rHB CITSBBN, TUESDAY, JUNE 3, 1913. PAGE TWO Memorial Day in Honesdale (Coutlnucd From Piiro One). Attorney Gnrrntt's Address. Attorney Garratt, In memory to tho unknown dead, said in part: We are drawing to the close of the first half century after the great Civil War. Nearly fifty years have passed since the battle of Gettys burg on whoso field He thousands of unknown dead. After every great battle there always remains on the field hundreds, yes, tnousanas, whose remains, torn, mangled and fragmentary cannot be Identified. Whatever can be found Is gathered up, thrown Into trenches by the sur vivors, and too often so slightly cov ered with ground that a few rains removo the covering and expose tho flesh and bones to tho action of tho elements, and to the gazo of human sight. No tablet, no monument, ever can bo erected which will show In what spot or place the mortal remains of such a soldier reposes. No sis ter, brother, wife or mother can ever Identify the place whore their loved ones sleep and there plant a flower in momory of him so dear to them. As individuals, the resting place of thousands of the world's bravest men are unknown and never can be known, but we honor them, respect them and appreciate wnat tuey navo done. No truer saying was ever writ than this: "By their deeds ye shall know them." To-dav we are encaged In a sol emn dutv. We have come to com memorate not only their heroic death, but their lives and their deeds. So creat was tho sacrifice, and so manv were the lives that were lost, that If we plucked every flower that Is crow nc to-day in this fair land, and deposited them upon the graves of our brave soldiers, tho tribute would not be big enough. The debt of gratitude never has and never can be paid. While we honor those who passed away in the heat of battle lot us not forget those who, as if by some miracle, survived. They wero just as brave, just as loyal, just as eager, and a few of them are here with us to-day. Every last man of thoso with us who wears tho blue has been upon his country's alter, ready as a human sacrifice for tho cause for which they stood, never flinching, never shirking, ever ready to bear their country's burdens. Let us work together to promote the work for which they so nobly wrought. Let us take from their example a lesson of usefulness, "and resolve that come what will we too will stand by our country. decided in accordance with the de cree of an all wise Providence at Antlotam, Vlcksburg, Appomattox and Gettysburg. Where tho Federal General, Mer rltt, and the Confederate General, Wheeler, stood side by side and shoulder to shoulder under tho beautiful banner of tho free. Tho declaration of war in 1898 was a trumpet call to duty. It unified this country as no other agency could have dono. Instantly a million of men wero ready to respond to the cries and they came from every city, from every town, from every viuage, I . ' 1 1 . 1 .. 1, l-,.n,l tnn.l i t., Trtlll! BVHry IlUUllUl. Ill m u ut.ii iuuu wo'caTotee close to Ts wo "cannot For the flrst "me In gt, see all of a .mountain while we are there , 0 No. South, o SErnv'ml separate "us from try. With a single emblem and a sin- It. Then it towers up and dominates all tho plain. Those who lived in and through the war could feel it, but could not see the slzo of It as wo looking back are ablo to. Wo can now look through the perspective of history and realize what It moans that out of the four millions of men clo destiny. Thus fortified we pro ceeded from victory to victory. It was our supremo privilege to again banish European tyranny rrom tne Occidental hemisphere. I do not wish to violate the proprieties of this occasion, but I havo tho pro found conviction that thero is no who went out only three-quarters of Pce lr 'the territory of this wes era a million camo DacK. XMot oniy do- cause of its size but because of its kind it was a great war. A war be tween brother and brother. Men who had lived together played to gether and studied together went continent for any but American insti tutions; there is no room in tho at mosphere of this western world for any but the American flag. Our past is magnificent what of the future. Today we are tho most out to fight each other. Thoso who Important people on eartn, today wo had marched side by side at West are the most progressive, today we Pn n . f.ir.p.rt each other over the muz- are tne most powenui. iiiu umieu zles of guns and the glancing of steel bayonet. There