The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 23, 1913, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1913.
Interesting Report of Sessions Held
May 0 mid 10 at I'lcnsant Alt.
Tlio nineteenth session ot the
Wayne County Teachers' association
was hold at Pleasant Mt. May 9th and
10th. The meeting was one of much
educational value and the teachers
were pleased with the excellent pro
gram prepared by the commltteo.
Friday evening tne session was
held in the High school building.
Vocal solos by Miss Helen Tiffany
and Miss Marguerite Kennedy and a
piano solo by Mr. John Hintermister
were greatly appreciated.
Prof. R. T. Davles, vice-principal
of tho Honesdale public schools and
the efficient president of the Wayne
County Teachers' Association, intro
duced tho lecturer, Dr. J. George
Becht, secretary of the state board
of education. Dr. Becht spoke on
"Educational Work." The eloquent
and intelligent manner in which he
spoke shows that he has a broad
conception of educational work. Ho
Inspired the teachers with a feeling
of responsibility to their profession.
Tho prevailing theme was the truo
aim of the public schools and how it
can best be attained. More intelli
gence is demanded now than thirty
years ago. Tho Ideal man and wom
an with all the powers of mind, body
and soul properly developed in the
home and school should be the great
end for which wo labor. This mod
ern age Is pressing its needs and vo
cational education must meet tho de
mands of the present time. Tho
wants of modern education have
made necessary an Infinite range of
studies. No admonition is more nec
essary to parents than this Do not
bo in a hurry to take your children
from school. By ambitious hurry
ing and crowding the children are
crippled and dwarfed. Let the work
of educating tho child be gradual,
sure and steady. Dr. Becht urged
upon the citizens the great necessity
for a more general Interest in the
public school system. The care of
the schools is tho first and chief duty
of the government.
Saturday morning at 9:30 the
meeting was called to order. The
teachers were brimming over with
enthusiasm and expressing them
selves as highly pleased with Dr.
Becht's address.
After singing, devotional exer
cises were conducted by Rev. Hunt
er. Recitations by Miss Gertrude
Maher and William O'Hara greatly
pleased the teachers. Miss Gertrude
Stone read an excellent paper on
"Primary Arithmetic." We should
have no written solutions during
the first two years. Use object in
teaching numbers. Drill on the
multiplication tables. Use no text
book until the third year. Aim at
accuracy and rapidity.
Supt. Koehler called upon Miss
Jennie Lee, the able and energetic
primary teacher of the Honesdalo
schools to discuss primary arithme
tic. Miss Lee fully explained how
she teaches numbers by means of
rulers and papers. Miss Lee insists
that there should be plenty of black
boards for primary pupils. Upon
preparing this program it was
thought well to obtain in brief pa
pers the views of about twelve rep
resentative teachers of tho county
concerning the teaching of Lan
guage and Grammar. Supt. J. J.
Koehler very ably conducted these
minute discussions as follows:
1. Are our common school ex
aminations satisfactory in general?
In testing the pupils ability in lan
guage and grammar? Prof. J. H.
Kennedy discussed this subject.
The common school examinations are
giving satisfaction when they raise
the standard for entrance to high
school. Many of tho pupils are al
lowed to take the examinations when
they aro too young and their minds
are not properly developed. The
general sentiment among the teach
ers is not to let pupils tako the com
mon school examinations until they
are old enough.
2. If successful pupils in these ex-
at tho closo of business. May 1, 1913.
