The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 16, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, MAY 16, 1913.
Advertisements and reading notices of
all kinds placed In this column will be
charged for at the rate of one cent per
word for each separate Insertion. When
sending us advertisements to be printed
In this column, cash or stamps must ac
company tho order.
active business block, located be
tween 8th and 9th streets. Beon
erected only a few years. Lot 2G
feet by 100 feet: building, Insldo
measurement, 25x70 feet; 1st floor
16 foot ceiling, storo uxtures, good
light, concrete cellar, 9 feet; second
floor contains 7 rooms and batn;
building equipped with gas and
electricity. Will bo sold at a rea
sonable figure. Buy-U-A-IIome
Realty Company, Jadwin building.
mra nnH TinTTlPfl vnrlntlns: well
started. Right time to get them. J.
is. JNieisen. aueiz.
orca Eggs for hatching, Nortnup
strain, that lay lots of big white
ftrirs7 S3. 50 a 100: 75 cents 15. J.
T. Bradley, Damascus, Pa. 3Gel5t
weight 13 hundred. Good worker
single or double. Inquire of Matt
Schmidt, White Mills, Pa., Boll
phone 58-14.
ly scandalous with prices: New
$600 Player Piano for S375; new
$350 Piano for $225; new $53 Sin
ger Sewing Machine for $32. 39t4
and lot near Honesdale? We
have one located on Delaware street
that would make an idea; home for
any employe of Honesdale's varied
Industries. Invest your savings in
a home. It will pay you bigger in
terest and you will bo interested to
a greater extent than if you paid
rent. Tho place is your for a small
sum. Consult Buy-U-A-Home Real
ty Co., Jadwin Building, Honesdale.
nesday night near the D. & H. de
pot. Finder can have same by pay
ing for this ad.
housework. Apply 1114 Court
street, Honesdale. 35eitf
a bath in the Buel Dodge house,
down stairs, corner of Church and
Seventh streets after June 1st. En
quire of C. E. Dodge, Honesdale. 40tf
shares. Farm implements furnish
ed. Station, mile from Erie R. R.
Volney Skinner, Mllanvllle, Pa.
-A son arrived this morning
(Thursday) to gladden the hearts of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Berton H. Davies and Miss Ruby
Wadoman, both of Ararat, Pa., were
married in Unlondalo on Tuesday,
May 9, by Rev. N. J. Crane.
W. W. Baker, Lewis Partridge,
Thomas Boyd, and W. B. Lesher at
tended tho quarterly Pomona at Sa
lem on Wednesday. There were two
sessions, afternoon and evening. A
goodly number were in attendance.
There will be a sub-district con
vention held in the Honesdale Meth
odist church on Thursday, May 22.
It will be an all day session, be
ginning at 10 o clock In the morning.
At noon the ladies of the church will
sorve lunch for tho delegates and
-Miss Conger's Sunday school
class of the Grace 'Episcopal church
presented the play, My Auntie s
Heiress," in the church parlors on
Tuesday evening. Tho entertain
ment was well attended and the
money received from tho salo of tick
ets will bo used for the Sunday
school library.
A commission composed of Dr.
E. O. Bangs, G. W. Dersheimer and
Chas. P. Searie, mot in South Ca
naan on Wednesday to inquire into
the sanity of Daniel Hogan, on the
petition of his sister, Mary Hogan.
The commission investigated the case
and heard evidence and found that
tho man was Insane.
-The members of the borough
I council met on 17th street last
Tuesday evening for the purpose of
taspecting tho proposed site for the
Iiying of a new sidewalk on tho
"outh sido of that street. Messrs.
Fred Bryant, James Baker and F.
IG. Terwilllger have flagstone on
their respectivo properties for the
-The right of way for tho pro-
Iposed trolley road between Hones-
Idale and Hawley has been secured.
Tho signed papers have been for-
I warded to Harrlsburg and a charter
is expected to be granted within a
short time. After it is received
work on tho construction of tho road
Iwlll bo pushed to a completion, we
Slave been authentically informed.
