THE CITIZEN. Please do us tho fnvor of telling your friends what lino tilings Tlio Citizen Is doing. You And The" ' Jzen Interesting? Well, you will f V that It will grow better and bctt'ij' 71st YEAR. --NO. 36 HONESDALE, WAYNE CO., PA., FRIDAY, MAY ,2 1&13. PKEC'S 2 CENTS f 4- 4- -- -t- Personal Pertinent J -- One of tlio decidedly pleasant sights on Honesdale streets the past few days has been the familiar face, with Its kindly and pleasant smile, of Thomas Crossley, who for many years has been tho travelling repre sentative of W. B. Holmes & Co., Honesdalo's old and well known wholesale establishment. Probably no business house ever sent out a more faithful or more popular rep resentative. He has always been a Welcome visitor at every store on his itinerary; but for several weeks he has not made his rounds of commer cial calls, and those who have look ed for his periodical visits have felt that something important had drop ped right out of their lives. The writer doesn't know that Mr. Cross ley ever reads the Apocryphal books of tho Bible or not. Most Protest ants let that part of the Big Book alone. In one of its books that is called Ecclesiasticus, In the 3Sth chapter, the 15 th verse reads like this: " He that slnneth before his Maker, let him fall into the hand of the physician." Now, as "sin" is declared to be "tho transgression of the law." and a common, everyday doctor is introduced in the expres sion, after results would seem to warrant tho assumption that Mr. Crossley had failed to eat some of the breakfast foods, or other arti cles, that he had sold to his clientelle of merchants, and thus had com mitted a physiological sin that neces sitated his falling into the hands of the physician. That was possibly why ho had to go to a private hospi tal in Scranton, and that was the probable reason a surgical operation became necessary; but he is back in T T r-i n n n il n 1 n nr ra mnya rrkntyxrcfrlnrr .14UUdllllllU V1IVU U1U1V1, .VWIKtlUD rapidly and is now a long ways on the road to recovery. It will not be many days now ere Mr. Crossley will be "on the job" again, carrying cheer to the merchants of north-eastern Pennsylvania, who will all gladly welcome his periodical visit once more. Henry Jennings! Oh, yes; we recollect you all right. You lived at ueecn urove in uie uays wueu (jnauncey u. iirooits, uiurunuu bubu- uomnsons, me mases ana oiner 1" J. - try n nr1 fTlQ IVnvnn IjUUUI liuiiutti Dliiiuui, niieii . r-i .11 rt . . i r . . ; n,... ... MkhrihI 1iaa1 .1mn Tlnn. KIII1HI1L 111 1 II UUUlCa IJCllAiiUUi xiui minor prnr iTnirnrii- rrnr. mi r- iiu Ltjiicuura ill iu luimui dcui ui mnnfiotca Ann tin nrrnr 1- n 1 1 r- CU1 D Ul UHUJ 11 u 111 buw . 1 O i. " .1 ;nnn rnr rmi ' Ann vmi titr nvini iUk uu biiu uiu jjjul at ucciiii uiu v, aat's gooa, too. wen, it certainly s delightful to meet you ana your nip. Ann vnur urRttr.inir is ilh i HHr- ul as it was in the days when you aught school up at Hoadleys and we CUL U1KCUU UUUUUK MJKCiUBI 1U UIU eech woods on the road to what Is ow known as Lake Clemo, but 'h!nn In fnnan rlnva wnn Vnnwn hv ir unnretentlous name or Sand ond. That your stay in Old Wayne my bo long and very pleasant is the rilf.Kl. W K III I IH IV Will, IIKI'M ) wake up occasionally and find that ime pleasant dream has become a )aiuy. When P. J. Keary walked into tho tizon office one dav last week lie a ripiii Trnn Trnm run n p:i ir 11 1 11 sights of his residence at Bono idgo, near Hawley, and all hands .- 1 1. I lllll 1 K ire giuu over uia wmu viisii, jii r he had told us what he knew uui iuu uuw cuuuui uiiuu Jiuiii ma rm, he mentioned a little incident at occurred on his premises last 11 that "brought down the house." uiu uuuu jwukuih were UUI lUUU nting by the light of the moon h iiiintrs miHHRU ovfir si iiriii or ) broad acres that was littered all er with round cobble stones just out the size of baso balls, and they irvolled over tho fact that so care- and particular a farmer as is Mr. ary should allow them to remain en Mr. K. smiled broadly, yet sad- oq lia cnlili TlTlinf tlincn liiliitnro i. u uu rhiui ir nub iiiudu uuuiiiiii 1. O 1 n 1 nn ey were passing over my potato .1 . 