is no war in history that takes in tho slzo of this war when wo measure tho chasm it opened up in human hearts, No imagination, however vigorous, can picture the tragedy of that war, Think of the terrible loss of life, the tremendous destruction of treasure, of the firesides ruined, of the hearth stones desolated, of the families beg gared tho national wretchedness and misery, of tho individual suffering and sacrifice and death. Think of the faithful husband as he renoun ces the sweet and tender associations of home, the devoted wife, the chor ished children, and then think of him on the bloody field of battle slowly dying of a mortal wound and all for principal, all for liberty, all to preserve a united government of in destructible states one and indlssolu- States of America is tho best govern ment organized by man. No other nation so nearly approaches absolute equality, no other Republic ever sur vived half so long without a success ful revolution, and every additional star wo imprint upon our banner is a perpetual evidence that we are re solved to advance throughout all eternity. What great Questions may arise in the future to divide great parties, sever friendships and threaten the very foundations of tho Republic wo cannot know. The thinking conse crated bayonet was needed to decide the questions of tho Civil war but tne thinking consecrated ballot shall sut- flee to decide all questions that may perplex us In tho future. For when we think how the whole nation led by Abraham Lincoln went down Into the valley of the snaaow ble, then and forever. Think of the of death and tho agony 01 spirit, tnro iiiiHfni snn. the, Hllont inv nf his which every patriot passed, the nun mother, the support of an aged fath- dreds of thousands of lives and the nr think of his farewell to those hundreds of millions of treasures and parents a farewell not until ,to- the unlimited suffering of the peo- mnrrmv. not. until next, weelc hut nle. we can never forget tne cause farewell until they all shall stand be- that was thereby maintained and tne fore the judgment bar of God. Then think of the suitor as ho says farewell to his sweetheart sudden ly tho drums beat, the advance Is sounded, and they must part for a time, it may be forever. Think of that hero as he marches away to the strident music of the fife and tho drum. "Ills not to reason why His but to do and die, principles of free government that were thereby vindicated. I am not depressed by the pessim ism that characterizes some modern philosophy. On the contrary, I have unlimited faith in the great Republic. A nation that is capable of produc ing George Washington, Thomas Jef ferson and Alexander Hamilton; that is capable of producing Andrew Jack son and Henry Clay and uaniei weD- And then think of him at Shiloh or 'jJ.U Attorney C. 1'. Scnrlo's Address, Memorial day is one of tho most important days in our community and national life. We have assembled to dav with these venerable men of the Grand Army of the Republic In mem ory of a war having tho noblest cause and the most glorious victory ever achieved by the sons of men. It was a war of tremendous dimensions. Ov er two thousand battles Involving ov er 3.000.000 of men. Great and un- selfish motives and impulses sent men into tho conflict and kept them there. On battlefield and in prison nen they faltered not, but in life and in death rendered to their country and their flag the fullest, truest, measure of loyal, patriotic devotion while those at homo tolled and agon- ized and nrayed. All honor then to the men and women of tho sixties who wrought and fought and sacrl flced and died for issues more sacred to them than life Itself. There are subjects upon which nothing now can be said, but which still arouse the favor awakened at their flrst enunciation. If the song was true when it started on Its jour ney, it will be sung as long as human hearts vibrate and tongues retain the gift of speech. It will be lisped by those tottering on toward the end, and echoed by hearts filled with tho promise and glow of youth. It tho product was genuine when it passed from the Cre ator's hand, it will neither bo dim mod by age, nor cheapened by fa miliarity; for honor is not decreased by contact and truth Is never out of tune. This Is an age when search is tireless for tho new and marvelous, but wo must not only seek the new, we must remember the old. For the nowest is not always the best. The date or lustre of tho