The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 25, 1913, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6
PAGE SIX THE CITIZEN, FRIDAY, APRIL 25, 1913. rllllflj STEENE. Steene, April 24. Four of our well known fishermen from Carbondalo with a large tour ing car, whipped tho trout streams In the vicinity of Dyberry last Tues day with great success, so much so that on their return late in tho even ing, when within about 50 rodB of the Bobolink's home the hind axle right under where the finny tribe was stored, broke, putting the ma chine out of commission. The fisher men were wiso in having another car to use in caso of emergency in which their fish and tackling were stored. The Bobolink and span of colts were called out and in two hours after the accident the machine was stored in tho latter's barn while the fishermen with their heavily loaded emergency car started on a slow gate toward Carbondale. Mr. Randal, of Waymart, was well pleased with the success of his auc tion sale Saturday as everything that was advertised was sold at a good price. Louis Rolllson is in a serious con dition at his home at Prompton with a large tumorous growth on his neck. James It. Keen and son have just completed a large, fine barn on their farm at Keens. John Jenkins is going into the farm business this season as he at tended the auction sale at Waymart Saturday and purchased most all of the farm implements. Mrs. Sarah Headly has moved from Prompton to Waymart where she will make her summer home. MILANVILLE. Milanvlllo, April 24. Much is said and done In favor of foreign missions which is all right, but some times there is missionary work very near our door as the fol lowing pitiful case, which has re cently been brought to light. Sev eral foreigners have been engaged for two years or more cutting acid wood. They are now located near Tyler Hill In Fortnam's woods. For many months the only woman In camp has been a victim or con sumption contracted by living in a crude cabin unlit for women or chil dren. For three months this woman has been so weak from hemorrhages that she has not been out of her bed. In that time no washing or cleaning has been done and the two very small children havo been barefoot, unclad save for a man's undervest. Tho husband has prepared what food they had. Two weeks ago Dr. McCray, of Cochecton, was called and prepara tions woro made to send tho unfor-i tunato woman to her sister in Chi cago. J. J. and Kingsley McCullough, of Binghamton, arrived in town Mon day to enjoy a few days at trout fish ing. Mr. Stewart, of Corbett, N. Y., spent Sunday in town looking after business here. Miss Gertrude Calkins spent Sun day with Miss Hazel Young. Dr. and Mrs. C. D. Skinner, of Caznovla Seminary, were guests of their aunts, the Mesdames Fenwick and Illman, at Washington, D. C. Howard Skinner and niece, Mrs. Edwards, went to Winterdale Satur day to visit friends. Mr. and Mrs. Reeves Sampson, of Binghamton, arrived in town Sat urday morning for a few days' visit with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Orrin Noble, of Binghamton, arrived in town last week and will spend tho summer at the home of W. B. Yerkes. Wallace Barnes, of Honesdale, re cently visited his son, Earl, at this place. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Pulls went to Binghamton Saturday to spend Sun day with Mr. and Mrs. John Pulis. Miss Frederlcka Hocker closed a successful term of school here on Tuesday last. Before closing Miss Hocker and pupils cleaned the school house and grounds. On Tuesday an entertainment was given by the school children and some of the young people. It was a success and was enjoyed by all. Mrs. Charles Dexter is visiting rel atives in Brooklyn. J. J. McCollough spent Sunday at Cochecton. George C. Abraham, of Southern Pines, N. C, is north for a time, look ing after his lumber business. Mr. Abraham Is a welcome visitor and his old friends hopo bis health has been benefited by tho change of climato. Earl Barnes went to tho county seat on Monday. This vicinity has been visited by such cold winds that tho fruit is probably killed. A dinner in honor of Mrs. Con nor's birthday was a pleasant event at the Beach house last week. Mr. Hennessy of Elmira, and Mr. Gevart, of Binghamton, were in town recently representing their respective firms. Tho eldest boy of Leo Frensmith is very ill with pneumonia. We are glad to note Mr. Fromor's eyes are getting better. GOULDSBORO.' Gouldsboro, April 24. Charles Wirt has purchased tho L. G. Smith property on State