The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 20, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Advertisements and reading notlcco of
ail Kinua piacea in mis column win do
charged for at tho rate of one cont per
ward tor each separato Insertion. When
sending us advertisements to bo printed
In this column, cash or stamps must ac
company the order.
driving horses. Reuben Lancas
ter, South Sterling, Pa. 4 lei 6
active business block, located be
tween 8th and 9th streets. Been
erected only a few years. Lot 26
feet by 100 feet; building, inside
measurement, 25x70 feet; 1st floor
16 foot ceiling, store fixtures, good
light, concrete collar, 9 feet; second
floor contains 7 rooms and bath;
building equipped with gas and
electricity. Will be sold at a rea
sonable figure. Buy-U-A-Home
Realty Company, Jadwin building.
orca Eggs for hatching, Northup
strain, that lay lots of big white
eggs? 13.60 a 100; 75 cents 15. J.
T. Bradley, Damascus, Pa. 36ei5t
weight 13 hundred. Good worker
single or double. Inquire of Matt
Schmidt, White Mills, Pa., Boll
phone 58-14.
ly scandalous with prices: New
$600 Player Piano for ?375; new
$350 Piano for $225; new $53 Sin
ger Sewing Machine for $32. 39t4
and lot near Honesdale? We
have one located on Delaware street
that would make an ideal home for
any employe of Honesdale's varied
industries. Invest your savings in
a homo. It will pay you bigger in
terest and you will be interested to
a greater extent than if you paid
rent. The place is your for a small
sum. Consult Buy-U-A-Home Real
ty Co., Jadwin Building, Honesdale.
of May 2Gth. Send postal to
Hotel Wayne. Sam. S. Wint, Piano
Tuner. 41t2
housework. Apply 1114 Court
street, Honesdale. 35eltf
a bath in the Buel Dodge house,
down stairs, corner of Church and
Seventh streets after June 1st. En
quire of C. E. Dodge, Honesdale. 40tf
shares. Farm implements furnish
ed. Station, mile from Erie R. R.
Volney Skinner, Milanville, Pa.
Mrs. Isaac JTibbits entertained
the card club at her home on Satur
day afternoon.
A marriage license was issued in
Scranton Saturday to Solomon Wil
son of Vandling, and Marie Mulraney
of Aldenvllle.
The funeral of the late Erastus
Austin was held in Christ church,
Indian Orchard by Revs. Whittaker
and Walker. Interment was made in
Indian Orchard cemetery.
Dorln's Boys' orchestra has
been engaged to furnish music for
the commencement exercises of the
Damascus high school which will be
held on Thursday and Friday, June
12 nnd 13.
Miss Lyda Stokes Adams, super
intendent of the State Suffrage As
sociation, will speak at the High
school Thursday evening. All are in
vited. The High school orchestra
will render music.
The German Catholic club of St.
Mary Magdalen's church held their
annual reception in the church Sun
day evening at half-past seven
o'clock. Twenty-two new members
were taken into the organization. An
address was given by Dr. Balta, rec
tor, and special music was rendered
by tho choir.
The service at Grace church on
Wednesday evening, May 21, will bo
omitted as the Rector will be in at
tendance at the annual convention of
the Diocese of Bethlehem. Tho con
firmation class will meet as usual
on Thursday, at 3:15 p. m. Tho
extra class for adults who are con
sidering conflrmation will meet at
the Rectory on Friday at 7:30 p. m.
Tunkhannock, the beautiful
town that is tho county seat of Wyo
lng county, is talking about improv-
ing its main (Tioga) street. The
I best thing that Tunkhannock can
do is to get busy and pave it, just
like Honesdale Is about to pave its
Main street, thereby eliminating this
monkey business of "fixing" tho
street every year, and save money be
sides. J. B. Robinson & Son, proprie
tors of tho Spring Hill Poultry farm,
are now caring for nearly 1,000 baby
chickens, besides about 200 duck
lings. After the chicks are hatched
in tho incubator they are removed
to tho brooder house. Tho house,
which was built this spring is equip
ped with the Hall colony brooder. It
is considered to bo one of tho best
systems for caring for young chickB.
