The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 20, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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No Denial of Secret Confer
ences With Murphy.
Declares There's Very Little Truth In
Accusations "Planned by Crafty Ene
mies of Direct Primaries In Now York
Albany, N. Y., June 18. Governor
Sulzer's answer to the charges of Sen
ate Clerk Patrick E. McCabo was de
livered at the flnal meeting last night
of his state wide campaign In favor of
the direct primary bill. The governor
did not discuss the assertion that since
ho assumed ofllce he has held frequent
secret conferences In New York city
with Charles F. Murphy.
In his speech, Governor Sulzer, after
pointing out that Tweed, with brazen
audacity, defied the voters, asked,
"Havo little boss Tweeds so soon for
gotten the tragic fate of big Boss
"Now a few words about little boss
Tweed In Albany county, one Patrick
B. McCabo," the governor continued.
"You know something about him and
his methods. He has circulated what
be called a bitter attack on mo. It
was a screed so ridiculous that I sup
pose I should not dignify It by a denial
I hope every one here has rend this
McCabo nttnek."
After reviewing a letter from Mc
Cabo, In which he was fulsomcly prais
ed. Governor Sulzer went on:
McCabe Gets Wild.
"I was n great man apparently In
McCabc's estimation so long as ho be
lieved I would recognize him us tho
boss of the Democratic party In Al
bany county, but just so soon as I
gave some recognition to Mr. Dngan
a decent man and tho Democratic
state committeeman from Albany
county Mr. McCabe gets wild and has
his good but erratic friend write a
libelous manifesto about me, replete
with statements without the slightest
foundation of fact. Tho letter and tho
statement show the difference, how
ever, between now nnd then.
"Poor McCabo! Ho Is n catspaw,
nnd I feel sorry for him.
"Perhaps I should say that there is
very little truth In the purported state
ment of Mr. McCabo. Much of tho
matter Is too absurd for mo to dignify
with a denial, especially In view of
tho fact that another man wroto It.
"Who wroto it? Who gavo the writ
er tho Information? That Is what tho
people want to kiow. McCabe has re
cently boon In several conferences. If
he knows iet him tell all ho knows.
Tiioy say McCabe Is n squealer.
"They tell me this whole thing was
deliberately planned and executed by
crafty enemies of direct primaries In
New York city for the purposo of
breaking the force of my special mes
sage on direct nominations sent to tho
extraordinary session of tho legisla
ture. "I do not think It will deceive any
friend of the cause of direct primaries
or disconcert nny citizen In the state.
It certainly will not distract mo or
prevent me from going right ahead
with my efforts to write upon the stat
ute books a direct nominations law
that will carry out in good faith tho
promises of tho Democratic party.
These attacks on mo are well under
stood. They will not hurt mo in tho
end. But whether they do or not, I
shall go on regardless of political or
personal consequences.
Calls the Attack Weak.
"There Is an old saying, you know,
that when n lawyer has a bad case ho
should abuso tho other side. Mr. Mc
Cabe, it seems, Is in this category. IIo
is so weak as a political leader in Al
bany that Just ono honest direct pri
mary election would relegate his boss
ship to the political scrap heap.
"Mr. McCabo knows this, and henco
ho is fighting against direct primaries
to save his political skin. That is all
there Is to it. McCabo thinks that by
abusing me ho can defeat direct nomi
nations, but his efforts will bo abor
tive, and his antics aro about as trans
parent and as ludicrous as those of tho
ostrich, which sticks its head in tho
sand nnd thinks its body cannot bo
seen. Mr. McCabo's political head is in
tho political sand, but wo all see the
rest of him and tho sight is not allur
Sulzer Names Him to Preside In Rock
land County,
Albany, Juno IS. Governor Sulzer
Issued a proclamation convening an ex
traordinary term of tho supremo court
for July 14 In Rockland county to con
sider contemplated indictments for
grafting in highway construction work
in that county.
Tho governor designated Supreme
Court Justice Isaac M. ICapper of
Brooklyn to preeldo at tho extraordi
nary term. Peter P. Smith, a political
protege of James Shovlln of Brooklyn,
has been designated by Attorney Gen
eral Carmody as n deputy atttorney
general to assist tho Rockland county
district attorney in theso cases.
Hot Weather
Weather Forecast.
Fair todays not quite so warm In
couth portion; tomorrow fair; light to
moderate north winds.
Cnso Finished Lnto Monday After
noon W. II. lice, Esq., Appointed
Counsel for Hnlcy.
