The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 06, 1913, Image 1

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Tho Citizen Costs Only $1.50 Per
Year and You Got ALL tho Homo
and Count) News'.
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Havo You Enjoyed I Copy of
Tho Citizen? Notify j M Havo
it Sent Regular. '
71st YEAR. NO. 46
Hearing In Chambers Wednesday
Afternoon When Edwards With
draws Petition for Mandamus and
Difficulty is Settled.
Last week a rule was granted on
.Henry i'oster and J. m. .Cattorson,
overseers of the poor of Sterling
township, to show cause why a man-
dntnilB nhnlilri Tint ho Issiiorl fnr P.linn
Edwards, a resident of that town-
snip. Tne ruio was argued berore
Judge Searle in Chambers on Wed
nesday afternoon, June 4. Kimble
& Hanlan represented tho overseers
of Sterling and M. E. Simons reprer
suniuu mose 01 urener lownsnip.
At the hearing Wednesday after
noon Charles B. Edwards appeared
find wlt.llflrp.w his notlHnn fnr n
mandamus on the grounds that he
nau never asked for help of any
kind from the poor directors and had
TlfiVPr TTinrlo nrinllpntlntl fnr on nrlpr
of relief. Judge Searle denied the
application tor a mandamus and
stated that the question of costs
be postponed for the time being.
Tho petition which was filed in the
prothonotary's office set forth that
Charles B. Edwards was a resident
of Sterling township and that his
circumstances were such that it was
necessary that he receive aid from
the township for his wife and six
children. On May 1G, the petition
sets forth, ho went before 'Squire
E. B. Hollister and L. P. Pelton,
Justices of the Peace for Salem town
ship, and made complaint that ho
was unable to provide for his fam
ily. He was granted an order of re
lief, which, when served on the
overseers of Sterling township, was
evaded. Mr. Edwards admitted sign
ing the petition but denied all knowl
edge of its contents. He said that
lie had never knowingly asked for
On June 4th an answer to tho pe
tition was filed by Kimble & Hanlan,
attorneys for tho poor directors of
Sterling township, in which they
stated that on May Gth Mr. Ed
wards had lived in Dreher township
and that he was not in destitute cir
cumstances at that time, and had
steady employment, earning suffi
cient money for the support of his
family. An order of removal was
issued by W. L. Harvey, a justice of
the peace of Lehigh township, di
recting the removal of Mr. Edwards
to Sterling township. There was no
necessity for the removal of Edwards
against his will, the answer goes on
to state, and when he arrived in
Sterling the overseers of that town
ship went to Edwards Immediately
and were informed that he did not
asK rener and did not want to bo put
on the town. Mr. "Edwards asked
permission to withdraw the petition
for mandamus, saying that tho over
seers of Sterling havo fully perform
ed their duty. The poor directors of
Dreher had the poor directors of
Sterling arrested, but this was also
dismissed by Judge Searle.
Mr. Edwards stated that tho only
time he had accepted help from the
poor directors was when he Injured
his hand In a saw mill about four
years ago. At that time they vol
unteered a little contribution for his
immediate relief.
Mr. Edwards owns about one hun
dred acres of land lying partly in
Dreher and Sterling townships. His
homo burned some time ago and
since then has been unable to erect
a new home.
An appeal from tho decree of Jus
tice Harvey -will bo heard during tho
Juno term of court.
TYLER HILIi couple made
At high noon, Wednesday, Miss
Emma Abraham, of Galilee, and Leo
Smith, of Tyler Hill, were united in
marriage by Rev. It. D. Mlnch, pastor
of the Baptist church at that place,
assisted by Rev. Renville. The cere
mony was performed at the homo of
I ,do ,n the Presence of about
100 Invited guests. The couple was
attended by Miss Virginia Smith,
sister of the bridegroom and Arthur
Abraham was best man. Little
M"rj?l Phillips, daughter of Charles
Phillips, was ring bearer. The wed
ding ring, was borne on a calla lily
and made the ceremony very impres
sive. Tho bride was married In a
creation of white silk. Her going
away suit was of blue material. Mr
and Mrs. Abraham were motored to
Honesdalo that afternoon in Mr
Mitchell's car. They left on the
:53 train for New York city and
Niagara Palls, where a short honey
moon will be spent. The Citizen
extends congratulations.
