The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 06, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Wants, For Sale, Etc.
Advertisements and reading notices of
all kinds placed In this column will bo
charged for at the rate of one cent per
word ror eacn separate insertion, wnen
sending us advertisements to bo printed
In this column, cash or stamps must ac
company tho order.
pure blood healthy fine. Prlco 12.00
v..nlM It f Tr T3 YVr1 nrn Ti
1U1 U1U JU11 iUIOt A J. m vvuiiu'uf
Hoadleys, (Uonesdale, It. D. 2.)
bel strain sorrell broke single good
roadster very gentle and of fine disposi
tion, for sale. May be seen in Uonesdale
every day except Sunday. Address Jas.
Cook, Uonesdale, It. D. No. 2.
ANTED Girl for general housework.
AddIv 1114 Court street. Uonesdale.
FOR RENT Seven rooms and a bath
In tho Buel Dodge house, down stairs,
corner of Church and Seventh streets af
ter June 1st. Enquire of C. E. Dodge,
Honesdale. 40tf.
FOR SALE Elegant building lot on
North Main street, near C. P. Bul
lock's residence. Ask Buy-U-A-Home
Realty company about It.
FARM TO RENT or work on shares.
Farm Implements furnished. Station,
three-fourth mile from Erie R. R. Vol
ney Skinner, Mllanvllle, Pa. 31ell0t.
GRADUATION gifts. Lots ot 'em.
Rowland, Quality Jeweler, opposite
postolllce, Uonesdale, Pa. 4Gtf.
FOR GRADUATION gift books, foun
tain pens, purses, etc., go to
Lelno's. 4Gcl4
BLINDS, regular size, practically as
good as new, for sale cheap. Address for
particulars. Lock Box C8, Uonesdale.
IVE US your order for Champion
Mower repairs. Clark & Bullock.
ONE CENT a word Is the price for
these llttlo adlets, and they are busi
ness brlngers. They "work while you
DON'T KEEP your money home.
Bring It to the Farmers and Me
chanics Bank, Uonesdale, Pa., where it
will draw Interest. 4Gtf
EN-CENT MUSIC for sale. Maga
zlncs and other periodicals at Igo's,
opposite Honesdale postoffice. It
DON'T FAIL TO GET a Twenty Pay
ment or Endowment policy with the
Elective Life Disability feature written
by C. Bassett, agent for the F. M. L.
Ins. Co. of Philadelphia.
BOOKLETS for advertising purposes
designed and written on modern lines
at reasonable prices. Address "Booklet
Writer," Citizen office, Honesdale, Pa.
FOR SALE 20.000 Tomato plants; per
dozen, 15c; 100 for $1; 60 for 60c. Cab
bage plants, 10c dozen. Celery, cauli
flower, egg and pepper plants. Maple
City Greenhouse. 42ei3
JUST received a car load of famous
Edison Cement. Call and get our
prices before buying elsewhere. G.
Watts, Honesdale. 4Gt2.
DAINTY perfumes, toilet water, writ
ing paper, correspondence cards, etc.,
for graduation presents are found in
largo varieties at Leine's. 4Gei4
A GENTS WANTED Either sex. Two
fast sellers. Every house, automo
bile owner, and factory need this article.
Sample 10c. Progressive Company,
Honesdale, Pa. 46eltf.
represented tho Fidelity Mutual Life
Insurance Co. of Philadelphia In Wayne
county for over ten years.
Woodward's local literary monthly,
Is published In Honesdale with offices In
the Jadwin building. Only 60 cents a
year, and many say it is worth a dollar.
C ALE BILLS, trespass notices on
- cloth, and printing of all kinds for
the farmer is made a specialty at The
Citizen prlntery.
ONE DOLLAR per month will get you
protection if you aro hurt or sick.
W. P. Schenck, Honesdale, Pa.
LOSING OUT China stock. Big re
ductions on same at Igo's. It
LARGE "VARIETY of new post cards
at Igo's. It.
