The citizen. (Honesdale, Pa.) 1908-1914, April 08, 1913, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
THE CITIZEN, TUESDAY, APRIL 8, 1913. PAGE FIVE CENT-A-WORD COIAJMN. Advertisements and reading notice ol all Kinds placed In this column will be charged lor at the rate of one cent per word for each separate Insertion. When sending us adver tisements to be printed In this column, cash or stamps must accompany the order. FOR SALE. FOR SALE: A LOT OF YOUNd pigs, part O. I. C also 3 thorough bred from registered stock, two sows, and one boar. 'Phone or write. Win. Everly, Lakevllle, Pa. 29t4 FOR SALE DOCKASH RANGE, Refrigerator, Baby Carriage, Go Carts, Chiffonier, Hat Rack, Mat ting, Gas Heater, Stand and other articles. 1407 Main street. 28t2 $25.00 VACUUM CLEANER FOR $10.00. Only two left. Closing them out. 121C Main street. Mc Intyre. 27t3. SPRAY YOUR FRUIT TREES NOW with "Pomona Brand" Lime Sul fur solution made by Barium Pro ducts Co., Scranton, Pa. Sold by Murray Company, Honesdale. 28t6 MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENER al housework. Apply at 1114 Court street, Honesdale. 24t6. FOR RENT TO SELECT TEN ants, two new 5-room apartments, modern, Banltary plumbing, gas and electric lights, hot water, large por ches. Price $16.00 and $18.00. The Schoonover Apartment, Corner Court and Eleventh streets. 27t4. DR. B. GOLDEN, OPTOMETRIST and Optician, will be a profession al caller at the Allen House, Hones dale, on Monday and Tuesday, April 7th and 8th, and at Park View Hotel, Hawley, on Wednesday, April 9th. Ho will bring along his full equip ment and bo prepared to properly care for all cases of defective vision. 27t2. SKATING RINK FOR RENT FOR balls, parties, bazaars, fairs, etc. See N. B. Spencer, Manager, for terms. leoltf. FOR RENT BUILDING SUITABLE for cut glass factory, size 32x57 feet; two stories; water and gasoline power; electric lights; steam heat, all installed, ready to start. Penn'a & S., and N. Y. R. R. facilities near factory. Will rent cheap. Can have long lease. Population of town, 800. Address Charles E. Brand, Ralston, Pa. 28tG. , WANAMAKER & BROWN ARE famous for making good clothing. See their elegant assortment of cloths and styles for Spring and Summer. Just send card to A. M. HenshawvHonesdalo R. D. 4. 20eot5 HOUSEKEEPERS ATTENTION You will soon need old newspapers to place under your carpets. We have them. Only 5c per bundje, V, fn n vnnm 1 Sot ff LOCAL NEWS Born, a son, to Mr. and Mrs. John Weaver, Jr., Monday morning. William Groves was committed to the county Jail Thursday night by Officer Canlvan for being drunk and disorderly on the street and for mak ing threats. Fred Schuerholz expects to leave MIM HIT I IUIJLHLUVVUi UUIU. XUCDUU.V " x . ii i. i m ...... .t ftfirnnnn to ho rfiadv for the season f urtl i ! i 1. .1 C oundsiown lasi year. Banns of marriage were an- nnnnfirl in Rt. Marv Macdalen's rulius Moll and Rosella Schilling, oth of Honesdale. N. Hessllng & Son were in Haw- ey on Saturday where they erected wo ueauuiui monuments, une was -There will be a meeting of the lome and Missionary society at the lethodlst Episcopal church at Wll- iam Sell's residence, 1102 Court treet Wednesday afternoon at 3 i i - The Woman's Home Missionary ociety of Carley Brook will hold a ublic meeting at the parsonage on ody come. -Mr. and Mrs. Long Ago and ielr friends of old times will wel- ime Mr. and Mrs. Today and the irrp.s Tniiav. at tno unanei or uio riesbyterian church on tho evening Anrll 17. Further nartlculars will given in the next issue or tins nor All nrn .wfilonmo. o MnnpRnnin i-TPsnvTormTi niiureii i Sunday morning; eight upon pro ssion of faith and live by letter. VR W rH UUULIKtUl. JtlllUIIIT L11U imber to receive the ordinance of iptlsm was Mrs. Laura Moules, of TTI11 ... 1. ,n Mn..AMX 1UTO Xllllt WUU ID U LUUVCll Ul IUU lly Sunday evangelistic meetings Wllkes-Barre. -The people of (Honesdale may ill feel proud of the work the pub- scnoots or nonusuiuu iuu uuuik in Rln. flnnn p.neh vear thev elvn a ncert and operetta. The one for 13 will bo given next Friday oven If you have heard them sing u will wish to hear them again and you have not heard them you will ver have a better opportunity. -Work is practically finished at new Gurnoy Electric Elevator I KM. HUL1L11 HiaiU Oil COb .1UIOUD Co., contractors and builders, are ttlng the finishing touches upon s lino machine snop ana accord' r in Anilrfiw Nattress. enclneer for y & Zimmerman, architects, Phil IIIIl 111. Llltl UUIIUIUK It 111 Lf U -""- ted In about two weeks, samuoi Morrison, who contracted for the mhincr nnd hfiatlnp of this larco