The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 03, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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for summer use. Two burner and
oven. Will sell cheap. Inquire over
Ready Pay Store.
ures, Films, Kodaks, Amateur
work finished. Goods sent by mall.
Bodlo's Studio. 42wlG
Hand Furniture, Beds, Book
case, Desk, Invalid's Chair, Etc.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday of
this week. C. A. Garratfs resi
dence on 15th Street. It
driving horses. Reuben Lancas
ter, South Sterling, Pa. 4 lei 5
housework. Apply 1114 Court
street, Honesdale. 3 Celt!
color black, white and tan. Liber
al reward offered for Its return.
Thos. Jones, White Mills, Pa. 45el3
a bath In the Buel Dodge house,
down stairs, corner of Church and
Seventh streets after Juno 1st. En
quire of C. E. Dodge, Honesdale. 40tf
The Gurney Electric Elevator
shops were closed Memorial Day and
all day on Saturday.
A twelve pound son has been
born to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mid
daugh on Terrace street.
The following visitors from
Hawley were In town on Saturday:
Edna Oldfleld, Mary McNamara, C.
Houck, Thomas Oldfleld, Mrs. Thos.
Mnllln ami ATtoa TCnthpHnn OTnn-
-The Methodist Ladles' Aid so
ciety will hold their annual Straw
berry supper in the church parlors
on Thursday evening, June 5th.
First table ready at 5:30. Price of
supper 40c.
. Thomas Solomon, of Brown's
Furniture store, left Saturday for
Starrucca to attend the funeral of
his cousin which was held in that
place on Sunday. He returned home
Monday evening.
Daniel Brown purchased the
Skinner property of 150 acres, lo
cated in Damascus township, which
was sold by Sheriff F. C. Kimble in
the court house Thursday afternoon.
The price paid was $1,G30, which
covered all debts against it and also
a mortgage.
A number of the neighbors of
Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Varcoe ten
dered them a happy surprise at their
1 1 1. C 41..1,,
wedding anniversary. Games were
played, refreshments served and a
very pleasant evening was had.
The hard, steady rains of the
fore part of the week made the pros-
the rain stopped and on Thursday
mnmiTicr inn sun camn out clear ana
warm and dried up the streets so that
itwas possible for the parade to take
place In the streets.
An exact model of the Stour
bridge Lion, the lirst locomotive to
IIHIJ1IH III V Illt'l ll.l.. V 1111:11 tV uS 1 11 11
on a track in Honesdale in 1821,
i- i rt t-. 1.1. t
window and is attracting consider-
model is the work of N. "W. Avery
sine and coal car. It is modeled out
P. S. Stephenson, of Waymart,
jik TiiirnnnKPn il inrm nr rrv nrrps
L l jIIIIH. W . liill Hi V. I lit IH il 1H 1IIIHH
nttn rroa nn thn nrnnfirtv. twn nf
Menner of this place. The property
lred feet of lake shore. Elk Lake
s situated in Clinton township and
s one of the most beautiful lakes
n this part of the State.
The base ball season opened In
Tawlnv Mnmorinl T)av anil tho
veather was fine for the opening
'nmt Thfti Film Pnrlr tpnm nf tha
ho newly omanlzed Hawlev team
md wore defeated. The score was 8
o 7 in favor of Hawley. The score
tood 7 to 7 in the seventh Inning
vhen Hawley secured the run which
von them the game. It was a good
;ame throughout. The batteries
vere: Hawley, McCluskey and Do
ierty; Elm Park, McWilliams and
nnt of tho nnnRnlirlnf nri Tfilpnhnnfi.
- .... C .1 ... 1.1V 1 . I .
amuy at mis place. Air. uaiiagner
vho Is one of tho lieutenants' of Co.
Ji marched with tho boys on Me
morial Day, thus making three offi-
.. I 1 1 rT- I .. i.i i i.i
ara m iiuo, j.uui la uhbuuiuiuq Willi
young man who of late has been
solicitor for tho company. To. his
urprlso as well as that of his
riends the solicitor announced to his
omrades that he had just been loft
1(1(1. mm hv an Jinnln wlin il or! In
Ihlcago. The will of the millionaire
tipulated that In caso that his wife
hould marry again that the legacy
n Tins manner Tom's mend lias im.
ome an independent man.