Reserve fund
Cash, specie and notes, $17,773 10
Duo from approved re
serve aeents 121.237 39
Leeal securities at par... 40,000 00-209,010 49
Nlckclsand cents xa 36
Checks and cash Items 1,751 98
Due from llanks and Trust Co's, not
reservo 8.3 IS 72
Securities pledeed for Sncclal
deposits fi.llflfl nn
mils discounted :
Upon one name $ 81.290 83
Upon two or more names 325,214 91
Tfmeloans with collateral 72.722 13
Loans on call with " 138.270 34
Loans on call upon one name 1,475 00
Loans on call upon two
or moro names , 41,150 00
Loans secured by bonds
and mortgaees 30.737 E9-(i90,8fil 12
Honds, Stocks. etc., Schedule 1,790,078 88
Mortgages and Judgments of rec
ord. Schedule D-2 323,188 01
Olllco lluilding and Lot 27,000 00
Other Heal listnte 0,000 00
Furniture and Fixtures 2,000 00
Overdrafts 98
Miscellaneous Assets 400 00
$3,008,977 57
Capital Stock, paid in $ 200.000 00
SiirplusFund 325,000 00
Undivided Profits, less expenses
and taxes paid 50,050 97
Individual deposits sub
ject to check .....$176,516 55
Individual Deposlt.Tlme2,287,810 90
Time certificates ot de
posit 238 78
Deposits, Common
wealth of Pennsylva'a 25,000 00
Deposits U, S. Postal....
Savings 175 91
Certified Checks 45 00
Cashier's check outst'e 1.319 65-2.491,106 79
Duo to banks and Trust Cos. not re
servo 2,219 81
$3,008,977 57
State of Pennsylvania, County of Wayne, ss:
I, II. Scott Salmon, Cashier ot the above
named Company, do solemnly swear that the
above statement Is true, to the best ot my
knowledge and belief,
(Signed) II. S. SALMON. Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
7th day of May 1913.
(Signed) ROBERT A. SMITH. N.P.
. ... . Notarial Seall
F. P. Kimble,
II. J. Congee,
O. J. Smith,
amlnatlons lack mainly In Language,
wnat is tne reason i juias j.uury
Much depends upon environment and
homo me. rupus suouia near cor
rect English In their homes. They
M,nl,l lmnw tho m nfiTi in r nf wnrrln
and have a large vocabulary. Have
moro composition worn ana give at
tention to new worus.
mendation made by tho Educational
Council of Pennsylvania wise and
sane? Prof. H. A. Oday thoroughly
discussed this subject.
4. What technical Grammar could
bo profitably omitted In the common
scnoois; rroi. a. m. nowen torn tno
teachers that this question was an-
awnrnil In fho .Tnnnnrv niiTnliat- nt
the' Pennsylvania School Journal.
t. un wnat part or tno study
should extra emphasis and time bo
should bo spent upon correct forms
or oral anu written speech, tno analy
sis of sentonces, and drill on verbs.
Pnnlls should hn woll p.milnnnrl urhnn
they enter high school.
i. snouia incorrect rorms or com
mon mistakes bo placed before tho
nil nil si for cnrrpntlnn ? Prnf ATon.
hennett says tho incorrect forms
should not bo placed upon the black
board. Always keep the correct
fnrm nofnro tVtn nnnll ironn ranant-
ing the right form until tho pupils
Know it.
7. Should languago work precede
every lesson in technical grammar
or follow it to illustrate a general
principle, definition and rule of
RvntnT? ATr. Trnnqno hoMovoa tlin
language work should precedo the
lesson. Wo must prepare the mind
for knowledge. Then present it
and associate it with the known.
Apply tho knowledgo gained.
8. If? thnrp. nnv soriniis nhlnnHnn
to the use of lengthy sentences for
stuay or are snort puny sentences
a decided advantage? Miss Drake
would use lenethv sentences for dia
graming. The length depends upon
what you are going to teach. In
composition work short sentences
give force.
9. Should we require a special
study of homonyms, synonyms and
opposltes? How? When? To what
extent? Prnf. ATr.ninslfPv hollnvoo
that homonyms, synonyms and op
posltes should receive special study.
Homonyms should be studied in con
nection with spelling, synonyms and
opposltes in language work. One
spelling period a week might proflt-
iiuiy ub useu ior tne study or
homonyms. Four or five examples
would be a sufficient number for
each period. Synonyms should be
taught in the grades at an early
period and carried through the Eng
lish claSKfiS nf TTifll Enlinnl rtnnn-
sites ought to be studied in connec
tion witn synonyms.
