The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 20, 1913, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Copyright, 1011, by
Btuart, southern lawyer In New York, Is
In lovo with Nan Primrose. His friend,
Dr. Woodman, who has a young daugh
ter, Is threatened with the loss of his
drug business by Blvens, whom ho' be
friended years before. Stuart visits th
Nan wants Stuart to accept a place with
Blvens' chemical trust. He dislikes Blv
ens' methods and refuses. Blvens ca
ob him.
Blvens Is In lovo with Nan. Stuart re
fuses the offer, and Nan breaks her en
gagement with tho lawyer. Blvens asks
Woodman to enter the trust.
'W56dman wlffnof yield "and sues Blvens'
company. The promoter tells the doctor
he and Nan are engaged. Harriot Wood
man Is studying music. Stuart takos Nan
for a day In tho country.
Stuart pleads with Nan to give up Blv
ens, but tho spell of millions Is on her and
ha yields to It
Nan becomes Mrs. Blvens. Harriet
lgves Btuart, but ho Joes nut knew it.
Nine naES. Stuart bocomea district
attorney. He investigates criminal trusts.
Kan asks him to call.
Btuart wants Woodman to end his suit
against Blvens, but tho doctor stands
firm. Blvens aids Stuart In his Investi
gation of crooked financiers.
Stuart's rovela'tlons did In bringing on a
crisis. Blvens promises to aid tho Van
Dam Trust company, which Is in trouble.
Woodman needs money badly.
In tho stock market slump engineered
by Blvens, Woodman and many others
lose all. Tho trust company falls because
Blvens, at command of the money king,
breaks his word. Stuart faces his critics
In front of BlvenB' bank.
"T"ho mob attacks Stuart and Injures him
slightly. Nan Bees It and reveals her
love. Blvens plies $00,000,000 on a table
and calls Stuart to soe tho money to re
fute rumors of his financial weakness.
Stuart is tempted to Join Blvens as his
confidential man. Ho accepts an Invita
tion to visit the Blvens house and Is re
ceived by Nan.
At a meeting of tho discontented, at
which Blvens is denounced, a bomb
thrower Is killed by his own missile.
Woodman decides to contlnuo his fight
against Blvens.
An Aftermath Confession,
THE day following Blvens' offer
to Stuart vma mado memorablo
by a sinister event In Union
square. A mass meeting of
the unemployed had been called to
protest against their wrongs and par
ticularly to denounce tho men who had
advanced tho prlco of bread by creat
ing a corner in wheat
On his way down town Stuart read
with astonishment that Dr. Woodman
would preside over this gathering. Ho
determined to go. As he hurried through
the routine work of his office, giving
his orders for the day, ho received a
telephone call from Nan, asking him
to decompany her to this meeting.
"I don't think you ought to go," ho
answered emphatically. "There might
bo a riot"
' "I'm not afraid."
"And you might hoar some very
plain talk about your husband."
"That's exactly why 1 wish to go!
I'll send ono of my cars to tho office
for you Immediately."
An hour later when Stuart, seated
by Nan's side, reached Union square,
tho nutomobllo was stopped by the po
lice and turned into Seventeenth street.
Every inch of space in tho squaro
seemed blocked by a solid mass of mo
tionless humanity. Stuart left tho car
in Seventeenth street and succeeded
finally in forcing a way through tho
browd to a position within a hundred
reet of tho rudo platform that had
I been erected for tho orators. Tho
sceno about tho stand bristled with po-
Besides tho spoclal detail of picked
men who moved about tho stand, oc
casionally clubbing an inoffonsivo man,
a battalion of 800 reserves was drawn
lup In serried llnea about a hundred
(yards to tho north on tho odgo of
IFourth avenue. Botwoen these re
serves and the crowd about tho stand
Im open space was kept clear for their
possible assault in case of any dls
When tho speaking began Stuart
pressed his way as cloeo as possible,
brewing Nan with him. Ho was as
tonished at tho genuine eloquence aud
hower with which tho first speaker,
bvldently of anarchistic leanings, de
veloped his theme, a passionate plea
For freedom and tho highest develop
Inent of tho Individual man. His con'
rludlng sentences roused his crowd to
. pitch of wild enthusiasm.
"In tho old world, from which your
I others and mothers fled in search of
reedom, men enslaved their fellow
jen by becoming Jprda, dukes or
Thomas Dixon
Kings, murdt'tiiigyrTjorSiiunTg their way
to a castlo or n throne. The meth
ods of your modern masters are more
subtle and successful. You vote to
make them your masters, and still
Imagine that you are free."
