The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 18, 1913, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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: Down Hawley Way-:-
A Word or Two About Hawloy's Heautlful Pine Forest Tho Bono
Ball Season 11ns Opened Does Town Painting Como Under
tho Head of High Art? Bojh' Band Has First Behcarsal
Congressman Ainoy to Deliver Address In Haw
ley Tho Straw Hat Season Is Now On.
! 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ! 4 4 4 4 4 ! ! ! 4 4 4 4
Tho Citizen Is for sale In Hawley
copies a cents each.
Lo! beauteous Hawley, home of
priests and health,
Cool, whispering pines adorn thy
southern crest;
Men see them merely as a source of
But list! they whisper, whisper of
eternal rest.
nt M. L. Carney's news stnnd.
call of "Play Ball." There were
caslon has a real, livo Congressman
spoke .to the people of this town.
Tho other occasion was several years
ago, and the Congressman was none
other than Hon. Galusha A. Grow,
who was Speaker of tho House In
Civil War days. In hlB early days
Congressman Grow attended school
at Honesdale.
No, You Couldn't Miss
Tho Watts Advertisement.
The advertisement of the Detroit-
er automobile that G. Watts & Son
have In another part of today Citi
zen, Is worth reading by everybody
interested in tho subject of carriages
that travel without tho aid of horses.
Stars, Vets, Comers, Comebacks, and After you read the advertisement
you will surely want to see the car
Itself, and that you can easily do by
calling at the Watts garage.
Hurrah! Hurrah! Summer
lA'Y the time never come when
the sound of the woodman's
axe or cross-cut saw will
be heard In the removal of
tho beautiful pine grove
that adorns the southern boundary of
the borough of Hawley. That grove
Is one of the most priceless posses
sions of the town. Instead of allow
ing any of the trees to be removed,
extra effort should be put forth to see
that they are protected and kept
from disease. That grove of pine
trees does infinitely more than adorn
the village, for It is a source of
health. It could be removed in a
few days by workmen, but it could
not be replaced In generations.
When Southern Pines was started in
North Carolina In 1884, one of the
wise provisions was that no pine tree
was to be cut, unless absolutely
necessary. Long, long ago tho wis
dom of this action has been dem
onstrated over and over again.
What the writer hereof Is saying
about pine trees ho says also about
the hemlock. Save every hemlock
tree possible, not only in Hawley, but
In every part of Wayne County.
Many farmers are awake to the im
portance of the hemlock tree as a
source of health and wealth, and sev
eral beautiful little parks of those
trees are becoming noticeable in this
part of Old Wayne especially no
ticeable may be mentioned a park on
tho southern end of Cajaw pond, and
one or two along tho Middle Creek
between Hawley and Hoadleys. In
writing on this subject previously the
following was perpetrated on inno
cent Wayne county readors:
Cut not the hemlock tree
Protect each drooping bough;
Twill holp you build your chickory
Some forty years from now.
Again let me say to Hawley peo
ple: Under no circumstances allow
vour Dine trees to be sacrificed.
When the town begins to grow, as it
shortly will, there will be a tempta
tion to make room for dwellings on
the southern hillside, and that will
mean tho removal of thq beautiful
nines. When that time comes, do
not yield to temptation, but save the
beautiful pines.
It Isn't Much Trouble ,
To Paint Somo Towns.
It is easier to paint In some towns
than it is in others, and, as good
brother Post, of Battle Creek, re
marks at tho bottom of all his litera
ture, "There is a reason." For in
stance, there is the case of somo
young men of Hawley, fine fellows,
too, who have a hankering to become
artists; and their favorite color is a
bright vermillion. When they begin
to swing their brushes in dead earn
est, officer Richardson just has busi
ness In some other part or town, or
goes to sleep, or does almost any
thing so that he won't make them
feel that they are being watched too
closely, for you see, Eddie was a boy
with them, they grew up together,
and he knows they are not at all vici
ous. Therefore, the painter's art for
them in Hawley, when they are prac
ticing at it, runs along as smoothly
as a verse of Homer Greene's famous
poem, "What-My Lover Said."
But unfortunately for tho boys,
Honesdale officers are not like Rich
ardson. They can't appreciate art.
Thev don't like red nalnt. Wow!
Wow!! It makes them mad all the
wav through lust to think red, to
Bay nothing of seeing the stuff, and
when our young friends from Haw
ley began to "brush in" tho red hue
on the Maple City's oxposed surface,
what did tho officers of the law do
but arrest them, and, "tho morning
after." they wero fined for their
trouble and pains. They are sure,
now, that Honesdale doesn't appro
clato art. Thus, what they for a
long time suspected has now become
a reality.
Has-beens. Most prominent among
them were Joe Seller, John Mulligan.
