C1J- THE CITIZEN. 7. W Tho Citizen is n "Community Pa per With Community Interests Wo Reach tho People. A Series of Exclusive Adi xhag Talks Will Appear in Tills' Each Monday. 71st YEAR. --NO. 35 HONESDALB, WAYNE CO., PA., TUESDAY, APRIL 29, 1913. PRICE 2 Hiper PITTSBURG CITIZENS PROTEST IN MASS MEETING HEAD OF SCHOOLS NOT WANTED THERE AND LODGES TAKE ACTION FOR HIS REMOVAL Thousands Sign Petition Heeter Abandons Speech in Sharon After Newspaper Warning- Children Parado Streets. Pittsburgh, April 2& "Hid the city of Heeter," was the slogan of 20,000 citizens of Pittsburgh who assoinbled nt various mass meetings hero In pro test against the retention of Superin tendent of Pittsburgh Schools S. L. Heeter. Although ho was recently acquitted by a jury of serious churgea mado by Ethel Ivy Fisher, seventeen years old, a former nurse nt the Heeter home, bo Is under chnrges Involving two other A mass meeting was held by the parents of the children nttendlng tho McCnndles and McCIeary schools at the Epiphany baseball grounds, Fifty second street Tho fooling against Heeter is especially strong In that section of the city. At the meeting thousands signed a potltion for the re moval of the school superintendent Various lodges of the Junior Order nf Amnripnn Afsrnntiia hnvn nmrvrwl resolutions of protest nsralnst the re tention of Heeter. Tho latest councils of that fratornnl organization to adopt rpsnlntlnnR of nrotoat worn Stnnilnrd No. G2 nnd Twin City No. C2. These resolutions were sent to David B. Oli ver, president of the board of educa tion, whoso protege Heeter Is. The full strength of the Oliver machine is being exerted in Heetcr's behalf. In every case the resolutions have been passed unanimously, nnd tho aembers of the Junior O. U. A. M. Ilomnnd that tho blight of nectcr's name be removed from tho city schools. Labor unions have also taken faction In protest of Superintendent leeter. The various organizations af filiated with the International Moldcrs' linlon not only protested against him, but have refused to nllow their chll- llren to nttend school so long as Hee ler is retained as superintendent Superintendent Hooter was scheduled lo make an nddress at Sharon, Pa., a Ihort distance from Pittsburgh, but Aid not appear following a warning In nn editorial printed in tho Sharon Celegraph. The article voiced tho son limcnt of the residents of western I'ennsylvnnia nnd eastern Ohio, Su perintendent Heeter did not go to Enaron, saying mat "he aaa pressing business In Pittsburgh.' It is now predicted that the conv alttee named by the board to make iqulry will take up the various scan- lal reports and make public its find- 3gs. The members of tho commla Hon refused to accept tho responslbll ry of the inquiry unices they are per iiltted to have power to conduct tho rvestigatlon without Interference, and aelr decision is to bo final in tho mat er, OAT AWAKES MASTEE. feline Gets Owner Up When Factory Whistle Blows. Sharon, Pa., April 28. Mark Moeiler, steel worker of near Fun-ell, would ot trade his pet MaKcee cat for tho est alarm clock over invented. Ho ouches for the story that within the 1st year he has not onco arrived lato his work, while beforo Tom caino Ito tho family circle ho -was frequent- tardy. iMocllor's cat wakens him every iorning nt 0 o'clock, and If ho turns l-er for Just a few moro winks tho lline begins clawing at tho covers un- Moeller nrises. IMoolIer used to have an alarm clock, mietimes he would forget to wind It e would oversleep nnd arrive late at ork. There is n whistle at n factory Ijse by, nnd tills ulways blows at 0 -lock. Tho cat knows when tho whis- Ii blows it is tirno for Moeiler to arise, id it Jumps on tho bod nnd stays re until the sleeper is aroused. ?IRED BH0WNSVILLE SHOT. sjjpro Confesses He Killed Prlverto Lightfoot In 1006. Sharon, Pa., April 28. Ernest Dye, negro under arrest hero, in a con- Isslon to tho police alleges ho shot Id killed Private Lightfoot of tho ilted States army In tho Brownsville lex.) riots in 1000 nnd that ho killed I policeman in WInston-Snlem, N. C, 1011. Irbe uegro was arrested