The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 16, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Indian Orchard, May 15.
visits from Jack Frost of late. On
Saturday night last, water standing
In palls, tubs, etc., was frozen to the
depth of one and one-nan incnes
iii thickness.
The Members of tho Ladles' Guild
of Christ church went up to Altoona
farm on Thursday last where they,
were entcriainea oy jurs. w. xi. iuar
shall. About two o'clock p. m. about
forty members and visitors had ar
rived. All had a good time. After
a brief business meeting the guests
were treated to a lunch of sand
wiches, cako and coffee, after which
they adjourned to meet again on
tho 29th Inst, at tho home of Mrs.
C. T. Weeks at tho Grand View
house, near Hough Lake. Every
one who attends will have a good
Messrs. E. C. and Jesse Ham mot
ored to Swamp Brook on Sunday
last and spent the afternoon with
Matthias Schmltt.
(Norman Fonda of Swamp Brook
made E. C. Ham a business call re
cently. Our popular Beachlako merchant,
Chas. Spry, Jr., wife and son, were
the guests of John Wlzzard of the
Red Itock farm on Sunday.
Charles Weber and wife, of Tus
carora Cottage, Beachlake, wore tho
guests of the latter's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Spry of the Old Red'
Rock farm.
Bertha Bishop and Miss Fay of
White Mills, were recent guests at
the home of Mae Richmond.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Swartz of Red
Ridge farm had as their guests on
Saturday and Sunday Fred Swartz,
wife, daughter, Mildred, and Stella
Swartz of East Honesdale.
H. H. Crosby is adding many im
provements to his home. Joseph
Swartz is doing tho work.
William Weeks, of White Mills,
was calling on friends hero on Sat
urday last.
Mrs. Edward Gutheil, of White
Mills, was the guest of her mother,
Mrs. Rebecca Loftwich of Brook
farm on Wednesday last.
Cora Weeks, who attended the
funeral of Mrs. Whewell of New
York City, has returned home.
Mrs. Broadbury and Isabella Budd
were the guests of friends here re
cently. Mrs. E. C. Ham and daughter,
Margaret, were the guests of friends
at Laurella recently.
Charles Williams of Hough Lake,
has gone to Beech Grove where ho
has secured employment on Smith's
dairy farm.
Mrs. Frances Garrett of Beachlako
was a recent visitor at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. . Hall of this
place. .
William Avery, of Brook Road
was a pleasant business caller at Al
toona farm on Friday last.
Beach Lake, May 14.
There has been a decided change
in tho weather these last two days
which we are afraid has spoiled the
Irma Treverton and Charlotte
Wood have gone to visit tho form
er's sister, Mrs. M. Gavitt, of Way
mart. Messrs. H. D. Wood, Thomas
Treverton, W. H. Dunn and families
and Miss Bessie Decker motored to
Waymart and had the pleasure of
seeing the State hospital at Farview.
W. H. Dunn had the misfortune
to sprain his wrist one day this
The city guests are beginning to
arrive at Beach Lake.
Mr. and Mrs. William Ives were
callers at Honesdale one day last
Miss Lucy Downing has been as
sisting Mrs. W. H. Dunn with her
house work this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Webber were
callers at W. C. Spry's on Friday.
Misses Ella Ebert and Edith Sey
mour were callers at Mrs. Charles
Spry's Friday.
Miss Henrietta Budd spent Wed
nesday with Mrs. C. Webber.
Chas. Budd Is remodeling his
The Beachlako band met at the
homo of Thomas Treverton. Visitors
were: Lucy Downing, Edith Sey
mour, Bernice Dunn, W. W. Oliver
and children, Mrs. Chas. Davey and
children, Edward Ives, Chester Spry
and Floyd Seymour.
Miss Lola Richards is spending
the week-end at home.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley Spry on Thursday, May 8th.
A daughter was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Jacob Reining on May 5th.
The rst quarterly conference for
the new year was held at the M.
E. church Friday morning at 10:30.
Horace Budd has purchased a
Studebaker automobile.