Gene McCloskey, and George Brun
ner. All seemed to bo anxious for a
work-out. With the exception of Mul
itrrnn o,i nmnnnr ihn tnnm Is about
readv to sign ud for the coming sea- Hns Como In Hawley!
son. These two players aro training It is scarcely a week since the
rinwn. unci It will take them about ground was frozen and ico formed
two weeks to got in condition. That fully half an inch thick on pools by
is, if tho team decides on having a the wayside. And yet, on Tuesday
representative ball team there was a sure sign that Summer
ti,0' n mnonn wiiv wn rnnlrln't was with us right here in Hawley
i, o tonm with an mimh That sign was in the form of a man
good material close at hand, and only who wore a new straw hat on his
too anxious to try to mane goou.
head and carried a bunch of arbutus
in his hands as he wandered care
lessly along our thoroughfares. If
he knew that he was the object of
much attention ho failed to show it
by his demeanor. But it takes ,a
brave man to parade tho streets on
April 15th, under a straw hat, in this
section of country, and don't you for
get it.
There aro two pitchers that aro anx
ious to play If they organize. Both
are living in town. One was former
ly from Mayfleld, known as Jack
Neary, brother of the famous Joe,
who pitched for Mayfleld last year,
and Bill Hill, formerly from Read
ing, known as tho boy with the
"Electric Curve," who terrorized the
batters he faced.
During the game, a stranger was
seen sizing up the players, and It was Gf Hawley Odd- Fellowship.
rumored mat ne was u bluui ocui
over by E. J. Coleman, owner of tho
Scranton team. After the game, this
scout was seen enticing George Brun-
ner off the field.
There has been repeated calls for
a baso ball meeting in town for the
purposo of organizing a team, but so
far nothing has been started. If some
one doesn't start something, we win
lose our best material, as in the case
I just cited; so, fans, get busy.
Xcnrly One Hundred Ycnrs
Odd Fellowship was established
in Hawley 94 years ago when Wan
gum Lodge No. 448, was instituted.
Tho anniversary of that eyent was
celebrated on Sunday evening by a
goodly number of the members of
Wangum Lodge, and a fair represen
tation of Rose Rebekah Lodge,
marched to the M. E. church where
they listened to a special sermon by
Rev. D. S. MncKellar. A short pro
gram of fitting exercises was embod
ied In the regular church services. A
quartet composed of Katherlne Deck
er, Carrie Simons, Thomas Tuttlo
and Leland Simons sang, "When
Night Is Near," and Mae Klllam
rendered a vocal solo, "Hold Thou
My Hand." Tho services wero great
ly enjoyed by the congregation.
Hawley Personal nnd
Pertinent Items.
Miss Margaret Purcell, of Dun
more, Is visiting her sister, Mrs. John
Corcoran, of Wangum avenue.
Charllo Clifford came over . from
Dunmoro last Sunday to say "how
d'yo do?" to his Hawloy friends.
Mrs. Thomas McCarty, her daugh
ter, Mary, and her son, Joseph, were
Honesdale visitors last Saturday.
Daniel Hatton, telegraph operator
at East Hawley, is visiting his fath
er, who is superintendent of the
Blooming Grove Club House nt
Blooming Grove, Plko county.
John Rowan was a Scranton visi
tor last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Johnson gave a form
al danco to their friends last Satur
day evening. Tho house was hand
somely decorated for tho occasion.
James Compton, of Marble Hill, fur
nished the music. A most enjoyable
time was reported by all In attend
ance, among whom may be mention
ed, Mr. and Mrs. William Rowe, Mr.
and Mrs. John Rowe, Mr. and Mrs.
August Littnor, Mr. and Mrs. Chas.
Cramer, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wood
wardt Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Johnson,
Reginald and Eugene Kuhn, Cal,
Crane. 'Jacob Rowe, Norman Swin
gle; Misses Nellie Rowe, Maude
Swingle, Frelda and Hannah Har
der, of Wangum; Walter Belknap,
of Clemo; Mr. and Mrs. W. Rowo,
Hugo Nolan, Misses Mary McDonald
and Anna Cook, of Hawley.
Miss Matilda Bried ended her
school term at Klmbles last Friday,
and on Saturday evening she gavo a
party and dance to raise funds for a A large number of peo
ple attended, and a good time is re
ported. Those from Hawley in at
tendance wore Misses Hattio Barry,
Harriet Waterson, Emma Bried, and
William McNamara and Henry Plum.
(Continued on Tngo Four.)
Get Ready To
Plant C
A Billings is the only good planter!
17.00 if Cash
is not
Tho simplest, strongest nnd most serviceable planter made.
Plants any quantity of corn any distance apart and sows the fertilizer
at tbo same time. Sold in Wayne county for the past twenty years
63 nni everv purchaser pleased. Ask your neighbor. We always have
jf the repairs for all implements we sell. Bowker's Corn Fertilizer, $20
3 per ton. All kinds of seed corn. Eureka Seaming and Pride of the
0 North.
n 1111 11 ! in inn ut. Ewian sm A5&.
