jr THE CITIZEN. J L TXp-nnd-Dolng Men Find Just ns Much of Valuable Information in Our Advertising Pages as Women Do. Did You Ever I& ? I An Article of Inferior Merit to' Widely Ad- vcrtlsetl. I i PRiqpa CENTS 71st YBAE.-NO. 42 HONBSDALB, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1913. JUMPS THROUGH WINDOW; HOUSE RAGING FURNACE IjARGE house and five other buildings in canaan des troyed by fire. Paul Vavorchnlk, Owner, Away From Homo, Son Escapes Through AVlndow Farm Known as Jos. Ryan Flnco Near Canaan Church. Hearing dishes and bric-a-brac smashing on tho floor of the next Toom to where he was sleeping, Paul Vaverchalk o Canaan, was .awakened shortly after one o'clock Tuesday morning to find his room filled with smoke and the rest of the house in flames. His room was on the second floor and when ho awoke the Are had burned tho stairs and cut off that means of escape. In 'order to save himself he was obliged to crawl through the window and Jump to the ground. The origin of the flre is unknown 'but it is thought it is tho work of Incendiaries. Just where it started is also a mystery for when discover ed every building on the place was blazing. It had gained such a, start that all efforts to check It were fruitless, and in a few hours aftor young Vaverchalk was awakened, the five buildings, including a largo barn and outbuildings, and the large house were reduced to ashes. Paul Vaverchalk and his son live alone on the property, tho former having purchased the farm about four years ago of James Ryan, in tending to establish a hotel there. Monday he went to Scranton and tho son, Paul Vaverchalk, was alono in the house. Tho place is located about a quarter of a mile from the Canaan Catholic church. There was no stock in tho barns when they were consumed. About ten tons of hay was destroyed be sides' all of the farming tools and implements and household furniture. Every building on the place, except a small outhouse was entirely con sumed and the loss will probably reach In the neighborhood of $3,000. Mr. Vaverchalk was in Honesdale "Wednesday and told a Citizen man that his loss would be considerable more than that amount. He stated that he carried insurance to the amount of 52500 in the Wayne County Farmers' Fire Insurance company. CHURCn NOTES. Grace Episcopal church, Sunday, May 25th. Morning service at 1Q:30; Sunday school at 12 M. Tho ovening service will be omitted, that Rector and congregation may take part in the annual Grand Army of tho Re public service at the Presbyterian church. Extra confirmation class for adults at Rectory Wednesday .evening, May 2&. .immediately after the service in the church, or at 8:15. Regular confirmation class Thurs day, at 8:15 p. m. Rev. Whittaker will hold service in White Mills on Sunday next at 3 .'15 p. m. Rev. Jesse Horrman will preach in the morning in tho Presbyterian church. In the evening Rev. Will H. Hiller, pastor of the Methodist church, will deliver the annual me morial sermon. Tho public is cor dially invited to attend. PARDON REFUSED MRS. LORD. District Attorney M. E. Simons left for Harrisburg Tuesday after noon where he attended tho meeting of the State Board of Pardons when the petition of Mrs. Leona Lord, 'for a pardon was considered. Mrs. Lord was sentenced to tho Eastern Penitentiary and has now served about half of her term. Mrs. Lord was sentenced on Jan. 24, 1911, to a three-year term for the killing of her brother-in-law, S. Lord. Attorney C. Stuart Patterson of Philadelphia, presented the petl ion for the pardon and argued that it should be allowed because it is doubtful what caused tho death of Lord. . SIKO. Siko, May 22. The C. I. C. class was entertained at the home of Edna Ridd Saturday afternoon, May 7. Tho teacher, Mrs. S. M. Pulls, and tho following members were present: Verna Bates, Phebe Bolkcom, 'Ruth Nelson, Katie Latourette, Edna Ridd, Lucy Alber ty and Beatrice Kimble. Mr. and Mrs. Merrltt Bolkcom and daughter, Nettie of Port Jervis, visited at F. H. Ridd's and Monroe Bolkcom's Saturday and Sunday. Jessie Nelson is assisting Mrs. J. G. Riefler of Honesdale with her household