrificed him to second and
Iloff singled. The fourth and win
ning run was scored in the twelfth
Inning. Evans fumbled Schilling's
grounder. Brader sacrificed, and af
ter Jacobs struck out, Sandy, the
hero of last Saturday's ninth inning
rally, again came across with the
timely two-base wallop to deep cen
ter, scoring Schilling.
The "Crescents" scored two runs
in tho third when Mangan erred on
Byron's liner and Iloff hit Faherty,
and Evans and O'Rourke each sin
gled. Their third and last run was
made in the eighth on the squeeze
play. O'Rourke singled, and Lar
son let Sandy's throw to catch him,
stealing second, get through him,
O'Rourko taking third, Woodridge
bunted perfectly and O'Rourke scor
ed. Final score, 4 to 3.
R. H. O. A. Ef.
Jones, 3b .0 2 1 0 0
Faherty, If 1 0 2 0 0
Evans, ss 0 3 5 0 0
O'Rourke, 2b 1 2 0 0 0
Woodridge, rf 0 1 0 0 0
Edmunds, p 0 1 0 0 0
Cawley, lb 0 015 0 0
Byron, cf 1 1 3 0 0
Jordan, c 0 0 U 0 0
3 10 35 0 0
R. H. O. A. E.
Schilling, rf 1 1 1 1 0
Brader, ss 0 0 3 5 1
Tarkett, cf 0 1 0 0 0
Jacobs, cf 0 0 1 0 0
Sandy, c 1 113 2 0
Mangan, 3b 0 1 1 2 1
Lily, lb 1 1 12 0 2
Larson, 2b 0 0 1 1 1
Iloff, p 1 2 1 2 0
Loll, p 0 0 0 2 0
Weaver, If 0 2 3 1 0
4 9 30 10 5
Score by Innings
Crescents ,.00200001000 0 3
Honesdale .01001100000 14
Struck out By Edmunds 8, by
Iloff 7; Loll 4. Bases on balls Off
Edmunds 5, Iloff 1, Loll 1. Hit by
pitcher Tarkett and Mangan by Ed
munds; Faherty by Iloff. Two-base
hit, Sandercock. Left on bases,
Crescent 10; Honesdale 9.
Capt. Brader Is playing with a very
sore hand which accounts for what
seems to some to be a slump in bat
ting. Manager Spencer has promised
Honesdalo first-class base ball pro
vided he gets the financial support
and he is certainly doing his part,
but Saturday's attendance was not
encouraging, when wo consider that
he Is about $75.00 in debt. Now,
brother fans, let's do our part. DO
wake up!
One of the best attractions for
Honesdale since the sporting season
opened will bo given at tho local
grounds on Saturday next when tho
Western Bloomer Girls, champion
ladles' base ball club of the world
will cross bats with the Maple City
team, Tho game will be called at
half-past two o'clock.
Mr, and Mrs. George Conner, sons
Emerson and Foster, of Now York
City, were among the relatives to at
tend the funeral of Lucy Bodlo
held Sunday. Mrs. Conner and chil
dren will remain In HonosdSle tor a
short visit,