nt, completed his Job on Saturday t. Klvlnc entire satisfaction to the wee JUQ JUL, was u u.B firtftlnriE? .fnr n lnrAl rnnrnm. hut hint? In tnn lnrirn fnr Hum tn Kie. Tho directors of tho Wayne County Savings Bank nt their regu lar meeting held Monday morning, passed resolutions upon tho late J. Plerpont Morgan. Mr. E. C. Sheeley of Port Jervls, who spent a few days with relatives in Hawley, Pa., last week, returned homo Monday. Mr. Sheeley was call ed to Hawley on account of the criti cal illness of his brother, John Sheeley. Distracted by the fear that ho would never regain his health, John J, Bradley, aged 35 years, a victim of the "white plague," committed suicide by shooting himself through the head with a revolver at about a o'clock Thursday afternoon at his home In Newburgh. The bullet en tered his right temple and pierced his brain. He died, within ten min utes after he fired tho shot which ended his life. He committed the act while he was alone in his room. One of tho worst mud slides which has been known In years oc curred on the Ontario and Western track at what is known as Early's Mountain about two miles south of Fish's Eddy, the south bound track being practically covered with mud, rocks and trees for a distance of half a mile. Trains were handled on sin gle track orders, the north bound track being under tho supervision of a train crew acting as pilot over tho single track section. The Bryant building located upon Main street and lately occupied by Miss Kate McKenna as a millinery store and tenement house is being torn down. The rear portion, a story high, is the only part that is being razed. Tho new proprietor is undecided at present Just what he will do, but it is expected that the main building in front will be moved to the rear and a new structure will be erected upon its site. This is one of Honsedale's oldest buildings. It was built by John H. and Richard H. Dunning in 1835. The D. & H. have decided to build a new station at Olyphant, and the people of that town are rejoicing, for a new and up-to-date station has long been needed. If the borough will allow the company to straighten out one of its streets, work on the new depot will be commenced at once. The building will be of con crete up to the window sills and brick above with two waiting rooms, baggage rooms, ticket office, toilet rooms and a concrete platform, Tho building will be well lighted and heated with steam or hot water. The furniture of Alexis La- Blanc, who is doing experimental work at the Gurney Electric Elevator plant, arrived in Honesdale last week from New York and was conveyed to the iSlgmund Katz house, corner of Main and Fifteenth streets, Satur day. The furniture came in large car-like moving vans from tho Bowl ing Green Storage company, New York. The vans, which wore sealed like any car, were placed on a truck wagon and then the furniture was removed. This is the first time that vans of this kind were seen in Hones dale. The Belmont Rural Telephone company has .completed their lino from Orsop, Pa., to the Belmont Four Corners near Pleasant Mount. This company will furnish service to the following subscribers: T. F. Meagher, Thos. Coyle, John Meagher, D. T. Dalton, Maurice Meagher, John Onofrey, Henry Ihlefeldt, H. O. Mc Cabe, M. J. Dunn, B. Connor. This company's lines, all of which have been constructed by the subscribers during the past few months termin ate in Pleasant Mount, Pa., and are connected with tho Bell Telephone Company's Central office at Pleas ant Mount. T. A. Garvey, local man ager for tho Bell Telephone com pany, reports unusual progress or rural telephone development throughout Northern Wayne county. Mrs. Salo Frledewald delightful ly entertained a large number of ladies in the High school auditorium Saturday afternoon by the reading of The Singing Man, and other poems of Josephine Preston Peabody. The Singing Man is a poem depicting the conditions of labor. It is a very fine example of the poetic treatment of a theme that is attracting world-wide interest at the present time. Mrs. Frledewald's delightful interpreta tion of many smaller poems by tho same author wore very pleasantly re ceived by those present. The next reading will take place next Satur day afternoon according to the reg ular program and will be an inter pretation of "Tho House of Usna," which was written by Fiona Mac Leod, the personality assumed by Mr. William Sharp. Sheriff Reynolds and C. M. Buckingham, of Uniondale, were in Philadelphia Monday and transferr ed James Gallagher from the East ern penitentiary to the asylum at Danville. Gallagher had been in the hlspltal for some