coin does not determine its metal. The sub stance may bo plain and unobtrusive and still be gold. The paintings of modern times havo evoked the praise of critics, and yet thousands still pay homage to an older genius. Modern literature Is ablaze with beauty and with power, and yet mil lions are going, and will go tonight, to an old and thumbworn text for their final consolation. And so it is today. Everything good, everything beautiful and lm- presslve that may be said of these he roes of ours rings true in our ears be cause It is merely tho expression of the universal appreciation and af fection that wo feel for them and the noble work they performed in de- fense of our national Integrity and our national life. And as we meet with the survivors of that mighty conflict and decorate the graves of their departed comrades with flowers and tho flag they preserved for ub, wo see In retrospect tho scones of tho darkest period of our national life. Prior to the civil war there wero great differences of opinion respect lng the character of tho new govern' ment. The South affirmed that it was merely a voluntary association of Boverlcn states, subject to be dlssolv ed at the election of any ono of its members. The North maintained that it was a Union, inseparable, In divisible, perpetual. Out of that dis parity of belief, earnestly entertain ed and energetically defended, thoro had arisen, heated discussions, bitter controversy, crimination and re crimination; all to be decided, lrre- in the wilderness yielding up his young life that tho great Republic may remain We try to measure all the sorrow and tho sacrifice, and we are stuplfl- ed with horror. The eyes grow dim the lips aro silent, the heart Is still There are names wo do not know and graves wo cannot find. There are messages that never come, and mournful whispers carried in the raham Lincoln that mysterious mix ture of melancholy and merriment of laughter and tragedy, of mirth and tears. When the nineteenth century shall assemble its illustrious dead in their final Pantheon there will be Napoleon for France, Gladstone for Great Britain, BIsmark for Germany, Tolstorv for Russia, and for Ameslpa IUU KiiumuaL Jjuiauuaiii-j in mi inuu- ern history: the emancipator, the n7ng winds to breaking hear s martyr, the man, Abraham Lincoln, ping winas to Dreaiung neans . nnt)n tw , rnnnhifi of nrmliic- that never cease to break, yet cannot die. There are memories that time will not obliterate, and familiar foot steps that will over echo and re-echo in the corridors or tne imagination. And there are strains of music weird and gay and sweet and sad which transport all .the past upon their matchless .melody. And even to this day there are tears that will not dry and sobs that cannot break in tears. Oh, how superb, how mag nificent, how glorious, how cruel, how terrible, how remorseless, is war to the victorious and to the van quished. The fortunes of tho civil war rest ed now with the North and not with tho South until Abraham Lincoln heard above the roar of the storm that enveloped him, the low, smoth ered cry that demanded the freedom A nation that is capable of produc ing Grant and McKinley, men of the highest type or patriots, A nation capable of producing such a citizenship and inspiring it with such a patriotism must havo a marvelous future. And It shall go onward forever, surmounting one obstacle after another until It shall attain an approximately perfect day when it shall seize, hold and reflect the clory and grandure or all the earth and no decoration shall be so exclusive, no dignity so exceptional, no distinction so great as citizenship in the united States or America. The convention proceedings wero In charge of Friend Robacker of Newfoundland, who has been tho faithful president of Sterling dis trict during tho past year. State worker, Rev. George Dowey, arrived from Scranton, and address ed tho convention afternoon and evening. Mr. Dowey's presonce was an ispiratlon to all three conventions. He showed us how little wo have dono compared with tho great amount that we might do. At the close of tho morning, and afternoon sessions, tho ladies of Sterling served bountiful meals iu their church basement where every one gave the visitors a cordial wel come. Our party was entertained for tho night at the hospitable homes of J. E. and S. N. cross. Tho next morn ing, with our number increased by tho addition of Rov. Georgo Dowey, we journeyed to Gravity, the