The brooder is composed of a small
stove, in which a coal Ore is kopt,
and a hood, The hood rests down
over the stovo to within six or eight
inches from tho floor, allowing the
babe chickens to go -in and out.
Cloth cut at Intervals is fastened to
tho hood. This does away with corn
ers and prevents tho chickens from
huddling, thus saving many chicks'
lives. Mr. Robinson says they have
lost only a few chicks this year com
pared with former years, when oth
er means were used to care for them
after they left the Incubator. The
Indian Runner duck will bo raised
on tho Spring Hill farm. Duck eggs
are In great demand and they bring
almost one-third more In price than
chickens' eggs,
A marriage license was issued
on Saturday to Arthur Kirby, of
Scranton, and Miss Mabel Agnes
Kyto, of 'Honesdale.
Miss Margaret Hlller, who is at
the State College, recently sprained
her ankle. While stopping on a
stone, her foot turned over.
Tho merchants of Carbondale
have declared a Wednesday half-holiday
commencing Wednesday, June
18, and concluding September 10. '
Dr. Freidmann, of tho tubercu
losis fame, has been sued for $100,
000 by Dr. M. A. Sturm, as part of
commission for tho sale of the
Mrs. Chas. Van Gorder of
Honesdale visited her brother-in-law,
C. E. Gebhardt, at the homo of Wil
liam W. Drake from Saturday until
Monday. Mllford Dispatch.
Tho Elite club, of Hawley, gave
their last party and dance of tho sea
son in their club rooms Thursday
evening. Sonner's orchestra of
Honesdale furnished tho music.
Tho 500 club met with Mrs.
Masy Truscott last Thursday evening
at her homo on West street. Miss
Vera Murray captured the first prize
and Mrs. Frank Truscott the second
Owing to illness Mrs. Carl
Schuller and daughter were unable
to leave on Saturday for Montclalr,
N. J., where they expected to visit
relatives for a few weeks. Mrs.
Schuller has been confined to her
bed tho past few days, but is improv
ing. "Conductors on 40 Eastern rail
roads will present thoir demands for
an increase in wages of from 15 0
30 per cent. July 1st, and, if the
roads refuse to arbitrate, a strike
will be ordered within a fortnight,"
said F. S. Thomas, general chairman
of the Eastern association last week.
Mrs. Mattie Crise, of Somerset,
who became 100 years old Friday,
received the well wishes of over 1,
500 residents of that county at her
home. For 100 years, Mrs. Crise
lived at the same place and in that
time she never saw a railroad train,
street car or a telephone. She never
wore a hat during her long lifetime,
a knitted hood taking its place.
Harry E. Strang, of Camden, N.
J., and Miss Emma Whalen, of Haw
ley, were married on Tuesday of last
week in Lestershire, N. Y., by Rev.
Benjamin P. Ripley at the Methodist
Episcopal parsonage. They will make
their future home In Camden, N. J
where the groom is engaged in the
business of contracting and building.
The bride is well and favorably
known in this part of Wayne county.
Peter Collum, of Honesdale, is
the oldest citizen of the place to ride
a bicycle. Mr. Collum is in his 78th
year and rides with as much agility
as one less than half the number of
years. He told a representative of
this paper that six ybars ago ho and
his son, Horace, traveled 225 miles
on their bicycles, making tho trip
in a week. New Jersey, part of New
York and eastern Pennsylvania were
In speaking of newspapers gen
erally, Whitelaw Rold once said: "All
the city papers cannot supply the
place of a home newspaper. No oth
er contains the marriages and deaths
to say nothing of tho time of the
next ball, picnic or political meet
ing; no other discusses tho affairs
of the town and county, or gives in
detail the local news, which can be
obtained from no other source.
