The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 18, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Advertisements and reading notlecs of
all kinds placed In this column will be
charged for at the rate of one cent per
word for each separate Insertion. When
sending us advertisements to be printed
In this column, cash or stamps must ac
company 'the order.
household sowing machine, cheap.
Good as new. Inquire at 1037 Main
street. 32t3
Brown Leghorn; Columbian Wyan
dottes, 75c per setting. Also one
Wyandotte rooster. Arch Hlne,
Orson, Pa. 30t4.
pigs, part O. I. C, also 3 thorough
bred from registered stock, two sows,
and one boar. 'Phone or write.
Wm. Everly, Lakovllle, Pa. 29t4
with "Pomona Brand" Lime Sul
fur solution made by Barium Pro
ducts Co., Scranton, Pa. Sold by
Murray Company, Honesdale. 28t6
house, all modern Improvements.
Inquire of J. A. Demer, Church street
Honesdale. 32oltf
balls, parties, bazaars, fairs, etc.
See N. B. Spencer, Manager, for
terms. leoltf.
for cut glass factory, size 32x57
feet; two stories; water and gasoline
power; electric lights; steam heat,
all Installed, ready to start. Penn'a
& S., and N. Y. R. R. facilities near
factory. Will rent cheap. Can have
long lease. Population of town, 800.
Address Charles E. Brand, Ralston,
Pa. 28t6.
Now Is the time to clean up.
Don't wait until May 1st.
O. R. Leeds, circulation mana
ger of the Scranton Tribune-Republican
and Truth, was a business cal
ler in Honesdale Wednesday.
Miss Hannah Hessler fell in her
home Wednesday morning, dislocat
ing her right shoulder. Drs. L. B.
Nielsen and F. W. Powell were cell
Representatives of the Inter
national News company were in
Honesdale on Wednesday and discon
tinued the local stand In the Dela
ware and Hudson depot.
John Donald, of Gillotte, and
Miss Anna Tiffany, of Pleasant
Mount, were married in the parson
age of the Baptist church Thursday,
April 10, by Rev. Geo. S. Wendell.
Miss Elizabeth Burger has re
signed her position as clerk in the H.
K. B. store and will go to Scranton
on April 29 th to enter the State hos
pital as nurse. She is visiting rela
tives and' friends iri Beachlako this
-Miss Jennie Schoonover and'
Miss Olive Fowler sustained severe
injuries Monday evening while ad-
I justing a mantle in the chapel of the
I Presbyterian church which necessi
tated the services of Dr. L. B. Neil-
. The mentle fell on the feet of
I the young ladles, crushing them bad
iy. Many local fishermen took ud-
Ivantage of the first day of thu open
I season for brook trout which open
ed on Tuesday of this week and all
came back with flno catches. Many
I returned with the limit of forty
which is allowed to each person. The
day was line but reports state that
Ithe water was high.
Frank Pethick and Frank Steg-
Iner joined the many who enjoyed
trout fishing Wednesday. They tried
several streams In Glrdland and uar-
Eey Brook and returned homo with
he limit but their fish ran small.
Levi Penwarden of this place,
baucht twenty-seven speckled beau-
Lies on the first day of the season.
H. F. Gurney, president of the
Gurney Electric Elevator company,
innounces that seats win De proviueu
tor all ladles and as many others as
bossiblo. during tho speeches to be
Inade at the opening of their new
dant on Wednesday evening, April
13. The opening Is being conducted
y the Greater Honesdale Board of
The Bible class of tho Hones
ale Methodist church presented to
Iheir pastor, Rev. Will H. Hlller, a
leautlful Turkish leather rocKer,
londav evening. Tho presentation
Ina mndn hv V. W. Baker In a few
fcVjll chosen words 'In which he ex-
Iressed the deep regard in which
tev. Hiller is held by memDers 01 ms
J John Disch. who for some time
las been associated with the Hones-
lale Footwear company and the
fonesdale Shoe company, has ac-
iJDted a position as traveling sales
man with J. E. Dayton, manufac-
trer of shoes. In Wllliamsport.
bhn will take up his new duties on
lav 1. The Citizen wishes him un
funded success In his new territory.
