PAGE SIX THB CITIZEN, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1913. A I.BERT JOriNSON, Republican member of congress from tho state of L Wiiahlngtoti, greatly resembles Victor Murdock, the Progressive leader of tho house, and Is frequently mistaken for him. Ab Johnson Is one of tho most noted practical Jokers In tho house, tho resemblance be tween tho two Is frequently embarrassing to the Progressive leader, for when ever ho Is mistaken for Murdock tho Washington representative docs not fall to givo voice to sentiments which would bo rank heresy coming from the Hps of his double. t t Dr. Joseph A. Holmes, director of the burenn of mines, has proved himself to bo an effective bureaucratic alarm clock, for ho has awakened the rccumlwut door keepers of tho bureau and put them to work. They are now addressing envelopes and doing other simple clerical Jobs in addition to their Job of doorkeepiug, and the cor ridor in the bureau of mines now echoes to tho click of typewriters where onco reverberated the drone of snores. . it Miss Esther Cleveland, a debutante of tho present season, has the distinc tion of being the only child ever born to a president in tho Whlto House. She was born July 18, 1895, near tho closo of her father's sec ond term. At her debut sho was noted for her tall, graceful figure and wlnsomo personality. Sho will be eight een' years old this summer. ALBEnT JOHNSON. Sir Arthur Cecil Sprlng-Rlco, who succeeded Ambassa dor James Bryco ns Great Britain's representative here, When charge d'affaires at Teheran was onco held up by brigands. Tho timely arrival of a body of Persian troops, h&wovcr, snved tho present ambassador's feelings and pocketbook and nlso prevented International complications, estheh Cleveland. t t Washington buds have their eye on Attorney General James C. Mc Rcynolds, "trust buster" extraordinary of tho Taft administration and cabinet officer of tho present one. Mr. McRoynolds is tho only unmarried member of tho Wilson cabinet, and in consequence every Washington matron who has an eligible dnughtcr has her eye on him. Besides being a bachelor, ho is regarded as a comer. t . t Boaz W. Long of Las Vegas, N. M., tho new chief of tho Latin-American division of tho state department, is an advertising agent of unusual ability. It Is said that ho has done moro to lnculcato ad. wisdom into tho Mexican mer chant and manufacturer than almost any other man in tlw country. Today's Short Story? Her Love Tested tJ ! J 4 fERBERT GLENN and Laura Cathenvood were guests at a houso party one evening. At din ner tho subject of conversation turned upon how far a woman should stand by a husband or lover who had com mitted a criminal offense. Miss Cath erwood declared that a wife in such an event, if the crime were not too fla grant, was In duty bound to give her husband tho benefit of her support and encouragement, but not a fiance. For herself, she would break an engage ment with any man who proved him self unworthy. Several of tho guests looked at Glenn Inquiringly. Noticing their glances, ho remarked, "If tho girl I loved sinned I would stand by her, not bocauso It was my duty, but because I loved her." One day a week later tho host called his guests into tho drawing room, shut the doors and said to them: "Ono of us, a lady, this morning left a valuable brooch on her dresser when sho came down to breakfast, but, thinking It unwlso to leave an article of such valuo so exposed, went lmmo dlately back for it. She had not boon gono from her room Dvo minutes, but tho brooch was gone.. One of us is a thief." Every ono stood mute for a moment Then ono of tho men said: "I, for one, cannot rest even as ono of a number thus suspected, I demand that while wo are hero you lmvo our rooms searched and then search every ono of us." Every guest Joined In tho demand, but It was proposed that tho guests bo first searched. . Laura Cathenvood had been exam lned and was standing apart from the throng when