THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1913. PAGE FIVE CENT-A-AVOIU) OOLUMX. Advertisements and reading notices of nil kinds placed In this column will be charged for at the rate of one cent per word for each separate insertion. When Bending; us advertisements to be printed in this column, cash or stamps must ac company tho order. FOR SALE. PHOTOGRAPH ures, Films, work finished. Bodlo's Studio. FRAMES, PICT Kodaks, Amateur Goods sent by mall. 42W1C FOR SALE TEAM OF LIGHT driving horses. Reuben Lancas ter, South Sterling, Pa. 4 lei 6 FOR SALE 20,000 TOMATO plants; per dozen, 15c; 100 for $1; 50 for 50c. Cabbage plants, 10c dozen. Celery, caulillower, egg and pepper plants. Mapie uity ureen iouBG. 42ei3. McINTYRE IS ACTING PERFECT ly scandalous with prices: New $600 Player Piano for ?375; new $350 Piano for $225; new $53 Sin ger Sewing Macnlne for $32. 3Ut4 BUY A VACUUM WASHER. IT washes clothes in 5 minutes. Demonstrations dally, beginning on Thursday. Ridgeway Building. It WANT TO BUY A COSY COTTAGE and lot near Honesdale? Wo have ono located on Delaware street that would make an ideal home for any employe of Honesdale's varied industries. Invest your savings in a home. It will pay you bigger in terest and you will be Interested to a greater extent than if you paid rent. The place is your for a small sum. Consult Buy-U-A-Home Real ty Co., Jadwin Building, Honesdale. MISCELLANEOUS. I WILL BE IN HONESDALE WEEK of May 2Cth. Send postal to Hotel Wayne. Sam. S. Wint, Piano Tuner. 41t2 WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Apply 1114 Court street, Honesdale. 35eitf "WANTED A YOUNG MAN AS So licitor and clerk. Apply at the "Model Shop, Foster building, Honesdale, Pa. BIDS WANTED FROM PARTIES to furnish refreshments -at Busi ness Men's picnic at Lake Lodore, t . . i n n FOR RENT SEVEN HUOilS AND a bath in the Buel Dodge house, down stairs, corner of Church and Seventh streets after June 1st. En nuire of C. E. Dodce. Honesdale. 40tf shares. Farm implements furnish- 34eil0t. .LOCAL NEWS The early risers claim that frost nn I n m nn in lllrA an rvnr Captain James Ham Post, G. A. have erected a commodious pa- iii ii i ji i Mr. Bailey M. Coulter and Miss vero united in marriage on Satur- V . IV1L Hr VV1L1KK1. The ladies of St. John's Luther church will hold their annual l il. I ml... .1 ng in the parlors of that edifice. iMrst table at 5:30 rj. m. 'Elsewhere in to-day Citizen is eproduced a list of new and up-to- nin hooks lust fresli from the nress. uuy ill V JUUUCU UU LUU A i u. uuv 1 1 .-. .1 nn 1. n 11 J n .In. 1 11... TT 11 T t -H. E. Bassett of the Independ- nt has lot the contract for the build- o Jiiuwaru i-earce ana worn on me oundation will be commenced in a ew days. It is expected that the niiHB will he comnloted liv earlv all. Henry Herbst, of River street. as broken ground for the erection f a new dwelling. The house is lo ated opposite the street from his lther'H nronertv. F. J. Varcoa has een awarded the contract to ex- vnin Tnn np nr nnn niiiin inn nnn. ation walls. -A new electric sign with tho nn.trlr hums, will nrinrn thA frnnt f tho local theatre in a day or two. he Honesdalo Consolidated Light, eat nnd Power enmnanv hnrl men t work Tuesday putting the large gu in imui;u. uiicuucu liiu luumui ui mu in Tlnv. John J. f!rlffln. linlrl In rillron-TlnrrA nn Wnrltincrlnv In Qt loysius church: MIsa Margaret rlffln, Thomas Grlflln, Rev. John 'Toole, Mrs. Thomas Croghan, Mrs. imes Cautleld, Miss Annie Reilly, athryn Flnorty, Thos. Finerty, Sr., id Thomas, Jr. -James F. Monaghan of Hones- ilo has filed a petition asking the ok into the mental condition of his no. Alice i. Aionannan. a com. ission composed of Attorney W. H. ft. T?rnnlr "V Rneto nnfl Tlr W T cConvill was appointed by Judge nrln. The funeral of John Ryan, lato Canaan, was held from the homo his sister, Mrs. Margaret Burko at inaan, Monday morning. It was tended by a throng of people, many whom were from (Jarbondale and na nr ronnioin wjir pnnn iprnn nvoi e remains in St. Patrick's church, Tinnn ttnv n:nwnrn unrirn nr terment was made In the Canaan fhnl n nm ntnnr rrhrt rmlmvlni. phows of tho deceased acted as H-bearera: Frank McDermott, of d Peter Burke, of Carbondale; 1111am Ryan of Honesdale, Joseph an of Carbondale. Read Kate Bros, ad of Monday specials which . contains interesting Memorial Day news. A marriage license has been granted