Charged with the ttnurder seven
years ago of Deputy Sheriff Eugene
Cribley, of Dover Plains, N. Y
Michael T. Brennan, aged thirty-four
years, was arrested Tuesday after
noon In Gouldsboro by Constablb M.
M. Cobb, on the complaint of Sheriff
Hornbeck of Dutchess county, N. Y.
Brennan was taken to Scranton.
Brennan had been living In
Gouldsboro for about four months
and was employed as a laborer on
the Lackawanna railroad. Tho offi
cers of Dutchess county got in touch
with Justice of tho Peace W. L. Har
vey at Gouldsboro and Constable
Cobb made the arrest.
Michael T. Brennan, who was ar
rested in Gouldsboro for a murder
committed seven years ago at Dover
Plains, Dutchess county, N. Y has
refused to waive his extradition
rights and following a conference in
the district attorney's office In Scran
ton he was committed to the custdoy
of tho sheriff of Lackawanna county
to await the issuance of the neces
sary papers.
Henry Conklin Cherry Ridge
Alfsetta Sullivan. Sullivan Co., N. Y.
Iloncsdnlo's Lead in Four Games of
Pinochlo Wns 3,100 Points
Weaver Makes Good Show
ing" nt Pool.
Tho Elite Club of Hawley were en
tertained by the Exchange Club of
this place at tho latter's club rooms
on Wednesday night. Tho final
games in the pinochle and pool tour
nament was played during the even
ing. About seven outos brought the
Hawley players here. The tourna
ment was settled in favor of Hones,
dale. The totals in pinochle were,
Hawley, 23,475; Honesdale, 24.9G0.
The following was tho score in pool:
Swoyer (for McMullen) 91
Bentley 54
Weaver 100
Kelly 82
Suydani 100
Gilpin 100
Kellam 54
MacDonald 100
Honesdal's lead was by 3 points.
Tho tournament ended with Hones
dale leading in pinochlo by 3,490
points and in pool by 98 points. In
tho first game Hawley lead by 3G5
points in pinochle and 20 in nnnl.
In the second game Honesdale led in
pinochle by 2,450 points and 72 in
pool, in tne third gamo Hawley led
uy ou points in pinochlo and Hones
dale In pool by 43. In tho fourth
game which was played Wednesday
iiikui .nonesaaio lea in pinochle by
.l.ibo points ana in pool by 3 points.
Sixteen young women Tuesday
iiJKui grauuatea irom tne State Hos
nital Training Kplinnl fnr tmhodo
Tho exercisps wptr lipid in
ish house of St. Luke's Episcopal
church, Scranton, and about 250 at-
tenuea. won. ju. li. Hardenbergh,
President of tho hnnrrl nf trnotnoo
presided, and an address was made
uy Ernest Laplace, M. D., LL. D.,
nrofessnr nf snrirorv in TVTrtt
- . .u .uo IHVUICU
Chi. College. PliNniWnliln :Tn..n
mer B. Fuller, chairman ' of tho
naming scuooi committee, made the
presentation of tho diplomas. The
invocation was clven hv T?
r. ivreiuer. and Mrs. Helen nt
- - v.. V
Ev.nns. nnntrnltn ...11, i
. , Vwuvu.w, uwi(,uicu Willi LWU
solos, and instrumental music was
played bv Bauer's nrehpnt
For attaining the highest degree
of proficiency in her studies during
liiu uumse, miss ateua Holland was
presented bv tho hnnrrl nf
with a medal of merit. Her average
iur iuu conn was a& 3-5 per cent.
Miss Maude Robertson, directress of
nurses, also nrpspntp.1 n mini
-Miss Florence Jones for being the
best in department. Her average
was 98.
E. B. Hardnnhppfli. nf ,Unnnjni
in his opening address said tho class
was tho largest ever graduated from
tho hospital, and complimented Miss
Robertson on her successful meth
ods of training and congratulated
the graduates who arc completing
their work. Introducing the speaker
of the evening, ho told how he with
other members of the board visited
Medico-Chl twelve years ago and
how they met Dr. Laplace and saw
him perform an operation. This was
at the time the hospital was chang
ed from tho Lackawanna hospital to
the State Hospital of Northeastern
Dr. Ernest Laplace In a scholarly
address, which interested his hear
ers intensely, told of tho men of tho
medical profession whom he was
pleased to call "well-meaning men."