ONE DOLLAR will open an account at
tho Farmers and Mechanics Bank.
Courteous treatment to all. 46tf
Bull for sale. Mrs. Joseph Baschon,
Hawley, Pa. 46t4.
HOME-MADE Ice cream and fresh can
dles every day. Call at Frederic's.
in older days you will not have to.
Tho Farmers and Mechanics Bank can
take care of you. Open a bank account
with that Institution to-day. 4Gtf
LOTHING of oualltv. That la the
Luke Levy way, and don't forget
iuko icvy wants to see xuu.
U OSIERY for cents, ladles and ehll-
dren at from 6c to 25c at"Flro Sale In
urambs building. (Menner & Co. stock.)
NAPPY STYLES in straw hats at
Bregsteln Bros. 46el4.
IF YOU nro looking for a 10 per cent.
Investment call at the office of tho
Buy-U-A-Homo Realty company, Jadwin
GIFT BOOKS, alt titles, hair brushes,
clothes brushes and numerous other
articles would make Ideal presents for
graduates. You will find them at
Lelno's. 4Gcl4
THERE is only ONE Luko Levy, and
ho lives In Honesdale. Luko Levy
wants to seo YOU.
EMBROIDERIES from H to Yt of or
iginal price at tho Fire Sale In
Grambs building. (Menner & Co. stock.)
THE Fidelity Mutual Life Ins. Co. of
Philadelphia, Issues every kind of
policy suitable for protection and Invest
ment on tho Insurance plan. Five, 10,
15. 20, 25 and 30 Payments, Short Term
Plans and Endowment policies. Inquire,
of C. L. Bassett, 1207 East street, Honesdale.
JUNE bride gifts. We'll help you.
Come In and look nt our stock.
Rowland, tho Jeweler, opposite postoffice.
UNDERWEAR from 6c to 25c a gar
mentlight and heavy weights at
Fire Sale in Grambs building. (Menner
& Co.'s stock.)
WANTED to find another Luko Levy
in all this wide, wide world. Luke
Levy wants to seo YOU.
, UMMER SUITS for men, boys and
1 youths at Bregsteln Bros. 4Ge!4
THROW AW AT your old Sprayer and
get ono of our Gould's Compressed
Air Sprayers. Saves your time and your
temper, and does BETTER work. Mur
ray Co., Honesdale, Pa.
MAKE A SPECIALTY to fit Big men,
1 Fat men, Stout men, Slim men.
Regular built men In fact to fit the hard-to-tit
and please the hard-to-sult. Luke
Levy wants to seo you. Foster Block,
Tho Model Clothing Shop.
ners' Quick Repair Shop, two doors
abovo Farmers & Mechanics bank. 4Ct2
JUST RECEIVED another car of Ex
tra Number 1 Clear Cedar Shingles.
Erk Brothers. 4Gtl
ALWAYS SOMETHING suitable to be
found here In the way of a gradua
tion present. Spencer, tho Jeweler. 46tl
PTROX for Potatoes Kills both the
bugs and tho blight. Murray Co.,
Honesdale, Pa.
ENT'S furnishings at Bregsteln Bros.
Wo keep the best. 4Gcl4
teed fit in Eye Glasses. Over eighty
per cent of headaches come from defec
tive eyes. Let us tell you If you need
them. Spencer, Tho Optician. 46tl.
LOST Medium-sized Hound, color
black, white and tan. Liberal re
ward offered for its return. Thos. Jones,
White Mills, Pa. 45ei3
Films, Kodaks, Amateur work finish
ed. Goods sent by mall. Bodle's Studio.
FOR SALE Gasoline Stove for summer
use. Two burner and oven. Will sell
cheap. Inquire over Ready Pay Store.
WATCHES, Rings. Bracelets, Lava
llers, Fountain Pens, and many oth
er suitable gifts for the graduates at
Petersen's. 4Gt2
LEINE has a largo and complete lino of
appropriate gifts for graduates. 4Gei4
FOR SALE About 500 feet of ono Inch
maple flooring, matched ends. Katz
Underwear Company. 4Geltf.