Tho Honesdale Camp of Span
ish war votorans, whicn was recently
3rganlzed here, hold a special meet
ing at tho Park streot armory on
Monday night, and three now mem
iiers were added to thoir list. Tho
inen taken in were Darwin Hopper,
Samuel Martin and Editor Frank
Nave, all of Hawloy. Tho Hones-
(ale Camp now has a membership of
ibout twenty,
Erastus Austin, a respected resi
dent of White Mills, died at his lato
lomo there Wednesday morning, fol
owlng an illness of tuberculosis of
he lungs. He was 53 years of age
ind was in the employ of Dorfllnger
i Sons of that place. He is survived
y his wife and four children all at
tome, namely: Charles, James.
3mma and Myrtle, also by his aged
potner ana one Drotuer, ana mreo
latere. The funeral will be held on
Saturday and interment will bo made
la Hawley,
Julius Rlckert has accepted a
position with Marsh & Fish.
BIrdsall Bros, and G. Smith &
Son are contemplating purchasing
trucks for the delivery of goods.
Louis Gehl, of White Mills, was
at tho county seat on Wednesday and
mado application for his first papers
with tho intention of becoming a
citizen of tho United States. Ho is
a native of Germany.
Bert Daln, who was elected as
sessor about two yoras ago, but ow
ing to some technical terms of law,
did not assume tho duties of his of
fice at that time, is now looking af
ter the town assessment.
Tho case of Mary Doitzer, of
'Hawley, against Thomas Farrell et
al., comprising the Hawley Coal com
pany was continued until June and
depositions will bo taken during the
Intervening time. The attorneys for
the two 'parties In tho action for
damages failed to agreo as to the
facts on Tuesday.
Tho arbitrators in tho caso of
Frederick Krelger against the town
ship of Salem, were taken to Ledge
dale Tuesday in E. H. Cortrighfs
car, for tho purpose of viewing tho
scene of the accident which happen
ed to Mr. Kreiger and wife.. Tho
arbitrators are F. H. Crago, Oscar
Bunnell and C. M. Betz. A decision
of tho caso will be mado soon.
George W. Burger, aged forty
two years; his son, George Burger,
Jr., aged nino years, and Edward
Sipe, aged nineteen years, residing
on Stauffer's Island in the Susque
hanna river, near York, were drown
ed Tuesday by tho capsizing of the
boat in which they were rowing.
Burger's wife and daughter witness
ed the drowning from the edge of
tho island.
Rev. Jesse Herrmann preached
to large and appreciative audiences
last Sunday. At a meeting of tho
session and trustees held Monday af
ternoon, Rev. Dr. Swift was given a
vacation until September 1st, and
Mr. Herrmann was chosen to supply
the pulpit during that time. Ho will
return to Princeton each week after
supplying the pulpit until June 1st,
after which he will stay here.
When Erie train Five arrived in
Susquehanna at 1:15 on Thursday
morning last, the engineer discover
ed blood and hair, (believed to be
that of a deer) on one of the pilot
steps of tho engine. On the return
trip of the engine on train Six, a
sharp lookout was maintained by the
engineer- and fireman along the Del
aware division, when, at Lordville,
tho carcass of a deer was discovered
lying down on the bank of the river
below "tho railroad tracks, having
met its death a few hours previous,
by being struck by the engino.
A herd of thirty-flvo cattle, all
of prize stock and valued at $30,000,
arrived Saturday at tho State Hospi
tal for the Criminal Insane, at Far
view, and are being pastured on the
Patterson farm in Waymart. The
cattle were brought from Media, Pa.,
and consists of Guernseys and Ayer
shires. Twenty-four of them are
milch cows. It is expected that the
herd will furnish sufficient milk and
butter to supply the patients of the
hospital. Stables will bo erected for
them immediately. Tho farming Is
progressing rapidly at the institu
tion. Ten acres have been planted
in corn and ten acres in potatoes.
Forty-flve acres in all will be un
der cultivation In another week or
Rev. Griflln Bull, D. D., pastor of
the First Presbyterian church, of
Scranton, and Rev. James Leishman,
D. D., of the Dunmore church, min
isterial delegates, left Monday for
tho general assembly of the Presby
terian church of tho United States,
which opened Thursday in Atlanta,
Ga. Rev. Andrew J. Kerr, D. D., of
Wilkes-Barre, and Rev. A. M. Brown,
of Plymouth, also ministerial dele
gates from the Lackawanna Presby
tery, left for the South, and Tuesday
the older commissioners, James A.