months, and while violent at times, had greatly improv ed, but appeared melancholy. Some time ago he developed a penchant for eating lead pencils, and physi cians and attendants were kept busy keeping him from this form of diet. Sheriff Reynolds says there are 1, 450 prisoners in the penitentiary at present, 31 of whom aro serving life sentences. Thirty women prisoners are Incarcerated there. They visited "Sim" Burch formerly of Klngsley, who serving a sentence. He is do ing well on prison fare and weighs about 200 pounds. The frequent assertions of mem bers of the House of Representatives, especially the followers of William Fllnn, that the Senate has been hold ing up House bills, Is refuted by fig ures made public recently. These figures show that tho Senate haB re turned to the House for the signature of the Speaker eighteen per cent, of the House bills received by it while the 'House has only returned eleven per cent, of bills received from the Senate. The total number of origi nal bills Introduced in the House is 1,735 while the Senate has thus far received a total of 588 original bills. The House has passed and sent to the Senate 204 bills while the Senato has passed and sent to the House 129 bills. Thirteen Senate bills have been passed by the House and re turned to the Senate while the Sen ate has passed 87 House bills and re turned them to the House. Mr. and Fred Weniger are tho proud parents of a son, born1 Monday' morning. Kreltner Bros, are rebuilding the front porch on the John Krantz house, Main, street. The amount cleared at the sup per given by the Sodality of St. Mary Magdalen's church last Thurs day eyening was over $300. The report of the lunacy com mission which considered the case of George Donoy, of Berlin, has been approved by the Court and an order made for his removal to Rittorsvillo asylum. The Business Men's Association will hold a meeting In the city hall Wednesday evening. Important business will bo transacted. All members are requested to be pres ent. There will bo a regular meeting of Protection Engine Co. No. 3 In the Engine house Tuesday "evening for tho purpose of conducting' im portant business. All members are requested to meet nt the engine house Wednesday afternoon at 1:30 o'clock In full uniform. Mrs. Adam Nonnemacher, of White Mills delightfully entertained a number of her friends at her home Sunday afternoon. Music was furnished by Misses Florence Ruppert and Catherine Nonnemach er, and solos were pleasingly ren dered by a number. Refreshments were served. J. Adam Kraft has purchased of the Torrey estate a lot 55x175 feet immediately west of the Schoonover cottago on Park street. Herbert E. Bassett has also become the owner of a lot adjoining that of Mr. Kraft, size 50x190 feet. Both parties are contemplating erecting beautiful homes on their respective tracts of land. It is rumored here that an ap plication will be made on April 16 for a pardon for Mrs. Leona Lord, be fore the state board of pardons at Harrisburg. Mrs. Lord was sentenc ed on January 24, 1911, to serve from three to ten years in tho East ern Penitentiary at Philadelphia. She has served two years and three months of her sentence. At a meeting of the Lackawax- en and Hawley Telephone company held ' In tho Brundage hotel, Row lands, Saturday afternoon, the fol fowlng officers and directors were elected: President, A. L. Bishop, Hawley; vice-president, J. F. Myers, Lackawaxen; secretary and treasur er, M. H. Lassley, of Bohmenia; oth er directors, C. R. Rosencrans, Gree ly; J. D. Weston, Honesdale; Jos. Chamberlain, Lackawaxen; A. G. Rowland, Rowlands. The company enjoyed' a successful year, which just closed. Tho public has to be educated. That of course includes you and me. We are, therefore, trying to educate the readers of Tho Citizen to look not only upon the outside pages for llvo news matter, but upon every page, which Includes pages 2, 3, 6 and 7. To-day's Citizen is es pecially Interesting. On the second page is an article from the pen of A. M. Stevens upon "Wayne County Beats the West." Then page 3 tells of the organization of an United Spanish War Veteran camp In Honesdale; also an' article concern ing former Honesdale people where the mother of a little boy tried to get her son away from custodians. On page 7 is printed tho statement of the Honesdale borough accounts, besides considerable other valuable reading. For Thursday, Friday and Sat urday evenings with a matinee on Saturday afternoon, Jos. Eckl's will present at the Lyric, five big all new vaudeville acts. Mr. Eckl's offering of vaudeville at the Lyric a few weeks, ago was certainly