RAY hand-painted China. Here and
hero only. Rowland, Quality Jewel
er, opposite postoffice. 4Ctf.
ENGLISH Rutabaga seeds at Clark &
Bullock's. 46tf.
place to build your home, consult tho
Buy-U-A-Homo Realty Company. Have
you Inspected Willow Park?
OUND Round Gold Pin with .letter
"E." Call at Citizen office. It
IV EDDING rings a-plenty. Any size
or style. Rowland, Quality Jeweler,
opposite postoffice. 4Gtf.
NOW IS THE TIME to stop flies.
Screen doors and windows of all
sizes at a good price, at G. Watts, dealer
In Hardware.
FINEST optical room In this part of
the State. Satisfaction guaranteed.
Rowland, Quality Jeweler and Optician.
Opposite new postoffice. 46tf.
WHY TIE, YOURSELF any longer to a
rent receipt? Own your home. See
Buy-U-A-Homo Realty Company, Jadwin
building, Main Btrect, Honesdale.
Honesdale and 0
realer Honesdale
A number of people from Hones
dale attended the commencement of
tho Hawley high school at Hawley
on Wednesday evening.
Tho following letters remain
uncalled for at the postoffice: Mrs.
V. Knutz, Wm. B. Robinson, E. R.
Thompson, Blanche Williams.
Miss Charlotto Burdlck, of For
est City, and Frank Randall, of El
mlra, N. Y., were united In marriage
By Rev. Br. Swift In tho Presbyterian
manse Tuesday at high noon.
A marriage license ha3 been is
sued to S. Roscoo Gunn of Endlcott,
N. Y., and Miss Estella McAvoy of
Rock Lake; also to Joseph C. Falk
and Miss Blanche Elmore, both of
White Mills. These two licenses are
tho first to be issued in tho month
of June,
S. E. Morrison has been award
ed the contract to furnish tho pipe
for tho new gas main and lay same
on West street for tho Consolidated
Light, Heat and Power company.
Work will commence on Tuesday.
Tho company has the entire street
posted with signs similar to the fol
lowing, "Burn gas and savo coal;
It is cheaper to burn gas than coal."
There never has been a gaB main on
West street and tho company is look
ing forward to Installing a number
of hpuses wltn illuminating gas.
Tho charter of the Progressive
Telephone company of Northern
Wayno which was granted on March
24 last has been placed on file on
tho records of Wayno county In tho
office of register and recorder W. B.
Lesher. Tho stockholders and dl
ectora of the company are, F. A.
Tiffanv. John Yeager, Poyntelle;
Georea Gilchrist. W. J. Healey, P. F.
Qleason, Henry Martin, John Glea-
son, George Brain, James jucuratii,
Lake Como: James J. O'Malley. Oly-
phant. The company Is capitalized
at 713,000,
Tho Improvement Association
has placed flower urns In different
places in Honesdale, which is a part
of their work to maiio iionesciaio
While unloading ties one day
recently, George Hector had the mls
fortuno to break tho first joint of
the index finger. Dr. P. F. Griffln
was called.
The Wayne county commission
ers held their regular monthly meet
ing In their offices in tho court
house on Tuesday afternoon. The
routine business of the county was
transacted and the commissioners
went out to vlow a bridge In Dyborry
township. No matters of importance
came up before the board.
Superintendent Frederick Wal
ters, of the Maplo City Greenhouses,
has donated the flowers for two beds,
one to bo located In Riverside park
and the other Jn Torrey park on tho
opposlto side of tho State bridge.
Mr. Walters has volunteered to caro
for samo during tho summer. Ho
will also give flowers for other par
tially filled beds.
Tho central federation of tho
Catholic Relief and Beneficiary asso
ciation held Its second quarterly con
vention for the ensuing year, under
tho auspices of Council No. 173,
Forest City, In tho municipal build
ing at Forest City Monday afternoon.