hero when, Iter ho bad walked into tho police litlon, ho attempted to drink poison. Iio statements of tho prisoner were It clear. Hp insisted, however, that Everal persons, one named Green, l;re being bold for tho murder of Ightfoot at Brownsville. BEE'S STING MAY BE FATAL. laron Child In Critical State and Will Probably Die. fcharon, Pa., April 28. Stung by a Imble bee a week ago, Clarence, four- lir-old Bon of Thomas Montgomery of Ili-vlcw township, Is In a critical con' lion and will probably dlo. short time after .the child was ling be complained of feeling 111, ten his arm began swelling, and tod poisoning developed. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Jackson, of Dor Hill, were in Honesdale, Sat- I lay, on legal business. HONESDALE PRINTERS LOOKING FOR POINTERS. The National Printing, Pub lishing, Advertising' and Allied Trades' Exposition at the Grand Central Palace, New York City, end ed last Saturday, April 26. It prov ed to bo the greatest success of its kind ever held from the fact It had the greatest display of everything' peruuuiug iu uie prmuuB un, repre- sentatlve of the largest manufactur ers of presses, folding,' stapling, binding, electrotyping, type-setting, type casting machines in the country. Also paper manufacturers, printers' supply houses with their hundreds of various labor and cost saving de vices everywhere in evidence as a temptation to the craftsmen. One of the striking features of the big show was the various makes of auto presses constantly in operation which seems almost human as once given the power they do their own feeding and print entirely without the as sistance of a mechanic. This display together with the linotype and mono type machines proved to be the largest drawing card. From the editor to the devil, together with thousands of men, women and chil dren, there was an intermingling of good fellowship, all anxious to grasp ideas of what wonderful results can be and were actually accomplished at the exposition and elsewhere. Another feature worthy of mention was large presses in operation, es pecially the large two-color Miehle press printing thousands of the ex hibition number. This fine illus trated magazine in colors was the work of Zeese-Wilkinson Co., New York; also H. Hinzo Machinery Co.'s Caxton presses are deserving of men tion for the handsome samples of three-color work they were printing and distributing. This exhibit also distributed beautiful half-tone en gravings of President Woodrow Wil son. The Goss Comet press issued na- pers each day for free samples of what this press can do. Tho Mergenthaler Linotype Co.'s exhibit was a credit to the show. The Citizen has one of these ma chines and sets up their paper each issue from it. Honesdale printing offices were represented as follows: The Wayne Independent, Editor B. F. Haines, Foreman Grant C. Tallman and William Haggerty; Var coe Printing House, Edward Varcoe; Citizen Publishing Co., Floyd A. Thompson, linotype operator, and Foreman Chas. L. Bassett. Surely no one would ever care to hear of printing as a lost art when It is conceded without printing that the world's progress would drop back five centuries and from tho fact that representa tives from Honesdale had the Dleas- uro of witnessing the great advance ment in their respective following they all feel benefited by their visit 10 me exnmition and feel assurred of no such calamity while the pres ent world exists. Editor B. F. Haines. Grant P.. Tallman and Wm. Haggerty of the wuyne independent, and Chas. L. Bassett of The Citizen, were shown through the American Press Associa tion's large plant. This courtesy of Mr. E. C. Potter, the general mana ger, snail long be remembered. WILLIAM TEACHMAN INJURED. William Teachman. whlln nnprn r. ing a power auger in the McKannn cooperage last Saturday morning, met with a painful accident. He was evidentlv standing tnn close to the machine as his shirt sleeve became entancled in a sorow on tho auger and before tho belt couiu oe tnrown off Mr. Teachman was drawn into the revolving augers. 