He traced the history of medicine
back to ancient time. Tho trained
nurse, he said, is an adjunct to the
medical profession and then went on
to tell of the medical profession of
to-day, having started on an era of
scientific superiority and can now be
classed as an exact scienco.
The names of .the graduates are:
Misses Annie Marcella Clare, Cath
erine Noll Eschonbach, Claire Lough
ran, Jano Frances Burke, Grace
Maynard, Hazel Eunice Bennett, Vio
let Mao Kasson, Florence E. Clark,
HI??? Se,1Ia Hlland. Nancy Alberta
White, Florence Jones, Maud Veron
ica Whynn, Kathryn Collins, Ger
trude Rose Lee, Helen May Sutphen,
Edna Madeline Einer.
.Mis. Miller, Wife of Instructor in
Moscow High School, Despondent
Over HI Health, FJres Bui
lot Into Brain.
While her husband, W. B. Miller,
of the Moscow High school, was
downstairs in their home on Spring
Garden street, Moscow, getting hor
a drink of water, Mrs. Miller shot
herself through the head at G:30
last Monday morning, death coming
At tho sound of tho report, tho
husband rushed up the stairs and in
to the bedroom, discovering tho life
less body on tho bed, with blood
streaming from a wound in the right
temple and a revolver still clutched
In tho right hand. The bullet
ploughed through tho brain.
The sulcido was nearly fifty years
of age and had lived in Moscow for
many years, her husband being one
of the best known men in that com
munity. Beforo becoming professor
of the- High school, Mr. Miller was
cashier of the Mpscow bank. His
statement that the mind of his wife
has been unbalanced at frequent pe
riods during tho past six months is
verified by tho neighbors, who add
that sho has suffered much during
the past several years from ill
Tho graduation exercises of the
Damascus High school -will be held
on Friday evening, June 13th.
Those who will be graduated from
that institution are Helene Yerkes,
valedictorian; Robert Boyd, saluta
torlan: Arthur Brlgham, Madylene
IN 1012.
Decrease In County About $100,000
Jjess ximn Lnst Year unwley
$0,000 More; Assessor Varcoo is
Succeeded by Bert Dane.
The triennial assessment for
Honesdalo borough has been com
pleted bv assessor TP. .T. Vnrrne. Tt
is nlan tho nqspHampnt fnr 1Q13 Tim
figures show that the valuation of
an real estate in tne borough ror the
present year has decreased about
a,aib rrom what It was In 1912.
Bert ' whn wnn nlpptprl tn nnr-
COOd Mr. Varcoo as nssessnr fnr flip
borough, has taken up the work of
maKing tne registration assessment.
INntwItllstnmllnp' flip fnnt tVint tVio
number of taxables In the borough
nas increased about forty during the
year and the increase in the value
Of OTOnertv hv Imnrnvpmpntn nrwl
new buildings has been much great
er man m iormer years, tne triennial
assessment is lower than it has been
In many years. The Gurney Elevat
or plant was assessed for $45, GOO
but the assessment of the plant was
made beforo it was equipped, so that
next year tho assessment, will ho
much greater.
The tabular statement made out
by Commissioners' Clerk T. Y. Boyd
of the 1913 assessment has been
completed and will bo sent to the
secretary of internal affairs. The
valuation of real estate of tho two
principal boroughs of Wayne is here
by given.
The 1913 report gives Honesdale
1,054 taxables; value of all real
estate, $2,G10,2G5; value of real es
tate exempt from taxation, $512,000;
value of real estate taxable, $2,089,
2G5; value of horses and mules,
$13,790; value of salaries, $95,925;
property taxable for county pur
poses, $2,199,180; county tax as
sessed, $S,79G.72.
Hawley has 785 taxables and the
value of real estate is $007,040;
value of real estate exempt from
taxation, $40,000; value of real es
tate taxable, $5G7,040; value of
horses and mules, $4,745; value of
salaries, $55,475; property taxable
for county purposes, $G27,4S1; tax
assessed, $2,509.92.