10. How can memory selections
be made to enntrlhntn tn lnncimcro
work or Grammar? In discussing
this Miss. Edna Hauenstein said that
much depends upon the selection
chosen. Pnnlls
capitals and punctuation marks by
this means. Memory selections may
bo used for diagraming.
11. Of what use are classics in
tho common schools; do they con
tribute to our language work? Miss
Murray said concerning this that
primary methods should be uniform.
Children should get moro meaning
irom tueir reading lessons. Clas
sics should bo read. They help to
add "new wnrrla tn tha t,t,I1b
cabulary. The teacher should make
u. muruugu stuay or tne classic wlillo
the pupils also should look for tho
line points.
12. Miss Gregory interests tho
pupils by drawing and describing
and also by giving suggestive ques
tions. She has her pupils write tho
descrintions. PVill
know all about the llfo of an au-
tnor. btudy tho classics. Enlarge
upon them and read them many
Prof. E. Jj. Blakeslee, principal of
iuo xiuwiey pumic scnoois, read a
paper on "Culture in the Public
Schools" which is given below.
"Culture In tho TubUc School."
Among the maxims attributed
with moro or less accuracy to King
Alfred the Great, th pro ia nrta nnn-
cerning the division of the day. Out
ui us twenty-rour Hours he assigned
eight to rest, eight to work, and
eight to recreation. In his worldni?
hours ho was a soldier king, who
first conquered the invading Danes
unu anerwarus made them loyal
subjects of his crown. Tn liln
ing hours he laid firm the foundation
of England's navy, established jus
tice through tho courts, made tho
highways safe, and in a word gave
io uis country tne benefits of peace,
In his hours of recreation he plan
ned the erection of churches; organ
ized missions to tho lmntlion Finn no-
built schools, and opened a college
ui uxioru. in ins nours of recrea
tion he translated fntn tlm vino-',
English such Latin hnnlm nf rlavn
tion and of general literature as ho
uuumeu most suited to the needs of
uis people, in uis hours of recrea
tion ho nlsn fnnnrl Hmn tr nttn-A
banquets and to tako part in such
Biate iunctions as a ruder ago do
Very littlo has been told in this
brief review of his llfo lmt o,,m.
clent to show how profitable were
iuu uoura spent in recreation. In
this he has been followed by more
than one English statesman. Sir
Thomas More, tho mithnr nf T?,i
topia, wroto and studied during his
hours of leisure Sir Philip Sidney
spent his leisure hours when not en
gaged in military duties, in writing.
Gladstone went home from Parlia
ment to render Horace into English
veiBu. ounus uaesar round time It
SUltO Of his 1)11 RV nnllHpnl nrwl -nitll
tary llfo to write his commentaries.
a Latin text book used In all our
puDiio scnoois and the result
profitable hours of recreation.
To-day the distinction botween
vocation and avocation Is often ob
literated. A man's vocation becomes
nis avocation, ins business en
grosses his every thought, word and
ueea. tie lives wun it, eats witn
find Rlppnn with If. TTr, mnv lm
successful man In his line of work
and may have amassed a consider
able fortune, but if he has no avoca
tion. If he has not been taught to
spend his leisure hours profitably
nas no not missoa some of the very
hunt thlntrH nf llfn?
His recreation gave King Alfred
much time for solid work. His rec
reation was not idling. It was full
of purpose. Tho boy who has learn
ed to lovo good literature or the
boy who is animated by a passion
for tho wonderful things of nature
will never "kill timo" by idling it
away in useless dreaming nor will
he find sufficient pleasuro for his
young and active mind In much
'light reading" of the day. Tho
mind trained by tho careful and
thoughtful teacher has become a
kingdom to himself" from which
he derives a continual stream of en
joyment and profit during his hours
of freedom from tho pursuit of his
vocation. A millionaire may have
achieved as enduring a monument
from his art collection as from his
business Interests. He has an avo
cation that is worth while. Rich
as he is he may talk intelligently
on thousands of other things than
money. Culture is another name
for breadth and culture is the fruit
of hours of recreation well snent.
