The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 06, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Advertisements and reading notices of
all kinds placed In this column will be
charged for at the rate of one cent per
word for each separate Insertion. When
sending us advertisements to be printed
In this column, cash or stamps must ac
company the order.
ors and named varieties; well
started. Right time to get them.
J. B. Nielsen. 37el2
orca Eggs for hatching, Northup
strain, that lay lots of big white
eggs? ?3.60 a 100; 75 cents 15. J.
T. Bradley, Damascus, Pa. 3Cei5t
and lot near Honesdalo? We
have one located on Delaware street
that would make an Ideal home for
any employe of Honesdalc's varied
industries. Invest your savings In
a home. It will pay you bigger In
terest and you will bo interested to
a greater extent than if you paid
rent. The place is your for a small
sum. Consult Buy-U-A-Home Real
ty Co., Jadwin Building, Honesdalo.
C. church and Jadwin's corner
Sunday evening, a pocket-book con
taining money and watch fob. Fin
der please leave at 807 Main street
and receive reward. It.
with housework. Mrs. Fred Tol
ley, 17th Street. 37ei2t
housework. Apply 1114 Court
street, Honesdale. 35eitf
be in Honesdale on Monday, May
12, and will remain for the week.
Drop a card to him, care Hotel
Wayne. 37t2.
shares. Farm implements furnish
ed. Station, mile from Erie R. R.
Volney Skinner, Mllanville, Pa.
house, all modern improvements.
Inquire of J. A. Demer, Church street
Honesdale. 32eitf
and Optician, will be a profes
sional caller at the Allen House,
Honesdale, on Monday and Tues
day, May 12 and 13, and at Farview
Hotel, Hawley, on Wednesday, May
14. Difficult cases of defective vis
ion solicited. 37t2
This is clean-up week. Don't
be afraid to use a little extra "elbow
grease." Make your property look
The annual meeting of the
Honesdale Improvement association
will be held in town hall, firemen's
narlor. on Mondav. Mav 12. at 3
p. m.
A carload of Hawleyltes at
tended the "Bohemian Girl" at the
Lyric last Friday evening. It is
claimed that about 60 people were
in attendance.
Liveryman M. Lee Braman de
parted from usual customs on Sun
day by sending his sprinkling wagon
over the full length of Main street.
Good work', Leo, keep it up!
During the month of April
1,248 doous were given out at tne
Honesdale free library. A number
of new volumes have been received,
a list of which will be printed in
The Citizen next week.
While playing base ball at Ath
letic Park, last Friday afternoon,
Sumner Crossley sprained his right
ankle. The ligaments were badly
torn and it will be about three
weeks before ho will have the use
of his foot.
The many friends of Hon. C. C.
i in n ii t r Pr m n i i mpso t n r nn a nnn.
veeks. He took advantage of the fine
veathor to walk from his home on
Thursday was not E. W. Gam-
nell's Jonah day. He sold five
t nrn runnnniirs in inn mi I rrn'in r
rfintlnmpn ? T.phIov TlniiP'loci Tnr
iers Falls; Henry Smith, Seely-
lllo A ATfTi,llfTi T. nf ,TIr.roo
lale; Joseph Schweighofer, Glrd
and: Howard Roe. Cherrv RidEo.
iiuvo you visueu tne uauiornia
..uiiuii uiirs you ii not, mime u
point to do so tomorrow. The cars
til Tin rr,, l . .1 t i . .1
. . uu uci u i ucauu; tvuu u t:uuua
mkA .. i i a t ..ii n
anks are wonderful and worth the
dmlsslon price, and -you will never
ave a chance to see such a monster
hark again, or to examine the 1,
00 other curiosities from all over
f wnp inp cn limn rtnti Tim tha
ou ad a souvenir free, may be worth
lore than the little you have to pay
ir admission. Don't miss it. It's
ew. It's clean. It's interesting.
On July 1st next the "collect-on-
le parcel post department of tho
ostal Service. Under the approved
gulations a parcol bearing the ro-
sent anywnoro in the country.
id the amount due from tho pur
mser collected and remitted by the
si i iiiii'H iiit ii ;i rim on t rnn yr m o
ar the amount duo from the ad-
oaou, turn iuu collection Will 1)0
ade if the amount is not In excess
?100, There will be 10 cents to
affixed by the sender In narcel
st stamps. This also will insure
0 narcel to an nmmint. Tint in fir
ed 150. This ffintiiro nun nnt tirn.
PM TCnntl tVia nnKAol nnat nmilnm
IS DUt into nnarntfnn hanfiiiRA It wna
sired to simplify the work of post
isters as much as possible the first
y of the service.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John
Smith, of Dyberry, an eleven-pound
son, on Friday, May 2.
Autocars in the service' of 024
concerns'.'lh the city of New York
Have replaced 12.G75 horses.
