PAGE SIX THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, MAY 9, 1913. Tips on the Tariff .Makers CHAIRMAN OSCAR W. UNDERWOOD of the ways and means commit tee, aside from being an authority on tariff schedules, Is notable for the quality nnd character of his patience. Those long associated with him declare that this Is so monumental that the late Job's, by comparison to It, would look llko a molehill alongside the Washington monument H t Representative James It. Mann of Illinois, leader of the Republican minor ity In congress and the principal opponent In the houso of the tariff measure, was onco known as the "great objector." Arriving late at tho house ono day, lie was hailed by another congressman. "Don't stop me, for I'm late now!" ho gasped breathlessly. "I know you are," replied the other, "or othcrwlso you'd have been in time to object to the chaplain's prayer." 5 t f. Senator P. M. Simmons, chairman of the senate finance committee, gained distinction in his native state of North Carolina long before he wore the toga as an organizer of peerless ability and endless activity. When he was not organizing the Democratic state compaign ho turned his hand at getting up Sunday school picnics nnd patriotic parades with equal success. V. Vt l Senator William Hughes of New Jersey, ono of tho leading members of the senato finance committee, who, coming from the president's own state, has had an Important voice in all tariff matters, had his first job as a reel boy in ono of tho Paterson (N. J.) silk, mills. iSt Senator John Sharp Williams of Mississippi, former leader of the houso Democrats when his party was greatly in the minority and now a member of tho senato finance committee, is the son of a Confederate officer who was killed at tho battlo of Shiloh. He created something of a sensation a few years ago by indulging in n fiery speech in the houso defending the memories of tho Union generals Sheridan and Sherman against tho animadversions of a repre sentative from Pennsylvania. , t . When Senator Hoke Smith first attained national prominence in politics he had much fun poked at his name. But after awhile the Jokesters discovered that his first name originally was Mike, and then they quit. Beforo Cordell Hull, tho young congressman from Tennessee who framed tho Income tax bill, was elected to the houso ho was twico a member of the istato legislature and a judge of tho Fifth circuit court district of Tennessee. He is also a veteran, having commanded a company of infantry from his state during tho Spanish war. Today's Short Story I Mistaken Identity inpiIEY say, Charlie, that tho lovo J between twins is something far beyond ordinary fraternal affec tionthat a man will suffer any amount for his twin. You have a twin brother, so you ought to know if this Is true. How is it?" "You mean suffer things willingly?" "Of course. Why do you ask that?" "Well, sometimes a fellow will suffer for another when ho doesn't want to." "I don't understand you." "It's this way: I'm fond of Dan just as you say twins arc, but I want you to understand one thing tho next time Dan gets sick and has to go to a hos pital I propose to let tho doctors and tho nurses tako care of him." "Something unpleasant must have happened while Don was in tho hos pital last summer." "Well, I should smile." "Smile, then, and tell the story." "Well, not long after tho surgeons had been carving Dan I went to seo him. Tho door of tho hospital being open, I walked in, expecting to seo a Janitor or somebody connected with the institution who'd show me to Dan's room. Nobody being around just then, I walked to tho rear of tho building, looking for an attendant "Suddenly I heard a woman's voice: '"Heavens! There's my patient walking about delirious!' There was a smash of crockery, and, turning, I saw a nurse looking at me with horror, n heap of broken dishes at her feet which sho had just dropped from .a tray. Another nurse camo out of a door, nnd tho two made a dlvo for mo. "I'm a pcaceablo fellow