duties during the conval escing period of her two children, Dorothy and Edward, who submitted to operations last Sunday. Mrs. Riefler has many friends in this vicinity who share her anxiety and hopes for their speedy return to health. O. M. Baker and wlfo have moved on their farm in Oregon, known as the O'Neill farm. His sister, Ruth will occupy the house vacated by them. Ray Arthur is homo from Car bondale where ho has been working on tho railroad. ARIEL. Mrs. W. D. Bell, of Port Jorvls, is visiting her mother, Mrs. Lena Keliy, over Sunday. Mrs. Elbert Jones entertained the Book Club on Tuesday evening. Mrs. Floyd Bortree entertained the Sunshine circle on Saturday after noon. M. J. Emery, F. C. Bortree and E. W. Smith spent Friday night in Scranton. Miss Ruth Kelly is spending a few weeks with Mrs. W. D. Bell at Port Jervis. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Bigart spent the week-end in Honesdale. Miss Frankle Simons has returned from BoBton 'for tho Summer -vaca-tion. OBITUARY. JAMES GUIDONS DIES James Gibbons, a glass blower, died at the home of his sister, Mrs. Nicholas Klttner, at White Mills, about half-past one o'clock Thurs day morning after a short illness. He had been employed by C. H. Dorfling er & Sons In White Mills and was 35 years of age. Ho is survived by three siBters, Mrs. Nicholas Kittncr, Mrs. Peter J. Schmidt, and Mrs. Adam Hellman, all of White Mills. Also by one brother, Nlles Gibbons, of White Mills. Funeral arrange ments have not been made. Death of Mrs. Harry Opcllo. Mrs. Harry Opello died at her home at Hoadleys lato Sunday even ing, aged eighteen years. She is sur vived by her husband. She had been a sufferer from tuberculosis and had recently undergone an operation in Scranton but they could do nothing for her. The funeral services were held at Lakevllle on Wednesday af ternoon and interment took place in the Paupack cemetery. The wife's illness has been a heavy ex pense to Mr. Opello who is a laborer in that vicinity but tho generosity of the neighbors will never bo for gotten by him. Death of Thomas M. Malia. Thomas M. Malia died at his home in Port Jervis at soven o'clock, Sat urday evening, after a long illness of a complication of diseases. He was aged 43 years. The deceased was born at Hawley, Pa., and was the son of Thomas and Bridget McCarty Mali. He resided at that place until about ten years ago, when he went to Port Jervis, where he had since resided. For many years he had been in the em ploy of the Erie Railroad company, aijd was a conductor on tho Dela ware Division at the time of his death. He was a member of Never sink Division, Order of Railway Conductors, Port Jervis Aerie, Fra ternal Order of Eagles of Port Jer vis, and St. Philomena church of Hawley. Those who survive him are one daughter, Hazel Malia, of Hawley, and a sister, Mrs. Marvin Good, of Olyphant, Pa. The body was taken to Hawley on Erie train 2G7 at 11:40 a. m. Mon day and the funeral was held at St. Philomenas church at Hawley on Tuesday morning at ten o'clock. Interment was made at Hawley. Death of naimah J. Mclntlre. Hannah J. Warwick, relict of the late Hiram Mclntlre, and for over a quarter of a century a respected resi dent of Honesdale, died at the home of her daughter, Mrs. George B. Kimble at 1218 Dyberry Place at :30 o'clock Tuesday morning, May 20. iai3. Mrs. Mclntlre was born In tho town of Birmington, county of War wick, England, on August 12, 1827, and was at the time of her demise eighty-six years old. She came with ner parents to this country when a child and they took up their resi dence near Beachlake, where they uvea lor many years. She was mar ried to Hiram Mclntlre on February 13, 1S47. The last thirty-four years of her life in this place were spent at tno nomo of Her daughter, Mrs. Geo. B. Kimble. She was unusually ac tive to tho last, despite her advanced age and had always enjoyed good health. Last December she suffered a touch of pneumonia and since that time she was not as active as before. Monday she complained of being ill and took to her bed and died the fol lowing morning. Mrs. Mclntlre was a devout mem