The Young Men's Bible class of
the Baptist church met at the home
of Walter Kimble on Thursday even
ing. Mrs. Emily Orr is very ill of
pneumonia it the home of her
daughter, Mrs. A. E. Slsson of
Fallsdale. Dr. Peterson is attending
July weather. The temperature
on Saturday and Sunday registered
88 and 90 degrees respectively and
Is claimed to bo tho hotcst May since
Governor J. K. Tenor has just
signed a bill allowing county super
intendents of schools necessary post
age on all work pertaining to their
official position.
The up-town 500 club were
delightfully enter.talned Friday af
ternoon, with Mrs. Walter M. Fow
ler as hostess, at her home on Up
per Main street.
It's a satisfaction to have your
home and surroundings look clean.
This week is designated for that
purpose. What are you doing to
make 'Honesdalo a spotless town?
A new row of willow trees
have been planted on the south
bank of the Lackawaxen river. In
time they will replace the old trees
that are now unsafe to the public.
Dr. B. Golden, of Carbondale,
will be with us again the first part
of next week. He specializes in
scientific examinations of the eye
without the use of drops or drugs.
The Honesdale Citizen office
last week sent out a town-booming
number of their paper. The number
contained much Interesting matter of
a town boosting nature. Peckville
County Superintendent of
Schools J. J. Koehler has been ap
pointed a member of tho State Board
of Examiners for the Millersville
State Normal School. The examina
tions will be held June 18, 19 and
20 th.
Mrs. Frank Elselo, wife of Su
perintendent Eisele, fell from an
embankment at the rear of her home
on Wood avenue Monday morning
and broke both bones of the right
leg about four inches above the an
kle. Drs. F. W.. Powell and L. B.
Nielsen were called.
Saturday night a furious fire
raged on the mountain in the neigh
borhood of Panther's Bluff, along
the right of way of the Delaware &
Hudson. The fire has been going
for several days but Saturday night
tho flames could be plainly seen for
many miles around in all directions.
Forest fires in Pike county
threatened the cottages and barns at
Forest Lake club house on Saturday
last. The lire was stopped only by
back-firing. About 30 people were
engaged in extinguishing the flames
under A. L. Bishop, superintendent
of the Club association. The lire
came to within 30 feet of tho cot
tages. i The Aborn Opera Company's
presentation of "Tho Bohemian
Girl" at the Lyric Thursday night
was one of the best of its kind over
produced on the stage in Honesdale.
The gypsy life of "The Bohemian
Girl" was truthfully portrayed and
the large audience immensely en
joyed the play from start to finish.
Tho play was produced to a full
The symbolism of "Peter Pan"
will be the subject for the reading
on Saturday, May 10th, at 3:15 p.
m. The psychological intent of this
place will be of especial interest to
the class. But as the story of Peter
Pan appeals to tho children also,
Mrs. Frledewald invites them to at
tend oh Saturday as her guests, and
suggested to her patrons "to borrow
children for the occasion," if they
did not own any.
The Lutheran Pastoral associa
tion of Scranton and vicinity will
meet Tuesday in Gouldsboro where
the members will bo the guests of
Rev. J. F. Stoete, of tho Grace
church. An interesting program,
consisting of readings of the Scrip
ture in Hebrew and Greek, sermon
sketches and Right Rev. M. J. Ho
ban, D. D., Rev. J. W. Malone, rec
tor; Rev. Dr. A. J. Brennan, bis
hop's secretary and chancellor.
A party of Honesdale autoists
took advantage of the flne spring
weather and tho good roads to spin
around the country. One of our lo
cal merchants ran into a mud hole
on the other side of Lake Ariel and
his engines refused to lift him out.
He had plenty of help, however, for
he had hardly stopped when five or
six other machines came up and of
fered assistance. The other occu
pants got out and lift the car free,
becoming more or less spattered
with mud. It was a little mishap,
that's all.
Tho Rink was tho scene of tho
second wrestling match to be held in
Honesdalo this season, on Thursday
night and was witnessed by a large
audience. Fitch apd Muldoon were
tho principals, it being their second
appearance hero. Muldoon made
tho first throw and In tho second ho
Injured his wrist and tho match had
to be discontinued. Fitch was ad
judged tho winner on the forfeit.
At the first meeting of these two
men somo weeks ago, Fitch was ad
Judged tho best man on a foul af
ter each had scored a throw.
A number of consumers of
chestnut lumber In this State have
expressed a willingness to use tho
local chestnut, and have requested
information from tho Chestnut Tree
Blight Commission concerning pro
ducers of this community. In order
to supply this Information, the com
mission has "got into touch with the
mills throughout the state, and now
has on file tho names of mills In
every county, which are operating
In chestnut timber, and which are In
a position to saw orders of all sizes
of chestnut lumber, together with
ties, fence-posts, etc. The commis
sion will be glad to furnish Informa
tion of this kind to consumers who
can use the local chestnut, and will
do bo upon request, Write to tho
Pennsylvania RhRstniit TilltrVit rnm.
mission, 1112 Morris Building, Phil-
Kreitner Bros, are building a
garage for C. W. Deln at Blandln.
