The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 20, 1913, Image 1

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First Look Orcr'
monts, Then Send
Parcel Post. f'
It. '
Proprietors of Boarding Houses
and Summer Resorts AVill Secure Re
sults by Using Tho Citizen.
Articles by
71st YEAB.--NO. 50
Jury Out One Hour nnd Twenty Min
utes Verdict AA'as Not Looked
For by Those Who Heard the
The llrst case on tho civil list at
this term of court was held Tuesday
afternoon. Patrick J. McDonnell,
through his attorneys, Mumford &
(Mumford, of Honesdale, and Harry
Muniford, of Scranton, brought suit
for divorce from his wife. Teresa
McDonnell. She was represented by
Attorneys Chas. A. McCarty, of
Honesdale, and Joseph E. Brennan,
of Carbondale. Tho following list of
jurors was chosen to try the case:
Clarence Bodte, Cherry Ridge; F. C.
Dlllmuth, Dyberry; H. Goodnough,
Lebanon; A. C. Gilpin, Dreher; Geo.
Hoffman, Hawley; Otis Highhouse,
Oregon; Ernest Ludwig, Hawley;
Enos Marsh, Honesdale; Jos. North,
Damascus; Frank Scudder, Laban
on; C. Schwelghofer, Damascus; G.
Wegst, Berlin.
The jury in the case of Patrick J.
McDonnell, libellant, vs. Teresa Mc
Donnell, for divorce, reported to the
court Wednesday afternoon after be
ing ont about an hour and twenty
minutes. They found a verdict for
the libellant. The case closed short
ly after the noon hour Wednesday
when Judge A. T. Searle made his
charge to the jury.
Attorneys McCarty and Brennan,
for Teresa McDonnell, will probably
ask for a now trial.
Patrick J. McDonnell, libellant in
the case, was the first witness called.
He stated that they were married in
the fall of 1908 and lived at the
home of his mother-in-law about 17
months after their marriage. In
November, 1910, ho rented a house
on Terraco street, Carbondale, and
lived there from eight to ten months
until April, 1911. On April 3, I left
Carbondale and wo made an agree
ment. I wqs going to Pittston to
work and she was to store the furni
ture and go to live with my mother.
I went to Pittston and came back on
Friday of tho same week. She was
at her mother's and would not come
back with me. She told me that her
mother and brother would not let me
como there and that she would not
live with me. I had no work before
I went to Pittston. I turned over
to her $300 and all tho household
furniture. I always provided for her
but sometimes I did not get my pay.
I bought all the furniture and paid
for it. I went to Mayfleld and there
I wrote to her to come and live with
me. She did not answer. I went
from there to work In the washery of
the Wayne Coal company .near Pink
where I boarded. I wrote' again but
she did not answer. I wanted her to
come and live with me. The last let
ter I wrote was sent by registered
mall and I kept a copy of all tho let
ters. (The letter was offered in evi
dence.) I spoke to several people
near Pink for a place to live. I have
not seen her recently up to today
in court. I tried to speak to her but
she would not let me oven speak to
my boy. I would take her back to
live with me now if she would come.
On cross-examination by Mr. Bren
nan he said that he could not remem
ber the exact date of marriage other
than it was in the fall of 1908. On
being prompted he acknowledged
that It was on August 2G, 1908. He
married Teresa Collins and resided at
Carbondale with his mother-in-law,
Mrs. Collins, on Scott street. He
said that they had had one child but
he could not remember when it was
born, After the child was born Mrs.
Collins told me to get out. That was
two days after tho birth of tho boy.
Then I went to my home in Mayfleld.
I spent some time in Oneonta, N. Y.
I don't think I was there over two
months. I wrote to her from there.
When I camo back went to see her.
Met her on tho street and she would
not let me como to the house. When
I wrote to her from Pink and May
fleld I was advised to keep a copy
of the letter. It was on the advice
of counsel. I am living at Gravity
now. Am boarding with Mrs. Sheats
near there.