In tho case of tho commonwealth
vs. Thomas Haley alias Thomas Cort
right, in which B. F. Ossendorf, of
Waymart, was tho prosecutor, and
which was tried in tho local court on
Monday of this week, the jury return
ed a verdict of "not guilty" in court
Tuesday morning. The Court told
the jury that tho fact that there was
some evidence that Ossendorf was
under the influence of liquor should
not have Influenced them in finding a
verdict. Haley was brought before
the court. Ho is 34 years old. Judge
Scarle Instructed tho sheriff to give
Haley the $4.10 he had taken from
him when he was placed in jail, and
instructed that Haley should buy a
ticket with it and leave town.
H. B. Ossendorf, prosecutor in tlje
case, was the first witness called by
the Commonwealth. He stated that
he had not known Haley until the
day ho camo to Honesdale and stop
ped at the Arrow Cafe. That was on
Wednesday afternoon, May 21. Ha
ley was around there then. I stayed
there all night because it rained and
part of Thursday. I started for
my homo near Waymart Thursday af
ternoon about four o'clock and Haley
asked to go as far as Seelyville with
me. I did not want him to go but ho
insisted. When we got to Seelyville
he wanted to go along to Waymart.
He went and I left him on the other
side of Waymart. He did not go
all the way homo with me. I had
my money in the out'ide pocket of
my coat in an envelope. I had taken
$5 out to pay tho bartender at the
Arrow Cafe and Haley was standing
near me. 1 had the money when we
were at Seelyville. It was gone
when I got home. I figured that I
had lost about $35.
Attorney W. H. Lee was appointed
by the Court to defend Haley who
had no counsel. On cross-examination
it was attempted to show that
Ossendorf was under the influence of
liquor. He said that he was not un
der the influence of liquor Wednes
day night. Haley came to his room
early Thursday morning and asked
Ossendorf where his clothes were.
They had a few drinks at the Arrow
Cafo before leaving and stopped at
Seelyville where they had two more.
Mr. Ossendorf asserted that he had
taken beer while Haley took whis
key. Ho said that ho had about $47
in the envelope and that he allowed
that he had spent $12 at tho Arrow
Peter Kahl, bartender at the Ar
row Cafe,, sworn: Haley worked
around the place and did not got any
pay for his services, only once in a
while, ho was given a quarter. He
had no money. Haley was standing
along side of Ossendorf when they
came up to tho bar for drinks that
Thursday afternoon. He had an op
portunity of seeing tho money that
Ossendorf carried in tho envelope.
Haley went with him but did not
come back. He stated that tho two
had had several drinks before they
Joseph Gumpper, bartender at the
Seelyville hotel, was next sworn: He
stated that Ossendorf and Haley had
stopped at tho hotel Thursday af
ternoon, May 22, for about ten min
utes. They had two drinks and then
started for Waymart. I saw Haley
again Friday afternoon. Ho came in
to the hotel and ho had money. Ho
spent three or four dollars there and
let mo have $5 to keep for him.
When ho left he left ninety cents on
tho bar. On cross-examination he
stated that the $5.90 was in the till
of the hotel in a separate pilo await
ing tho action of tho Court. Ossen
dorf had paid for the drinks and
took out of tho envelope $5 and I
gavo him the change for it. When
Haley came back Friday he got to bo
a nuisanco and I put him out. IIo
was Intoxicated when he came there.
Mrs. Augusta Myers, proprietor of
tho Seelyville hotel, was sworn: I
saw Haley Thursday and again on
Friday. He came in after Mr. Gump
per had left and lay down in a chair
for a nap. When he awoke he ask
ed for a drink. I gave him one and
he paid me with a $5 bill. I gave
him the change and I saw that he
had four other bills of the same de
nomination with him then, when he
left. iHe was sober at that time.
N. B. Spencer, county detective,
sworn: He served tho warrant on
Haley in tho bar-room of the Wayne
Hotel. I searched him and found
on him $4.10. I arrested him and
locked him up. Haley told me then
that he never took Ossendorf's mon
oy but that he had given him $2. The
next morning in the jail ho told me
mat Ossendorf had given him $6
Or cross-examination ho stated that
Haley had a few drinks in him but
was not so drunk hut that ho know
what he was talking about.
Tho Commonwealth rested.
Thomas Haley was tho only wit
ness in his own behalf called bv the
defense. Ho stated that Ossendorf
had como into tho Arrow Cafo Wed
nesday afternoon nnd ho put him to
uea. Tne next morning he said ho
went to Ossendorf's room and asked
him where his clothes were. He said
that Ossendorf had slept with his
clothos on. We went down to the
bar-room and. ho bought mo a drink
and gavo mo twenty-five cents. I
waB on the right hand side of the
man when wo got the drinks. His
horse was at Rickort's livery and I
went around there to get it. Ho
went with mo to Seelyville and we
stopped to get two drinks. I drove
part of tho way. Then ho wanted me
to go to Waymart. I had to take him
home and I did not know just where
ho lived. Wo went through Way
mart and when we were passed that
piaco 1 saw some boys and asked
mem to take ossendorf homo.
got out and walked back to Way
mart and stayed at Mitchell's that
night. I didn't take any of his
On cross-examination he said he
did not remember asking Ossendorf
to take mm to Seelyville. He gave
mo $0 when wo were almost into
! Necessities fqr the Home !