Thus we see that culture is a foe of
luxurious idleness. More than one
thinker has warned us that our
danger lies from almost Asiatic soft
ness. An idle crowd relaxed the
stern morals of ancient Rome. The
only remedy is to use well that leis
ure which is now so much abused.
There is much just criticism that
our public schools do not train a
boy to earn his daily bread. It is
true that trade schools should have
a place and an important place in
our school system, but these schools
can not bo a substitute for the
schools that train men to live the
largest lives. The public school
should train the child to think and
if It gives him a brain it will have
accomplished a great deal. We have
seen efforts made by trade unions
and by other organizations to give
the working men more time for self
cultivation. Some of the employers
of the large factories in the city
of New York have arranged for their
employees to attend a school every
other week believing that with the
thinking power better developed.
more efilcient manual work can be
We wish to know tho utility of
everything. If a child studies Ger
man wo expect him to be ablo to
converse fluently with every German
he meets. If he studies Italian, we
expect him to be able to boss a gang
of laborers from that sunny land.
If he can do neither we say that he
lias wasted nis time. We base judg
ment upon tho materialistic ground
of utility. But the mind of tho
child may have seen something of
the vision Goethe s eyes dieheld.
He may have taken great delight in
Dante's Divine (Comedy.
If a boy is not going to become a
minister nor college professor has
he wasted his time in the study of
Homer, Virgil, or Sophocles? Rath
er have these studies not opened to
him a field of wisdom and a .broader
outlook in life, stirred within him
nobler emotions and aspirations for
something bettor than mere liveli
hood. Will they not help to make
his hours of avocation more pleas
urable and scarcely less profitable
that those of his vocation?
Mrs. Alma J. G. Dix, President of
the State Teachers' League and ,ono
of our strongest leaders In educa
tional work, delivered tho next ad
dress. She told about her trip to
Harrisburg as a delegate of the State
Teachers' League. She commended
Hon. H. C. Jackson, our representa
tive at Harrisburg, for the assistance
that he gave to the teachers. Mr.
Jackson voted for the teacher's bills
that were before tho legislature. The
Tenure of Office Bill was carried
through the House. The Senate also
voted for It with a very little amend
ment. It was then sent back to the
House but this body refused to pass
it with the amendment. It was then
given to a conference committee to
decide. Tho senate has been smoth
ering many bills passed by the House
during the present session. The
State Teachers' Leaguo should have
effective organizations in every
county. Every teaqher in the state
should join tho league.
Prof. J. H. Kennedy. Prof. B. I.
Sluman and Mrs. Alma J. G. Dlx
were appointed a committee on nom
inations. Tho following officers
were elected for tho ensuing year:
W. W. Menhennett, president; Miss
Jennie Lee, vice-president; Frances
union; secretary and treasurer: R.
T. Davios, E. L. Blakeslee and Pearl
Bryant, executive committee.
The meeting adjourned at 12:15
p. m.
Raises tho Hates Generally Traction
Undines .Must I'ay Licenses, Too.
Thousands of automobile owners
will be affected by amendments that
havo been mado by the public roads
committee of tho House in tho Buck-
man automobile bill, raising tho res-
Istration fees on all machines of 35-
horso power and over.
As this bill passed the Senate, it
left tho automobile registration foes
tho samo as under the oxisting law,
namely, $5 for caro of less than 20
horse power, $10 for cars of from 20
to 50-horse power, and $15 for all
over 50-horso power.
As amended In the House the bill
proposes to confine the $10 fee to
cars of from 20 to 35-hdrse power,
raising tho rate to $15 for those be
tween 35 and 50-horso power, and
charging $20 for the 50-horso power
and higher cars.
