The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, May 06, 1913, Image 1

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Please do us tho favor of telling
your friends wlwt flno things Tho
Citizen is doing.
You And The ( Interesting?
Well, you will fin1 jit it will grow
better nnd bcttc ? ,
71st YEAR. --NO. 37
Heretofore Matters Have Been Pass
ed by Vote of Council Montlily
Meeting Held Thursday Night
Bills Paid.
Saying that "not one cent of the
1913 tax levy could be collected If
tho people of the borough refused to
pay," Solicitor Lee, caused the bor
ough council to sit up and take no
tice at the regular monthly meeting
in the city hall Thursday evening.
Mr. Lee said that a mere motion to
the effect that the tax levy should
be raised to six mills for 1913 was
not sufficient and would not hold.
He declared that the people of the
borough would not have to jay one
cent of the tax unless an ordinance,
authorizing the increase in the tax
levy, be formally passed by the bor
ough council and advertised in the
local newspapers or posted in con
spicuous places about the borough.
He said that Judge Puller of Lu
zerne county, had made a ruling to
tho effect that an ordinance made
by the borough council was neces
sary for making a tax levy and that
all extraordinary bills paid by the
council must also bo done formally
by passing an ordinance. Ordinary
bills and debts can be ordered paid
by a vote of the council but such ex
penditures as the purchasing of fix
tures for the new postofflco should
have been done by ordinance and
the same should have been published
in the newspapers or posted around
the borough. The members present
were, President Caufleld; Treasurer
Penwarden; Thos. Canivan, S. T.
Ham, P. W. Kreltner and C. H. Ret
tew. The treasurer's report sub
mitted and approved was as follows:
Amount on hand at last meeting,
$2,621.94; received during tho
month, $261.50; paid out during
month, $1,310.61; balance on hand,
Some of the business transacted
was the decision to notify property
owners, on Seventeenth street, east
of Main street, to lay. their walks
within thirty days or the council
would lay them and collect the
amount from the property holders.
The street committee were author
ized to buy crushed stone for repair
ing the crossings on Main street.
Street Commissioner Weldner re
ported that the pipes leading to the
fountain in the park were corroded
and obstructed tho flow of the water,
He was authorized to put in new
pipe leading to the fountain.
The secretary was ordered to noti
fy the property owners on Sixth
street to take out the cobblestones
over the walk between Church and
Main streets.
Property owners along Main
street will be notified to have their
sewer pipes and water pipes laid at
once in order that the paving can
be started as soon as possible. The
following bills were ordered naid:
Kraft & Conger, coal, $19.30;
B. P. Haines, printing statement,
$20.00; Herald Press Association,
printing statement, $20.00; Citizen
Tli.Kl1nT.tnn ("In nn m n ffOA A A a T71
Rlckert, team and labor, $34.20;
J. Goodline, 16.16; Patrick McClem
ons, $4.50; J. Buckley, $4.50; Wm.
Donnelly, $11.25; L. Weldner, $22;
C. Hartung, $2.25; H. Knorr, $16.
50; B. McGarry, $8.75; C. Kabbltt,
$3.00; T. Castle, $16.00; L. Weld
ner, team, $53.30; J. Decker, $36;
$1.76; John Canivan, $60; Levi De
Groat, $50.00; H. C. L., H. & P. Co.
$260.16; Bell Telephone Co., $3.40.
Miss Helen B. Rowland, of Row-
nnd. Pn... nnd Vf1Hnm TClmhln. nf
IU1 Oil .JUL. 1J LI 11 111 U 1
nrninr nv krv .mmou i.oianmnn
in. 1 1 iiuiiiirM rn ivmnnn
'Till roh
The bride is a cousin of Mrs.
id. Mrs. Kimble comes of one of
ho most nrnminent fnmiHosi In
nnpsnnin. nnviner nrrpTwinfi tn
-InnfiKnaln Hlcrh Kfihnnl nnri trrnrlii-
ited there-from.
Messrs. Walton, Ashmead and Pox
o null, .
, w.