A cheer like tho roar of an angry sea
swept tho crowd. Again and again it
rose nnd fell. Increasing in volume as
Its contagious spirit set Are to tho rest
less minds of the thousands who had
packed tho square, but could not hear
the man who was voicing their faith.
In tho deep roar of their cheers there
was no sodden despair. As Stuart
looked Into tho faces of tho crowd he
saw no trace of tho degeneracy and loss
of elemental manhood which make
tho sight of a European mob loath
some and hopeless. These men were
Btlll men, tho might of freemen in their
souls and good right arms.
When tho last echoes of tho cheers
had died away thore was a stir near
tho stand and Stuart saw tho stalwart
figure of Dr. Woodman suddenly rise.
DTo lifted his arm over the crowd, de
manding silence.
The doctor plunged at once into the
message with which his heart was
"Let no man tell you, my, friends,
that tho God of our fathers Is a myth.
You can't lose faith in God because
you have not lost faith In eternal jus
tice. This faith Is Just coming Into
conscious existence in tho henrts of
millions. By this sign we know that a
now ago Is born. Poets and artists no
longer gazo Into heaven. Their eyes
nro fixed on earth. Men have ceased
to long for another world, therefore
their hope Is now for this ono. To bring
justice and beauty to pass on this
earth In wisdom and -fearlessness of
death this Is tho new creed of the
"My friends, tho worklngman of to
day lives better than tho kings of tho
middle ages. Havo patience, my
friends, the worklngman of tomorrow
will be the heir of all tho knowledge,
of all the pain and all tho glory of tho
centuries. Wo should not bo so im
patlent,wc should not bo discouraged.
The progress of tho world has really
just begun. And so I, who watch tho
darkness pass and seo the eastern sky
begin to glow I cry to you who may
still bo below: 'Bo of good cheer, tho
day dawns!' "
A feeble cheer rose from the hun
dred or more who know tho doctor
personally. It was tho only response
tho sullen crowd gavo to his burst of
fooling. They were not in sympathy
with his optimism. Tho anguish of
tho present momont of bread hunger
and 'cold was too kocn.
When tho doctor sat down Stuart
saw Harriot suddenly lean over, draw
his big shaggy bead down and kiss
him. DTo hadn't recognized her before.
The next speaker mado bis attack on
tho corruption and graft of our system
of government with brutal frankness.
He assailed tho foundations of tho re
public, and at last the principles which
underlie civilized society Itself. Un
doubtedly ho was a madman, driven
Insane by the flerco strugglo for bread,
but none tho less a dangerous maniac.
With scathing, bitter wit ho flayed tho
corruption of our system of democracy.
The speaker closed his tirade with
a flerco personal attack on the man
iwho had mado five millions In a corner
on bread and flaunted his ill gotten
gains In tho face of starving men and
Nan's face flashed with sudden rage.
"Tako mo to my car, Jim. I've an
idea I'm going to execute it at once."
"Wouldn't you l!ko to meet tho doc
tor and his daughter before you go?"
"Thanks, nardly. You know ho Is
on Mr. Blvens' black list."
"I'd forgotten that," ho answered
regretfully. "I'd like awfully for you
vu meet Harriot. I'm sure juiiKI mii
Nan smiled.
"I could soe sho likes you, I don't
think she took a fancy to me, how
over." "Nonsense, Nan," ho said, with an-
Boyance. "Sho couldn't have seen you.
I didn't know sho was hero until sho
kissed her father."
"Perhaps my eyes are keener than
Tho captain of tho district brushed
rudely post and sprang Into his au
tomobile. Ho waved his hand to his
chauffeur. His gesture was mistaken
by a pair of kocn, restless eyes for a
command to his reserves to disperse
tho crowd.
A pale, shabby young fellow leaped
past the lino of police into tho open
epaco and rushed straight for tho re
serves. His loos, thin arm was lifted
lilgiritruieaii"cmtchipg a macK tnmg
with a lighted fuse sparkling from Its
A murmur rippled through tho crowd,
the police stood still and stared, and tho
next moment tho bomb exploded In
tho boy's hand, and his body lay on
the stones a mangled heap of torn
flesh nnd blood so&Ked rags.