W. C. Molton sworn: iHo said that
he was In business in Scranton and
that ho had visited the homo of the
McDonnells at Carbondale and testi
fied to the state of tho home there.
He said that McDonnell seemed to ba
fond of his wife and boy. McDon
nell had worked for him he said from
October, 1911, to June, 1912.
Mrs. Frank Sheats sworn: She
said that McDonnell had boarded at
her home and that ho had always let
her see his letters. Sho had seen
the letters ho had written to his wife
while there and also the copy of the
letters that was produced in court.
Earl Rockwell, of Lake Ariel, tes
tified that he had known McDonnell
since September, 1911, when ho had
been working for the Wayne Coal
company at Pink. McDonnell had
been looking for a house to llvo in
and I found one for him. I told
him about it and ho said that his
letter had not been answered and
he thought that he would not need
tho house just then.
P. J. McDonnell was recalled and
testified that his wife would not
leave Carbondale and llvo with him
I could have worked In Carbondale
but I received more pay in tho place
In Wayne county. I got $80 there.
The libellant rested.
Mrs. TereEa McDonnell, respondent
In tho case, was the llrst witness
called. She stated that she bad been
married to P. J. McDonnell in Car
bondale on Aug. 20, 1908. and af
terwards we went to llvo with my
mother. Our child was born on No
vembor 19. 1909. while living there
me after telling me that ho was go
ng to do so. The doctor sent him
or medicine at 1:30 and he did. not
omu back until ten that night. He
emained until the nest day and then
Dentil Relieves Suffering of Joseph
Gvaszda Who FeU in Vat of Acid.
Joseph Gvaszda, who foil In a vat
containing acid at the Rolfler works,
'Dyberry, early Monday morning,
June 8, died from burns on Wednes
day morning. The Polander had
been employed only three days at
the factory when the horrible acci
dent occurred to him. He was on a
night shift and In some manner fell
into the vat of acid, being burned
over his entire body except his-head
and shoulders. After Intense suffer
ing for ten days death relieved him
of his pains Wednesday morning.
The unfortunate man had been In
this country about a year and while
here met with three serious acci
dents, the last of which proved fatal.
He came from Scranton to Hones
dale a few days ago, bringing his
wifo and three small children with
him. Employment was secured at
Relfler's and matters were going
along nicely when the accident hap
pened. After being in America
three months ho was Injured in tho
mines nnd it was necessary for him
to remain in the hospital for seven
weeks. Another accident followed
this which also disabled him for
sonio time.
Mr. Gvaszda was aged 35 years
and is survived by his. wife and
three children. The remains will be
taken to Scranton for Interment.
Frank Grunden et ux., of Brown-
dale, to John Mornich, same, proper
ty in village of Browndale; $225.
H. W. Brown et ux., of Forest
City, to Frank Grunden, Browndalo,
land in latter place; $175.
Charles McLaln et ux., Sterling,
to Mahlon Storm, et ux., of Mt.
Pocono, land In Sterling township;
went to Mayfleld. That was on Nov.
22. He remained there awhile and
then went to Buffalo, N. Y. He
wrote from Buffalo saying that he
was In a hoslptal there. When he
came back he did not call to see me
or send me any money to provide
for us. Wo made up later and went
to housekeeping. That was on May
1, 1910. We engaged four rooms.
He furnished three. We lived thero
until April 3, 1911, when he said'
that ho had work in Pittston and left.
I went to live with my mother. I
paid all the rent and he gave me
barely enough to live on. He al
ways went to a restaurant to eat
and did not provide for us. He got
$700 Insurance and he spent all of
this except $300. He stayed out at
night until three or four o'clock In
the morning. Wo finally made an
agreement in which ho promised to
turn over to me the $300 in tho bank
and put the household furniture in
my name and he was to quit drinking
and gambling. This' agreement was
made February, 1911. (Agreement
offered In evidence.) Ho spent $202
ror furniture.