A concession has been made to the
dealers in motor trucks, who pro
tested against the prohibition ot
trucks weighing with load more than
20,000 pounds, and they aro to bo
permitted by the amended bill to
reach a total weight of 22,500
A special system of licensing for
traction engines Is provided. Appli
cation is to bo mado to the State
Highway Commissioner, who may use
his discretion about issuing licenses,
under special rules and regulations
as to the manner of operation, and
any violation or these rules is to bo
sufficient cause for revocation of the
Half rato registration lor automo
biles and trucks is to begin July 1st
instead of August 1st, as In the origl
nal bill.
Self Made, Helped to Found
Standard Oil,
West Palm Reach, Fin.. May 21.
Henry M. Flagler, aged eighty-three,
capitalist nnd railroad magnate, died
at his winter home here after an illness
of several weeks.
Mr. Flagler recently fell down a flight
of steps In his borne, nnd because of
his advanced ago hl3 recovery had not
been anticipated.
Mr. Flagler was born at Canandal
gua, N. Y., in 1830. Ho was clerk in a
country grocery store In Orleans coun
ty, Mich., while In his teens. Later he
removed to Saijinaw, Mich., whore he
engaged in tho manufacture of salt
Becoming Interested In tho possibili
ties of tho petroleum industry, ho re
moved to Cleveland, O., where ho or
ganized the company of Rockefeller,
Andrews & Flugler, engaging hi the re
fining of oil. The Standard Oil com
pany was tho outcome of this venture,
and Mr. Flagler had remained actively
connected with tho management of the
great corporation since its Inception.
In 1885 ho paid his first visit to Flor
ida and becamo impressed with the
business possibilities presented there
by the railroad field, In connection
tvlth the development of winter resorts.
Mr. Flagler built the Florida East
"oast railroad and later erected the
Ponco de Leon nnd Alcnzar hotels at a
cost of $3,000,000.
His greatest achievement was the ex
tension of his railroad from Miami to
Key West For many years his plan
R'as ridiculed as impracticable and was
called "Flagler's folly." The opening
of this "over seas' line is regarded as
one of the engineering triumphs of the
Indian Orchard, May 21.
The recent frosts were quite se-.
vere in this vicinity. Ice froze one-
half inch thick on water left stand
ing out doors in tubs, etc.
Hamilton Braman, of Carthage, N.
Y., who has been visiting his son, M.
Lee Braman, and wife, in Honesdale,
spent Monday and Wednesday with
his brother, P. L. Braman and sis
ter, Mrs. Elizabeth Garrett, at this
place. He returned to his home in
Carthago the first of this week, hav
ing spent a day or two on his way
home with a sister, Mrs. Gorr, in
New Mllford. For a man of his ago
ho looks hale and hearty.
Joseph Toms, a former resident of
this place, has returned from Cali
fornia where he has spent the last
few years with his son, LeRoy. He
thinks Wayne county the best place
In which to spend his remaining
years, although he was very well
pleased with the golden west.
Mrs. Leftwich and Miss Sarah
Beardslee were among the Sunday
callers at P. L. Braman's, also S. K.
Dills and wife.
Announcement cards of the mar
riage of Florence Colwlll to Nelson
Varcoe of Carley Brook, were re
ceived by relatives at this place.
Lester Rice spent Saturday with
his grandfather at this place. Leon
Toms was also a caller at tho same
The Aid meets with Mrs. S. K.
Dills Wednesday afternoon, May 28.
Mrs. G. H. Ham spent Thursday
with her sister at White Mills.
Mrs. H. H. Crosby was a recent
guest of Mrs. Joseph Atkinson and
other friends in White Mills.
Charles Budd and family, Beach-
lake, spent Sunday with George
Tho Beachlake Aid met with Mrs.
