The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 25, 1913, Image 1

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    i"xrt,-v'nt7Q:JH'&'Vr U'tn-Wlm' ' 'yf" BJ WLfV
Every Ailvcrtlscmcnt S . its Pa
per Is NEWS ana EverVi,V.'s ArU
clo Is au Advertisemejff, ; J
When You Hnvo Flnjshcd Read
ing Our Uoom Number Puss It on to
Some Friend.
1 I I Jli
71st YEAR.--NO. 34
The Qumey Works Dedicated With Paradeg Town Decorations and Speeches
V' -is
The Parade was Composed of the Entire Gurney
Force, Honesdale Borough Officials, Bank
Representatives, Speakers of the Evening,
Prominent Citizens and D. & H. Officiafs. It
was the Maple City's Most Important Event.
The occasion that has been long
looked forward to, the event of the
largest Importance to the commun
ity of Honesdale, is now a thing of
the past. The opening of the new
Gurney Electric Elevator plant Is
now a part of the historic life of
Honesdale and it will hold a place
In the minds of men for many years
to come as marking the beginning of
a great industrial activity and pros
perity for the borough.
Wednesday evening the crowds
thronged the curbing the entire
length of Honesdale's Main street to
watch the parade of automobiles
which bore the speakers, business
men and the members of the Board
of Trade and their wives to the Gur
ney Electric Elevator plant at the
foot of Main street. There they were
received by a committee made up of
employees of the plant and the
mechanism of the big plant was
demonstrated. It is estimated that
lour thousand people followed in
the wake of the parade last night
and thronged through the building
when the doors were opened.
The reception committee was com1
posed of the following: F. S. Mer
ritt, A. It. Little, W. M. Cummiskey,
A. LeBlanc, P. II. Thompson, Wal
ter O'Connell, J. J. McGuire, Leon
Ross, Benjamin Hessling, Charles
Reury, George Lees l Rex 'Nicholson,
Gustave Deiner, Earl Benjamin,
Ernest Dudley, W. B. Bennett, Nor
man Taylor, John Rocschlau, Fred
Truman, William Loris, Russell Den
nis, R.' T. Bracey, Stephen Hotten
roth, Walter Brown, Wm. Pethick,
Fred Hattler and J. M. Archer.
A largo platform had been erect
ed in the rear of "the main room and
In front of this seats were placed"
for the accommodation of the ladies.
On the platform were the speakers,
the officers and salesmen of the
company, the members of the bor
ough council and the directors of
the four banks of Honesdale. Those
who were on the platform were:
C. A. McCarty, Judge Carey, Hom
er Greene, Judge Searle, H. F. Gur
ney, F. S. Merrltt, W. M. Cummis
key, C. R. Callaway, A. R. Little.
Construction and Sales Depart
ment: W. L. O'Connell, E. K. Little,
H. S. Houpt, E. W. Evans, W. D.
MacQueston, P. V. Dudley, A. E.
Pettit, H. Truman, M. O. Sykes, F.
H. Thowler, E. T. Stevens.
Town Council: M. Cauileld, John
Erk, T. Canivan, William Kreitner,
C. H. Rettew, S. T. Ham, George
Penwarden, W. H. Lee.
Bank Directors: W. B. Holmes, T.
B. Clark, W. F. Suydam, W. W. Suy
dnm, E. W. Gammell, H. T. Conger,
C. J. Smith, H. S. Salmon, J. W. Far
ley, F. B. Kimble, H. Z. Russell, H.
T. Menner, L. J. Dorflinger, J. C.
Birdsall, E. B. Hardenbergh, P. R.
Murray, L. A. Howell, E. C. Mum
ford, W. F. Riefler. E. D. Penwnr-
den, Joel J. Hill, Silas A. McMulien,
Jacoo jr. Katz, Warren E. Per-
nam, B. p. Haines, H. B. Ely, C. M
Pethick, J. A. FIsch, C. L. Wright,
M. E. Simons, J. S. Brown, John
Weaver, C. A. Emerv. John Krnnt
G. W. Sell, O. E. Bunnell, M. J. Han-
jan, w. Jireitner, W. M. Fowler,
W. G. Blakney and J. D. Weston.
Out of town guests: D. J. O'Con-
neii, wow vorlc; C. B. Paul, New
xorK; ji. v. Marshall, New York;
Geo. E. Bates, Scranton; Supt. of D.