-Mrs. Salo Frledewald gave tho
ist of her ilnHchtful routines nt tho
Hgh school auditorium on Saturday
fternoon before the usual audience.
The Master Builder," one of Hen
ik Ibsen's most Important works.
Ion. With the force that Mrs.
jjuuuwum 10 bu wcii u uiumur oi.
he hidden meaning of the little
ranyi was brought out clearly, as
he author alone meant It to be
hown. The drama Is a characterlza
ion of love, beauty and art and the
t tn 1 n m an r nf In onl m Hnti HTHa
'rledowald'a course of readings has
eon very instructive and pleasing
na ner many friends hore sincerely
nnH innr thorn Yi-nw Ya n elmllaii
ourso presented next year,
A new Ice cream fountain dish
at Lelne's Is tho "Billy" sundae.
There will bo baptUm of chil
dren at the Presbyterian church on
Sunday morning, June 8th, at tho
Children's Day service.
The Titus Mission Band of the
Presbyterian church will meet at the
home of Mrs. F. W. Powell on Tues
day evening, Juno 3, at 7:30 o'clock.
The Young Ladles' Auxiliary of
tho Presbyterian church will serve a
supper in the chapel Thursday even
ing, June 12. Strawberry short cake.
Price of supper, 40 cents.
A large number of people from
Honcs.l.tle and other towns along tho
D. te H. f-'i cnt Memorial Day at Lake
Lodore. Manager Patrick McNally
Is very much pleased at the patron
age of his resort during tho opening
day of the season.
Henry Hartman and Miss Emma
Rowe, both of Hawley, were married
Saturday afternoon at the Methodist
parsonage, Scranton. Tho ceremony
was performed by Rev. F. D. Hart
sock, Ph. D. After a short wedding
trip Mr. and Mrs. Hartman will take
up their residence in Hawley.
The glass cutting shop promote
ed by C. C. Lozier and in which sev
eral local men are financially inter
ested, is well under construction in
Prompton on the old Richardson
factory site near tho Presbyterian
church. Work on tho foundation
is being superintended by A. Odell.
It is expected that the Bhop will be
ready for business by September 1.
It will be operated by steam power.
Charles B. Edwards, a resident
of Sterling township, has presented
a petition to the Court stating that
his application for relief for his wife
and children has been disregarded
by the overseers of the poor of that
township. Edwards' petition for a
mandamus was granted by Judge
Searle and made returnable on Tues
day afternoon, June 3, at 4 o'clock
with notice to Kimble & Hanlan, at
torneys for the township.
Three car loads of revenue pa
per for the United States government
are now being made at the paper
mill of the New York and Pennsyl
vania company, in Lock Haven. The
contract this year for revenue pa
per was awarded to the Hamilton
Paper company, of Hampton, Ohio,
whose plant was damaged by tho
flood. Since then the mill in Lock
Haven has been turning out paper
for Uncle Sam, having prior to this
year had the contract consecutive
for sixteen years.
A special from Newburg, N. Y.,
says: One juror saved Burton ' W.
Gibson from being found guilty of
the murder of Mrs. Rosa Menschik
Szabo. The' jury, which had been
deadlocked for almost twenty-six
hours, reported to Supreme Court
Justico Tompkins that they could
not agree, and it then developed that
they had stood eleven to one for
conviction since tho first ballot. The
juror who held out for Gibson's ac
quittal was Charles Reynolds, a
farmer, of Wallkill.
The criminal charges of invol
untary manslautrhtfir trrnwlnc nut nf
the breaking of the dam at Austin,
Pa., September 30, 1911, which re
sulted in a loss of 80 lives and prac
tically obliterated Austin, n vlllnco
of 3,000 persons, will be moved for
inai ai wensDoro, rn., June 2. Up
on the representations of the de
fendants that a fair trial could not
be had in Potter county, Pa., where
the catastrophe occurred, a change
of venue was granted to Tioga coun
ty a year ago. Several times the
trial Of tho Cases has hfnn nnstnnnort
but District Attorney Nelson states
mat no win insist tnat there is no
further postponement.
David Peterson is visiting at his
homo here.
Attorney and Mrs. C. A. Garratt
spent Sunday witli tho former's par
ents in White Mills.
Miss Grace Wilmarth, of Alden
vllle, is the guest of Miss Sadie
Spettiguo this week.