1 - I -1 . T 1 1 1 . 1 1 t was all." )ne of the most interested of the r thousand people who met at the plant of the Gurney 'Elevator apany on Wednesday night, Apr. T 1. 1 . .1 1 1 i yj i I'aiioumui hi i-ii in iu iiuuvo" 3 for the special purpose of at i, mi .i i ,, .1 i . . i lint; uiu uuiuga uuu lUKing a at the up-to-date structure. re is certainly more than one ion why Mr. Sheard attended 3 doings," and you don't have to ho is not only Fallsdale s post- ter. but that he also has a foun- and machine shop at that point Vayne county. Even Honesdale le send orders to the Fallsdalo iurv. ana ne uiiins casuncs 10 ts in every direction. Mr. Sheard Iso an inventor, and he has re- lv invfinrpn nnfl nnvprprl with rs natent a kerosene blow-torch will do everything that can pos- bo done with such an imple- t operated by gasolene, Which indie. There are kerosene blow- les, several makes of them, but each have ono flame of a fixed nnrl 11. - 1 . 1. llnJinU uuu I u u I 111 11 11 u a iucu uuucoii- Mr. Sherad's Invention is un perfect control, has a large or 1 flame, and is safe as a lan- Edgar Dutton is Mr. Sheard's ler In tho kerosene blow-torch, Honesdale would feel "tickled e'en a' most to death" to havo them move their foundry right down hero and begin manufacturing thoso torches by the carload. They might move everything but the post office, which we couldn't use to any great advantage. Hon. H. C. Jackson may have made a mistake in his selection of the daisy as Pennsylvania's State flower. Prof. H. A. Surface thinks ho did, and there are others of the same opinion. Almost every farmer, especially thoso whose practical "bumps" are greater than their sen timental development, will think of the way that weed will run out every other class of good haymaking vege tation, and with hands uplifted In horror will exclaim, "ding the dais ies! None of 'em in ours, if you please!" But credit belongs to Rep resentative Jackson, after-all, for it was he who suggested a State flow er, and his suggestion is all right, barring the choice he named. How would It do to have a committee of Pennsylvanlans appointed, with both Mr. Jackson and Mr. Surface includ ed, to select the proper flower as the State's floral emblem? Bright and early on Thursday morning Register and Recorder W. Brock L3Jher was astir, and long ere many of Honesdale's citizens had partaken of their steaming cup of fragrant Mocha and Java taixed, (one-fourth Mocha, three-fourths Java 40 cents, please), he with his family was enroute for his home in Sterling twp. One of the reasons for his going was that he wanted to attend the Sterling high school exer cises which will be held on Friday night, May 2. Mrs. Lesher's brother. George E. Cross, will be one of the graduates. Incidentally the Regis ter & Recorder has other motives for his trip Sterling-ward. There were packages In the outfit of a mysteri ous appearance, and If tho "speckled Beauties'' or that section were to conduct an industrial Darade. the writer can easily see in imagination tiie Diggest, slyest beauty of the bunch heading tho show with a ban ner over his dorsal fln reading some- tning HKe this: Look Out! Don't Pout! Lesher's Out! After Trout! Well, Brock and his familv will be back in Honesdale on Monday or Tuesday of next week, and he prom- isea tnat ir Dut what's the use of telling everything a fellow knows? FOREST FIRES DO DAMAGE. Tlio Woods in the Vicinity of Clemo invo licen on l'Jro lor More Than n Week. From various points of the com pass for the last few days dark clouds of smoke have been ascend ing in Wayne county, and under the direction of fire wardens men Have been struggling to preserve timber lands and other property from de struction. Ono of these fires was In the vicinity of Clemo, along tho line of tho Erie's Wvomlnir division. The Clemo Game Preserve covers a vast number of acres in that vicinity, and Game Warden L. J. Beecher. as sisted by the Fire Warden