For Results
The Lntc Solomon Jones
Conducted "The Traveller's Homo."
Few people in Hawley will recall
the fact that tho late Solomon Jones,
who died at Ariel the early part of
this week, was atone time a resident
of this town, mat was away duck hi
1875 and '7G. Mr. Jones lived In a
little cottage on the "level" between
Nos. 18 and 19, and, becoming tired
of the monotony of country life, he
bought out John Chamberlain, a
tavern keeper of those days who was
famous for tho good things to eat he
set before his guests, and whose hos
telry was in the building: now occu
nled as a residence by William
Schardt. Mr. Jones called his public
house "Tho Traveller's Home." That
was In "the good old days" when
there were real taverns In the land.
In these days instead of calling his
nubile house "The Traveller's Home"
it would, nave ueen canea noiei
Jones." Mr. Jones was a worthy suc
cessor to Mr. Chamberlain and we
never 'heard that the fame of the
dinners of "The Traveller's Home
wero anv less than those served by
mine host Chamberlain; but, after a
year or two of life in Hawley ho re
turned to Ariel where he remained
almost uninterruptedly, we believe,
up to the time of his death.
What C. P. Nell Did to
Solve the Ico Problem.
C. P. Nell, Hawley's popular
i . . . 1 1, t 1,ni11tnfT 1rn I
Further than that, he reasoned it ei
out that there will De more unu
more difficulty In the future to se
cure ice, and he decided to cut out
the ice business entirely, as far as
tho hie chunks of frozen water are
concerned. Ho said ho was tired of
handling the stuff, anyway, with its
siccomnanlments of sawdust and
slop. So he Installed a cooling pro
cess that Is so much nicer and equal
ly na erood. The writer saw it at
work, and nut his fingers on tho
frost covered pipes. It is a wonder,
and no mistake. On the hottest day
In summer tho machine will cool the
large box in tho sales room and an
equally largo compartment in the
mnnhinerv room by running two
hours in tho morning and two hours
In the afternoon. Tho cold air Is
drv and sweet, and Mr. Nell is more
pleased over the new way of keeping
his supply of meats cool than ho was
when ho had ice galore.
The Detrolter flashed to success
almost In a day one year ago.
The public has never before seen a
car embodying all the fundamentals
of highest priced motor car practice
at this price of $850. Here is an at
1 tractive, straight line automobile
with tho long stroke motor, multiple
disc clutch, full floating rear axle,
platform rear springs, left-hand
drive, and center control six best
features that ninety-nine out of a
hundred experienced motorists would
check off as those most to be desired
in any car at any price. But these
six features are not all. Every part
of tho mechanism follows those ideas
which experience has shown to be
the safest, the least wasteful of pow
er, and the most conducive to the
comfort of tho passengers such
Ideas as a unit power- plant with en
closed fly wheel mounted on a three
point support, a selective three
speed transmission, and ball bearings
throughout the car. Every defect
of the low-priced field Is corrected
in this high product of engineering
WHEEL-BASE 104 inches gaugo 56
POWER PLANT Unit type, completely
MOTOR Four cylinder, cast en bloc,
3 Inch bore, 4 lnc stroke, developing
23 horse power. Water cooled. Valves
enclosed, Interchangeable; all on right
hand side of motor, adjustable.
IGNITION Bosch high tension magneto
spf Hnnrlf.
nnni.ING-Thermo-svnhon system, tubu
lar typo radiator ot 6 gallons capacity.
Tho Fans AVoro Overcoats
While the ICeystoners Played Hall.
(Reported for Tho Citizen.)
The employees of tho Keystone
Glass Cutting shop were idle last
Thursday, and as the day was fairly
good, tho boys' thoughts turned to
base ball. Bill Rouse of tho second
floor picked out eight others, com
posed of comebacks and comers and
challenged Cubble Bea of the first
floor, who picked out his men com
posed of veterans and comers to play
fnr the rhnmnlonshln of the shop.
Each manager decided to pitch for
his respective side, and both did wen.
Rouse's team won by their superior
base running by tho score of 11 to S.
Murphy and Rouso starred for tho
second floor by their all around
work. Bea and Rowland starred for
the first floor by their heavy hitting.
Batteries for tho second floor were,
Rouse and Smith; first floor, Bea and
Rowland. The game was well played
and very interesting throughout.
Tihn Anv was line, with the exception
of a stiff oast wind which caused tho
many fans to wear their overcoats
in ordor to keep comfortable. The
iMim Rtartnd nt 9 a. m. Just as soon
nn the Umnire. Samuel Martin, (tho
scout for the Hawley team last sum
mer) yelled "Play Ball," It had its
base ball effect, for the echo seemed
to travel around the whole town
It aroused baso ball players and fans
even from their beds ot slumber, All
Boomed to get the fever allko, and
New Hands Put at Work
By the Penn Company.