Linen, of the Second Presbyterian
church; L. A. Stevens, of the Wash
burn Street Presbyterian church, and
A. W. Sawtelle, of Sayro, leave, going
by special train from New York to
Atlanta. Rev. Arthur Phillips, of
Bovorly, N. J., formerly a resident of
Scranton, will attend tho assembly
as one of the commissioners from
the Monmouth Presbytery, of New
A birthday party was held Sat
urday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
F. M. Shaffer, of Gravity, observing
five birthdays. That of tho host,
May 12; Miss Frances A. Walrous of
Dunmore, May 3; Charles W. Shaf
fer, May 22; Miss Jano Day, of
South Canaan, May 2G; Francis
Klein, of Ariel, May 29. Dinner was
served and stories were told by tho
guests. Those present were: Misses
F. A. Walrous, Dunmore; Ira Smith,
Scranton; Jane Day, South Canaan;
Louise and Gertrude Klein, Ariel;
Mesdames A. Nash and Ida Kizor,
Scranton; T. Klein, Ariel; A. W.
Shaffer, Clarks Summit; Corey A.
Sampson, W. H. Shaffer, H. Haynos,
of Gravity; M. Inch, J. Underwood,
South Canaan; Rev. J. Underwood,
M. Inch, Max Inch, all of South Ca
naan; Albert Nesbet Shaffer, C. W.
.Shaffer, Henry Haynes, Gravity;
Francis, Ralph, Amos Kloin, Ariel,
and John Walrous of Dunmoro.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sheffield, of
Scranton, celebrated their golden
wedding anniversary Monday evening
at their home. Mr. and Mrs. L. S.
Sheffield, who live with Mr. Shef
field's parents, mado tho affair a
double celebration by observing their
twenty-fifth wedding anniversary at
tho same time. Only members of the
immediate family, their children and
grandchildren wore in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. Sheffield were married
fifty years last Monday in Way
mart, Wayne county, by Rev. Mr.
Madison, of tho Methodist Episcopal
church. Rev. Mr. Madison later was
pastor of the Elm Park Methodist
church, Scranton. Mrs. Sheffield was
Miss Matilda Palmer. Her home was
in Middle Valley, now known as
Cherry Rtdgo. Mr. Sheffleld will bo
seventy-two years old next February
and Mrs. Sheffield will celebrate her
sixty-ninth birthday in July. Mr. and
Mm. RliRfflnlrl'H nnn T. a ai,ml,l
and wife celebrated their twenty-
nun weaamg anniversary. Mrs. L.
S. Sheffield was Miss Minnie Dun
ning, of South Sterling, this county.
The members of Protection En
gine company No. 3 hold n business
meeting in the Are house on Tues
day evening. Routine business was
The funeral of the- late Dr.
Simon Alexander Kemp, one of the
most noted men in Sullivan county,
was held from his late home in Cal
licoon, N. Y., on Thursday of last
week. It was one of tho largest
funerals ever held in that village and
was a fitting tribute to the close of a
very successful and honorable ca
reer. The remains were laid to rest
in Calllcoon cemetery. Several so
cieties and orders of which Dr. Kemp
had been a member, attended the
funeral services in a body.
Mrs. P. F. Griffin is spending the
week In Scranton.
C. M. Harris is spending a few
days in New York city.
Mrs. Dexter Keeler is visiting her
sister, Mrs. Cook, at Ariel.
Miss Mao Finerty and brother
Thomas spent Thursday in the Elec
tric City.
Mrs. Edward Korb, of Willow
avenue, is visiting relatives in Ban
gor, Pa.
Joseph Abraham and family of
Tyler Hill were Honesdale visitors
on Thursday.
A. W. Abrams, proprietor of tho
Enterprise Clothing House, went to
New York Wednesday.
Miss Bertha Ham, of Honesdale,
attended the Colwell-Varcoe wedding
in Torrey on Wednesday.
Miss Louise Matthews, of Scran
ton, is a guest at the homo of the
Misses BIrdsall, Seelyville.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dein were
Scranton visitors on Tuesday, hav
ing mado the trip in their auto.
Miss Grace Barnes, of Scranton,
is visiting at tho homo of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Barnes.
William Ball has been appointed
caterer of Protection Engino Co. No.
3, vice Gus Bartholemus, deceased.