Mrs. Hall, of Now York City, Is
visiting her sister, Mrs. C. E. Neal.
Mrs. Rhodes of New York, has
returned to tho lake for the Bum
mer. Mrs. W. P. Downing was a caller
at Mrs. W. H. Dunn's on Friday.
Great preparations are being made
for the L. T. L. convention which
Is to be held hero the 4th of Juno.
Damascus, May 14.
E. T. Olver returned home on
Saturday with a new Ford from
Gammell's garage.
G. B. Drake, who recently mot
with such a severe accident in
Smith's saw mill, will soon be as
good as new again.
C. M. Pethlck received a letter
from his sister, Mrs. F. L. Peck,
bearing the post mark of Queens-
town. She reported that she had
boon aboard tho steamship Adriatic,
of the White Star Lino for eight
N. B. Alfast, who recently return'
ed from an extended western trip,
says that paper money is conspicuous
in California for Its absence. If you
pay an account of a dollar and glvo a
ten dollar note your chango is given
back in either silver or gold, but
more frequently In tho former. 80
much chink must bo very incon
venient to tote around, but Its the
stuff rats can't chow. Ho says
there Is a species of clover that
grows thore but no timothy. The
clover is called bur clover and Is
rich In porteln.
riiJiJw.mL'L,.!1 ,ui' ,f
Copyright, 1913, by the Panama-Pacific International Exposition Co.
N each of the four comers ut this court, which 1b designed by Mr.
Henry Bacon, crentor of the Lincoln Memorial at Washington,
tbere will ue o great niche containing ststusry typlfjlog tho four
seasons, spring, summer, autumn and winter. Ths court will ba
luxuriant wltb growths. Behind the columns of tb colonnado
encircling the court will he mural paintings expressive of the themo of
the court and designed by Ur. Jules Guerln. one of America's most
noted decorative artists.
William Mitchell, tho new proprie-1
tor of tho Laurel Lake property, has J
a force of outside painters and in-1
terior decorators at .vork getting '
everything in ship shape for the com- 1
ing boarding season It is reported
that fifty guests are booked to arrive
on Momorial week and the banner j
year of summer guests at that beau-
tiful resort, is looked for. A plot of
ground has been leveled and other
wise put in shape as a base ball
ground. Numerous new boats will
bo placed upon the lake and the new
proprietor is aiming to make every
thing both inside and outside good
enough for the best. There is no
good reason why Laurel Lake should
not again see balmy days.
Leon Smith reports that he soon
expects to start on an extended trip
with his face toward tho setting sun.
The Golden State is his intended des
tination, not for a brief stay, but
there to make his future home and
mark in the world. We wish him
success and hope a change of cli
mate may be conducive to his health.
Ice three-fourths of an inch thick
on May 11, 1913, and sparkling new
from Jack Frost's mint, coined dur
ing the preceding night is an Item
long to be remembored.
On tho 30th, Memorial Day will be
duly observed by G. A. R. Post, No.
389, and everybody is requested to
bo present and Attorney M. J. Han
Ian, of Honesdale, will entertain
them with an address and from all
reports we can assure them that
they will not be disappointed.
Rev. J.-H. Tuthill attended tho
Sunday school convention held at
Greentown last week.
Five dozen new singing books have
been received for the Sterling Sun
day school, but whether they are an
improvement on the ones wo have
been using time alone will tell. Nov
elty is not always a virtue.
Pleasant Mount, May 15.
Rev. and Mrs. Hunter leave on
Tuesday morning for a visit at Mrs.
Hunter's home in Dover, N. J. Dur
ing the time Rev. Hunter will un
dergo a surgical operation in the M.
E. hospital at Brooklyn, N. Y.
The following program was giv
en for the Improvement society last
Wednesday evening: Piano solo, M.
J. Hintermlster; vocal solo, R. Mc
Gowen; vocal duet, Misses Tiffany
and Kennedy; reading, Mr. McGow
en; vocal solo, Rev. Fallis Hunter;
piano duet. Miss Kennedy and Mr.