1 ml LUO U11U11UU1 1 1 1 nil 1 1 tl tl 1. H U.1
low, luuiaiuuu ui luu .umilUL.UIl uu-
11 Sunday afternoon after attending
ho regular meeting of the board on
uiuruuy uuuiuuun, mr. wauon,
hairman of the board was at tho
Rriiiitinn Rince i nnav in nrnor to
ttend to matters of especial im-
een going over the state property at
'arview preparatory to beautifying
Superintendent Dr. T. C. Fltzslni-
10ns stated that Mr. Spangenbuurg,
rounds Is making preparations for
xtensive farming during' the sum
ler and also states that'the Inmates
re proving themselves to bo expert
nplrmftn TTrtt 1, n nnct catmin1
uukb ;u. ajiuuetiuuurg huh uuu two
urtuuK uji iuu u.uuuuB uuu luuiur-
Miss Hylia Ames, of Waymart.
no is laKing a course in elocution
. the Emerson college, Boston, will
a member of the graduating
ass of 1913, having completed her
lurse to the satisfaction of the in
ructors in one year, Tne gradual
on exercises will bo held on May
tn ana her father. E. P. Ames.
waymart. exnects to be nresent
id afterwards bring his daughter
Asked $5,000 Damages For Injuries
Received in 1011 When Team
Was Frightened by Escap
ing Steam.
The Erie Railroad Company has
made settlement of the suit for
damages pending in the court here
brought by George Hlttlngor, of
Long Ridge, as the result of an ac
cident on April 26, 1911, in which
he was Injured. By the terms of
the settlement, Mr. Hlttinger re
ceives $800 from the railroad com
pany in payment of his claim. The
case has been pending hero for sev
eral years and was to have come up
for trial again at the June term of
court. The law firm of Kimble &
Hanlan, and Homer Greene, Esq.,
handled the case for Mr. Hlttinger
and the Erie Railroad Co. was rep
resented by Warren, Knapp & O'Mal
ley of Scranton. It will bo remem
bered that on April 26, 1911, Mr.
Hlttinger was driving over the Erie
crossing near West Hawley, when a
locomotive standing on a spur track
whistled suddenly and let out a
large quantity of steam. This
frghtened the horse and it ran away,
throwing Mr. Hlttinger violently to
the ground from which fall he re
ceived severe bodily injury. He
asked through his attorneys the sum
of $5,000.
AUGUST 21-27
Noted Entertainers iif Music and
Features Affair will bo Best of
Its Kind Ever Given in Hones
dale. A. E. Turner, associate director
of the Chautauqua association and
platform manager of the same, was
In Honesdale on Monday to make ar
rangements for the local Chautau
qua which will be held August 21
27 inclusive. The place for holding
the Chautauqua was not decided up
on at the time of going to press
Monday afternoon, but It is quite
probable that the green near the
State armory will be chosen.
Among tho prominent speakers
who will honor Honesdale by their
presence Chautauqua week will be
Dr. Prank Dixon, of Washington,
D. C, a national lecturer; Dr. N.
McGee Waters, of Brooklyn, pastor
of the largest Congregational
church in tho world; Reno B. Wel-
bourno, of Indianapolis, Ind., scien
tiflc lecturer; A. E. Turner, psy
chologist; Judge Ben B. Llndsey, of
Denver, Col.
Musical numbers First day of
the Chautauqua the Florentine Con
cert band, with Miss Melbourne,
dramatic soprano, will give two con
certs afternoon and evening; Tyro
lean Alpine Yodlers, Swiss singers
in native costumes; Commonwealth
Quartette, of Rochester, N. Y.; Na
tional upera Quartette of New
York City.
Entertainment Features Rosanl.
famous juggler; William Sterling
Battis, Dickens' impersonator.
A Junior. Chautauqua will be or
ganized by a member of the staff.
It will provide entertainment for
the children during tho forenoon,
concluding with a public entertain
ment on the last day of the Chau
tauqua. Dr. Turner gave a short address
in the High school Monday morning
in tho interest of the Chautauqua.
The entertainments by tho great
est talent In the country, will be
given under a large tent. The
course tickets will be $2. It is ex
pected that the demand for season
tickets will be so great that the re
quired number will be sold long be
fore the Chautauqua opens.
Honesdale needs a ball team. The
mbney is here, the people are here,
and the players are here, each one
waiting for someone to ask them
to do their part in giving the town
good base ball. No one doubts that
there is money here to support a
good ball team; we all know that tho
people are horo waiting and wishing
to patronize a good ball team, and
we are sure that the players can bo
secured to give us a very good ball
team at little expense.