Everybody reads, and that is why
the unpretentious local paper is tho
best paper in the world."
The dangerous counterfeit In
dian $5 silver certificate recently dis
covered continues in circulation, de
spite tho vigilance of tho Secret Ser
vice and treasury officials. The
notes, which are almost perfect imi
tations of tho genuine, are finding
their way through banks, and even
the Sub-treasury at New York. Gov
ernment officials believe that the
maker of the notes is the same coun
terfeiter who, for months, circulated
bogus one-dollar bills in Boston,
Philadelphia and other Eastern cit
ies. Miss Dorothy Shanley entertain
ed a number of her young friends at
her home on Main street last Thurs
day evening in honor of her 15th
birthday. The evening was merrily
spent in games and music. Dainty
refreshments were served by the
hostess. Those present were: Misses
Mildred Murray, Elizabeth Bracey,
Marion Eborhardt, 'Helen Groves,
Theresa Barberl, Louise Tolley, Anna
Frederic, Lillian O'Brien, Dorothy
Shanley and Messrs. Charles Man
gan, William Quinlln, Gerard Canl
van, Harold Mullaney, Alfred Theo
bald, Raymond Brled, Romuald
Lewis, William Shanley and Thos.
The commencement exercises of
the Newfoundland high school was
held on Friday evening when Attor
ney M. J. Hanlan, of Honesdale, de
livered tho commencement address.
Tho 'Newfoundland orchestra and
glee club furnished the music. The
program was as follows: Music; in
vbcatlon, Rev. Edmund Schwartz,
principal of the high school; saluta
tory, Miss Minnie Decker; recitation,
Miss Agnes.Heberllng; music; essay,
William Grimm; oration, Grant
Kraugher; music; valedictory,
Francis Oppelt; address to gradu
ates, Attorney M. J. Hanlan; music;
presentation of diplomas, Dr. A. T..
Simons; benediction, Rev. Schwartz.
Substitution of electrocution for
hanging as the means of Inflicting
capital punishment in Pennsylvania
was favored by tho House recently,
when it passed tho Hess bill, author
izing tho change and providing that
all electrocutions shall take place in
the new penitentiary being built in
Center county. The vote was 159
to 2, following a speech by Mr. Hess,
in which, he declared an execution
which he witnessed in his homo town
of Lancaster, a year ago, when, tho
rope broko, had caused him to pre
pare tho bill. He narrated tho grue
some details of that execution which
required 45 minutes to carry out the
mandate of the law and thon read
accounts of a similar occurrence at a
recent execution in Fayette county.
Mr. Gramley, Center, followed with
an account of a similar accident at an
execution which ho had witnessed.
The bill now goes to the Senate for
The rainbow fountain in Park
Lake was installed on Friday last.
The Delaware and Hudson sec
tion crew is replacing the plank on
thd grade crossing on Chapel street.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Katz, of North Boule
vard, Monday morning.
TFTho Ladles' Aid Society of the
MoThodlst church will hold their an
nual strawberry festival on June 5.
A marriage license has been is
sued to Ernest A. Card, of Lakewood
and Miss Bonlta Transue, of Pres
ton Park".
The ground was broken last
week for tho foundation of tho new
house Mr. Adam Kraft is building
on Park street.
Paul Borb, of Prompton, frac
tured his right arm on Friday last.
It was not set until Sunday by Dr.
F. W. Powell.
There will be no preaching ser
vices in the Methodist church next
Sunday evening owing to union ser
vices being held in tho Presbyterian
church, May 24.
Tho Honesdale Consolidated
Water company has service pipes on
the ground at Seelyville to bo used
to convey tho water from the pond
direct to the reservoir.
Fred Gregory went to Scranton
on Saturday to visit his mother, Mrs.
E. W. Gregory, who is a patient at
the State Hospital, having recently
undergone an operation. She is im
proving nicely.