Up to the time my husband left for
Pittston ho had not given me a cent
and he always told mo that he had
not received his pay. I had not re
ceived any money from him since
Christmas. I never received any let
ters from him whilo he was In May
field or when he was in Mayfleld or
when he was in Wayne county. I
had never heard of tho place until
I received the registered letter after
the suit had been filed. I met him
once In Scranton when I had him
arrested for non-support. He went
off without speaking to mo or the
child. I did not see him until some
time later when In Carbondale. He
asked me for $10. Said he had got
into some trouble. I did not have
the money to glvo him.
The first time I learned where my
husband was, was when I went to
Lake Lodore and saw his plcturo
there. Then I learned ho was at
Gravity. On cross-examination she
stated that she would be willing to
live with him If ho had treated her
right. Sho would have lived any
where with him. He was In the
habit of running around with other
women and I could not trust him.
Peter Noon, deputy clerk of Lack
awanna county, testified to some
court records. These records were
permitted as evidence. Court ad
journed until 10 o'clock Wednesday
When court convened Wednesday
morning, the court record was read
to the jury. It stated that In tho
case of the Commonwealth against
P. J. McDonnell, in the court of
quarter sessions of Lackawanna
county. Charge non-support. Mrs.
Teresa McDonnell, prosecutor. , A
hearing of tho case was held on
Sept. 28, 1912, and tho sentence of
tho court was that P. J. McDonnell
pay to his wife $15 per month and
give bond in sum of $300 for the
faithful compliance with that order.
Mrs. McDonnell was recalled and
stated that she was willing to go and
live with her husband if he would
make a home for her and the child.
He had never made any proposition
of the kind to hor during the two
years he had been away. She said
that sho would llvo wherever his
work took him.
E. J. 'Neary, constable of Carbon
dale was called as a witness. He
said that ho had known P. J. McDon
nell about twelve years and had talk
ed to him In September of last year
at Gravity. McDonnell said, "What
the h does she want now? I In'
tend to get a divorce. Don't want
to llvo with hor."
He was cross-examined by Attor
ney Mumford. Neary said that Mc
Donnell had told him that his wife
had been bothering him for support
for some time and thatwhen the
two years were up ho (McDonnell)
would apply for a divorce.
A check for $463.51 was offered
In evidence. It was made payable
to Toresa McDonnell and signed by
P. J. McDonnell. The case went to
the Jury about 11 o'clock and tho
arguments of the attorneys took up
tho rest oi tne morning.
F. P. AA'oodwnrd, of Tho Citizen,
Editor AViU'g, of Hawley, and N. J.
Spencer Appointed Appraisers.
Tho first meeting of the creditors
of the Herald Press Association was
held Tuesday afternoon at 5 o'clock
In tho office of Attorney AVllllam H.
Lee, referee in bankruptcy. Seven
teen creditors were present, repre
senting as many claims against tho
Herald Press Association.
Tho first business of importance
for transaction was the appointment
of trustee. Referee AVm. H. Lee ap
pointed County Treasurer W. W.
Wood. His bond was fixed at $5,-
The creditors appointed N. J. Spen
cer, a former editor of the Herald,
Frank P. Woodward, advertising
manager of The Citizen, and Editor
Frank J. F. AVarg of the Hawley
Times, appraisers to make an Inven
tory of the plant.
Claims against the association
amount to a little over $5,000.
The petitioner in bankruptcy was
represented by counsel.
Warren Akers, a prominent farm
er of Dreher township, AVayne coun
ty, was found dead Tuesday morn
ing near his barn by Miss Franc Pos
ten, a domestic. Mr. Akers went to
the creamery to deliver some milk
and after a given length of time Miss
Posten did not see anything of Mr.
Akers so started out to make a
search for him. She did not go far
before sho found his dead body ly
ing near a wagon house. Death is
supposed to have been caused by
heart trouble. Tho horses were in
the pasture.