We have heard two excuses offer
ed for the lack of enthusiasm; The
first is the fact that no one has step
ped forward to the Invitation to be
come manager. There is a man whom
we believe would take the job, who
is as well qualified as any one we
know, that is N. B. Spencer. Of
course tho people and the players
would have to show a proper spirit
of enthusiasm.
The second excuso is the lack of a
pitcher. There are several who are
willing and want to try out and
there are two who look pretty good
in Rose and Youngblood. The latter
is a young man from Scranton who is
employed as a machinist in the Gur
ney Elevator works. He claims to
have had quite some experience in
pitching and he certainly has the
build. In addition to this our old
friend, Ben Hessling, still has some
good games corked up in his good
right arm. Come on, let's get busy!
Ernest Sleezer, of Uswlck, died,
very suddenly on Sunday afternoon
last, after quite a lengthy illness.
Notwithstanding the fact that Mr,
Sleezer had been sick for some
tlmo his death was sudden and un
expected, as he was walking around
tho house just previous to the time
of his death. The funeral will he
held on Wednesday at 1 o'clock p.
m., at the house and at 2 o'clock at
the Lakeville church. The inter
ment will be mado In tho Lakeville
Ernest Sleezer Was 32 years of
age, unmarried, ana is survivea ny
his parents and several brothers and
N view of the fact that The
Citizen will In a few days
1. ,1 .. ....1.11 . 1 n0
3Wig that most popular and re
markable story, "The Root
of Evil," something about tho au
thor must surely bo appreciated.'
You may not be impressed with this
sketch today, but after' you have
read the tale from openinng chapter
to the thrilling climax and peaceful
ending, you will possibly want to
read it over again and take an
other look at the pictured face of
the genius who told so charming and
powerful a Btory.
Thomas Dixon came from the
western part of North Carolina,
which State, by the way, has of re
cent years turned out a lot of
geniuses and noted men For in
stance, there was O. Henry, declar
ed to be the best short story writer
in the United Sates; Secretary Dan
iels, of President Wilson's cabinet,
is a North Carolinian; Walter H.
i 'o:.'.;H- " i
A Recent Picture of the Author of the Famous Story, "The
Evil," Soon to bo Published in The Citizen.
Page, our Minister to Great Britain
in place of Whltelaw Reid, deceased,
is a North Carolina man, a son of
Prank A. Pago, and who lived at
what Is now the town of Aberdeen,
but which twenty-five years ago was
known along tho Raleigh & Augusta
railroad, as Blue's Crossing, and It
was the first, (flag) station south of
Southern Pines, Mr. Page's broth
er, Robert, is a member of Congress
from that Congressional district.
The first trip I made to the "Old
North State" was in. January, 1885.
The train on the Raleigh & Gaston
road, after it left Weldon, began
gathering in North Carolina states
men, for the Legislature was about
to convene at the State capltoi.
What seemed strange to me was
that I saw so many local statesmen
who had their vests unbuttoned ex
cepting the extreme top button and
the last button down towards China.
Those gaping vests were quite no
ticeable and unique.
In tho early summer, right there
in the pine woods, was started a pa
per called "The Southern Colonist,"
the bulk of the circulation going into
Northern homes. "The Southern
Colonist" attracted considerable at
tention, even Governor Alfred Scales
declaring in an autograph letter that
it was a good State publication. Of
course "Tho Colonist" wanted busi
ness, and of course business wasn't
going to waltz right around into that
long-leaf pine back woods print
shop; somebody had to go out after
it, and that "somebody" was Prof.
B. A. Goodridge, of Massachusetts.
One of his trips was away out in tho
western part of the Old North Stato,
and while there he mot one of the
members of the State Legislature,
Thomas Dixon, then known as
Thomas Dixon, Jr. The result of the
little visit was the publication In
"The Southern Colonist" shortly af
terward of a sketch of the bright
young legislator accompanied with
a fine wood -cut of that gentleman,
the same being mado by an engrav
ing firm in Reading, Pennsylvania,
That picture did not look like Mr,
Dixon's portrait as printed here
with. Ho wore a mustache at that
Therefore, the writer takes the
credit for having published tho first
newspaper portrait of Thomas Dixon,
who was destined to leave his native
state and become famous. Now, this
incident alono will make tho reader
want to read "Tho Root of Evil."
