The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 20, 1913, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4
PAGE FOUR THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1913. THE CITIZEN Send-Weekly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 18-44. Published Tuesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company. E. B. HARDENBERGH PRESIDENT II. C. VAN ALSTYNE and E. B. CALLAWAY MANAGING EDITORS PRANK P. WOODWARD ADVERTISING MANAGER AND FEATURE WRITER. directors: 0. U. DORrLIMOCR. M. B. ALLEN, TERMS! ONE YEAR $1.50 THREE MONTHS SSo SIX MONTHS 75-ONE MONTH 13c Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Postofflce Order or Registered letter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. S03 Main street, Honesdale, Pa. All notices of shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of making money or any Items that contain advertising matter, will only be admitted to this Kaper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notices of entertainments for the eneflt of churches or for charitable purposes where a fee is charged, will be pub lished at half rates. Cards of thanks, GO cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will bo charged for at tho rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application. FRIDAY, PAVE ELECTION JULY 11. Every citizen In Honesdale and es pecially those who aro public-spirited and have the welfare of this, their native town, at heart, is talking pave. It is the paramount issue and is therefore foremost in the people's mind. On July 11th next, less than a month In tho future, the taxpayers of Honesdale will rally around tho poles to cast their vote for tho pav ing of Main street. That the election is an important one is evinced by the fact that Main street will never be paved as cheaply again as it can bo at tho present time. (Having the promise of assistance from the State Highway Department to the amount of $17,000, which is in the treasury awaiting to be applied toward pav ing Main street, is an incentive to pave as soon as possible. Unless this $17,000 is taken advantage of by March 1st, 1914, it will bo de clared null and void. Then there is also another liberal assistance, the street railway company. The road is surely going to be built; and in this event the original cost will be Cut down one-fourth of the total amount, thus making the town re sponsibleforonlyabout $14,000. This $14,000 necessarily does not have to be paid at once but will be distribut ed along the avenue of time, so that the present generation will not pay for all of it now, in fact no resident of Honesdale will feel that he is pay ing for anything, and will be having tho benefit and comfort of the pave in his own day and generation. From conversation with abutting property owners on Main street and taxpayers at largo Jn the borough, we learn that it is tho consensus of opinion that the paving Issue will go 'through with a big majority of votes. The voters for mud have had enough of the sticky, mucky stuff and have made public confessions, stating that now they will vote for pave. A vote against the pave means that .the YOter Is satisfied with the tallow 'candle instead of the electric light; satisfied with an ox team instead of steam, electricity and all modern conveyances; satisfied with tt nun dial instead of a watch; satisfied wlth going ten miles over a rough country road at night to sunlnion a physician Instead of calling him by telephone; satisfied with using the quill instead of the typewriter; sat isfied with delivering his own mail on horseback fifteen to twenty miles Instead of using a two-cent stamp. Honesdale Is not in mediaeval times, therefore vote for pave. M. H. COnn'S GREAT POEM. The year 1853 was quite a me morable one in Wayne county. In the matter of building, it was in that year that the beautiful stone struct ure of Graco Episcopal church was constructed. In that year several men who have achieved more or less notoriety wore born In Wayno coun ty, among whom may be mentioned Homer Greene, tho late Col, Frank J. Fitzsimmons, and although the writer hereof doesn't recollect the circumstances those who wore pres ent on the occasion, say that he, too, camo complaining into the world in that year. Outside of Wayne county that was the year when Wellington P. Kidder, noted Inventor, Russell Hinman, edi tor and author, Helen H. Gardner, author, Alexander Harrison, artist, and Robert U. Johnson, editor, were born. Wo don't suppose wo have tho names of all of them, somo prob ably got away. It was in 1853 that Tho New Sawn, a local newspaper, was started In Honesdale by M. H. Cobb, who died on Sunday morning, June S, at his home in Philadelphia, In his 8Cth year. Tho New Dawn was publish ed exactly ono year, when it was voluntarily suspended on account of lack of patronage. It was published from tho office of the late H. B. Beardsleo's