The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, June 03, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Steene, May 28.
Tho people of this place have no
ticed a groat Improvement In The
Citizen. It Is surely tho paper of the
hour. , .
Butcher Clemo gave tho residents
of Waymart a frco circus last Friday
afternoon which proved very Interest
ing before tho last act. Mr. Clemo
had been out In tho country and
purchased a very vicious bull which
acted tho part of a wild buffalo In tho
streets of Waymart. Mr. Mills, who
Is a resident of tho latter place, has
In his possession a largo, vicious
bull dog, who on getting his optics
on tho butcher and buffalo, started
in to give tho residents along Main
street a circus free of charge. Mr.
Mills' entreaties with tho dog wore
all in vain as he made a rush at the
bull who In turn stood his ground
while tho butcher gave up possession
of tho bull and climbed over a nearby
fence betting at the same time mat:
tho bull would make mince meat of
tho dog In a short time, while at tho
same time Mr. Mills across the
streot was betting his last dollar on
the verocity of his dog to win out.
For tho first twenty minutes tho bull
seemed to have the advantage of tho
fight, but In the next ten minutes tho
bull had lost his wind while the dog
seemed fresh as ever which soon end
ed tho fight in favor of the dog as he
soon got the bull dog grip on the
bull's nose and floored him and held
his hold until tho bull was shackled
and time was called. The bull was
taken to the pen where his fighting
was ended.
Martin Novak was quite seriously
injured one day last week. He had
Btarted from the barn to the field
with a load of manure and in some
manner he lost his balance and fell
off headfirst In front of tho forward
wheel which passed over his head.
Ho was picked up unconscious with
blood running from his mouth and
nose. At this writing he is slowly
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Shaffer and
family spent Sunday with friends
In the happy land of Canaan.
Miss Edith Haley visited Saturday
night and Sunday with her sister,
Mrs. Hambly, at Honesdalo.
When Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bodie,
of Prompton, returned to their home
Saturday afternoon from Honesdalo
whero they had been shopping, they
found their residence and contents
burned to the ground. The Are is a
Hay Itollison, of Canaan, attended
a birthday party at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Buckland in Clinton
township Saturday evening.
Warren Buckland is confined to
his home with a very severe cold and
Whites Valley, May 28.
Mrs. Wm. Glover and daughter,
Jennie, are visiting at Mr. and Mrs.
Nelson Hutchln's, Carbonuaie.
Mrs. C. V. Bonham and sons are
guests of Pleasant Mount relatives,
Mrs. S. Phillips, of Doranceton,
spent several days with friends last
week ana returneu to rrompton on
Fred W. White left Tuesday for
Blnghamton accompanied by Mrs,
H. W. White, who will make an ex
tended visit with relatives. Air.
White will superintend the erection
of a house for B. F. White.
Mrs. O. C. Miller spent Sunday
with Pleasant Mount friends.
H. W. White has recently pur
chased a Ford flvo-passonger touring
Frank Bonham, of Carbondale,
scent several days last week with
Mrs. Henry Cllft is ill with ma
laria fever.
Howard Rutledge, of Lakewood,
was a recent guest of his sister, Mrs
L. P. Stark. '
Frolic, fun
Lecturers, laughs,
And Jollity.
Bands and big
Debate, they say,
Concerts, crowds
On Overy day.
Magic, mirth,
And happiness,
Readers, rest,
And peacefulness.
Singers, sense,
And merriment,
Pictures, packed
Chautauqua tent.
A. h. Curtis.
The first Chautauqua of the sea
son opened at Annapolis on Satur
day, May 24.
Harrisburg. Over 12,500 veter
ans of the Civil war, members of
Pennsylvania organizations or sur
vivors living within tho State of
Pennsylvania, have applied to tho
State Commission in charge of the
semi-centennial of tho battle for
transportation to Gettysburg in July.
The State Commission is furnish
ing transportation for all men quali
fied and with- the ticket will be pa
pers of identification for their as
signment to quarters in the great
camp now being established.
There is one smooth-talking swin
dler who should give Sidney, 'N. Y.,
a wide berth in the future. He
called at numerous houses in that
village and after asking if they had
a carpet sweeper, requested permis
sion to examine it. Many of tho la
dles granted the request, and of
course upon examination stated that
there was something wrong witn tne
machine and asked permission to fix
it as the manufacturers desired to
keep them in repair and good work
ing order so that they mignt compete
with the vacuum cleaners. Where
the permission was given to make tho
so-called necessary repairs, that Is
the last the housewife has seen of tho
machine or the smooth talker. Just
now there are a number of Sidney
ladles who have resigned the use of
tho broom to clean up their carpets.