to Fred Euke and MIsa Hid Vlg Wufke, both of Hawley. The situation at Paterson, N. J., remains about tho same, although one mill started on Monday. Several of the strike pickets havo been ar rested and placed in Jail. ' Mrs. W. D. Bell, of Port Jervis, visited her mother, Mrs. Lena Kelley at Ariel, Pa., over Sunday, and Miss Ruth Kelley, of tho latter place, is spending a few weeks at tho homo of Mrs. Bell, "Ramapo" and "Tuxedo," the two Pullman cars running daily on the Erie between Honesdale and New York City, are in the repair shops at Buffalo. They will be repainted and placed in first-class condition. Tho Wayne County Medical so ciety will hold their annual meeting and election of officers at the State hospital for the Criminal Insane at Farview this (Thursday) afternoon. Dr. T. C. Fitzslmmons, superintend ent of the institution, will entertain the members of the society today. The homo of E. P. Heberling, in Pike county, but whose property is located near the Wayne county line, was damaged by fire a few days ago. A spark from the chimney fell upon the roof, setting iiro to same. The loss has been paid by the Wayne County Farmers' Mutual Fire Insur ance company, in which company the owner held a policy. The remains of Mrs. Emily Hagaman were Interred in the Lu theran cemetery Tuesday afternoon and services were conducted at the grave by Rev. Geo. S. Wendell. Mrs. Hagaman lived in Honesdale about five years ago and died in a Phila delphia hospital. Her home was in Catskills, N. Y. iHer sons, Eugene and William Hagaman, of that place, accompanied the body here. The new catalogue of Urslnus College at Collegeville shows that there are now 203 students pursuing liberal art courses in that institu tion. These come from Pennsylva nia, New Jersey, New York, Connec ticut, Massachusetts and Delaware. One young man is enrolled from Bombay, India. The following stu dent is in attendance from Wayne county: Hubert Sanford Gleason, Gravity. Persons receiving The Citizen are requested by the management to telephone to or write news items 'for this paper. The Citizen wants to tell its readers all tho news and by the co-operation of its friends in this manner it can do so. If you know of anybody going away, coming, a wedding, death, sale of property or accident, telephone the Item to this paper. We will greatly appreciate it and you will enjoy reading about it. -The noted baritone singer, Karl Jorn, who recently purchased the Weitzer property at Braman, has entered into many extensive im provements to the property since he became the owner a year ago. He employs about thirty people In the saw mill and brush factory. New buildings are -being erected and a boarding house will bo conducted this summer which will attract many city guests to Braman. The pur chase of this property by Mr. Jorn has already proved a big advantage to Braman and vicinity. The most remarkable display of courage and devotion of duty that has come to the notice of the Easton Fire Department was discovered on Monday morning when the men reached a power house of tho Easton Pennsylvania Power company. There they found Howard Stroble, the en gineer, nearly dead from burns, but conscious and giving directions to his assistants how to operate the plant. Stouble's clothes caught fire while ho was in the oil house. He ran to the city fire alarm box, a couplo of blocks away and sent in the alarm. A detail of State police has been working in the interest of the fish laws for several days in the Cumber land valley and the first victim was George Fields, Mercorsburg, who was using a set net . in .a trout stream, which cost him $20. The neighborhood of Duncannon is a fa vorite spot for violators of tho law and the detail is taking an active Interest In trying to put a stop to the illegal fishing. Monday the police men had George W. Brown, of Dun cannon, before Alderman George A. Hoverter, Brown having been caught in the act of taking gamo fish out of season, was fined $20 and costs. The annual convention of tho C. T. A. U. societies of the Scranton diocese, opened Wednesday morning in St. Mary's High school, Wilkes Barre, with a high mass in St. Mary's church at 9 o'clock. Tho ses sions were held Wednesday and Thursday. A trolley ride to numer ous points of interest was enjoyed by the delegates. Tho soveral tem- p ranee societies of Pittston, which havo for years refused to become