& H C. E. Burr, Carbondale; C. N.
Lauor. Philadelphia; J. N. Kennedy,
Philadelphia; N. Roosevelt, Philadel
phia; A. Natres, Philadelphia; Peter
Herbrlc, Philadelphia.
Burgess Chas. A. McCarty, as pre
siding officer of tho evening, gave
tho address of welcome, and Intro
duced tho other speakers,
Mr. McCarty said in part:
The presence here tonight of this
magnificent audience representing as
it does not only the municipality of
Honesdale officially, but the financial,
industrial, agricultural and commerci
al life of our community is fraught
with deep significance, and augers
well for the future of our town.
You are not attracted by Idle curi
osity but with a deep conviction that
you have business here, and that your
presence will add to the occasion in
some degree, that Influence which on
the whole must be far reaching and ef
fective. Large numbers of people have from
time to time through all the ages as
sembled at Irregular Intervals, and
different places for the accomplish
ment of almost innumerable purposes.
Sometimes to celebrate the carna
tion of a king, sometimes for the in
auguration of a president, and then
to protest against wrong and injustice,
and then to celebrate and perpetuate
some important event in history. It
is for this last purpose wo are as
sembled here tonight to celebrate the
completion and official opening of tho
Gurney Electric Elevator Works. Thus
we see approval or prbtest may be
made manifest by the assembling of
a crowd.
This meeting here tonight together
with the occasion which calls it forth
is destined to become historic, and all
those who have the privilege of taking
part in these proceedings shall, by
their very act, stamp their names in-
delibly upon the history of our town.
Mr. McCarty gave the Honesdale
newspapers full credit for tlfe part
they took in gaining this great in
dustry for iHonesdale. "The news
papers of Honesdale," said Mr. Mc
Carty, "have done much for the de
velopment and uplift of the town and
have given to It a higher standard.
The town would be dead if it were
not for the newspapers in it. The
newspaper is the representative of
the community abroad and It does as
much if not more than any other
public institution for the develop
ment or tiio town."
Today a new epoch dawns in the
industrial life of Honesdale, and
henceforward her appologists and ad
vocates shall not confine their praise
to the natural and artificial beauty
of the place as In the past, neither
shall they be confined to the educa
tional, literary and refining influences
of our people, but she shall from this
day take her place as a financial, In
dustrial and commercial town, fully r
In keeping with the progress of the
twentieth century. The history of
Honesdale, all other history appeals
to us only so far as we may be direct
ly interested or our future may be ef
fected by itj and yet there are senti
mental associations stretching from a
thousand hearts, back over the recent
past to the time whe Honesdale had
the proud distinction of being the
most extensive coal dumping and coal
shipping ground in the world, with all
the work and business which such a
condition implies, but Honesdale has
fallen from that proud position, not
through any fault or derelictions on
the part of her people nor the lack of
vigilence on the part of those who
represented her, but because the spirit
of progress in its onward march chang
ed the conditions existing and in Its
merciless onward course, dismantled
her industries and laid her almost
prostrate; and then the same spirit
that made useless and obsolete the
old order of things. Inspired the hearts
and Impelled the hands of her eopie
(Continued on Page Six.)
Judge Robert Carey's Address.
Burgess C. A. McCarty Introduc
ed to the large assemblage Judge
Robert Carey, of Jersey City, as the
next speaker. In making the intro
duction, Mr. McCarty stated that
Judge Carey was a brother-in-law of
Mr. Gurney and had had much to do
with the legal part of the work of
the Gurney Electric Elevator Com
pany. Judge Carey Is an orator of
no mean ability and held tho atten
tion of his audience throughout his
discourse. He said that he came to
speak for Mr. Gurney. He said that
the company was happy In the com
pletion of their plant nnd happy at
this demonstration of good will on
the part of the people of Honesdale.
The company made no mistake
when it finally decided to locate here
and the co-operation shown to them
is tho kind of spirit that is essen
tial for tho best development of any
This plant represents a big in
vestment of money but It isn't going
to be an Idle investment. Every dol
lar Invested here is going to work
not only for the good of the com
pany but for tho good of Honesdale
where most of the stock and bonds
of tho company are held. No man
can live for himself alono in the
world. Neither can the company
live for itself. Its failure would
mean blight to the community; its
success would mean prosperity to
This is' the way the Gurney Elec
tric Elevator company feels toward
Honesdale. It takes money to build
lactones, ana maice it a success nut
we have found both here and on this
occasion I want to express publicly
Over S acres of land in the plot.