Gouldsboro, May 27.
An Interesting and lengthy pro
gram has been prepared for tho
Moraorial Day services at Goulds-
boro. Owing to lack of space we are
unablo to reproduce it. However,
all children are requested to meet
with the Post Commander and other
officers at Lehigh comotery at four
o'cock Thursday afternoon when
craves they are to decorate will be
designated. Line of march laid out
and music rehearsed. All donating
flowers aro requested to send them
to the cemetery Thursday afternoon
The Woman's Relief Corps will meet
at three o'clock to arrange
same. Each child is requested to
carry a flag in tho parade on Friday
morning. Georgo Johnson will bo
tho officer of tho day.
J. M. Engal et ux., of Poughkeep
sle, to Louise M. Stahl, of Clemo,
land in Lake township; $2,500.
Louisa M. Stahl, Clemo, to Leo
M. Stahl, same, land in Lake town
ship; $2500.
iHarvey R. Undorwood and Daniel
G. Underwood, executors of Charles
R. Underwood, lato of Bloomflold, N.
J., to Sarah Ellzaboth Fay, land in
Buckingham township; $1.
Noah T. Riddick et ux., of Buck
ingham, to Oliver F. Bowen, of
Scott, land in Buckingham township;
A. H. Crosier et ux., of Thompson,
to H. F. Aldrlch, of Forest City, land
in Preston township, $500.
Edward A. Wright et ux., of
Mount Pleasant, to Ruel Wilcox, of
same,. land in Mount Pleasant town
ship; $400.
Rosetta Casselton, of Berlin, to
Augustus J. Stranahan, of Narrows
burg, land in Berlin township; $1.
Executors of William C. Conklln,
of Hawley, to Charles Rose, of same,
burial lot in East Hawley; $15.
Hancock Man Hns Difficulty With
Equinunk Man Over Partnership
Agreement Settled in Dela
wuro County Court Tuesday.
A verdict of $170 was brought in
by the jury Tuesday in tho Delaware
county court In tho action brought
by William H. Appley, of Hancock,
against Lafayette Denlo, of Equin
unk, to recover on an alleged part
nership agreement.
The men had been working to
gether on a lumber job at Equinunk
and last June settled their accounts.
Appley claims that they fixed the
value of the standing timber at $200
and agreed on a price of two cents a
foot for 34,000 feet of small timber
which had been cut. This would
mako tho value of the timber $680.
Appley alleged that in making tho
settlement a mistake was mado In
figuring and he was paid only $170
by Denlo for his share of this tim
ber instead of $340. Ho claimed bo
discovered tho mistake next day, but
Denlo refused to rectify It.
Denio claimed that the agreement
made was that Appley was to re
ceive only $170 and that there had
been no mistake in figuring. The
jury brought in a verdict for Appley
for $170, tho amount sued for.
Stops Scalp Itch
Dandruff and Every Form of Scalp
Discaso Cured Quick by Zomo.
It Is simply wonderful how Zemo
goes after dandruff. You rub a little
of It In with tips of the fingers. It
gets right down Into the glands, stim
ulates them, stops the itch, and
makes the head feel fine. No, it
Isn't stlckyl Zomo 1b a fino, clear,
vanishing liquid. You don't havo to
even wash your hands after using
Zemo. And what a wonder It is for
eczema, rash, pimples and all skin
afflictions. A 25-cent bottle at A. M.
Lelne's drug store, Honesdale, is
guaranteed to stop any skin Irrita
Zemo is prepared by E. W. Rose
Medicine Co., St. Louis, Mo., and Is
regularly sold by druggists at $1 a
bottle. But to prove what It will do
at trifling expense, Zemo Is now put
up In 25-cent trial bottles.
Cold Spring? May 28,
W. J. Fives and J. A. McGraw, of
Whites Valley, were callers at Ken
nedy Bros. Sunday.
Mrs. Helbert Monington is spend
ing a number of days at Tanners
Falls, caring for her daughter, Mrs.
Otto Douglas. Mrs. Monington Is
now a grandmother.
A number from horo attended tho
dance at James White's, Whites Val
ley, Wednesday ovening, and report
ed an excellent time.
Fanny Douglas visited Niagara
friends Thursday.