Misses Genevieve Burke and
Evelyn R. Grlflln, of Scranton, spent
Sunday with relatives in town.
Mrs. J. C. Bachus, of Church
street, was taken to the State hospi
tal, Scranton, on Sunday night.
William O'Connell and Harry
Freeman of New York City, spent
Memorial Day at their homes In this
Miss Jennie Abrams, of Scranton,
spent Sunday at the home of her sis
ter, Mrs. David Fisher, on East
E. P. Kilroe, Esq., of New York
City, spent a few days with rela
tives In the vicinity of Honesdale
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lewis, of
Carbondalo, spent the week-end with
tho latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chas. Dein.
Wlater TIederman, of Jersey
city, is spending a few days with his
aunt, Mrs. William DeReamer, at
White Mills.
Mrs. Ulysses Beers of Dalton, re
turned to her homo Saturday after
spending four weeks with her sister,
Mrs. A. Mills.
Mr. and Mrs. William Schoonover,
of Scranton, spent several days last
week at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
C, K. Schoonover on Eleventh
Misses Bessie Lawyer, Edna Doo
little, Florence Krelter, Ethel Schles
ler, Florence Eldred and Marlon
Charlesworth spent Decoration Day
in Scranton,
Mrs. Jacob Vetter, of Green
Ridge, Is the guest of Mrs. Julia
Helferlch on West street. She Is
also looking after some property in
terests hero.
Miss Clara Richmond, of Scran
ton, who has been spending several
days at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. J. Lent, returned to her homo, In
Scranton on Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bishop, of
Archbald, returned to their home
Sunday after spending several days
with Mrs. Bishop's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Thomas on West Side avenue.
Mrs. A, J. Rehbein 1b spending a I
few days with friends here.
Mrs. Fred Lawyer has returned
from visiting her son, Angus, In New
A. A. Grambs is working In tho
tool room of, the Gurney Elevator
Gustavo Smith, Jr., of Scranton,
spent a few days here on business
this week.
Miss Madgo Monaghan, of Scran
ton, spent tho week-end with rela
tives in town.
Miss Sophia Gaze, of New York
city, was a recent guest of her sis
ter, Airs. John Gerry.
Mrs. F. M. Hngaman and daugh
ter, Miss Jane, are spending a few
days in New York City.
L. Blumenthal, the popular clerk
In Katz Bros, store, was a pleasant
caller In Scranton Sunday.
James A. Robinson and family are I
now nicely domiciled in their new
cottage on Fifteenth street.
Miss Dora Hughes, of Scranton,
who Is teaching at Lord's "Valley,
spent the week-end In town.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schardt and
Mrs. George Thompson, of Hawley,
were recent visitors in town.
Macy Truscott returned last week
from a three months' western trip
in the Interest of Birdsall Bros.
Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Schiessler
spent the week-end with their son,
Walter, and his wife in New York.
Mrs. G. C. Rodman and daughters
expect to occupy apartment No. 5 In
the Durland Brick block this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Rlckert, of
Great Bend, are visiting relatives
in Honesdale and at Indian Orchard.
William J. Kerber, late with tho
Herald Press Association, is a night
linotype operator on the Scranton
Miss Mary Gall and Miss Marie
McDermott left Monday for Phila
delphia where they will spend two
Mrs. Joseph Fryer has returned
from Port Jervis, where she has
been a guest the past few days of
her sister.
C. E. Sandcrcock, former editor
and manager of The Herald, is in
New York city, where he went to fol
low his trade.
Superintendent C. R. Callaway
spent the week-end at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Schuller at Up
per Montclalr, N. J.
Charles Gerry and Miss Kathryn
Kubler, of New York City, spent
Memorial Day and Sunday with rel
atives in Honesdale.
Miss Kate M. Ward returned to
her home in Brooklyn Monday morn
ing after spending Sunday with the
family of W. J. Ward.
Mrs. H. W. Doyle and two chil
dren, of Shaffersville, left on Mon
day to visit her two daughters at
Honesdale, Pa. Downsvllle News.
William W. Starbuck spent the
past few days with relatives in
Honesdale and Bethany. He return
ed to New York City the first of the
Miss Amy E. Clark has returned
to Now Paltz, N. Y., after spending
a few days with her parents, Judge
and Mrs. Perry A. Clark; on Dy
berry avenue.
