PAGE FOUR THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, MAY 6, 1913. THE CITIZKN Semi-Weekly Founded 1008; Weekly Founded 184lv. Published Wednesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company. Published Tuesdays and Fridays by the Citizen Publishing Company. H. B. HARDENBERGH PRESIDENT H. C. VAN ALSTYNE and E. B. CALLAWAY MANAGING EDITORS FRANK P. WOODWARD ADVERTISING MANAGER AND FEATURE WRITER. DIRECTORS 0. n. DOBFMNOKK, M. B. ALLEN, E. B. nAKDENBEKOII w. w. wood Our friends who favor us with contributions, and desire to have the same re nucd, should in every case enclose stamps for that purpose. TERMS: ONE YEAR $1.50 THREE MONTHS 38c SIX MONTHS 75-r-ONE MONTH 13c Remit by Express Money Order, Draft, Postofflce Order or Registered letter. Address all communications to The Citizen, No. 803 Main street, Honesdale, Pa. , ...... All notices bf shows, or other entertainments held for the purpose of making money or any items that contain advertising matter, will only be admitted to this paper on payment of regular advertising rates. Notices of entertainments for the benefit of churches or for charitable purposes where a fee Is charged, will be published at half rates. Cards of thanks, 50 cents, memorial poetry and resolutions of respect will be charged for at the rate of a cent a word. Advertising rates on application. TUESDAY, MAY 0, 1013. NOTHING TOO GOOD FOR CITI- ZEN READERS. The belief of the proprietors of this newspaper is that there is noth ing too good for readers of The Citi zen. Having that belief, our policy has been consistently along that line. Saveral marked Improve ments in the paper itself have re cently been Inaugurated, but they are really only ' the beginning of what it is our purpose to do. Our courso is conservative, and our greatest effort shall- be to-make The Citizen the local newspaper of the common people of Wayne coun ty. In order that some thing might be learned that would help us pro duce the best paper in this part of the State, we sent two representa tives to New York city on April 26th to look over the exhibition of National Exposition of printing and advertising that held Its sessions in the Grand Central Palace. They went, and saw, and learned much. They came home filled with the im portance of the profession of which they are members. The exhibition had the same effect on them that comes to a farmer who for the first time gets away from his possessions and gains a broader view of the way in which the spirit of the age is working out the vast problems of which he has but a rudimentary knowledge. Of courso it is difficult for one to put his finger definitely on any special place where some wonderful thing has been learned, hut the results are sure, and the sending of Citizen representatives to that National Exhibition Is as sure to help us make In the future a bet ter, brighter and stronger Citizen newspaper as anything may be con sidered sure in this world. Again we want to say that wo be lieve there is nothing too good for Citizen readers, and we shall do our utmost to see that they ever get the best. of sunhlne which she in her blind ness sees more fully than do those who have sight. It is a message ad dressed to those who, having eyes, see not, and having ears, hear not, for no one can hear Helen Keller's optimism and cheerfulness without being thankful for what are deemed to be the ordinary faculties of life. The name of Heleh. Keller can nev er be separated from that of Mrs. Macy (Anne M. Sullivan), the teach er and companion of 26 years, who opened the gates for Miss Keller to the outside world. One hardly knows whom to admire the more, the teach er or the scholar. As theji have nev er been separated these many years, so they are not separated on the lec ture platform. ' It was still difficult doing, but Miss Keller's indomitable will and Mrs. Macy's patience mastered all. The desire to speak was the hardest of all to gratify, for every vocal move ment had to be learned and imitated by Miss Keller. Only after 20 years is she able to make herself heard and understood by large audiences. But she can speak and she uses her new powers to spread cheer and happiness. grces; and coldest day sixth, mean 29' degrees. Mean for the month 46.4 degrees, is 3:4 degrees above April average of 43 degrees for 48 years; from 35 degrees in 1874; to 50.5 degrees in 1878. Last year it was 43.7 degrees. Ten days were clear, eleven fair and nine cloudy; average 53 per cent of sunshine to 29 last year. Prevail ing winds northwest. The month ended with a perfectly clear day, with no cloud or haze In sight of my station; and May begins with the same record. Fields are mostly green, and forests changing colors. THEODORE DAY. Dyberry, Pa., May 1, 1913. SOME THINGS TO THINK ABOUT FOREST FIRES have