road re cently occupied by Samuel Leader. Mr. Leador has moved on tho Sutter farm at Lehigh. George Kessler, of Foster, who has been spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. William Kessler, has returned home. His sister. Miss Katie, returned to Foster with him. Rev. and Mrs. G. F. Robinson have returned from Wilkes-Barre where they attended tho M. E. conference. During tho few months they havo been hero they havo mado many friends who aro glad they aro to re main here. R. B. Decker has Improved his Main street residence by a coat of paint ana many inside lmDrovements. S. H. Rhodes Is putting up a new ience. -rea otn is naving a con crete -walk laid In front of h!a borne at wen End. Mrs. Margaret Hofferman, Wil liam Surplus and Joseph Matthews are also going to have their resi dences treated to a coat of paint. Mrs. Edward Marthls, of Blng hamton, N. Y., was tho guest of her mother, Mrs. Susan 'Heller, tho first of tho week. E. C. Schinnerling and Miss Helen A. Smith wore tho guests of Miss Smith's aunt, Airs. Allco Heller, at Pactoryvllle Sunday.' William Henry has put up a very nice marker In memory of his son Thaddlus on his plot in Lehigh ceme tery. Harry Bennett, of Scranton, will look after tho McKeel farm this sum mer. Mrs. Bennett and children have been with 'her aunt, Mrs. Mc Keel, for some time. WAYMART. Waymart, April 24. John .Merrick and son, Claud, of Carbondale, spent Sunday at tho homo of Jas. Burnett and family. Mrs. Wm. Arnold and daughter, Verna, spent a few days very re cently with Honesdalo friends. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene uabDitt or Honesdalo, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. David Bobbins. John Welsh, of Carbondale spent Sunday with his brother, Richard Walsh Mrs. Thos. Burns, who has been slightly indisposed, is rapidly im proving. Arthur Craig, of Carbondalo, la spending some time with his sister, Mrs. Chas. Keglar. Miss Tessie Malloney of Laurella, circulated among friends in this lo cality last week. Large numbers of people have passed through the North of Bay Counties Exhibit Cars in the time they have been out, and thinking people are always pleased. TO ORGANIZE LOCAL SPOItTMEN ASSOCLYTION. Frank H. Elsele, superintendent of the Honesdale Consolidated Light, Heat and Power company, is endeav oring to organize a branch of the United Sportsmen of Pennsylvania in Wayne county. He has approach ed the proposition to several Honesdale and Wayne county sports men and has met with great en couragement. The members resolve to obey the fish, game and forestry laws of the Commonwealth of Penn sylvania and to assist in their en forcement. To give active aid in the perpetuation and increase of the fish and game in Pennsylvania. To help In the preservation of tho purity of the waters of tho Commonwealth and to encourage preservation and in crease of the forest areas and to be of asslstanco to fellow sportsmen. The purpose and object of the association is stated in the foregoing paragraph and we see no reason why Mr. Eisele could not organize a strong association here. The object is a worthy one and should be given the undivided support of every sportsman in the county. Scranton has an enthusiastic organization as should Wayne county. VAUDEVILLE AT LYRIC TONIGHT An unusually strong vaudeville bill is being presented at the Lyric Thursday, Friday , and Saturday evenings, with a matinee on Satur day afternoon, this week. Paul Frederick and Mile. Venita, direct from the New York Hippodrome are really wonderful gymnastic ociuili- brists. They are both clever on the wire and show remarkable strength in doing a number of balancing rears suspended Dy the teeth. Bob Dale has a very pleasing musical act. His playing on tho saxophone seems ro De appreciated mostly. Ho is an i rtist on this particular instrument. The colored team. Sheftell & Mit chell, are without a doubt the best entertainers of tho African race that nas yet appeared at the Lvric. Their dancing and singing numbers aro certainly there with some class. 