The total number of taxables in
Wayne county for 1913 is 10,952
the number of acres of cleared land,
110,857; of timber, 312,303 acres;
value of all real estate, $11,44G,160;
exempt from taxation, $1,204,030;
taxable, $10,242,130; value of
horses and mules, $324,85G; value of
salaries, $478,775; property taxable
for county purposes, $11,207,890;
tax assessed, $44,831.5G.
In the value of all personal prop
f'y these figures differ from the
1912 assessment materially. The
value of all personal property in
Honesdale for 1912 was $2,019,480;
for Hawlev It wna e17 aai .i
for the entire county $11,551,707,
..nn,u wus more Dy $1U5,547 than
tho present assessment. Tho assess
ment this fnr Wnwlo.. i,. I
, . - ...... .i,r , uUHCVUi ,
ppp reased over last year by ?.
?i? ; iJ1 ls also ,nteresting to note
that tho number of resident taxables
In the COllntv hna 1 141
during the year.
NOON. The newlv oreanlzprl TTnnporlnlp
base ball team with v. n Brn.
as manager will play their first game
at the local crnnnrln nn,lo.t
afternoon. The visiting team will
" iiiiuuuuaie. n is expected that
it will be one of the best games that
has ever been played on the local
grounds as both teams will be In
best possible shape for tho opening
game. Under Spencer's management
the locals havo been strengthened
and are believed to bo tho best ma
terial obtainable, with several re
cruits frOm WhltO ATIIlo Tha llr,n
up will include "Pop" Hessllng,
uu.iui weaver, "uoc Brader,
"Buck" Faatz. and ntlipr
ers, and let us not forget Mangan,
the heavy hitter. From White Mills
there will probably be Loll, Larson
and Liljiquest. Tho outcome of base
ball in Honesdalo will depend upon
the support of tho people and if you
want to see first-class ball come out
to tho game Saturday. Make your
Plans ahead of tlmo or. tv,o it ...m
- w till. 1, . u tvm
be possible for you to bo there. Car-
uuuuuie nas a good team under the
management of Nolan and will come
here with tho ovnpptntinn ne
nlng. Game will bo called at three
Quality Jeweler, Optician, Silversmith, Opposite New Postoffico.
"The Daylight Store"
Kntz's Car of Honcsdnlo. nnd David
Smith's Car of Sterling, Ram
iiach Other W ednesday Evcn-
J ig.
JVn unavoidable collision of two
automobiles, which might have re
united in a 'serious injury to tho oc
cupants or the cars, occurred near
Hoadleys on Wednesday evening.
Gporgo Nicholson driving Jacob
Katz's car, in which was Mr. and
Mrs. Emanual Freeman and daugh
ter Vera and Bliss Jeanette Freeman.
At that point they met a Ford
touring car coming toward them
which contained Dr. Simons, George
Beehn, H. M. Jones and David Smith.
They woro driving slow and turned
out to allow tho other car to nass.
Tho road was narrow and on one
side there was a ditch. The drivers
are at a loss to know who was to
blame for the accident. The
force of the collision threw ono of
the occupants of the Ford car out
but ho did not sustain any injuries.
The Ford car was badly smashed
up as a result of raming the big
car, but the big car did not escape
altogether from damage. The party
returned to Honesdale about nine
Pedestrian on l.tjOO-Mllo Tramp from
Jicm York to Minneapolis.
(Special to The Citizen.)
PORT JERVIS, N. Y., June 5.
Edward Payson Weston reached this
city on schedule at 11:15 this morn
ing on his 1,500-mile walk from Now
York City to Minneapolis. Weston
followed the Erie track from the
metropolis. He ls accompanied by
an automobile. Weston was greeted
by a large number of people when
he arrived hero. Ho wnllrprl frntn
Middletown to Port Jervis, 22 miles,
to-uay. he went to the Mitchell
nouse wnero no will remain until 4
o'clock when the tramp will bo con
tinued to Shohola. .1 nMsst
miles. Ho will stay there all night,
resuming his walk early Friday
muniing towaru .bacKawaxen.
Where tho different trees of
HOlleSuale Wpro Inn hw nwnpra
been notified to trim the under
branches. In manv I nstfinppa Mite
has been complied with, but the
jjiupui- cure nas not been given the
trees after the limbs have been cut
Off. ThO trP.nK RhnillH hp traatarl
PURE white lead and oil, and if any
uuiur is- uesireu a little lamp black
may be added. Pn1
turpentine should never be used as
it injures tne trees. A little care in
pruning should be oxerclsed. In
stead Of allowinir n Rtllmn nr Tin.