Contract signed by the F. A. Havens Co. August 12, 1012.
Building was 8 months in construction.
Building is 302 feet long, 102 feet wide at grentest width, 40
feet Is greatest height. Foundry Is 1B2 feet long and 82 fect wide.
The plnnt is so arranged that any department can bo enlarged
to double it's size and not destroy the general plan of the building.
700,000 brick used.
800 tons steel used, exclusive of sprinkler system tower.
000 cubic fect of concrete.
Nearly two tons of putty.
8,000 window lights.
00,000 rivets.
Floor area Is 50,000 square fect, equal to 1 1-10 acres.
Floor area of old plant about 30,000. square feet.
The floor Is O.inches thick, being constructed ns follows: First 4
Inches of crushed stone and tar, then 1 Inch of snnd and tar, then
.linches of yellow pine, topped by 7-8 inch of maple flooring,
35,000 feet of pipe in the building, about 7 miles, exclusive of
sprinkler system.
78,000 square feet radiation.
Two ten ton electric travelling cranes, costing 5,500 installed.
10,000 feet of electric wiring.
50 lamps with a total capacity of 35,000 candle power.
Current used to light them Is equivalent to 45-horso power.
Total power available is 225 If. W. or 300 horse power.
Total horse power of 31 motors to be tised in plant is 480.
The cupola in the foundry can melt 27,000 pounds of iron per
hour. As lined for present use it is 48 inches In diameter nnd will
melt 18,000 pounds per hour. We are now casting 10,000 pounds
per day.
Five fire plugs, with 150 feet of 2 1-2 inch hose for each.
The Rockwood sprinkler tower is 80 fect high, the tnnk proper
being 20 feet in ndtlition. Capacity is 50,000 gallons. The weight
of the wnter alone Is 420,000 pounds.
8,000 feet of pipe in the sprinkler system.
080 sprinkler heads, operating at 100 degrees Fah.
The testing tower to bo built within one year will bo 100 feet
high, 10 fect pit, and will use 110 tons of steel in construction.
Total cost of plant without machinery, $200,000.
Payroll in Honesdale now amounts to $125,000 per year.
Now employ 150 outside of office (office force 30).
Can employ 250 men.
Now employ 100 men in Now York.
Can build about 400 elevators a year, doubling present capacity.
to the people of Honesdale the grati-'
tude of the company. Your Board
of Trade cultivated and developed
the spirit which kept this business
here. Your banks splendidly co
operated to finance this undertaking
and your town officials in their lib
eral treatment of the company made
it possible for us to get this fine
location. Mr. Gurney did not have
to go out of town for a dollar to
build this plant. ThiB company Is a;
Honesdale proposition pure and siln
pie, and has no entangling alliances
with trusts."
In closing .Mr. Carey said: "Some-
one has said that today is better
than yesterday. Men live and ad
vance and are not afraid to trust tho
future. Tomorrow is better than to
day because in It lies the future of
untold prosperity and happiness for
Rowland, The Jeweler's
Removal Sale
When I move, I want to take with me Just as little as possible.
For that reason, I am selling certain goods at roduced prices in
order to make my moving easier.
My new location is going to be tho Schuerholz Building, oppo
site the Post Olllce. Tho store Is going to be a modern one.
It is going to be one of the fittest in our state and 1 am sure the
good poople of Honesdale will bo as proud of It as I am of my city.
It is much to your Interest to buy your jewelry -requirements
now before I move.
It means a saving of money.
Hero aro some money savers:
Eagle, Red Men, Masonic and all fraternal order buttons at 25
per cent, discount.
Sterling silver novelties at 20 per cent, discount.
In our window now.
For these three days only.
Honesdale, Pa.
Homer Grccno's Address.
Mr. McCarty next introduced
Homer Greene who returned from
'New York late last evening. He
spoke of what the others had said
and the work of the Board of Trade
on acquiring this great plant here
and then launched into tho main
part of his address. "I was not ask
ed to come here," said Mr. Greene,
"1 was merely notified that I must
De, here. During my thirty-six years
here I do not remember of ever see
ing so great an outpouring of the
people on an occasion of this kind.