ber of the Baptist church for many years, and her entire life had been spent in doing good to others. She was baptised at St. Martin's church, uirminguam, England, on July 13, 1829. Tho following children feel her loss keenly: Ellas H. Mclntlre, of urooKiyn, im. y.; Mary E. Dunning. and Mrs. George B. Kimble, both of Honesdale. She also leaves one brother, B. B. Warwick, of Hones dale, and one sister, Mrs. Julia Or- cuara or scranton. She is also survived by ten grand- cniinren ana seven great-gran d-chil uren. The funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at half-Dast two o'clock from the home of her daugh ter, airs, iiimoie, on Dyberry Place, iiev. ueorge a. wendon oillclatlng. The remains were laid to rest In the Riverside cemetery. LOOKOUT. Rev. Mr. Manship held meeting at Union Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Mr. and Mrs. James Martlnitz and son of Long Eddy, spent Sunday with friends at thin nlnrn. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Stalker spent ouuuay at xrrea stalker's. S. Hawley has improved tho ap pearance of his house with a coat of paint. Alva GIfford of Union did tho work. Wm. Varcoe called on friends at Equinunk Saturday night. Lydia and Nellie Flynn were call ers at Galilee oh Tuesday. Wm. Flynn mado a business trip to Calllcoon on Wednesday. BACID3LOR GIRLS GIVE DANCE. The Bachelor Girls conducted a very successful "shirt waist" dance at the Lyric Wednesday evening, judging from the large number of dancers. Music was furnished by Paul Sonner and Miss Hambly The affair is an annual event and Invitations were sent out. Tho young ladles are to bo congratulated upon their success. MERCILINTS' DAY A IIOLDDAY. Merchants' day will bo a holiday in Honesdale. Arrangements are be ing made to have all the stores of the town close their respective places upon July 23, when every body is planning to go to Lake Lo-dore. GIRL DEAD FROM BURNS; HER SISTER IS DYING PRESTON PARIC CHILDREN BURNED AVIIEN GASOLINE IS POURED ON FIRE. Vera Haines, 13; Anna Unities, 0, Victims of Tragedy. Tho Former Is Dead and tho Latter Not Ex pected to Live. Vera Haines, aged thirteen year?, and her sister, Annn, aged six, were so severely burned in a flre that de stroyed their homo near Preston Park Monday, that the older girl died at the State hospital In Scranton early Tuesday morning, whore she was taken immediately. Tho other sister, Anna, Is also In the State hos pital and is in a serious condition. She Is still unconscious and her death is expected by the physicians in attendance. Tho two girls were left alone In their home Monday and the older girl started to prepare dinner. To help along tho smouldering wood flre she picked up a can supposing it to contain kerosene and poured the contents upon the flre. There was -a flash of flre from tho stove and the clothing of the two girls was soon in flames. The can had contained gasolene. Tho girls were excited and did not know what to do. They rushed from tho house with their clothing ablaze and ran as far as Preston Park. When they reached tho settlement their clothing was almost burned1 away and they were completely ex-' hausted. Medical attention was giv en but it was found that their con dition was so serious that It was decided to send them to the State hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Haines returned home Monday and found their home burned and then learned of tho seri ous condition of their two children. They are stricken with grief over tho tragedy. DEEDS RECORDED. Nelson J. Spencer and wife, Ed' son P. Kreitner and Edith Wright Kreitner, of Honesdale, to Edward A. Wright, of Pleasant Mount, land in that township; consideration $1. David Moore et ux. of Manchester, to Joseph Abraham, executor of the estate of George Abraham, deceased, land in Manchester township; $800. Francis B. Singer et ux. of Haw ley, to John Llntner, same, land in Hawley borough; $250. Michael Monohan, Mt. Pleasant, to John P. Spencer, same, land in that township; Si. Ann Delphlne Kennedy, Union dale, to Michael Monoghan of Mt Pleasant, land in Mt. Pleasant town ship; $1. Nathan