T-tnMn on the surface of the tree.
uuiug miuuiu uu cut ClOSe tO tHO
tree, according to Mr. Rlfkin.
Central Methodist
church, Will H. Hiller, pastor, Sun
day, June 8: 10:30 a. nxi., public wor
ship. Sermon by pastor. Subject,
xuu iransiormeu Tiller." Special
music, anthem, "A Closer Walk With
God." 'choir. Solo: "Babylon," Miss
Jano Hageman. 12 M., Sunday
school, W. W. Baker, Supt. G:45 p.
m., Epworth League. 7:30 p. in.,
public worship, sermon by pastor,
subject, "The Resoued Dove." Spec
ial music, anthem by choir, "Be
With Mo O God." Quartette, "Jesus
is Mine," Miss Hattie Arnold, Mrs.
T. A. Crossley, C. J. Dibble, Dr. Geo.
Tho young ladies' auxiliary of the
Presbyterian church will serve sup
per in tho chapel of tho church on
Thursday evening, June 12. Straw
berry short cake. Price of supper,
40 cents.
Tho members of St. John's Men's
Guild will hold a meeting in tho par
ors of tho church on Thursday
evening of this week. A largo at
tendance ls expected.
The Ladles' Aid society of the
Methodist church will hold their an
nual strawberry suppor in the par
lors of the church on Thursday
evening of this week (to-night).
First table at 5:30 p. m.
The Cadots of St. John's church
will hold a picnic at Bellevue Park
on June 21. Proceeds to go toward
paying for a piano for the club
Grasshoppers have made their
appearance In Wayne county, it be
ing unusually early for them. Somo
are now half grown.
6, 1913. '
i Dybcrry Weather Record Keeper Af-
icr jurors 01 jjuigcni woric suc
ceeds in Creating a Death-Denllng
A disease has affected tho tent
caterpillar, which pest is defoliating
tne trees in this section of tho coun
try. It is thought to bo the disease
discovered by Theodore Day, of Dy
berry, who for a long time assiduous
ly worked upon the caterpillar In
hopes of finding some remedy or
death-dealing disease which might be
usea to exterminate the pest. Mr,
Day, a few years ago. when tho cat
erpillar was eating the leaves from
the trees, was successful in discover
ing this disease. The disease snread
rapidly at that tlmo and for a year
or two fow tents have been seenl
Theodore Day, at the time of mak
ing the discovery, told the writer
that a' small pinch of .the dust
sprinkled upon nests of the cater
plller would dry them up. In the
tent of an affected camp the worms
die suddenly and tho disease spreads
rapidly. The death dealing disease
is procured by pulverizing the dried
caterpillars, affected by the disease
and then their dust is applied to live
tents. Mr. Day communicated with
Professor H. A. Surface, state zoolo
gist, about his discovery and the
professor told him that he would try
and get an appropriation from the
State at the next legislature to carry
on the good work. To date, we are
informed, no sum has been sot aside
for this important discovery and un
less checked the tent caterpillar will
do untold damage to forestry and
fruit trees.
William H. Bullock, district state
agriculturist, brought to our office on
Monday a specimen of tho catemll
lar tent, which showed the effects of
tho Day disease upon the pest. The
specimen was sent to Professor Sur
face for examination.
The commencement exercises of
the White Mills High school was
held Wednesday evening, June 4 th.
Hon. A. T. Searle, of Honesdale, de
livered the address. The six grad
uates were Tage Falk, Clarence El
more. Harold Tlnwn. lUvrtln mil
Hazel Wood. N0IH0 T.nno TTnpi
Wood was salutatorian and iNellie
ijane was valedictorian of the class.
On Tuesday evening, Juno 3, the
nigu scnooi renaerea a piay entitled
"'The Man From Nevada." Both
exercises were held in the opera
Congressman John R. Farr, of the
lentn Pennsylvania District, has
been named to the Congressional
committee on foreign affairs and na
val affairs. W. D. B. Ainey, of the
Fourteenth Pennsylvania was as
signed to tho committees on foreign
affairs and on the election of presi
dent, vice-president and representa
tives in Congress.