11 uarieii, ventriloquist, is a new act for this town. His work is very ueceiving ana contains much real good .comedy. The added attraction, -an ana- ua.De Evans in the Suffra' ette and the Child" gives tone to the program. This act cannot hn easily described. It must be seen to be appreciated. Besides tho above acts rour reels of new pictures nre shown, The. subjects are changed dally. A CARD. To tho Public: SOME TIME AGO I offered a VAL UABLE PREMIUM to the party that visited the NORTH OF BAY COUN TIES EXHIBIT CARS FROM CALI FORNIA and write up a description of their visit, one that the public could read and thoroughly under stand, what a wonderful collection this is of the natural products of tho land and sea. No one so far has done It All fall down .on the job, espe cially on the MONSTER SHARK, as all are not students of ZOOLOGY. This specimen is so large It stag gers them. Still wo have books that toll of tho Basking Shark C8 feet long, twice as long as this one. We all can read of whales, sharks, devil-fish, mammoth tortoises and sea turtles and other denizens of the deep, but OBJECT LESSONS like this go far ahead of reading. Please remember, ONLY TWO of these MONSTERS have beoa pre served for public exhibition, this one and one In the private museum of Prof. David Starr Jordon of Leland Stanford University, Palo Alto, Cali fornia. When we invito you to come and Inspect this wonderful collection of curios wo know that NONE OF YOU has ever seen such a collodion brought right to your door for the Email price of admission, 21 oenta, and you will appreciate it Respectfully, M. LEAK, Manager North of Bar Counties Ex. hlblt Cars. Will Exhibit at Honesdalo Slay. 5, 0 and 7. 8:30 a. m. to 0:80 p. m. Admission, adults 35c j children, tin der 15 years, 15 cents. BURGESS MCCARTY'S ADDRESS (Continuod from iPago One.) to greater and more persistent efforts, noV only to retrlve our lost fortunes but to place our town upon a higher industrial plane than it held at any time. "And Honesdale used its own dead self as stepping stones to higher things." The pioneers of our early industries merit tho highest pralso for their ln domlnable courage and persistency under difficulties, their Indefatigable and untiring efforts to wrest success from most unfavorable conditions and their determination to place Hones dale upon tho map. There are names so closely inter woven with this Industrial struggle that If mentioned here, would evoke your loud applause, but tho list would be too long to name them all, and wo could not discriminate by mentioning any number less than the whole. In tho past how well they have succeed ed, this celebration is the crowning and conclusivo proof. Creative and constructive genius havo from time to time through all the ages manifested itself in works more or less enduring, symbols of the ago in which they wero produced and the conditions which made them pos sible. The pyramids and obelisks of Egypt display in their conception and construction a knowledge of artistic and mechaical skill which Is the mar- vel of all succeeding ages, but no ben efit has accrued to humanity by rea son of their existance, excepting to arouso our curiosity or possibly our admiration. To the present age, they convey little meaning and touches no chord of human sympathy. The Coliseum and Amphitheatres of Ancient Rome are marvels of archi tectural beauty and construction but they wero debased to the use of glad iatorial combats to furnish a holiday to the aristocracy of Ancient Rome, and to use as a place for Christian martyrdom, but the race was not mado better or happier by their exist ance. Genius has been exhausted in tho construction and erection of monu ments to perpetuate the ambitious and victory of petty conquors and statesmen while the people are under the pressure of misused power. And yet, neither the monument in Trafulgar Square which commerates the victories of Nelson on the Sea, nor tho column vendomo to perpetu- ate the victories of Napoleon on land, ever fed or clothed a child, but let such monuments stand through all time as evidences of the different uses which may be mado of genius when used in the different ages of the world The nineteenth and twentieth cen turies are not wanting In monuments, but instead of preserving within their walls tho dead bones of departed greatness and antique souveniers of ages past, you may see there, thon sands of happy faces of skilled art! sans, mechanics and laborers operat ing and guarding marvelously con Btructed machinery in the production of articles which mako this world and a better and happier placo in which to live, and at the same time giving these inmates an equal chance with tho most fortunate to profit by their own efforts, and it is to celebrate one of these modern monuments, the Gurney Electric Elevator Works that we are assembled here. Her industries aro the most valued asset of a town such as this, they are not only an as set of the town, but a part of the town, and that part from Whldh all the material