Wayno County Herald, and was too fine a publication to die so young. From Honesdale Mr. Cobb went to Wellsboro, Tloga county, and founded the Wellsboro Agitator, one of the cleanest, handsomest and brightest country exchanges that reaches this office. The last number of tho Agitator concludes a long account of tho life and history of Mr. Cobb as follows: Few men have the Intellect, the Een E. I. HAHDKNBERnil JUNE 20, 1013. lus, the philosophy, kindness and charity possessed bj Mark H. Cobb, and not many make such an Impress on a com munity for good as he left on Tloga county. He never let his burdens weigh him down and ho was a man of sor rows. He never carried his heart on his sleeve; so far as tho world knew, all was sunshine he was a dispenser of good cheer, a man of wonderful ability and courage. There was a personal magne tism about him which compelled the lovo of all his friends. Ho was always faith ful, loyal and true. On being asked to give a sketch of his life somo years ago Mr. Cobb said: "I was born to tho estate coveted by that Scripture worthy who said, 'Give me neither poverty nor riches!' In other worths, 1 had nothing and everything. I Inherited no ncres and no bonds, yet every blade of grass, every llower, the hills, the mountains, the grassy vales, and the granite cliffs, in the midst of which I first saw light, were all my own from my earliest childhood. I never envied the boy with a better coat, be cause he could not wear It and enioy It without Importing some of his Joy to me." Mr. Cobb was tho author of numer ous poems. The most widely known Is entitled, "The World Would Be Better For It." This took form In his mind almost unbidden, early one December morning In 1S54, and rlslnc he transcribed It, sent It to the Now York Tribune, and it has been widely read since. That was a few months after Mr. Cobb came to Wellsboro. Wo print it here as a tributo to the man who was always influenced by lovo for humanity: THE WORLD WOULD BE THE BET TER FOR IT. If men cared less for wealth and fame, And less for battle-fields and glory; If, writ in human hearts, a namo Seemed better than in song and story: If men, instead of nursing pride, Would learn to hate and to abhor It, If moro relied On lovo to guide, Tho world would bo the better for it, If men dealt less in stocks and lands, And more in bonds and deeds fraternal; If Love's work had more willing hands To link this world with tho supernal; If men stored up Love's oil and wine. And on bruised human hearts would pour it. If "yours" and "mlno" Would once combine, Tho world would be the better for it. If moro would act the play of Life, And fewer spoil it In rehearsal; If bigotry would sheath Its knife. Till good became moro universal; If custom, gray with ages grown. Had fewer blind men to adorn it; If Talent shono In Truth alone, The world would bo the better for It. If men were wise in little things Affecting less In all their dealings; If hearts had fewer rusted strings To Isolate their kindly feelings: If men. when wrong beats down tho right. Would strike together to restore It; If right made might In every fight, Tho world would be the better for It. BETTER THAN CAREER. Marriage is better than a career, President Edmund J. James, o tho University of Illinois, told about three hundred women graduates who have just completed four years of training for a profession. This is a good suggestion for all Juno graduates who contemplate a career after their school and col lege work is ended. We quoto from President James as follows: "The average man and the aver age woman can do their, best work for themselves and for society in a partnership which results in a social unit effective for social progress. "Tho woman who deliberately chooses this career when the oppor tunity offers itself, or when she makes it for herself, as every wom an can, is choosing a highway to so clal service which is far ahead of all teaching or legal or medical service she can possibly render society. "It looks sometimes as if modern society is giving tho honors of so cial recognition and opportunity to tho bachelor maid instead of to tho wife and mother. Just in proportion as this is done will society surely suffer by recruiting its ranks in tho long run, from the uneducated and moro animal elements." GOVERNMENT CROP REPORT. The government's crop report on the growing wheat and oats, made public last weok, is not quite up to expectations in somo particulars, but growing conditions have improv ed since tho statistics woro prepared some ten days ago. A Winter wheat condition of 83.5 on June 1, is tho best for that date with one excep tion in eight years. Although tho figure is somewhat below market forecasts, showing a loss of 8.4 per cent, during the month of May, It is still 9.2 per cent, bettor than tho condition of tho same dato last year. Spring wheat condition of 93.5 coin cides quite closely