Hintermlster; piano duet, Mrs. Hun
ter and Miss Peck; vocal solo, Miss
Kennedy; vocal solo, Miss Tiffany;
reading, Mr. McGowen. Those who
were on the program wero gratified
by the appreciation of their audi
ence. Very favorable comment has
been heard on all sides and Mr.
McGowen's numbers were especially
pleasing. Some twenty dollars has
been added to the treasury.
The program for commencement
week is well in hand and promises
a treat to every one interested. Full
announcement will be made later.
Miss Helen Tiffany entertained the
Ladies' Missionary society of tho M.
E. church last Wednesday afternoon.
J. E. Tiffany and daughter, Helen,
and Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Tiffany mo
tored to Poyntelle last Sunday.
Tho Wayne County Teachers' As
sociation held two sessions in the
High school hall on Friday evening
and Saturday. Both sessions were
fairly well attended.
Sterling, May 15.
A number are working on tho
state road, and it appears that every
man, woman and child Is busy.
Last Sunday F. A. Waltz, of New
foundland, kindly brought up Mrs.
Waltz and niece and E. D. Dunning,
of South Sterling, and after tho ser
vice was ended Mrs. Waltz gave
quite a full account of the Sunday
school convention held at Philadel
phia last October, and Mr. Dunning
also spoke at some length. Such re
ports are always Interesting.
On tho 20 th a Sunday school con
vention Is billed for this place.
Quarterly meeting is billed for Sterl
ing Sunday, May 18th, but we pre
dict there will be no district presi
dent present, simply hold a quarter
ly conference at South Sterling on
the 21st, The president may think
we are back in the brush but Sunday
Is the day wo go to church in this
May 11th was Mothers' Day and
Rev. J. H. Tuthill, preached an ex
cellent sermon for the occasion, bas
ing his romarks on John 2:1 "And
tho mother of Jesus was thero."
Sterling Lodge of Odd Fellows, No.
959, have purchased a new safe.
W. B. Lesher, register and record
er of Wayne county, spent a few days
in Sterling last week and visited the
trout streams and when he returned
to Honesdale on Friday he took along
a sample of the "catch." Mrs. Lesh
er and children are still with "Moth
er Cross."
Mrs. Hlldebrant Is quite feeblo and
last week her son, Elmer, of Port
land, called to see her.
In one of the county papers our
mall carrier last week expressed his
views of the condition of our public
Stalker and Braman, May 15.
A marriage occurred at Hancock
last Thursday. Tho contracting par
ties were Coe F. Young, a prosperous
farmer, and Miss Lizzie, an only
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James H.
Minckler, both of this place. They
were accompanied to Hancock by
Miss Edna and Leslie Rauner, who
wero bride's maid and best man.
They took a short wedding trip and
returned home Monday. Congratul
ations and best wishes go with them.
Mrs. Ora Teeple, who went to the
M. E. hospital In Brooklyn, May 5,
underwent an operation the follow
ing Wednesday and is doing nicely
at this writing.
Tho Ladies' Aid was very pleasant
ly entertained at the homo of Mrs,
D. M. Stalker last Thursday. There
were thirty-five present. Proceeds
4.50. The next Aid will be held
in the grove tho second Thursday in
Mrs. John Skinner has purchased
a new organ.'
Mrs. Jacob Kellam is seriously ill
and does not improve.
A little son three years of age of
Mr. Keller had the misfortune to
get kicked In the face to-day by a
A Sunday school has been organiz
ed at tho Braman church with a
good attendance. They will observe
Mothers' Day and Children's Day in
tho future.
The last few days have been pretty
cold. Grape vines havo been killed
by the frost.
TIONS. That a llvoly interest is being tak
en in Improved methods of horticul
ture by all wide-awake fruit growers
in Pennsylvania is shown by tho
largo attendance at tho public spray
ing demonstrations now In progress
in tho State Model Orchards, under
the direction of Prof. H. A. Surface,
Economic Zoologist of the Depart
ment of Agriculture. Several of
theso meetings aro held in each coun
ty, so that all who desire may con
veniently attend and see the demon
strator spray the trees for codling
moth, curcullo, and other chewing
insects and fungous diseases now
infesting, or likely to develop upon
tho trees later. It is believed that
as soon as fruit tree owners realizo
the possibility of reducing the num
ber of culls, or unsound fruit, grown
In their orchard to from 10 per cent,
to 2 per cent., the method shown
and recommended at these demon
strations will become a matter of
general practice.