Mrs. Matthew Lynott, of Carbon
dale, Is spending a few days at the
home of Patrick Lynott, on Ridge
Mrs. Thomas J. Parker, of Pater
son, N. J., is visiting her daughter
and son at this place, also other rel
atives. Miss Helen Murtha left Wednes
day for Middletown, N. Y., where she
will bo the guest of her uncle, An
drew Murtha.
Miss Carolyn Betz, who has been
a guest of Miss C. Lou Harden
bergh, returned to New York city
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Patience Burger has return
ed from Scranton where she has been
a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Edwin
Bryant, for a few weeks.
Mrs. G. S. Purdy and brother,
Judge Addoms, of New York City,
leave to-day for Gettysburg, where
they will spend a few days.
Rev. John O'Toole and Edward
Deltzer are delegates to the conyen-:
tion of the Knights of Columbus
which is being held in Scranton this
Mrs. Carl Schuller and daughter,
Miss Alma, leave on Saturday for
Upper Montclair, 'N. J where they
will be guests for a few weeks of Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Schullen
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Katz and lit
tle son, Lawrence, are in New York
City. Mr. Katz expects to return
to-day, but Mrs. Katz and son will
stay two or three weeks with rela
tives. Miss Jennie Brownscombe, an ar
tist of considerable repute, former
ly of Honesdale, now of Now York
City, is visiting Miss Carolyn Pet
ersen and Miss Cora Sears at this
Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fuller return
ed from Wilkes-Barre Wednesday
accompanied by their son, Andrew
Thompson Fuller, who for tho past
three weeks has been visiting at the
home of Judge Henry A. Fuller.
Mr. and Mrs. George Adams and
daughter, who about a year ago left
for the Goldon state, have returned
to dear old Wayne. Mr. Adams says
he has been ill most of tho time
whilo away. Tho family will remain
here for an indefinite period.
R. M. Salmon returned homo on
Tuesday evening after spending sev
eral weeks traveling through tho
South. Whilo away ho visited
Washington, D. C, Norfolk, Va.,
Richmond, Va., Senaca, South Caro
lina, Spartanburg, South Carolina,
Atlanta, Ga., Baltimore, Md., Old
Point Comfort, Va.
Argument and motion court open
ed Monday afternoon with Judge A.
T. Searie on the bench and contin
ued over to Tuesday afternoon. Con
siderable business was transacted,
somo of which appeared in Mon
day's Issue.
An answer was filed by tho school
district pf Scott township to the ac
tion brought by the Board of Health
of Starrucca Borough, Monday. In
the answer they admit that two chil
dren of Mrs. Lovoll Smith, Gorman
and Gilbert, were taken ill while In
Starrucca of smallpox, but they
deny that the board of health In
formed them of the cases as soon as
possible or that tho expense of
$284.08 was necessary. Continued
to June term.
Lizzio P. Bodlo, libellant, vs. Al
len R. Bodie, respondent. Homer
Greene appointed master.
Patrick J. McDonnell, libellant,
vs. Teressa McDonnell, respondent.
Case set down for the head of tho
trial list for Juno term of court.
Mary Elizabeth Cory, libellant, vs.
Fred S. Cory. Charles A. McCarty
appointed master.
well Miller, deceased, with same
power and under same obligations as
David Kohn, trading as Kohn
Bros., vs. Charles McArdle. Action
to recover $112.23 for goods sold to
defendant. Returnable third Mon
day In June with notice to P. II.
Iloff, attorney for defendant at bar.
Petition for sale of real estate of
Loren Enslin, deceased, Sale order
ed and return to be, made third
Monday In June.
In re estate of Harry M. Stalker,
deceased. Order for sale of real es
tate is continued until the third
Monday of Juno.
Petition of W. B. Dexter, adminis
trator of Pauline B. Dexter, to sell
real estate. Sale of property or
dered and petitioner required to give
bond in sum of $1500.
Petition of Sarah Miller for ap
pointment of a trustee. Frances H.
Edgar is appointed to succeed Ros
origlnal trustees.
Petition for bondsmen of O. L.
Rowland to pay over $227.25 which
amount was in the hands of O. L.
Rowland at the time of his death.
Amlcablo division of that fund to
and among the parties interested
Libel in divorce of Jennie A.