Congressman W. D. B. Ainey
will make the commencement ad
dress at HawleV June 11.
The W. C. T. U. will meet at
tlio home of Mrs. R. F. Keeler Tues
day afternoon, May 6.
Bismarck Irwin and Miss Lot
tie Roe were married last Friday
evening at 8 o'clock by Rev. Will H.
Rev. C. E. Snavely, a mission
ary of La Gloria, Cuba, gave a very
interesting and Instructive address
in Grace Episcopal church Sunday
A marriage license was Issued
In Prothonotaryy Barnes' office to
Wm. Gerken, of Cochecton, N. Y.,
and Miss Christine F. Hocker, of
Justice W. H. Ham says ho saw
the "Bohemian Girl" played in
Utica, N. Y in 1856, when Louise
Pine took the leading part of the
Harrison company.
The first quarterly conference
of tho official board of Central Meth
odist Episcopal church will bo held
on Friday evening. District Super
intendent L. C. Murdock will be
A three-year-old daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schoell, of Ter
race street, fell down a flight of
stairs and received cuts about the
face and head. Dr. W. T. McConvill
was called.
Estella, little daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. B. Robinson, fell from
the porch of her 'East Street Exten
sion home and fractured the right
arm just above the elbow. Drs. L.
B. Nielsen and F. W. Powell reduc
ed the fracture.
Mr. and Mrs. S. A. McMullen
entertained at their home on North
Main street on Sunday, the follow
ing Carbondale people attended:
Mr. and Mrs. Roswell McMullen,
Mrs. Isabel Penwarden, the Bassett
family and Benton family.
The cosy Decker cottage, situ
ated on the corner of Court and
Eleventh streets, now occupied by
M. F. Fritz, was purchased by Jos.
Fish of the firm of Marsh & Fish,
on Saturday. The dwelling was sold
through the Buy-U-A-Home Realty
company agency.
Letters of administration have
been granted to Florence Wilson,
Bessie E. Babcock and Cora G. Hall,
of the estate of Louise E. Wenton,
late of Damascus township, deceas
ed. Letters were also granted to
William D. Dexter in the estate of
Planne B. Dexter, late of Berlin
township, last week.
A libel in divorce was filed
Monday by Isabelle D. Whittle, li
bellant, against her husband, Harry
Day Whittle, respondent. They were
married on Jan. 8, 1907, and she
charges that on March 27, her hus
band deserted her. A subpoena
was awarded Monday. Mumford &
Mumford are the attorneys for the
The Improvement Association
have had all the waste paper cans
repainted and placed on streets
corners and in the various parks of
the town. The association hope
that persons Will discontinue throw
ing paper, peanut shells and fruit
skins on the sidewalk and in the
street and place them in the recepta
cles Instead.
James Ham Post, G. A. R met
in regular meeting in the I. O. O.
F. hall Friday evening, when plans,
for tho annual Memorial Day ser
vices were discussed. No definite
arrangements were made but a com
mittee was appointed to look after
the arrangements and a special
meeting will probably be called to
perfect all arrangements.
Bids for supplies for the Far
view hospital were awarded Friday,
the meat contract going to the Car
bondale Beef company and the pro
vision contract being given to the
John T. Porter company of Scran
ton; John Lee, Canaan, milk; Scheu
er, Scranton, bread. Readver
tisement of the bids for the
erection of a workshop was
ordered. All of tho prices submit
ted were in excess of the amount
available for this item at this time
and several changes in the construc
tion will be made.
M. B. Allen Is in New York City.
Mrs. A. T. Searle is spending a
few days in the Metropolis.
Mrs. G. W. Griffiths, of Waymart,
was visiting friends here last week.
P. II. Iloff was attending to pro
fessional business in Carbondale to
day. N. T. Mitchell is working in tho
stock room of the Gurney Elevator
Georgo Harris, who is a student
at U. of P., Philadelphia, Is clerking
at Lolne's uptown drug store.
Julius RIckert, who for the past
two years has been in tho employ of
the Grand Union Tea company, has
John Canfleld and son, Georgo,
and daughter, Miss Alma, of Galileo,
were county seat visitors on Thurs
day afternoon.
Florence Dunning, who has been
in Philadelphia In tho interest of the
Gurney Elevator company, returned
home Saturday evening.
Mrs. A. C. Todd left hero for Utica,
N. Y., on Thursday last to Bpend a
few days, after which she expects to
leave for her home in Chicago. .