J. W. Spry on Wednesday.
Mrs. it. Ham nas returned from
a few days' visit with relatives in
Melva Wrenn left Sunday for
Scranton. She expects to snend
some time with relatives in Roches
ter, Pa., and Kansas City.
iH. H. Crosby and wife were recent
guests of Amazon Butler and wife,
Carley Brook, who were made hap
py by tho arrival of a fine baby girl.
Tho Citizen wants a good, live
ly correspondent in every village in
Wayne county. Will you bo one7
Write this office for particulars.
Bonds :
Real Estate nnd Fixtures
Cash and duo from banks
Our constant endeavor has been to render a banking service
second to none, thoroughly adapted to the needs of this community,
assuring the same welcome to the small depositor as to the one
with larger business to transact.
Orson, May 22.
On May 9th D. J.'HIne was de
lightfully surprised by a few friends
and relatives who spent tho day at
his home, the occasion being' his
79 th birthday.
Tho following attended the Orson
district Sunday school convention at
Starlight on Thursday last: Rov.
and Mrs. P. Lehman, Arthur San
ford, Mrs. Frank Sanford, A. F.
Hlne, Myra Belknap, Llla Hlne,
Sarah Whipple, Elmer Hlne, E. W.
Hlne, Essie Fletcher and John
Arch iHIno mado a business trip to
Carbondalo last week.
Mrs. Harry A. Evans and son,
Spencer, of Edwardsvllle, spent sev
eral days recently at tho home of
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hlne.
Mrs. Berton Plue and children, of
Maryland, have como to make their
homo with Mrs. Plue's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. F. P. Hlne.
New hall and stair carpets, also
some papering and painting are be
ing put in the parsonage.
Mrs. W. G. Mosher, son Orson,
and daughter Evelyn, havo returned
home after spending the past week
in Bergenfleld, N. J., visiting rela
tives. They were acepmpanied home
by Mr. Moshor's father who will
spend tho summer hero.
John Page, of Poyn telle, has pur
chased a Bulck five-passenger auto.
The trustees of the M. E. church
held a business meeting at the home
of John Lewis on Monday evening.
Alfred Whipple has purchased of
E. L. Vincent a house and one-half
acre of land in Orson and will move
into same this week.
I Gentlemen, I
I Remember I
on Every Garment
When Ready for Spring or Summer Suit
Then come here and make us prove It. The Spring garments are
now in full display and we are mighty proud to show every one of
them. Never was a likelier lot shown in this city. Both conser
vative and extreme models are here, so that we aro sure to please
offer at $10, $12
ceptional values
In Men's, Young Men's suits in the newest models and colorings,
strictly all wool material, including the new Norfolk. We'd like
you to see these garments before buying. Our prices are tho low
est in town.
For Furnishings, Hats, Caps and
than any other store in town.
A. W. ABRAMS, Proprietor
Solo agent for
Hart Schaffner Men's Clothes, W. L. Dpuglas Shoes, Young's Hats.
(Condensed Report)
Rcmorknblo How Zciuo Clears tho
Faco of Pimples and All OUior
With the finger tips apply a little
Zemo to the Skin, then see tho pim
ples and blacKheads vanish. Zemo is
a liquid, not a smear, leaves no trace,
just simply sinks In and does tho
work. You will be astonished to
find how quickly eczema, rash, dan
druff, Itch, liver spots, salt rheum,
and all other skin diseases aro cured.
Zemo is put up by tho E. W. Rose
Mldiclne Co., St. Louis, Mo., and Is
regularly sold by all druggists at $1
for the largo bottles, but you can
got a liberal size trial bottle for only
25 cents. And this trial bottle is
guaranteed. You surely will find
Zemo a wonder. Get a bottle now
from A. M. Lelne, Honesdale, Pa.
"M-t-- tttfftTTTTMHtHMt
The Jeweler
would like to see you If
X you are in the market
t i
J "Guaranteed articles) only sold." f.
and $15 most ex
Shoes will bring you more value
Capital Stock 100,000.00
Surplus nnd Undivided Profits . . 101,078.02
Deposits 508,080.87