'Ho was badly cut about the face wnere the head of the 'screw struck mat part of his person. His cloth ing was torn in shreds. Mr. Teach. man, however, was able to walk to Dr. P. B. Petersen's office, whern the wounds were dressed. Ho was certainly fortunate in es caping more serious injury. MADE FOREMAN OF PLANT. Thomas F. Gallacher. former iHr- trlct manager of tho Honesdale di vision of tho Consolidated Tele phones of Pennsylvania, writes us that ho has bqen appointed foreman of plant of said company In Scranton. He says, however, ho will mako Honesdale his home for some time at least or after reorganization of mo company, which is still in tho re ceiver's hands. Owing to a largo amount of new work in Scranton Mr. Gallagher claims that he has been obliged to postpone his leave of ab sence until ho has become accustom ed to his new duties that of plant loreman. his neaith, he says, is much better. HONESDALE IS ALL RIGHT. Fort Scott, Kan., April 23, 1913. Editor Citizen: What is the matter with Hones dale? Is It possible you have been getting along all these years without any paving wading in the mud. As Martin Cauneld says, "the way to pave is to pave." Our town, Fort Scott, a town not much larger than Honesdale, with a less number of factories, and no more wealth, has eight or ten miles of streets paved with vitrified brick. and this work has been done without money from saloon licenses. Moral: Close your saloons. Yours truly, R. A. WILLIAMS. SALE MORE IMPORTANT THAN FUNERAL. ' A Monticello woman could not bo prevailed upon to go to the funeral of her sister last week because there was to be an auction in town the following day, and she couldn't at tend both without tiring herself out, and she must attend the auction, funeral or no funeral, you just bet. That is a very sad prise, and while It may have its humorous side it has its pathetic side as well, and as the pathetic Is so much greater than the humorous, it is tearful. EAGLES INITIATE MANY NEW MEMBERS G. It. RALPH, CAPTAIN OF SCRANTON DEGKEE TEAM INITIATES 70 MEMBERS. They Had n Fine Time Eagles' Or chestra Furnished Music nnd Many From Scranton Attended Local Order Now Hns 210 Members. The Honesdale Aerie of Eagles, No. 1S5S, Initiated a class of seventy six new members into the mysteries of the order on Sunday afternoon at their hall on Seventh street. G. R. Ralph, of Scranton, Captain of the degree team, composed of nineteen members of the Scranton Aerie, No. 314, Fraternal Order of Eagles, had charge of the initiation of the large class which comprised several of the most prominent business men and citizens of Honesdale. A large num ber of Scranton Eagles attended. Yesterday afternoon the prepar ations by the Honesdale lodge for the entertainment of their guests wa3 excellent and everybody had a fine time. The Eagles' orchestra furnish ed music for the occasion. Elaborate preparations for a big event tonight have been made by the officers in charge, for the entertain ment of the newly elected members. At this meeting plans will be laid for organizing another class, when the local order expect to close their charter and raise tho initiation fee. The Honesdale Aerie now has a membership of over two -hundred, making It one of the strongest or ganizations in the county. The of ficers are: William Balles, past wor thy president; Thomas Solomon, president; Joseph Schiessler, vice president; P. W. Slater, secretary; Fred Corey, treasurer; Henry Ro dine, chaplain: Lewis Waener. in side guard; Edward Warwick, out side guard. REQUEST TO HELP OHIO'S SUF FERERS. Fred W. Kreitner, president of the Greater Honesdale Board of Trade, is in receipt of a letter from the president of the Chamber of Commerce, Columbus, Ohio, asking that the town, of Honesdale contrib ute something for tho benefit of the ill-fated survivors of the flooded dis trict in our sister state. All who can should give to help those in dire need of money. Con tributions sent to F. W. Kreitner, Honesdale, Pa., will be given prompt attention. FELL AND FRACTURED BOTH WRISTS. Miss Maggie Smith, who conducts a, small notion store on Fifth street. fell