with what the trade was expecting, and is practical ly up to the ten-year average, A de crease of 580,000 acres from tho final of last year is a feature of tho situation In tho Northwest, showing shrinkage in- wheat areas which oth er crops have probably taken up and which may be partly balanced by better methods of cultivation The indicated crop of Winter wheat of 93,000,000 bushels larger than tho final of 1912, shows decided Im provement over conditions prevailing a year ago. Offsetting this Is an in dicated loss of 78,000,000 in Spring wheat. EVERY CITIZEN A HOME OWNER. These prosperous times are not going to last forever. When the change comes those who will suffer the most are those who, in time of prosperity, failed to Invest in a little home. While it is true that some are so unfortunately situated that they can not save a cent of their earnings, it Is also true that the great majority of those who own no home, have no excuse that is valid. If they would take the money they pay in rent, add to it that which they spend for unnecessary things,, and make a few sacrifices, the homo would soon ma terialize. And then when the hard times come they have a roof over their heads and a sense of security and independence they could not otherwise feel. The reason so few own homes Is because our ago has not taught us to differentiate between the things that are needful and the things that are necessary. The prosperity of others irritates us and we try to imitate them. We forget that the truest pleasures aro inseparably con nected with the home, and cannot be found in a hustling crowd. For proof of our contention that a home may be acquired by all, if they so desire, let everyone who reads this make a survey of the com munity in which he lives. He will find that there are many homes own ed by those who were willing to make a little sacrifice, who were wise enough to pass by temptations to spend money that brought regret in the end, and who were wise enough to realize that useless expenditures cannot bo recalled. Own your home. Make your home the center of your interests. And then when- the troublous times come you will not be crushed by disaster or become the object of charity of those who were wise and practiced thrift. MARVELS OF PHOTOGRAPHY. How Creatures Invisible to the Are Shown as Monsters. Ey Photographing the invisible sounds like a misnomer, but correct to say in visible by the unaided eye. This com. plex and valuable science is revealing wonders in tho excessively minute, and myriad objects, animate and Inan imate, arc brought to view whoso ex istence has all along been unknown. Two methods of Illuminating the ob jects aro Jn use strong light is pass ed through very thin layers of tho sub stance or rollected from tho outside surfaco of thick masses and also from the external portions pf exceedingly small opaque bodies. Those solid particles can be placed on glass slides or floated in transpar ent liquids, as a drop of water be tween two very thin glasses. Pinch tho glasses close together; there Is no danger of killing tho smaller kinds of animals, such as bacteria and microbes. They have plenty of room In a film of water, so thin aa to bo beyond imagi nation. Tho magnifying louses for expan sion of images of these minute objects requlro tho most consummate skill in manufacture, tho microenmera like wise, and tho two combined are tri umphs of human genius. Tho finished products, the perfected pictures, are highly educational. Many different kinds of greatly improved glass are now made In Jena. Germany, and theso have almost revolutionized ml croscony. And tho wonders nccom. pllshed by using the most sensitive plates over made, and theso with many different kinds of waves of light, are nlmost beyond comprehension. Tho "Arabian Nights" people nro eclipsed. Thus put a drop of stagnant water on glass, lay a thin plato upon it, press down, and tho layer of water will bo thin Indeed. Put It under tho microscope, turn bright light through tho layer, pass this light into tho very small camera and let it fall on n pre pared moving film; then tho nninzlng effect of animals In motion is to bo fixed on a film that is Itself in motion This film, a long strip, is then placed on rollers nnd unwound, so thnt it will pass powerful projecting lenses in a moving picture outfit. This Is, Indeed, photographing the unknown. SIuco mnn nppeared on earth no such nld to refined research Into nature's labyrinths has been dls covered. Then n largo audience can seo all that there is in a minute drop of water on a screen from ten to six. teen feet lu diameter. Totally invisl bio creatures bocomo monsters and movo with grout rapidity before tho eyes of tho people. Thousands of new species of inlnuto living organisms nro rescued from realms of tho unknown, Edgar Luclen Lnrkin In New York American. Not Unlikely. "Well, my boy," said tho visitor to Bobby, "I