been men acing various parts of Wayne coun ty, and the great amount of damage done by them emphasizes the fact that the State is to be commended for its endeavors to control, and pre vent as far as possible the vast waste that is wrought annually by this agent of destruction. These great fires also emphasize the fact that most people are too careless about handling matches. Men light their pipes and fling blazing matches care lessly away to Ignite dry leaves or other rubbish. Railroads, too, should be held more In check by the State, and should especially be held responsible for -the great damage re sulting from the fires they defiantly kindle along their lines. During fire seasons there should be some means enacted to oblige every locomotive engine to be equipped with an effi cient spark arrester. Until some such provision Is made the destruc tion by forest fires will go right on. Copious rains extinguished the fires throughout Wayne county, and vege tation is so far advanced following the soaking by rain, that fires won't run to any alarming extent from now on till autumn. his sleeping master. Donovan has refused good offers for the goose and is satisfied that should he sell it it .would find its way back to his home." Wo had scarcely recovered from the shock occasioned by read ing about this desirable goose when we had another shock In the follow ing from the same reliable news paper: "Mrs. Harry Horsey, wifo of another Ellendale farmer, has a goose which for the last week has been laying eggs with three yolks in each." BOROUGHS CAN'T VOTE LOCAL OPTION. Amendment to the Initiative and Referendum Found to bo Very Carefully Made. The Allen bill to confer the Initia tive and referendum upon the 900 or so boroughs of the State has been found upon reprinting to contain an interesting amendment, which ef fectually prevents the referendum on legislation for the regulation of the sale of liquor. In other words, the referendum can not be invoked on local option. The Allen bill has had an interest ing history. It was presented on February 10 and stayed in commit tee until April 9. The chief amend ments provide that "no provision of this act shflll extend the powers, of boroughs to legislate by referendum petition or by initiative petition or otherwise upon any matter unleBS at the time the authority by expressly granted to boroughs by general law and provided, further, that none of the provisions of this act shall be in voked for the purpose of regulating the sale of liquors." Other amendments provide that it shall tako ten instead of five per cent, of voters to get a referendum on ordinances and fifteen instead of ten per cent, to obtain the Initiative. Another amendment is that any part of an ordinance may be referred. The House last evening reconsid ered and passed the bill providing that boroughs may name controllers In place, of auditors, a measure pre sented by Mr, Haggerty, Lackawan na. The bill requires councils to . ac cept the law before the change can be made, thus doing away with any ripper features and placing the con trol entirely within control of local authorities. HELEN KELLER. Blind and Denf GUI Who Has Learn to Speak to Audience. Helen Keller has overcome so many obstacles in her career and has accomplished 'so many wonderful achievements, that her having learn ed to speak seems but a natural crowning of her years of labor. This has been her greatest task, however, and has been only the result of years of unparalleled patience and effort. It Is said by great aural Burgeons to be the greatest individual achieve ment in the whole history of educa tion. Being able to givo voice to the thoughts of her active brain, Helen Keller brings a message that Is full WHAT FLY SWATTING MEANS. Nothing more effective in the anti-fly crusade has yet been issued than the circular prepared by the New York State Board of Health for general circulation. A concise state ment tells how flies transmit the most deadly diseases and how they may be eliminated by destroying the breeding places. These places are found wherever there is filth. The circular states the case plainly. It says that Flies Follow Filth. Fev er Follows Flies. Swatting Saves Sickness. Flies in the dining room usually precede nurses in the sick room. Screens in the windows pre vent crepe on the door. Flies, as well as bad water, spread typhoid. A fly in the milk may mean a mem ber of the family in the grave. A fly has natural enemies; the. most persistent and most effective should bo man. It costs less to buy a screen door than to get sick and lay off for a month. It's a short haul from the garbage can to the dining table via the fly route. It is better to screen the cradle and wear a smile than a scoff at the precaution and wear mourning. These aphorisms carry a world