The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 06, 1913, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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Combination Drawer and Shelf
For a Linen Closet.
A combination drawer nnd shelf for
11 llnon closet Is much better than a
shelf or a drawer, says Popular Me
chanics. It la constructed in tho man
ner of a drawer, with sides nnd a back,
tho front being open and tho ends of
the sides cut rounding. A clip Is at
tached to tho under sldo of tho bottom,
near the front edgo, to provldo a means
for pulling out the holder.
Sheets, towels, tablecloths, napkins,
etc., can bo neatly piled on tho holder
nnd can be seen without digging down
to tho bottom. It has tho advantage
over tho shelf that It can bo pulled
out without anything falling off, and
tho linen on the back part can bo easily
reached as well as that In front. The
closet may contain as many holders as
ore necessary and should bo provided
with a door for keeping out dust.
Pudding 8aucee.
Orange Sauco. Heat tho whites of
three eggs until stiff, odd a cupful of
powdered sugar and continue beating.
Add tho rind nnd Julco of two oranges
and tho julco of a lemon.
.Molasses Sauco. A cup of molasses
nnd ono nnd one-half tablespoonfuls of
butter boiled together flvo minutes.
Removo from the heat and add two
tablespoonfuls of vinegar.
Croam Sauco, Deat together until
thick one-quarter of n cupful of thick
cream. Add one-third of a cupful of
powdered sugar and one-half teaspoon-,
ul of vanilla.
Foamy Sauce. Cream half a cupful
of butter, add a cup of powdered sug
ar, an egg, well beaten, and a table
spoonful of vanilla. Beat while heat
ing over hot wnter.
& Grange
ttfeoduaUd by CHAKLB8 M. OAKDNBR.
Editor of National Oraago, West (WW.
Runner Tabor Thought to
Have Big Future.
Spaghetti With Meat.
Put a teaspoonful of butter Into a
frying pan and when hot put In n
sliced onion and a clovo of garlic, cut
fine, frying to a light brown.
Next add ono nound of chuck steak
and two or three slices of bacon cut 1
Into short lengths. Let this cook for
about five minutes nnd then put in a
cupful of canned tomatoes and a few
mushrooms. Season with a little salt
and paprika and lot all simmer for an
hour nnd a half or until tho meat Is
soft In tho ineantlmo cook spaghetti
by putting Into boiling salted water
and cooking twouty minutes. Drain
and lay half on a largo platter. Pour
over half tho contents of the savory
pot and sprinkle a llttlo grated cheesd
over all. Add tho remainder of tho
spaghetti, cover with tho rest of tho
meat and gravy and servo very hot.
Cocoanut Cream Pie.
Half cupful prepared cocoanut soak
ed flvo minutes In two cupfuls of milk,
ono egg, ono small cupful of sugar,
butter tho size of a walnut, one small
tablespoonful of cornstarch. Put the
milk and cocoanut over stove In a dou
ble toller and when hot stir In the
sugar, then tho butter and tho yolk,
beaten, nnd a tablespoonful of corn
starch dissolved In milk. When cook
ed pour into a plo shell previously
baked. Put meringo on top, using
whlto of egg and a llttlo sugar. Put
In oven nnd brown.
Jt It "Six Hundred Grangeo In 1913,"
and Is Being Taken Up All
Over Country.
The year 1013 bids fair to be the
greatest 12 months In all grange his
tory, so far as extension of the order
is concerned; and a "Grange slogan"
has been adopted, which Is being ta
ken up by the patrons all over the
country "Six hundred Granges . In
1913." Already scores of new ones
have been organized in many statos
and there are good indications that
the ideal of extension thus set up will
be realised. In sending forth this slo
gan of 1913, National Master Oliver
Wilson of Peoria, 111., puts the mat
ter squarely up to the patrons of tho
country in tho following concise and
convincing letter:
"The Grange is never satisfied with
the past, but is always looking ahead
Into tho future and expecting greater,
influence than it has done in the past
"The year 1912 was a record breaker
in things accomplished by the order,
but tho present year must exceed it
in every particular. How many state
masters will take up the slogan and
eond it forth to tho membership Six
hundred Granges organised in 1913!'