The White Mountain
Each Refrigerator built on scientific
principles. This insures a perfect air cir
culation and makes the White Mountain
consume less ice than any other Refrigera
tor. Ice is cheap when you use a White
Mountain. Prices from $8.50 to $29.00.
A lawn that is cut evenly adds to the
attractiveness of the home. Penna. Lawn
Mowers cut evenly and run easily. Prices
from $3.50 to 8.50.
Garden or Lawn Hose
We buy our hose direct from the mak
ers in large quantities ; thus we are able to
give you exceptionally good values. Hose
from 12c to 22c per foot. Brass adjustable
nozzles, 45c. Lawn Sprinklers, brass, 75c.
The Largest Line in Honesdale
Single, Double and Triple motion.
Galvanized Hoops, Electric Welded,
coated with pure block tin.
Tubs of White Cedar,
Cans and Dashers heavily
10 Qt.
. 1.65
. 1.90
. 2.25
. 2.85
.$2.15 16 Qt. ..
. 2.50 12 Qt. . .
. 3.15 10 Qt. . .
. 4.00 8 Qt.
6 Qt.
4 Qt.
3 Qt.
2 Qt 2.00
1 Qt $1.60
PerfectSoo OSS Stoves
This is rather a strong assertion, but ask the woman that uses
one and she'll tell you the same. Burns and regulates like a gas
stove. Perfect baker. Let us demonstrate one for you.
2 Burner, with legs $ 7.00
3 Burner, with legs 10.00
4 Burner, with legs 13.00
Single ovens, glass doors 2.50
Double ovens, glass doors 2.75
. A large assortment of sizes and styles to select from. Prices
with all fixtures, from $1.00 to $2.00. .
Window Screens, large and small sizes, prices from 18c to 60c.
fcnerwood Metal Screens, 35c to 55c. 2
Waymart to buy him a drink. Com
ing back Friday I don t known why
I got off at Seelyville. I wanted to see
my friend Hauser but did not go
there. I spent some money there but
not as much as Gumpper said. Don't
remember letting Gumpper have a
cent. Ho put me out. I went back
in after he was gone and had another
drink. Gave Mrs. Myers a $5 bill,
the only one I had. I did not see
Hauser until later. I did not go into
his house because his wife would
not let me in. I did not see any
checks. I went to the Hotel Wayne
from Seelyville and only spent 20
cents there.
'He could not account for the oth
er fifty-five cents of the original six
dollars he alleged Ossendorf had giv
en him.
Tho arguments of tho attorneys to
the jury were brief and tho Court
made a brief address to the jury in
which no gave them an outline of the
case and the law that governed it.
The case went to tho jury about
Mr. and Mrs. Volney Skinner and
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Carthuser mo
tored to Bethel, N. Y., the first of tho
One of Reeves Sampson's bunga
lows is occupied by a city family.
Miss Bessie E. Skinner will spend
a fortnight with friends in Greater
New York.
J. J. McCollough and son, Kings
ley, of Binghamton, are expected to
arrive this week.
Mrs. Elmer Tyler attended the fu
neral of her brother, Clarence Keen,
at Narrowsburg on Wednesday last.
The case of tho Commonwealth
against E. R. Hoffman charged with
assault and battery by William
Reinlke was disposed of Tuesday af
ternoon. Tho Jury in case was com
posed of the following men: J. Buck
ingham, Damascus; E. W. Bush,
Manchester; E. L. Crocker, Damas
cus; W. H. Gaston, Damascus; Geo.
Goodman, Texas; L. E. Haynes, Star
rucca; J. M. Lyons, Honesdale; My
ron Labarr, Mt. Pleasant; Daniel
Megeo, Buckingham; W. P. Mathews,
Clinton; Frank Moulter, Texas; Wm.
J. Phllo, Sterling.
Tho Court instructed the jury to
bring a verdict of "not guilty" for
ho said that the Commonwealth had
failed to show any evidence of an as
sault in the case. The costs were
divided between the defendant and
prosecutor. The latter to paytwo
thirds and tho former to payone
third. Tho difficulty grow out of tho fact
that on April 20, 1913, tho defend
ant had piled some lumber on each
side of a lane on his own land and
had left the wagon standing on tho
road between the two plies. On
that day Mr. Reinlke and Tils son
camo along and Hoffman went out
toward them to see tho son on a mat
ter that had previously arisen be
tween them. He had an axe and ac
cording to his testimony Mr. Reinlke
camo toward him with a cane uplift
ed and he placed the axo on the
hub of tho wagon wheel to keep
Reinlke away. Tho latter alleged
that iHoftman attempted to strike
him with tho axe. Several witnesses
were called. It seems that tho lane
was private property but had been
UBed by tho neighbors several times.