Lawrence C. Wenlger, who was
sent as a delegate to Pittsburg to
represent the Knights of St. George,
arrived home on Friday last after
being absent a week.
Mrs. Fannie Smith and son, Al
fred and Mr. William Dudemy, of
New York, are the guests of relatives
and friends here and at Bethany.
They expect to return Thursday,
Isaac Tibblts, manager of tho me
chanical department of the Singer
Sewing Machine company, returns to
New York City Tuesday after spend
ing a -week with his family here.
Joseph Toms, of California, who
has been visiting at the Ira K. Bis
hop home in Indian Orchard, has
gone to White Mills and Is the guest
of his daughter, Mrs. Philip Bishop,
Mrs. Harry LaTello and daughter,
Miss Anita, and Miss Josephino Sul
livan, all of New York City, returned
Monday afternoon after a few days'
vlsH with Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lyons
onPark street.
Mrs. Blinn, of Owego, N. Y., is the
guest of Mrs. Foreman on Cottage
street. Mrs. Blinn is an old school
friend of Mrs. Foreman and is a
trained nurse. She will remain there
for several weeks.
Miss Edna Katz Is visiting with
relatives in Atlantic City. Sho left
on Thursday last. At that popular
resort are Dr. and Mrs. Alfred Ull
man and son, of Baltimore, Md., and
Mrs. Jonas Katz of this place.
Joseph Falk, of White Mills, ren
dered a beautiful solo and assisted
in a male chorus In Grace Episcopal
church on Sunday morning. Mr.
Falk will be united in marriage to
Miss Blanche Elmore at White Mills
on Tuesday.
Jay C. Smith, linotype operator on
tho Port Jervis Gazette, Bpent part
of Sunday with friends in Honesdale
while enroute from Scranton to his
home. Jay and his family spent the
week-end with his mother In Scran
ton. Mrs. Smith will continue her
Mrs. J. V. starnes, or Bethanjf
left on Monday afternoon for PorP
land, Oregon, where she will spend
a week with her sister, Miss Laura
Slayton. Mrs. Slayton, mother of
these two ladles, who has been visit
ing In that city, will return home
with Mrs. Starnes.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rottew and
son, Charles, Mr. and Mrs. W. J.
Ferber. Mr. and Mrs. William Seltz
and daughter, Evelyn, comprised a
party that motored to New York
City on Friday last. They left
Honesdalo at 5:15 that morning, ar
riving In Port Jervis at 8!10 and in
New "York at 1:45 p. m. Tho trip
was most delightful and was free
from accidents and punctures. The
roads traveled were fine, the worst
piece on tno entire trip being be
tween Honesdalo and White Mills.
While In the Metropolis they saw
William siuman at tno seney Hospi
tal In Brooklyn. Mr. Sluman Is
feeling fine and told his friends that
he expected to come home the latter
; part of this week,
Chas. H. Griffin,, of Schenectady, N.
Y., spent Memorial Day at his homo
on Eighth street.
F. iG. Peters has removed his
household effects from East street,
extension to the Hawkins' house on
East street.
In many portions of Pennsylvania
tho fruit crop has been destroyed by
the freezing weather, and orchard
lsts are now writing to State Zoolog
ist, H. A. Surface, Harrlsburg, ask
ing If it would be worth while for
them to spray their trees this spring
whero tho fruit is frozen and there
is to be no crop this summr. Prof.
Surface does not think It necessary
nor especially advantageous to go to
the expense of spraying tho stone
fruits under such conditions, but
does recommend spraying the pome
fruits, or apple, pear and quince,
with a fungicide to keep the leaves
healthy, and thus to develop strong
healthy fruit buds for next year's
crop, as shown In tho following reply
which was sent to ono of the large
fruit growers In Cambria county,
who is also an officer in the Cambria
County Fruit Growers' Association:
" In reply to your Inquiry as to
whether you should spray your apple
trees, even If tho fruit Is killed, I
can say that It will pay you well to
spray tho apple, pear and quince with
a fungicide, such as a gallon and a
quart of strong lime-sulfur in 49
gallons of water, or the average Bor
deaux mixture, applying this spray
two or three times during the sum
mer, so as keep the trees healthy
and vigorous. If tho trees are kept
growing well, they will produce
good strong fruit buds which will be
the assurance of next year's crop.