wealth comes. Honesdale then welcomes this new and most ex tensive industry to our town and as part and parcel of the town and offers her official greeting to those whose efforts are the cause of tho good for tune of having such an improvement to our wealth and tho wealth of our people. However, much we would like to speak In abstract and in generalities tho occasion calls for some brief sketch at least of the monument which wo are here to celebrate. The Gurney Electric Elevator Works is not with out a pedigree, reaching back over long years of time and several gener atlons of people. The evolutions, vie isltudes and changes through which this institution passed until it has reached its crowning time now, year after year, changing Its products as occasion required, always ready to adopt itself to tho requirements of its times, it tolled on, passing in time from one management to another, growing and expanding as It passed down through good reports and ovil reports, through prosperous times and times of depression. The names wero changed to the National Elevator Works, and finally to the Gurney Elee trie Elevator Works, its present name; then quietly, noiselessly, without a ripple on the surface, under the guld ance of a Master mind and a Master hand, the produot of this company reached perfection and were shipped to cities remote and far from home. By and by the plant was found too small to fill the orders which camo In and tho management was confronted with the necessity of a new and larg er plant. Tho question then present ed Itself as to the possible location within the limits of the town and ono of two things had to occur, the plant had to have larger quarters or it should move to other and more invit ing fields. Then there came forward an organization which had been vigl- lent for some tome regarding tho wel fare of the peoples interests, and known as "The Greater Honesdalo Board of Trade." This organization had adopted as a motto, "Watch Honesdale Grow," and now tho propo sltlon of one of our greatest Industries being compelled to leave Honesdale for tho reason that a sultablo location could be found upon which to lo cate the new and magnificent plant, which Mr. Gurney wished to erect, re quired solution promptly or tho Great er Honesdale Board of Trade should forever after hold Its peace. The Greater Honesdale Board of Trade had now confronting It, a prob lem which, it properly solved, may simplify the real work of tho board, that of a "Greater Honesdale," not by the equlsltlon of new territory but by making Honesdale Itself greater, and In this way solve the question which was the reason of its exlstanCe. The Greater Honesdale Board of Trade ac cepted the challenge and sent word to Mr. Gurney that It would furnish the goods, then the most serious ques tion came up before the Board as to who should be appointed on tho com mittee on sites and location, to secure tho necessary grounds. In looking ov er the members present Mr. F. W. Krletner, president of the Board ap pointed on the committee Mr. Robert J. Murray and Mr. L. Blumonthal, as best adapted to do the work, presum ably on account of the peculiar quali fications of each. Mr. Murray had largo experience throughout Wayne and adjoining coun ties In locating men who needed agri cultural machinery, engines and oth er articles In Mr. Murray's line, and now he could turn this experience to good account In locating a site for an Elevator plant. Mr. L. Blumenthal, who has long been known as an adept In tho art of securing all that he went after, and had a marvelous capacity of being able to convince men that their best interests would be served by doing as Mr. Blumenthal wanted, a better team could not be found any where, and so it camo to pafcs that morning, noon and sometimes late at night these two men wero seen at al most any point of the compass cau tiously, carefully, diligently viewing the surrounding county around Honesdale, hoping to find tho desired site, Mr. Murray always looking for the locations, Mr. Blumenthal Inquir ing as to the lowest purchase price. In this way many options were secur ed, but for one reason and another they were not accepted, one available site was rejected because so many heirs owned the title. At last, like all good things, If carefully looked for could be found at home, and so final ly the present location was fixed upon as most tivailable, All the owners turned over their titles willingly, de manding In return, only a fair consid eration, and not one obstaclo was met ONE OF