while descending the steps of- St'.. wary Aiagoaien's church Sunday evening at 8:30 and fractured both wrists. She also received two scalp wounds. Dr. P. F. Griffin was called, reduced the fracture and took four stitches in her forehead. Miss Smith is an invalid, being able however, to go about on crutches. SOLD COTTAGE AT LAUREL LAKE B. H. Dlttrlch, manager of tho Lyric theatre, who with his family for the past few years have summer ed on the shores of beautiful Laurel Lake, sold his log cabin-cottage, ca noe and other belongings to Mr. Mat chell, of New York City, who re cently bought Laurel Lake and the House that bears its name. The deal was consummated on Saturday. HONESDALE A TRADING CENTER For several years, and more es pecially tho past few years, Hones dale has becomo quite a trading cen ter. Parties from out-of-town come to Honesdale from all points in au tomobiles, by train or wagon to trade. The stores in Honesdale of fer an excellent selection of goods and the prices are right. Shoppers will have to go quite a distance be foro they will nnd as large and var ied a stock to select from as is right hero in Honesdale. Patron'zo your nome mercnant. Clean up week May 5. Horace Greeley onco said, "The way to resume is to resume" In'tbls H. G, was right. Ho usually was. The way to do anything is to do that thing. For example: THE WAY TO BOOM IS TO BOOM This docs not mean running around In circles and yelling your bead off. The only thing boomed by that method is the dippy house. The war to boom a town la by intelligent and united effort Use printer's ink and Uncle Barn's postomce. TALK for the town, WRITE letters for tho town, get the local papers to ROOT for the town. Write to individuals and Arms seeking a now location. Tell them what advantages this burg has to offer. Publicity Means Progress. Let the world know this town is on the map. PRESBYTERY APPROVES WORK OF SUNDAY. Scranton. At the session of the Lackawanna Presbytery, in session last week, at the Washburn Street Presbyterian church, West Scranton, Rev. A. J. Kerr, D. D., of Wilkes Barre, put his stamp of approval on the work of Rev. "Billy" Sunday during his soven weeks' campaign .i it. ixi.i . i imCT. . there. He t6ld of the great Impetus that had been given Bible study and the formation of classes among the people of his own church and oth ers. There was a spirited election on Wednesday morning for clerical and lay commissioners to attend the gen eral assembly to be held this year at Atlanta, Ga., May 5. The follow ing clergymen were elected: Rev. G. W. Bull, D. D., ot the First Presbyterian church, Scranton; Rev. James Lelshman, Dunmore; Rev. A. M. Brown, Plymouth; Rev. A. J. Kerr, D. D., Wllkes-Barre. Alternates Rev. W. S. Welnrick, Canton, Pa.; Rev. R. B. Culp, Shick shinny; Rev. A. G. Cameron, Syl vanla; Rev. R. A. Rinker, Plttston. Elders L. A. Stephens, Wash burn Street church; James A. Linen, First church, Scranton; A. W. Swatell, Sayre; W. J. Ward, Hones dale. Alternates F. B. Dimmlck, Union dale; J. V. Taylor, Wyaluslng; J. H. Gritman, Carbondale. Resolutions were adopted to the effect that beforo any candidate is admitted to the Presbytery that an investigation bo mado into his char-j acter, his standing in the community from which ho comes, and his edu cational qualifications. These reso lutions will be sent to the general assembly when it meets in Atlanta, with a view of having them incor porated into the rules governing the Presbyteries throughout the coun try. If the candidates do not come up to the qualifications required of those taking their first orders in the chuch, they will not be admitted un til one year shall have passed or un til they are able to pass the exami nation that is required of an original applicant. The object of the resolu tions is to make a certain standard of educational qualifications for every one entering the Presbytery. As a result of this ruling, a few of the applicants will be compelled to spend another year at college before they will be admitted to the Presb'y teryi, Two were admitted to exami nation. They were