A libel in divorce was filed Sat
urday by Attorney Garratt, for Mar
garet Lane, libellant, against her
husband, Harry Lane, of Scranton.
The libel charges Lane with cruel
and barbarous treatment.
The fiftieth anniversary of the
Susquehanna Dental association will
be held in Irem Temple, Wilkes-Bar-re,
on May 20-22, and tho following
dentists of Honesdale expect to at
tend: Dr. C. R. Brady, Dr, E. T.
Brown, Dr. G. C. Butler and Dr. C.
F. Barager.
Dr. Russell Wall, of Scranton,
assisted by Dr. F. W. Powell per
formed two operations on Sunday up
on the children of Mrs. John G.
Riefler. Edward was operated upon
for appendicitis, while his sister,
Dorothy, had her appendix removed,
besides being operated upon for a
complication of other troubles.
Susquehanna county court mado
an order last week directing Referee
Cortrlght to sell all the personal
property of Miller B. Allen, the at
torney, who disappeared from Mont
rose sometime ago under a cloud.
The property at Dimock will be sold
May 21 and that in Montrose May
23. The indebtedness of the. Allen
estate will reach $70,000 while tho
assets do not promise to yield over
The 1,090 acres of timber land
at Silver Lake, Susquehanna county,
owned by the Rose estate was sold
at master's sale at the court house
in Montrose recently and attracted a
large number of lumbermen. The
land in question contains 700 acres
of virgin timber, mostly hardwood.
It was bid In by Robert H. Rose, of
Binghamton, N. Y., and Rev. J. P.
Russell of Silver Lake, for the sum
of $60,000.
John R. Walsh, of Dunmore, and
Miss Helen Gill, of Hawley, were
united in marriage at St. Philomena's
Catholic church, Hawley, on Wednes
day morning, May 14, at 7:30 o'clock
by the Rev. Father Burke. August
Deitzer was groomsman and Miss
Laura Finan was bridesmaid. Mr.
and Airs. Walsh left Hawley on the
morning Erie train for a wedding
trip to Chicago. They will make
their home in Dunmore. Mr. Walsh
was formerly employed as fireman on
the Erie through Hawley.
Hon. Joel G. Hill is in Washington,
D. C.
Mrs. Elizabeth Lawyer is visiting
relatives In Albany.
Gilbert White is indisposed at his
homo on East street.
'Mrs. Jos. Fryer and daughter, Ger
trude, spent Friday in Hawley.
C. M. Harris returned the latter
part of last week from New York
Mrs. Wm. Westbrook of Blooming
Grovo was a visitor in town on Sat
urday. Alfred Mitchell, of Wilkes-Barre,
has been visiting his uncle, F. B.
Oscar Carr, of Scranton, spent
Thursday afternoon with his mother,
Mrs. Elizabeth Carr.
Miss Isabel Reilly is spending two
weeks with her sister, Mrs. M. E.
Dardls, in Now York City.
John Keeslor, of Calllcoon, N. Y.,
spent Friday at tho homo of his
niece, Mrs. Edith Comfort.
Albert C. Lindsay, assistant cash
ier of the National Bank, is attend
ing tho celebration at Gettysburg.
Hon. C. A. McCarty and Philip
Ryan attended the funeral of the
late John Ryan at Canaan on Mon
day. S. S. Spruks, Mr. and Mrs. A. W.
'Howell and Robert Walsh, all of
Scranton, were guests in Honesdale
on Saturday last.
Thomas Crossley is sponding this
week at Big Pond, gottlng in readi
ness for the summer. Fred Mauer is
assisting Mr. Crossley.