HONESI) ALE'S in this part of the work, including the Borough of Honesdalo, which held the disposition of the street which di vided the land and became necessary to the proper use of tho plot; the rest was easy and hence the new and im posing factory. In the bringing about of this great industry many elements entered, and only by their co-operation and har monious working could the plant be made a possibility. First: Mr. Gurney, by his marvel ous ability In the construction of ele vators, made the product sent out from his factory so much superior to all others that the necessity for en larged quarters became a necessity, and then there are other Boards of Trade, as well as The Greater Hones dale Board of Trade, anxious to se cure the prize. Then the question of grounds should be secured If the factory was to be lo cated here, and then the financing of tho enterprise. Fortunate Indeed, for Honesdale, that by tho thrift economy and industry of her people, our four banks are repositories of millions of dollars, held in trust for them, guard ed by officers of recognized and con ceded financial ability. These banks aro the envy of all surrounding financial institutions and thoir officers are always ready to placo tho peoples' money In any enterprise where it will not only bring a fair re turn to the owner but will help to enrich tho wholo community and ev ery person therein; and so the financ ing of the enterprise was at once as sured by tho subscribing of tho four banks of all tho issue of bonds, am ounting to two hundred thousand dol lars; every element necessary and es sential to the success of tho enter prise. And now comes tho crowning tlmo as a reward for faithful, persist ent eftort; but now there is much to bo done, eternal vlgllence is the price of success, there should bo no relax ing of efforts, but all should work to gether not so much for a Greater Honesdale as to mako Honesdale greater. WHITES VALLEY. Whites Valley, April 24. Mrs. H. W. White, who has been 111 at tho home of her daughter, Mrs. H. L. FiBher, Is convalescing. Miss Maud Allen Is spending sev eral days with her aunt, Mrs. Frank Turner. , Fred W. White was a recent busi ness caller In Scranton. Mrs. Martha Stark has returned home after spending the winter in Prompton. Chas. Hauser is employed by War ron Spencer at Lake LeMar. Mrs. Walter Lake spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Pomory have returned from visiting relatives in Lestershlro. Mr. and Mrs. B. Miller entertained a party of young people Friday even ing. Dr. L. E. Perkis and son ot Scran ton, were recent visitors at D. E. Hackers. P. Holl, of Honesdalo, has com pleted plastering the new addition on the home of Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Odell. VI i.Va dvji tvxui iyj.iv wuutm GOODS. People of Honesdale have come to look upon tho world, as tho rest of tho world looks on tho rest of us'in tho matter of good things to eat Honesdale people, moreover, know whero to get them. Delicious pies, cakes and cookies and other kinds of bakery goods, are tho stock in trade of Schwenker's Bakery shop, located at 033 Main street. Mr. Schwenker has twenty-seven years of baking ex perience to back up his claim for putting out tho best goods to bo had GEORGE SCHWENKElt, Lending Baker. in Honesdale, and twelve of those years he has been in business here, Mr. Schwenker's bread has gained customers not only In Honesdalo but In other towns on account of Its quality. No bread offered to the people of Honesdalo or to the out of town trade can measure up to the three brands of Schwenker's bread "Tastwell," "Dandy Twin" and "Family." Every afternoon patrons can get hot bread and rolls. Advertisement. BEAUTIFUL HOMES. SIKO. Slko, April 24. Rev. S. V. Bedlcklan administer ed the Holy Sacrament to his congre gation at Slko hall on Sunday, April 13 th. Our school closed on April 17. Miss Edith Marshall, of Beachlake, has been the efficient teacher. Clinton Coniilin has returned from York state and has been employed by S. S. Robinson. Good-Bye Dandruff A Clean Scalp for Everyone Who Wants One. Parisian Sage will kill all dandruff germs and banish dandruff In two weeks or nothing to pay. It will stop falling hair or Itching scalp in two weeks, or money back. It will stimulate the clogged up hair roots, will causo tho hair to grow, will prevent tho hair from turning gray, and the danger of be coming bald will vanish. Parisian Sage is a daintily profum ed hair tonic that Is not sticky or greasy. Parisian Sago Is sold by druggists