Twn now hands wero nut at work
by the Penn Cut Glass Company this pg
..rAnl. nnA turn mnrft linnrls will bo
VUt?ll, 1. 11
nut on next week. Work has not
been commenced on the new shop at
Prompton, and Hawley people don i
Pivn a hane If they never build It,
for they would like to have Mr. Loz-
ler remain rignt in uieir miubi.
Tho Hoys' Band Held
Its First Rehearsal.
Everybody In Hawley Is boosting
for the Boys' .uanu. tho iirsi r&
hnarsal of tho band was held on Mon
day nlcht. and thoso In attendance
report that they made a line show of
progress. The boys nre very enthu
siastic and aro working hard for suc
There's a Case of Typhoid
Pneumonia In Hawley.
William Roso. brother of G. W.
Rose, the grocer, is sick with typhoid
pneumonia at his residence at the
Eddy. His condition is very serl- feS
ous. He is a young man, recently
married. He was sick for some time
before being confined to his bed.
Where he contracted typhoid Is not
simple and clean cut, the Detrolter
power plant Is remarkably efficient.
It Is the four cylinder, four cycle, wUer
cooled type, with cylinders cast en bloc
to give a simplo, rigid construction free
from numerous pipes and Joints which so
often develop annoying leaks.
Inlet passages project from valve side
to opposite side of cylinders, passing be
tween cylinders 1 and 'I for that pair, and
between 3 and 4 for the second pair.
These passages are connected by a spec
ial Y-shaped Intake manifold to which Is
attached the carburetor. They do not
pass through the water Jackets, but be
neath them, heating the charge before It
enters the cylinders, leaving the water
Jackets with a free circulation, and nil
Ing the carburetoF on the opposite side
Inrr ttiA rnrhurptnf- nn thfl nmiosite Biae Ol
tho motor from tho magneto, eliminating
all danger of fire.
Left Side of Unit Power Plant,
FUEL SUPPLY Gravity feed, tank un
der front seat.
LUBRICATION Splash feed, constant
level type with pump.
CLUTCH Multiple disc running In oil.
TRANSMISSION Selecting type, sliding
gears; three speeds forward, and re
verse. DRIVE Left hand drive, levers and
steering gear finished In enamel and
CONTROL Gear shifting lever In center
of car. Clutch and service braico oper
ated by foot pedal.
STEERING GEAR Irreversible, worm
and sector typo.
FRONT AXLE "I" beam; drop forging.
mtATfTCR llmihlR Internal exnandlnc:
one 14-lnch drum and one 10-inch drum
on each rear wheel encaseu.
FRAME Pressed steel channel section,
drop type, permitting low-hung car.
CLEARANCE lOVSt Inches. . ,
spniNns Spml.Klllntlc in front. 36 In
ches long; platform in rear, each spring
3 incnes long.
WHEELS Heavy artillery type, equipped
witu 59vflli Inol, tiros.
BEARINGS High grade ball bearing In
the motor, transmission, rear axio unu
BODY Metal Five-passenger closed
front, English torpedo type, upnoi-
COLOR Raven blue body, hood and
Wiiecls. Black chassis, black enamel
In mna Tilpknl finish.
ROADSTER Samo as touring car except
angle of steering gear and body. Two
passenger torpedo body, enclosed rear
FUEL CONSUMPTION 1 gallon gaso
line. 20 to 25 miles; lubrication, 1 quart,
7 miles.
THE CYLINDERS The cylinder bore is
3, while the stroke is 4?i, making the
stroke 1 4-10 ratio with the bore. This la
an Ideal ratio, and assures maximum
power with minimum effort at low engine
speeds. The cylinders aro accurately
reamed to exact size 3,375.
BALANCED PISTONS-Tho pistons are
made of high grade, heat treated gray
Iron, thoroughly seasoned before finish
ing, and ground to exact sIze-3.375. They
are i long, and aro fitted with three
eccentric compression rings, .all located
at the top, Just abovo the wrist pins.
The four pistons in each motor are care
fully balanced and weigh tho same to the
fraction of an ounce. This reduces vi
bration and gives a smooth running
Congressman Ainoy Is to Ipi
Como to Iluwley Soon.
Tho principal speaker at tho High Gl
school commencement oxerclses this
year will bo W. D. Bt Alney, of f
wouirouy, meuiuur ui ijuubicm
this. Congressional district. Con- M
gressman Ainey win uo m xiawicjr uu
Iff you are I liter-
We have the agency for Wayne, Pike and Susquehanna counties,
ested kindly send for catalogue and demonstration.
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make for the ball field at the
Only on one other