first class In every respect, ana tnis gentleman declares that upon his coming en gagement here, he will Introduce a bill of acts that will excell, on a whole, his former show here. Wil son and Rich, black face comedians. who are favorites in their lino of work here, having played an engage- ment with the Amity Minlstrels a few years ago, will introduce a new and original act consisting of sing ing and dancing with plenty of com edy. This team is very well known and liked here, which fact will no doubt have a tendency to crowd tho Lyric to Its doors at every perform anco. The Great Romalne, the world's master musician, will enter tain. It is said that this man can almost make a violin talk. A refin ed Irish comedy sketch act will be presented by Kelly & Adams. An es pecially fine comedy act is that of "Saulpaugh," America's greatest comedy clown acrobat. This act Is one big laugh. Watch tho tables. The added feature will be Andy Amann and Frances Hartley in their screaming comedy sketch, "The Ger man Professor." Miss Hartley is considered by many to be the most beautiful woman on tho stage. She Is certainly some prima donna. Two performances will be given on Satur day evening, the first one starting at 6:30, the second at about 8:30. This arrangement was made on ac count of disappointment to many people on tho Saturday night of the last Eckl's vaudeville performance here, many people on that occasion were unable to obtain admittance to the theatre. PercroneJ Items Miss Mae Brennan, of Carbondale, Is visiting friends In town. Walter Robinson spent Sunday with friends In Carbondale. John Gerry left for Binghamton Sunday where he will spend a few days, Mrs, John T, McQulre went to Scranton Saturday to visit with friends. Dr. Barnet Golden, of Carbondale, was In town Monday in the Interest of his business. Mrs. William, H, Olsen Is spending the week at the home of her sister, Mrs. M. E. Lewis, In Carbondale. Miss Amy E. Clark, of Paltz. N. Y., Is a guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs, P. A. Clark, on Dyberry Place. Mrs. Thomas Gallagher is spend ing a few days with her brother, Joseph A. Lestrange, in Wllkes Barre. W. A. Dellmore, local manager of the Bell Telephone company, spent tho week-end with relatives and friends In Mayfleld and Carbondale. Miss Charlotte Bullock returned to Osslning-on-the-Hudson, Monday morning after spending her Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Bullock. P. H. Skelton, Jr., who for tho past year has been associated with the Wayne County Herald, left Honesdale on Friday for Fon du Lac, Wis., where he has accepted a position on tho Evening Reporter of that city. Rev. John O'Toolo entertained Rev. Jeremiah Lenihan, of Fort Brady, Mich., on Thursday and Fri day of last week. Father Lenihan was recently appointed chaplain of the Twenty-fourth Infantry at Fort Brady. Austin G. Lynch with Burgess, Lang & Co., bankers, of New York and Boston, was in Honesdale the latter part of last week in the inter est of his clients here. Mr. Lynch was formerly associated with Brooks & Co., of Scranton. Wallace J. Barnes accompanied Edward Pomeroy of Beachlake to Herrlck Center Friday, where the latter consulted Dr. Kraft for a can cerous growth. The growth was treated and Mr. Pomeroy is reported as doing nicely. Mr. Barnes return ed Friday evening. Mrs. Howard Harley, of Philadel phia, who has been a guest of her daughter, Mrs. Charles Volkliardt, on Park street, for the past two weeks, returned home via Now York city, Monday. She will visit another daughter, Mrs. Warren Rlppen, in the metropolis for a few days. Jacob Sell, broth of William Sell, of this place, arrived home from Wil cox, Pa., last week where he, had been most of the winter. Mr. Sell is obliged to get around with the use of crutches on account of a fractured limb which caused him to bo confined fertile hospital there for several months. He expects to re main here during the summer. ANNUAL ELECTION OF WHATSOEVER CIRCLE. Held Friday Afternoon in Methodist Church Fino Supper Served and Excellent Program Given. Tho annual election of officers, supper and program of the Whatso ever Circle of the Methodist church occurred Friday afternoon and even ing in tho parlors of the church. A most enjoyable time was had, there being about 125 members, their hus bands and families present. The election occurred at 4 o'clock and resulted as follows: President, Miss Irene Long; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Ida Pethick; 2nd vice-president, Mrs. E. E. Williams; 3rd vice-president, Mrs. M. E. Bolkcom; secre tary, Mrs. F. J. Varcoe; treasurer, Mrs. M. E. Simons. , The