J. Regan, of Now York, was a
caller in this vicinity Sunday.
Mrs. A. Hinkloy spent Tuesday
and Wednesday with her son, Ford
Forest Dailey has moved his fam
ily and household goods to High
Senator William C. Sproul, of
Delaware county, who has boon 111
since early in tho present Legisla
tive session, resumed his placo In
tho State Senate Tuesday evening
and will continue on the job until
the close of tho session. Senator
Snroul has been suffering from a so
voro attack of rheumatism and for
a timo his condition was such as to
causo his friends great uneasiness.
Mrs. Ann Westervelt, of Hackon
sack, celebrated her 99th birthday
anniversary on Monday. She refus
ed to be disturbed by woman suf
A medical inspector of the Phila
delphia public schools, with tho co
operation of teachers and parents,
recently mado an experiment to de
termine the value of cold fresh air
in school rooms, which was reported
in tho American Journal of Public
Health. He opened tho windows at
top and bottom, and kept them open
throughout the winter. The room
was shut off from tho heating plant
of tho building except on the oc
casional days whon the temperature
foil below forty-flvo degrees; but tho
children of course wore extra wraps
and had frequent drills and exer
cises. Week by week during tho fall and
winter and spring this physician
weighed and examined the pupils,
watched their study and their play,
and compared their progress in
health and scholarship with that of
pupils In another room of tho same
building. In that other room, tho
pupils were of tho same grade, and
of about tho samo number, but tho
room was heated and ventilated ac
cording to the usual methods. Tho
pupils in both rooms wore normal
healthy children from tho same kind
of homes, so that tho test was as
fair, accurate and searching as pos
At tho end the Inspector found
that tho pupils in tho open window
room had gained In weight on an
average, moro than twice as much
as those in tho warm air room. Tho
pupils in tho open room kept wholly
freo from colds, and wore much
moro regular in attendance than tho
others. They wero also moro alort,
freo from day-dreaming, quicker to
learn, needed less rovlew work and
wero better behaved. In health and
happiness, in development both of
mind and body, the children of tho
room with open windows had a clear
advantage over the others.
In these days, tho gosbel of Sun
shine and puro air ought to need
lllttlo preaching. Most of us ac
cept it, Dut we uo not always prac
tice tho doctrine that we believo in
and preach. This Philadelphia ox
poriment lay not in giving tho Open-
Air treatment to sick children
which everyone approves: it lay In
giving to well children somo of tho
good things that Nature Intended
that they should enjoy, and In dem
onstrating to tho school officials and
parents tho advantages of lower
school-room temperatures.
As a result tho school board, rec
ognizing their value, has authorized
tno establishment of open window
classes in several other Philadelphia
Companies Declare SO,i00,000 Levy
Will Bo In Nnturo of Penalty
Fear For Their Credit.
Tho following article is taken
from the New York Sun of Tuesday,
May 27, and shows how the new in
come tax law will affect the railways
of the country by adding a huge
Tho proposed income tax law will
impose an additional burden of
$C, 500, 000 a year on the railroads
of the country.
Of this amount, between $3,000,-
000 and $3,500,000 a year will have
to be paid by the railroads on bonds
issued by them with the understand
ing that the interest Is to be paid
freo of any tax collected at the
Another $3,000,000 will be drawn
from the railroads on account of
double taxation features in the bill,
which do not appear In the present
corporation tax law.
These facts wero disclosed this
week in a brief by Walker D. Hines
on behalf of twenty-two of tho big
railroads of the country with tho
sub-committee of the Senate Finance
Committee, which is considering the
Income tax bill.
The brief warns Congress that the
tendency of pronounced and con
tinuing Increases in taxes upon tho
railroads is a matter of grave con
cern to the people of the United
States. It shows that the taxes per
mile of line on the railways of tho
United States have increased since
1900 by 74 per cent, and that the
ratio of taxes to net operating rev
enues has jumped In the same period
from 9.20 to 12. 3C per cent.
Effect on Rnilrond Credit.
" The cumulative effect of the in
come tax imposed on the railroad
companies," says the brief, "even
tually will make Itself felt In tho
matter of railroad credit and then
will have its effect on impairing tho
development and improvement of
railroad service."
One of the features of tho pending
bill to which tho railroads object
particularly is that which imposed' a
tax upon dividends received by hold
ing companies from other corpora
tions notwithstanding that the tax
already has been paid once by tho
subsidiary corporations.