of meaning. If the fly Is so great a menace, the extermination of the post should enlist the active effort of every muncipallty, all of the State governments, and federal govern ment ana every civic organization in the land. Taking it for granted that one-fourth of all the typhoid fever cases are caused by flies, one-fourth of all the diseases that carry off tens ana uiousanus or cables in the sum mer, together with a largo propor tion of the cases of diDhtheria. scar. let fever, tuberculosis and other dis eases, we tolerate a menace that in every respect is most astounding. The breaking out of smallpox in a community creates consternation. Yet the ravages of smallpox aro not to be compared with the fearful menace caused by tho fly. Tho Dres- ence of the insect should be regarded as a pestilential affliction of the first magnitude and its tolerance as a na tional crime for it can'bo eliminat ed. It is not difficult to comprehend the relation between the fly and dis ease. If wo bear in mind that tho poison of disease can be transmitted to tho human being by taking Into tho system germs so small in quan tity that they cannot be seen by the naked eye, wo know how the fly, traveling from the germs in filth to the dining table, can convey a deadly dose upon its tiny feet. Flies in the sick room, on tho toys handled by a diphtheria or scarlet fever convales cent, on tho sputum ejected by a victim of tuberculosis, aro just as capablo of carrying disease as though a person purposely took tho poison into tho system. Some day we will wake up to tho meaning of it all. DO SWALLOWS ever make mis takes? There are signs and signs, and again there aro sure things with no "sign" or guess work about them. In the Spring of the year when tho "peepers' are heard for tho first time, people put the brake on lino weather optimists by reminding them ominously that "the peepers must freeze up three times." Then, as the days go by and the robins and blue birds have begun active busi ness along house-keeping lines, and your optimism has been checked with seventeen different kinds of winter weather, you awake some morning, (this year it was Sunday, April 27) and ou note that tho time has come "when the swallows homeward fly," for they are dipping and diving through the air all about you, and you wonder If they ever make mis takes, and if the cold, wintry blasts are really over. Now, again comes the fellow with the brake, reminding you that "one swallow does not make a Summer." And you get even with him by replying, "But I am not talking about a swallow, I am talking about a lot of swallows, for lo! the air Is filled with them!,' Do they ever make mistakes, that Is do so many of them make the same mistake at the same time?" STERLING HIGH SCHOOL COM MENCEMENT. The fifth annual commencement exorcises, of the Sterling High school was held last Friday evening, May 2, in the Sterling Methodist church. That edifice was filled to Its utmost capacity. The exercises proved to be tho best ever heard In a small town. They wero high in character and evidenced consider able time in preparation, reflecting considerable credit upon the princi pal of the school, Tho Juvenile Or chestra, under the directorship of F. A. Jenkins, of Honesdale, rendered excellent music for the occasion. Dr. L. L. Spraguo of Wyoming Seminary, delivered a scholarly ad dress. The graduating class con sisted of five boys and two girls and is tho largest to have been gradu- uated from this school in five years. The program is as follows: Orchestra. Invocation, Rev. J. A. Tuthlll. President's Address Ellis Uban. Oration, Georgo Cross Internation al Arbitration and Peace. Solo Ethel Meyers. Oration, Karl Simons The Care of the Orchard an Important Factor In Modern Agriculture. Essay, Ethel Meyers Present Pos sibilities of Our Nation. Orchestra Selected. Class Prophecy Lowell Cross. Oration, Lawrence Uban Thomas Jefferson. Trio Ethel Meyers, Beulah Cross, 'Myrtle Ammerman "Rest Thee on This Mossy Pillow." Class "Motto and Valedictory Olive Simons. Address Dr. L. L. Sprague. Presentation of Diplomas, F. L. Hartford, Sec y of School Board. Orchestra Selected. tlons where drouth prevailed pre viously will suffer from evaporation. But a great fall in temperature will come with tho cool, wave and some of .the drouth sections will get temr porary relief. Frosts will go fur ther south than usual and tho, next cool wave will carry frosts further south still and tender plants should bo protected in northern sections. SUBEDITOR'S NOTE. In our is sue on Friday last we began the publication of Foster's Weather Bulletin, and urged Citizen read ers to watch tho Bulletins in order to verify their accuracy. Attention was called to tho hot wave that was due on tho end, and it got here on time and was surely hot. Now, just watch out for tho Frosts that are scheduled for tho 13th and 20th. Every year wo have our last frost for the spring season about the 20th to 25 th. Let's keep our weather eye on these dates and see if Foster is right. NUMEROUS DEER TRACKS. Traveling along tho Promised Land road a few days ago numerous deer tracks were seen and it Is no unusual sight to see several at one time feeding in a meadow near Lord's Valley. 