of that district and a corps of men havo put up a good stiff fight. Thous- anas or acres have been cleared in tue last few years bv Penn'a n. m lumbering interests, and tho dead wood and underbrush are as inflam mame as tinder. It Is to prevent the fires from sweeping through these vast tracts that calls for such strenuous work. If they are burned over, along with the treneral destruc tion of firewood and lumber Is tho aestructlon also of much game and hundreds of nests of partridges and Kong Dirus. FOURT1I OF JULY will bo around soon, and if Honesdale has any intention of having a real old fashioned celebration one with a parade, with the reading ofthe Dec laration of Independence, patriotic speeches by great and good speakers from home and abroad, she will havo to bo " up and a doing " In order that it may be successful. The Citi zen suggests that the new chapter of the Daughters of the American Rev oluion take up the matter, confer with tho leading citizens of the town, and, if they will consent to " go along," then begin active at once. "Oh! father and I camp went down to Along with Captain Gooding, ' And there wo saw tho men and boys As thick as hasty pudding!" Yankee Doodlo keep it up, Yankee Doodlo dandy, Mind the music and the step, And with the girls be handy." CHURCH NOTES. At tho M. E. church, Sunday, May 4. Public worship at 10:30 a. m., with sermon, subject, "The Mask of Workmen." Sunday school at 12 M. Epworth League at 0:45 p. m. Public worship at 7:30 p. m., ser mon subject, "Tho More Excellent Way." There will be special music both morning and evening services, If youaro not interested ' in "Tlio Root of Evil," you ore a queer one, sure enough. Something about it on 8th pngo. CLEAN UP. Burn all rubbish if possible. Do not throw It in the street, alley or vacant lot. Next woek is Clean-up Week. "Tho Root of Evil" what Is It? There is something about It on tho btli page touny. OBITUARY. Funeral of John Mojinn. The funeral of John Moylan, of Corbondale, took place Wednesday morning. Tho cortege left the Nea lon residence on Seventh avenue at 7:45 and proceeded to Cherry Ridge where services were held. Inter ment was made in the Cherry Ridge cemetery. Rev. J. V. Moylan, of Nanticoke, an uncle of the deceased, celebrated the requiem mass. The pall-bearers were: James Bur nett and David Moylan, of Canaan; Edward Moylan, of Scranton; Geo. Moylan, of Wllkes-Barre; Charles Kiernlf, of Scranton, and William Mannion of Carbondale. Death of Peter Burlcin. Peter Burloln died at his late home on Ridge street Friday, April 25, at the age of eighty years. Gen oral debility was the cause of his demise, which followed 'that of his wife just three weeks. Mr. Burlein had been confined to his home for the past four months. Deceased was born in Konegreich, Bayern, Wurtemburg, on January C, 1834, and came to Honesdale in 18GG. He was employed by the D. & H. company for many years. He had been a devout member of St. John's Lutheran church and was well liked and respected throughout tho community. He is survived by four daughters and one son, namely, Mrs. John Hiller, of Kenilworth, N. J.; Miss Margaret, Fred and Mrs. Emmous Tenant, of Honesdale; Misses Elizabeth and Cornelia at homo. The funeral services were held from his late homo Monday af ternoon, Rev. C. C. Miller officiat ing. Interment was made In tho German Lutheran cemetery. ODD FELLOWS CELEBRATE. The ninety-fourth anniversary of Odd Fellowship in America was fiittingly celebrated by the local or der in their hall on Monday evening. A large number of members and their wives were present and enjoy ed a most excellent supper which was prepared by the ladies' commit tee composed of Mesdames C? M. Betz, M. 