Herbert Glenn approach cd her and, giving her an appealing look, handed her something wrapped in a bit of paper. Had tho roof dropped upon her sho could not bavo bocn moro startled or crushed. Glenn was tho last man searched, after which 'tho. d.ojy-s wero thrown open and the guests scattered Glenn and Miss Catbcrwood alono re malnlng In tho drawing room. "now could you have dono such a thing?" wero hor first words. I wanted It for you. When It was too late I saw what I had dono. I re lease you from your engagement" Miss Cathcrwood without a -word left blm. For two days he pleaded his cause with hor, though ho asked only for forgiveness, not a contlnuauco of their engagement On the third day sho forgavo him, at tho samo time breaking tho engagement, and on tho fifth consented to take blm back on probation. That evening while tho party wero at dinner a small gold covered dish was brought In and placed on tho tablo. "What's in ttr asked tho host Thero wero plenty of guesses, but nono correct "Perhaps you may remember," said tho host "a discussion at tills tablo during which I averred that a woman would stand by a man sho loved in caso ho prove unworthy and because sho loved him. It was determined bo- tweon Herbert Glenn nnd myself to arrango n test case, Herbert being do- slrous to seo If his fiancee would net as sho had said she would If ho appeared as a criminal. I stolo tho brooch and turned It over to Herbert who passed It to Laura Cathcrwood, confessing tho theft to her. It has taken her Qve days to forglvo tho supposed criminal and give him a chance to redeem himself." For n moment two emotions strug gled with each other In Miss Cather- wood's breast anger at having been duped and joy that her lover wns, aft er all, innocent Presently a smile broke over her face, though thero was moisture in her eyes. Impulsively sho reached ber hand across tho tablo to her lover. AT A GLANCE. France Is tho greatest wlno produc ing country in tho world. n Tho biggest bears In tho world aro to bo found on Kadlak island, in the gulf of AlaBka, somo of them weighing as much as 8,000 pounds. The United States weather bureau Is Investigating the causes that created the unusual atmospherical turbidity that existed during the last half of 101a VYVVYVTV I SEASONABLE DINNER MENu ' A h A A fctfc .......... X A A A A A A A A? Grapefruit Macedolne. Veal Steak. Potato Patties. Stuffed Tomato Salad. Rhubarb Pie. OemltaSHe. Grapefruit Macedolne. Take tho pulp out of tho grapefruit very carefully In small pieces and mix it with some pre served ginger cut in flno pieces, All tho sherbet glasses or fruit shells, add a llttlo rum or sherry and garnish with cubes of mint Jelly. it t Veal Steak. A new way to prepare veal steak Is to place It in a pan with a lump of butter, sprinkle with flour, salt and pepper and bake in n hot oven for half an hour. t Potato Patties. Two cupfuls of mashed potatoes and one-half cupful of sugar, Ave tablcspoonfuls of melted butter, three well beaten eggs, one cup ful of sweet milk, flvo tcaspoonfuls of baking powder, flvo and one-half cup fuls of flour, teaspoonful of nutmeg. Mold Into oblong shapes and fry n golden brawn in boiling lard. tt Rhubarb Pic Two cupfuls of rhu barb chopped flno, one cupful of sugar, ono tablespoonful of flour, yolks of two eggs. Stir all together and bake with ono crust Lot tho pie cool and make a frosting with tho whites of eggs, two tablcspoonfuls of sugar. Put this frosting on tho plo and place tt In tho oven to brown. A French beauty specialist gives the following directions for washing the face, so that a healthy nnd attractive complexion may result: At night on re tiring wash your faco thoroughly In hot water nnd sulphur soap; then use cold and hot wnter alternately, remov ing all the soap, and finish with a dash of cold wnter. Should the water bo hard a few drops of benzoin may b added. Should there by any black heads on tho faco pross them out gen tly with a comedon