The police charged tho crowd and
clubbed them without mercy. Tho
poople fled in confusion in every di
rection, and "in five mlnuteB the squaro
was cleared.
Stuart had hurried Nan to her cor
and rushed back to the eceno of tho
tragedy, no readily passed tho lines
of tho police, who recognized him as
the district attorney.
The doctor reached the spot and
Harriet was holding tho dying boy's
head In her lap.
Stunrt bent over her curiously and
Blowly nsked:
"You wore not afraid to rush up hero
with your father and tako that poor
mangled thing in your arms?"
"Of course not," sho replied simply.
"Papa says ho's dying nothing can
be dono for him. They'vo sent for an
Tho doctor pressed Stuart's arm
and spoke in low tones:
"I've mado some big mistakes in
my life, boy. I'm just beginning to
see them. I've read a new message
In tho flutter of this poor fellow's
pulse. I'll not' bo slow to heed It."
When the doctor reached horaothofaco
of the dying boy haunted him. Ho be
gan to fear his strugglo with Blvens In
his long drawn and fiercely contested
lawsuit was an act of the samo es
sential quality of blind physical vio
lence. He began to seo that tho real
motive back of his struggle was hatred
of the man this little counter jumper
who had destroyed his business. It
was the irony of such a fato that sank
Its poisoned dagger Into his heart. Ho
faced the fact at last without flinching.
Ho rose and paced tho floor of his
library for a half hour with measured
tread. He stopped suddenly and
clinched his big fists instinctively.
"I. do hate him with undying,
everlasting hatred, and I pray God
to give me greater strength to hate
him more!"
Ho rose with sudden determination.
He would not surrender. He would
light It out with this little swarthy
scoundrel, win or loso. His house was
mortgaged; tho last dollar of his sav
ings ho had spent In helping others.
and the money set nsldo to flnlsh
Harriet's course In music had been
lost In tho panic, no would light It
out somehow nnd win. But tho ono
thing that must not fall was tho per
fection of his girl's voice. Tho court
"Be of good cheer the day dawns!"
of appeals would eortalnly render its
decision beforo her next term's work
would begin. Sho could rest during
tho summer. It would do her good.
If ho could be Arm with his tenants
and collect his room rents promptly
from every one, tho income from his
house was still sufficient to pay tho
interest on tho mortgago and glvo him
a little to cat. It would bo enough.
Food for tho soul was more Import
gnt no resolved to ask Stuart to
collect his rents.
He looked up and Harriet stood at
his side.
"What havo you been crying about?"
bo asked anxiously.
"Oh, nothing much," was tho low
answer. "I really don't know per
haps tho thing that makes tho birds
out thoro in tho square chirp while
tho snow is still on tho ground, tho
reeling that spring Is corning."
"You'ro keeping something from me,
dearest," he whispered, slipping his
arm about her waist "Tell mo."
"You really believe In my voice, don't
youf'sbo asked slowly.
"Bellovo In it? Do I believe In
"Could I go abroad right away nnd
finish my work there?"
Sho nsked tho question with such
painful intensity, tho father looked up
with a start
"Why do you wish to go now, child?"
bo asked.
"I've a confession to make, papa,
dear. I'm In love, desperately and
A sob caught her voice, and the
father's nrms drew her to his heart
and bold her.
"But why hopelessly, ray baby?" ho
asked. "Your hair is beaten gold, your
eyes are deep and true, your slender
llttio form has all tho symmetry and
beauty of a. sylph. You aro youns.
fu(nah't7'gl3iWuS,""ahd your voice tno
angels would envy."
"But the man I lovo doesn't realize
all that yet papa, dear. Ho is bound
by tho memories of tho past to a wom
an ho once loved, a woman who Is
evil at heart and though sho betrayed
him for tho lust of money is determin
ed to hold him still her slave. But
sho shall not. I'll light for himl And
you'll help mo, papa, won't you?"
Tho father drew her close.
"Won't I Just wait and soe! But
you haven't told mo his namo? J'vo
been very blind, I fear."
"You've never guessed?"
Sho lifted her face to his in surprise.
. "Jim."
"Our Jim Stuart?"
She nodded. Her voice wouldn't
"Oh, I seo, I see!" tho father mused.
"The first lovo of a child's heart grown
slowly into the great passion of life."
Again tho little head nodded.
"You understand now why I wish to
get away, to finish my work abroad.