Miss Amanda Norton, of Clinton,
who has been visiting her relatives,
Mrs. George and Airs. Leon Ross, re
turned homo today (Monday).
Mrs. F. McGowan, who had been
making her home in Scranton for tho
past year, has commenced house
keeping on Ridge street in tho Maplo
James Monington and Lester
Keeslor, of Calllcoon, N. Y spent
Sunday with tho latter's sister, Mrs.
Edith Comfort and daughter, Es
tella. James Murray, of Ridge streot,
who has been In the Emergency hos
pital, Carbondale, where a leg was
amputated, returned home Monday
Mrs. Henry Nyrad, of Toledo, O.,
expects soon to visit her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer on Grove,
street. She has not been home' in
twelve years.
Mr. and Mrs. John Stegner took
up their residence today in their
newly-furnished rooms over the
store occupied by tho firm of J. H.
Stegner & Sons.
Mrs. Isaac Tibbitts and grand
son, Lewis Yerkes, left Monday for
Rlverdale-on-tho-HudBon, where
they will be guests this week of
Mrs. Loring Gale.
Horace Williams and Adam Fled
derbach left on Sunday for Lester
shlro, where they havo secured em
ployment In the largo shoe shops of
that place. The families of both
these men will follow shortly.
All the early travelers to South
America, especially Peru, never for
get to mention in describing that
country the luxuriant Pampas Plumes
that grow wild on tho Pampas or
plains. Later visitors to California
were enthusiastic over tho flower gar
dens. California, a country famous for
flowers, where tho Pampas Plumes
are cultivated, they grow many times
larger than in their native country,
resembling a beautiful Ostrich Plume.
The manager of tho California Cars
that are to visit our city soon has
been fortunate in securing a limited
number of this beautiful prbduct of
nature, and will present ono each to
the first fifty married ladles who have
paid admission tickets each day dur
ing their itajr here.
Tho Exhibit Car will arrive in
Honesdalo Sunday evening, May 4,
and will cxliibit at Union station on
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,
May 5, O and 7, from 8:30 a. m to
0:30 p ni. Admission, adults 25c,
children under 15 years, 15 cents.
Walter N. Cornell, onq of tho ad-,
ministra'tors Ju the estate of Mrs.
Ella Gllon, late of Honesdale, left
Monday for his" h'omd In ' Yorkvillo,
Illinois-,- having "finished MJT the es
tate.;. Mrs. Gllon was Mr. Cornell's
Miss Emma Sandercock, who
since 1909 has been forelady In the
Kelly & Steinman glass cutting es-
laonsnment in Jjcposit, lias returned
to Honesdale. She is now in the of
fice of Dr. W. T. Butler & Son,
dentists, Main str'eet. Miss Sander-
cock's many Honesdale friends wel
come her home again.
Arthur S. Williams, superintend
ent of motive power for the New
River Colliery company at Eckles,
W. Va Is spending a few days' va
cation In Honesdale and vicinity.
On Saturday he purchased a motor
cycle with which ho expects to make
the trip to his southern home. Bo
fore becoming an electrical engineer
Mr. Williams was butter maker at
Creamton and Tanners Falls.
LI Illy m
1 UUUJ Vt wutuuu
ay 89 9 & lOth
Matinee, Snturdny 2:30. Evenings, 7 to 10
JOE ECKL Presents
The only wrestling bear in the world.
Champion Bone Soloist of America.
Comedy Trapeze Act, "Fun in a Chinese Laundry."
Is it a He or a She? Come and Find Out.
In a refined comedy sketch featuring Minnie Du Pree, Lady
Champion Buck and Wing Dancer of the World.
And Four Reels of New Pictures, changed Dally.
Prices: Children 15c; Adults 25c. Matinee 10 and 15c.
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Visit Our Corset De
Some women can wear almost any
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For this. reason, "Nemo Week" has
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Nemo Corset Specialties, and the latest
Nemo inventions of the year, are shown
in full variety in principal stores
Come Mere This Week aid
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"Nemo Week" is more interesting
than ever this year. We are showing
some wonderful improvements, not only
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new Nemo elastic fabrics "Lastikops
Cloth" and "Lastikops Webbing" have
actually revolutionized corset-making.
These, of course, are used only in Nemo
Corsets. They are the only elastic fabrics
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Too many styles to describe in detail,
but please remember that
We Have Nemos For Every Figure
From Very Slender to Extra Stout
The "Nemo Week Special" Self -Reducing Corset, No. 326, at
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the new "Lasticurve-Back." For sale during "Nemo Week" only.
Come and learn all about Nemo STYLE, COMFORT and
ECONOMY. All this week in our Corset Department.
jCTBHMHTrHMg tr1 jura
The New Tailor Suits, Long Coats and One
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Menner & Co.'s Stores