supposo somo day you ox tect to step into your father's shoes?' "Oh, I supposo so," said Bobby gloomily. "I been wcarln' out every thing else ho wears since mother learned how to cut 'em down for me." Harper's Weekly. Information Wanted. "Pop, I want to ask you something.' "What Is it, my chlldT' "Do they make airships go with fl7 wheels?" Baltimore American. ACCIDENT ON STATE BRIDGE 1911 RECALLED WILCOX GOES TO LAW TO RE COVER $2,000 FROM AVINFRED MUJfFORD. Case Went to Jury Thursday Evidence Given to Show jiuinford Wns Not Driving tho Car. The case of Reuel Wilcox vs. Wln- fred Mumford, action in trespass, was taken up Thursday morning and was finished all but the Judge's charge to the jury before noon. At torneys Iloff and Garratt represent ed the plaintiff and Mumford & Mumford represented the defendant. The plaintiff claimed that on Aug. 16, 1911, about six o'clock In the afternoon the defendant with an au tomobile negligently and carelessly ran into and damaged the plaintiff's team and wagon, throwing him to the ground from which fall he sustained personal injuries. The total damage claimed was ?2,000. Reuel Wilcox was the first witness called and testified that the automo bile that ran into his team on the State bridge was driven by Winfred Mumford and that it seemed to have been out of control. He said that the machine was going at the rate of 0 to 3o miles an hour and was light colored. Without any toot of a horn or any other kind of warning the car had run into his horses while on the bridge and threw ono of them com pletely over tho other so that It fell on Its side. The mares were per manently injured. One was valued at ?300 and the other at $500. The wagon and harness was also dam- ged. Ho said that he was on the right hand side of the bridge when the auto crashed Into him. He also stated that there were two men in the car. Dr. F. W, Powell was called and testified that he had attended Wil cox that day and for several times after that day. He testified to the extent of the injuries received by Wilcox. John Deming, James Wilcox and Fred Giehrer, all witnesses to the ac cident, testified that it was a light colored car and was occupied by two men. The first two witnesses said that Mumford was driving the car and that it seemed to be out of con trol when It crashed into the team of horses on the bridge. There were no other teams on the bridge at the time. The defense was that Winfred Mumford was not driving the car and did not own it or have anything to do with it at tho time of the acci dent. Winfred Mumford testified that the car had started from the offices of the Consolidated Telephone company that afternoon and went up Church street and turned at Twelfth and from there onto the bridge. There they ran into the team. He said that the car was a Brush, 1911 Model and left drive. The car was a dark colored car and Mr. Thomas Gallagh er was driving. He said that ho was standing on the running board of the car and had nothing to do with running it. He said that the car be longed to the Consolidated Tele phone company. Edward Doney and John Cauficld were also in the car. Thomas Gallagher testified that he drove the car and substantiated the evidence of Mumford. John Caufleld also testified to theso facts and Edward Doney testi fied that Gallagher had been driving the car and that Its color was black Tho caso closed about half-past elev en o clock and tho attorneys on both sides made their arguments to the jury before court adjourned at 12 o'clock. Tho total bond issue of SCO, OOO for Mnin street pnvo will all bo paid back except $1.1.000, which amount will only bo the town's in debtedness. If you nro n Progres sive, vote for pave. "PEDOS" CORN CURE re ieves pain at once and event ually cures. 15 cents. A few suggestions of articles that will make ap propriate gifts for gradu ates: Fountain Pens from $1.00 up. Purses, Wallets and Card Cases from 25c up. Dainty Perfumes and Toilet Wa ters from 25c up. Largest line of Writing Papers and Correspondence Cards ever shown, 25; 35, 50c and higher. Beautiful Gift Books; hundreds of titles. Large lino of Parisian .Ivory, both Domestic and Imported. Hair Brushes, Cloth Brushes, etc. Call on us and let us show you. At LEINE'S THE REXALL STORE, Honesdale, Pa. Gifts for Graduates I GUARANTEE THAT : Every piece of cloth is strictly all wool and every garment cut to individual measures. THAT: Every garment must prove entirely satisfactory, or it must be returned for alteration or money refunded. The Model Clothing Shop LUKE LEVY ' WANTS TO SEE YOU Opposite Union Depot Honesdale, Pa. OBITUARY. Death of Ilnrry Smith. iHarry A. Smith, a painter, died at his home in East Honesdale on Tues day evening, June 17. Mr. Smith was an old and respected resident of East Honesdale. He was G3 years of age. He is survived by his wife. The funeral services will be held on Fri day afternoon at 2 o'clock at