A team of horses hitched to a
Imber wagon and driven by Michael
ragner, became frightened on wain
Ireet Wednesday afternoon near
rk Brothers store and ran away.
Ir. Wagner lumped from the wagon
lit held on to tho lines and succeed-
In stopping them before they had
In a block. There was no uamage
I County Detective N. B. Spencer
is called upon the first of the week
I locate a missing rig belonging to
vervman Ames of Waymart and
Icldentally the young man that had
ken tho rig from mo Darn aunaay
ternoon for a short drive. Mon
y camo and still the young man
d not returned and Ames called on
r. Spencer to aid In the search. It
is found that the young man bad
ne to Aldenvlllo and several oth-
places In Wayne county and was
vlng one glorious time. He had
iblbed too freely of John Barley
rn and was still going when the
nor of the rig found him.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Ivan
Klmblo of Holllsterville, on April 13,
1913, a daughter.
Mrs. George Ross entertainod
the members of tho Knocker's club
at hor home Tuesday evening at din
ner. Mrs. Floyd Bortree and children
of Ariel, who had been seriously ill
from some form of poisoning, are
much Improved.
S. E. Morrison, tho plumber, has
purchased an automobile of E. W.
Gammell. Mr. Morrison will uso tho
car in connection with his business.
The marriage of Miss Elslo M.
Thomas of Scott, to 'Ray R. Jones,
of Munderf, Pa., occurred In. Scott
township on Wednesday, April 9, by
Rev. E. D. Cook.
A home talent play, "Silas, the
Chore Boy," will be given by the
Damascus High school at the Baptist
church, Damascus, on Wednesday
night, April 23rd.
W. B. Lesher, register and re
corder, and Wallace J. Barnes, pro
thonotary, took a few days off from
the duties of their respective officers
and went trout fishing Wednesday
The entertainment given last
Friday evening by the pupils of the
Honesdale schools and which was so
much appreciated by the large audi
ence, was repeated by request on
Tuesday evening of this week.
Contractor John Bryant has
built a garage for Fred Bryant on the
latter's property, Seventeenth street.
He now lias his corps of carpenters
converting tho barn facing that street
Into a modern six-room tenement
Russell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas.
Harrison, of Kimbles, was severely
injured Tuesday morning when he
fell from the third story window of
his home. The boy is live years of
age. Dr. A. C. Voigt, of Hawley,
was called. The injuries were not
Two cases of Infectious diseases
have been reported to the borough
health authorities. Leona Knapp,
aged five, of Russell street, has the
chlckenpox, and Miss Florence Schil
ling, aged eighteen, daughter of
Frank Schilling, of Race stioet, has
the measles.
Tho marriage of Miss Anna Jane
Reynolds to Jesse Louis Merritt, both
of Honesdale, was performed by Rev.
George S. Wendell in the parsonage
of tho Honesdale Baptist church on
Wednesday afternoon at two o'clock.
Both are well known young people
of this place and .have a host of
friends who wish them much happi
ness. Remember the entertainment
to be given this Thursday evening,
April 17, In the Presbyterian chapel.
The young ladies and gentlemen will
appear in old time costumes and the
Boys' orchestra also. Music and
laughter will bo the order of the
evening. Admission 25c. The en
tertainment will begin at 8 o'clock.
There will be songs of long ago by
young voices and a delightful even
ing is promised to all.
The Men's club, of Ariel, enter
tained the. ladies on Wednesday
evening'. After a delightful supper
had been served in the church base
ment by the Ladles' Aid society, the
company adjourned to the club rooms
where the president, Homer Sander
cock, called upon the following for
speeches: M. J. Emery, Rev. W. E.
Harkness, Dr. Cook, of Hawley, and
Earl Rockwell. There wero about
sixty members and guests present.