scene of the next convention. The beautiful weather of tho first nart of our trip had changed Into a cold, dismal rain. In Bplto of that fact, however, the P. O. S. of A. hall at Gravity was well filled with en thusiastic S. S. workers. This con vention somewhat resembled a min lsterial meeting for we had with us tho following clergymen: Under wood, Kopp, Slicker, Treat, Tuttle, Renville, llanton and Dowey. Georgo Ammerman, the president of the Hawley district, who resides at Gravity, has the work much at heart. The Gravity ladles certainly sus tained their reputation as generous hostesses. The addresses of the different sessions wero listened to with close attention and every ono left tho con vention with new interest in S. S. work. Thursday morning, we were rid ing over wet, muddy roads to Calkins in our own district or Damascus We reached thero to find Rev. R. D Minch of the Damascus Baptist church, leading an enthusiastic song service. Although tho weather was most unfavorable, some delegates drove eight or ten miles to reach the convention. Tho absence of the Calkins la dies from the morning session was fully accounted for when wo enter ed the Grange hall where very ap petizing meals were served. A new feature of this convention was the informal talk on graded S S. work given by Rev. Dowey to some teachers who had asked for special instruction. His evening ad dress. "The Winning or iuu.uuu,' closed the last convention of the three. No one, after attending these con ventions, could doubt that Wayne county is intensely interested in S. S. work. At the same time, we must be on our guard or we will bo going backward. In 11)11 Wayne county received a front line banner at the State con vention. In order to retain that banner, at least 21 schools of our 100 or more, must have fully qualified teacher training classes that have passed ono examination. Has tho teacher training class in your school been dissolved or allowed to fall in to oblivion. If so, resurrect it, or organize a now one. Seo that the class answers tho State requirements. Then when the State convention meets in Willlamsport In October and tho roll of front line counties is called, Wayne may answer with all the enthusiasm at her command, "Present!" wrmr.inii n i,nr w, tw m DISTILLER'S SECURITY' CO. MAY GO TO WAtfj. It is rumorod that tho Distiller's Security Company will go into the hands of a receiver. Tho stock opened on Wednesday at 14, and broke to 10 on the report. $19.80 will Buy Direct from us one of these handsome parlor or living room Davenport Sofa3 when closed. Fine, sanitary, comfortable bed, size 72x47 when open. You do not sleep on the upholstering, but on a 18-pound felted cotton mattress. This is one motion bed, opens up easily and quickly with one operation. Our "Catalogue of Satis faction Furniture at Factory Figures" will show you exact pictures of 450 pieces of good Furniture. It's FREE. bend for one. BINGHAMTON, N. Y. ACCOUNT or p. J. iteary, guardian of Kate Carey, a person of feeble mind, now deceased. Notice is hereby given that the flrst and final account of the guardian above .named will be presented to the court or uommon .Fieas or wayne county, for approval, on tho third Monday of June, and will be confirmed absolute ly by said Court (sec. reg.) on Thursday, June 18, 1013, unless ex ceptions aro filed. WALLACE J. BARNES, Prothonotary. Honesdale, Pa., May 26, 1913. Advertising Brings Customers Advertising Keeps Customers Advertising Insures Success EEGISTEH'H NOHCE. Notice le hereby given that the accountants herein named have settled their respective accounts in tneomceoi mo ueeisieroi wins of Wnyne County. Pa., and that the same will bo presented at the Orphans' Court of said county for confirmation, at the Court House in Honesdale. on the third Monday of June next viz: First and final account of J. C. Burcher, administrator of the estate of Thomas L. Burcher, Damascus. First and final account of Frank L. Bedell, administrator of the estate of Helen J. Bedell, Dyberry. First and final account of Jano Loercher, administratrix of the es tate of John Loercher, Honosdale. First and final account of Homer Greene, administrator of the estate of Charles H. Mills, Lake. First and final account of Charles J. Stevens, administrator of William F. Stevens, Sterling. First and final account of John W. Hazlcton, administrator of the estate of Angellne H. Masters, Sterling. First and final account of Helen K. Robacker now intermarried with O. W. Megargel, administratrix of the estate of Mary Robacker, Sterling. First and final account of Minnie Townsend, executrix of the estate of Leo Calvin Smith, Lake. First and final account of Adam T. Van Drlesen and Walter N. Cor nell, administrators of tho estate of Ella Gllon, Honesdale. First and final account of Kate Blllard, administratrix of tho setato of George Blllard, Cherry Ridge. First and final account of Eliza beth C. Lawyer, administratrix of tho estate of Fred E. Lawyer, Hones dale. W. B. LESHER, Recorder. 