'E. Simons, G. W. Sell, R. J. Miller, A. M. Leine, R. M. Stocker, E. G. Jenkins, F. J. Varcoe, C. C. Gray and J. A. Bodie. J. A. Bodie, as chairman of the committee on arrangements, ihad prepared an evening full of enjoy ment for all present and tho Central Glee club, with Mrs. N. J. Spencer at tne piano, rendered several selea tlons. Selections were ren dered by Messrs. R. Rubin, Robert Lees, Joseph Jacobs. Quartettes were given by Mesdames Dibble, Liees, uaiiaway, Cooper and Evans Tho music finished, W. B. Lesher entertained the assemblage with hu morous recitations. The program closed with singing "America" in which all present Joined. CONVENTION OF MISSIONARY SOCIETY. The annual convention of the Woman's Foreign Missionary society, of tho Scranton district is in session in Carbondale. Tho meeting is be ing held in tho Methodist Episcopal church. Mrs. Taft, who is a promi nent missionary In China, is one of the principal speakers. Two sessions, 3:30 a. m. and 3 p. m., were held. Mrs. Eben H. Clark, of this place, was elected delegate from the Honesdale society. GENERAL COCHRANE DEAD. Brig. Gen. Henry Clay Cochrane, aged 70, United States Marine Corps, retired, who served with dis tinction in the Spanish-American War, in tho Cuban and Philippine campaigns and in the Boxer cam paign in China in 1000, died sud denly at his home in Chester on Sun day. SPRING MOVERS. Among thoso who took advantage of the good weather and the general spring atmosphere the past week were: A. R. Little from his residence at corner of Fifteenth and West streets, to 1414 West Side Avenue. iewis a. rartridgo and familv from 217 Park street, to 807 Court street. GRANTED LETTERS OF ADMINIS TRATION. Letters of administration were granted Wednesday to P. J. Kenrv. in the estate of Kate Cary, lato of .palmyra township, deceased. Who is Thomas Dixon? Wood. ward will tell a pcrsonnl incident about him next week. "The Existence ot a Long Felt Want" Was never more effectively proven than by the promptness in our re pair department and our sales. The public learn more. demand more, each year. We endeavor to help the public. AND nAVE SUCCEEDED. ROWLAND QUALITY JEWELER Honesdale, Pa. Note: As soon as possible we will occupy our new store In the Schuerholz building, opposite the Postofflce. The ton per cent, discount remains in effect another week. ANNUAL BANQUET OF SUNDAY WORKERS TEACHERS AND OFFICERS OF CHURCH GIVEN RARE TREAT BY REV. JOHN O'TOOLE. Tonsts Given, Songs Sung nnd Dnnc- ing Participated In Affnlr a Grand Success. A fine musical program was ren dered and an exceptionally good time was had. Burgess Charles A. McCarty was toastmaster. The fol lowing is the program: Miss Mary Hlgglns "School-Day Mishaps" Miss Isabella Reilley . "Beauties of Music" Miss Mary Lenlhan "Just Talk" Adam Van Drisen "Woes of Bachelor Life" Romuald Lewis Violin Selections Edward Butler "Mother's Love" Miss Lucy Lowe "Votes for Women" Francis Baird "The Bashful Lad" Rev. Edward H. Burke Address Rev. John O'Toole ."Summing Up" Songs Miss Catherine Finerty, Solo Selected; Miss Anna Reilley, solo selected; William Kalighan, bass solo, selected; Thomas Finerty, selection. When tho tables and chairs were removed, Mayor McCarty and Miss Catherine Finerty led the grand march, in which there were 75 couples. The evening was very pleasantly spent, and all like one big family had one of the most en joyable evenings of their life. Geo. Schwenker prepared and served the food for the banquet. The list of guests follows: Elizabeth Caufield, Elizabeth Burke, Hon. Charles A. McCarty, Regina Murray, Mary Howley, Fran cis McGinniss, Mary Kelley, Agnes Murray, Francis Baird, Thomas Mal loy, Edward Chambers, Joseph May, Joseph Carr, Horace Carr, Edward Butler, Adam Van Driesen, Mary Hlgglns, Isabella Reilley, Mary Weir, Mary Lenlhan, Lucy Lowe, Agnes McGraw, Emma Coyne, Loretta En nis, Elizabeth Coleman, Agatha But ler, Ellen Van Driesen, Mary Cog gins, Mary O'Neill, Mary Monaghan, Gertrude Coggins, Lucy Butler, Hilda Dunn, Margaret O'Brien, Margaret The annual banquet given by Rev. John O'Toole, pastor of St. John's Roman Catholic church to the Sun day school teachers, choir members, church collectors and altar boys was held Wednesday evening, April 30, in Cadet s hall, O Connell building, Moran, Anna Rellly, Ambrose Gib- boney, Leo Connelly, William Ker- ney, James O Hea, Robert McGin