Rev. T. W. Davis of Ulster, Pa., and Rev. John E. Pritchard, of Bethany, Wayne coun tp. Rev. J. J. Hankin made a very interesting report on temperance, urging the churches to more liberal gifts to the General Assembly's tem pernncGKCommittee which is doing a splendid work. . A plea for Presbyterian parents to iiW:raBe their sons to enter the ministry and an interesting state ment on the work accomplished by mo college noard or tne Presbyterian church were tho principal subiects of two addresses delivered at Tues day night's meeting of Presbytery. The first subject was elaborated on by Rev. John R. Tuttle. D. D.. of York, who is a member of the special committee of the Presbyter ian cnurcn appointed to assist in in creasing the membership of the min istry. Rev. Robert MacKenzIe, sec retary of the Presbyterian college board, told of the work of that body in increasing the number of Presby terian colleges In tho United States trom twenty to sixty-six Dr. Tuttle spoke on "A Crisis In the Kingdom," and in asking parents to encourage their sons in Joining the ranks of the ministry, ho pointed out the nobleness of that calling and .stated that leaders in God's kingdom will always bo found herein. Ho stated that there are not nnnnc-h ministers in the country to fill all the pulpits of the church and gave as a reason for this condition the lack or interest displayed by parents. George C. Williams, reader and Impersonator, entertained a largo auaionce at tne st. John's Lutheran church Thursday evening. It was an excellent entertainment and high class in every particular. Tho pro ceeds will bo used for the support of me cnurcn 1. 0. 0, F. MEN TO CELEBRATE 94th ANNIVERSARY THE BIG AFFAIR WILL BE CELE BRATED TONIGHT IN THEIR HALL ON MAIN STREET. ,,,, .,,, cnrviPa tim Unnn. 1 iho Annum beruccs lor tno lloncs- dnlo Order AVns Held in Grace i Episcopal Church Sunday Evening anil Rev. AVldttnkcr Preached. The members of Freedom Lodge, I. O. O. F., No. 188, will celebrate their ninety-fourth anniversary this evening in their rooms in the Inde pendent building at a banquet from six to eight o'clock. The banquet will be followed by a special musi cal program. The anniversary com mittee comprising Messrs. J. A. Bo die, M. E. Simons, C. C. Gray, R. J. Miller and A. C. Lindsay have com pleted arrangements for one of tho most elaborate occasions in the hlB tory of the Honesdale order. Sun day evening Rev. A. L. Whittaker of the Grace Episcopal church, preach ed an eloquent sermon especially for the Odd Fellows of Honesdale. The members of the local order attended in a body. The occasion was the an nual services of the Honesdale lodge. Rev. Whittaker said in part: "To the Odd Fellows of Honesdale and Wayne county and any visiting members we give most hearty wel come. Many if not most of you are faithful members of various Chris tian congregations. All of you by the very foundation principles of your order are in hearty sympathy with the objects for which tho Church of Jesus Christ stands. So wo are not, in welcoming you here tonight, extending the hand of recon- cilation to those that are estranged, but looking into tho faces of broth ers whose interests aro identical with our own, whose earnestness is unmis takable, whose power is for good Is as evident as your willingness to use it. Let me speak to you briefly to- nignt of the sort of loyalty wo men owo to our common Master, Jesus Christ, and of the value to the place where we live of such loyalty. Most J. . . . oi us were present me omer evening, at the formal opening of the Gurney Electric Elevator Works. It was an inspiring sight. that building so perrectly appointed, that so thor oughly organized and trained force of men, and the townspeople gather ed to show their good will. Such gatherings of our citizens are dis tinctly contributory to the moral and spiritual health of the town. Are you surprised to hear me use those adjectives "moral" and "spiritual?" in connection with a meeting of our citizens in a place of business to of fer our congratulations to the man agers of that business? But I do feel