Mrs. L. E. Mather returned to her
homo in Chicago Monday morning
aftor a week's visit with her cousin,
Mrs. O. T. Chambers, on Fourteenth
F. G. Peters Is in Now York city.
He will remove from the Alborty
house on East Street Extension to
tho W. H. Hawkins house on East
II. T. Menner, of the firm of Men
ner & Co., has been confined to his
homo by illness during the past few
days. His condition, howevor, is
much improved,
Mr. and Mrs. Tudda and two
daughters, Eurania and Ray, and
Miss Alice O'Hora motored from Tay
lor to Honesdale on Sunday and
soent the day with Mr. and Mrs.
Jael Arnold.
J. B. Robinson was In Scranton on
business Saturday.
Julius Freund, of tho Highway de
partment, Scranton division, is
spending a few days' vacation at his
home here. Nothing will bo done in
tho road question until tho Legisla
ture adjourns.
John W. Welch, of Rock Island,
111., accompanied by his daughter,
Mrs. J. W. Kahkio, his step-daugh
ter, Mrs. Harrison Welch and little
daughter, Helen, all of the former
place, arrived on Thursday last to
spend some time with relatives hero
and at Beech Grpve.
Invitations have been issued by
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Fowler Marsh,
of Scranton, announcing the ap
proaching marriage of tholr daugh
ter, Miss Helen Potter Marsh, to
Robert H. Patterson. The coremony
will take place on Tuesday, June 3.
Mr. Patterson was formerly of
Honesdale, and manager of the Al
len House.
Mrs. Julia Ayers has returned to
her home in Elmira, N. Y after
spending a week at the homo of Pe
ter Collum, East Street Extension,
and also relatives in Hawley. Mrs.
Ayers is 87 years of age and made
the trip alone. She came to Hones
dale from Bald Mount, where since
February last she has been with her
sister, Mrs. 'Elizabeth Roloson, who
Is 98 years old.
Bethany. May 19.
Mr. and Mrs. James Johns spent
1 uesuay ax s orest uity visiting tneir
son, Howard, and family.
William H. Paynter is seriourly
ill at his homo north of here.
Mrs. E. W. fJnmmoll nnrl etcfoi-
Mrs. Asa Kimble, of Dyberry, spent
ruesuay in acranton.
Mrs. J. E. Pritchard and the two
youngest children, Flora and Mar
garet, expect to leave on Wednesday
for Pittsburg to visit the former's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bates.
The following successfully passed
the Cenior examinations: Alice E.
Miller, William F. O'Hara, Anna E.
Buller, Edyth E. Spencer, Margaret
E. McCabe, Agnes S. Kennedy, Ray
mond J. Perham, Ralph R. Benson,
and John A. Monasky. The final
examinations for the Junior, Sopho
more and Preparatory classes will
be given the 20th and 21st inst.
Program for the thirty-sixth com
mencement: Sunday, May 25th, at
10:15 a. m., baccalaureate sermon
preached by Dr. E. L. Kemp in the
Presbyterian church. Tuesday
evening, May 27th, commencement
drama, "Farm Folks." Wednesday,
May 28th, graduating night. Thurs
day evening, May 29 th, Sooial.
Commencement exercises will be
held in High school auditorium.
Commencement Drama will be play
ed by tho High school students.
The Morning Press, Strouds-
uurg new daily, reached our desk this
(Monday) afternoon, fresh with
news. It has the appearance of a
neat and progressive sheet. Here's
success to the new paper.
Our Prehistoric Ancestors Had Rudi
mentary Ideas of Sculpture.
Our far off ancestors of tho stone ago,
the rude nnd primitive men of the qua
ternary epoch to whom tho use of fire
was unknown nnd whose arms consist
ed of n few roughly hewn pieces of
flint, nevertheless appear to have had
some rudimentary artistic ideas. In
fact, sculptures dating from 200,000
years wore shown at tho last congress
of prehistoric archaeology and anthro
pology, which recently held its four
teenth meeting at Geneva.
This subject was treated by a French
scientist, M. Dharvent of Bethune, and
be showed specimens of sculptured
silex representing animal figures which
were found in tho alluvial strata of
the quntornary epoch among arms and
instruments of tho same period. M.