What might have ended In a ser
ious accident was narrowly averted
when Fritz Wagner and Harry Schil
ler, of White Mills, rescued Michael
O'Rourko from drowning. Theodore
Bok and O'Rourko wero in a boat
crossing the river when In some man
ner the boat upset, throwing both
men Into the water. Bok swam to
shore and called for help. O'Rourko
could not swim and was on the point
of drowning when Wagner and Schil
ler arrived and went with a boat to
aid O'Rourke.
Joseph Murphy, of East Hones
dale, underwent an abdomenal opera
tion at tho Emergency hospital, Car
bondale, Saturday. Dr. Niles of
Carbondale, assisted by Dr. Ely of
this place, performed the operation.
Dr. Ely went to Scranton Mon
day where he assisted Dr. Smith
on Tuesday morning with an abdo
menial operation on Miss Mary Con
lln of Hawley at the State hospital.
Dr. Ely was called to Uutledge
dale on Sunday to consult with Dr.
Corson on the. case of Mrs. Tilden
Rutledge who is very 111 with pleuro
pneumonia. A letter in which he was told ha
would bo killed if ha appeared in
Montrose to attend the trial of form
er Justice of Peace P. F. Morrison of
Forest City, is said to be the cause of
the failure of John Corey, of linion
dalo, chief witness against Morrison,
indicted for attempted jury fixing, to
appear at tho trial there Tuesday. On
account of his absence It was impos
sible to go on with the case and it
has been postponed until Corey can
be located. It is said he left Union
dale telling his friends before going
that ho thought more of his Hfo than
he did of testifying against Morrison.
The letter is said to have been un
signed. The Inside pages of to-day's Citi
zen contain a largo amount of local
reading matter. On page 2 is print
ed a synopsis of Father J. O'Toole's
Sunday sermons, entitled "The Gos
pel of the Day," besides court notes,
correspondence, etc. Page 3 has an
account of the opening of tho Wyo
ming conference of the Methodist
church; also tho conclusion of "An
Agricultural Kindergarten" found on
the first page, besides interesting
letters from our correspondents. Un
der "Crop Improvement" on page 6
Is an Illustrated article demonstrat
ing to the boys of Wayne county how
to test corn. Right here we will re
mind our boys that prizes will be giv
en to Wayne county boys for repro
ducing tho best corn. By the way,
boys, read Superintendent J, J. Koeh
ler's letter to The Citizen In to-day's
paper. It contains a lot of food for
mental digestion. On page 7 is the
second Installment of "The Back
yard Farmer" conducted by Prof.
John Wlllard Bolto; also correspondence.
Items 1pPh
Mrs. John Dorbat spent Tuesday In
John Bader Is ill at his homo on'
North Main street.
Dr. J. W. Balta was a Scranton
caller on Wednesday.
Burgess C. A. McCarty spent
Thursday In Scranton.
Hon. E. B. Hardenborgh is spend
ing a few days In HarriBburg.
William Sluman was a passenger
to New York city on Tuesday morn
ing. Hon. Joel G. Hill, of Lookout,
passed part of Thursday in Hones
dale. .
Miss Caroline Petersen addressed
the Civic club of Railway, N. J., on
Charles T. Bontley and family re
moved into their new home on West
Park street, Thursday.
Mrs. U. G. Ridgoway is spending
the week-end with her sister, Mrs.
Elmer Beardslee, in Hawley.
Mr. and Mrs. William Schiessler,
of Carbondale, have been visiting
Honesdale relatives this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. Lacy, of
Corning, N. Y., are spending a few
days In Honesdale with friends.
Misses Lola Miller and Hazel Pen
warden spent a few days at their
homes in Carbondale this week.
Lee Smith of Tyler 'Hill who re
cently purchased a Ford automobile,
called on Honesdale friends Thurs
day. Mrs. James Miller and daughter,
Bernlce, are visiting the former's
mother, Mrs. D. Griffiths in Hawley
this week.