that the very being together In one place with a common purpose of good was significant for "the moral and spiritual health of our town. "You ask whether a certain town is a good place in which to live and one of the things which you will not neglect but which you will consider of the utmost Importance is Just that the spirit of the place. I wish to speak tonight of the need, if there is to be in a town the very best and most helpful moral and spiritual at mosphere, of a fine manly loyalty to the principles and to the Person of Jesus Christ. "Let me take a text which will serve to crystallze our thought. Jesus said, 'Follow Me.' He said that to the rich young ruler. He said it to poor men like the fisher men on the Sea of Galilee. He said it to men whose lives were pure and to men whose lives had been unholy. Ho said it to men who had given their spiritual instincts a chance and to men who had stifled every better thought. "That 'Follow Me' of Jesus Christ is a direct personal appeal to tho men of to-day to all sorts of men, to every man. Let no man say, that sort of thing is not in my line. I have to make a living, and that is all that I have time to attend to. And besides I am not that sort of a man. Let the good men do that work. I am a bad one, and could not help. I should only hinder." Mathew was precisely that sort of a man. You can't mention a man in this town who was moro sordid, more bent on getting possession of the almighty shekel and not at all particular how he got it. Ho had no public spirit not a particle. He was all for Mat thew, and for no one elso. Ho was out for Matthew's good and for no one's else's. He was one of the most unlikely men In all Palestine to take after Jesus Christ. "Jesus Christ was no one-sided, anaemic, visionary and unpractical sort of a man. He was very real and very everyday, with a message of good for tho higher life for the men He met day by day. The blood reached to ills brain and it expanded and warmed His great heart. It mado Him enouch of a man to he willing to die for a good cause. Take your heroes who have under tho ex citement, it may have been, of the moment, been ready to go to tho stake or the gallows for their native land or for human freedom. Jesus Christ was the Prince of them all. And He has been given to men as the One great divinely raised-up spir itual Leader, Men need leadership in the spiritual Held, It Is tho hard est field, In somo respects, of all to till. It Is the most universally neces sary, for It means the highest de velopment of manhood. "So some of us need dynamiting spiritually. It 1s natural and desir able that wo should pay attention to the spiritual side of our nature. The man who does not do that is one sided and shallow. I do not care who he may bo. He is in danger of disaster himself, and will surely by his example injuriously affect those about him. His influence will be bad in his own home, In, his place of business, and in tho town. Wher ever he is, he will carry an atmos phere of contagion. Ho will stand for an absence of soma of the things (Continued on Page Bight.) STEG.MAYER GRAVE&fTPTIAJj. Earl W. Stegmayer, son of Prof, and Mrs. J. J. Stegmayer, formorly of this place, now of Elmlra, N. Y., and Miss Elsie Irene Graves were married April 19, at the bride's homo by Rev. William F. Meyer, In. Bennington, Vt. Tho matron of honor was Mrs. Mabel Oraves- ot Orelander, Fla:, ,ijn. nii,ilrl rwr,. nmrnm widow of Calbralth Perry Rogers, the famous aeroplano pilot, who lost his life last summer while on a 2,-000-mlle flight. The best man was William H. Schudt, of Troy, N. Y. The Knickerbocker Press gives a very elaborate account of the wed ding. It says, "the bride is a charm ing and popular young woman, a leader in local society and tho wealthy daughter of Fred Orson Graves, former president of the First National Bank at Bennington. The bridegroom is manager of a store in Elmlra, iN. Y. After a two months' European trip Mr. and Mrs. Steg mayer will be at home In Elmlra." ; Mr. Stegmayer's many Honesdale friends are elated to learn of hiss matrimonial