This event is bound to become his-
torlc for It is without a doubt one
of the greatest events in the history
of Honesdale. I have spoken on
many occasions. I have been pres
ent at dedications of churches and
discoursed on the peace, law and
order as the forces and influence cx-
Enthusiastic Speeches of Welcome on Behalf of
Honesdale Delivered By Judge Searle, Bur
gess McCarty and the Author-Lawyer Homer
Greene. Remarkably Happy Response for Mr.
Gurney By Judge Robert Carey,of Jersey City.
Dr. John D. Wilson, of the State
Hospital, Scranton, Examines tho
Heart, Lungs and Liver nnd Says
Death Was Duo to Pneumonia.
Coroner Peterson received word
from Dr. Wilson Wednesday after
noon to the effect that the latter
had made an examination of the
lungs of he child and thatshrdll
lungs of David Hopkins and that
there could be no doubt as to the
cause of death. Ho said that the
child had died of pneumonia. Mr.
Peterson reconvened the jury today
and they found a verdict of death
by pneumonia thereby clearing up
the mystery surrounding the death
of David Hopkins, two months' old
son of Laura Gilson. There were
circumstances connected with the
case that caused Coroner Peterson
to have an autopsy held.
Monday morning about five o'clock
the two months' old son of Laura
Gilson, who is employed in the home
of Wm. L. Hopkins, near Aldenvllle,
was found dead in bed. The ohlld
had been adopted by Mr. Hopkins
about a month ago, having taken the
legal steps necessary in the courts
here so that the child would bear his
name. The child s name was chang
ed from David Gilson to David Hop
kins. Monday 'morning Mr. Hopkins
came to Honesdale to see Coroner
Peterson and to get a death certifi
cate and burial permit and he told
the coroner that the child had died
of pneumonia. The coroner refus
ed to grant a permit until he satis
fied himself as to the facts in the
case so he went to Aldenvllle that
afternoon to investigate. A Jury
composed of Floyd Bennett, Frank
Roe, Frank Folley. Oliver Frear,
George O'Dell and C. L. Dunning
was empanelled by Coroner Peterson
and they viewed the body. Testi
mony of several witnesses was heard
and among them were Mrs. Hopkins
and Joe Welsh. They testified that
the baby had not been sick. The Gil
son girl and Hopkins testified that
the baby had had a very bad cold
for several days. Drs. E. W. Burns
and P. E. Peterson performed an
autopsy and sent the heart, lungs and
liver to Dr. John D. Wilson, patholo
gist of the State hospital, Scranton,
for an analysis of their contents and
the jury adjourned until the report
from Dr. Wilson was received.
In September of last year an in
fant child belonging to the same
woman and adopted in the regular
way by W. L. Hopkins in the courts
of this county, died suddenly from
an overdose of laudanum which had
been administered accidentally, so
the coroner was informed.
The funeral and burial took place
Tuesday afternoon at Aidenville.
D. W. Manning, traveling freight
agent of the Erie railroad, attended
tho dedication of tho new elevator
plant on Wednesday evening.
erted by tho churches. I was pres
ent at the opening of tho Armory
and I pray that tho day will soon
come when an armed force will uot
be necessary. However, nover have
I in all my experience obtained this
particular typo of real pleasure and
greater satisfaction than in taking
part in these exercises to-night. The
opening and maintaining of a plant
of this kind means the addition to
our ranks of skilled mechanics and
highly paid workmen. It is a great
thing for the town and for the mer
chants who will receive their sharo
of the distribution of tho wages of
the workmen. It will also mean
greater commercial activity. Banks
will increase their deposits' and real
estate values will become higher.
However 'much the plant and its of
ficers are benefactors, tho 'fact that
they remained in Honesdale was not
an act of philanthropy or favoritism.
They remained here because they
could stay here under bettor terms
than they could get by leaving town.
Much credit is duo to Honesdalo's
Board of Trade, to tho Business
Men's Association and tho banks. If
these banks in tho critical moment
had not produced tho money neces
sary for financing this enterprise, the
plant would now be many miles
away. With the opening of tho
doors of the plant the doors of od
portunlty opened to every man who
desires to work. It has been said
that the man who makes two blades
of grass grow where one grow before
is a benefactor. It could be" better
stated that the man who makes it
possible for two men to work where
ono worked before is tho man who
Opens the door of opportunity to
many men to work at profitable
In concluding, Mr. Greene said
that he hoped the prosperity of the
now elevator plant may exist for
many years lor the prosperity and
.happiness or au of us,
After the Gurney Electric Eleva
tor company shall have moved its
machinery and equipment into tho
magnificent new building just dedi
cated the hum of wheels will con
tinue to be heard at the Eleventh
street plant. President H. F. Gur
ney, who has just been elected gen
eral manager of tho Air Brake com
pany, of New York city, informed
a Citizen representative today that it
is his expectation to manufacture a
now safety device for stopping eleva
tor cars. This device applies the
brake to the guards alongside the
elevator carriage and is equivalent
to the Westinghouse air brake,
which grabs the wheels of a railroad
car. It is claimed, however, to be
better than the Westinghouse pat
ent in that the device is so attached
as to take immediate hold of the
guards and does not slip nor slide
as do the wheels of a car on a track.
There is no other devico like this
manufactured In the United States,
and its being made in Honesdale will
prove to bo another acquisition that
this town will have occasion to feel
proud of. A new company will be
organized to take care of this now
business. In addition to the above,
elevator signals will also be manu
factured at the old Gurney plant.
Mr. Gurney stated that this patent
is one that has been applied for by
the company's patent attorney, E.
W. Marshall, of New York City. The
signal has been worked out and per
fected by Alexis LeBlanc, expert
electrical engineer, who has charge
of the experimental department un
der William M. Cummiskey,
The elevator signal device is an
Important factor in the man
facturo of high speed eleva
tors, like those manufactured
at tho Gurney plant. In a $600,000
Job in one of the large New York
city buildings, a largo percentage
of the amount was represented in
signals.. When Mr. Gurney built
the new plant he said he would not
allow the old factory to remain idle.
As a result Mr. Gurney is making
two blades of grass grow where one
grew before.
Lnst Week Interesting Trip Was
Made From Hqulnunk to Uorden
town Raft 210x51 nnd Valued at
What will probably be the last
raft of timber to go down the Dela
ware was started from Equlnunk last
week by Albert and Arthur Mitchell
of Callicoon. Its destination was
Bordentown, N. J., and tho reason
that it will probably be the last is
because there is no more timber to
bo cut. Never more will the hun
dreds of rafts float to tide water
overy freshet as in years gone by,
manned by men who knew tho river
as they did their own home towns,
and who were as robust as their
calling, making trip after trip as
fast as tho rafts could travel and
sometimes continuing night and day
In order to market the large amount
of timber cut during the winter.
The raft was 210 feet long and 54
feet wide and was made up of spilo
lumber. At tho market price the
raft was worth over $1,000. It was
made up in the river at Dillon's,
three miles abovo Lordsvllle. Ar
thur Mitchell was tho steersman,
with William Skinner of Milanville,
assisting on the stern oar. Albert
Mitchell and Ralph Bush plied the
forward oars. At Equlnunk Mr. and
Mrs. Oakley Tyner, Miss Grace Bul
lock and Claude Williams joined tho
Mr. Skinner is the last steersman
now able to navigate the Delaware,
all tho former steersmen either being
too old to undertake the work or
dead. Ho is a direct descendant of
Daniel Skinner who ran the first raft
down the Delajvaro river in 1764.
He conceived tho idea of binding to
gether a number of big pine tree
logs and floating the timber to Phil
adelphia where ho found a ready
market for It as masts of vessels.
Since that time the Skinner family
have always been represented on tho
river and have always bore the rep
utation of being fine steersmen, and
the las't of them, William Skinner,
bears that reputation to-day The
family had the great distinction of
running tho first and last rafts that
floated to tide-water on the Dela
ware, nearly a century and a half
Beginning Thursday, April 24, an
additional mall delivery was effect
ed on Main street. Tho service will
include the Main streets between the
State bridge at tho corner of Twelfth
street to Fifth street. This delivery
gives the business men excellent ser
vice and Includes mall from the
1:30 Erie and 3:15 D. & H. trains.