B. Sherwood et ux.. Mt. Pleasant, to George W. Wilcox, same land in Mt. Pleasant township: S30O Pennsylvania -Coal Conrpahy" . to Max jfl. I'rester, Hawley, land in Hawley borough; $250. Ellen T. Kennedy and Lyman B. Kennedy of South Canaan, to Hiancne iironson, same, land in South Canaan township: S350. Delaware and Hudson to Hannah McGraw, Honesdale, land in Hones dale borough; S250. Joseph H. Reynolds et ux. of Da mascus, to Elizabeth Davis, same, land In Damascus township; $200. Frederick W. Kreitner et ux.. Honesdale, to Hugh Gorman, of uregon, lantt in Oregon township; $800. Frank Antonlan et ux. of Hones dale, to Charles Swartwout, of Dy berry, land in Dyberry township; ?1. Big Ben should be in every farmer's home You men who live on the farm have got to be heavy workers. And if you are heavy workers you require heavy sleep and lots of it. For heavy sleep is heavy work's reaction and it's not always easy for the heavy sleeper to get up without help, That's whero Big Ben comes in. He makes it easy every morning. Big Ben is a truth-telling and reliable alarm clock. He gets you up, he never fails. You're always up on the dot if n he's in the sleeping room. See him in my window next time you come to town. Hear him greet you Good Morning. He is well worth meeting, indeed.-" ROWLAND Quality Jeweler. Sells lots of Big Bens, STATE OFFICIALS RECOMMEND TO PAVE NOW. $17,000 Avnilnblo Which Will be Lost if Not Used This Year. Representatives Rlegol and Rounds of tho State Highway De partment were in Honesdale on Mon day afternpon in the interest of the Improvement of Main street. These gentlemen, together with President Martin Caufleld of tho town council, Burgess C. A. McCarty, Hon. E. B. Hardenbergh and J. D. Weston, chairman of the Street ana mgnway committee of the Creator Honesdale Board of Trade, met in tho latter's ofllce in the Durland-Weston Shoe company building to discuss road matters and arrange for a meeting of the borough council which will be held on Friday ovening of this week. Superintendent Rlegol presented a draft of Main street made from the survey taken a few weeks ago by the State corps. On it wero shown tho grade, width of street and other im portant data. In discussing the mat ter of paving Superintendent Rlegel told the borough officials that in or der to secure tho appropriation set aside for Honesdale that immediate action ought to be taken. There is at present about $17,000 available. Work could begin August 1st, said Superintendent Riegel, to be com pleted in three months' time. To ob tain this appropriation, Mr. Riegel emphasized the fact that the town council must avail themselves of the opportunity offered right now. Su perintendent Riegel estimated the cost of paving Main street from the State bridge to 4th street at about $50,000. Taking the amount avail able from the state, say $17,000, to which can bo added $8,000, the Street railways's proportion, leaves a balance of about $25,000 for tho cit izens and borough to pay. Allowing for incidentals, the borough's share or total bonded Indebtedness would be about $12,000. This amount will have to be secured before the State will do any work, or allow its ap propriation money to be used. The road will be divided Into six equal parts. Tho abutting property owners will be apportioned two sixths or one-third each of the cost of paving, the remaining two-sixths to be taken care of by the Borough of Honesdale and tho trolley road. The cause of the existing condi tions which provide for $G,000 avail able for the portion of Main street above the State bridge, if not taken up this year, would revert back to treasury; it was deemed advisable at this meeting by tho State authori ties as by the borough officials that the improvement should be extended from Fourth street north to the borough line. The road above the bridge, however, will not bo of brick, owing to Its cost, but probably of macadam. Superintendent Riegel's draft shows Main street below the State bridge as being 40 feet wide, except near the State bridge, where It will be about 50 feet. Concrete curbing win De usea. Parties desiring new service pipes for water or gas are renuested to have same laid before July 1st of mis year. EXCHANGE CLUB STILL LEADS IN THIRD OF SERIES. Several members of tho local Ex change club went to Hawley Wed nesday nicrht where thfiv nlnvnrl tVio third tournament of pool and pino- cme in me present series. Tbe Ex change club won over tho Elites in pool by 43 points and in pinochle they were trimmed by 80 points. The series now stands in favor of Honesdale as follows: Pool 93 points; pinochle 2005 points. The score in pool was as follows: Weaver ioo Gilpin 87 McDonald ioo McMullen 97 Kelley 100 Suydam .". 