The first spraying with tho fungicide
can be done at any time. This is
very inexpensive aafthe only element
that means much In the way of cost
in summer spraying, besides the la
bor, Is the arsenate of lead. If you
have no chewing Insects present, and
the fruit crop is killed, it is. not nec
essary to add arsenate of lead to the
fungicide for the summer spraying.
If I were doing it I should spray my
pome fruit trees with the boiled
lime-sulfur solution, either home
made or commercial, as directed
above, omitting the arsenate of lead
unless there is evidence of canker
worms, caterpillars, or leaf-eating
insects of other kinds present or
about to appear."
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Harrlsburg, June 2. A vigorous
campaign in behalf of the ratifica
tion of tho proposed constitutional
amendment to permit the State to
borrow $50,000,000 for reconstruc
tion of its highways Is to bo Inau
gurated this summer by the Pennsyl
vania Motor Federation and it has
been assured of the support of many
organizations and of individuals
throughout the State Interested in
the movement to secure good roads
for Pennsylvania. The Federation
has undertaken to inform the people
of tho State as to the purposes of
tho loan and to make the plea for
Everybody Loves
A Winner !
HpHERE'S a lot of style to this young fellow;
he's a winner, and he looks it. Every
detail of his clothing is just right; from the
smooth, snug-setting collar down the long,
graceful lapel of the smart two-button coat to
the tip of his toes, he's dressed just right.
Our "Sch!ossBaltimore"
Suits Are All Winners
The model you see here is only one of a score or more of our unusual, fresh, crisp
styles, different from any you'll find elsewhere; all correct, tailored by hand in the
best possible way. We have them all, ready for your choice, the Extreme, or Mod
ified, English types, the Norfolks, the Dou ble-Breasteds, the Conservati ves, and a
host of others. Come in and see which you prefer.
A splendid collection of New Norfolks
here this week; half-a-dozen style-varieties
to choose from, no end of variety in col
ors, shades and fabrics. Also a full line of
Men's, Young Men's and Children's Suits,
Under-clothing, Hats, Caps, Shirts. A full
line of Umbrellas, Dress Suit Cases and
Hand Bags.
New Straw
25c to $5.
Baking Powder
is the greatest of modern
time helps to perfect cake
and biscuit making. Makes
home baking pleasant and
profitable. It renders the
food more digestible and
guarantees it safe from
alum and all adulterants.
its adoption so that this State may
obtain alike for the farmers and the
dwellers in cities and towns the ad
vantages of better highways.
The Federation's plans Include a
big State convention in the interest
of good roads to bo held in Harrls
burg In September. The Federation
will ask the use of the hall of the
House of Representatives, and the
whole subject of highways in Penn
sylvania will be gone into. All mo
tor clubs will be urged to send dele
gations and the public generally will
be Invited to participate. Tho road
Improvement proposition, which can
not be undertaken until tho next
Legislature passes enabling legisla
tion to issue bonds after approval
of the amendment, will be utterly di
vorced from politics and considered
-ttilj rr i
The Stove that
Red Stono Front.
from the standpoint of general good,
economy and increase of facilities
for getting about the State.
This campaign will then be push
ed in every county. Good roads
meetings will be addressed by speak
ers on behalf of the Federation and
publicity forces employed so that the
issue in its broadest sense may bo
laid before the people. The Federa
tion will co-operato with other or
ganizations interested in the bond
issue and a means of advancing the
interests of the State. After thor
ough study of tho proposition men
active in good roads have become
convinced that the $50,000,000 loan,
proposition affords the only system
atic way to get the roads improved
and they will work vigorously in its
always Satisfies
A Lehigh Stove will always
bake and burn to perfection.
A Lehigh needs less repairs
than any other stove. All Le
highs are plain finished with
heavy removable Nickel. Le
highs have the duplex grate
which is suitable for burning
either wood or coal without a
change of grates. Lehighs
have large fireboxes and
flues, larger than tho majority
of stoves, this is why they are
such excellent bakers. There
are more Lehighs in use in
Wayne county than any other
make of stove. Prices from
$21.00 to $10.00 according to
Honesdale, Pn.
Blue Serge and dark fancy mixed wor
steds, ti beautiful and dressy model, espec
ially suitable to well set-up, slender young
men. One of the smartest styles of the
season, and carefully tailored-to-fit. Spec
ial values at $8 and $25, this wqek. See
New Spring
50o to 2