Mrs. Charles Radsnesky and son,
Charles, of Middletown, N. J., are
guests of the former's mother on
Cottage street.
Mrs. Judson Yerkes left Wednes
day morning for a few days' sojourn
with Mrs. L. R. Gale, at Riverdale-on-the-Hudson.
Mrs. Fred B. Whitney, Miss C. Lou
Hardenbergh and Miss Nell Farnham
of Port Jervls, N. Y., spent Thurs
day in Seianton.
Misses Emily Bates and Sara
Swartout have moved their house
hold effects from Main street to
1325 Westside avenue.
W. J. Silverstone, who for the past
31 months has conducted a news
stand in the depot, has secured a sim
ilar position at Lake Lodore.
Joseph Murphy, of East Hones
dale, who underwent an operation In
Emergency hospital, Carbondale,
Saturday, for appendicitis, is recover
ing rapidly.
Mrs. W. J. Perkins and son, Wil
liam, of Carbondale, are spending a
few days with her parents, Commis
sioner and Mrs. Neville Holgate, on
Thirteenth street.
Mrs. C. C. Miller and Mrs. John
Colo left Monday morning for Allen
town to spend a week with the form
er's parents, Mr. and Airs. ,F. B. Eber
hart, at that place.
Charles Dorflinger of Whito Mills
recently, accompanied his sisters,
Misses iNellie and Katherlne, on a
tour of inspection through the Crim
inal Insane Hospital 'at Farview.
Mr. and Mrs. Zonas H. Russell and
two children returned Thursday
morning to their home in Manches
ter, N. H., after attending the mar
riage of his sister, Marietta, to Bruce
Harry Bregsteln, of Kenton, O.,
who has been In New York city pur
chasing stock, stopped here a few
days this week to visit his brother,
Mark Bregsteln. He left for Kenton
Rev. A. L. Whlttaker, pastor of
Grace Episcopal church, left Monday
morning for Wilmington, Delaware,
where ho expected to attend the con
vention of the 'Episcopal Sunday
schools from five states.
Alonzo Wilcox, of Calkins, re
turned Wednesday morning from
Peckville where ho had attended the
funeral of a relative, A. C. Scott,
which was held Tuesday, air. Scott
is a former resident of Fallsdale.
C. F. Heltzmann, of Now York city,
was a business caller hero on Thurs
day. Mr. Heltzmann is a friend of
Conductor Charles Hilton of this
place. Mr. Heltzmann is elated over
Honesdale and says he may make
this his future homo. Honesdale wel
comes all such additions as Mr.
Mrs. Bertha MacArthur and son
Earl, who have been spending the
winter in New York City, with her
s'ster, Alice Cade,- and brother,
Ernest, returned home on Thursday.
When she arrived Mrs. MacArthur
remarked that vegetation in New
York had started and that trees and
shrubbery wero in bloom.
New Dance to Supplant Turkey Trot Is
A new dance, tho Ella Wheeler Wil
cox glide, was Introduced recently In
Earl hall, Columbia university, Now
York, nt a reception given by the
Western club of the college, under the
auspices of the university forum.
Mrs. Wilcox herself consented to
dnnco tho newly Invented steps, with
Louis F. Challf, formerly of the Met
ropolitan Opera company, ns her part
ner. Tho dance is a sort of combina
tion of tho varsovienne and the min
uet and is Intended to supplant dances
such ns the turkey trot, which have
come under ban.
Miss Jano Beers Is tho Inventor of
tho Wilcox glide.
The dear old songs bf long ago
I heard them warbled In a show.
My taste, alas, la not severel
I have, no doubt, a vandal's ear.
For a I beard the old refrain
In comlo or In serious vein
I vowed with diffidence complete
The.'inodern songs have got them beat!
Washington Star.
Mechanician of Balloon Which c
) Will Cross Atlantio Ocean. I
Photo by American Press Association.