I'll bo nearer to him with tho ocean
between us. He'll miss mo then. I
feel it,. know it When I return he will
be proud of my voice. I shall go mad
if I stay hero and see him dangling at
that woman's heols. I shall shag when
he hears mo as I never sang before,
and I shall say to him then all tho un
spoken things I dare not put In speech."
Tho father kissed the trembling Hps
and answered firmly:
"I'll raise tho money for you right
And then for half an hour she lay In
his arms whilo ho whispered beautiful
thoughts of her future. When ho sent
her to bed he had kissed the last tear
"And now I've got to surrender," he
said to himself.
(Continued in Tuesday's Issue.)
Lake Como, Juno 18. Miss Jane
Gilchrist Is spending a few weeks
with friends In New York City.
Sydney Hughes, of Scranton, is
spending a few days at J. T. Jay
cox's fishing.
Miss Conner, of Poyntelle is as
sisting Mrs. Jones with her house
Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Stoughtburg
of Deposit, aro visiting friends in
Miss Louisa Ford is visiting
friends In Blnghamton.
Mrs. Genthler entertained her sis
ter, Mrs. A. Little of New York city
and her cousin, Miss Jane Lumley,
of Blnghamton, last week.
Dresses of Mrs. Thorley and Sister
Afire as They Escape.
Poughkcepsio, N. Y., Juno 18. With
flames bursting from beneath their mo
torcar and enveloping it as it was run
ning at high speed two miles north of
Hopewell Junction, J. E. Thorley and
wife and Mrs. Thorloy's sister, a Mrs.
Ellison, and tho chauffeur narrowly
escaped serious burns beforo tbey were
able to abandon It The big machine,
of French make and valued at $13,000,
was destroyed.
Tho Thorleys were en route from
Now York to Albany. Soon after leav
ing Hopewell Junction smoko began to
Issue from beneath the car, and sud
denly there was a burst of flame, and
the gasollno tank, leaking badly, fur
nished a fierce blazo. Some of tho
I'ght wraps of tho occupants caught
lire and Mr. Thorley's hands burned.
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Whereas, There exists an appropriation
of $17,5600 made by the Highway Depart
ment Jt the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vanla;or Wayne county, which appropri
ation la available for paving purposes in
tho borough of Honesdale; and
WHEREAS, In order to obtain and se
cure this appropriation the said borough
must, "a," Connect the paved Btreet with
an existing State Highway, "b," Have
tho pavement completed before the first
of June 1914. And WHEREAS, The State
Highway engineers havo made a .survey
and draft of the Btreets proposed to be
paved, to wit: Main street from the
south side of Fourth street to Weaver's
crossing forty feet In width, and from
Weavers crossing to the north line of the
borough twenty-three feet in width, along
which the Trolley lino will run, and from
Weaver's crossing along west Park
street to the west line of tho borough six
teen feet wide, there connecting with an
existing State Highway: and WHEREAS,
tho State engineers estlmato the cost of
a vitrified brick pavement along the said
streets at sixty-nine thousand dollars,
and WHEREAS, Tho paper obligations
of tho said borough together with the
present Indebtedness would exceed two
per cent, of the last assessed valuation
of tho said borough; and WHEREAS,
Tho Wayne County Railway Company
aro about to lay their rails upon Main
street and It is desirable that tho said
street should be paved as the rails aro
laid; and WHEREAS, Deducting from
the estimated cost, "a," Tho Appropria
tion, "b," The amount to be paid by the
Railway Company, as per their franchise,
which amount Is to be paid direct to the
pave contractor, would leave a paper In
crease of Indebtedness of not exceeding
forty thousand dollars, and deducting tho
two-thirds of the remaining cost of the
said pave to bo paid by the owners of
real estate bounded by or abutting there
on, which amount Is to bo paid direct to
tho borough Treasurer would lcavo the
actual Increased Indebtedness less than
fifteen thousand dollars. THEREFORE:
Seo. First Bo It enacted and ordained
by the Town Council of the borough of
Honesdale In tho county of Wayne nnd
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, In coun
cil assembled, and It is hereby enacted
and ordained by tho authority of the
samo; That the Town Council deslro to
make an Increase of tho present In
debtedness and for that purpose set forth
tho following statement.
"a." That the mst assessed valuation
of tho said borough Is two million one
hundred and ninety thousand one hun
dred and eighty dollars.
"b." That tho present Indebtedness Is
a" That the per centage of Increase
Is two per cent.
"d." That the purposo of said Increase
Is to defray the cost of pave upon Main
and West Park streets.