everywhere, and by Pell, the druggist, on the money back plan. Try a 50 cent bottle today, and learn for yourself what a delight ful tonic It Is. The girl with the Au burn hair is on every package. Tho Giroux Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y., are tho American makers. APR. 11 &25 E XECUTOR'S NOTICE, Estate of AZUBA J. MANDEVILLE, Lato of Borough of Honesdalo. All persons indebted to said es tate are notified to mako Immediate payment to tho undersigned; and those having claims against the said estate aro notified to present them duly attested for settlement. JOHN E. MANDEVILLE, Executor. Hawley, Pa., March 24, 1913. AUDITOR'S NOTICE. Estate of FANNIE BROWN, Late of Brooklyn, Deceased. The undersigned, auditor, ap pointed to report distribution of said estate, will attend to the duties of his appointment on THURSDAY, APR. 17, at 10 a. m. at the office of Searle & Salmon in tho borough of Honesdale, at which time and placo all claims against said estate must be presented, or re course to the fund for distribution will be lost. C. P. SEARLE, Auditor. Honesdale, March 24, 1913. Tho Largest Magazine la tho World. To-dayB Magazine la the largest and best edited magazine published at 50c per year. Five cents per copy at all newsdealers. Every lady who appreciates a em& magazine should 'send for a free sample copy and premium catalog. Address, Today's Magazine, Canton, Ohio. 14tf. Bring your difficult Job work to this office. We can do it MASTER'S SALE of Valuable Heavily Timbered HEAL ESTATE In Partition. Tho undersigned, a Master ap pointed by tho Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna county to mako sale of tho real estate in par tition proceedings between William Main ot al. plaintiffs, and Robert H. Rose et al., defendants, will expose to public salo and venduo at tho Court Houso In Montroso, Pa., on Thursday, tho 15th day of Mny, 1013 at two o'clock p. m., me following described real estate: FIRST PIECE: Comprising 284 1-4 acres, more or less. This piece Is covered with heavy timber chiefly hemlock, original growth and also a portion of the wa ters and ground thereunder of "Sli ver Lake," one of the most beautiful fresh water lakes in northeastern Pennsylvania, and shore lino thereof about three-quarters of a mile, mak ing a very attractive spot for cot tagers, fishing and boating; in the center of the hill country of Penn sylvania about 1800 feet' above sea level. ,i SECOND PIECE Comprising 805 3-4 acres more or less. This piece consists almost entirely of very heavy virgin hemlock inter spersed with some pine and hard wood; one of the most valuable tim ber tracts of Its size In the state of Pennsylvania. Within easy reach of railroad and shipping facilities, being within ten miles of D., L. & W. R. R. and L. V. R. R. Any further Information desired concerning either tract will be fur nished by tho Master, together with map of the tract. JOHN S. COURTIUGHT, Master. Montrose, Susq'a Co., Pa. A. B. SMITH, Attorney. Montrose, Pa. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION, Estate of W. Francis Decker, M. D., or William Francis Decker, Jr., Deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are notified to make immediate pay ment to the undersigned; and those having claims against said estate are notified to present them, duly attest ed, for settlement. LAURA M. DECKER, Admin'x. Newfoundland, Wayno county, Pa. Or to her attorney, Furman Sheppard Phillips, 707 Botz Bldg., Philadel phia, i E: XECUTOR'S NOTICE. Estate of MARIA P. KESLER, Late of Honesdale. All persons indebted to said es tate aro notified to make immediate payment to tho undersigned; and those having claims against the said estate are notified to present them 1 duly attested, for settlement. FRANK E. SHERWOOD, MILLARD F. SHERWOOD, ALONZO T. SEARLE, Executors. Honesdale, Pa., March 24, 1913. A UDITOR'S 1 NOTICE. Estate of ii. Maria A. Hulftern, Late of Preston, deceased. The undersigned an auditor ap pointed to report distribution of said estate, will attend tn tho duties of his appointment, on Tuesday, May 20, 1913, 2 P. M., nr. hi a nffiRO In the horoucli o ail Claims uguuisi. tsuiu tssiuiu mua for distribution will be lost. F. P. KIMBLE, Auditor. Honesdale, April 12, 1913. 31w3. Headache ? Cure if f Neura Powders Cure Headaches Sold Everywhere 10 and 25 Cents. HMmttrttttHMiMMl jj SPENCER The Jeweler I would like to see you If -L YOU UTC III llll. 'UlUTKC t for X f TL7WUT DV CTT VDD ii WARE, WATCHES CLOCKS, DIAMONDS, AND NOVELTIES T 141 4 aajI flWIMaa nnlv .aM