Dharvent mado an interesting commu
nication to the congress about these
first trials at sculpture which have yet
been discovered. Natural stones were
used which bad some resemblance to
animal figures, and these were after
ward retouched so as to finish tho
work. Ono of tho striking specimens
is the bond of a monkey, iu which tho
features are very clenrly seen, espe
cially when viewed in profile, says
Scientific American. Heads of other
animals and birds arc also among the
most remnrUable specimens. Authori
ties on prehistoric questions consider
that tho strata bearlUK these Muds date
from about 220.000 years.
Asphalt In Antiquity.
That asphalt wis known to the an
cients is a well attested fact, says Scl
elce, its use ns a binder for masonry
in Babylon being in point, but of its use
other than this we known nothing.
Strabo tells us thnt as early as 2000
B. O. tho streets of Babylon were pav
ed, and so, too, presumably were the
great roads leading out from tho many
gates of that city. Babylon situ
ated , in tho alluvial plain of Mesopo
tamia, and its building material was al
most entirely cloy, either as such or
in tho form of bricks. It seems rather
doubtful that these latter were used to
pave tho streets at that early date. As
phalt was abundant and much used in
building operations, and It does not
seem Improbable that it was utilized
to Improve tho streets.
How to Remove Old Wall Paper.
A good way to remove old -wall paper
Is to use tho following solution: A thick
pasty solution should be made by add
ing flour and a few spoons of salt Into
boiling water. After this Is made add
a few ounces of acetic acid, which
may bo purchased at any drug store.
This paBty solution should bo applied
with a brush to tho old wall paper In
quantities. After a few minutes the
old paper can be removed in .great
strips very easily and with very little
dust or dirt.
of Food
Made with different Baking Powders
From a Series of Elaborate Chemical Tests :
An equal quantity of bread (biscuit) was made
with each of three different kinds of baking powder
cream of tartar, phosphate, and alum and submitted
separately to the action of the digestive fluid, each
for the same length of time.
The relative percentage of the food digested is
shown as follows:
Bread made with
Royal Cream of Tartar Powder:
g 100 Per Cent. Digested
Bread made with N
phosphate powder:
684 Per Cent. Digested
Bread made with
alum powder:
1 67 Per Cent. Digested!
These tests, which are absolutely reliable and
unprejudiced, make plain a fact of great importance
to everyone : Food raised with Royal, a cream of
tartar Baking Powder, is shown to be entirely diges
tible, while the alum and phosphate powders are found
to largely retard the digestion of the food made from
Undigested food is not only wasted food, but it
is the source of very manv bodily ailments.
A pleasant wedding occurred at
the home of Judge and Mrs. Perry
A. Clark on Dyberry Place last Sat
urday afternoon at 4 o'clock, when
Miss Mildred A. Kyte and Arthur
Kirby, were united in marriage by
Rev. Will H. Hlller. Miss Amy E.
Clark, of Now Paltz, N. Y., of the
State Normal School of that place,
played the wedding march. Master
William Varcoe and Joyce Marot of
Philadelphia, led the bride Tind
bridegroom. The attendants carried
flowers. Tho wedding ring was
borne upon a silver tray. They
stood at each side of tho contracting
couple luring the ceremony.
The bride was becomingly attired
in a gown of white embroidered ma
terial. Now and thon an event of
this kind has a human touch, a sen
timental circumstance that appeals
and makes "the whole world kin."
The bride and bridegroom had grown
up together as chums in 'Hastings,
England. Tho bridegroom's father,
William Kirby, has a hardware store
there but at 14 years Arthur de
termined to carve out his own place
in the world and left home. He liv
ed in London and other English cit
ies, coming to Canada Ave years ago
and shortly afterwards to tho United
States. For some time he has been
employed as an electrician with the
Laurel Lino, in Scranton. A few
months ago tho bride came to join
her childhood chum and at the ur
gent request of her great-aunt, Mrs.