Mr. Akers was born in Dreher
township about 70 years ago. His
wifo died about eight years ago. For
many years he followed huckstering
selling his produce in Scranton. Ho
always took great pride in fruit
growing and raised lino apples upon
his farm.
Deceased was n. snn rf .Tnlin .inrl
Mary Akers, deceased. Ho Is survived
by four sons and three daughters,
Arthur and Mrs. Ulysses Martin, of
Sterling; Frank, of Scranton; Clay
ton and Eugene, of AVIlkes-Barre;
Mrs. Robert Howey, of Inkerman,
and Mrs. Albert George of Columbia,
N. J. Also bv flvfi hrot.h firs nnil twn
sisters, AVesley and Richard, of New
foundland; Eber, of Scranton; Jeffer
son anu josepn ana Mrs. Bert Heber-
llntT. Of LOS An ITfilpR. f!nl nnil ATra
Jacob Bird, of Angqls, Pa.
Class of 1013, nonesdalo High
School, Lyric Theatre, Juno 10.
Music High School Orchestra
Invocation Rev. John O'Toole
Music, "Prayer of Thanksgiving"
(E. Kremser) Chorus
Salutatory John Lozo
Recitation "By Telephone"
Pearl Curtis
Music, "Como Flit Around (J. B.
weiternn) Chorus
Oration, "Five Months of Parcel
Post" Raymond Short
Essay, "Tho Golden Guess,"
Alice Sluman
Declamation, "The Forging of the
Anchor" Fred Saunders
Music, "Avo Maria
Girls' Glee Club
Essay, "Old Lang Syne"
Esther Knorr
Recitation, "Tho Glovo and tho
Lions" (Leigh Hunt)
'Ethel Bunnell
Oration, "Tho Cross and the Cres
cent" John Kilroo
Music, "Oh, Hail Us, Ye Free". . .
Recitation, "Knee-Deep in June"..
Helen Eno
Essay, "Tho Hobby Horse"
Margaret Charlesworth
Declamation, "America a AVorld
Power" Sumner Crossley
Music, "Annie Laurie" Chorus
Valedictory Louise Kraft
Presentations of Class
Principal H. A. Oday
Presentation of Diplomas
Mr. J. A. Brown
Music by High School Orchestra.
Silver Plate that
rofrk Weai
Ita lines are simple,
yet reflect a beauty
of design
that popular
style of archi
tecture which
is truly Ameri
Quality Jeweler.
18 Months For Breaking Jail and $10
Fine; Not Less Than 5 Years for
Breaking Into tho Coal Offices at
August Stouquert, commonly
known as "Frenchy," who has been
a guest In tho county jail for several
months, who was caught after a long
chase near Hoadleys by Sheriff Kim
ble and Detective Spencer on tho
charge of breaking and entering,
was sentenced In open court Monday
afternoon by President Judge A. T.
Searle to serve a term of six years
and six months In the Eastern Pen
itentiary at Philadelphia and was
fined $110. He was also directed to
pay all costs of prosecution, but it
Is likely that Frenchy will escape
this last burden.
The sentence for attempting to
escape from the county jail at the
time Peter polt made his sensational
dash for liberty, was fixed at not less
than eighteen months or more than
two years and a fine of $10 and the
costs of prosecution.
For breaking and entering tho of
fices of tho Hawley Coal Company at
Hawley the sentence was flxed at not
less than five years or more than
ten years to begin at the expiration
of the flrst. Tho fine was for $100.
On the charge of breaking and enter
ing that Stouquert confessed to, sen
tence was suspended on the condi
tion that If he ever returned to
AVayne county at tho expiration of
the sentence imposed, and if thero
should bo any complaint made, the
court would impose sentence on that
charge at that time for a period of
not less than ten years.
Frenchy will probably make the
trip to Philadelphia In a few weeks.