afllllated with the Scranton Diocesan union, were admitted into tho union. Tho officers of the union are: Roy. Dennis J. Kane, Hazleton, president; A. J. Brannlgan, Jeddo, secretary treasurer. The funeral services over the body of Rev. J. J. Griffin, lato pastor of St. Aloyslus church, Lee Park, former chancollor of the Scranton diocese, and well known in Hones dalo where ho many years ago had charge of St. John's church woro held in St. Aloyslus church, Scranton, Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock. Tho ceroinony took place a day ear lier than it would ordinarily for the reason that Thursday is the feast of Corpus Christ!, a day on which masses for tho dead are not celebrat ed. Rt. Rev. Bishop M. J. Hoban celebrated the mass, and the officers were: Arch priest, Rev. M. J. Mc Manus, Wllkes-Barre; deacons of honor, Rev. M. E. Lynott, of Kings ton, and Rev. Joseph Coroner, of Pittston; deacon of the mass, Rev. J. J. McCabe, Wllkes-Barro town ship; sub-deacon, Rev. Michael O'Rourke, Athens; master of cere monies, Dr, A. J. Brenuah. Previous to tho pontifical mass the office was recited by Rt Rev. Monsignor T, F. Coffey, of Carbondale. Burial was made in Mt. Carmel cemetery, Dun more, The services were largely at tended by relatives and friends. W. B. Leskor, register and re corder, has purchased a new Ford car of the E. W. Gammell agency. Miss Elizabeth Campbell will give a talk in the Methodist church Sunday on "India' tho Land of Sor rows." Tho Citizen congratulates Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo W. Decker on their forty-sixth wedding anniversary, which took place May 14th. There will be a meeting of the Spanish war veterans at the Armory on Thursday evening of this week. Matters pertaining to Memorial Day will be discussed. It is hoped that a large number of the members will be in attendance. Just to show that universal suf frage does not enter strongly into the minds of Honesdale school girls, Professor II. A. Oday took a vote of the entiro school Thursday morning. There wero only about a dozen, and mostly boys at that who wanted votes for women. Tho girls as a whole did not want it. By a vote of 159 to C tho Houso passed tho Senato bill to give juries in murdor trials the right to deter mine whether a person convicted of murder in the first degree should suffer death or life imprisonment. J. B. K. Scott stated that it was de sired to get the bill to tho Governor that he might consider it along with the electrocution bill. Tho case of Daniel Giles vs. Ruel Wilcox was presented for set tlement on Tuesday morning to a board of arbitrators composed of T. Y. Boyd, F. H. Crago and Attorney R. M. Stocker. The case is a suit in ejectment from land located near Mt. Pleasant village. The evidence was heard but a decision will be postponed until next week when it is hoped that a satisfactory settlement win be reached An encampment of artillery will open in the Pocono mountains tms summer not far from the bord ers of Wayne county. Major C. P, Summerall will be In charge of the encampment which will open on June 15 and continue until October 1. The purpose of It is to teach maneuvers and rifle practice. The camp will cover a tract of land of 40,000 acres about half a mile from Tobyhanna, Monroe county. Tho farm house, occupied by Felix Heinle and sons, Jacob and John, on the new Cochecton turn pike, at Fosterdale, caught Are from the chimney at about breakfast time last Sunday morning and was burn ed with nearly all its contents. Tho are, wnen aiscoverea, nau sucn a start that fighting it was useless Tho property was insured in the Cal- llcoon Mutual for $700 or $800. The Heinle's, who are staying with neighbors, will rebuild. W. E. Avery informs Tho Citi zen that his strawberry crop has been badly affected by the frost. He says that ten bushels will probably be the extent of the crop, whereas in former years it has run into hun dreds of bushels. All fruit will be scarce, ho says, except trees located upon high ground. He thinks ap ples will be few this fall. Mr. Avery's father expects to harvest 400 to 500 bushels of peaches the com ing season, whereas in other years 4,000 to 5,000 bushels havo been gathered. On the authority of a well known Democrat of Honesdale, tho Wayne county Democrats will have a candidate in tho field for State Senator this year in the person of Wm. J. Ferber. The Monroe