40t3. THREE CONVENTIONS IX THREE DAYS. (Contributed.) Last week was convention week in uieu vry uiiii uemuuucu mu nccuum . . Wnvnn rnuntv Three con- of a race. From that time on victory ?"i.?f w? ?u" i, .,:?, " "' nH tVio rinnlnv worn nil nnnRn1r.il- inhfJnwn tnJrf?nXv Sm o by their absence, and no shouts him In his own territory, drove mm - f Wnm' mtirrort thn out of his strongest fortifications un til .there was not one spot left in all the vaunted southland where ho dared to hoist the blood red flag of rebellion or flro another shot against tho stars and stripes. The war was an unspeakable cal amity when we measure only the loss of "Votes for Women' neacefulness of tho gatherings. Wild animals wero not allowed, and the women had all the votes they need ed for those were Sunday school con ventions. They wero held in Sterl ing, Hawley and Damascus districts rosnectlvely, You see I know all anout it. iue of life and treasure but when wo try presIaent o tUo Wayne County Sun- to mtjuBuiu iuo vuiuu ui wu wmu. jici- day School Association attended formed by the members of that UiiQo nnnvontinnn in ha nfflr.ln.1 ca- Grand Army of tho Republic, It be- pacity, also in his automobile. Now comes the greatest of blessings to us thla aut0mobilo is a roomy, hospi- and to all posterity. There could bo table machine. It might almost be no new birth of freedom so long as rnpA the a. S. bus. Last Sunday the old institution of slavery existed. .!,, if mnvnvsn Blnven of uiuiu tuu u iiul uo a jioiiow uuiuii ui us 8areiy to Sunday school. Biui.ua uuni mo uuuumu ui biuiu PnHcomiDnt v thn tunni! p.onven- rights perished by the sword. And t. mT,n:oii nf tho rnuntv out of that conflict thero emerged the ldent Wa wlfe nnd tho pnstor regenerated, tho reunited, tho real f the DanmBcus M. E. church, felt rapuuuu, wmuu uuw tat it needed recruits. So it nap all tho civilized world. Tho conflict ,, thnt T nttfindnd the, conven lna nnil 1 m I . 1 1 itself has becomo a pricolcss and im- perlshablo memory. Its bloodiest battlefields cherished everywhere as sacred theatres upon which wero Il lustrated tho subllmest exhibitions of American endurance. American brav ery, American patriotism. tlons in an unofficial capacity, enjoy. nd thnm heartily and realized more than ever before tho interest or Wayno county in Sunday Bchool work. From Damascus, we traveled over fairly good roads through Faiisdaio Tho heroes of that war, whether Girdland, Honesdale, Prompton and robed In tho blue of victory or the Waymart to South Canaan, crav of defeat, each battled for a Thoro wo enioyod a delightful principle which ho believed with ov- visit with Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Undor ery aspiration of his soul to be right, wood. Thoso who know Mr. Under- each rendered to his cause, tho final wond and thev aro many in num- measure of duty as he saw it. The D6r know tho magnificont work he incomnarablo valor of each is tho haB to his credit in Wyoming confer- treasured heritage of our common enco. With all his other duties, be country. And it is our common coun- aa&a timo to give his hearty support try now. In the National Park at and sympathy to the new methods Chickamauga, tno sovereign state oi 0f Sunday school work. Kentucky, has erected a single mo- After leaving Mr. Underwood's, mortal to her sons under Thomas and we journeyed through Gravity to her sons under Bragg who feu in sterling where the first convention that decisive field. And on the mar- was held Tuesday. May 20. ble is inscribed: Tho Methodist church at Sterling "As we are united in life and with Its beautiful memorial windows Vinv in rtunfh. int nnn monument is a building of which the people perpetuate their undying deods, and may woll bo proud. This church has ono people forgetful of all tho bit- lately welcomed Rov. John Tuttle as torness of the past ever noia in ua pastor. crrntofni romomhrnncA nil the clorlosi