and can bo led llko n Iamb, especially by a wom an or even two women if they aro pretty, nnd both of these were, but I'll bo JInged If I could stand having each ono of them seize mo by a wrist and attempt to forco mo up a stair way, I resisted. Ono of them stepped to an electric button and pressed it It must havo sounded a general alarm, for a man attendant came from ono direction and another from another, and tho nurso who'd, dropped the dishes said: "Tako him up to No. 34. When I camo down to get his dinner ho got up, dressed and camo downstairs. I'll get discharged for this. Heavens! There comes the house surgeon! Put him in here.' "Do you kUow, those two duffers Just picked me up and hustled mo into a room close by, while I kicked and struck out like a maniac. They put me on a bed, and one of them held me down by main forco while tho other rushed out for something. The nurse my nurse, you know poured some funny tasting stuff down my throat. "Just at that moment something pop ped into my head. I wondered why I hndn't thought of it before. They had mistaken mo for Dan. 1 '"See here, you people, you're bark ing up tho wrong tree, aren't you? Do you think I'm Dan Malone?' " 'Funny,' remarked ono of tho men, 'how people who aro off their heads always think they're some ono else.' "'You blankety blank fools! You go to Dan's room nnd see if you don't find him there. I'm his twin brother. I camo to see him.' "Tho two nurses began to look at each other, tho two men pricked up their ears, nnd then my nurse said to tho other ono: '' 'Run up and see.' "So sho did nnd In a minute camo back Into tho room with a grin on her face that looked like tho cat that ato the canary. ' 'He's safe in bed,' sho giggled. When tho hair splits clip or slngo tho ends. For Ink stains on tho fingers try lem on and salt H H Corns can bo removed by daily rub bing with toilet pumice. ? K Apples form a good laxative when eaten on an empty stomach. To whiten finger nails nnd lmprovo tho bands cut a fresh lemon In two and rub In well nt night Wash off in warm water the next morning. This same treatment is excellent for stain? on tho hands. Letters of Introduction. If you introduce a friend to a friend it Is better to write a little letter In advanco explaining tho coming visit. This insures a cordial reception nnd ar ranges for a meeting and for n prep aration that relieves a strain. A letter of Introduction should bo a few sentences written on your own note paper and inclosed in nn nddress cd envelope which Is not sealed. Do not make any reference to tho unhap py circumstances of the bearer nnd keep your own personal experiences out of the note. Tho letter should introduce the bear er to the receiver and ask In polite terms that nny little courtesy that can be extended to the stranger be exer cised. The recipient should be thank ed for any help given. The Summer Guest. Don't make the mistake of usurping family privileges if you are n guest. For instance, don't give orders to the servants in the houso and refrain from doing anything that will disrupt tho scheme of tho homo in which you are visiting. It is the duty of n visitor to be ready for everything. If breakfast is served at S and it Is your place to find out the time for meals you should not bo late. Nothing is more provok ing to a hostess than to wait for a de linquent guest and to sit down before a cold meal. "Punctuality is tho po liteness of kings" and tho hallmnrk of a lady and gentleman. Don't fall in punctuality just because you cannot trace your family tree to William tho Conqueror. H 5 No Children In Black, Young children should never be put In black. It is entirely uncalled for, conspicuous and cruel to tho childish natures of the wearers. FASHION TALKS i-..i k r.. , ... , , , , ... , Tho width at tho low- 7032. Blouso with long shoulders, 34 to 40 bust er e(J lg two ynr(jg 7727, Three piece draped skirt 22 to 32 waist Tno Mny Manton' pat. tern of the blouse, 7532, is cut in sizes from 34 to 40 inches, bust