See. Second That a special election bo
held In the said borough on tho Eleventh
day of July, 1013, for the purpose of ob
taining by ballot the consent of the elec
tors of the said borough for the said In
crease of Indebtedness for tho purposes
The foregofng Ordinance was on the
Fifth day of June A. D. 1913, ordained
and enacted, adopted and passed by the
Town Council of the borough of Hones
dale in council assembled as an ordin
ance of the said borough, to go into ef
fect and operation from and after tho
publication thereof according to law.
President of tho Town Council of tho
Borough of Honesdale.
Secretary of the Town Council of the
Borough of Honesdale.
Approved this Sixth day of June, 1313.
chas. a. Mccarty,
47w4. Burgess.
WHEREAS, Tho Town Council of the
Borough of Honesdale, by an Ordinance
duly enacted, havo authorized and di
rected the grading, curbing and paving
of Main and West Park streets In the
said borough, have set forth that the
cost therefor would Increase the debt of
tho said borough to an amount exceeding
two per cent, of tho last assessed valua
tion thereof, and that a special election
for tho purposo of obtaining tho assent of
the electors of the said borough to the
proposed Increase of tho Indebtedness;
Therefore NOTICE Is hereby given that
a public election will be held In the
Court House In the said borough at tho
placo and by the officers provided by law
for thp holding of Municipal elections In
saiu Dorougn on
Our GOLD TABLETS if used promptly
make short work of a cold,
eoooooooocooooooooooooooooooocjoooocsoooooooooocjoooeoo c
Ten Days9
Saratoga Springs
Saturday, August 2, 1913
Arrange Your Vacation Accordingly.
JULY, 1013,
for the purpose of obtaining tho ausont
of tho Electors of tho said borough to .the
Increase of Indebtedness, as mentioned
In tho said ordinance; said Election to be
held In tho manner and during the hours
flxed by law for holding municipal elec
tions and subject to tho provisions ot
law relating to sucih elections.
The following is a statement of tho last
assessed valuation of said borough, tho
per cent, of Increase, tho present Indebt
edness, and tho purposo for payment of
which tho said Increase Is desired.
The last assessed valuation is $2,190,
180.00. The present Indebtedness Is $17,450.00.
The per cent, of Increase desired Is two
per cent.
Tho purpose of said Increase is to de
fray the expenso of grading, curbing and
Eavlng Main and West Park streets with
By direction of the Town Council by
President of Town Council of tho Borough
of Honesdale.
Secretary of the Town Council of tho
Borough of Honesdale.
Honesdale, 6th June, 1913. 47w4
Section First. Be It enacted and or
dained by the Town Council of the bor
ough of Honesdale In tho county of
Wayne and Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, In council assembled, and It Is
hereby enacted and ordained by tho au
thority of the same; that there be assess
ed upon and collected from tho owners
of the real estate bounding or abutting
upon Main and West Park streets two
thirds of tho balance of the cost of pav
ing and curbing tho same. This balance
to be ascertained by deducting from tho
aggregate cost of paving and curbing
the said streets; "a," Tho amount of tho
State appropriation, "b," Tho amount
paid by the Wayne County Railway Com
pany to tho Pave Contractor. Tho
amount per foot front to be nn equal as
sessment, as governed and controlled by
the width of the pavement in front of
each of the said owners of real estate
bounding or abutting upon tho said
Section Second Tho assessment mado
as provided In Sec. First hereof, shall
be payable In five equal Installments; the
first installment shall become due and
payablo thirty (30) days after the com
mencement of tho work, and the balance
In four equal annual Installments there
after; said Installments shall bear Inter
est at tho rate of six per cent, per an
num commencing thirty (30) days after
the beginning of tho work until paid, but
the whole amount of the assessment may
bo paid at any time during the said
The foregoing ordinance was on tho
Fifth day of June A. D. 1913 enacted and
ordained, adopted and passed by the
Town Council of tho Borough of Hones
dale, In council assembled, as an ordin
ance of the said borough, to go into ef
fect and operation from and after tho
publication thereof according to law,
and the final confirmation adoption and
enactment thereof after thirty days from
President of tho Town Council of tho
Borough of Honesdale.
Secretary of the Town Council of the
Borough of Honesdale.
Approved this Sixth day of June, 1913.
chas. a. Mccarty,
47w4 Burgess.
Reoresent Reliable
CnniQanies ONLY