Both congressmen were named for
tho committee seats in tho Republi
can list Of committee hhI
recommended by congressmen last
week, and approved in tho Republi
can caucus Saturday afternoon. Mr.
Ainev is named ns tho mnMni. no-
publican on the elections committee.
Death of Mrs. Bruce Seaman.
Grace Bollnmv. wirlnw nf l? n,n..
Seaman, died at. tho ii
brother. O. M.
Wednesday at 1 o'clock, after an 111-
iieas 01 aooui nve months. Mrs. Sea
man was born In England and was
in tho 79 th year of her age. She
possessed a lovable disposition, was
a kind and affectionate mother and
sister, enjoyed tho acquaintance of a
largo number of friends, by whom
she will bo greatly missed, and was
a Christian woman. Tho majority
of Mrs. Seaman's years were spent
in Honesdalo and vicinity, having
for a long time resided near Irving
Cliff on tho Bunnelltown road. Dur
ing the past five years sho has lived
with her brother, O. M. Spettlgue.
Two children, Miss Anna D. Seaman,
a teacher In the Honesdale public
schools, and ono son, William, of Ok
lahoma City, survive; also tho fol
lowing brothers. Rilwnrrl .T Rmottl.
guo, C. W. Spettlgue. O. M. Spettlgue,
all of Honesdale; George T. Spettl
gue, of Oil City, Pa., and Theodore
Spettlgue, of Jermyn. Tho funeral
will be conducted from her lato
homo on East street on Saturday af
ternoon at 3:30 o'clock. Rev. W.
H. Swift will officiate. Interment
in Glen Dyberry cemetory.
Death of Fred Stengel.
Fred Stengel, father of Henry
Stengel, formerly of Honesdale, died
at his homo at North Branch on
Monday, May 2G, aged G4 years.
Mr. Stencrol wns n. mpinlinr nf l.p
North Branch Methodist church for
several years of which he was a sup
porter. Ho is survived by seven
children. Tho fnnornl wnn hoi.i nn
Thursday of last week.
Miss Margaret Owens, of Yonkers,
N. Y.. is a cuest of tho MIbsps nmwn
on Park street.
Tho four dentists of Honesdale
will begin observing Saturday half
holiday this week.
Misses Tllllo and Carrie Weiss,
who have been abroad for an extend
ed visit, returned home on Tuesday
of this week.
Richard Brock, of Beachlako, is
spending a few days with his daugh
ter, Mrs. J. B, Robinson, on East
street extension.
Mrs. E. T. Smith recently visited
hor daughter, Miso Harriot, who is
studying to become a professional
nurse In Dr. Reed Burns' private hos
pital, Scranton.
e h
X ft
frt '
m 1-
Miss Mae O'Neill ls visiting friends
In Carbondale.
Frederick Frey, of Waymart, spent
Sunday In town.
Miss Minnie Brled ls spending tho
week in Olyphant.
John Crosby ls spending a few
days in New York City.
Mrr. F. G. Carr spent Wednesday
ana xnursuay in Waymart.
Miss Agnes Cavanaugh, of New
I York, is here to spend the summer.
! Frank Donnelly, of Philadelphia,
Snont tllO flrat nf tl.p MraaN -n.tfl. filr.
. parents here.
Albert Krantz has returned from
Philadelphia, where he has been at
tending school.
M. L. Skinner, of Mllanville, was
a business caller In the county seat
on Thursday.
Mrs. Charles E. Sandercock recent
ly spent a few days at her former
home In Scranton.
Volney Skinner, of Mllanville,
made Tho Citizen offlco a pleasant
call on Wednesday.
Joseph Fetters and Frank Leslie,
of Wilkes-Barre, are spending a few
days with friends here.
Miss May Gibbony has returned to
her home In Scranton after spending
a few days with friends here.
Mrs. Wm. Penwarden returned
home on Tuesday from an extended
visit with relatives in New York city.
Mark Turnberger has returned
to his home in Wilkes-Barre after
spending a few days with his par
ents. A. R. Little, assistant superintend
ent of the Gurney Electric Elevator
company, is in Now York on a busi
ness trip.
Rev. G. S. Wendell attended the
commencement exercises and alumni
of his class at Chester tho fore part
of this week.