There were more than two hundred
representing over three thousand
policyholders from tho district com
prising Wayne, Susquehanna, Wyo
ming, Luzerne and Lackawanna
counties, called to order by the
chairman, John F. Hollerman, of
Scranton, who is president of the ale-
trlct. T. E. Boland outlined a cam
paign for now members which Is
about to bo inaugurated. Tho na
tlonal association will be divided in
to seven districts, and tho prizes will
be so arranged that each district will
be on an equal footing at the start,
with tho same opportunity to win.
Born, a son, to Mr. and Mrs.
Lutz on Monday.
Rev. A. L. Whlttaker will hold
service in White MIHb, Sunday, June
8, at 3:15 p. m.
Children's day will be observed
In tho Methodist church at this place
on Sunday, June 16th.
Beginning with this Saturday
the retail milk dealers will make two
deliveries on Saturdays for tho Sum
mer. While whittling with a knife in
her home on Tryon street, Cathryn
Tryon accidentally cut her arm, sev
ering an artery. Dr. H. B. Ely was
Ernest A. Card and Miss Bonita
Transue, both of Lake Como, wore
united in marriage there on Wed
nesday, June 4, 1913, by Rev. Wm.
F. Schenck.
The many friends of Rev. W. H.
Swift will bo elated to learn that ho
is rapidly recovering from his re
cent illness and is able to do light
ministerial work.
If you are bothered with plan
tain in your lawn It can be easily
pulled from tho ground In August,
whereas now It is tho next thing to
an impossibility to get rid of It.
Edgar F. Shelp and Miss Electa
G. Tyce, tho former ot Wilsonvllle,
and tho latter of Hawley, were mar
ried in Hawley on Wednesday, June
4, 1913, by Rev. Donald S. MacKel
lar. Two young boys were arrested
in Sayre this week for smoking cig
arettes, They refused to tell where
they received them and for thus re
fusing they paid a fine of five dol
lars. Some of the members of the lo-;
cal Maple City Drum Corps are mak
ing preparations to attend the con
vention of tho New York state Flf
ers' and Drummers' Association
which will be hold in Kingston, N.
Y on July 22.
St. John's Choral society, com
posed of boys' choir and a number of
young ladles of the Roman Catholic
church, tendered their leader, Miss
Anna Reilly, a farewell surprise
reception In Cadet hall on Wed
nesday evening. There were about
35 present. The evening was enjoy
ed in song and a most delightful time
was spent. Ice cream was served.
The many Honesdale friends of
Fred Sherry, who is pitching for the
Youngstown team, will be pleased to
know that he Is making good from
tho start. An account of his work
in the game Monday with the Wheel
ing team appeared In the Youngs
town Vindicator and gave Fred a
good send off. It said that "Sherry"
almost single handed won the game
by his brilliant pitching and kept
the visitors from scoring for eight
innings and then he batted in the
winning run in the tenth inning
with no one out, The final score
was 2-1.
Tho death of James Post Ros
enkrance, of Plttston, occurred at
his home early Monday morning. He
had a host of friends in this coun
ty who mourn his loss. He was
born In Wantage township, Sussex
county, N. J., on June 13, 183?., a
son of Daniel and Jane (Post)
Rosenkrance. His early life Was
spent in his native place, and in
1850 ho moved to Newton Center,
Lackawanna county, Pa., where he
served as teacher of the public
schools for two years. In 1852 he
moved to Dunmore, Pa where he
first entered tho employ of the Penn
sylvania Coal Co. on the gravity rail
road that was then operated between
Plttston and Hawley. His position
in Dunmore marked the beginning of
what was to be a long and remark
able career as an employe of the
Pennsylvania Co. His service with
the company was continuous over a
period of 50 years.
Ono of the prettiest of the early
Juno marriages was performed Tues
day evening at 8 o'clock in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene F. Marsh of
1016 Columbia avenue, Scranton,
when their daughter, Miss Helen Pot
ter Marsh, became the bride ot Robt.