Mr. Dixon's last story; but there are
other reasons that will intensify tho
When The Citizen decided to run
"The Root of Evil" as a serial, I de
cided to tell the above incident, and
also thought I would write to Mr.
Dixon and find out if he had forgot-
ten the event. His letter In reply
New 'York, April 21, 1913.
My Dear Mr. Woodward:
I am delighted to know that you
are to run "The Root of Evil" as a
I remember with pleasure your
tribute to my ambitious dreams in
the old days at home In North Caro
lina. I also, recall with pleasant
memories my association with your
kinsman, Jno. E. Woodward, In the
Legislature of North Carolina. Ho
was one of my best friends. Good
Of course the reader wants to
know more about Mr. Dixon, and he
shall not be disappointed.
From North Carolina Thomas Dix
on went to New York City. Whether
he "got religion" after going there,
or always had it, cannot be definite
ly stated by the writer; anyway, he
Root of
and soon had to hire a great big hall
to accommodate his audiences, they
grew so large. His style was vigor
ous, and his language was plain.
According to all published reports,
"tho common people heard him
gladly." That was in the days when
the late Rev. T. DeWitt Talmage was
ending his wonderful ministerial ca
reer. Although he was successful as a
preacher, Thomas Dixon decided that
he wanted to enter the literary
field as an author, believing that he
could do effective preaching by
writing tho right kind of stories.
His first story, "Tho Leopard's
Spots," attracted national attention.
It is a Southern story, and proves
that negro blood In a white person's
veins, sooner or later is sure to
make itself known. The story was
dramatized and placed on the stage,
and negroes have protested against
its production. Undoubtedly Jack
Johnson, tho pugilist, would not like
that story.
Mr. Dixon's next story, "The
Clansman," is also a Southern story
along similar lines to "Leopard's
Spots," and Is equally as popular.
The author in all his writing brings
out boldly some truth he wants to
fasten on the reader's mind, and he
surely does the trick, and does it so
entertainingly that he grips the at
tention and holds it steadily until,
with a sigh, you regretfully reach
the two words, "The End."
"The Root of Evil," Mr. Dixon's
last story, the first installment of
which will be published In Tho Citi
zen on Tuesday, May 13, is certainly
one of his strongest works. It will
make the reader "sit right up and
take notice." It will keep you guess
ing, too, as to the outcome, and
you'll find yourself trying to solve
the problem that the author puts
right up to tho reader. It will cause
you to talk over tho situations with
others, and If you haven't plenty of
ambition along the talking and think
ing line perhaps you better not read
the story at all. It is up to YOU.
You know yourself better than we
know you.
Now, I don't dare give you any
Inkling about "The Root of Evil."
for If I should do so it might have
the effect of taking tho "tang" out
of it so far as you aro concerned:
and that is something farthest from
the thought of,
Yours for a- literary treat,
The Pleasant Valley W. C. T.
U. met with Mrs. Minnie Arthur,
Dyberry, on Thursday afternoon.
May 1, They wore especially favor
ed .by having Roy. and Mrs. Prltchi
ard of Bethany and Rev. Chas.
White among the visitors.
South Canaan Man Badly Injured in
Saw Mill Remnlned Unconscious
Almost Foiy-eight Hours Will
Leslie Cease, one of the owners
of Cease Brothers saw mill, which is
located about four miles south of
Waymart in South Canaan township,
was almost fatally Injured at the
mill on Friday evening beforo six
o'clock when he was struck on the
forehead by a flying board.
Mr. Cease was engaged in cutting
timber and one of the pieces he was
shoving through the saw flew up
and hit him above the eyes and
knocked him down. Ho was ren
dered unconscious. Dr. Bangs of
South Canaan was called and at
tend to tho wounded man. The
forehead was severely cut and the
skull was fractured. The man re
mained in an unconscious condition
when he rallied and is now well on
the road to recovery. It was
thought for a time that the man
would die. He is much better today.
Mr. Cease and his brother own and
operate a saw mill on the old Tom
Cole property. He is 35 years of
age and has a wife and two small
children, Ruth and James. The
many friends of Mr. Cease congratu
late him on his recovery.
The home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Rolston was the scene of a most de
lightful gathering last Wedpesday
evening, April 30, 1913, when their
daughter, Laura, was united in mar
riage with Fred Coe, a companion of
her youth and one of the choice
young men of Fallsdale, Rev. A. C.