Perry A. Clark, she prepared for the
wedding at her home. With that
sweet, lovable manner, peculiar to
English girls, Miss Kyto made many
friends during the few weeks she had
been hero. This was demonstrated
by the number of useful and beauti
gifts her friends gave her. With
that hospitality for which Judge and
Mrs. Clark are noted, a largo circle
of friends and relatives were present
and enjoyed the splendid luncheon
served at 5 o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. E.
H. Marot and daughter, Joyce, of
Philadelphia, came to Honesdale in
thoir own car. Mrs. Marot is a sis
ter of Mrs. Kirby and will be re
membered by many Honesdale peo
ple, having frequently visited here.
Mr. and Mrs. Kirbv left on the (i
o'clock Erie train for Lake Ariel, j
"Chickens como homo to roost" you know, and so, after 30
years, I have como homo to Honesdale, to renew old acquaintances
mid to make new ones. Thirty years during which I hnvo been as
sociated with some of the most prominent clothing establishments
in New York and acquired a knowledge nnd experience which
should provo invaluablo to 1110 in my relations with tho Men and
Young Men of Honesdalo nnd Vicinity.
Tor, on or about Saturdny, May 21, or before, I will open in
tho Foster Block, opposite the Union depot, a new up-to-the-minute
Custom Clothes Shop to bo known ns " Tho Model Shop "
nnd which will bo a model shop in every sense; Courtesy, Atten
tion, .Quality and Value will bo its cornerstones and Absolute Sat
isfaction or Money Hack, Its creed.
A host of tho very newest nnd smartest fabrics, colors nnd
designs will bo hero for your selection, up-to-tlio-mlnute styles nnd
models will bo on display; the tailoring of every garment will bo of
the most thorough kind; tho fit nnd finish will bo perfect nnd tho
very lowest prices consistent with thorough clothes wortliiness will
.Now, bo neighborly and whether you want clothes or not,
como to "Tho Model Shop," bring your wife nlong, your sister,
your mother or your daughter to help you select nnd to say "How
Do Do" to
The Model Shop' I
ono of the most beautiful places- in
tho country, where they will spend
their honeymoon.
An interesting circumstance con
nected with this event pleased the
few who knew. It seems that when
Miss Clara Torrey was in England
six years ago she secured a few
plants of tho English Daisy, famed
in song by Robert Burns, from the
yard at Canterberry Cathedral. Miss
Torrey has succeeded in developing
these exquisite flowers and with her
usual thoughtfulness, sent Miss Kyte
a bouquet. There were a number of
English people present and the old
home flowers worn by the bride
brought tears of memory and joy of
their girlhood days in the fields of
merry old England.
Washington, D. C. The cam
paign for Democratic supremacy at
the polls in 1914 and 191G was open
ed here last week when the execu
tive campaign committee of tho
Democratic national committeo or
ganized and discussed preliminary
plans. The committee agreed upon
permanent headquarters In Wash
ington, the organization of an edu
cational campaign and harmonious
co-operation with the Democratic
congressional committeo, with a con
tinuous militant party organization
from now until after the next presi
dential election, at least.
. Representative A. Mitchell Palmer
of Pennsylvania, caucus chairman of
tho House, and recognized as the
president's spokesman in that body,
was made chairman and Rolla Wells,
of St. Louis, treasurer of the Demo
cratic national committeo, treasurer.
At the permanent headquarters, T. J.
Pence, of North Carolina, the form
er correspondent who conducted tho
Wilson press campaign, will be in
chargo as manager of publicity.
With him already Is Colonel John I.
Martin, of Missouri, sergeant at arms
of tho last and other national con
ventions of the Democracy.
W. A. Dellmore, Honesdalo mana
ger of the Boll Telephone company,
and U. G. Morgey, attended the meet
ing of the Northeastern Pennsylvania
Telephone society, which was held in
Wllkes-Barre Friday night.
Luke Levy.