Hoffman claimed that ho had no in
tention of barring the neighbors from
using tho lane if they remained on
tho road and did not cut up his
Mllanville, June 19. Mrs. M. L.
Skinner is In Buffalo caring for her
daughter, Mrs. R. R. Beegle, who is
Those who had tho privilege of at
tending the High school commence
ment had an enjoyablo time.
Mrs. Klmblo and daughter, Miss
Nellie Kimble, of Honesdale, were
recent guests of Mrs. Connor.
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Barnes, of
Honesdale, were in town the first of
the week.
Samuel Wlnt, of Scranton, was
tuning pianos here last week. Mr.
Wint has been coming here for some
years, and gives good satisfaction.
S. F. Eaton has purchased a piano
from Binghamton.
Mrs. George Tyler will entertain
the Mllanville Aid society this Thurs
day. Mrs. Charles Tegeler has tho sym
pathy of the entire community dur
ing her recent bereavement.
C. Fulkerson, of Carbondale, was
in town Monday,
Judge A. T. Searle presided at the
opening of the June term of court
here which opened Monday after
noon. The following accounts were
confirmed nisi:
Account of J. C. Burcher, admin
istrator of the estate of Thomas L.
Burcher, late of Damascus township,
Account of Frank A. Bedel, ad
ministrator of tho estate of Helen J.
Bedel, late of Dyberry township, de
ceased. Account of J. Loercher, adminis
trator of the estate of John Loerch
er, late of Honesdale, deceased.
Account of Homer Greene, admin
istrator of the estate of Charles H.
Mills, late of Lake township, deceas
ed. Account of Charles J. Stevens, ad
ministrator of the estate of William
F. Stevens, late of Sterling town
ship, deceased.
Account of John H. Hazelton, ad
ministrator of tho estate of Angeline
H. Masters, late of Sterling, deceas
ed. Account of Helen K. Robacker,
administratrix of tho estate of Mary
Robacker, late of Sterling township,
Account of Albert Cornell and
Adam Van Driesen, administrators of
tho estate of Ella Gllon, late of
Honesdale, deceased.
Estate of Leo Calvin Smith, late
of Lako township, deceased.
Estate of George Blllard, late of
Cherry Ridge, deceased.
Account of Ellzaboth Lawyer, ad-
Before you start on your va
cation see that you are supplied
with some Neura Powders for
Headache. 10 and 25 cents.
Sold everywhere.
ministratrix of the estate of Fred E.
Lawyer, late of Honesdale, dee'd.
Appraisements of $300 were made
to the widows of the following:
Chris Lowe, Honesdale: Personal.
F. W. Bunnell, Texas: Personal.
John Grlswold, Clinton: Personal.
Loren.'Enslin, Lake: Personal.
Georg'Blllard, Cherry Ridge: Per
sonal. Charles McVey, Preston: Real.
Appraisement of real estate to
Mary Farrell, widow of Mathew Far-
roll, late of Honesdale, under act
of Assembly of April 1, 1909.
Appraisement of real estate to the
widow of David McLaughlin.
There were only three cases to be
prosecuted by District Attorney M. E.
Tho case of the Commonwealth
against A. F. Severson was dropped.
Tho Commonwealth offered no evi
dence and after a jury was put in
the box the court instructed them to
render a verdict of "not guilty."
''HUH' M.liJi!." U( ' ! '
WmmsmtJb , 1
Three Million
Housewives Shop by Bell Telephone
Why? Because the telephone gets them down
town ahead o(f the crowds, assures them of the best
bargains, saves time, trouble and temper, besides being
the all-around comfort and convenience way.
And the Bell Telephone will do your marketing,
run your errands and carry your correspondence with
just the same degree of dispatch and satisfaction.
Time and opportunity wait on the homekeeper
who has a Bell Telephone.
Order one to-day. Call the Business Office from
the nearest Public Telephone; the message is free.
W. A. DELLMORE, Agent,
Honesdale, Pa.
(Condensed Report)
Lonns 573,122.51
Bonds 132,801.71
Overdrafts .20
Real Estate and Fixtures 21,000.00
Cash and duo from banks 70,075.28
Capital Stock $100,000.00
Surplus and Undivided Profits . . 101,078.02
Deposits 508,080.87
vOur constant endeavor has been to render a banking service
second to none, thoroughly adapted to the needs of this community,
assuring the same welcome to the small depositor as to the one
with larger business to transact.