nlRf, John Dowd, Peter .May, James, .Murray,, -Leo Bkelly,- Alvlran . Van Driesen, Joseph Van Driesen, Rom- uald Lewis, William Shanley, Basil Lewis, Francis McGraw, Paul O'Neill, Charles Mangan, Charles LaPoint, Dorothy Shanley, Crescentia O Connell, Regina Caufield, Helen Caufield, Beatrice Havey, Catherine Finerty, Anna Caufield, Anna Cannl van, Mary McGraw, Vera Eberhardt, Mary Butler, Mrs. Ellen Hlggins, Mrs. Thomas Dowd, William Kahli- han, Vincent Carroll, Thomas Kel ley, Thomas Finerty, Jr., Martin Caufield, Frank Caufield, John Cau field, Philip Ryan, James Ryan, Jos. Griflln, Harold Mullaney, Francis Igo, Joseph Butler, Father Burke. DISCHARGED AFTER 30 YEARS, Michael Reilley, an inmate of tho State Hospital for the Criminal In sane, Farview, was discharged from that Institution Monday after being confined for thirty years. He was sentenced to imprisonment for term of eight years in the peniten tiary on April 2G, 1883 by the judge of the Court of Oyer and Terminer of Luzerne county. He served his sen tenco and as ho had begun to de velop symptoms of insanity a com mission was appointed and ho was adjudged insano and removed to the Hospital for the Insano at Danville. Ho was transferred to Farview in March last where it was discovered that ho had so far recovered his rea son as no longer to need tho care of that institution. Ho consulted the law firm of Kimble & Hanlan who wrote to the Inmate's sister who lives in Brooklyn, N. Y., acquainting her with tho facts of the case. She came to Honesdale Saturday and a petition was prepared which Mr. Hanlan presented in Wllkes-Barre on Monday to Judge Fuller who made an order releasing the unfortunate man from further confinement. POLT AID FRENCH! UNIONDALE MAN GOES TO SCRANTON TO BUY A HORSE. Jasper Warren, a husky young farmer from Unlondale. says the Scranton Times of Wednesday, has, had enough experience with whiskey and police in the last twenty-four hours to drive him to temperance for tho rest of his life, or whenever he I visits Scranton, at least. Jasper and his father camo to town yesterday and bought a horso. Jasper bought something else, too, and his efforts to carry it and drive the horse at the same time led to his being arrested on Wyoming avenue in the early afternoon," on charges of drunkenness and reckless driving. Magistrate Millar Imposed a ten-dollar fine and Jasper gained his free dom when he came across with that amount in the early evening. At 9 o'clock Patrolman Hatfield sighted the Unlondale man on Spruce street, driving tho horse in the same man ner that led to his arrest earlier In the day. Investigation disclosed the fact that he had bought a brand new horse, and for the second time he landed in a cell at headquarters. Again charged with drunkenness and reckless driving, he was arraigned in police court this morning and the magistrate gave him a carbon copy of yesterday s dose ten dollars or thirty days. Jasper is twenty-four years old, ruddy-faced and broad shouldered. He blames the allure ments of the city for his downfall. Warren senior came to the young man's rescue this afternoon and paid the fine. PERSONAL MENTION. Mrs. Harvey Welch is a guest of relatives In Binghamton. County Treasurer W. W. Wood spent Thursday in Port Jervis. Miss Elizabeth Cortrlght was a Scranton visitor on Wednesday. Mrs. G. William Pell was a recent guest of relatives in Carbondale. Joseph Jacobs was attending to business in Scranton on Wednesday. James Baker, of North Main street, who has been ill, is improv ing. Mrs. Fred B. Whitney and Miss C. Lou Hardenbergh are In the Me tropolis. Miss Minnie Blankenberg has re turned to her home in Carbondale af ter a brief visit in town. Mr. and Mrs. Englebert Mezzler of White Mills, are tho parents of a son, born on Sunday morning at 11 o clock. Miss Louise Kennedy, of Hones dale, is spending a few days with relatives in town. Deposit Courier Journal. Mrs. C. W. Johnson, of Honesdale, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Fred W. Lewis, on South Washington street. Carbondale