Tho dates and places of next
week's meetings are announced as
Sullivan County.
Thursday,- May 22, H. T. Hill,
Friday, May 23, E. R. Warburton,
Susquchniinn County.
Tuesday, May 20, W. M. Bunnell,
South Montrose.
Wednesday, May 21, George Carlton,
Montrose, R. D.
Thursday, May 22, Prof. B. F.
Thomas, Thompson.
Friday, May 23, C. F. Whitney, Sus
quehanna. Wnyno County.
Monday, May 19th, W. II. Bullock,
Tuesday, May 20, Hull Bros., Way-
Wednesday, May 21, W. E. Perham,
.rieasant Mount.
Newfoundland, May 15.
There has been a change in
the weather in this vicinity for the
past few days. Ice was frozen and
snow fell May 10th.
Wesley Akers has returned homo
from California.
Miss Alice Buckingham, of Scran
ton, is visiting Mrs. R. C. Pelham.
Miss Gertie Daniel, of Philadel
phia, who has spent a few days with
Mrs. Burrus, returned home yester
day. We are glad to learn that F. A.
Ehrhardt Is Improving enough to
take dally walks.
Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Pelham enter
tained the following friends at their
homo Friday evening: Mr. and Mrs.
M. P. Searle, Mr. and Mrs. C. L.
Burrus and daughter, Emma, Miss
Alico Buckingham, of Scranton, Miss
Gertio Daniel of Philadelphia, and
William Voesto.
The Ladles' Aid will meet Wed
nesday at the home of Mrs. Louisa
Joe Moran and family have mov
ed Into Chris Woltjen's house.
William Voesto and Miss Gertie
Daniel attended the entertainment
and social at Greentown on Thurs
day ovening.
Milanville, May 15.
Miss Wllhelmina Pethick, of Da
mascus is a guest of Miss Moda Skin
ner at Skinners Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Carthuser and
Mrs. Archlo Taylor and children mo
tored to Lake Huntington on Mon
day. Miss Sue Rockwell, of Jersey City
is visiting Mesdames Connor and
Wm. Pulls has purchased the
house opposite tho home of the Mes
dames Connor and Nichols, and has
moved in part of tho house. L. Mo
grldgo will live In the other part for
a while.
Mrs. R. R. Beeglo, of Buffalo, is
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
L. Skinner.
Miss Mlda Skinner recently re
turned home from a visit with
friends In Nowark, New York and
R. R. Beeglo spent Sunday In this
Hi u o 1 vuuiiuua UlDUrtaO Ui Wit?
peach trees this year is the disease
of the leaf known as the Peach Leaf
uun. it causes tiie leaves to become
swollen and abnormally red and
blotched in color. It has been ob
served to be much worse upon trees
that were partially injured by freez
inc and nnnn rnrtnln v.nrlntloo nf
trees like the "Elberta." Numerous
specimens have recently been sent to
the office of State Zoologist, H. A.
Knrfncp. TTnrrlshiirp- nnrl tn nnn In
quiry concerning this disease he has
recently repneu as ionows:
"Replying to your recent letter
asking about tho disease of your
peach leaves, I can say that, as you
suppose, they are infected with the
leaf curl. In my bulletins I have
Said to With n ntrnni" fnnirl.