Ask Pomona and Subordinate Masters
to hand it on to tho membership, also
urge deputies to be more active than
in the past, and it is done. If each
state will but organize five more than
they did last year, the work is more
than accomplished. Patrons, the work
could easily bo doubled if each mem
ber would do his full duty.
"The farmer is ready for tho Orange,
is but waiting for the organiser to
come and load tho way. Why Is this
true? Because ho has been reading
and watching the safe and Bane policy
of the Grange, watched Its fights of
years ago in having tho commissioner
of agriculture raised to a cabinet posi
tion, tho pure food laws, tho interstate
commerce commission, rural mall de
livery, also Its last great triumph, par
cel post. The farmer has also watched
tho Grange wage its battles against
ship subsidy and tho so-called Cana
dian reciprocity measure.
"It is a well-known fact that tho
Grange was vory largely responsible
for thoso things, although Bomo aro
trying to take the credit away, oven
trying to give credit to men for the
parcel post law who to the very last
opposed tho measure and said it would
be worse than nothing. Notwithstand
ing this, the Grange moves on in its
quiet, dignified mannor, not swerving
to tho left or right, but in the open
keeps on fighting for tho 'rights of tho
American farmer. It Is this that has
appealed to the farmer of tho country,,
nnd he is now anxious to become a
part of this greek organization which
in the past has done so much for him.
This is why our slogan will be more-
than realized.
" 'Six hundred Granges for 19131'
"Master of the National Grange."
Beef Tongue, (Herman Style.
Cook a beers tonguo until tender and
removo tho skin whon half cooled.
Prepare a sauce as follows: Boll one
half cupful of vinegar, two and a half
cupfuls of wator and two tnblespoon
fuls of sugar, with one-half cupful of
raisins, for ten minutes. Add a dash
of salt, thicken with one tablespoonful
of cornstarch, rubbed with ono table
spoonful of butter and boll rapidly.
Cuttho moat in slices. Pour over tho
sauco and garnish tho dish with fried
eggplant or French fried sweet pota
toes. Mush, Western Style.
Prepare a thick cornmeal mush, of
-whlto meal, cooking it nt least an hour.
Hemovo tho rind from tho desired
amount of bacon, scald tho slices and
fry them until crisp in tho oven; then
drain and ktep hot Set tho frying pan
on top of tho rango and drop In the
mush by spoonfuls, browning on either
side. Servo very hot
Starching Curtains.
Curtains that aro Btarched with flour
Will last longer than if ordinary starch
la used, bocauso flour docs not rot
them tho samo as starch does. Mix
three tablespoonfuls of flour to n paste
with cold wnter, then pour boiling wa
tor on as for ordinary starch. This
will bo sufficient for two pairs of cur
tains. Danish Pudding.
Cook ono cupful of tapioca In a dou
ble boiler for ono hour. Whon cold
add half a cupful of sugar nnd one
tumblorful of currant Jelly. Turn into
individual molds or, in ono largo mold
nnd servo with whipped cream.
Baked Pork Chop.
Cover bottom of pan with two inches
if dressing, with, chopped onion In it.
Put tho chops on top of dressing and
almost cover with hot water. Bake
until brown.
Prominent Grange Leader.
One of tho Grange leaders who has
come into national prominence the
past two years is U. r. Hull of
Dlmondale, Mich, lecturer of tho Na
tional Grange For several years Mr.
Hull has been president of the Amer
ican Dairy Farmers' association, and
one of the best known institute speak
ers in tho country, being in constant
demand for big meetings in a score of
During the past year Mr. Hull has
also been elected secretory and exec
utive officer of tho National Dairy
union, succeeding tho late George M.'
Whitaker, who came to that position
after a long and honorable service
with tho United States government
Mr. Hull is putting into his new posi
tion his characteristic energy and
enthusiasm and to his leadership is
largely duo the successful combating'
of tho effort in the last congress to
break down the dairy protective laws
of tho country.
Tho National Dairy union has work
ed very effectively In connection with
the legislative committee of the Na
tional Grange, of which Mr. Hull has
been a member for two years, and
his Boloctlon as its executive officer
Is therefore particularly appropriate
along any line of dairy protection and
promotion, the National Dairy union
does constant and offectivo work, and
Is a recognized leador. Fow men
combine so well tho qualities of offec
tivo leadership as does Mr. Hull, and
a fooling of greatly increased confi-i
denoo now pervades tho dairy inter-,
esta, as a result of tho selection of
Mr. Hull.