Leader. Mrs. Edward A. Lindsay and daughter, Elizabeth, returned from Scranton Wednesday, where tho lit tle girl was taken for medical treat ment, Dr. C. R. Brady and W. G. Blak- ney were joined Thursday morning by Charles H. Dorflinger at White Mills. They will spend the week end at Cape Cod, Mass. Mrs. Willard Penwarden and two sons, Millard and Norman, of this place, are guests of tho f ormer s brother, Theodore Kreitner, at Bay side, Flushing, L. I., N. Y. R. R. Stowell, special insuranco representative of the Dubugne fire insurance company, whose head quarters are at Harrisburg, was a visitor in Honesdale on Wednesday. Miss Mayme Igo returned Tuesday from a few days spent In Scranton. Merton Canfleld, who since Janu ary 1st has been absent from his du ties at the express office, resumed work May 1st. Mrs. Georgo W. Decker is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Coon, Clarks Green. Mr. Deck er will leave on Friday for that place, whero he will spend the week end and Sunday. Harry Phillips, who for a few months has been employed as fore man in tho Blrdsall shirt factory in Honesdale, has returned to his home, Pottstown, where he has secured a similar position. Attorney R. M. Salmon Is enjoying a ten days' trip in tho South. Ho Is stopping this week at Seneca, S. C. Before returning home ho will visit Atlanta, Ga., Richmond, Va., and Washington, D. C. Edwin Woodln, of Rochester, N. Y., Is a guest of relatives In Hones dale. It Is ten years since Edwin's last visit here. Ho says a number of noticeable changes have taken place since he left Honesdale. Miss Mann, buyer for Marshall & Fields, Chicago, visited the Hones' dale cut glass establishments on Tuesday whero she loft a number of substantial orders. Miss ,.Mann makes semi-annual visits to Hones dale. Mrs. Oscar Graham, who had been spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Varcoe hero, left for her homo in Oswego, Illinois, on Tuesday morning. She expected to stop over at uurralo ana Niagara Falls enroute. Reginald Thompson, son of Her bert Thompson, foreman In the ele vator works, left Thursday morning for the Pacific coast. Before re turning home ho will visit San Fran cisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Now York and other cities of note. Mrs. Georgo Rodman and daugh ters havo rented No. 5 apartment in the Durland brick block. They will occupy the rooms June 1st. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Lindsay have leased apart ment 'No. 2 in the same block and will take Immediate possession. Isaac Lovelass, of Fallsdale, was a Honesdale visitor on Wednesday of this week. Mr, Lovelass is one of the substantial citizens of that part ot Old Wayne and when he does coma to iHonesdale on a business trip he finds many Honesdale friends on. every nana to greet mm, ESCAPE FROM JAIL JUMPS FROM ROOF OF JAIL AND SWIMS THE LA CICAWAXEN RIVER TO SAFETY. "Frcncliy" Also Attempts Escape But in Jumping Ho Breaks His Leg nnd is Again Locked ui Sheriff nnd Detectlvo Arc After Polt. Peter Polt and John Stouquert, two prisoners serving time In the county jail, escaped from the jail Thursday afternoon about 1:30, by climbing through a hole in the ceil ing of the front part of tho Jail and thus gaining the roof. There was a board off one side of the cupola and the two men crawled through this and made their way to the edge of the roof and then jumped to tho ground a distance of about twenty feet. Polt managed to jump safely and made for the Lackawaxen riv er, which he swam to tho opposite bank and he was seen by people liv ing on River road to make off at top speed in the direction of tho? Cliff road. "Frenchy," as Stoquert Is more commonly known, was less fortunate however, and in making the jump, he collided with a fence door in the rear of the jail and sustained a brok en leg. He managed to crawl to the front of the building where lio dxejg himself up into the lawn swing which is in front of the sheriff's house and called for help. Mrs. Kimble went out to see what was the matter and