extractor, which you can purchase from any dealer in surgical Instruments, and apply spar ingly a small amount of equal parts of zinc oxide nnd sulphur ointment In the morning remove the ointment and to cleanse the face, gently mop it with a piece of clean absorbent cotton dipped In oil of sweet almonds. Wipe the face again carefully with another piece of cotton, of. which you should always have an abundant supply. When tho face Is perfectly dry you cun apply a little good powder, wiping it off with a soft chamois skin, and the toilet of your face Is over for tho dny. An Old Favorite S "X 'i t I i t J JH5 1? t A? 4 J J tt f J 1 Mother o' Mine I ,ji ,ji j If I were drowned in the deepest sea I know whoso tears would come down to mo. Mother o' mine. If 1 were hanged on the highest hill I know whose love would follow me still. Mother o mine. If I were damned of body and soul I know whose prayers would make mo whole. Mother o' mine. Itudyard Kipling. ; FIRST AID TO THE COOK.: A bandy kitchen memorandum is made as follows: Take a circle of white or tinted cardboard about ton inches In diameter, punch a small hole In the center nnd another at one side. Through the latter thread a ribbon for a loop to hang by. This Is the top. Around the edge of tho circle, starting close to the top, writo the names of supplies need ed constantly in the house from A to Z. Opposite each word cut a small notch or slit. Take a dozen or moro pieces of bright colored cord, each about eight or ten inches long, pass through the hole In the center and secure with a knot of cords. When In need of any thing take one cord and fasten it over the slit on the odge. It will pass di rectly under the name of tho article, nnd your memorandum will be ready for next morntner's order with no more worry. The Home Beautiful Porch Festooned With Wistaria Houses of slmplo and severe architecture can be relieved of plainness by the Judicious uso of climbing vines. With care In training beautiful effects may bo achieved such ns here pictured. Here wistaria festooned across tho entlro veranda adds charm to nn nttractlvo colonial dwelling. Wistaria grows In nlmost any soil and Is propagated by seeds and cuttings. It produces PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attorncys-nt-Lnw. ME. SIMONS, . ATTORNEY A COUNSELOU-AT-LAW Office in the Court House, Honesdale Pa. SEARLE & SALMON, ATTORNEYS A CODNSELOR8-AT-LAW Offices latelv occupied by Judge Searle CHESTER A. GARRATT, ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR-AT-LAW , Offlce-DIrhmlck Building, Honesdale, Pa. WM. H. LEE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW, Office. Foster Building. All legal business promptly attended to. Honesdale, Pa. MTJAIFORD & MUMFORD, ATTORNEYS & COUNBELORS-AT-LAW. Office Liberty Ilnll building. Honesdale WISTARIA COVERED VERANDA. long clusters of showy blue flowers In the spring and sometimes blossoms again in the fall. P.Iain, barren buildings and fences can also bo greatly im proved by planting shrubbery against them, bordered' with perennials or other plantings, and In this way partially break up the straight lines that will re main with tho planting of tho best of vines. Shrubbery is an essential part of good planting schemes for any yard and often will make good substitutes for vines that is, where It is desired only to bide tho baso linos up to a height of six feet or bo. HOMER GREENE, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW Office: Relf Building, Honesdalo. CHARLES A. McOARTY, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR- AT-LAW Special and prompt attention given toth collection of claims. Office: Relf Building, Honesdale. Physicians. WT nyno Common Plens: Trial III TV Juno Term, 1913. McDonnell vs. McDonnell. Clark vs. Thompson. Van Osdalo vs. Blnlno et al. Kordman vs. Denlo et al. Town vs. Cortrlght & Son. Wilcox vs. Mumford. Carey vs. Township of Buckingham Honesdale Milling Company vs. KuH bach. Gerety vs. Columbian