96 Bentley 100 Kellam 71 A BEAUTIFUL SIGHT If You Look at tho South Window of Eric Brothers' Store You'll Say So, Too. Which Is the more tempting, the south display window of Erk Broth ers' hardware store, or Wayno coun ty tea tables set with the "Roches ter" goods UBed in that window dis play? Well, look tho window over very carefully and then decide for yourself. But about that window: It'B a beauty, and is as tomptlng as a dish of Wayne County wild strawberries and cream. Tho background is a deep orange in color, and all over it are placed in harmonious and artistic contrast various "Rochester" arti cles of solid copper beautifully and substantially nicklod, shining like molten silver. In this collection of beautiful "Rochester" articles, every one of which Is for sale at Erk Brothers' store, there are Tea Kettles, Casser oles, Chafing Dishes, Tea Pots, Cof fee Pots, Cream Pots, Sugar Shells, Coffee Urns, Servers, Crumb Sets, Butter Dishes, Casters for Salt, Pep per and Vinegar, Individual Salt and Pepper Shakers, Mugs, and other articles. The articles to which heat Is ap plied, such as Casseroles and Chaf ing Dishes, are shown in makes for either alcohol flamo or for electric attachment. This beautiful window display is only one of a series that have been exhibited In tho past and that will be shown in the future. Those dis plays are always made of articles to be found in tho store and are works of art, every one of them. If you live on a farm and have a cow or two, or a dozen or two, af ter you have looked that window all over, Just Btep Inside the store and tell somebody you want to examine tho "Blue Bell" cream separator. Now, don't forgot. Advt. MEMORIAL SERVICES IN CHURCH SUNDAY EVENING REV. HILLER, ON ACCOUNT OF ILLNESS OF DR, SWIFT, WILL DELIVER SERMON. Veterans of Civil nnd Spanish War, Drum Corps and Members of Co. E Will March to tho Church in Body. Captain James Ham Post, No. 198, G.- A. n., will hold the Me morial services in the Presbyterian church, this year, on Sunday even ing, May 25. On account of the ill ness of Dr. W. H. Swift, Rev. Will H. Hiller will deliver the Memorial sermon. It will bo a union service. The pastors and congregations of all the other churches are cordially In vited to attend and co-operate in the services.. Tho members of Captain James Ham Post, Spanish War Vet erans, members of Company E, Thirteenth Regiment, N. G. P., and tho Maple City Fife and Drum Corps will meet at the Post rooms on Main street that evening at G:30 o'clock. Graham Watts, Post Com mander. The program for tho exercises on Decoration Day has not yet been completed but the speaker of the day will be Charles P. Searle, Esq. The address to the old veterans at the bridge will be delivered by Rev. C. C. Miller, and Chester A. Garratt, Esq., will deliver the address to the unknown dead at the cemetery. The local post now has a mem bership of about thirty veterans of tho Civil war, having lost two by death during tho past year. Those two were Henry Wilson and Louis Jeitz. The complete program of the exercises for Memorial Day will be given next week. The annual encampment at Gettysburg during July of this year will be attended by a largo number of tho members of the local post. The following have made application for transportation to Gettysburg: Hon. Joel G. Hill, John E. Cook, Peter Collum, Wm. E. Justin, Isaac H. Ball, W. W. Wood, Graham Watts, M. E. Lavo, Jacob F. Katz, Samuel Found, Georgo E. Brown, A. M. Henshaw, Philip Reining, Jas. Johns, Earl