Photo by American Proas Association.
Not only is Norman Tabor of Brown
university expected to bo the next In
tercollcgiate one mile champion, but ho
stands an excellent chance of break
ing the present record of 4 minutes
15 3-5 seconds, bold by John Paul Jones
of Cornell. It all depends upon the
way in which Tabor runs his race at
the intercollegiate championships.
That he possesses the speed and tho
endurance necessary to accomplish
such a feat ho has proved time and
again, but Tabor is what is known as
an indifferent athlete. Ho likes ath
letics, but he is not the kind of runner
who leaves the bnrrlor with tho Inten
tion of trying to break record's. If he
were ho might oven now hold the milt
Star Pitchers Lacked Control at Start
Tho game has few great pitchers
who broke into tho big league with
control. Ed Walsh, Bill Donovan and
even Mathewson wero a wild lot when
they stnrted on their major league ca
reers. But thoy gradually overcame
this failing nnd eventually were num
bered among thoso pitchers who are
noted for having command of tho ball.
Walter Johnson was one of tho few
great pitchers who camo into promi
nence in possession of control. He.
was nblo to get tho ball over the very
first day he pitched for tho Nationals,
and it is on rare occasions that he is
Control seems to have been natural
to Walter, Just like his tremendous
speed. Tho night he reported to Joe
Cantillon in 1007, Cantlllon put this
question to tho youngster:
"Johnson," asked Joe, "how is your
Walter studied awhllo, then answer
ed in that characteristic drawl: "I
don't know. I never had to use any
where I was."
Valnnblo Heavily Timbered
In Partition.
Tho undersigned, a Master ap
pointed by tho Court of Common
Pleas of Susquehanna county to
make sale of tho real estato in par
tition proceedings between William
Main et al. plaintiffs, and Robert H.
Rose et al., defendants, will expose
to public salo and vendue at tho
Court House in Montrose, Pa., on
Thursdny, tho 15th' day of May, 1013
at two o'clock p. m., tne following
described real estato:
FIRST PIECE: Comprising 284
1-4 acres, moro or less.
This piece is covered with heavy
timber chiefly hemlock, original
growth and also a portion of the wa
ters and ground thereunder of "Sil
ver Lake," one of the most beautiful
fresh water lakes in northeastern
Pennsylvania, and shore line thereof
about three-quarters of a mile, mak
ing a very attractive spot for cot
tagers, fishing and boating; in the
center of tne hill country of Penn
sylvanla about 1800 feet above sea
S05 3-4 acres moro or less.
This piece consists almost entirely
of very heavy virgin hemlock inter
spersed with some pine and hard'
wood; one of the most valuable tlm
ber tracts of its size in the state of
Pennsylvania. Within easy reach of
railroad and shipping facilities, being
within ten miles of D L. & W. R. R.
and L. V. R. R.
Any further information desired
concerning either tract will be fur
nished by the Master, together with
map of the tract.
Montrose, Susq'a Co., Pa.
A. B. SMITH, Attorney.
Montrose, Pa.
The Citizen wants a good, live
ly correspondent In every village in
Wayne county. Will you bo oneT
Write this office for particulars.
A Great Showing.
In a recent inquiry, the fact was
brought out that of the 480 uubordl-.
dlnato Granges in tho state of Maine, '
more than 90 per cent own and occa-l
py their own halL The inventoried
property of tho Grange halls and'
their oontenta, in the state of Maine,
is In excess of a million and a qoar-,
ter of dollars. This is a record of
hall ownership which tho Grange of
no other state can oven approximate,
and Is a source of tremendous pride
to all the Patrons in the Pine nwt
state. As a result of such substantial
property ownership, too Granges of
Maine are rated among the most sub
stantial and most prosperous in the
Still Hunting For "White Hopes."
Crowning Luther McCarty champion
white hope has by no means put an
end to the hunt for new material. Mc
carty's success, on tho contrary, hos
given a new Impetus to tho industry
of developing white heavyweights.