Tho Delaware & Hudson Co. ad
vises that effective June 22nd, many
important changes will be made in
its schedule. Chiefly among them
will be trains leaving Scranton at
8:40, 7:40, 8:00, 10:00 a. m., 3:55
and 4:15 p. m. northbound; and
G:25 p. m. southbound. Tho train
at 8:00 a. m. will make no stops be
tween Scranton and Carbondale while
the train at 4:15 p. m. will stop at
Olyphant, Jessup-Peckvllle, Archbald
and Jormyn only. Neither of these
trains stop between Wilkes-Barre and
Scranton, making run in thirty min
utes. These trains will connect for
Albany and points north. Trains at
8:50 a. in. and 4:45 p. m. will be dis
continued. .fiances in TTnnparlnln Urnnnli tfotna
Train 'now leaving Honesdale at 4:40
p. m. week days has been changed to
leave at 4:30 p. m. and the Sunday
train frqm Carbondale at 5:40 p. m.
will now leave at 5:00, making a
much bettor connection from Wilkes
Barre and Scranton. Secure new
schedule from agents.
A new lodge of the Independent
Order of Odd Follows will bo in
stituted at Lookout on Saturday of
this week. About 20 members of
Freedom Lodge of Honesdale expect
to be In attendance. The degree
team has been invited. Two sessions
afternoon and evening. Weather
permitting a large number of Odd
Fellows hope to attend.
Tho first work on tho proposed
now trolley road which will be built
between Honesdale and Hawley, was
commenced on Thursday morning
on Fourth street by tho setting of
poles for overhead work. Other
work will bo followed as soon as ma
terial arrives, all of which has been
ordered. Mr. Draper Is in town and
will push matters to a finish.
The date of July 23 stands out
most prominent on the calendar be
cause it is going to be ono big holi
day In iHonesdale. Tho merchants
and others, in fact every business
place In Honesdalo, will bo closed
either a half or whole day to take in
the annual picnic of tho Honesdalo
Business Men's association at Lodoro
July 23.
seen in
Dan Cupid AA'lnuing Converts Four
Couples Married in Honesdale on
Married at the Methodist par
sonage, by Rev. Will H. Hlller, pas
tor, on June 11th, 1913, Miss Amy
B. Coolls of Berlin, and J. D. Or
chard of Honesdale.
Miss Marie Mulraney of Aldenvllle
and Solomon AVilson of Vandllng, Pa.
were married on Wednesday after
noon, June 18th, by Dr. J. AV. Balta
of St. Mary Magdalen church.
AVllllam S. Hauensteln of River
dalo and Miss Gertrude C. Ihlefeldt,
of Parsons, were married at the par
sonage of the Methodist church AVed
nesday noon by Rev. Will H. Hlller.
Miss Mamie Hirthler, of Wilkes
Barre, and Henry Jones of the same
place, were married just before noon
on AVednesday, June 18th, at the
Methodist parsonage by Rev. AVill H.
Miss Verna, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. O. AV. Millard of Aldenvllle, and
Earl, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E.
Millard of Blnghamton, N. Y., were
united In marriage on Wednesday
afternoon, June 18th, by Rev. Geo.
S. Wendell, of the Baptist church.
The couple will reside at Aldenvile.
A pretty June wedding occurred
AVednesday morning In St. Mary
Magdalen's church at 6:30 o'clock
when Julia, daughter of Commission
er and Mrs. Lawrence Weidner of
Grove street, was married to Theo
dore Welsh, of Blnghamton, N. Y.,
by Rev. J. AV. Balta. The attend
ants were Miss Josephine Spinner, of
Whito Mills, and Edward Welsh, of
Blnghamton, a brother of the bride
groom, was best man. The bride
wore a traveling suit of brown ma
terial. The maid of honor's costume
was a blue tailored suit and whito
A wedding reception was held at
the homo of the bride Tuesday even
ing, to which a large number of
young friends of the contracting par
ties were invited. Tho newly wed
ded couple left on the G:55 Delaware
and Hudson train AVednesday morn
ing for a short honeymoon after
which they will make their homo In
Blnghamton, where the bridegroom
is employed at his trade, that of a
glass cutter. The bride was the re
cipient of a largo number of beauti
ful presents.
A very pretty wedding took place
Tuesday morning, June 17, at ten
o'clock in St. John's Lutheran
church, when Miss Barbara Paulino,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Conrad
Roeschlau, was united In marriage
to August H. Strosanl, of this place,
by the pastor, Rev. C. C. Miller. The
ceremony was witnessed by many
friends and relatives of the parties.
Miss Florenco Bahr, of Orange, N.
J., a cousin of the bride, acted as
bridesmaid and John W. Roeschlau,
tho bride's brother, was the best
man. The bride woie a white satin
charmeuse gown, trimmed with
chantllly lace and pearl trimming.
The orange blossoms on her veil
were those worn by her mother. She
made a very charming appearance.
Her attendant was gowned In pink
crepe do chine and hat to match.
After tho ceremony, the wedding
party and guests proceeded to the
bride's homo where a sumptuous
wedding dinner was served to about
forty. Tho presents received were
many and useful. Mr. and Mrs.
Strosahl left on the 3 p. m. Erie
train for Keansburg, N. J., where
they will spend a short time, after
which they will make their homo
with tho bride's parents at 320 Ter
race street. Tho Citizen extends
Tho case of Russa A. Clark against
J. G. Tompson. Rule to open Judg
ment, was taken up late AVednesday
afternoon. Tho plaintiff claims rent
to the amount of $200 on her farm
in Clinton township. The plaintiff
was represented by Attorney C. A.
McCarty and the defendant by Mum-
ford & Mumford.
The jury In tho case was composed
of tho following men: AV. H. Alte-
mler, Salem; George Beere, Dyberry:
C. Bartleson, Dreher; J. Bucking
ham, Damascus; E. W. Bush, Man
chester; G. AV. Dershlmer, South Ca
naan; AV. H. Gaston, Damascus; Geo.
Goodnough, Texas; L. E. Haynes,
Starrucca; Frank Moultor, Texas; W.
J. Phllo, Sterling; U. S. Stanton,
Tompson claimed that ho had paid
for tho rent in work and materials
to the amount of $185.90. He said
that on July 23 at the home of Hiram
Cole ho had given Miss Clark a bill
of tho work and paid her $14.10 and
she had accepted it as payment for
the two year's rent. Mrs. Cole, Hir
am Colo, .Hugo Ossendorf testified
that they were present when tho
money had been paid and said that
Miss Clark said that it was all right.
The case went to the Jury Wednesday
The Jury did not leave their seats
and rendered a verdict in favor of
tho defendant and Judge Searlo ad
journed court until nlno o'clock
Thursday morning.
Tho bond of Eugene A. SDall.
guardian of Hazel C. Malia, minor
child of Thomas Malla, late of Haw
ley, was approved. R. A. Teeter and
Jacob Adams were joint signers of
the bond.
Wm. H. Lee presented a petition
to tho court Thursday morning for
the appointment of a Judge upon tho
election board of the Borough of
nonesaaie. wm. u. Bader was an
pointed Judge of Election to fill tho
vacancy arising by reason of the re
moval of John Boyd from tho bor
ough. Mr. and Mrs. William Martin and
Miss Hausteln of Pleasant Mount
were business callers la town the
nrst or the wees.
Program Short and Interesting
School Song AVritten by Hones
dalo Young Man Class Comprises
2JJ Members.
The class night exercises of tho
Honesdale High school which wero
held on the school campus, was an
innovation which was heartily re
ceived by the public at large. Tho
occasion was unique to say the least.
A stage had been erected In front ot
Church street entrance to the school.
It was artistically decorated with
daisies, buttercups and ferns. The
trimming was In charge of the sopho
more class. A flag formed decora
tion for the background. The pro
gram opened with a concert by Jen
kins' boy band, after which tho
classes of the High school marched
headed by members of '13. The sen
iors took their respective places ,on
the platform, whilo the juniors,
sophomores and freshmen stood In
front of the stage. AVhilo standing,
the school sang "Far Beneath His
toric Irving," which was written by
Fred Menner, of this place. We
reproduce tho words of the song,
which follows:
Far beneath historic Irvine
With Its rocky crest,
Stands our noblo Alma Mater
In Its sheltering nest,
Down amid the busy humming
Of the bustling town,
ii nas gained tnrougn years ot tolling
Honor and renown.
Raise, tho chorus, speed It onward
ioud Its praises ling.
May recalling Honesdale High School
Thoughts most pleasant bring.
Hero tho clanging of the school bell,
Many years Its rung,
Startling stories It could tell you
With Its metal tongue.
Here the thrilling notes of gladness
As It rings each morn,
Ever joyful as we all are
That this school was born.
The program' was-very pleasing
and interesting, all members render
ing their respective numbers in a
most creditable manner. The jokes
about class members were witty and
to the point. Misses Florence
Brown and Mary Menner were In
charge of tho literary part. The
singing, under the leadership of Miss
Harriet Arnold, music teacher of the
school, showed considerable practice
and was rendered In a manner that
reflected much credit upon teacher
and pupils. Jenkins' Boy Band, in
the rendition of their several selec
tions, won laurels which a senior
musical organization would be proud
of. There were 27 pieces out. At
the close of the exercises Earl
Transue presented Janitor Hull with
a $5 gold piece as a token of remem
brance. During the exercises excellent pic
tures of the people assembled to at
tend tho program were taken by
Bodio and Romaine, photographers.
The members of class '13
banqueted at Mrs. William Briggs'
after the program and the following
excellent menu was served:
Saltlnea Olives
Shrimp Patties
Bread and Butter Sandwiches
Chicken Maryland Stylo
Creamed Potatoes French Peas
Fruit Salad
Strawberry Ice Bisque Cream
Fancy Cakes
A most pleasant time was enjoyed.
Outside of tho class, Prof, and Mrs.
H. A. Oday were Invited guests.
The many Honesdale friends of
Mrs. Arthur Lange, formerly Miss
Marlon Lane, of this place, will be
pleased to learn that her husband re
cently won in a national contest for
a statue of Martin Luther. The gov
ernment of Coburg, Germany, offer
ed five prizes for a memorial to Mar
tin Luther and made it- a
national affair. Sculptor Lange's
subject for the memorial was "Faith
Is tho Light of My Life." The model
was not only accepted but a prize of
$500 was also given. Mr. and Mrs.
Lange, whose home Is in Dresden,
are spending tho summer In Rome.
Luther lived in Coburg three months
In 1530 and It was thero that ho did
considerable writing. On an emin
ence overhanging tho town Is the an
cient castle or fortress, from which
extensive views are obtained. It Is
now converted Into a museum, with
extensive collections of various
kinds, Including relics and writings
of Luther.
David Buckley, an aged resident of
Carbondale, died at his home Tues
day evening, after a four months' Ill
ness. Mr. Buckley was a highly re
spected and prominent resident of
Carbondale. Ho was born in Ireland
and at an early age camo to this
country, and located In Cherry
Ridge where he lived up to about
fifteen years ago, when he removed
to Carbondale. iHo is survived by his
wife, nine daughters and four sons.
At St. Mary Magdalen's church,
masses will be at 8 o'clock and 10
o'clock a. m. Sunday, June 22nd. At
the 10 o'clock mass a class of boys
and girls will receive their first holy
IMlssos Edith K. Swift and Alma
Schuller leave on Monday next for
State College where they will attend
tho special summer course. Prepar
ations are about complete for the
opening ot six weeks' Summer Ses
sion for teachers on Tuesday next.
Every previous session has shown a
substantial Increase In the enroll
ment. There Is overy indication
that more than COO Pennsylvania
teachers will be In attendance this