Dr. and Mrs. William Nowhall, of
Denver, Colo., are guests at tho
home of Mrs. Coo Durland, on North
Edward Coleman, of Honesdale,
Is receiving treatment at Emergency
hospital. Carbondalo correspondent
in Scranton Times.
Mrs. Fred B. Whitney and Miss
C. Lou Hardenbergh attended tho
Patterson-Marsh wedding at Scran
ton on Tuesday night.
Buel Dodgo has so far recovered
from his recent serious and painful
illness that he is able to be on the
streets and greet his hosts of friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Minor Brown, accom
panied by Mrs. Wm. Wedenblne and
sister, Miss Ethel Box motored to
Carbondale and Scranton on Sunday
Miss Mary Monoghan, of Carbon
dalo, an operator in tho Citizen
telephone exchange at this place, has
returned after a month's visit at her
Mrs. William H. Leo returned on
Tuesday from Jersey City where she
had been visiting her daughter,
Louise, a school teacher in the Jer
sey City High schools.
Mrs. J,- Harry McWade and son,
Joseph, of Plalnfiold, N. J., are
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
T. W. Sweeney. Mr. McWade spent
Sunday with his family.
J. K. Hornbeck of Tnillniinlr- fA.m
er county commissioner, spent part
. xuusuuy in wonesuaie. Ho left
on the Erie aftern
York City, where ho will spend a few
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Watts were
motored to Carbondale Wednesday
ovenine hv Mr .Tnmoa i.. 1,1.. :.
Detroiter." They returned the
same evening and found tho roads In
excellent condition.
Mrs. John Galo nnri tun ,io,,i,i
ilnB ,BlakesIee Gale, of Main street!
L,; "u,1J"s l" weeic on an automo
bile trip to New York City and
Sprlnglake. N. J. ti,q t,i ' ,
ij; Will UU
mnm,yia Albany Blnghamtonian.
1 VL A aiuina. who has been
In the Seney hospital, Brooklyn, the
Past fOW WOolrn nrrl..p,l T.
- - - 1 ... . . 1 v. i. 11U1UO OU
Wednesday evening, apparently
much improved In health. This is
gratifying news to his many Hones-
uaio inuiius.
Miss ninnrlip Tpnnn i.
Jeay, Honesdale on Saturday to at-
mo wuuumg 01 a mend in Phil
adelphia. Tho wedding will take
place on Wednesday, Juno 11. Af
ter that she will be a member of a
house party In Atlantic City for a
Hon. E. B. Hardenherch wont tn
Scranton Tuesday whoro ho attended
a meeting of the board of trustees
of the State Hospital. That evening
he attended the graduating exercises
of tho Training School for Nurses.
Mr. Hardenbergh, as president of the
board of trustees, presided.
Leo Osborn, a graduate of the
1908 class of the Honesdale High
school, stood head of his class in the
Liiiatanoogna, (Tenn.) Law School,
from which institution he was grad
uated on Tuesday evening. Tho
class was composed of 24 students.
His many Honesdale friends extend
Rev. R. D. Minch, of Tyler Hill,
was a caller In Honesdalo on Wed
nesday. He was enroute to Miffllns
burg, Pa., whore he attended a re
union of tho Minch family. Mr.
Minch made an address while at that
place. On Ills return home he will
visit Bucknoll University. He re
turned Tuesday from Chester, where
ho attended the alumni of his class.
Tho commencement exercises and
banquet wero enjoyed before re
turning to his Tyler Hill home.
Mrs. C. F. Bullock and her moth
er, Mrs. Laura Clark, drove out to
Hoadleys on Wednesday to call on
Mrs. D. D. Woodward and Mrs.
Woodward's daughter, Mrs. G. W.
Collins. Both Mrs. Clark and her
daughter nro deeply interested Jn
the Honesdale chapter of Daughters
of the American Revolution, and
as Mrs. Woodward is in her 93rd
year, was born and has lived all her
life In Wayne county, they wanted
to get somo of hor recollections of
tho early settlement of Cherry Ridge
township. After spending nearly the
entire day In Hoadleys, and dining
with Mrs. Collins, they returned to
the Maple City, well pleased with
their day's outing, and satisfied that
the trip was a profitable one.