'Several pheasants were seen along the road and they appeared quite unconcerned. Plko County Press. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Anna Tenbus, of Berlin, to Law rence Tenbus, of same, land In Ber lin township; consideration $1500. John Varcoo, of Clinton, to Har ver J. Little, of same place, land In Clinton township; consideration $1. r SNAPPY LITTLE BUSINESS STORIES. 1jP Watch This Space Every Tuesday. "Heart to Heart Talks About Advertising" By Roy B. Simpson, (Copyrighted 1911 by R. B. Simpson.) APRIL WEATHER REPORT, 1013. Total rainfall measured on nine days, traces six other days, is 3.86 Inches, or one-tenth Inch more than April average of 2.76 Inches for 44 years; from .67 Inch in 1890, to 5.07 in 1874, and five inches in 1909. There was a half-inch of snow on the seventh, and mountains north wero white. April Temperature Highest each day registered from 32 degrees sixth, to 86 degrees -25th; average 58 de grees; last year 53.7 degrees. High est on all of my April records for fifty years, varies from 61 degrees in 1874, to 88 degrees April 18, 1896. Lowest temperature registered from 53 degrees 27th, down to 19 degrees eighth; average 34.8 degrees, nearly the same .figures as last year; and my lowest record in April is seven de grees 13th, 1874, Dally range this year was four degrees 19th, to 44 degrees 18th; average 23.1; last year 19.9 degrees. Warmest day 25th, mean 65, de- THE UPS AND DOWNS of jour nalism are brought very vividly to the forefront just now by the fact that the Public Ledger, the grand and reliable old newspaper that Geo. W. Childs, the Philadelphia philan thropist, conducted for more than a generation, after an experience un der the Ochs for several years as a one cent paper, has gone back to the two cent class under the direction of- Its new proprietor, Cyrus K. Cur tis. Mr. Curtis fixes the price at two cents because he says the high cost of producing a newspaper precludes the publishing of it at a profit at one cent. Furthermore he proposes to use a better grade of paper, to in crease its size, and allow news agents a better profit for handling it, While the Public Ledger thus goes up, Collier's Weekly, one of the best and most successful of tho weekly magazines of the world, after being published for more than ten years at o.bu a year, has been reduced ex actly $3.00 a year, and the price is set at $2.50 a yeari beginning with the issue for May 3. It's just like tho elevator In a big city building while one goes up, another goes uown. NEVER KICK A BANANA skin" when it is down on the sidewalk in tho city of Brooklyn. If you do, it may cost you a dollar, besides the discomfort and inconvenience inci dent to arrest. That is- what it act- tually cost a well meaning man there one day last week. Ho saw the skin on the sidewalk, know it was danger ous to allow It to remain, for hu mane reasons kicked it into the cut ter, and felt real good and virtuous because of the deed: but it was af ter 8 a. m and no sidewalk may be swept after that hour as tho street garbage wagons aro gone with loads by that time, and those who violate the city ordlnanco aro lined a dollar. Tho man gave up his dollar under protest; but ho smiled as ho saw his neighbor fined a dollar because he had failed to sweep off his sidewalk before tho magic hour of 8 a. m which is aiso a lirooicivn ordinance THE POULTRY BUSINESS is looking un, oven right hero in Wayne county. Henry Jennings of Beech Grove, reported tho other aay mat he lias twenty-four hens, ana one day rocently ho gathered 26 eggs. Ho wpuldn't put a price on a "sitting," (or shall we say "set ting?") of them. Neither did he seem anxious to sell any of the two dozen layers. Since Henry called we have learned that "there aro others" in tho "Wonderful" lino of poultry, for instance, there is Jas. Donovan, a farmer, who lives at Allendale, near Wilmington, Dela ware, who "has a pot goose which Is a wonder. It Is as attached to him as a dog to Its master. Dono van is in tho habit of taking naps during tho warm weather under his large shade trees, and the goose stands beside him picking off flies and mosquitoes as they alight on Foster's Weather Bulletin Copyrighted 1913 By W.T.FOSTER WASHINGTON, D. C, May 5. The rains of the disturbance that reaches tho eastern section from the west about tho 13th will not cover large sections but will be