Olver ofilclatlng.
Laura Is a charming young lady
of 22 years, slightly the junior of her
husband, who is a young man of ex
cellent name, and is therefore re
spected by all who know him. The
future home of tho young couple will
be at Fallsdale In a pleasant cottage
which the groom has recently pur
chased and furnished. They will be
gin housekeeping there at once. The
bride, a young lady of much natural
beauty and sweetness, was elegantly
gowned in pink silk messaline, trim
med with oriental lace. The happy
pair were married In the presence of
about forty guests at 8:30 p. m., at
tended by Arthur Rolston and Miss
Ida Coe. The wedding march was
played by Miss 'Efile Rolston, sister
of the bride. The presents, each a
token of love for the wedded pair,
were both useful and beautiful. The
most in evidence was silver, cut
glass, chlnaware, linen and furniture.
Bennie Rolston of Newark, N. J.,
called our attention to some of the
artistic features of the cut glass
pieces, being himself skilled In the
art. The commodious parlors of this
palatial home are very finely adapted
to social occasions and much care
had been taken in arranging ap
propriate draperies for the happy
event. But the large dining room was
perhaps the most beautifully draped
of all and It was here that tho forty
guests did justice to the most excel
lent feast prepared for them by their
very competent hostess. Mrs. Rolston.
It is seldom that at any social func
tion whatever a happier evening is
spent. The music, mostly vocal, was
inspiring because of the parts being
so nicely blended, and It was much
Indulged in throughout tho evening,
Our best wishes are for tho young
couple in their new sphere of life
and wo congratulate the parents on
both sides for the splendid additions
wnicn tney nave secured to their re
spective families.
Friday, May O, 8 P. M.
Address Dr. George H. Becht, secre
tary of the State Board of Educa
Saturday, May 10, 0:30 A. M.
Devotional Exercises.
Appointment of Committees.
Address Dr. Becht.
"The Teachers' League Convention,"
Mrs. Alma Dlx.
Address Prof. E. L. Blakeslee.
"Primary Arithmetic," Gertrude
Election of Officers.
A three-minuto Round Table. Dis
cussion of questions concerning
the teaching of Language and
Grammar. Supt. Koehler will con
duct the Round Table and the fol
lowing will discuss assigned sub
jects: J. H. Kennedy, Mary E.
Brenneman, H. A. Oday, A. H.
Howell, A. S. Shaplin, Ida Cole
man, W. W.Menhennett, Kathryn
Drake, Joo McCIoskey, Edna
Hauensteln, Vera Murray, Alice
On Thursday, Friday and Satur
day evenings of this week, with a
matinee on Saturday afternoon, Joe
Eckl will offer five new all-star
vaudeville acts and four reels of new
motion pictures, changed dally. Mr.
Eckl has been giving the patrons of
the Lyric some very good shows.
Tho bill to bo presented on the last
three days of this week will be the
most expensive program that ho has
ever brought to Honesdale.
The big feature will be Stanley
George's Wrestling Bear. The only
wrestling bear In the world. He
weighs 600 pounds.
The champion Bone Soloist, Ned
Bennett, will be next in an act that
is unique and clever.
Tho Grotesquo Randolphs, com
edy trapeze performers, will Intro
duce "Pun In a Chinese Laundry,"
a very funny act.
Tho Great Crowley. Is It a ho or
a sho? Come and find out.
Mr. Joo Eckl (himsolf) and Min
nie Du Pree will appear In a refined
comedy sketch featuring Minnie Du
Pree, lady champion buck and wing
dancer of the world. This act has
nlayed all the big time vaudeville
theatres, and it ought to lie a great
treat ior tnose wno are fond of seeing-
Many Curios Also Shown Display
is Well Worth the Seeing and
Will bo In Honcsdalo Three Days
Monster Shark is a Wonder.
Tho North of Bay Exhibit cars of
California arrived In Honesdale via
'Erie Sunday night to exhibit tho
curiosities of that western state here
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.
The cars are located on the spur
track near the city hall.
It is a veritable "fair on wheels."
with exhibits that are wonderful,
with specimens of fruits, natural his
tory and curios from the North of
Bay Counties of California.