Sherwood, Mortimore Brandymore, Julius Bussa. AddII cation blanks can be had of Graham Watts, post Commander. SUFFRAGETTE MEETING. This Thursday evening at the Hleh school will ho n mootlnt. In tho interest of tho women, along the iine 01 sunragette movement and. civic improvement. A cordial invi tation is nxtnnrlml in tlm pontine oov to be present. The speaker will be Miss Lyda Stokes Adams. Miss Aaams is on a lecturing tour and stops at Honesdale on her way from Montrosfi tn ATllfnrd Klin In clnlm. ed to bo one of tho best talkers in tne interest or woman suffrage. Come out and honr hnr. Tim T-flo-h school orchestra will furnish music aunng tne evening. DOWN HAWLEY WAY (Continued From Pago Eight.) and DODUlar rilRtnriltiTi nf tlin Erin's gates at the Main avenue crossing, is Seriously ill. linrlnr the. ran nf nr. Rodman. Indeed, his condition was hucu mat on Monday Dr. Powell of nuucsuaie, was caned in consulta tion. A trained nurse, Miss Susio Cross, Is In attendance. Mr. Male Is a brother of Wayne County's County Commissioner, John Male, and used to live, when a young man, in Cherry Ridge in tho Sander cock neighborhood. t t Hawley Gleanings of General nnd Personal Nature. Dr. Russell Wall, of Scranton, visited his parents In Hawley last Sunday. Miss Loretta Nailing, of Port Jer vis, who attended tho Elite dance last Friday night, after spending two days with her friend, Jennie Sulli van, of Wangum avenue, returned to her homo on Sunday last. Frank Miller, of Dunmore, was a Hawley caller on Sunday last. After a week's sickness Erie en gineer Schenck Hobday has resum ed work. Among thoso who attended the Elite dance on Friday night last was John Murtha, of Honesdale. John Neary, operator at the East Hawley tower, went to his home in Jermyn on Friday last on account of sickness. His condition is not con sidered as very serious. Operator Thorpe, of Dunmore, is working at the tower in Neary's place. Mrs. Ivan Swingle has returned to HawlOV from n Srrnntnn hnonltnl whero she was subjected to a slight uperuuon, ano is tno wife of tho Hawley yard engineer. Floyd Swingle, son of Fred. Swingle, an East Side merchant, was taken to a Scranton hospital on Monday to be treated for an en largement of tho throat. His condi tion is not considered as of a very serious nature. On Saturday last brakomen Chas. Clifford and John McHale, of Dun more, wero callers in Hawley. John Murray, of Scranton, visited E. J. Richardson on Church street, last Sunday. Calvin Crane, tower man at Adella, visited his mother at Port Jervis on Friday last. David Solver son worked In Crane's place while he was on bis visit. CHICAGO STOCK MARKET Chicago, 111., May 22. The grain market closed strong. Stocks also closed stroncr nnrl nnt Paclflo as leader. The market open- ou wjiu iuwor prices, second hour continued dull and firm. MRS. FIUEDEWALD'S READING. Mrs. Salo Frledewald will be in Honesdale acnln nn Riinpdm, she will read from the work of Hen ri lUBen, -An janemy or the People" HOME ANDjiffOREIGN MISSJON' ARY SOCfSSlES IN SESSION. ' Interesting Remarks of Miss Camp bell nnd Mrs. O. R. Henry. The first sub-district missionary meeting of the Methodist church was held in Honesdale on Thursday of this week. Despite tho Inclemency of the weather a good representation of tho districts nearby was present. The rally was called to order at 10 o'clock. Mrs. James Bush led in devotions after which Rev. Will H. Hiller gave the address of welcome. Interesting reports were then giv en on the history of Missionary or ganizations of the Honesdale sub district. The first was read by Mrs James Johns of Bethany, and told what has been accomplished at that place. Carley Brook was reported by Mrs. J. H. Boyce, while Mrs. C. S. Seward told what had been done by the Honesdale organization. The Hawley report was deferred until af ternoon, owing to tho absence of the representative of that place. The Women's Homo Missionary Society Study book for 1913, "Mor monism," was conducted by Mrs. Blake of Bothany. It was exceedingly interesting and several good thoughts were presented in an in telligent manner. After singing, Mrs. E. H. Clark