Tho sight of tho raw cowpuncher,
who has practically sprung up over
night gathering a fortune on tho stage
and being showered with big purses
has made it apparent that thcro are
possibilities in the white hope business
even moro enticing thnn gold hunting
used to be In the days of the Klondlko
rush. Witness, for instance, the fran
tic struggle now going on for tho prlvl
lego of managing Jess Wlllard, who is
expected soon to bo running McCarty
a close second In gathering dollars and
Roos New Yale Strong Man.
W. F. Roos of Hoboken, N. J., is the
new "strong man" at Ynle. It was an
nounced recently thnt he had broken
tho university tost record with a total
of 2,005 points. Tho former record of
p.400.0 was held by John R. Kllpat
rlck, 1011, tho football and track star.
Roos is a member of tho Junior class
in the scientific school.
"Doggie" Trenchard a Coach.
Varsity teams of all branches nt the
University of North Carolina will be
under tho general supervision next
year of "Doggie" Trenchard, assistant
coach of athletics at Princeton from
1800 to 1000. Trenchard has signed a
three year contract to become North
Carolina's resident coach.
Russian a Fast Skater.
In tho international skating races at
Christlanla recently tho Russian, Ippoll
tow, won tho 5,000 meters contest in 8
tnlnutcs 84 4-10 seconds. Mathloson,
tho Norwegian champion, won the
1,500 meters in 2 minutes 221-10 seconds.
Football Pays at Chicago.
Football is the only sport which is
profitable at the Unlvorslty of Chicago,
according to an official report The
gamo netted $52,000 last year, at a cost
of $25,000. Tho total athletic receipts
were $07,026 nnd tie expenditures $G0Y
HoeiesdaBe. Pa.
The Leading Financial Institution of Wayne County
We lead In CAPITAL STOCK S 200,000.00
Wo lead in SURPLUS and UNDrV IDED PROFITS 372,862.00
We lead In TOTAL CAPITALIZATION 672,862.00
We lead in Deposits 2,463,348.60
We lead in TOTAL RESOURCES 3,040,099.22
This year completes tho FORTY FIRST since tho founding of the
MANY BANKS have come and gone during that period.
PATRONIZE ono that has withstood the TEST of TIME.
W. B. HOLMES, President H. S. SALMON, Cashier
A. T. SEARLE, Vice-President W. J. WARD, Asst. Cashier.
Nov. 12, 1912.
Advertise in THE CITIZEN
Money-making Secrets
WH Farm Journal
FARM JOURNAL ("cream, not skim milk") is the great little
paper published for 36 years in Philadelphia by Wilmer
Atkinson. It.js taken and read by more families than any other
farm paper in the WORLD. Its four million readers (known as
" Our Folks ") are the most intelligc-nt and prosperous country
people that grow, and. they always say the Farm Journal helped
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Do you know Peter Tumbledown, tho old fellow who won't take the Farm Journal? By showing
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The Farm Journal is bright, brief, "boiled down," practical, full of gumption, cheer and sunshine.
It is strong on housekeeping and home-making, a favorite with busy women, full of life and fun for boys and
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The Farm Journal gives more for the money and puts it in fewer words than any other farm paper.
32 to 80 pages monthly, illustrated. FIVE years (60 issues) for $1.00 only. Less than 3 cents a month.
No one-year, two-year or three-year subscriptions taken at any price.
this cock properly fieU ? !G
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POULTRY SECRETS is a collection of discoveries
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HORSE SECRETS exposes all the methods of "bish-
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CORN SECRETS, the great NEW hand-book of Prof.
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stock-feeding elements. Pictures make every process plain.
EOQ SECRETS tells iiow a familv of six can make
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have a back-yard, get tins booklet, learn how to use up every
scrap of the kitchen waste, and live better at less cost.
THE "BUTTER BOOK" tells how seven cows were
made to produce half a ton of butter each yer year. (140
pounds is the average). An eye-opener. Get it, weed out your
poor cows, and turn the good ones into record-breakers.
STRAWBERRY SECRETS is a revelation of the dis
coveries and methods of I.. J. Farmer, the famous expert, in
growing luscious fall strawberries almost until snow flies. How
and when to plant, how to fertilize, how to remove the blossoms,
how to get three crops In two jears, etc.