The exhibit is being shown all
over the United States and is pre-
sentea ior tne purpose of proving
the wonderful features and dossI-
btlitles of the seven counties which
He north of the Bay of San Francis
co, namely, Marin, Sonoma, Napa,
Lake, Mendocino, Humbolt. and Del
The first car, by which one en
ters the fair, is for the most part
laden with fruit and vegetables.
pears and peaches of most incredi
ble sizes, perfect in shape and with
out spot or speck: figs and dates
that come to us dried and boxed
are shown In the natural state and
as perfect as when taken from the
trees. It Is said by men who have
seen these, fruits grow In their na
tive land, that the fruit of the
north of the Bay Counties is even
superior to that of the warm Asia
tic lands.
Pears, peaches. graDes. figs of
almost unbelievable sizes with the
most luscious looking exteriors are
a rather tantalizing sight to see
when the said fruits are placed be
fore one in tightly sealed bottles
and in state of perfect preservation.
mil n one is in the least interested
In the agricultural Droducts of tha
land he Is bound to be Interested in
tne mammoth specimens of fruit
and vegetables that show the won
ders that are accomplished in the
nve counties north of the Bay of
San Francisco in California.
In order to further enlist the in
terest of the sightseers of the cars
a remarkable museum of oddities
and curios is shown in the second
car. Queer fish, shells of all de
scriptions, skeletons of reptiles, a
live octopus, commonly known as
the devil fish; live monkeys and a
lazy, ugly and disinterested alliga
tor aro shown in lavish profusion,
all of which are of great education
al Interest, to school children, in par
ticular. In a huge case there is a mam
moth shark. The mouth is spread
wide open and is of such width that
a good sized child might stand up
right in it. The shark when caught
was 70 feet long. In the same case
are shown the ribs of a whale, each
easily five feet in length while in
still another part is shown the ver
tebrae of the shark, of which there
were 92. If science is correct it re
quires five years to develop one of
these vertebrae; a simple multiply
ing process reveals tho startling fact
that this shark was about 400 years
old when it was captured.
The fair on wheels will remain
in town until Wednesday evening
and will be open to the public every
day and evening. Mr. Leak is ac
companied by his wife and a corps
of polite and painstaking assistants
who ably take care of the crowds
who visit the exhibition.
What is believed to be the largest
price ever paid for a calf in this
state and possibly in the United
States has just been received by John
Arfman of Fairmont Farm, Middle
town, who sold King Pontiae Alcar
tra Plotjo, a six week-old Holstein
bull calf, to Dr. B. B. Hand of
Scranton, Pa., for $3,000. Dr. Hand
formerly lived In Honesdale.
Tho sire of the calf Is the $10,000
bull King Segris Pontiae Alcartra,
whose dam, E. K. Alcartra, has a re
cord of over twenty pounds of butter
in seven days and produced over 15,
000 pounds of milk in a year. The
dam of the calf is Fairmont Zerma
Segris Pletje. Sho produced 35.61
pounds of butter In seven days, the
junior four-year-old world's record.
Mrs. Christian Uhl had a unique
and rather terrifying experience at
her home in German Valley, Greeno
township, last Saturday afternoon,
April 20. Sho was sitting in a rock
ing chair in tho kitchen reading, all
tho rest of tho household being out,
when she was startled by a peculiar
noise. Looking up, Mrs. UM, saw
two huge blacksnakes gliding over
the kitchen floor only about threo
feet from her chair. Keeping her
presence of mind, she grabbed the
wood out of the woodbox, which
happened to be handy, at her
right and hurled stick after stick at
the snakes in an effort to kill them
but without success; the supply of
wood was not largo enough. Sho
then ran Into her bedroom with the
intention of shutting herself in until
help should arrive, when her eyes
fell on a repeating rifle which stood
nt tho head of tho bod. She seized
It and immediately hurried again
Into tho kitchen to give battle to the
snakes, attacking them by using he
weapon as a club. It was not long
before she had succeeded In clubbing
them to death. The gun was not
loaded and Mrs. Uhl, having had no
experience with firearms, could not
load or fire the rifle.
The snakes were big fellows; ono
measuring 4 feet, C inches, and the
other being one inch shorter.
A large number of people called
at the Uhl home to see the snakes
and congratulate Mrs. Uhl on her
remarkable courago and pluck. Tho
heroine will be 74 years old on July
30, 1913. Mllford Dispatch.