venture and extend, heartiest congratulations for a happy and prosperous life. FOR DECENCY AND HEALTH. Next week is clean up week. We ask all citizens who own or occupy property adjacent to the railroad tracks to remove rubbish and ashes therefrom and make it neat and clean, that strangers coming in on trains may gain a good inpresslon of the town at first sight. Honesdale Improvent Ass'n. Deatii of Mrs. Bridget O'Rourko. Mrs. Bridget O'Rourke, widow of Michael O'Rourke, and mother of Rev. M. F. O'Rourke, of Athens, Pa., died Thursday afternoon at her home at Scranton after an illness of a few weeks. A few days ago Mrs. O'Rourkp showed some improvement and there were hopes of her recov ery, but there was a sudden change and she rapidly declined until death occurred. Besides her son. Rev. Father O'Rourke, three other sons and four daughters survive, Clar- Will T- -." " on, ui v uKtss-nurre, c. oi Hancock, N: Y.; John F., of Carbon- dale; Mrs. Sauers, of Wllkes-Barre"; Mrs. P. F. Walker, of Carbondale; Nellie and Rose, at home. Mrs. O'Rourko formerly lived in Wayne county and had a wide circle ot friends. Death of Alonzo Cnrpenterr Alonzo Carpenter, aged seventy eight years, formerly of Uniondale, died Saturday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. George Jones, in Pittsburg. He Is survived by his wife and daughter, also by two sisters, Mrs. Helen Churchill, of Uniondale, and Mrs. Alerle. Perry, of Blakely, and one brother. Freeman, of Uniondale. The body -was' brought to Uniondale Monday. Burial was made in Uniondale. CLEAN-UP WEEIC MAY 5. Follow these rules or directions and you will not only be happy but will have accomplished your duty clean-up week, which begins Mon day, May 5 th. Keep the flies away from the sick, especially those ill with contagious diseases. Kill every fly that strays into the sick room. His body is cov ered with disease germs. Do not allow decaying material of any sort to accumulate on or near your premises. All refuse which tends in any way to fermentation, such as bedding straw, paper waste and vegetable matter should be disposed of or cov ered with lime or kerosene oil. Screen all food. Keep all receptacles for garbage carefully covered and the cans clean ed or sprinkled with oil or lime. Keep all stable manure in vault or pit, screened or sprinkled with lime, oil or other cheap prepara tion. See that your sewage system is in good order; that It does not leak, Is up to date and not exposed to flies. Pour kerosene Into the drains. Cover food after a meal; burn or bury all table refuse. Screen all food exposed for sale. Screen all windows and doors; es pecially tho kitchen and dining room. Burn pyrethrum powder in the house to kill tho flies. Don't forget if you see files, their breeding placo is in nearby fllth. It may be behind the door, under tho table or in tho cuspidor. If there is no dirt and fllth there will be no flies. If there is a nuisance in the neigh borhood write at once to the health department. Spurred on by the Joint efforts of the Honesdale Improvement Associa tion members and health officials, the big clean-up week appears already to have won many converts. HONESDALERS IN PARIS. Tho Citizen is in receipt of the fol lowing received from Miss Tllllo Weiss, who with her sister, Mlsa Carrie Weiss, are abroad: Paris, April 14. Did tho ears of Honesdale ring? There was cause, for there was a very happy meeting in Paris of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Young and Tillie and Carrlo Weiss. The many friends of Mr. Young will be pleased to hear that he is looking remarkably well and is enthusiastic over his fine trip to Northern Africa and Sicily. Honesdale, its people and its pros pects wore fully discussed during those pleasant hours, by tho four loyal American citizens who shall soon bo homeward bound, Cordially, TILLIE WEISS. VISITING AT SCRANTON'. Among tho Honesdalers who went to Scranton last Saturday wore Mrs. M. J. McGowan, Miss Edith Karslake, Mrs. J. Sam Brown, daugh ter, Virginia, Misses Charlotte and Anna Brown, Mr, and Mrs. John Krantz and daughter.