Somo of the Sunday school work- of tho terrible conflict which mado ers feared that the men would bo all men freo, and retained every star kept from attendance because of the upon our nation's flag." farm work at homo, nevertheless a Tniinort. -who ran dnnht that thla is number of men wero present, par our common country after the mem- tlcularly In the afternoon and oven vocably, to bo decided forever, to bo orable incidents of (no Spanish war. I mg. MILANVILLE. Milanvllle, May J. J. McCullough landed a wall eyed pike weighing nine pounds while W. R. Skinner caught two very large ones the same day. Miss Myrtle Lassley, who has been studying music In Chicago during the winter, arrived home Saturday. Mrs. Benl. Kays entertained a number of ladles from the Milan vllle Aid society on Thursday last. Owing to tho rainy day many who would havo been present were com pelled to forego the pleasuro. The afternoon was pleasantly spent en joying the music of piano and violin, tho latter being played by tho host, Mrs. Kays is tho possessor of many beautiful heirlooms. A bountiful supper was served. Tho following is from tho Caznovla Republican: The address given by Dr. Charles Drake Skinner, or tno Seminary, on "Education for Effi ciency," before the Caznovla Busi ness Men s Association at their an nual banquet, was one of tho finest addresses, if not the finest address upon education ever delivered in this village. Sirs. W. B. Yerkes spent a few days last week In Port Jervls. She was accompanied home by Miss May Boucher. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pierce Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Dexter infant sons while Mr. and Odell havo a baby daughter. Three horses belonging to Barnes are having distemper. Mr. and Mrs. Merlin lllman, or Narrowsburg, wero in town last week. mr. lllman wishes to locate in Milanvllle if ho can purchase a property. Mrs. John Pulls and sons returned to Blnchamton Friday last, Several from here attended the Union Memorial services at the M E. church Sunday and were favor ably Impressed by Rev. Renville s address. Mrs. W. D. Yerkes went to Port Jervls Mondav. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Pago spent Wednesday at Bethel. Mrs. Mogrldge and son Malnor spent the week with the formor'B parents at Lookout, Miss Sue Rockwell returned to Jersey City Monday after a pleasant visit with the Mesdames Connor and Nichols. Mrs. Mary Appley has returned to her Dome at Damascus. Mrs. David Calkins, of Boyds Mills and Mrs. Joseph Reynolds, of Milan vllle, have gono to Blnghamton to see their sister, Mrs. Reeves Samp son, who recently underwent a criti cal operation at the Lostershlro hos pital. Mrs. Sampson's many friends hone for her sneedy recovery. Mrs. Ethel EdwardB and Mrs Aleo Wood have been under tho, care of Dr. MacCrao during the .past week. Mrs. Wood is etui very Jill, and have Mrs, Earl We SeSS Surety Bonds. BENTLEY BROS. Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile, Liability and Boiler INSURANCE LIBERTY HALL BLDG., HONESDALE. Consolidated Phono 1-O-L. "New Way" Air-Coole ENGINE asoline No Water to freeze. No weather too cold. No weather too hot. No pipes to burst. Less Gasoline. More Power. Have you seen our Reo delivery truck? It's a dandy. Better look it over. REO OVERLAND and FORD AUTOMOBILES. No better cars mado for anywhere near the price, l'laco your order right now. Better times coming; help it along. For sale nt bargain prices: Anto Car Runabout, Liberty Brush Runabout and Harwell Runabout. Get in tho swim and own a car. E. W. Gammed ABSOLUTE SECURITY 1871 FORTY-TWO YEARS OF SUCCESS 1913 WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BAN Honesdale. Pa. The Leading Financial Institution of Wayne Com j THE PROOF We lead in CAPITAL STOCK ; S 200.000. We lead In SURPLUS and UNDIVIDED PROFITS 372,862.1 Wo lead in TOTAL CAPITALIZATION 572.862. (Our CAPITALIZATION Is the DEPOSITORS SECURITY) We lead In DenosUs 2.463,348.1 We lead in TOTAL RESOURCES 3,040,099.1 Thla year comnlotes tho FORTY FIRST since tho founding of t WAYNE COUNTY SAVINGS BANK. MANY BANKS havo como and gone during that period. PATRONIZE one that has withstood the TEST of TIME. OFFICERS: W. B. HOLMES, President H. S. SALMON, Cashier A. T. BBARLB, Vice-President W. J. WARD, Asst. Cashier. DIRECTORS: W. B. HOLMES F. P. KIMBLE A. T. 8EARLB W.."F. SUYDAM H. J. CONGER H. S. SALMON E. W, GAMMELL Nor. 12, 1912. T. B. CLARK C. J. SMITH J. W. FARLEY