The dirigible balloon Suchard II. Is
ready at Las Palmas, Canary Islands, for
the adventurous voyage across tho At
lantic which Joseph Bruecker, formerly
of Milwaukee, purposes to make as soon
as the weather Is favorable for the start.
Provisions and water sufficient to Inst for
twenty-five days have been taken on
board. Frledrlch Peter will act as mech
Rich American May Be Held by Lon
don Card Sharpers.
London, April 17. Tho London po
lice have been supplied with many al
leged clews as to the whereabouts of
Joseph W. Mnrtin every few minutes
of tho day. One of tho latest avers
lhat the Memphis man went on board
Iho steamship Wulnier Castle with n
woman on April 5, shortly before thnt
vessel left for South Africa.
Thirty-four tnxlcnb drivers Informed
tlio Scotland Yard authorities thnt they
had driven men nnswering tho descrip
tion of tho lost American. Another
cabman said thnt ho drove a man on
tho night of April 3 who possibly had
Martin's cash with him. Tho man
alighted near tho Belvedere road,
where Martin's hat wns found, and
tendered a ten pound Bank of England
note In payment of his fare. The man
ishowed-n red stained handkerchief and
several nrtlcles of Jewelry.
Inspector Ward examined the papers
found in Martin's bnggage, but discov
ered nothing to throw light on the mys
tery of his disappearance. Among the
papers was a draft of a prospectus of
an Arkansas land company which Mar
tin was floating here. There was noth
ing, however, to show that any money
hnd passed in this connection. Ward
expects to obtain an order from the
high court of justice permitting the ex
amination of Martin's safe deposit
Information reached the police thnt
the woman with whom Martin hnd nn
nppointmeut the night he disappenred
hnd made arrangements to lenvo Lon
don for the United Stntes. That Mr.
Martin was the victim of card sharp
ers, who may either have killed him or
are holding him a prisoner somewhere.
Is the'generally accepted theory here.
AVhether the mysterious woman, said
to be n benutlful Brazllinn, was a mem
ber of this baud is not known, but she
Is known to bo acquainted with some
of Its lenders. One of the most promi
nent members of this band of sharpers
Is said to be n woman of title.
Wilson May Appoint Cotterlll, Repub
lican, In Princeton.
Washington, April 17. President
Wilson is choosing tho postmaster for
ills homo town Princeton, N. J. nnd
his choice Is likely to be a Republlcnn
"Chip" Cotterlll, now assistant to the
postmaster nnd known to the presi
dent since boyhood, Is likely to bo np
polnted. A chnngo in the oflico wns
recommended in an Inspector's report
to the departmet, made before tho close
of the Tnft administration.
Representative AHnn Wnlsh, who
represents tho district In congjjss, wns
Invited by Postmaster G6nerul Burle
son to suggest a successor to the in
cumbent, but declined, saying that
President Wilson was more familiar
than ho with the capabilities of tho va
rious enndidntes.
Fencing Master Killed Two Wives,
Tried to Poison Third, Say Police.
Berlin, April 17. Karl Kopf, a, fenc
ing master prominent in sporting cir
cles here, has been arrested at Frank-fort-on-the-Maln
on the charge of hav
ing killed his first two wives and of'
trying to poison the third one. It is
ulleged the crimes were committed to
get big insurances.
A search of tho house, where Kopf
lived resulted in tho discovery of dead
ly drugs, cholera, typhus and other
bacilli, chemical apparatus and med
ical books.
Weather Probabilities.
Fair and warmer today; tomorrow
fair; light to moderate north and
northwest winds.
New Jersey Man Attributed Long Life
to Moderation.
John Butler died recently nt his home
In Ocean Grove, N. J., In his one hun
dred and fourth year. Uo was born nt
Tottenvlllo, N. Y., Jan. 10, 1810.
Up to tho tlmo he was in his one hun
dred and first year Mr. Butler could see
ns well ns ho could at seventy-five, and
ho enjoyed splendid health. Ho was
ns sprightly as few men of eighty are.