concentrat ed and some heavy downpours may be looked for. It is not possible now to locate such rainfalls. A large part of the country will remain dry and will be robbed of moisture to make up tho heavy local rains. The cool wave preceding this disturbance will carry frosts further south than usual, but the cool wave following will not bring very low temperatures. Tho Second Distuebance. Another disturbance will reach Pa cific coast near May 13, cross Pacific slope by close of 14, great central valleys 15 to 17, eastern sections 18. Warm wave will cross Pacific slope about May 13, great central valleys 15, eastern sections 17. Cool wave will cross Pacific slope about MaylO, great central valleys 18, eastern sec tions 20. This disturbance will be at its greatest force on Pacific slope but is not expected to be dangerous. Tem peratures will go very high and sec- Advertising is the same to busi ness that nitrogen is to plant life. It is the thing that makes a business grow. No business can become per manently successful without it. My first admonition to people who treat advertising lightly, and also to business concerns who ought to advertise but don't, is DON'T BE LITT.LE ADVERTISING. Every advertisement In this news paper is NEWS and every news ar ticle is an ADVERTISEMENT. Press dispatches rrom Wasshing ton advertise the achievements of some political party or Individual member of Congress. Reports of U. S. troops on the Mexican border ad vertise the strength of our army to the world. All news Is information affecting the welfare of the individual, corpor ation, state or nation. Literally it is advertising. But no news is so vital to all the people as the advertisements. Let's see how advertising news has in creased your purchasing power. A better suit of clothes can bo bought today for $15 than you could buy for $25 a generation ago when woolens wero cheap and protective tariff unknown. Tho high-grade flour your grocer sells could not be purchased twenty years ago with wheat selling at half present prices, simply because such good flour couldn't bo made. Yet the best flour costs no more now than the inferior product did then. Notwithstanding tho high tariff and tho enormously increased price of raw materials and high labor cost, you can purchase most of the things you eat, wear or use, of bet ter grade than formerly at no in crease in price. Very often you pay less. The manufacturer or dealer does more in one year than his forefath ers did in ten. The old time mer chant and manufacturer realized 50 to 100 per cent, profit and more on each sale, but your modern mer chant is content, often with as little as 3 to 5 per cent, and makes more money by constantly turning his capital. Advertising has maae this possi ble. It creates a continuous demand and increases consumption. It re duces the cost of manufacturing by increasing the production. It makes competition and keeps retail prices down. When you READ an advertise ment just think of it 'as an import ant piece of news published for your exclusive benefit. When you WRITE an advertisement put Into it an In teresting, truthful piece of NEWS. Don't belittle advertising! (Continued Tuesday.) Read Every Talk-It's Worth While. rime. j $100 REWARD, $100. The readers of this paper will bo pleased to learn that there 13 at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to euro In all Its stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is the only posi tive cure now known to the medi cal fraternity. Catarrh being a constitutional disease requires a constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tho system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving tho patient strength by building up the consti tution and assisting nature in doing Its work. The proprietors have so much faith in its curative powers that they otter One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by all Druggists, 75c. Take Hall's Family Pills ror constipation. Keep a Bell Telephone Between You and the Stairs It's easy if you have an exten sion telephone; whenever the bell rings, the telephone is right at hand. No waste of' strength, no lo: " of breath in running up and down stairs. Increased enjoyment an 1 convenience all around. A few cents a week pays f r this great home comfort. Sit down now; call the Busi ness Office and order an exten sion installed. THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF PENNA. W. A. Dellmore, Agent. HONESDALE, PA. - - - - - - - - M oney Talks And very little money will talk us into giving you a suit of clothes for less money than you have been accustomed to pay. MaKe us prove it! Gome in and slip on a suit. 1 The fit and the fabric will please you, and we will see that the price pleases you. $7.60 to $25.00 Bonar Hats Gotham Shirts RICKERTS'