H. Patterson, "son of Mrs. Lucy Bran
don, of the Carter Apartments. Rev.
Albert J. Welsley, D. D., pastor of
the Green Ridge Presbyterian church
performed tho ceremony which was
witnessed by ono hundred friends or
tho families of the contracting par
tics. Gladys Marsh, a sister of the
bride, was the maid of honor, and
Abram Bosler, of Carlisle, Pa., was
the best man. Mr. and Mrs. Patter
son left Wednesday for a wedding
tour which will include visits to
Portland. Me., Boston, Mass., and to
the White mountains. They will re
turn In several weeks and make
their homo In Scranton. The bride
was becomingly dressed In a gown
of white satin, trimmed with duchess
lace and pearl and seed beads, and
wore a veil of tulle. She carried a
showor bouquet of bridal roses.
Mr. Patterson, who has been employ
ed for some time as a salesman for
a Scranton concern, was a former
The Carbondale board of health
was ousted from office Monday in an
opinion filed In the Lackawanna
county court by tho Hon. A. T.
Searle, president judge of Wayno
county, who heard tho case. The
members of the board are: Dr. John
J. Thompson, Dr. J. A. Kelly, Thos.
Bottomley and M. D. Lewis. The
last two aro laymen. The appoint
ment of tho board is mado by tho
mayor, and when the Hon. J. B.
Murrin, tho present mayor, went into
office ho found them In control of
tho board. A smallpox epidemic
broke out last year in Carbondale.
Mayor Murrin concluded from the
fact that local doctors were not re
quired to report cases of chlckenpox
that tho board of health was derelict
In its duty and ho issued an order
removing the four members. In
sending the letter of removal to each
ono tho mayor signed himself "Yours
very sincerely." In an elaborate
opinion containing citations of law
applicable to tho subject, Judge
Searlo holds that tho sole power to
appoint the board is In the mayor,
that they are not in the class of
potty officers, and, therefore, are
subject to removal at his pleasure.
He orders that they and each of them
no longer exercise the rights, duties,
powers and prerogatives of the office,
and be excluded from office hence-
A two-horso power motor car
used by towermen on the different
railroads, was in Honesdale a few
days ago. It Is propelled by gaso
line and carries three persons.
Ground was broken Wednesday
morning for the foundation of H. E.
Bassett's new homo on West Park
street. Tho cottage will contain
eight rooms and will be 28x34 feet
in dimensions.
At the meeting of the official
board of the Central Methodist
church held Wednesday evening, W.
H. Varcoo and James Bush were
elected lay delegates to tho Minis
ters' and Laymen's convention to be
held nt Scranton next Tuesday.
The statement of business for
tho month of May at the state treas
ury shows the balance at the end of
the month to bo '?9,1G9,983.75
against $8, 852, 011. OS a month ago.
The receipts for the month exclu
sive of the sinking fund were $1,
G84, 622.83 and payments $1,374,
828.88. Connie Mack is enthusiastic
over the way young Eddie Murphy,
of White Mills, has performed as
headoff man of the Athletics. The
youngster's versatility is what Con
nie Mack likes. He is a sprinter,
which helps him beat out an occas
ional surprise bunt, as well as on the
bases and he is hitting the ball with
An unconfirmed report comes
from Paterson, N. J., stating that
William F. Suydam expects to with
draw from the firm of Dexter, Lam
bert & Co. of that place. Mr. Suy
dam -could not be reached at his
home to confirm the report. Catho
llno Lambert, Charles' N. Sterrett
and Joseph E. Bird, the other mem
bers of the firm, will continue the
business. Mr. Suydam was formerly
from Honesdale.
The Citizen acknowledges with
thanks a copy of "Weston and His
Walks," sent to this office by the
Erie railroad. The booklet is a
souvenir time table of Weston's pro
posed walk from New York to Minn
eapolis. Pedestrian Weston is 75
years of age and he contemplates
making the 1,500 miles in 60 days.