Protective Al soclatlon. Congdon vs. Columbian ProtectW Association. Cromwell vs. Weed. Bregsteln Bros vs. Rldgeway. De Groat vs. Brutsche. North Tonawanda Musical Instrl ment Works vs. Herbeck-DemI Company. Derrick vs. Cortrlght & Son. Hunkelo vs. Brown. Miner vs. Miner. Shannon vs. Havens et al. W. J. BARNES, Clerk. i 9 PB. PETERSON, M. D. I ., 1126MAIN STREET, HONESDALE, PA. Eye and Ear a specialty. The fitting of glass es given careful attention... IIVERY F. G. KICKARD Prop WKST-CLASS WAGONS, RELIABLE HORSES. Especial Attention Given t Transit Business. STONE BARK CHURCH STREET. REPORT OF CONDITION OF THE Farmers and Me chanics Bank, OF HONESDALE. WAYNE COUNTY. PA at the close of business, may 1. 1913. OVER OB YEARS EXPERIENCE ' Trade Marks Designs CopmiOHTS 4c Anyono sending nukelrh nnddoscrlpUonml qulcklr ascertain our oimlon frea whether A litventlnn I. Tirnhuhl 9 tmt (.111 nhln. fVmimttnlrJ Hons strictly conndontUI. HANDBOOK onl'atcul sent free. Oldest agency for securfas jmtents.1 l'utenta taken ttirouan Munn A Co. rocell iprcla! notice, without chnwo. In tho I ciemim Jricanj A handsomely illiutmted weekly. I.areost e dilution or any BClenuuc journal. Terms, yonrt four months, L Sold by all newsdealel flUNN&CD.SBIBroadway.NeWYO Branch Office. 625 F St. WasblDgton, I). c.l JOSEPH N. WELI Fire I EEBOCIICES. Reserve fund 9 casn, specio anu notes, jio.iuo w Due from approved re- . Nickels, cents and fractional currency Checks nnd other cash items Due from banks and trust com- 1111163 not reserve..: Ills discounted : Upon one name upouiwour... morn nnmnfl Time loans with collateral. Loans on call with collateral Loans on call upon one name Loans on call upon two or more names ; Loans secured by bonds and mort- TflfC3 Bonds. Stocks, etc.. Schedule D.... Mortgages and Judgments of record Schedule D-2 Olllcellulldlngnnd Lot Other Heal Estate Furniture and fixtures Overdrafts Miscellaneous assets 33,296 01 230 17 1,021 91 10,700 00 113.151 53 26.71)1 50 33.878 88 350 00 28,627 10 7.374 00 78, 005 00 D5.673 06 18,800 00 $1,102 18 2,000 00 LIABILITIES. $ 451.001 40 ....$ 75,000 00 aj.uw co Capital Stock paid In Surplus jyuna.. UJJU1VIUCU i ,uiuo, .-u . n and taxes paid..................-." Wi5 80 Individual deposits. Time !,2-6,728 31 Cashier's checks outstand'g 10.92-316,923 55 $151,001 40 State ol Fennsvlvahla, County of Waynoss. t r k Pnolitni. aF thn flhnvnnflni.d company do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge undbenei, . ..t,. Riihscrlbed and sworn to before me this Gil, rintr nf Mnv 11113. jUy COlUUllasiuil uiiirca uuu. lifiti Res A. S. EDQLTT. N.P. Correct attest: M. R. Simons. l J. S. ltRowN, f-DIrectors. i M.J. IlANLAV, 37wl APPRAISEMENTS Notice Is giv en that appraisement of $300 to the widows of tho following nam ed decedents havo been filed in the Orphans' Court of Wayno county, and will be presented for approval on Monday, Juno lb. laid viz: Chris. Lowe, Honesdalo: Personal. F. W. Bunnell, Texas: Personal. John Griswold, Clinton: Personal. Loren Enslln, Lake: Personal. Geo. Blllard, Cherry Itldge: Per sonal, Charles McVey, Preston: Real and Personal. David McLaughlin: Real and Per sonal. Appraisement of real estate of Mary Farrell. widow or Mauuow Parrell, Honesdalo, under Act of As sembly or April 1, luoa. W. J. BARNES, Clerk. ASK ANY HORSJ Tbt Atlantic Rsftatag Cesputy The OLDEST Fire Iiisural Agency in Wayne Count Office: Second floor Masonic Bl Ing, over C. C. Jadwln'a drug si Honesdale. J. E. HALEY AUCTIONEE! Havo mo and savo money. attend sales anywhere In Stntl Address WAYMART. PAXR. DJ MARTIN CAUFIED Designer and Man ufacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. ( HONESDALE, PA. fttfttftffTTTTTTttMl i SPENCEl t The Jeweler t would like to see yoi I you are In the mal t for :: JEWELRY, SILVj WARE, WATCH CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, j: AND N0VELTI - I ! "Guaranteed articles only m
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