GARDEN GOLD shows how to make your backyard
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DUCK DOLLARS tells how the great Weber duck
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HOW they do everything.
TURKEY SECRETS discloses fully the methods of
Horace Vose, the famous Rhode Island "turkey-man," who sup
plies the White House Thanksgiving turkeys. It tells how to
mate, to set eggs, to hatch, to feed and care for the young, to pre
vent sickness, to fatten, and how to make a turkey-ranch PAY.
The MILLION EGO-FARM gives the methods by
which J. M. Foster made over $18,000 a year, mainly from
eggs. All chicken-raisers should learn about the "Rai(Cocas
Unit,'' and how Foster FEEDS hens lo produce such quantities
of eggs, especially in winter.
Intelligent woman can design nnd make her own clothes, In the
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She now has a successful dressmaking establishment and a
school of dressmaking Illustrated with diagrams.
SHALL I FARM? is a clear, impartial statement of
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These booklets are 6x9 inches, and profusely illustrated.
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"I have had more help, encouragement and enjoy- II
incm out UI 11 in inm year man 4 um uui ui uun.i ... .
years," says C. M. I'ersons.
I have sometimes read
" It is a queer little paper.
It tnrougn ana tnougnt I was none wun u, men jut u up ok'"
and fincT something new to interest me," says Alfred Krogh.
"Farm Journal is like a bit of sunshine in our home.
It Is making a better class of people out of farmers. It was first
sent me as a Christmas present, and I think it the choicest present
1 ever received," sas I'. K. LeValley.
"We have read your dear little paper for nearly 40
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Mrs. B. W. Edwards.
"I fear I neglect my business to rend it. I wish it
could be In the hands of every farmer in Virginia," says W.S. Cline.
"I live in a town where the vard is only 15x 18 feet,
but I could not do without the Farm Journal," says Miss Sara
"I get lots of books and papers, and put them aside
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make it less interesting, so I can have a chance at my other
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"If I am lonesome, down-hearted, or tired, I go to
Farm Journal for comfort, next lo the Bible," says Mabel Dewitt.
"Farm Journal has a cheerful vein running through
it that makes it a splendid cure for the "blues." Whrii coming
home tired in mind and body, I sit down and read It. ar.d It seems
to give me new inspiration for life," writes G. E. Halderman.
"We have a brother-in-law who loves a joke. We
live In Greater New Yoik, and consider ourselves quite citified, so
wh?n he sent us the Farm Journal as a New Year's gift we nearly
died laughing. 'How to raise hogs' we who only use bacon in
glass Jars I 'How to keep cows clean' when we use condensed
milk even for rice puddingl 'How lo plant onions' when we
never plant anthlng mole fragrant than lilies of the valley. I
accepted the gift w ilh thanks, for we are too well-bred to look a
gift horse in the mouth. Soon my eye was caught by a beautiful
poem. I began to lead It, then when I wanted the I'arm Journal
I found my husband deeply interested in an article. Then my
oldest son began to ask, 'lias the Farm Journal come yet ?' He is
a jeweler, ami hasn't much time for literature; but we find so much
Interest and uplift in this fine paper that we appreciate our New
Year's gift more and more," writes Ella B. Burkman.
"I received 'Com Secrets' and 'Poultrv Secrets,'
and consider them worth their weight in gbld," says V. G. Newall.
"What your Egg Hook tells would take a beginner
years to learn," says Roy Chancy.
"Duck Dollars is the best book I ever had on duck
ralslng," says F. M. Warnock.
"If your other booklets contain ns much valuable
Information as the Egg-Book, I would consider them cheap at
double the price," says F. W, Mansfield.
"I think your Egg-Book is a wonder," says
C. P. Shlrey.
"The Farm Journal beats them all. Everv issue has
reminders and ideas worth a year's subscription," writes
T. II. I'ottcr,
"One year ago I took another agricultural paper,
and it took a whole column to tell what Farm Journal tells in
one paragraph," says N, M. Gladwin,
"It ought to be in every home where there is a chick,
a child, a cow, a cherry, or a cucumber," says I. D. Bordus.