His errand to Minneapolis is to lay
tho cornerstone of the Athletic Club
of that city. Tho trip will bo made
enroute with the co-operation of the
Erie railroad company and the Chi
cago & Northwestern Railway com
pany. Weston, who Is known as the
greatest American walker, left New
York Monday, June 2, at 12 o'clock.
According to his schedule he will
reach Lackawaxen on Friday of this
week. Saturday he will cover Nar
rowsburg, Calllcoon and Hanklns,
following the Erie track. He does
not walk on Sundays. As the mile
age distance on the post-road ex
ceeds the railroad by about 55 miles
in each 1,000 miles, Mr. Weston re
serves the right to walk in advance
of his schedule when the condition of
the roads encourage the effort. The
booklet contains several half-tone
engravings of Mr. Weston, also a
sketch of his life.
The nineteenth annual session
of tho Grand Chapter ot Pennsylva
nia Order of Eastern Star was held
In Scranton Tuesday, Wednesday and
Thursday of this week. Delega
tions attended from Forest City,
Waymart and other places In Wayne
Mrs. Addlo Parcels, of Phila
delphia, a member of the State W.
C. T. U. organization, was In Hones
dale Monday and gave a talk to the
High school pupils at opening exer
cises Monday morning. Mrs. Par
cels talked along the lino of total
The Citizen is in receipt of a
post card from W. H. Silverstone,
who has been In the State Hospital,
Scranton, for several weeks, stating
that he would leave the hospital on
tho 4th, Wednesday, and that he was
going to attend the Bill Posters' Con
vention ot Wilkes-Barre, June 5th
and 6th.
Culm used for fills along the old
gravity road at Saco between Wlm
mers and Maplewood will be re
claimed by a local company incor
porated In Delaware Monday. Ralph
W. Rymer, a lawyer, and Frank L.
Martin, of Scranton, P. Edwin Zuan,
of New York, are names mentioned
In the charter. The concern will be
known as the Saco Coal company of
New York. The company has the
right to "acquire coal deposits and
to engage In tho washing and screen
ing of coal and to market the same."
The company is capitalized at ?2,
000. A washery will be built.
Saturday, June 14, will bo ob-i
served as flag day.
Mrs. Judson W. Yerkes enter
tained a number of friends at cards
at her homo on Wednesday after
noon. i Raymond Thomas, of West
Park street, was thrown forcibly to
tho ground .on Monday nnd fractured
his left shoulder. Dr. F. W. Powell
was called. Raymond is recovering
from the effects of a broken arm re
ceived about a month ago.
Tho late Henry Karslake en
listed In Uncle Sam's service with
Company F, Third New Jersey
Cavalry. Mr. Karslake, John Wil
liams and Frederick Zhan, two oth
er Honesdale boys, enlisted at the
same time. These veterans were
members of what Is known as the
"Butterfly regiment," owing to their
dazzling uniforms. The men, how
ever, were not butterflies upon tho
field, but good fighters.
Tho funeral of the late Henry
Karslake, who died In Long Island
City, and whoso remains were
brought hero to be Interred on Tues
day afternoon, was attended by the
Maple City band who preceded tho
cortege to Glen Dyberry cemetery.
It was tho last request of Mr. Kars
lake that ho bo burled as a band mu
sician In the Union army and his re
quest was carried out. A brief ser
vice was conducted at the grave by
Rev. Will H. Hiller. Tho pall-bearers
were: W. B. Buckingham, C. O.
Blake, A. O. Blake, J. F. Blake, W.
H. Karslake and B. F. Blake.
We Want You
To be one of the many pleased
customers who deal at
Our policy of ONE PRICE and BEST
VALUES has brought us an excellent and
growing circle of friends not only customers
Gome In and See Why !
This sale will be
opened in GRAMBS9
STORE, formerly oc
cupied by E. W. Gam
mell, on
FRIDAY, June 6
Goods will be sold
very cheap, for cash
1 1 1' 1MI