finding Frenchy in agony, she know at once SrfiaJ bag happened. On questioning tho man she found that Polt had also escap ed. Sheriff Kimble was called and when he found out what had happen ed he called Detective Spencer. Polt had an hout"s start on the officers, who took the road leading back of Irving Cliff. They could find no trace of the man and returned a couple of hours later. They will make a thorough search later. Frenchy was again locked in his cell to await the return of the sher iff and Dr. Ely was called to set the member. The left limb had been fractured at the ankle. Polt and .Frenchy were among the number of prisoners in the county jail who had been given the privil ege of tho main corridor Instead of being locked in their cells. There is a hole leading to the attic above the outer corridor but the men were in the Inner section and the door was locked between the two. How they got through is a mystery as Sheriff Kimble says he is positive he locked the door. There Were two benches In the outer corridor which were probably used to stand on. Tho opening in the ceiling was grated and locked so a heavy iron must have been used to break the lock. Frenchy is a notorious character of Hawley, who "was placed in the Jail here, following some depreda tions he had committed in this lo cality. He was charged with lar ceny and receiving and one or two other counts and was was being held awaiting the action of the June grand Jury. Peter Polt had been a notorious character around town for many years and in 1911 was sentenced by Judge Searle to leave the town. Sev eral months ago he came back and was arrrsted on an old capias the sheriff had and also on the charge or assault and battery on Leonard Mebbs, a glass cutter. He had been held for court in default of bail. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Front yards are generally clean. It is the back yard and alleyway that will be found to need sprucing up. Get rid of all refuse. Darwin Penwarden, of Carley Brook, received a can of walleyed pike from the Pleasant Mount hatch ery, Thursday morning. In the Methodist Episcopal church, Sunday morning the offer tory solo will be sung by Miss Mary Jones. The solo at night will bo sung by Joseph Jacobs. Douglas Coleman and family of Unlondale have sold their home and are moving to Lestershire, N. Y. Mrs. Coleman was formerly Miss Jennie Chittenden, a Wayne county teacner. A few of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Lelne's friends tendered them a sur prise at their homo last Tuesday evening, the occasion being the tenth anniversary of their marriage. A very pleasant evening was spent. The Borden Milk Shinning sta tion at East Honesdale is shipping C.000 quarts of milk daily, a gain of over 2,000 quarts In three months. This establishment Is an other Honesdale industry that Is do ing considerable to' build up the town. Adam C. James, of Lakevllle. was a business caller in town on Tues day. John .H. Stegner, who has been critically 111, is rapidly regaining his health ana is now well on the road to recovery. Ho has been in his store on several occasions of lato, which Is news that delights his many acquaintances. Miss Allco Walters, of River street, was operated upon for bone tuberculosis by Dr. A. W. Smith and Dr. H. B. 'Ely Thursday morning. Miss Rickert, professional nurse, of Cherry Ridge, is in charge. Miss Walters is doing nicely. Tho bone of the right leg was affected. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Greene have returned to their homo here, having spent the greater part of the winter in New York at Hotel Van Rensal lear. Mr. Greene is prepared to take up his law practice where he left off when he wont to New York to en gage in literary work last, winter. Ex-Sheriff M. Lee Braman arriv ed home from Iowa on Tuesday night. Ho made a rapid trip, and a large consignment ot horses will reach Honesdale in a day or two. He has a Tery interesting announce ment In our advertising columns to day. Better turn and look It over while you think about It.