Tho railroads contend that this Is
double taxation and imposes a bur
den on them which does not appear
under the present corporation tax
law and which does not fall on In
dividuals under the terms of the
pending bill.
Members of Congress acknowl
edged frankly that the purpose of
this additional burden on corpora
tions is to discourage tho formation
ana continuance or Holding com
panies. The railroads contend that
the tax will not accomplish this end
They point out that not onlv the
exigencies of financing the construc
tion of a new road but also the laws
In many of the States compel the or
ganization of a separato corporation.
They contend that a railroad com
pany in holding the stocks of other
corporations is obliged to adopt this
course to uniry and extend its sys
tem In the public interest.
pleaded the attorney late Into tho
night, " make It even a term In the
penitentiary if you must, but don't
brand my client's family with the
stigma of disfranchisement."
The Judge, however, remained
obdurato and Imposed alike upon
the buyers and sellers of votes a sen
tence " worse than a term In tho
penitentiary " disfranchisement
for five years.
The Ohio Legislature has recent
ly voted to restore the right of suf
frage to these disgraced citizens of
Adams county but tho Governor had
the good sense to veto the bill. So
these bribe-givers and bribe-takers
must remain for tho time being on
the same political footing with tho
women of their State. What have
women done to deserve the stigma
of disfranchisement?
r Vi
Keep a Bell
Telephone Between
You and the Stairs
It's easy if you have an exten
sion telephone; whenever the bell
rings, the telephone is right at
No waste of strength, no loss
of breath in running up and down
stairs. Increased enjoyment and
convenience all around.
A few cents a week pays for
this great home comfort.
Sit down now; call the Busi
ness Office and order an exten
sion installed.
Tor Infants and Children.
The Kind You Havo Always Bought
Bears the
directly opposite tho Falls. Rates
are reasonable. 19eoily
Simple Remedy Thnt Clears Skin
Quickly of All Eruptions.
For several weeks past Pell, the
druggest, has done a big business In
selling Hokara, the skin healer that
has won so many friends in Hones
dalo. It has been found to heal not only
all minor skin troubles, such as pim
nles. blackheads, heroes, acne, scaly
scalp, complexion blemishes, Itching
feet, piles, etc., but also the worst
sores, ulcers, or even chronic
eczema and salt rheum. There has
yet to be found any form of wound
or disease affecting tho skin or mu
cous membrane that Hokara does not
help, and its action is so quick that
thoso who try it are simply delight
ed with it right from tne start.
In spito of Its unusual curative
powers, tho price Is trifling. To con
vince every one of its merits, Mr.
Peil will sell a liberal sized jar for
25c. And remember that if you do
not think It does what it claims, you
get your money back. You certain
ly can afford to try it on this plan.
W. A. Dellmorc, Agent.
ura i
ABB modern appointments;,
newly papered and
lot 30x82 feet,
fot 30x82 feet,
Property on 7th St.
Property on 7th St.
GOmer Property, Seventh and Court streets, 26x56 feet J 2 5 OOO
SiXth StreBt, Six-Room House,
Enquire of
luy-U-A-Hpme Realty Co.
Jadwin Bldg.
Both Phones
i Tiiiiira i
At the time of tho vote-buying and
vote-selling scandal in Adams coun
ty, Ohio, one of tho chief vote-buyers
a so-called respectable and lead
ing citizen neard a rumor of tho
punishment that was to bo meted
out on tho next day to all offenders,
buyers and sellers alike. Prostrated
by the disgrace that he was about
to bring upon his family, ho sent his
attorney to reason with the Judge
to impose some other sentence.
Make it any other sentence,"
I Always Yyr
The Allen House
It is a pleasure to assist our patrons in every way possible
with reference to business matters as well as financial transac
tions. A depositor often finds that a recommendation or a let
ter of introduction from his bank is of greatest value.
You may be in a quandary over a contemplated business
change, or an insurance policy, or an investment, or the selec
tion of a competent lawyer or agent. We are always apprecia
tive of your confidence, and glad to confer and advise on any
matter of importance to you. Our depositors' room is at your
service for private conferences.
First time you pass this way" drop in and have a talk with
us about opening a savings account. Let us explain how much
more it means to you than you think it does.
You can start with one dollar.
HENRY Z. RUSSELL, President, LEWIS A. HOWELL, Cashier,
ANDREW THOMPSON, Vice-President, ALBERT C. LINDSAY, Asst. Cashier
riend 1