gave a historical sketch of the Foreign Missionary society since organization, 25 years ago. inis was loiiowed by short addresses mado by Rev. J. H. Boyce, of Carley Brook, and Rev. A. C. Olver of Bethany. Noontide prayer; adjournment. Lunch was served to the delegates, and members of both Home and Foreign Missionary so cieties in the parlors of tho church. Afternoon Session. The afternoon session was called to order by Mrs. James Bush. Af ter singing and devotions led by Mrs. D. B. Long, the History of tho Women's Foreign Missionary. Society was presented. "China's New Day," Women's Foreign Missionary Study book for 1913, was described by Miss Elsie Gilpin. After singing, Miss Elizabeth Campbell, of Scranton, gave her in structive talk upon "India and Mal aysia." Sho said, among other things, that India had 150,000 castes. The people of that country are very poor, owing to their de pendence upon what products they enn t'ttlso, tho chief food raised being rice, The average income of the litives is one and a half cents per day. She also spoke about the Lepers, telling of their charaterls ists, etc. 20,000,000 Widows in indJa. .Miss Campbell mado tho startling statement that there are twenty-six millions of widows In India. Twen ty thousand are under five years of age. The children of India are mar ried between the ages of 3 to 5 to 10 years and of the number of wid ows mentioned they will remain so for life. Miss Campbell also spoke of tho people of Borneo commonly called as "head-eaters." Work among this class of people is just beginning. It is their delight to murder and se cure the scalps of their tribe. Miss Campbell, who spent two years in India as a kindergarten teacher, is a very enthusiastic work er. Her chief work is to interest the student body to go out into the foreign field. After a song by two littlo Hawley girls the literary program was con tinued. The next speaker was Mrs. Henry, of Sayre. She spoke of the growth of tho Home Missionary work. During 1911-12 the organi zation at large has increased 10,084 now members, making a total mem bership of 159,433. The theme of Mrs. Henry's talk was "America for Christ." Owing to the Citizen go ing to press while the rally is in ses sion wo are unable to give organiza tion or a complete account of the meeting In this Issue. It will be con cluded In next Tuesday's paper. JOY RIDE MAY BE EXPENSIVE. nonesdalo Young Men Take Anoth er's Car and Go to Scranton Where Tlioy Run into Police. Five well known young men of Honesdale decided the other night that they would have a joy rldo and they looked around for the means to satisfy their desire. They soon hit upon a plan and proceeded to carry It out. They took Frank Mc Kenna's car and drove off to Scran ton. The party left Honesdale about three o'clock Wednesday morning and when they reached the Electric City they began to emblbo too free ly and having had something before they started they were feeling pretty good. Thoy ran tho auto around the city and banged it up considerably before they were apprehended by the police. Mr. McKenna did not discover that the car was missing until Wednes- day morning and after making in quiries ho telephoned to the police of Scranton to look out for the car. Tho police started on a hunt and fi nally located the car by number and took charge of It and the young men. E. H. Cortrlght wont to Scran ton Wednesday p. m. and brought tho automobile back. Two of the young men came back that night but the other three are still expected. Mr. McKenna says that he is going to make 'them pay for their "Joy rldo." LOCAL MEN DRAWN ON FEDERAL COURT JURIES. Judge C. B. Witmer continued ar gument session in tho United States District court In Scranton Wednes day. Jurors drawn for tho federal court session that opens June 9 in Wll llamsport include two Honesdale men. " Among those drawn on tho petit Jury are: Ralph B. Weeks, president of the Scranton Board of Trade; Fred C. Hand, John T. Lew is, Edgar L. Myers, of Scranton, and Geo. S. Wendell, of Honesdale. C. Wentzed, of Scranton, and John Mala of Honesdale wero drawn oa the grand Jury.