latter made a very encourag ing financial report. During tho year just closed $1,119 were spent for improvements upon the cnurcn property. For decorating the inter ior of the church, $810 was paid by the Whatsoever Circle. A substan tial payment has also been made on the new brussels carpet In the church auditorium. The report showed that $753 had been earned by tho circle during the past year, which is very gratifying to the mem bers and their co-workers. Following supper an excellent mu sical and literary program was ren dered. It was under the supervision of Mrs. Charles F. Bullock. The program: Baritone solo, "I'm a Pilgrim," Sid ney Cooper. Readings, W. B. Lesher. Selection, "I've Nothing Else to Do," Central Glee Club. Contralto solo, "Like Unto a Flow er," .Miss Charlotte Bullock. Reading, W. B. Lesher. Glee Club, "While I Have You." Tho different numbers of the pro gram were enthusiastically applaud ed and were highly appreciated. Tho Glee club was composed of Sidney Cooper, Sumner Crossley, C. J. Dib ble, Elwln Butler, Carl Bullock, Wal ter Robinson, George Hayward. At the close of the progrom Rev. Will H. Hiller, representing the male portion of the gathering, made a motion tendering a voto of thanks to the ladles for the hospitality shown them. The motion was unanimously carried and an expression was made by a rising vote. N. J. Spencer act ed as chairman and announced the different numbers on the program-. New Fruit Store 843 Main St., Rettew Building Foreign and Domestic FRUITS GREEN GOODS IN SEASON CIGARS, CIGARETTES, CONFECTIONERY Peanuts Save coupons contained in each bag, When you get 10 coupons return them and we will give you a bag of peanuts free of charge, 6. M. TORZILLO, Prop. STALKER AND BRAMAN. Stalker .and Braman, April 7. Miss Maud Kellain of Port Jervls, visited her aunt, Mrs. John Skinner, last week, Mr. and Mrs. 'Frank Rauner and little daughter of Susquehanna visit ed his parents over Sunday and next week he leaves his position as opera tor and takes up farming at Sher man, Pa. Please remember the Aid at Mrs. Henry Thomas' next Thursday, Apr. 10th. All cordially invited. Preston Teeple, who has spent some time with his family here, has returned to his work at Philadelphia. Mrs. Teeple expects soon to move into a house of Mr. Jorn at Braman. Mrs. Lydia Cole has so far recover ed from her recent Illness as to be able to have the Ladles' Aid enter tained at her homo last Thursday. They had a very enjoyable time. Mrs. Rett Caffey had the misfor tune to lose her cow last Friday. It had been sick for several days. There was a dime social held last Saturday evening in tho basement of tho Braman church. HOT BISCUIT, hot cakes? made with RQYAL Baking Powder are deBiGious, health ftsi and easily made e scranton Lite insurance uo. W, W. WOOD, Manager for Wayne Go. Energetic Representatives Wanted in Every Town and Hamlet Good Pay to Active SVIen or Women. Liberal policies with guaranteed results. If you want insur ance, drop mo a card, giving age, and wo will send you a proposi tion that will show you how to get rid of the burden of worry and care. AV. W. WOOD, noncsdnle, Pa. S3 fsl W-WMWWW Copyright Hart You don't mind it so much if some youngster does put it over you on -April Fool's day-anyone can laugh at a good joke. But you would have a different story if some one sold you a part cotton suit for all wool. There isn't any fooling about that. Hart Schaffner & Marx Clothes are absolutely all wool or all wool and silk. There Isn't any April 1st business about that. And the best of all they don't cost any more than the ordinary clothes. Ask to see our line of $18, $20 and $25 Suits for Men and Young Men. They will surely please you. Enterprise Clothing House A. W. ABRAMS, Prop. Heenan Colo had tho misfortune to lose one of his team horses last week. Several were Ihvited to tea nt Mrs, Mary Whites last Friday in honor of Miss Mary Ripple, the teacher who has about two more weeks of school. Mrs. Henry Thomas, Mrs. W. Kays, Mrs. Mary White spent last Thurs day with Mrs. R. J. Stalker. There was no church Sunday as the minister is away to conference.. ADVERTISED LETTERS. Letters remaining uncalled for at tho Honesdale postofflce: Clell Al temeier, Charles Davies, Mrs. Sarah Hendrlckson, John Meehan. Per sons calling for above will say "Ad vertised." Martin B. Allen, Post master. A. R. Little, assistant superin tendent of the Gurney Electric Ele vator Works, purchased of Henry R Miller his property located on West side avenue, through the Fasshauer agency, on Monday. Mr. Little will take possession May 1st. Schaffner & Marx