politi cians will have something to think about if they figure on the Senator ship for another year as Mr. Ferber is no novice in politics and knows hcjw to play the game. We also un derstand that Samuel Saunders of Berlin and Judson Tiffany of Pleas ant Mount, may enter tho race for Representative. On Thursday The Citizen office had a very pleasant call form W. B. Ankarstran, inspector for tho Mer genthaler Linotype Co. of New York City. Mr. Ankarstran gave The Citi zen's linotype a most careful inspec tion, declaring it to be in splendid condition. As one of these up-to-dato machines represents as much value as a good-sized Wayne county farm, say about $3,000 in round figures, it naturally makes Mr. Thompson, our man in charge, feel like patting himself on tho back to havo such an O. K. passed over to nis credit. The G3d annual commencement of Bucknell University will occur June 18. It is expected that on that date will bo comploted the series of efforts to raise $600,000 for the in stitution. The sum of. $540,000 has been secured in cash or legally bind ing subscriptions, and there is con fidence that the remainincr SGO.000 will be secured by Commencement Day. Mr. David Porter Leas, of Philadelphia, will be the miest. nf honor, It being tho fiftieth anniver sary of his graduation and the thir- ty-seconu or nis services as treas urer. A Bradford county man killed two foxes, took the nolts to a lnstlno who cut off tho ears and burned them according to law and drew the certificates for $2 each, which the hunter presented to tho county com missioners, wno declined to pay tho noxious animal bounty because the State appropriation had long ago been exhausted. Tho hunter was ob durate and appealed tho case to court. Tho court sustained tho com missioners. Tho hunter, not satis fled, carried tho case to the Superior Court, which has just handed down a decision that tho counties must pay valid claims on demand and trust to State legislation to make good. New books at the library on the 2 cents a day table: Adventures of Miss Gregory, Amateur Gentle man, An Affair of State, American Nobility, Andrew tho Glad, Arm Chair at tho Inn, Bobbie General Manager, Case of Jennie Brice, Coup D' Etat, Day of Days, Daddy Long Legs, Dr. Stanchon, Enoch Wontworth, Ethan Frome, Frater nity, Hert of tho 'Hills, Tho Inferno, aim oi -.tranquility. Judgment House, London Lavender, Madonna of Sacrflco, Margaret Kirby, Martha by tho Day, Mating of Lydia, Max well Mystery, The Nest, New Leaf Mills, Nine-Tenths, Pilgrims of the Plains, Running Sands, Tho Stain, Stella Maris, Turn of Sword. Miss Regina Murray recently visit ed friends in Carbondale. Miss Pearl Colo spent Sunday with friends in Carbondale. Hon. E. B. Hardenberch is in Har- rlsburg and New York City. Homer Greene spent a few days tnis week in New York City. Claude C. Cole, of Waymart, was a recent county seat visitor. Leopold Fuerth was attending to business in Hawley on Monday. Mrs. Mary Austin of Whito Mills was in 'Honesdale on Wednesday. Miss Barbara Wetzel, of Hawley, spent Monday with friends here. Mrs. Fred Kohlman, of Hawley, was a Honesdale caller on Monday. J. D. Weston Is spending a few days in the metropolis on business, Judge James C. Birdsall was a caller in South Sterling on Wednes day. Henry Wilder, of Scranton, was a business caller here the first of the week. Arthur Grlflln, of New York city. made a business trip to Honesdale on Monday. P. Latourette and son, of Dyberry, wore business callers in Honesdalo on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Simons, of bcranton, motored to Honesdale on Tuesday. Edward Robinson, of. Port Jervis. has been the guest of his parents on n;rie street. John iHanlon, of Philadelphia, was a caller in town the first of the week. John Beck and Frank Degnon of uaroondale, were recent callers In the Maplo City. Misses Alice Duff and Florence Murtha spent a few days In Way- mart recently. Francis Balles succeeds Julius Rlckert in the Grand Union Tea company's store. John McDermott, of Jermyn, Is the guest of his mother on Vine street this week. Edward Balles, late of tho Herald office, has become an attache of The Independent office. ,L,eo itocne, or uaroondale, was the guest of friends in Honesdale the forepart of the week. Arthur Brown has returned to his home in Carbondale after spending a lew aays in town. Harold and Stephen Burke, of