Ramsey, libellant, vs. Wm. J. Ram
sey. Were married on September
29, 1907, and lived together until
Sept. 1, 1912. Charge, cruel and
barbarous treatment. Searie & Sal
mon attorneys for the libellant.
A divorce was granted in the caso
of Florence M. Hogencamp, libellant,
vs. Bruce L. Hogencamp, Tuesday
afternoon. P. H. Iloff filed master's
report and samo was approved.
Homer Greene, as the attorney
for Daniel Gray, E. F. Ames and C.
H. Stephenson, asked the court for
an order Tuesday afternoon for the
purpose of looking over the books
of the Waymart Cemetery company
for the purpose of preparing their
case which comes up during the
June term of court. A rule was
grantea allowing the plaintiff to see
the books at the office of Chas. P.
Searie, within a period of ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Pearce
will receive pay for the support of
Albert Toms from July 8, 1912.
They will receive the, same remuner
ation tho county is obliged to pay if
the child had to be sent away to a
In re estate of Henry M. Stalker,
deceased. M. E. Simons attorney for
administratrix. Order made to con
tinue sale of real estate until tho
third Monday of June.
In the divorce proceedings of Ar
thur Fasshauser, libellant, against
Mary Fasshauser, alimony allowed
pending disposition of the case.
James O. Mumford was appointed
master in the divorce proceedings of
Kooert v. sands vs. Mary Sands.
Homer Greene was appointed mas
ter in the divorce proceedings of Mrs.
Bodie against her husband, Allen
ING. In these days of dynamite, anarchy
and tariff tinkering the cast of coun
tenance of the average citizen you
meet is cut on the bias a sort of
half incredulous, half suspicious bias,
as it were. Therefor, when the writ
er saw Brock Lesher, the genial Reg
ister and Recorder, approaching him
with a "Bill Nye" smile, the kind
that Bret Harte declared was "child
like and bland," and in his out
stretched hand an oblong package
wrapped in paper and securely fas
tened with twine, wasn't the com
bination along the suspicious line?
And wouldn't you have received that
package a little gingerly? Most cer
tainly. Good things are always re
ceived with suspicion, and even re
ligion and brook trout are not to be
excepted. Note how we spell that
last word. We don't mean "accept
ed" with the word "not" preceding
it, of course.
Well, that suspicious package was
a box of splendid trout, fresh from
the waters of Newfoundland, caught
oy "iirock" Himself, and they tasted
just like old times. Then the Regis
ter and Recorder told of his various
catches of the "speckled beauties"
whilo down at his former home, and
it was quite a trout experience meet
ing, for he had landed a lot of the
gamey little fish and enjoyed telling
of his experience and sensations as
much as the writer enjoyed listening
to tno tnrnnng recital.
A pretty spring wedding occurred
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H,
Colwell, Torrey, on Wednesday.
when their daughter, Florence, and
Nelson Varcoo, of Atco, were married
by Rev. J. H. Boyce, of Carloy
Brook. The couple were attended
by Miss Edna Colwell and Joseph
Gavitto. The bride was gowned in
blue silk, while the maid of honor
wore a dross of white embroidered
material. Tho wedding march was
played by Mrs. John Bunting, of
Torrey. Tho bride and bridegroom
loft on tho 2:53 Erie train for Mid
dletown, N. Y. where they will re
main a few days before going to Con
necticut. Mrs. Varcoe is one of
Wayne county's estimable young
women, having taught school at
Torrey for tho past three years,
Overdrafts ,
Real Estate and Fixtures
Cash nnd due from banks
Our constant endeavor has been to render a banking service
second to none, thoroughly adapted to the needs of this community,
assuring the same welcome to the small depositor as to the one
with larger business to transact.
while tho bridegroom Is well and
favorably known in his community.
The Citizen oxtends congratulations.
Nelson Varcoe Torrey
Florence Colwell .... Carley Brook
John Welsh Dunmoro
Ellen Gill Hawley
Ward Haney Lakevlllo
Ruth Kirby Lakevillo
William Stephens, of Braman, a
patient of tho State Tuberculosis
Dispensary at Honesdale, loft Wed
nesday for tho State Sanitarium at
Crcsson, where he will recoivo
treatment for his ailment.
For Infanta and Children.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
White Mills, May 15.
Quite an exciting runaway occur
red on Main street Sunday morning.