measure; of the skirt, 7727, from 22 to 32 inches, waist measure. They will bo mailed to any ad dress by the fashion department of this paper on' receipt of 10 cents each. 1 AT A GLANCE. John B. Flower, a young Brooklyn electrical engineer, is working on a sys tem by which he hopes to bo ablo to produce a typewriter operated by the human voice. t Tho desert area of tho earth is said to bo 4,180,000 square miles In extent . . The new banknotes which tho Unit ed States treasury will issue some time this- year are only about two-thirds the size of tho money now in circula tion. t Marriage licenses are required in all states and territories of tho Union ex cept in Alaska, New Mexico nnd South Cnrollna. . The first public school in New York city was the Free School society, founded in 1805. . t A tax on bachelor maids as well as bachelors of ?5 per annum is being considered by -Qie Massachusetts com mittee on taxation. SAYINGS OF SAGES. Dean Swift is credited with "Bread is the staff of life." It was Keats who said, "A thing of beauty is a Joy forever." "Man proposes, but God dis poses," remarked Thomas a Kempis. Franklin is authority for "God helps those who help them selves." It was an observation of Thom as Southern that "Pity's akin to love." Edward Coke, the English Ju rist was of tho opinion that "a man's house is his castle." "When Greek joins Greek, then is the tug of war" was written by Nathaniel Lee in 1C02. SILK WITH TRIA1MINQ OF BROCADE 13 nro wearing a great deal of silk this summer, and it is certainly a pleasure. This gown shows striped silk with sleeves of brocade, and It Is worn with n dainty embroidered collar nnd frill. Both In materials and treatment tho de sign is a good one, for it shows many now fea tures. Tho draperj' at tho left side of tho skirt, the sleeves of contrast ing materials and tho muslin collar and cuffs are all important Tho same genernl effect could bo obtained by using cpouge, plain and brocaded, or e p o n g 0 with plain material fig ured, or white with col ored, or, If liked, the sleeves can be made to match tho blouse instead of being in contrast. Figured foulard throughout, with draped girdle of tho plain, would make a pretty ef fect, or n very smart gown could bo made of crepo do chlno or char mouso satin, with the belt of tho now silk in stained glass effect If tho muslin collar Is not liked It enn bo mado of the trimming material, with tho frill or jabot only of tho muslin or plain batiste. Tho skirt is mado in three pieces, and tho back is fitted with littlo tucks at tho waist lino. Tho blouso shows tho drooping shoulder lino that makes such an important fea ture. For tho medium size the blouso will require 3V yards of material 27, " yards SO or 1 yards 44 Inches wide, with one-half yard 30 for tho collar, cuffs and Jabot and three-quarters yard 27 for tho sleeves. Tho skirt will require 4 yards 27 or 30 or 3 yards 44 inches wide. MASTER'S SALE of Vnlunblo ncnvlly Timbered REAIj ESTATE In Partition. The undersigned, a Master ap pointed by tho Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna county to make sale of tho real estate in par tition proceedings between William Main et al. plaintiffs, and Robert H. Roso ot al., defendants, will expose to public sale and vendue at the Court House in Montroso, Fa., on Thursday, tho 15th dny of May, 1013 at two o'clock p. m., tno following described real estate: FIRST PIECE: Comprising 284 1-4 acres, more or less. This piece is covered with heavy timber chiefly hemlock, original growth and also a portion of the wa ters and ground thereunder of "Sil ver Lake," ono of tho most beautiful fresh water lakes in northeastern Pennsylvania, and shore lino thereof about three-quarters of a mile, mak ing a very attractive spot for cot tagers, fishing and boating; in tho center of the hill country of Penn sylvania about 1800 feet above sea level. SECOND PIECE Comprising 805 3-4 acres more or less. This piece consists almost entirely of very heavy virgin hemlock inter spersed with some pine and hard wood; ono of tho most valuable tim ber tracts of Its size in the state of Pennsylvania. Within easy reach of railroad and shipping facilities, being within ten miles of D., L. & W. R. R. and L. V. R. R. Any further information desired concerning either tract will bo fur nished by the Master, together with map of tho tract. JOHN S. COTJRTRIGIIT, Master. Montrose, Susq'a Co., Pa. A. B. SMITH, Attorney. Montrose, Pa. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of Maria A. Hulftern, Late of Preston, deceased. Tho undersigned an auditor ap pointed to report distribution of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment, on Tuesday, May 20, 1013, 2 P. M., at his office in tho borough of Honesdale, at which time and place all claims against said estate must be presented, or recourse to the fund for distribution will be lost. F. P. KIMBLE, Auditor. Honesdale, April 12, 1913. 31w3. tira.n and Cotton Hajkets? .future -prises of Grain anl 1 CoMon-arsBO1 talng approximately" estlaatediCn tna baste of, future cropweather coniltlons. This is m Irocmi for aitlsatln? future, values. - Torlsf. foroatlon regarding tbla service adlreti TOSIZH'i UM8SI BVKAU, Tasnlnetcn.S.e; ttnnarj.n:;Knnt:jmaJtttKuuKta s MAR1IJN LAUrltLl) I Designer and IVIan kfacturer of ARTISTIC MEMORIALS Office and Works 1036 MAIN ST. i HONESDALE, PA. T,he Citizen wants a good, live ly correspondent in every village In Wayne county. Will you be one? Write this office for particulars. M&-ttsmf5) ID rot New Yotk rtiser tame nurara PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Attornevs-ot-Liw. ME, SIMONS, , . ATTORNEY 4 COUN8ELOK-AT-LAW Office in the Court Houbo, Honesdale Pa. SEARLE & SALMON, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS-AT-LATfl. Offices lately occupied by Judge Searle CHESTER A. GARRATT, J ATTUUHKY S COUNSELOR-AT-LAW I Offlce-Dlmmlck Building, Ilonesdale, Pa. w Al. H. LEE, ATTORNEY A COUNBELOR-AT-LAW. Office. Foster nulldlncr. All lppal hnnlnuR promptly attended to. Honesdiile, Pa. MUA1FORD & MUMFORD, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELORS-AT-LAW Office Liberty Hall buildlns. Honesdale HOMER GREENE. ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR-AT-LAW. Offlco: Relf Building, Honesdale. CHARLES A. AIcOARTY, ATTORNEY A COUNSELOR- IT-LAW. Special and prompt attention eiven to the collection ot claims. Office: Relf Building, Honesdale. Physicians. PB. PETERSON, M. D. . 1126MAIN STREET, HONESDALE, PA. Kye and Ear a specialty. The flttlne ot class es clven careful attention. U VERY F. G. RICKARD Prop WRST-CLASS WAGONS, RELIABLE HORSES. Especial Attention Given to Transit Business. HHHBa STONE BARN CHURCH STREET, W. C. SPRY HKACHLAKE. AUCTIONEER HOLDS SALES ANYWHERE rx STATE. OVER 65 YEARS' EXPERIENCE Trade Marks Designs CopmiGHTs &c. Anyone sending n skcl rh nnd description may nntrklr nftrartnlii nnr nitinton free whether an Invontlon 18 probably pntentnblo. Comraunlca lions strictly eoMldentfal. HANDBOOK on Patents sent free. Oldest njrency for flocunnorpatentB. Patents taken throuKU Jlunn & Co. receive tptcuu notice, without cbargo, in tno ciemific Ji ntertcatn A tmndiomelr Ulnttrntod weeklr. Tjarireit cir culation of any sclentliJo journal. Terms, 13 a rear ; lour raoiuns, 91 ouiu uj oil newuaeaierB. MUNN&Co.3G,B'ad"a'- New York lirancb. Offlcn. C25 P 8U Washington, D. C. J. E. HALEY AUCTIONEER Have mo and snvo money. Wl attend sides anywhere in State. Address, WAYMART, PA.(R. D. 3) JOSEPH N. WELCH Fire The OLDEST Fire Insurance! Agency in Wayne County. Office: Second floor Masonic Build ing, over C. C. Jadwln's drug store, j Honesdale. rtbutpyouf Eoouets, tiros. L iuh uiormiuon loom your nty, tttrfctiont, etc, to tut .thousand ot Inoulrtrt from unW tho S.000.000 resident City. .Tal service Is FflEB to til resort 4- Brooayn Eigle the grestcst resort-tdver- me united 5tte. SejjJisOBttt welj(liwinon local pap" - THElByMOISbBUREAtr DAILY EAC
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers