The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 29, 1913, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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May 18 Is Set Aside For Observance,
United States Bureau of Education Is
sues Bulletin Containing Directions
and Suggestions For Celebration In
dications Are That Interest Will Be
Peace day will bo widely celebrated
In schools throughout the United
States this year. Although Introduced
but a few years ago, this special
school day in behalf of International
peace is now regularly celebrated In
many American schools, and the indi
cations are that its observance this
year will be extended to thousands
Since Muy 18, the day set aside as
peace day, falls on Sunday the schools
will probably hold their exercises on
the nearest school day.
Importance of Movement.
Realizing the growing importance of
the peace movement among school
children, the United States bureau of
education has Just Issued a peace day
bulletin for 1013 containing, besides a
suggested program for the day, a num
ber of Interesting short articles on
different phases of the International
peace movement, accurate and com
prehensive information about the va
rious organizations working for peace
and a collection of appropriate poems
and prose quotations by famous peace
.lovers of many nations.
The material was compiled for the
bureau by Mrs. Fannie Fern Andrews,
Becrotary of the American School
Peace league and a world known
worker for peace.
The Temple of Peace nt The Hague,
the centenary of peace between Eng
land and the United States, the cos
mopolitan movement in the colleges
and universities and what it signifies
for universal peace, tho work of The
Hague tribunal and other peace ngen
cios these nro among the important
topics gathered together in the bu
reau's bulletin, "The Promotion of
International Sentiment.
That the sentiment for observance
of peace day In the schools is not con
fined to tho United States, but is dis
tinctly international, Is shown in the
words of M. Bulsson of Paris, quoted
in the bulletin. He says:
"Peace day. Let it shine one day
in the year among all nations. The
whole year is consecrated, as it ought
to be, to tho promotion of lovo of coun
try, to teaching our duties toward our
native land, even to tho extent of sac
rificing ourselves for her.
"On this special day, however, it Is
in order not to forget our country, but
to see her transflgured in tho future,
to eeo her lead in tho movement which
binds one nation to all others, making
a sort of higher country, tho federa
tion of the Uuitod States of the civilized-world."
Mrs. Lyons-Burke to Devote Life and
Fortune to Convicts.
Mrs. Sophlo Lyons-Burke, known
through almost tho entire world for
twenty-five years as tho "queen of tho
crooks," recently astonished tho police
by announcing at Detroit, Mich., that
eho intended to reform and devote the
remainder of her llfo and her fortune
of 5300,000 to an attempt to savo first
offenders from careers of crime.
"There Is something I want more
than property," sho said. "That is tho
respect of tho good people. Maybe
I cau get some of it by showing that I
am not all bad and am sincere."
Mrs. Lyons-Burko will publish a
book, "Why Crime Does Not Pay,"
which sho will attempt to put Into the
hands of every convict in tho United
States as nn rducaHonal veffort to in
duce lawbreakers to mend ti
whon they are released. Sho is slxty
elght years old and is tho wifo of Billy
Burke, now in a Swedish prison.
Building, Complete With Bell, Dropped
on Blannerhassett Island.
Historic Blannerhassett island, in tho
Ohio river, has fallen heir to a substan
tial framo church, with Rn 800 pound
bell, which was deposited on tho island
by tho river during tho recent flood.
A few days beforo tho water bad re
ceded the inhabitants managed to
moor the big church building on a de
sirable spot, whero it will In tho future
play tho part It was built for in nn
other place.
Nothing could bo found about tho
building to indlcato whero it had come
from. With tho exception of tho floor
tho church is in good condition.
Religiously inclined natives of .tho
historic old Island declare tho church
is "bread they have castion tho wa
ters In former times rcturnijg to them."
Mohammedanism For Japan.
Mohammodans of India are planning
an effort to Mohammodanlno Japan.
A strong deputation has been commis
sioned to study the situation, and the
first advances toward spreading tho
religion in the mikado's empire will
probably soon be made.
That's His Health Rule, but He Eats
Pretty Heavily.
Tho prevalent Impression that John
D. Rockefeller cannot eat is apparent
ly without foundation In fact as Is
proved by tho dally menu ho enjoyed
recently at Sea Breeze. Fla.
For breakfost he usually had oat
meal, lamb chops, baked potato, toast,
milk; for luncheon, clam broth, fish,
cold chicken, toast, rice pudding; for
dinner, oysters, consomme, fish, roast
chicken,-rice, spinach, baked potato.
"Most people eat too much," said
Mr. Rockefeller one day. "My theory
li to got up from tho table n little hun
gry." By following this rule he is halo and
hearty at seventy-three and weighs 103
Branch of Boy Scout Movement Re
ceives Official Sanction.
Former Secretary of tho Navy Meyer
Issued recently a general order to all
navy officials and commnndants of
navy yards and naval stations to co
nperato In overy way possible in the
development of a division of "sea
scouts" as a branch of tho Boy Scouts
of America.
Notice of tho issuing of tho general
order was received by Colin H.
Livingstone, president of tho national
council of boy scouts, and tho notional
organization took lmmedlato steps to
ward tho developing of tho sea scouts
as an Important adjunct to tho boy
scouts' organization
Fake Curios.
Dr. Wakellng, tho Egyptologist, tells
a that It la useless to warn tho tour
ist against the fake curio. Ho buys
and is sold with an unfailing regulari
ty, and hardly any imitation la too
gross to decelvo him. Dr. Wakellng
tolls ns of a lady who bought a scarab
from a boy who assured her that hs
had himself stolen it from the exca
vatlons In the temple of Aknaton.
And sho displayed her trcasuro tri
umphantly and always with tho words,
"And 1 am suro it must bo true, for
bo had such an honest llttk) face."
No Use For tho Doctor.
"Why did you send the doctor away
without permitting him to do anything
for you?"
"Ho said ho could get mo op and out
in three days," tho sufferer groaned,
"and my accident insurance- amounts
to $80 n week more than my salary ns
Jons as I'm disabled." Chicago Roc-ord-Hernld.
A Business Tip.
She (looking at photo proofs) Do
yon mean to tell me that I havo such
nn ugly noso as that? Photographer
My apparatus cannot Ho, madam. Sua
Then for goodness sako havo enough
sense to go and get ona that can!
lot 30x82 feet,
lot 30x82 feet,
modem appointments.
newiy papered and painted lo
cated on Seventh, Sixth and
Court Streets.
Property on 7th St.
Property on 7tti St.
Pnrnor Prnnortu o
Sixth Street, simoom houbo. . $2,200
Inquire of
Buy-U-A-Home Realty Co.
Honesdale, Pa.
Some Valuable Species Already
Gone, Scientists Say.
J ad win Bldrj.
Both Phones
Only Long Closed Seasons Will Save
Wild Life of the Country, Is Experts'
Opinion Destruction of Insect Eaters
Causing Big Loss to Farmers Star
tling Facts Presented.
That American birds, like tho Ameri
can bison, soon will bo extinct unless
Immediate measures are taken for
their protection Is the prediction of an
Investigator who recently set forth his
views In the Chicago Record-Herald.
Ornithologists and sportsmen for
neveral years have been calling atten
tion to the same fact and huvexepent
edly poluti'tl out that better game laws
must be passed and rigidly enforced
if we are to save tho wild life of our
The roHiiH, whose arrival In the
north is considered one of tho first au
thentic signs of spring, are being
slaughtered by teus of thousands every
year, authorities say. In fact, no bird,
from humming bird to eagle, is safe
from the craze to kill.
As for the so called game birds, the
ducks and snipe and prairie chickens,
they are already so scarce that their
busy haunts of twenty years ago are
silent and deserted today. Some species
are already extinct, and many others
are almost gone, yet tho sportsmen
who make our game laws refuse to
savo any of the vnnlshlng species by
the only possible means a long closed
Reason. Emerson Ilouzh, who is n
citizen first and n sportsman after
ward, frankly writes:
"Our game laws have failed, and 'wo
know thoy have failed. Our game is
almost gone, and wo know it is al
most gone. America has changed, and
wo know it has changed, although wo
havo not changed with it. Wo have
handled our game in a wholly greedy,
unscrupulous and selfish fashion. This
has been our policy ns avnntion."
Loss to Farmers.
The game of North America docs not
belong exclusively to the men who kill.
The other 117 per cent of tho people
have vested rights in it far exceeding
those of the 3 per cent.
Farmers are already suffering mil
lions of loss from insects that used to
be kept within bounds by thefQKitl
and other birds. Yet at tho present
moment wo are permitting tho exter
mination of our finest species of birds,
mammals and fishes "according to
"There is not n single state In our
country," says William T. Hornaday,
director of the New York zoological
park, "from which the klllable game
is not being rapidly and persistently
shot to death, legally or Illegally, very
much more rapidly than it is breeding,
with the extermination of most of it
in sight. Wo havo reached tho point
where tho alternatives are long closed
seasons or a gameless continent, and
we must choose one or tho other speed
ily." Startling Facts Cited.
Mr. Hornaday has written a book,
"Our Vanishing Wild Life," In which
he sets forth some startling facts.
Here are somo figures ho compiled:
In 18G0 pot hunters In Hartford.
Mich., shipped three carloads of dead
passenger pigeons to market each day
for forty days, making a total of 11,
880,000 birds. Another Michigan town
marketed 15,840,000 in two years.
Today tho passenger pigeon is total
ly extinct save for one lonely female
bird twenty years old In the Cincln
natti zoological gardens. The greed of
man hos wiped It from the face of the
earth, and, like tho groat auk, It must
be numbered with the dead species.
Other species that havo been exter
minated in our own day are tho Lab
rador duck, tho pallas cormorant, tho
Eskimo curlew, tho Cuban macaw, the
Carolina parrakeot and tho yellow
winged green parrot.