While Frank Mang, a milkman of
Cherry Ridge, was delivering milk
to a customer, one of his horses be
came frightened and both ran away.
In front of Harry DeReamer's con
fectionery store they ran abreast a
telephone pole, smashing the whlf
fletreo and wagon, upsetting milk
cans in all directions, and freeing
both horses. One ran up Main street
and was caught in front of August
Smith's, the other running down
Main street, wan caught by Mr.
Mang. The wagon was completely
demolished, but the horses were not
oven scratched. Mr. Mang borrowed
a wagon from Liveryman Wegge and
drove his team home.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles
Meezler on Sunday morning, a girl.
Mrs. Howell and children of Way
mart, spent the latter part of last
week with Mr. and Mrs. Ozro Down.
Miss Lizzie Haggerty spent Satur
Passenger, 45 H. P., 1912,
StoddardDayton, fully
equipped, good condition.
Inquire at
Lackawanna Automobile Co.
Scranton, Pa.
For Sale '
"Cliickens como home to roost" you know, anil so, after 30
years, I have come homo to Honesdale, to renew old acquaintances
and to mnko now ones. Thirty years during which I have been as
sociated with somo of tho most prominent clothing establishments
In New York and acquired a knowledge and experience which
should prove invnluahlo to mo in my relations with the Men and
Young Men of Honesdnlo nnd Vicinity.
For, on or about Saturday, May 2-1, or before, I will open in
tho Foster Block, opposite tho Union depot, a new up-to-the-minuto
Custom Clothes Shop to bo known ns " Tho Model Shop "
and which will be ft model shop in every sense; Courtesy, Atten
tion, Quality and Vnluo will bo its cornerstones and Absolute Sat
isfaction or Money Back, its creed.
A host of tho very newest and siimrtest fabrics, colors and
designs will bo hero for your selection, up-to-thc-minuto styles and
models will bo on display; tho tailoring of every garment will bo of
tho most thorough kind; tho fit and llnlsli will bo perfect and tho
very lowest prices consistent with thorough clothes wortiilness will
Now, ho neighborly and whether you want clothes or not,
como to "The Model Shop," bring your wife along, your sister,
yoiu1 mother or your daughter to help you select nnd to say "J low
Do Do" to
The Model Shop'
(Condensed Report)
day and Sunday with her mother.
Joe Fish, of Honesdale, Was the
guest of his aunt, Miss Amanda Dan
iels, Sunday.
John Tuman has gono to Brook
lyn, N. Y., to Join the Brooklyn baso
ball team of the U. S. leaguo.
The teachers of the Whlto Mills
school, accompanied by Miss Eva
Sllsby and Miss Fannie Johnson, at
tended Teachers' association In
Pleasant Mount on Friday and Satur
day. Miss Jennie Rug and friend of
Honesdale, spent Saturday and Sun
day with her sister, Mrs. Charles
Rcinnrknblo Results from Skin Rem
edy Thnt Costs Almost Nothing.
No matter how bad a sore or ulcer
afflicts you, It is believed that Ho
kara, the pure skin healor, will euro
it, but if it doesn't cure, tho pur
chase price will be refunded.
Pell, tho druggist, tho locall agent
for Hokara, who has sold hundreds
of packages, says ho has to And any
form of wound or disease affecting
the skin that Hokara does not heal,
and its relief comes so quickly that
thoso who try It aro simply delighted
with it.
Pimples, eczema, blackheads, acne.
barber's itch, and all skin troubles
are quickly relieved by applying this
simplo skin healer and tissue build-3
er. It contains no grease or acids,
and is cleanly to use.
Pell's drug store Is selling a largo
package of Hokara for 25 c.
in Rubber Gloves. Every lady can
save her hands from the effects of
certain kinds of work by wearing
Rubber Gloves, and here are two
grades that will give the utmost sat
isfaction. Cost $1.00 per pair and are worth
every cent they cost.
Cost 50c per pair and are the best
50c glove ever placed on the market.
Don't forget the names and remem
ber they are sold only at
tho Rexall Drug Store. Wo have
both 'phones and deliver all goods
Luke Levy.
Full Value
Maximum Gloves
Roxbury Gloves
Capital Stock $100,000.00
Surplus nnd Undivided Profits . . 101,078.02
Deposits , 508,080.87