Galilee, were attending to business in Honesdale recently. Edward Chambers and James Sweeney have left for Cortland, N. Y., to spend a few weeks. Mrs. Lewis P. Cooke and sons, Earle nnd Edmund, of Hawley, wero Honesdale visitors on Wednesday. George W. Nape, deputy factory in spector, of Scranton, was calling on Honesdalo business places Tuesday. C. Lambert, of Paterson, N. J., spent a few days this week with his son, John W. Lambert, on Church street. Miss Elizabeth Robinson has re turned to her homo in Scranton af ter spending a few days in Hones dale. C. H. Stephenson and Daniel Gray, both of Waymart, were busi ness callers in Honesdale the first of the week. August Haggerty, who is principal of the Lake Como schools, is spend ing his vacation with his parents at White Mills. Mrs. Ulysses Beers, of Dalton, who Is visiting her sister, Mrs. C. E. Mills, is ill at the latter's homo in the Durland block. Charles Pragnell and George Schmuck have secured employment in Binghamton, N. Y., at their trade, that of shoemakers. Mrs. Loren It. Gale, of Rlverdale-on-the-Hudson, who Is spending a quiet week with relatives and a few friends in town, will return homo Saturday. Mrs. Thomas J. Parker, of Pater son, N. J., is the guest of her sister, Miss Carrio Weston, on Fourteenth street, and of her other relatives in town. David J. Davis, deputy grand high priest of Royal Arch Masons of Scranton paid an official visit to An thony Wayne Chapter No. 218 on Tuesday evening. United States Marshall Yeager, of Scranton, was a recent caller In Honesdalo. While here ho was a guest at the hospitable home of Hon. A. T. Searlo. Martin O'Malley and son, William, of Susquehanna, and William Chi chester, of Port Jorvis. N. Y., wero Honesdalo callers on Tuesday. They attondod the funeral of tho late Thomas Malia in Hawley that day. J. N. Welsh and D, H. Menner aro nttendlng the Bethlehem diocesan convention at Bethlehem this weok as delegates from tho Grace Episco pal church of Honesdale. Rev. Whlttaker accompanied them there on Tuesday. Marcy Ely, who has been spending tho past ten weeks in Baltimore and parts of tho South, is now in New York city and his parents, Dr. and Mrs. H, B. Ely havo received word that he will arrive homo somotlmo during this week. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Myers are In Shohola, where they woro called by tho critical illness of Georgo Voght Mr. Voght, it will bo remem bered, kept a hotel at Narrowsburg, N. Y., but since going to Shohola he has been In ill health. What's tho matter with our base ball team this year? Boys, get busy! B. H. Dlttrlch would make a first-class manager, if you can get him to do It, and -we. think ho will, if asked in the proper way. How about forming a stock company to flnanco a ball team properly? Miss Elizabeth Campbell of Scranton will speak in the Hones dalo High school Friday afternoon. TWO of tho world's greatest forces nro electricity and good clothes. Wo supply tho latter, tailored to measure, styled to perfection nnd moderately priced . Pay $22.50 for one of our Suits and SEE WHAT REAL VALUE MEANS When you buy our goods you get ALL WOOL fabrics, a dis tinction wliich is unique in theso days when cotton mixtures nro tho rule. You get Special Style, Designing, Tailoring unexcelled and Correct Fit. You will find our suits as low as $16. You will find them at $18, $20, $25, $30, $35, $40, and $45. Look nt tho $22.50 Suit, anyway. 1 'The Model Shop p jjujvij lihivx, 1'roprictor, Foster IJIock, Honesdale. Weeders Cultivators Hillers Best styles Big assortment Lowest prices This shows our Walter A. Wood Culti vator channel steel standards. A good with wheel and expanding lever $4.00. With hilling attachments $4.50. One-horse flat tooth seeders $8.50 Wood beam shovel plows 2.50 Steel beam shovel plows 3.00 Horso hoes, for two horses 6.50 MURRAY CO. EVERYTHING FOR THE FARM. In Slightly Used and Plave OWE Esiey Organ with a deep sub bass price ... $35.00 ONE Sterling Organ, a bargain, price . . . $20.00 ONE rVJehlin Piano, slightly used, regular price $475. will be sold for $375.00 ONE Norris & Hyde, Shop worn Player " Piano, regular price, $600.00 special price . $500.00 JENKIN S MUSIC HOUSE Main St. frame and hollow strong tool. Price We have the repairs for all imple ments sold by us for the last twenty years. Come in and see us. HONESDALE, Pa. Organs, Pianos t Pianos. Honesdale, Pa.