cldo, like Lime-sulphur solution or
uoraeaux Mixture Detoro the leaves
appear, a man who is in the peach
growinc business and his Incnmn iln
pends upon it will do this, and not
wan until ue sees tno aisease on his
leaves before ho commences to give
treatment. Aft
in the leaf, It is impossible to cure
uun inuiviuuai leai, consequently,
snravlnr now will fin nnHil
than to help prevent the disease of
bumu young leaves mat are com
mencing to develop. The best thing
to do now under the circumstances,
since you did not spray with Lime
Sulphur solution as directed for San
Jose Scale whrn Mm t rPPB woro Am
mant, would bo to spray with two
quarts of concentrated Lime Sulphur
Solution in fifty gallons of water, or
make up the self-boiled Lime-Sul-
nhur. according tn Snntt'n frrTnli
of the United States Department of
Agriculture, Washington, D. C, and
spray with this once per week until
yuur uiseaseu leaves have all drop
ped off and thore is no longer any
evidence of the rii
which may be four or five weeks. If
mere is mucn or tho Infestation the
fruit crop will be lessened by the re
moval of the Inn VPS. hilt no o ..iii.
practical fruit growers do not do
muuu ior peacu lear curl at this
time of vear. Mv Rihortn noi,
trees are Infected at the present
time, but other varieties do not show
mucn cun. I shall do nothing more
for It at this time of year, as the dis
eased leaves
healthy ones will develop. I think
mo uiiuo ouipuur spraying last win
ter would havo prevented it in part
but not wholly."
Young Sidis Entered Harvard When
He Was Eleven Years Old.
William James Sldls, fifteen, gives
promise of obtaining a Harvard baclve
lor of arts In Juno. This youthful
mathematical -wizard eDterod the unl-
verslty at eleven as a Bpeclallet In
mathematics. Meanwhile bo has in
cluded sufficient other courses to make
his collego schcdulo an evenly balanced
Young Sldls Is tho son of Dr. Boris
Sldls, ono of tho foremost psychologists
in tho country. His younger years
wero spent at the knees of his father,
whore ho imbibed tho rudimentary
Unowledgo of mathematics which was
later to mnko him known as ono of the
scholastic marvels of the country. At
eight ho entered high school, and two
years later saw him at Tufts, where he
remained for ono year before entering
School to Teach Chloken Raising.
Tho board of education of Ogden,
Utah, recently announced that It would
purchase an Incubator and other equip
meet, so that tho pupils In tho Qulncy
school of that city could bo taught
poultry raising.
Mrs. Catt Is United Slates Envoy.
Mrs. Carrlo Chapman Catt, ono of
tho leaders of tho "votes for women"
propaganda In America, sailed recently
for England, whence eho will go to
Budapest, Austria, as a United States
delegate to tho, conference of. the Inter
national Woman's Suffrago alliance, to
take place thero from Juno 15 until
Juno 21. Delegates from twenty-nine
countries will attend the conference.
Healdiy Stock
tNrort' 'l 'k' P'oESp.tvlrg Mad. n!malt In poor condition csanot
do Ihcir full uuly, dtfjer vo-kirs it -producer!.
f f0 Animal Regulator
l me sianunru sioct: cot.-'l lIon?r lot Iiors-1, tons cml hoci.
in tno Ji&rm ut sticKKiul
Has &Louil tun If it ni ir..A-i
elockmtu la all ccrtiocs. zc, 13c, 51. ,1E-!b. Pall, 3.50
r our i Miner beck If It f till "
pr0$ Disinfectant
fiiK kwps t,u"diDSs sanitary. 35c jouart. $1 srllon
JjVot. Get I'"" ProSUharic Uoou..o
ERIC BROS., Ilonesdnlo, Pn.
X 1
The Ideal Guardian
of the estates of your minor chil
dren. It has the very best facilities
for the profitable and wise invest
ment and re investment of the princi
pal and accrued income, -The Scranton Trust Co.
510 Spruco Street.
Renresent Reliable
Cnninanies ONLY
I Our GOLD TABLETS if used promptly 1
O o
make short work of a cold,
Honesdale, ... Pa. i
Farmers and
mechanics Bank
and you will receive all the favors
consistent witli this bank's reputation
of doing business.
Banking House, Corner Main and Tenth Streets.
Saratoga Springs
Lake George
Ten Days9 Excursion
Saturday, August 2, 1913
Arrange Your Vacation Accordingly.