His eyesight began to fall at length,
nnd finally he became almost blind,
but up to a few weeks ago he retained
his bodily health.
Uncle John, as every one had called
him for years, alwnys preached "mod
eration in all things," nnd ho practiced
moderation except perhaps in the mat
ter of coffee. He Indulged in this to
tho extent of eight cups a day for
many years. He never used tobacco,
but drnnk liquors when ho wished.
Tour of New York State In Ancient
Vehicle Planned.
A pralrlo schooner such ns figured In
tho rush to tho gold fields In 1810 will
have n prominent plnce in tho May suf
frage parade in New York, after which
it will tour tho state, starting from tho
state suffrage headquarters. The sides
of the schooner will bo decorated with
slogans to this Import:
"Suffrage or bust In 1015."
Certain antis, with some pleasure, are
recalling that the schooner which
started for the gold fields bearing the
device, "California or bust," ultimately
hit tho homeward trail with the enp
tlon changed to "Busted, by thundcrl"
The schooner is being built under tho
direction of Frank Nelson of Roches
ter, who is ancold time prospector.
President Wilson Squelches Man Who
Ignored Rule.
That "no office seekers need apply,"
which President Wilson hung on tho
Whlto House fence March 5, still Is in
force a candidate for a governmental
post learned to his sorrow recently.
He wns received personally by the
president nnd nfter a bit of general
conversation diplomatically broached
the subject of his ambition for oflico.
The president congealed in his par
ticularly effective way of congealing.
"You have forgotten tho rule," he
observed distantly. "Good afternoon."
Priest Hurled From Carriage tmea.
Lowell, Mass., April 17. The Rev.
Father Edward Saunders, a Roman
Catholic clergyman, wns Instantly
killed when he wns thrown from his
cnrrlnge, his horse having taken fright.
He hnd been in 111 health for somo
Through the courtesy of Mr. Gurney
Hose Co. No. 1
J Will Conduct an Informal Dance at the
New Gurney Plant
I Thursday Evening, April 24ih
1 5 An Orchestra
X Everybody come and help open
T whirl of enjoyment.
larden and
Seeds at
LEINE'S, the Rexall Drug store
Both Phones, Honesdale, Pa.
Harry Martin, aged 3C years, died
of lung trouble at the home of
Christian Peterson, Laurolla, 2
o'clock Thursday, after a. prolonged
illness. Mr. Martin camo from
Brooklyn three weeks ago fdr the
benefit of his health. He is survived
by a wife. The remains will be tak
en to Brooklyn.
Rend Superintendent J. J. Koeh
Icr's important' letter.
Mr. Editor:
"Bought and Paid For," the big
gest play of our time, and which will
be tho attraction at the Lyric next
Monday evening, carries my person
al guarantee. It Is the same In every
particular as drew packed houses for
two years at my Playhouse in New
If you find anything to criticize
any slurring or inattention by tho
players, or any potnt about the stago
equipment that does not justify tho
highest claims of the management
I shall esteem it a very great favor
to have you write me in detail at my
oflices in the Playhouse. New York.
It has been asserted in some quar
ters that lack of interest in amuse
ments in all but tho few largest cit
ies has been caused by short sighted
managers who sent inferior compan
ies and shabby scenery to these cen
tres. I am determined that my
name, when attached to an attrac
tion, shall be a full assurance of the
high value of that attraction, and I
bespeak your assistance to that end.
Any proper complaint you may
make will receive prompt and re
spectful attention.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears tho
Wo offer On Hundred Dollars
Reward for any case of Catarrh that
cannot be cured by Hall's CatarrU
Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known
F. J. Cheney for the last IB years,
and believe him perfectly honorable
In all business transactions and fi
nancially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by hts firm.
Walalng, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken In
ternally, acting directly upon tho
blood and mucous surfaces of the
system. Testimonials sent free.
Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by
all Druggsts.
Take Hall's Family Pills for con
stipation. of 1 5 Pieces 1 5
this magnificent building in a x