Mr. Hornaday names moro than
twenty-11 vo other North American
birds that nro threatened with early
xtermlnatlon. Hp says it is already
too late to savo tho stately white
whooping crano and tho trumpeter
swan. Three of the most beautiful
and curious water haunting birds of
tho southern United States tho fla
mingo, scarlet ibis and roseate spoon
bill are doomed unless tho European
feather trade can bo stopped from
baring them shot into total obllrlon.
The upland plover, black capped petrel
and California condor are about gone.
The wood duck, ono of tho most ex
quisitely plumaged birds in America,
is threatened with extinction. Yet
many states are. actually encouraging
ta destruction by giving extra long
open seasons for tho killing of this
Birds Were Shipped,
For forty years tho marshes, prai
ries, farms and streams of tho whole
tipper Mississippi valley havo been
combed over year nfter year by tho
guns of tho market shooter.
Often tho migratory game was lo
cated by telegraphic reports. Game
birds were slain by tho wagon load,
boatload, barrel and carload "for the
Chicago market." And tho farmers
of tho middle west stolidly plowed
their fields and fed their hogs and
nermltted tho slaughter to co on.
Perfect Skin Pood That Removes
Wrinkles nml Clears Complexion.
The most delicate skin will quick
ly respond to tho soothing and tonic
effects of Hokara and when this pure
skin cream is used, pimples aro soon
a thing of tho past.
As a massage cream or after shav
ing it Is unoqualed, removing all Ir
ritations, and making tho sktn soft
and velvety.
Apply a little to tho hands or face
after washing and surprlso yourself
with the dead skin that comes off.
. Hokara is tho only antiseptic mas
sago cream, and pimples, eczema and
all skin blemishes soon disappear
when it is used.
Although far superior to tho ordi
nary massage creams and sold on a
guarantee of "best you ever used or
money back," yet tho prlco is a trifle,
only 25c for a liberal Jar; larger sizo
Sold on a guarantee by Pell, the
ft txl (all let o Pta Ttttfc n Ht l H nt
r.ttUI no In traintM. WnUuw ckb price.
rlM lot OM OoM. Sttrer, DMrnra, Mimliul
JnrMIT. tm4 .WIMfl rM Wa
pmtA. smrmG nwmma cowakt
E)TAJWjniw 29 TtktM.
Suffering Men & Women. nitk l wtiu, u
mSH.itlll. C.iabl.itloa allaa Allapalala.llaBataa
aalala KelaeUa U.U.I. Brutal al Brdlalai. vHri, unr uutn ran, nervosa.
Heart, SUMeh, Llrtr, Blaed, 8kla, Blada'ar ft
all Carealt A Uarariar Allaeata. n.tillll. Wuh
ntM. Catarrh, Threat, Halt, Opaa Caaaer. BalUa Cp taa
Broaaa Dowa, Bettarat Tlaar, Ttai. tleelta, fiaereMfal
BallTraatiaaU OLD DR. THEEL, lae., 1 71 0
SPRINO GARDEN ST.. I'Hla.TK.. 47 Taai.
i-raatlia. Hani lor Hook, a KeTelatlon to taa Btrk.
Eipoaea AdrcrUalng Uuacka A Medicine Sharks
Villi In K4 aad U.U nmlllAVj
bjrea, aealed IU niua Ribbon.
Tke olker. Bar or raar V
Xrvarfat. AskforCiri.cliVfL.T?na
Tn known n Dost, Strait. Alwart Rollibla
Catalogue to keep posted
on furniture styles.
Fire, Life, Accident, Automobile, Liability and Boiler
Consolidated Phono 1-0-L.
Now on Sale at
Menner & Go's
Only $2.70
For thi3 Genuine Leather Box seat Dinmc
Cnair in Kolden Quartered Oak. Shaped
barrister back and top slat, slip seat of Kcn
v'.ne leather. Claw feet. A rtrictly high
crade Chair that retails in ttores for 53.C5
Six chairs carefully packed and shipped
freight charges prepaid for $16.20.
Why not buy from the makers
same as dealers do? Send today
for our "Satisfaction Furniture at
Factory Figures" catalogue, FREE.
Junior and Ladies'
Tailored Suits New Guts
and cloth.
The New Lengths and
Weaves in Separate
The dainty shades in
Silk Gharmeuse, Poplin
and Ratine are exquisite
and knobby.
New Spring Kid and
Silk Gloves.
Our Corset Department
have the new forms and
lengths. None better.
Menner & Company.
g This is I1REGSTEIX, tho man who
g sells FITFORM Clothing to Wayne
H county folks.
is our
In FITFORM clothes you have the
greatest combination of style, quality and
value that any maker anywhere has to his
credit. It's a credit to this great store
to handle clothes so perfect in every
detail; it's because of the superiority and
supremacy of clothes that we urge every
person who wants the best to come and
see them.
10, $15, $18, $20 & $25.
i Young Men.! Here are
f stylish clothes, smart pat-
terns, perfect tit, best value.
Bregstein Bros. Clothiers,