tho home in East Honesdale, Rev. Will H. Hiller officiating. Interment will be made in Indian Orchard cemetery. Death of Mrs. Jennie Edgett. Mrs. Jennie Booth Edgett died at her home on Court street on Wed nesday morning, following an illness of a few weeks. She was born in Honesdale on October 14, 1842, and was the daughter of Victor Booth. She is survived by two daughters, namely, Rena S. Edgett and Lucy B. Edgett, both of Honesdale. The funeral services will be held Friday at 4:30 p. m Rev. A. L. Whittaker of the Grnco Episcopal church, officiating. Interment will take place in Glen Dyberry. MRS. FRED SMITH DIES IN CORTLAND. Mrs. Fred Smith, a former resident of River street, Honesdale, died at her home in Cortland, N. Y., on Mon day, after a prolonged illness. The funeral was held Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock in that city, where in terment was also made. Mrs. Smith was formerjy of Cortland, where her parents now live. Besides her hus band, one daughter, Romaine, aged five years, survives. William Smith, brother of Fred Smith, and Mrs. Chris. Smith, both of this place, at tended the funeral. MONDAY, Grocery Departments: Columbian or Snow White Flour, $1.40 per sack. Fancy Boneless Sardines, 25c value, 20c can. Evaporated Apples, 13c value, 10c lb. Creso Crackers, the family favorite, 2 pkgs. for 15c. Hire's Root Beer Extract, 18c value, 15c bottle. WAVERLY ROOT BEER EXTRACT, 10c VALUE, 8c BOTTLE. Waverly Brand Canned Tomatoes, 13c value, 11c can. Davis Baking Powder, 1 lb. can, 20c val 16c can. Quaker or White Rose Oats, 10c value, 8c package. Lemons, fine selected stock, 40c value, 30c dozen. Other Departments-Main Floor Ladies' Stylish Trimmed Hats, $4.00 and $5.00 val., $2.49 each. Lot Outing and Sailor Hats, 25c value, 17c each. Lot Outing Hats, great 10c value, 7c each. Summer Lawns, good styles, 15c value, 10c yard. Irish Poplin, sun and soap proof, 25c value, 22c yard. Children's Parasols, fine assortment, 50c value, 42c each. Dress Ginghams, best, 15c and I2jc quality, 11c yard. Yard-wide French Cambric, 16c yard, 12c yard. Niagara Maid long silk gloves, special, 90c pr. Three leading styles Corsets, new models, 89c pr. Gent's Madras Shirts, best $1.00 value, 90c each. Gent's Ties, all styles, 25c value, 22c each. 72x90 Heavy Sheets, our own brand, special, 59c each. 45x36 Pillow Cases, 15c value, 12c each. Second Floor Specials. Ladies' Tailored Linene Waists, $1.00 and $1.25 value, 89c ea Ladies' Corset Covers, lace trimmed, 50c value, 39c each. Ladies' Dressing Jackets, 50c value, 43c each. Ladies' White Petticoats, embroidery trimmed, 69c val., 49c ea. Children's Colored Dresses, sizes 2-6, 59c value, 49c each. 3x6 feet reversible matting rugs, 60c value, 39c each. Union Ingrain Stair Carpet, 35c value, 29c yard. Linen Finished Shades, white and ecru, 40c value, 35c each. 9x12 best Axminpter Rugs, $25.00 value, $22.50. Katz Bros. Inc. NOTICE-Monday Specials are sold for Cash. Death of Mrs. Squire. On Saturday evening, at her home in Waymart, Mrs. Kate Squire wid of of A. R. Squire, died, after a lin gering Illness. She was the daughter of William Mills, who emigrated to' this country from England in 1851 and settled in Mt. Pleasant township, this county. The deceased was then seven years of age. Eleven years later she was united In marriage to A. G. Wood, of Honesdale, Pa. They began housekeeping and later settled in Waymart, where Mr. Wood died in 1887. In 1889 she was united in marriage to A. R. Squire, who died in 1894. Mrs. Squire was a devout Christian woman, being a member of the M. E. church for over 56 years. She is survived by two sons, Jesse A. Wood, of home, and William H. Wood, of Steene, Pa. Funeral services were held from her late residence Tuesday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Rev. Burch, a former pastor of the M. E. church, but now of Factoryvllle, officiated. Interment took place In the Wood family plot In Glen Dyberry ceme tery, Honesdale. WANT TO BUY A COSY COTTAGE and lot near Honesdale?' We have ono located on Dela'ware street that would make an ideal home for any employe of Honesdalo's varied industries. Invest your savings in a homo. It will pay you bigger in terest and you will be interested to a greater extent than if you paid rent. Tho place Is your for a small sum. Consult Buy-U-A-Home Real ty Co., Jadwln Building, Honesdale. I NSURE WITH C. BASSETT who has 1 represented the Fidelity Mutual Life Insurance Co. of Philadelphia In Wayne' county for over ten years. Real Bargains, Generous and Full Sized. Take a Hand in the Hustle. Get Your Share. We have given bargains a new meaning in this commun ity, made the word stand for something definite and worthy, for what it means everywhere when honestly used according to rule of business decency. Our Monday bargain stand for reliable merchandise, remark able underprice and unusually cheap. JUNE 23d